See also the file "Primates" in the folder "Zoology". ------------------------------------------------------- R. Byrne/A. Whiten (ed.): Machiavellian intelligence: Social expertise and the evolution of intellect in monkeys, apes and humans. Oxford UP 1988. 6678 William Calvin: The emergence of intelligence. Scientific American October 1994, 79-85. 5800 Hans Eysenck/Leon Kamin: Intelligenti si nasce o si diventa? Laterza 1993. [English: Intelligence. The battle for the mind. 1981.] 6232 Ben Goertzel: The structure of intelligence. Springer 1993, 190p. 3-540-94004-9. DM 68. 13382 Marc Hauser: Et tu Homo sapiens? Science 5 May 2000, 816-817. Review of the book "The cultural origins of human cognition" by Michael Tomasello. H. Jerison: Evolution of the brain and intelligence. Academic Press 1973. C. Risteau (ed.): Cognitive ethology. The minds of other animals. Lawrence Erlbaum 1991. Klaus Scherer/Adelheid Stahnke/Paul Winkler (ed.): Psychobiologie. Wegweisende Texte der Verhaltensforschung von Darwin bis zur Gegenwart. dtv 1987. Michael Tomasello: The cultural origins of human cognition. Harvard UP 1999, 250p. $30.