20588 Heinz-Wilhelm Alten/.../Hans Wußing: 4000 Jahre Algebra. Springer 2003, 650p. Eur 44. 29187 Miriam Bonasia/Rita Fiore/Rosa Mele: Panoramica sulla geometria e algebra nella matematica araba. Tesina Univ. Ferrara 2017, 55p. 5259 Charles Curtis: Representation theory of finite groups: From Frobenius to Brauer. Math. Intell. 14/4 (1992), 48-57. T. Hawkins: The origins of the theory of group characters. Archive Hist. Ex. Sci. 7 (1971), 142-170. T. Hawkins: New light on Frobenius's creation of the theory of group characters. Archive Hist. Ex. Sci. 12 (1974), 217-243. I. Kleiner: A history of algebra. Birkhäuser 2007, 170p. Eur 40. 2084 Helmut Koch: EinfŸhrung in die klassische Mathematik I. Springer 1986. Jimmie Lawson: The earliest semigroup paper? Semigroup Forum 52 (1996), 55-60. Herbert Mehrtens: Die Entstehung der Verbandstheorie. Gerstenberg 1979. 5175 Karen Parshall: The one-hundredth anniversary of the death of invariant theory? Math. Intell. 12/4 (1990), 10-16. With a good bibliography. 5425 Karen Parshall: A study in group theory: Leonard Eugene Dickson's "Linear groups". Math. Intell. 13/1 (1991), 7-11. 5061 Reinhold Remmert: Fundamentalsatz der Algebra. 1406 Ebbinghaus/, 78-97. Jean-Pierre Tignol: Galois' theory of algebraic equations. World Scientific 2001, 350p. $34. 2715 Bartel van der Waerden: A history of algebra. Springer 1985. Bartel van der Waerden: Geometry and algebra in ancient civilizations. Springer 1983, 220p. DM 96.