Miriam Adderholdt-Elliot: Perfectionism. What's bad about being too good? Free Spirit Publishing, Minneapolis 1987. James Alvino (ed.): Parents guide to raising a gifted child. Recognizing and developing your child's potential. Little Brown, Boston 1985. James Alvino: Parent's guide to raising a gifted toddler. Recognizing and developing the potential of your child from birth to five years. Little Brown, Boston 1989. American Association for Gifted Children: On being gifted. Walker 1978. American Association for Gifted Children: Reaching out. Advocacy for the gifted and talented. Teachers College Press 1980. American Association for Gifted Children: The gifted child, the family, and the community. Walker 1981. T. Armstrong: Awakening your child's natural genius. Enhancing curiosity, creativity, and learning ability. Tarcher 1991. Lynne Beck: Mentorships. Benefits and effects on career development. Gifted Child Quarterly 33 (Winter 1989), 22-28. Sandra Berger: College planning for gifted children. Council for Exceptional Children 1989. M. Bireley/J. Genschaft (ed.): Understanding the gifted adolescent. Educational, developmental, and multicultural issues. Teachers College Press 1991. B. Bloom (ed.): Developing talent in young people. Ballantine 1985. Gerald Bracey: Segregating the gifted. Phi Delta Kappan 71 (1990), 562-... Summary of research by J Van Tassel-Baska and others. T. Buescher (ed.): Understanding gifted and talented adolescents. A resource guide for counselors, educators, and parents. Center for Talent Development, Evanston 1987. Barbara Clark: Growing up gifted. Merrill (Merlin?) Publishing Co., Columbus 1992. Kay Coffey a.o.: Parents speak on gifted and talented children. Ventura, CA: NSLTIGT, 1976. To order contact LTI Publications, Ventura County Superintendent of Schools, 535 E. Main Street, Ventura, CA 93009. N. Colangelo/G. Davis (ed.): Handbook of gifted education. Allyn & Bacon 1991. L. Coleman: Schooling the gifted. Addison-Wesley 1985. J. Cox/N. Daniel/B. Boston: Educating able learners. Programs and promising practices. Univ. of Texas Press 1985. Jack Cramer/Takako Oshima: Do gifted females attribute their math performance differently than other students? J. Education of the Gifted 16/1 (1992), 18-35. M. Csikszentmihalyi/K. Rathunde/S. Whalen: Talented teenagers. The roots of success and failure. Cambridge UP 1993. P. Daniels: Teaching the gifted learning disabled child. Aspen Publications, London 1982. G. Davis/S. Rimm: Education of the gifted and talented. Allyn & Bacon 1994. Del Bello/Paganini: Bravissimi. Rusconi. Marcia Delcourt: Creative productivity among secondary school students: combining energy, interest, and imagination. Gifted Child Quarterly 37/4 (1993), 23-31. James Delisle: Gifted kids speak out. Free Spirit, Minneapolis 1987. James Delisle: Guiding the social and emotional development of gifted youth. Longman 1992. James Delisle/J. Galbraith: The gifted kids survival guide II. Free Spirit, Minneapolis 1987. J. Delp/R. Martinson: A handbook for parents of gifted and talented. Ventura County Superintendent of Schools Office 1977. M. DeLong/W. Howell: Full potential. A guide for parents of bright teens. TAG Books 1995. Deutsche Gesellschaft für das hochbegabte Kind: Hochbegabte Kinder in Schule und Gesellschaft. LIT. Patricia Dunnell/Linda Bakken: Gifted high school students' attitudes toward careers and sex roles. Roeper Review 13 (June 1991), 198-202. Bill Durden: Smart kids. J. Eby/J. Smutny: A thoughtful overview of gifted education. Longman 1990. Virginia Ehrlich: Gifted children. Trillium Press, Monroe 1989. J. Engel: It's o.k. to be gifted or talented. A parent/child manual. St. Martin's Press 1987. D. Farris: Type tales. Teaching type to children. Consulting Psychologists Press 1991. Barbara Feger: Hochbegabung. Chancen und Probleme. Huber 1988, 250p. 3-456-81431-3. DM 39. J. Feldhusen/J. Van Tassel-Baska/K. Seeley (ed.): Excellence in educating the gifted. Love 1989. D. Feldman: Nature's gambit. Child prodigies and the development of human potential. Basic Books 1986. J. Flack: Inventing, inventions and inventors. Teacher Ideas Press 1989. Ida Fleiß: Hochbegabung und Hochbegabte. Tectum 2003, 220p. Eur 26. J. Flowers/J. Horsman/B. Schwartz: Raising your gifted child. Prentice Hall 1982. Joan Freeman: Gifted children. Their identification and development in a social context. MTP Press 1979. Joan Freeman (ed.): The psychology of gifted children. Wiley 1985. Joan Freeman: A pedagogy for the gifted. In Freeman 1985, ... Joan Freeman: Gifted children growing up. Cassell 1991. Joan Freeman: Educating the very able. Stationery Office 1999. Pds. 11. Judith Galbraith: The gifted kids durvival guide. Free Spirit Publishing, Minneapolis. Three Volumes, written for gifted children: 10 and younger (1984); 11 to 18 (1983); and a sequel for ages 11 