D. Alexander: A history of complex dynamics. From Schroeder to Fatou and Julia. Vieweg 1994, 160p. DM 58. J. Bos: Differentials, higher-order differentials, and the derivative in the Leibnitian calculus. Archive History Exact Sciences 14 (1974), 1-90. 3257 Umberto Bottazzini: Il flauto di Hilbert. UTET 1990, 450 p. ISBN 88-7750-090-5. From Leibniz to Goedel. Carl Boyer: The history of the calculus and its conceptual development. Dover, 360p. 0-486-60509-4. $ 8. C. Brezinski: History of continued fractions and Pade' approximants. Springer 1991, 550p. DM 188. 8493 Florin Diacu: The solution of the n-body problem. Math. Intell. 18/3 (1996), 66-70. 23571 Jean Dieudonne': Review of the book "The prehistory of the theory of distributions" by J. Lützen. Am. Math. Monthly 91/6 (1984), 374-379. C. Edwards: The historical development of the calculus. 1979. S. Engelsman: Families of curves and the origins of partial differential differentiation. Amsterdam 1984. Origins of calculus in several variables. 18807 Hans Fischer: Die Geschichte des Integrals \int_0^\infty \frac{\sin x}{x} dx. Math. Sember. 54 (2007), 13-30. 5037 I. Grattan-Guiness: French calcul and English fluxions around 1800: Some comparisons and contrasts. 5028 Chatterji/, 167-178. I. Grattan-Guiness: The development of the foundations of mathematical analysis from Euler to Riemann. 1970. I. Grattan-Guiness: Convolutions in French mathematics 1800-1840. From the calculus and mechanics to mathematical analysis and mathematical physics. 3 volumes. Birkhaeuser 1990, 1600p. DM 420. A pioneering work, based on an impressive number of primary sources many of which Grattan-Guiness discovered. Grattan-Guiness is never boring to read [J.Luetzen]. J.E. Hofmann: Leibniz in Paris, 1672-1676. Muenchen 1949, and, in English, Cambridge UP 1974. H. Jahnke (ed.): Geschichte der Analysis. Spektrum 2000, 560p. DM 63. "Dieses Buch ist eines der schönsten zu diesem Thema, das ich kenne, einerseits mit höchster wissenschaftlicher Genauigkeit geschrieben, andererseits von bemerkenswerter Flüssig- und Lesbarkeit, was Sprache und Stil betrifft ... Der Inhalt reicht von der Antike bis zur Analysis der Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts ... " (H. Reichel) [= A history of analysis. AMS 2003, 420p.] P. Kitcher: Fluxions, limits and infinite littleness. A study of Newton's presentation of the calculus. Isis 64 (1973), 33-49. 2084 Helmut Koch: Einfuehrung in die klassische Mathematik I. Springer 1986. Jesper Lützen: The prehistory of the theory of distributions. Springer 1982, 230p. Bernard Malgrange: Equations aux derivees partielles. L'Ens. Math. 13 (1967), 35-48. F. Medvedev: Scenes from the history of real functions. Birkhaeuser 1991, 270p. SFR 158. Enrico Pasini: Il reale e l'immaginario. La fondazione del calcolo infinitesimale nel pensiero di Leibniz. Sonda, Torino 1993. Luigi Pepe: Il calcolo infinitesimale in Italia agli inizi del secolo XVIII. Bollettino di storia delle scienze matematiche 1 (1981), 43-101. 21556 Albrecht Pietsch: History of Banach spaces and linear operators. Birkhäuser 2007, 850p. Eur 114. 5108 Joao Filipe Queiro: Jose' Anastacio da Cunha: A forgotten forerunner. Math. Intell. 10/1 (1988), 38-43. Many concepts generally credited to Cauchy appear in a little-known Portuguese treatise on mathematics published between 1782 and 1790. 5000 Michael von Renteln: Der Einfluss der Lebesgueschen Integrationstheorie auf die komplexe Funktionentheorie zu Beginn dieses Jahrhunderts. 4238 Chatterji/, 75-96. G. Schumacher: Ueber die Entwicklung der komplexen Analysis in Deutschland vom Ausgang des 19. Jahrhunderts bis zum Anfang der siebziger Jahre. Teubner 1996, 95p. DM 45. Thomas Sonar: 3000 Jahre Analysis. Springer 2011, 710p. Karl-Georg Steffens: The history of approximation theory from Euler to Bernstein. Birkhäuser 2006, 220p. Klaus Volkert: Geschichte der Analysis. Bibl. Inst. 1988, 239 p. ISBN 3-411-03158-1. DM 39. 2283 Wolfgang Walter: Analysis. 2 volumes. Springer 1990. Contains, especially on pages 221-240 of the first volume, many historical comments. D. Whiteside (ed.): The mathematical papers of Isaac Newton. 8 volumes. Cambridge 1981.5276 Garrett Birkhoff/Saunders MacLane: A survey of modern algebra: The fiftieth anniversary of its publication. Math. Intell. 14/1 (1992), 26-31.