5389 Del De Hart: Tinea capitis. New England J. Med. 329 (849), 849. Image showing Tinea capitis with kerion formation and cervical adenopathy in an 11-year old boy who had the infection for three years. The child had a partial response to a one-month course of griseofulvin and one month of ketoconazole therapy. There was complete resolution after two months of oral griseofulvin and two weeks of tapering corticosteroid therapy. [Dermatophyta are fungi with the rather peculiar capability to metabolize the enormously resistant keratin. Tinea capitis is almost never observed in adults.] 6083 JŸrgen Rei§: Rasterelektronische Untersuchungen an Pilzen 10. Humanpathogene Pilze. Mikrokosmos 83 (1994), 143-150.