to 18 (1987). Third volume co-authored by James Delisle. James Gallagher: Teaching the gifted child. Allyn & Bacon, 1985. Howard Gardner: Frames of mind. Gina Ginsberg/Charles Harrison: How to help your gifted child. A handbook for parents and teachers. Monarch Press, New York 1977. V. Glaub/R. Kamphaus: Construction of a nonverbal adaptation of the Stanford-Binet fourth edition. Educ. psychol. meas. 51 (1991), 231-241. V. Goertzel/M. Goertzel/T. Goertzel: Three hundred eminent personalities. Jossey-Bass 1978. S. Golant: The joys and challenges of raising a gifted child. Prentice Hall 1991. David Goldstein: What's a parent to do. 1993. Should be a nice book for parents of gifted teens. E. Graue: Is your child gifted? A handbook for parents of gifted preschoolers. Oak Tree, San Diego 1982. J. Guilford: Way beyond the IQ. Guide to improving intelligence and creativity. Creative Education Foundation, Buffalo 1977. E. Hall/N. Skinner: Somewhere to turn. Strategies for parents of the gifted and talented. Teachers College Presss 1980. Glynis Hannel: Gifted but failing. A case study. Gifted Education International 7/1 (1990), 20-22. Ernst Hany/Horst Nickel (ed.): Begabung und Hochbegabung. Huber 1992, 240p. 3-456-82307-X. DM 59. Kurt von Heller (ed.): Hochbegabung im Kindes- und Jugendalter. Hogrefe 1992, 400p. 3-8017-0640-0. DM 78. Michael Hollenbach: Die unbeachteten Genies. Das Schicksal hochbegabter Kinder. Fischer TB 1998. F. Horowitz/M. O'Brien: The gifted and talented. Developmental perspectives. American Psychological Association 1985. 5797 Michael Howe: Bambini dotati. Cortina 1993. [English: The origins of exceptional abilities. 1990.] Susan Johnsen/Anne Corn: SAGES-P. A new instrument in the identification of young gifted children. 1992. The Screening Assessment for Gifted Elementary Students-Primary Version (SAGES-P) developed by S. K. Johnsen and A. L. Corn (1992) is a reliable and valid instrument for the identification of young gifted children. The SAGES-P addresses the U.S. Department of Education's guidelines for the identification of young gifted children. The items were developed with gifted children. Normative data are provided by chronological age (5.0 years to 8.11 years) for both normal and gifted children. Its two subtests, Reasoning and General Information, correlate strongly with other instruments used in identifying gifted children and provide subtest scores in areas generally accepted as integral components of curricula for gifted children. The SAGES-P was standardized with 1,034 gifted children in 19 states and 2,581 normal children in 19 states. One figure illustrates the SAGES-P schema. Six tables present study data. Data for a report presented at the Sixth Annual Texas Testing Conference are included, and there is a 21-item list of references. Nancy Johnson: Questioning makes the difference. Monika Jost: Hochbegabte erkennen und begleiten. Universum 2003. H. Kanigher: Everyday enrichment for gifted children at home and at school. Ventura County Superintendent of Schoolss 1977. Karnes/Marquardt: Gifted children and legal issues in education. Parents stories of Hope. Ohio Psychology Publishing Co., Columbus 1992. F. Kaufmann: Your gifted child and you. Council of Exceptional Children 1976. Karnes/Marquardt: Gifted children and the law: Mediation, due Process and court cases. Ohio Psychology Publishing Co., Columbus 1992. Pulls together all of the court cases in the country on gifted youngsters, along with a summary of statutory law, and recommends practical mediation and due process strategies. Kevin Kelly: Career maturity of young gifted adolescents. A replication study. Journal for the Education of the Gifted 16/1 (1992), 36-45. Barbara Kerr: A handbook for counseling the gifted and talented. American Psychological Association, Alexandria, VA 1994. How to identify, inspire, and counsel gifted and talented students. Includes the latest research on bibliotherapy for gifted and talented students. Barbara Kerr: Smart girls, gifted women. Ohio Psychology Publishing Co., Columbus 1986. Barbara Kerr/Nicholas Colangelo/Julie Gaeth: Gifted adolescents' attitudes toward their giftedness. Gifted Children Quarterly 32 (Spring 1988), 245-247. F. Keyes: Exploring careers for the gifted. Richard Rosen 1985. J. Khatena: The creatively gifted child. Suggestions for parents and teachers. Vantage Press 1978. Mark Kunkel/Bea Chapa/Greg Patterson: Experience of giftedness. "Eight great gripes" six years later. Roeper Review 15 (September 1992), 10-14. U. Le Guin: Very far away from anywhere else. Bantam 1984. H. Levinson: Smart but feeling dumb. Warner 1984. Anita Li: Self-perception and motivational orientation in gifted children. Roeper Review 10/3 (1988), 175-180. Barbara Louis/Michael Lewis: Parental beliefs about giftedness in young children and their relation to actual