7001 Roland Eberlein: Die Herkunft der Schlusskadenzen in der abendlaendischen Musik. Spektrum 1995/7, 62-71. 7002 Colin Renfrew: Die Sprachenvielfalt der Welt. Spektrum 1995/7, 72-78. 7003 Elizabeth Stone/Paul Zimansky: Die innere Organisation einer mesopotamischen Stadt. Spektrum 1995/7, 80-86. 7004 Peter Brown: Initial conditions. The Sciences July-August 1995, 2. Post-polio syndrome has the potential to become a medical time bomb for millions of people. 7005 Rodney Nichols: Taking stock. The Sciences July-August 1995, 4. The dynamics of research and development institutions is changing. Many products have shorter life cycles than they used to. Hence firms cut basic research and focus research and development on near-term horizons. 7006 James Trent: Suffering fools. The Sciences July-August 1995, 18-22. Given the choice of any era in which to live, a mentally retarded American might do well to choose the late 1840ths. 7007 Robert Serber/Robert Crease: Eyewitness to the bomb. The Sciences July-August 1995, 23-29. 7008 Marinos Dalakas/Harry Bartfeld/Leonard Kurland: Polio redux. The Sciences July-August 1995, 30-35. Poliomyelitis terrified Americans (and others) in the 1940s and 1950s, much as AIDS does today. In 1955 Jonas Salk announced that an injectable vaccine had been developed that would protect people against the poliovirus. Six years later Albert Sabin introduced an oral vaccine. Now, decades after the frightening epidemics of the 1940s and 1950s, some polio survivors are haunted by troubling new affliction. 7009 Gerard Fryer: The most dangerous wave. The Sciences July-August 1995, 38-43. Only when a tsunami reaches shore does it reveal itself as the alien being it really is. 7010 Alexander Pott: Finite geometry and character theory. Springer LN 1601 (1995), 180p. 3-540-59065-X. 7011 ZZ. Siege, aber kein Sieg. Spiegel 1995/28, 166-175. Es gibt einen Impfstoff gegen Aids, aber niemand wagt, ihn am Menschen zu testen. Denn erst viele Jahre nach den ersten Versuchen waere klar, ob der Impfstoff womoeglich selbst Aids oder Krebs verursacht. 7012 Shuichi Kato: Hiroshima, 6. August 1945, 8.15 Uhr. Die Zeit 4. August 1995, 1. "Unter einem wolkenlosen Himmel zuendete am 6. August 1945 ueber Hiroshima die erste Atombombe. Einen Monat spaeter war ich als junger Arzt ... in der Stadt. Was ich dort sah, war wie ein schreckliches Wunder. Aus einer seltsamen flachen Wueste ragten einige verkohlte Baeume und halbzerstoerte Betonwaende empor. Nur das Strassennetz und einige Flussbruecken zeugten davon, dass es hier einmal eine Stadt gegeben hatte. Hiroshima war ganz einfach verschwunden. Es fehlte alle Anzeichen des Lebens: Kein Gruen, kein Gras, keine Blaetter, nicht einmal Insekten belebten die Wueste. Hier und da begegneten mir Maenner mit entstellenden Gesichtsnarben. Manche Frauen hatten den Kopf mit Tuechern verhuellt, weil ihr Haar ausgefallen war. Ohne Richtung streiften die Menschen wie Geister durch die zerstoerte Landschaft. Die Bombe hatte hunderttausend Menschen sofort getoetet ... Scheinbar gesunde Menschen, die schon an ihre Rettung geglaubt hatten, bekamen nach einem Monat Blutungen und Fieber, die meisten von ihnen starben bald darauf." 7013 Ellen Baake: Besprechung des Buches "Von Krebsen und Kriminellen" von Edward Beltrami. Spektrum 1995/8, 110. 7014 Alain Poli/Llorenç Huguet: Error correcting codes. Prentice-Hall 1992, 510p. 0-13-284894-5. $80. 