26096 Margareta Ackerman: Towards theoretical foundations of clustering.
PhD thesis Univ. Waterloo 2012, 82p.

15519 Mark Aldenderfer/Roger Blashfield: Cluster analysis.
Sage 1984, 90p. $15.

M. Anderberg: Cluster analysis for applications. Academic Press 1973.

Phipps Arabie/L. Hubert/G. De Soete (ed.): Clustering and classification.
World Scientific 1996. $116.

21856 Johann Bacher/Andreas Pöge/Knut Wenzig: Clusteranalyse.
Oldenbourg 2010, 540p. Eur 39.

15337 Hans-Jürgen Bandelt/Andreas Dress: An order theoretic
framework for overlapping clustering. Discrete Math. 136 (1994), 21-37.

J. Bezdek: Pattern recognition with fuzzy objectives. Plenum 1981.

Roger Blashfield/Mark Aldenderfer: Cluster analysis. Sage 1985, 90p. $15.

4153 Hans-Hermann Bock: Automatische Klassifikation. 
Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht 1974.

26095 Hans-Hermann Bock: Clusteranalyse - Ãœberblick und neuere Entwicklungen.
OR Spektrum 1 (1980), 211-232.

15288 Hans-Hermann Bock: Clustering and neural networks.
In Rizzi/Vichi/Bock 1998, 265-277.

15287 Hans-Hermann Bock: Clustering and neural network approaches.
In Gaul/Locarek-Junge 1999, 42-57.

15286 Hans-Hermann Bock: Clustering and self-organizing networks -
regression-type models and optimization algorithms.
In Gaul/Schader 1999, ...

15289 Hans-Hermann Bock: Regression-type models for Kohonen's
self-organizing networks. In Decker/Gaul 1999, 18-31.

8684 David Bryant: Hunting for trees in binary character sets - efficient
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27323 Gunnar Carlsson/Facundo Memoli: Classifying clustering schemes.
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26091 Yu-Chiun Chiou/Lawrence Lan: Genetic clustering algorithms.
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R. Cormack: A review of classification. J. Roy. Stat. Soc. A 134 (1971), 321-367.

26052 C. Cowgill/R. Harvey/L. Watson: A genetic algorithm approach to cluster analysis.
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James Cunningham: Free trees and bidirectional trees as representations
of psychological distance. J. Math. Psychol. 17 (1978), 165-188.

Reinhold Decker/Wolfgang Gaul (ed.): Classification and information
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P. Degens: Clusteranalysis auf topologisch-masstheoretischer Grundlage.
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P. Degens: Hierarchische Clusteranalyse - Approximation und Agglomeration.
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3779 Guntram Deichsel/Hans Joachim Trampisch: Clusteranalyse und 
Diskriminanzanalyse. G. Fischer 1985.

Persi Diaconis: Group representations in probability and statistics.
Discusses in some detail metrics on permutation and other groups.

Edwin Diday a.o. (ed.): New approaches in classification and data analysis.
Springer 1994.

3903 Edwin Diday/Jacques Lemaire/Jean Pouget/Francoise Testu: Elements 
d'analyse de donnees. Dunod 1982.

15411 Sandrine Dudoit/Jane Fridlyand/Terry Speed: Comparison of
discrimination methods for the classification of tumors using gene
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16693 G. Dunn/Brian Everitt: An introduction to mathematical taxonomy.
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Anthony Edwards/Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza: A method of cluster analysis.
Biometrics 21 (1965), 362-375.

15405 Michael Eisen/Paul Spellman/Patrick Brown/David Botstein:
Cluster analysis and display of genome-wide expression patterns.
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Brian Everitt: Cluster analysis. Heinemann 1980.

Brian Everitt/Sabine Landau/Morven Leese. Cluster analysis.
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E. Forgy: Cluster analysis of multivariate analysis. Efficiency versus
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Wolfgang Gaul/H. Locarek-Junge (ed.): Classification in the information age.
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M. Goldberg/S. Shlien: A clustering scheme for multispectral images.
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H. Goldstein: Multilevel statistical models.
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8414 A. Gordon: Classification. Chapman & Hall 1981.
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8047 Maria Elena Gotti: Programmi di statistica elementare e di ottimizzazione
genetica in cluster analysis. Tesi, Ferrara 1996.