ability level. Gifted Child Quarterly 36(1992), 27-31. This study found that parents (n=118) who believed their preschool children to be gifted tended to (1) have specific beliefs concerning the constituents of giftedness, (2) exhibit a fairly high degree of accuracy in their judgements, and (3) have beliefs differing as a function of their children's actual ability levels. Richard Luftig/Marci Nichols: An assessment of the social status and perceived personality and dchool traits of gifted students by non-gifted Peers. Roeper Review 13/3 (1991), 148-153. Bettina Mähler/Gerlinde Hofmann: Ist mein Kind hochbegabt? Rowohlt 1998. R. McCallum/F. Karnes: Use of a brief form of the Stanford-Binet intelligence scale (fourth) for gifted children. J. School Psychol. 28 (1990), 279-283. R. Milgram (ed.): Counseling gifted and talented children. A guide for teachers, counselors and parents. Ablex, Norwood 1991. A. Miller: The drama of the gifted child. Basic Books 1981. Linda Moore: Does this mean my kid's a genius? How to motivate and live with a gifted child. New American Library, 1982. S. Perino/J. Perino: Parenting the gifted. Developing the promise. Bowker, New York 1981. Sylvia Rimm: Underachievement syndrome. Causes and cures. Apple Publishing, Apple Publishing 1986. Ann Robinson: Brave new directions. Needed research on the labeling of gifted children. Gifted Child Quarterly 30 (Winter 1986), 11-14. W. Roedell/N. Jackson/H. Robinson: Gifted young children. Teachers College Press 1980. Barry Schneider/Marjorie R. Clegg/Barbara M. Byrne: Social relations of gifted children as a function of age and school program. Journal of Educational Psychology 81 (March 1989), 48-56. Nancy Alvarado Stone: Gifted is not a dirty word. Thoughts about being bright in an average world. Irvine, CA: Technicom, (4521 Campus Drive, Suite 405, Irvine, CA 92715), 1989. D. Russell/D. Hayes/L. Dockery: My child is gifted! Now what do I do? North Carolina Association for the Gifted and Talented (PO Box 5394, Winston-Salem, NC 27113), 1988. 5834 R. Lloyd Ryan: Are the highly intelligent high school achievers or are they drop-outs? Mensa IJ November 1993, 1, 4. Barbara Schlichte-Hirsemenzel: Zu Entwicklungsschwierigkeiten hochbegabter Kinder und Jugendlicher in Wechselwirkung mit ihrer Umwelt. 2001. Victor Serebriakoff: Educating the intelligent child. Linda Silverman (ed.): Counseling the gifted and talented. Love, Denver 1993. Leta Stetter: Children above 180 IQ Stanford-Binet. Arno 1975, 330p. This book, originally published perhaps in 1942 (posthumously - Leta Stetter lived 1886-1939 - ?) is still one of the most important and illuminating description of the social situation of extremely highly gifted children. Rena Subonik: Talent developed. Conversations with masters of the arts and sciences. J. Education of the Gifted 16/1 (1992), 73-82. An interview with Angela Goethals, a 14-year-old professional actress and academically gifted high school student. Mary Tallent-Runnels/Douglas W. Yarbrough: Effects of the future problem solving program on children's concerns about the future. Gifted Child Quarterly 36 (Fall 1992),190-194. A. Tannenbaum: Gifted children. Psychological and educational perspectives. Macmillan, 1983. 4475 Ronald Taylor/Les Sternberg: Exceptional children. Springer 1989, 400p. ISBN 3-540-96913-6. For the most of its content this book is about children with various disabilities, chapter 9 deals with gifted and talented students. Stanley Turecki/Leslie Tonner: The difficult child. Bantam Books, 1989. U.S. Dept of Education: National excellence. A case for developing America's talent. 1993. 6050 Priscilla Vail: Smart kids with school problems. Plume/Penguin 1989. Priscilla Vail: The world of the gifted child. Walker 1979. Priscilla Vail: Gifted, precocious or just plain smart? Programs for educations 1987. Betty Walker/Sally M. Reis/Janet S. Leonard: A developmental investigation of the lives of gifted women. Gifted Child Quarterly 36 (Fall 1992), 201-206. James Webb/B. Meckstroth/S. Tolan: Guiding the gifted child. A practical source for parents and teachers. Ohio Psychology Press, 1982. Thomas Werner: Mein Kind ist hochbegabt. Econ 1999. Nathaniel Weyl: The geography of the intellect. The author is the founder of the Foundation for Gifted Children. Nathaniel Weyl: The geography of American achievement. K. Witte: The education of Karl Witte. Arno Press 1975. Karl Witte fu uno studioso insigne del diciannovesimo secolo. Suo padre ha lasciato una lunga descrizione del modo in cui aveva educato il suo bambino. Cfr. 5797 Howe, 9. Lisa Wright: The social and nonsocial behaviors of precocious preschoolers during free play. Roeper Review 12/4 (1990), 268-274. X. On being gifted. A book written by gifted students. 17596 ZZ: Hochbegabte Kinder. Wenn Intelligenz zum Fluch wird. Spiegel online 3. März 2004, 2p.