7015 Beniamino Segre: Lectures on modern geometry. Cremonese 1961. 7016 Leonard Baumert: Cyclic difference sets. SLN Math. 182 (1971). 7017 Mary Wilson/Richard Levine/Andrew Spielman (ed.): Disease in evolution. Annals New York Academy of Sciences 740 (1994). 0-89766-877-4. 7017 Kenneth Sparrow. Sud Africa. Guida Baedeker. De Agostini 1991. 7018 ZZ. Stati Uniti d'America. Guida Baedeker. De Agostini 1994. 7019 Werner Arens: Der Pantopode Callipallene phantoma im Raster- elektronenmikroskop. Mikrokosmos 84 (1995), 129-134. Die kleinsten Pantopoden sind kaum laenger als 1mm, doch gibt es in kalten Meeren und in der Tiefsee auch grosse Arten mit einer Rumpflaenge von bis zu 10cm und einer Spannweite von stattlichen 70cm. Pantopoden besitzen Cheliceren, was anzeigt, dass sie in die weitere Verwandtschaft der Spinnentiere gehoeren. 7020 Urban Tillmann/Anette Mayer-Brinkmann: Oblea auf Beutefang. Zur Nahrungsaufnahme beschalter heterotropher Dinophyceen. Mikrokosmos 84 (1995), 135-139. Die Dinoflagellaten, zu deutsch Panzergeissler, bilden eine sehr heterogene Klasse einzelliger eukaryontischer Organismen. Sie sind uner anderem durch den Besitz eines speziell ausgestalteten Zellkerns sowie zweier in einer Laengs- und einer Querfurch verlaufender Geisseln gekennzeichnet. Eine starre Zellwand ist nicht bei allen Arten vorhanden, so dass beschalte und unbeschalte Formen unterschieden werden koennen. 7021 Jan-Peter Frahm: Der Selbstbau eines Foto-Makroskops. Mikrokosmos 84 (1995), 141-143. Der Autor beschreibt den Bau einer Stereolupe aus fotografischem Zubehoer. 7022 Rainer Hendel: Metaphern aus der Mikrowelt. Mikroskopische Forschung des 18. Jahrhunderts im Spiegel der Romane Jean Pauls. Mikrokosmos 84 (1995), 147-154. 7023 Albrecht Siegert/Eranthis Hartl/Eckhart Brunner: Stereomikroskopie und Rasterelektronenmikroskopie. Konkurrenz und Ergaenzung? Mikrokosmos 84 (1995), 155-158. 7024 Klaus Hausmann/Michael Gradias: Cilien und Flagellen aus dem Computer. Mikrokosmos 84 (1995), 159-163. In Deutschland gibt es zwei Institutionen, deren Aufgabe und Zielsetzung darin besteht, naturwissenschaftliche Unterrichtsfilme zu produzieren, das Institut fuer den Wissenschaftlichen Film (IWF) in Goettingen und das Institut fuer Film und Bild in Wissenschaft und Unterricht (FWU) mit Sitz in Muenchen. 7025 Walter Neubert: Wir bestimmen Raedertiere - 2. Teil. Mikrokosmos 84 (1995), 165-173. 7026 Jaroslav Jurcak: Das Maigloeckchen. Mikrokosmos 84 (1995), 175-179. 7027 Heinz Guenter Beer: Verbesserung der mikroskopischen Bildaufloesung durch Infrarotfotografie. Mikrokosmos 84 (1995), 183-185. 7028 Cricket Liu/Jerry Peek/Russ Jones a.o.: Managing Internet information services. World Wide Web, gopher, ftp and more. O'Reilly 1994, 670p. 1-56592-062-7. DM 59. 7029 Joerg-Udo Aden/Marcel Weinand (ed.): Sicherheitseigenschaften von Unix System V. Oldenbourg 1993, 313p. 3-486-22585-5. DM 88. 7030 John Ousterhout: Tcl and the Tk toolkit. Addison-Wesley 1994, 480p. 0-201-63337-X. Tcl and Tk, invented by Ousterhout, together form a programming environment for computer graphics user interfaces under X Window. 7031 Horst Herrlich: Topologie I. Topologische Raeume. Heldermann 1986, 320p. 3-88538-102-8. DM 48 7032 Adrian Nye: Xlib programming manual. O'Reilly 1992, 820p. 1-56592-002-3. DM 70. 7033 Adrian Nye: Xlib reference manual. O'Reilly 1992, 1140p. 1-56592-006-9. DM 70. 