5960 Tim Beardsley: Krebs - eine ernuechternde Bilanz. Spektrum 1994/3, 46-53. Trotz erheblicher wissenschaftlicher Fortschritte ist ein entscheidender Durchbruch im Kampf gegen den Krebs bisher ausgeblieben. Die Krebsmortalitaetsrate in den USA ist zwischen 1975 und 1990 um 7 Prozent gestiegen (dabei ist die Veraenderung in der Altersstruktur schon herausgefiltert). In den USA rechnet man fuer 1993 mit etwa 530.000 Krebstoten, in Deutschland mit etwa 210.000. Dabei ist in den USA ein Viertel der Todesfaelle dem Lungenkrebs anzulasten (in Deutschland ein Fuenftel). Das NCI hat bisher die Praevention zu sehr vernachlaessigt. Nikolaus Becker/Elaine Smith/Juergen Wahrendorf: Time trends in cancer mortality in the Federal Republic of Germany. Progress against cancer? Int. J. Cancer 43 (1989), 245-249. 18494 Joachim Bertz a.o.: Krebs in Deutschland. Internet Robert-Koch-Institut 2006, 110p. E. Buiatti a.o.: Incidenza e mortalita' per tumori nella provincia di Firenze 1985-1989. Regione Toscana 1995. 796 Richard Doll/Richard Peto: The causes of cancer. Oxford UP 1989. 8801 J. Esteve/A. Kricker/J. Ferlay/D. Parkin: Facts and figures of cancer in the European Community. IARC, Internet 1993, 20p. M. Federico/L. Mangone/G. De Girolamo/G. Fontana: Incidenza e mortalita' per tumoir nella provincia di Modena 1988-1990. Registro Tumori Prov. Modena 1994. Stefano Ferretti/A. Rimondi a.o.: La mortalita' per tumore in provincia di Ferrara 1969-1987. Ferrara 1991. 11011 Stefano Ferretti/Andrea Sortini/Annalisa Rasi/Giuseppe Albonico/Silvia Zago/Italo Nenci: Il problema dei tumori in provincia di Ferrara. Incidenza, mortalita' e prospettive terapeutiche. Corbo, Ferrara 1997. Stefano Ferretti/D. Tassinari/Giuseppe Albonico/Italo Nenci: Cancer incidence and mortality in the province of Ferrara 1989-1990. Tumori 81 (1995), 321-329. Marco Geddes a.o.: Colorectal, lung, and breast cancer care during the three years following the diagnosis - a population-based study. Tumori 82/3 (1996), ... 19538 Matthew Hayat/Nadia Howlader/Marsha Reichman/Brenda Edwards: Cancer statistics, trends, and multiple primary cancer analyses from the surveillance, epidemiology, and end results (SEER) program. Oncologist 12 (2007), 20-37. 4962 Hans Hoffmeister (ed.): Bevoelkerungsbezogene Krebsregister in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. MMV, Muenchen 1987. Vittorio Krogh/Andrea Micheli: Measure of cancer prevalence with a computerized program - an exemple on larynx cancer. Tumori 82/3 (1996), ... 31 Carlo La Vicchia: Epidemiologia dei tumori. 2 Le Scienze, 9-17. H. Lynch a.o.: The surgeon, genetics, and cancer control - the cancer family syndrome. Ann. Surg. 185 (1977), 435-440. 18508 Judith Mackay/Ahmedin Jemal/Nancy Lee/Maxwell Parkin: The cancer atlas. Am. Cancer Soc. 2006, 130p. Eur 24. Popular, but interesting with many tables. 9385 Hugh McIntosh: After the act - 25 years of advances against cancer. Internet 1995. R. McLennan/C. Muir/R. Steinitz/A. Winkler: Cancer registration and its techniques. IARC Sci. Publ. 21 (1978). 1480 Suresh Moolgavkar (ed.): Scientific issues in quantitive cancer risk assessment. Birkhaeuser 1990. NCI: Evaluating the National Cancer Program. President's cancer panel meeting, september 22, 1993. National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, 1994. 18495 NCI: SEER Cancer Statistics Review (Overview). NCI 2006. 11853 Frederica Perera: Environment and cancer - who are susceptible? Science 7 November 1997, 1068-1073. L. Ries a.o.: SEER cancer statistics review 1973-1993 - tables and graphs. NCI 1996. 11912 Guido Schwarzer/Werner Vach/Martin Schumacher: On the misuses of artificial neural networks for prognostic and diagnostic classification in oncology. Internet ca. 1997, 29p. WHO: ICD-O. Classificazione internazionale delle malattie - oncologia. Ermes 1983. R. Zanetti/P. Crosignani: Il cancro in Italia - i dati di incidenza dei Registri Tumori. Lega Ital. Lotta contro i Tumori 1992.