23015 John Bowman: The 3d Asymptote generalization of MetaPost Bezier interpolation. Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 7/1 (2007), 210021-210022. 23017 John Bowman: Asymptote - interactive Tex-aware 3d vector graphics. TUBboat 31/2 (2010), 203-205. 27507 John Bowman: Asymptote reference card. Internet 2014, 3p. 23021 John Bowman/Andy Hammerlindl: Asymptote - a vector graphics language. TUGboat 29/2 (2008), 288-294. 23016 John Bowman/Orest Shardt: Asymptote - lifting Tex to three dimensions. TUGboat 30/1 (2009), 58-63. 27555 Michael Doob/Jim Hefferon: Approaching Asymptote. TUGboat 33/2 (2012), 213-218. 27505 Andy Hammerlindl/John Bowman/Tom Prince: Asymptote - the vector graphics language. Version 2.42-1. Internet 2016, 190p. 900822 Andy Hammerlindl a.o.: Asymptote-Sammlung. 402p. Enthält: 27505 Hammerlindl/, 27504 Staats, 23021 Bowman/, 23015 Bowman, 23016 Bowman/, 23017 Bowman, 23018 Shardt/, 19627 Heck. 23018 Orest Shardt/John Bowman: Surface parametrization of nonsimply connected planar Bezier regions. Computer Aided Design 44/5 (2012), 9p. 27504 Charles Staats: An Asymptote tutorial. Internet 2015, 110p.