7034 Steven Levy: KL - Kuenstliches Leben aus dem Computer. Droemer-Knaur 1993, 480p. DM 42. Zellulaere Automaten, selbstorganisierte Strukturen, genetische Algorithmen. "Dies ist ein richtig lesenswertes Buch ... Mir hat es viel Spass gemacht, dieses Buch zu lesen." (Tobias Scheuer). 7035 Lothar-Guenther Buchheim: Die Festung. Hoffmann und Campe 1995, 1470p. DM 78. Ein Buch ueber die Invasion in der Normandie. 7036 ZZ. Falten gebuegelt. Spiegel 1995/32, 167. Wird die Atom-Festplatte die CD ersetzen? Das Rastertunnelmikroskop wird es ermoeglichen, auf einem Atomspeicher millionenmal mehr Daten zu sammeln als auf einer CD. Reif in 10 Jahren. 7037 Robert Grossman/Richard Larson: Hopf-algebraic structures of combinatorial objects and differential operators. Israel J. Math. 72 (1990), 109-117. 7038 Giuseppe Tallini: Le geometrie di Galois e le loro applicazioni alla statistica e alla teoria dell'informazione. Rend. Mat. 19 (1960), 379-400. [8191] 7039 Wilfried Noebauer: Zur Theorie der Polynomtransformationen und Permutationspolynome. Math. Annalen 157 (1964), 332-342. [7919] 7040 Nicholas Rescher: Many-valued logic. McGraw-Hill 1969. 7041 Nigel Boston/Andrew Granville: Review of the book "The world's most famous math problem" by Marilyn vos Savant. Am. Math. Monthly 102 (1995), ... 7042 Charles Wells: Communicating mathematics - useful ideas from computer scientists. Am. Math. Monthly 102 (1995), 397-408. 7043 ZZ. Liliane Peters. DUZ 15-16 (1995), 26. Liliane Peters ist promovierte Elektrotechnikerin und leitet seit 1992 die Projektgruppe "Innovative Anwendungen mit Fuzzy-Logik" am Forschungszentrum Informationstechnik in St. Augustin. [8619] 7044 R. Darling/A. Mukherja: Probability measures on semigroups of nonnegative matrices. 3178 Hofmann/, 361-377. 7045 Londa Schiebinger: Schoene Geister. Frauen in den Anfaengen der modernen Wissenschaft. Klett 1993, 460p. 3-608-91259-2. DM 48. Eine Fundgrube. [= The mind has no sex? Harvard UP 1989] 7046 Laura Lemay: Teach yourself more Web publishing with HTML in a week. Sams 1995. 1-57521-005-3. $30. 7047 Laura Lemay: Teach yourself Web publishing with HTML in a week. Sams 1994, 400p. 0-672-30667-0. DM 54. 7048 Dieter Jungnickel: Codierungstheorie. Bibl. Inst. 1994 (November), 250p. 3-411-17001-8. DM 48. 7049 Rolf Schneider/Wolfgang Weil: Integralgeometrie. Teubner 1992, 222p. DM 34. 7050 Joseph Mecke/Rolf Schneider/Dietrich Stoyan/Wolfgang Weil: Stochastische Geometrie. Birkhaeuser 1990, 220p. DM 48. An excellent book, which should be recommended as a valuable basis for any introductory course on stochastic geometry. 7051 Frank Natterer: The mathematics of computerized tomography. Teubner 1986, 220p. 3-519-02103-X. DM 72. 7052 Jean-Pierre Serre: Local fields. Springer 1979. 7053 Erhard Oeser: Psychozoikum. Evolution und Mechanismus der menschlichen Erkenntnisfaehigkeit. Parey 1987. "Die hohe Stirn, das relativ kleine Gebiss, die Form der Ohrmuschel, der aufrecht gehaltene Kopf auf einem relativ kleinen Koerper machen das kleine Affenkind sehr menschenaehnlich ... Beim erwachsenen Affen verschwinden nicht nur diese menschlich wirkenden Koerpermerkmale, sondern auch die damit verbundenen psychischen Eigenschaften. Aus den drolligen, immer froehlich lebhaften Aeffchen werden griesgraemige alte Affen mit grossen Ohren, noch groesserem Gebiss und fliehender Stirn, deren Hauptbeschaeftigung Fressen und Schlafen ist. Die Vorstellung, dass der Mensch ein ewig jugendliches, ewig lernendes Wesen