23316 Katrin Haegler: Similarity search in medical data.
Diss. Univ. München 2011, 220p.

D. Hand: Discrimination and classification. Wiley 1981.

Heinz Handels: Automatische Analyse mehrdimensionaler Bilddaten zur
Diagnoseunterstützung in der MR-Tomographie. Shaker 1998.

J. Hartigan: Clustering algorithms. Wiley 1975.

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J. Hartigan/M. Wong: Algorithm AS136 - a K-means clustering algorithm.
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4155 Joachim Hartung/Baerbel Elpelt: Multivariate Statistik.
Oldenbourg 1986.

8324 Michiel Hazewinkel: Classification in mathematics, discrete metric
spaces, and approximation by trees. CWI Report AM-R9505 (1995), 38p.
Given a discrete metric space or more generally a dissimilarity space,
what is the best classification tree to describe it?

8325 Michiel Hazewinkel: Lipshits distance and hierarchical clustering.
CWI Report AM-R9506 (1995), 4p.

8326 Michiel Hazewinkel: Tree-tree matrices and other combinatorial
problems from taxonomy. CWI Report AM-R9507 (1995), 17p.

26104 Michiel Hazewinkel: Topologies and metrics on information spaces.
Internet 1998, 10p.

Rene' Henrion/Gu''nter Henrion: Multivariate Datenanalyse.
Methodik und Anweundung in der Chemie  und verwandten Gebieten.
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15259 Ralf Herwig: Ein Normalisierungs- und Clusteranalyseprogramm
zur Bearbeitung gros''er genomischer Datenmengen.
Vortrag Heinz-Billing-Preis 1999. Internet, 15p.

15240 Ralf Herwig: Large-scale information theoretic clustering with
application to the analysis of genetic fingerprinting data.
Diss. FU Berlin 2001, 160p. Logos Verlag, Eur 41.

Frank Höppner/Frank Klawonn/Rudolf Kruse: Fuzzy-Clusteranalyse.
Vieweg 1996, 350p. 3-528-05543-X. DM 98.

26092 Eduardo Hruschka/Ricardo Campello/Alex Freitas/C. de Carvalho: A survey
of evolutionary algorithms for clustering. Internet ca. 2009, 26p.

Jahnke: Clusteranalyse als Verfahren der schließenden Statistik.
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Anil Jain/Richard Dubes: Algorithms for clustering data. Prentice Hall 1988.

M. Jambu: Classification automatique pour l'analyse des donnees.
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M. Jambu/M. Lebeaux: Cluster analysis and data analysis. North-Holland 1983.

26105 Nicholas Jardine: A logical basis for biological classification.
System. Zool. 18 (1969), 37-52.

8410 Nicholas Jardine/Robin Sibson: Mathematical taxonomy. Wiley 1977.

Leonard Kaufman/Peter Rousseeuw: Finding groups in data. An introduction to
cluster analysis. Wiley 2005, 340p. $85.

27322 Jon Kleinberg: An impossibility theorem for clustering. Internet 2003, 8p.

15973 M. Kreuseler/T. Nocke/H. Schumann: Integration of cluster analysis
and visualization techniques for visual data analysis.
Internet ca. 2002, 9p.

L. Lebart/A. Morineau/J. F\'enelon: Statistische Datenanalyse.
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26053 J. Lozano/P. Larranaga: Applying genetic algorithms to search for the best
hierarchical clustering of a dataset. Pattern Rec. Lett. 20 (1999), 911-918.

J. MacQueen: Some methods for classification and analysis of
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Symp. Math. Stat. Prob. 1967, 281-297.

J. Marcotorchino/P. Michaud: Optimisation en analyse ordinale des donnees.
Masson 1980.

26054 Ujjwal Maulik/Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay: Genetic algorithm-based clustering
technique. Pattern Rec. 33 (2000), 1455-1465.

Boris Mirkin: Mathematical classification and clustering. Kluwer 1996.

