Arieff/Griggs: Metabolic brain dysfunction in systemic disorders. Little (Brown?) 1992, 480 p. ISBN 0-316-05067-9. $ 115. Optimal brain function requires a stable metabolic environment. It is not surprising, therefore, that conditions such as liver or kidney failure, the ingestion of toxic substances, or the presence of inherited or acquired metabolic disorders frequently result in brain dysfunction and encephalopathy. Physicians from both internal medicine and neurology will find the book of inestimable value. D. Bender: Nutritional biochemistry of the vitamins. Cambridge UP 1992, 430 p. ISBN 0-521-38144-4. $ 90. A more precise title would have been "Biochemistry and metabolism of the vitamins". The book fills a need for an up-to-date review of the biochemistry of the vitamins in a single book. Fredric Coe/Murray Favus (ed.): Disorders of bone and mineral metabolism. Raven Press 1992, 1118 p. ISBN 0-88167-749-3. $195. Some sections, especially that on disorders of bone,are superb, and the reviewer was most impressed by this textbook. It should be of great interest to all endocrinologists. Enjoyable, complete, up to date, well written and edited. C. Edwards/J. Kushner: Screening for hemochromatosis. NEJM 328 (1993), 1616-1620. On the connections with the HLA-A3 alloantigen, which permits identifying people who are homozygous for hemochromatosis. Linder: Nutritional biochemistry and metabolism. Elsevier 1991. A standard textbook. I. McDougall: Thyroid disease in clinical practice. Chapman and Hal 1992, 330 p. ISBN 0-412-35130-7. Pds. 55. The book is conveniently organized, with initial chapters on anatomy and embryology, physiology, thyroid-function tests, and clinical examination, followed by an orderly review of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, thyroid nodules, cancer, and thyroiditis. A helpful bood for internists. Patricia Stuart-Macadam/Susan Kent (ed.): Diet, demography, and disease: Changing persepctives on anemia. Aldine de Gruyter 1992, 290 p. ISBN 0-202-01189-5. $60. An interdisciplinary examination of iron metabolism. Some controversies and some errors. Despite these problems, the book is thought-provoking. Wadden/Van Itallie: Treatment of the seriously obese patient. Guilford Press 1992, 520 p. ISBN 0-89862-879-2. $ 50. Obese people have an increased risk of premature death and disability, mainly from cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, osteoarthritis, gallstones, and certain types of cancer. The reviewer (John Garrow) thinks this is a very good book, but disagrees with its main therapeutic recommendations.