ist, das bis ins hohe Alter, ja bis zum Tode, mit den Eigenschaften des Forschungsdranges, Spieltriebes und der Verhaltensflexibilitaet ausgestattet ist, erweckt bei den meisten Biologen grossen Optimismus fuer die Zukunft. Aber was haben wir aus diesem Potential gemacht? Die ganze Erwachsenenwelt gleicht heute vielmehr einer Horde griesgraemiger, alter Affen, die ihr gesamtes Wissen hauptsaechlich dazu gebrauchen, aus der Natur Energie und Nahrungsmittel herauszuholen, die gar nicht verbraucht werden koennen, Reichtuemer anzusammeln, die man nicht ins Grab nehmen kann, oder Waffen zu erzeugen, um anderen etwas wegzunehmen, die weniger besitzen oder gar Not leiden." (Zitiert nach 6840 Wolf, 126). 7054 Sebastian Hetze/Dirk Hohndel/Olaf Kirch/Martin Mueller: Linux. Anwenderhandbuch und Leitfaden für die Systemverwaltung. LunetIX Softfair 1995, 380p. 3-929764-04-0. DM 53. 7055 Guenter Pickert: Projektive Ebenen. Springer 1955. 7056 Daniel Hughes/Fred Piper: Projective planes. Springer 1973. 7057 Vladimir Arnold: Will mathematics survive? Report on the Zürich congress. Math. Intell. 17/3 (1995), 6-10. 7058 John Milnor: A Nobel prize for John Nash. Math. Intell. 17/3 (1995), 11-17. 7059 Gary Mullen: A candidate for the "next Fermat problem". Math. Intell. 17/3 (1995), 18-21. The candidate proposed is whether there exist n-1 mutually orthogonal latin squares if and only if n is a prime power. 7060 Peter Cromwell: Kepler's work on polyhedra. Math. Intell. 17/3 (1995), 23-33. 7061 Annette Laugwitz/Detlef Laugwitz: Impressions from Riemann's native country. Math. Intell. 17/3 (1995), 37-40. 7062 Doris Janshen/Britta Schinzel/Christine Schmarsow: Das notwendige Experiment. DUZ 1995/14, Anlage, E1-E4. [8619] 7063 Ian Stewart: Mathematische Unterhaltungen. Spektrum 1995/4, 10-15. In diesem Dialog geht es um das Steinersche Optimierungsproblem. 7064 Michael Gross: Chaperonin-60. Ein Fass mit Fenstern. Spektrum 1995/4, 16-18. 7065 Moshe Elitzur: Kosmische Maser. Spektrum 1995/4, 36-42. Interstellare Gaswolken koennen intensive kohaerente Mikrowellen aussenden. 7066 Dan Urry: Biomolekulare Maschinen aus elastischen Polymeren. Spektrum 1995/4, 44-49. Synthetische Aminosaeureketten, die den Proteinen des Bindegewebes nachgebildet sind, koennen unter anderem Waerme und chemische Energie in Bewegung umsetzen. Ihre Einsatzmoeglichkeiten reichen von biomechanischen Motoren bis zu sensorgesteuerten Dosiersystemen fuer Arzneimittel. 7067 Seth Putterman: Sonolumineszenz. Spektrum 1995/4, 50-55. Eine Luftblase im Wasser vermag Schallenergie so stark zu buendeln, dass sie ultrakurze Lichtblitze aussendet. Im Brennpunkt herrschen dabei hoehere Temperaturen als an der Sonnenoberflaeche. 7068 Robert Tjian: Der menschliche Transkriptionsapparat. Spektrum 1995/4, 56-63. 7069 Mario Markus: Ljapunow-Diagramme. Spektrum 1995/4, 66-73. 7070 Francesca Bray: Modelle fuer die Landwirtschaft. Spektrum 1995/4, 74-80. Die kapitalintensiven, hochtechnisierten Monokulturen des Westens eignen sich nicht generell fuer die Dritte Welt. Alternativen koennten arbeitsintensive Mischkulturen wie beim traditionellen Reisanbau sein. 7071 John Hoberman/Charles Yesalis: Die Geschichte der androgen-anabolen Steroide. Spektrum 1995/4, 82-88. 7072 Heinz Wermuth: Besprechung des von Roland Bauchot herausgegebenen Buches "Schlangen". Spektrum 1995/4, 114-115. 7073 Rainer Hering: Besprechung des Buches "Universitaet unterm Hakenkreuz" von Helmut Heiber. Spektrum 1995/4, 123-125. 