Wonderful drawings in electron microscopy histology by Krstic! Radivoj Krstic, Universite' de Lausanne, Institut d'Histologie et d'Embryologie, Rue de Bugnon 9, CH-1005 Lausanne. --------------------------------------- Die Gewebe des Menschen und der Säugetiere. Springer 1984, 400 p. ISBN 3-540-08906-3. Ultrastruktur der Säugetierzelle. Springer 1976, 370 p. ISBN 3-540-07506-2. Illustrated encyclopedia of human histology. Springer 1984, 440 p. ISBN 3-540-13142-6. I find this book less valuable than the others, because, being a pure dictionary with rather small figures, for the beginner it is difficult to learn much in it, and the expert may know most of the content. But the next one is again very good: 4632 Radivoj Krstic: Human microscopic anatomy. Springer 1991, 570p. ISBN 3-540-53666-3. I did not find the time yet to learn it, because in this university one has to loose most of the time with politics and sabotage, but it seems very full of material and very useful. The first two and the fourth book use the same didactical principle: On the left side a short, very informative text, on the right side a detailed 3-dimensional drawing of the ultrastructure of the tissue. Going through with patience plate for plate, one can learn a lot.