Well... it seems as if NO ONE is posting to this list so I guess I will try to get the ball rolling by asking a question. The answer is probably very simple and I'm overlooking something extremely obvious...but In an experiement, a muscle is injected with Curare (a drug that inhibits Acetylcholine from binding to the neuromuscular junction) and is stimulated by pin electrodes in the muscle. No response occurs after a few minutes. However, if the muscle is stimulated through the nerve leading to the muscle, it responds. Why does this happen? Does it have something to do with nicotinic/muscarinic receptors for Acetylcholine? And what are the effects of Succinyl choline if injected intramuscularly? It is a drug that inhibits Acetylcholinesterase ( I believe) and is broken down my Pseudocholinesterase. It is somtimes used in surgery. Some patients (1 in 2500, I believe) have a genetic trait where Pseudocholinesterase production is little to none and thus, if given this drug in surgery, CAN result in death. How would one antedote this? Is there a drug that is antagonist to Succinyl choline? ---