7074 Gaius Plinius Caecilius Secundus: Epistularum libri decem. Oxford UP 1978. 7075 Efim Khalimsky/Ralph Kopperman/Paul Meyer: Computer graphics and connected topologies on finite ordered sets. Top. and its Appl. 36 (1990), 1-17. Motivated by a problem in computer graphics, the authors develop a finite analog of the Jordan curve theorem. [8194] 7076 Erwin Lutwak: A general isepiphanic inequality. Proc. AMS 90 (1984), 415-421. [8194] 7077 A. Volcic: A three-point solution to Hammer's X-ray problem. J. London Math. Soc. 34 (1986), 349-359. [8194] 7078 Richard Gardner/P. McMullen: On Hammer's X-ray problem. J. London Math. Soc. 21 (1980), 171-175. [8194] 7079 Paul Wang/S.K. Chang (ed.): Fuzzy sets. Plenum Press 1980. 7080 E. Mamdani/B. Sembi: Process control using fuzzy logic. 7079 Wang/Chang, 249-265. [8510] 7081 Heinz Werner Seifert: Ophryoxus gracilis. Portraet eines nordischen Wasserflohs. Mikrokosmos 1995/5, 257-260. 7082 Markus Beckmann: Kompostmieten als Lebensraum. Mikrokosmos 1995/5, 261-267. Moechte man zu Demonstrationszwecken grosse Zahlen typischer Vertreter der Bodenfauna ohne allzu grossen Aufwand finden, sind Komposthaufen eine nahezu ganzjaehrig besonders ergiebige Fundstelle. 7083 Gerhard Goeke: Praktische Hilfsmittel fuer die Polarisations- mikroskopie. Mikrokosmos 1995/5, 269-272. 7084 Alfred Gitter: Perlschnurkettenbildung von roten Blutkoerperchen. Mikrokosmos 1995/5, 273-275. 7085 Claudius Stumm/Hans-Ferdinand Linskens: Dornen und Stacheln - pflanzliche Abwehr- und Haftorgane. Mikrokosmos 1995/5, 277-281. 7086 Klaus Henkel: Plankton fangen und transportieren I. Der Fang mit dem Planktonnetz. Mikrokosmos 1995/5, 283-286. 7087 Morten Motzfeldt Laane/Morten Paul Pedersen: Plasma in Bewegung. Sichtbarmachung plasmatischer Bewegungsmuster bei Physarum polycephalum I. Mikrokosmos 1995/5, 287-290. 7088 Martina Zahrt: Herstellung eines Planktonnetzes. Mikrokosmos 1995/5, 291-293. 7089 Erich Luethje: Der Mann im Moos - ein verschmaehter Liebhaber? Mikrokosmos 1995/5, 299-303. 7090 Horst Heidenreich: Ein einfaches Einstellgeraet fuer Aufnahmen mit der Amateurkamera. Mikrokosmos 1995/5, 305-306. 7091 Michael Trockenbrodt: Die Reaktion der Baumrinde auf Verletzungen. Mikrokosmos 1995/5, 307-310. 7092 Mark Benecke: Einfache Darstellung des Nervensystems und weiterer Strukturen junger Blutegel (Hirudo medicinalis Linne' 1758). Mikrokosmos 1995/5, 311-313. 7093 Walter Fischer: Bombay - das Chicago Indiens. Wirtschaftsmetropole im Wuergegriff der Mafia. Dolomiten 2-3 September 1995, 12. Mehr als die Haelfte der 13 Millionen Einwohner Bombays ... leben in menschenunwuerdigen Verhaeltnissen in solchen Slums ... Viel Geld laesst sich auch am Organhandel verdienen ... Die Pest, uebertragen durch 60 Millionen Ratten, grassiert noch immer in den groessten Slums der Welt ... die Inder sind Weltmeister im Muell-Recycling. Haetten sie Zugang zu unseren Wohlstandsmuelltonnen - keine einzige wuerde jemals eine Deponie erreichen. Es gibt praktisch nichts, was nicht in irgendeiner Form wiederverwertet wird. 7094 Michael Gross: Unkonventionelle Anwendngen des Erbsubstanz-Molekuels DNA. Spektrum 1995/8, 16-18. DNA kann auch als Baukasten fuer molekulare Gerueste, als elektrisches Kabel im Nanometermassstab und sogar als chemischer Computer dienen. 