27179 Gerald Alexanderson/Leonard Klosinski: Are old mathematics books collectible? Bull. AMS ... (2017), 4p. 8839 Donald Babbitt: Mathematical journals - past, present and future - a personal view. Notices AMS January 1997, ... 6031 S. Chatterji/Benno Fuchssteiner/Ulrich Kulisch/Roman Liedl (Hg.): Jahrbuch Ueberblicke Mathematik 1994. Vieweg 1994. 6006 Stephane Collart: The future of publishing in mathematics. Euromath Bulletin 1/2 (1994), 5-6. W. Dalitz/Martin Groetschel/Joachim Luegger/W. Sperber: New perspectives of a distributed information system for mathematics. Newsletter of the European Math. Soc. 13 (1994), ..., 14 (1994), ... J. Dongarra/E. Grosse: Distribution of mathematical software via electronic mail. Comm. ACM 30/5 (1987), 403-407. John Ewing: Digitizing and disseminating the past mathematical literature. Notices AMS August 2002, 771-777. 6142 Martin Groetschel/Joachim Luegger/Wolfram Sperber: Wissenschaftliches Publizieren und elektronische Fachinformation im Umbruch. Ein Situationsbericht aus der Sicht der Mathematik. 6031 Chatterji/, 154-174. 6951 Allyn Jackson: AMS rides the electronic wave. New services available on e-math. Notices AMS May 1995, 583-585. 16171 Allyn Jackson: The Digital Mathematics Library. Int. Math. Nachr. 194 (2003), 13-23. 25185 Donald Knuth: Letter to the editorial board of "Journal of algorithms". Internet, October 2003, 14p. 10221 Steven Krantz: Mathematics journals should be electronic and free. Notices AMS September 1997, ... But the author believes the contrary. G. Kuperberg a.o.: Mathematical journals should be electronic and free(ly) accesible. Notices AMS 45 (1998), 845. 8053 Peter Michor: On the future of mathematical publications. Not a charter. EMS Newsletter 20 (1996), 10-12. 14824 Christoph Pöppe: Das Ende von Eric Weissteins mathematischer Schatzkiste. Spektrum 2001/6, 110. Nach einer gerichtlichen Verfügung darf die bekannte Sammlung nicht mehr allgemein zugänglich gemacht werden, da sie der CRC-Verlag als "CRC concise encyclopedia of mathematics" veröffentlicht hat. Frank Quinn: A role for libraries in electronic publishing. EJournal 4/2 (1992), ... Frank Quinn: Roadkill on the electronic highway? The threat to the mathematical literature. Notices AMS 42 (1995), 53-56. 17334 Ulf Rehmann: Digital Mathematics Library - some technical and organisatorial suggestions. Internet ca. 2002, 5p. 15496 Sara Rutter: Mathematicians and the mathematics library - a librarian's perspective. Notices AMS October 2002, 1078-1081. 7500 Mark Steinberger: Electronic mathematics journals. Notices AMS January 1996, ... 24316 Bernard Teissier: Mathematical documentation - towards a new ecosystem. EMS Newsletter September 2013, 3-5. ZZ. Background material from the congress "The future of mathematical communication" (30 november - 3 december 1994 at the Mathematical Science Research Instite at Berkeley).