26294 Dominik Bischoff: Bilder einfügen in Latex. Internet 2010, 36p. 13686 D. Carlisle: Packages in the graphics bundle. Internet 1999, 16p. 13997 Philippe Esperet/Denis Girou: Coloriage du pavage dit <>. Cahiers Gutenberg 31 (1998), 5-18. 19554 Dominic Ford: PyXPlot user's guide. Internet 2007, 117p. 19567 Michael Goossens/Frank Mittelbach/.../Herbert Voß: The Latex graphics companion. Addison-Wesley 2007, 920p. Eur 50. 13759 Alan Hoenig: TEX unbound. Oxford UP 1998, 580p. DM 79. 17300 Gert-Ludwig Ingold: Some frequently and not so frequently asked questions about Pyx (version 0.8.1). Internet 2005, 14p. 24369 Jörg Lehmann/Michael Schindler/Andre' Wobst: PyX 0.12.1 reference manual. Internet 2012, 100p. 24110 Tomas Morales de Luna: Useful vector graphic tools for Latex users. PracTex J. 1 (2010), 13p. 23171 Lorenzo Pantieri/Tommaso Gordini: L'arte di disegnare grafici con Latex. Internet 2012, 25p. 19661 Keith Reckdahl: Using imported graphics in Latex and pdfLatex. Internet 2006, 124p. 13687 Tom Rokicki: epsf.tex. Internet 1997, 9p. 18263 Friedhelm Sowa: TEX, Latex und Graphik. Springer 1994, 110p. Einbindung von Graphiken in TEX-Dokumente.