7095 Arne Kallenbach: Fusionsreaktor - sanfte Energieabfuhr durch gezielte Verunreinigung. Spektrum 1995/8, 22-29. Ein weiteres Hindernis zur kontrollierten Kernfusion ist vielleicht ausgeraeumt. 7096 David Pearce/Neil Adger/David Maddison/Dominic Moran: Verschuldung und Raubbau in der Dritten Welt. Spektrum 1995/8, 32-36. 7097 Bernard Le Guenno: Neue Seuchen durch haemorrhagische Viren. Spektrum 1995/8, 38-45. Jahr fuer Jahr werden neue Staemme oder Gattungen viraler Erreger identifiziert. Zu den fuer den Menschen gefaehrlichsten gehoeren jene, die haemorrhagische Fiebererkrankungen verursachen. Hanta- und Ebolavirus sind Beispiele dafuer. Ihre Ausbreitung wird offensichtlich durch oekologische Veraenderungen gefoerdert. Das explosive Wachstum der Weltbevoelkerung und ihr Vordringen in frueher unbesiedelte Gebiete bringt zuvor stabile Oekosysteme aus dem Gleichgewicht und erleichtert den Kontakt zwischen Menschen und jenen Tieren, die pathogene Viren tragen (haeufig Nagetieren, Affen oder Stechmuecken). In vielen Faellen wirken dann Krankenhaeuser als Verstaerker. 7098 Martin Nowak/Robert May/Karl Sigmund: Das Einmaleins des Miteinander. Spektrum 1995/8, 46-53. Computerexperimente zeigen, wie sich selbst unter den harten Bedingungen des Darwinschen Daseinskampfes Zusammenarbeit gegen Ausbeutung durchsetzen kann. 7099 Alan Litke/Andreas Schwarz: Siliciumstreifen-Detektoren. Spektrum 1995/8, 54-59. Diese hochgenauen und vielseitigen Detektoren halfen, das top-Quark zu entdecken. Sie erlauben aber nicht nur die praezise Registrierung von Elementarteilchen, sondern lassen sich auch in der Astrophysik und in der Roentgendiagnostik einsetzen. 7100 David Pfennig/Paul Sherman: Verwandtenerkennung bei Tieren und Pflanzen. Spektrum 1995/8, 60-65. 7101 Michael Triantafyllou/George Triantafyllou: Effizienter Flossenantrieb fuer einen Schwimmroboter. Spektrum 1995/8, 66-73. 7102 Lothar Haselberger: Entzifferung eines antiken Werkplans. Spektrum 1995/8, 74-82. Roekische Architekten der Kaiserzeit entwarfen Bauwerke anhand von Ritzzeichnungen in Originalgroesse im Steinpflaster. 7103 Claus Kiefer: Besprechung des Buches "Stephen Hawking" von White und Gribbin. Spektrum 1995/8, 108. 7104 Peter Brown: Initial conditions. The Sciences September/October 1995, 2. It would be hard to find an artefact that is the object of more hype, more promise, more dross and more substance than the World Wide Web ... Perhaps the only thing really clear about the Web is the basic lesson of complexity theory: you can't predict it's future. 7105 May Berenbaum: Spin control. The Sciences September/October 1995, 13-15. Softer than cotton, stronger than steel, spider silk has been the fabric of the future for centuries. Now biotechnologists are only a few steps away from synthesizing it. 7106 Roger Blumberg: Ex libris. The Sciences September/October 1995, 16-19. The World-Wide Web can release students and teachers from the tyranny of the textbook - but only if they want to be free. Can sites such as http://www.netspace.org/MendelWeb/" replace the traditional textbook? Not yet. There are simply too few of them. But imagine a chain of sites tracing the history of genetics from Mendel to the molecular world of gene amplification; imagine intelligent computer simulations of experiments and links to schools all over the world, where students are replicating historical experiments and posting their data for everyone to analyze. The paperless office is a myth, but the World-Wide Web can help radically change traditional textbooks. 