10597 Marcia Angell: The ethics of clinical research in the Third World. New England J. Med. 18 September 1997, ... 13327 Martin Enserink: Are placebo-controlled drug trials ethical? Science 21 April 2000, 416. 13890 Martin Enserink: Helsinki's new clinical rules - fewer placebos, more disclosure. Science 20 October 2000, 418-419. General Medical Council: Good medical practice. General Medical Council: Confidentiality. Archibald Hill: Scientific ethics. Chemical Eng. News 24 (1946), 1343-... Ruth Macklin: Enemies of patients. Oxford UP 1993, 250p. 0-19-507200-6. $ 25. In the rapidly proliferating literature of medical ethics, the reviewer in the NEJM (Robert Richardson) found Macklin's new book a unique and welcome addition. It is well written, clear, and easy to understand. The examples and analyses are drawn from the author's extensive teaching and consultation in the field of biomedical ethics. It will be vital to be aware of the problems identified in this book to prevent the health care system from further eroding the relationships so necessary to the healing process. 12949 Christoph Po''ppe: Weltverbessern ist schwer? Mu''ssen Alte sterben, weil die lebensrettende Operation zu wenig Lebenszeit pro DM einbring? Spektrum 2000/2, 15. Deborah Lynn Steinberg: Bodies in glass - genetics, eugenics, and embryo ethics. Manchester UP 1997. 0-71904667-X. $60. 9280 Carlo Augusto Viano/Adriano Vitelli: Principi bioetici e screening. Le Scienze Gennaio 1997, 76-79.