A. Behbehani: The smallpox story in words and pictures. Kansas UP 1988. A. Behbehani: The smallpox history - historical perspective. ASM News 57 (1991), 571-576. 10057 Jon Cohen: Is an old virus up to new tricks? Science 18 July 1997, 312-313. A recent upsurge of monkeypox cases in Congo. 9204 Hans Gelderblom: Die Ausrottung der Pocken. Spektrum 1996/6, 36-42. D. Hopkins: Princes and peasants. Smallpox in history. Chicago UP 1983. 5335 ZZ. Time to die? New Scientist 21 August 1993, 3. Smallpox has been eradicated as one of mankind's greatest killers and lives only in deep-frozen specimens at the Research Institute for Viral Preparations in Moscow and at the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta. The author thinks that these specimens too should be destroyed.