[See also genetic therapy of cancer.] 13356 W. French Anderson: The best of times, the worst of times. Science 28 April 2000, 627-630. Gene therapy of two infants suffering from inherited severe combined immunodeficiency. C. Bordignon a.o.: ... Science 270 (1995), 470-... 11635 Philip Felgner: Gentherapie - nicht-virale Strategien. Spektrum 1997/11, 50-55. 12114 Theodore Friedmann: Verso la terapia genica. In 12108 Frigerio, 34-39. 13082 Theodore Friedmann: Principles for human gene therapy studies. Science 24 March 2000, 2163-2166. 13402 Eliot Marshal: Gene therapy on trial. Science 12 May 2000, 951-957. 13000 Leon Rosenberg/Alan Schechter: Gene therapist, heal thyself. Science 10 March 2000, 1751. "Yet, despite repeated claims of benefit or even cure, no single unequivolcal instance of clinical efficacy exists in the hundreds of gene therapy trials." - say the authors. 13158 Chris Sander: Genomic medicine and the future of health care. Science 17 March 2000, 1977-1978. 12829 David Weiner/Ronald Kennedy: Gene als Impfstoffe. Spektrum 1999/10, 52-60. Mit voru''bergehend bereitgestellten Genen aus einem Erreger sollen Ko''rperzellen "Feindproteine" herstellen und eine Infektion vorta''uschen.