26106 George William Moore: A mathematical model for the construction of cladograms.
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J. Mucciardi/E. Gose: An automatic clustering algorithm and its
properties in high-dimensional spaces.
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Fionn Murtagh: The Kohonen self-organizing map method - an assessment.
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Fionn Murtagh: Neural networks for clustering.
In Arabie/Hubert/De Soete 1996, 235-269.

21549 Fionn Murtagh: Clustering in massive data sets.
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21545 Fionn Murtagh: Symbolic dynamics in text - application to
automated construction of concept hierarchies.
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21541 Fionn Murtagh: From data to the p-adic or ultrametric model.
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21572 Fionn Murtagh: The remarkable simplicity of very high
dimensional data - application of model-based clustering.
Internet 2008, 36p.

21485 Fionn Murtagh: Symmetry in data mining and analysis -
a unifying view based on hierarchy.
Proc. Steklov Inst. 265 (2009), 177-198.

21487 Fionn Murtagh/Geoff Downs/Pedro Contreras: Hierarchical
clustering of massive, high dimensional data sets by exploiting
ultrametric embedding. SIAM J. Sci. Comp. 30 (2008), 707-730.

P. Narenda/M. Goldberg: A non-parametric clustering scheme forLANDSAT.
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O. Opitz: Numerische Taxonnomie in der Marktforschung. Vahlen 1978.

O. Opitz: Numerische Taxonomie. G. Fischer 1980.

18647 Marco Ramoni/Paola Sebastiani/Isaac Kohane: Cluster analysis of
gene expression dynamics. Proc. Nat. Ac. Sci. USA 99/14 (2002), 9121-9126.

23757 Michael Rice/Michael Siff: Clusters, concepts, and pseudometrics.
El. Notes Theor. Comp. Sci. 40 (2002), 24p.
Connections between cluster analysis and formal concept analysis.

8416 C.J. van Rijsbergen: Automatic classification.
Chapter 3 of a book on Internet, ca. 1995. Original perhaps 1979.

3784 Alfredo Rizzi: Analisi dei dati. NIS 1985.

Alfredo Rizzi/Maurizio Vichi/Hans-Hermann Bock (ed.): Advances in
data science and classification. Springer 1998, 680p. Eur 102.

15255 Manish Sarkar/B. Yegnanarayana/Deepak Khemani: A clustering
algorithm using an evolutionary programming-based approach.
Pattern Rec. Letters 18 (1997), 975-986.

18279 Ori Sasson/Nathan Linial/Michal Linial: The metric space of proteins -
comparative study of clustering algorithms. Bioinformatics 18 (2002), S14-S21.

M. Schader: Scharfe und unscharfe Klassifikation qualitativer Daten.
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18545 Matthias Scholz: Profile data analysis - missing value estimation,
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26107 A. Scott/M. Symons: On the Edwards and Cavalli-Sforza method of cluster analysis.
Biometrics 27 (1971), 217-219.

8411 Peter Sneath/Robert Sokal: Numerical taxonomy. Freeman 1973.

Helmut Spa''th (ed.): Fallstudien Clusteranalyse.
Oldenbourg 1977, 190p. 3-486-20771-7. DM 42.

4154 Helmut Späth: Clusterformation und -analyse. Oldenbourg 1983.

3785 Detlef Steinhausen/Klaus Langer: Clusteranalysis. De Gruyter 1977.

15399 Zoltan Szallasi: Genetic network analysis.
Internet 2001, 36p. A good overview on cluster analysis methods
in gene expression research.

19748 George Tseng/Wing Wong: Tight clustering - a resampling-based approach
for identifying stable and tight patterns in data. Biometrics 61 (2005), 10-16.

R. Tyron/D. Bailey: Cluster analysis. McGraw-Hill 1970.

10088 Stephen Watson: The classification of metrics and multivariate
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Andrew Webb: Statistical pattern recognition.
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26093 Rui Xu/Donald Wunsch: Survey of clustering algorithms.
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13335 ZZ: Statistics and systematics. Science 28 April 2000, 577-579.