7107 Daniel Asimov: There's no space like home. The Sciences September/October 1995, 20-25. You might expect that as the number of dimensions goes up, space gets stranger and more interesting. And so it does, in the trivial sense that any space has all the lower- dimensional spaces packed inside it. From a deeper point of view, however, every Euclidean space has its own character, and as far as the number of dimensions is concerned, more is often less. 3-dimensional space is a fascinating place - it is the first Euclidean space in which it is possible to get hopelessly lost [the author refers to random walk]. By gluing, twisting and otherwise identifying segments of complex surfaces, one can build up a bewildering array of possible 3-manifolds. But by establishing classes of topologically equivalent manifolds, topologists have made remarkable progress in narrowing down the possibilities. It has been shown mathematically that, in dimensions four and up, manifolds get so complicated that no set of specifications can categorize them all. The Poincare' conjecture has been proved in every dimension except three - why is the 3-dimensional case so hard to prove? Nobody knows. In one particularly amazing and useful breakthrough, topologists have discovered that they can start with the 3-sphere and, via a process of cutting and pasting called surgery, refashion it to produce any other finite, orientable, one piece 3-manifold. 7108 Burkhard Bilger: Forever young. The Sciences September/October 1995, 26-31. The best way to delay aging in a mouse is to underfeed it. Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is the most plentiful steroid hormone in the human body and the most poorly understood. It is best known as a bio-marker for age. At the age of 80, people have 80-90 percent less DHEA in their blood than they had at the age of 25. What happens when DHEA and similar hormones are replaced? 7109 Stuart Kauffman: Germinal velocity. The Sciences September/October 1995, 34-39. 10 million small organic molecules and 10 trillion proteins? Nothing like that was around the neighborhood four billion years ago. Where did all the diversity come from? For the past ten years, at the Santa Fe Institute and elsewhere, the author and his colleagues have sought the wellsprings of that stunning molecular diversity. They discovered a striking possibility that life itself is rooted not in blind chance but in mathematical necessity. Life is not shackled to the magic of DNA template replication; it is based on a deeper logic. The sudden emergence of the giant cluster is not mysterious; it is the natural, expected property of a random graph. 7110 John Merck: Mesozoic errors. The Sciences September/October 1995, 40-43. When it comes to dinosaurs, educational software has some evolving to do. 7111 James Sweitzer: Low-pressure zone. The Sciences September/October 1995, 43-44. If the World-Wide Web has not ensnared you yet, it is only a matter of time. The author reviews the Storm Chaser Home Page, a carefully curated site. 7112 Laurence Marschall: Review of the book "Molecular origami" by Robert Hanson. The Sciences September/October 1995, 45. 7113 Willi Rinow: Die innere Geometrie der metrischen Raeume. Springer 1961, 520p. 3-540-02672-X. DM 118. 7114 Leopoldo Nachbin: Topology and order. Van Nostrand 1965. 7115 Matthias Ott: Die besondere Optik des Chamaeleon-Auges. Spektrum 1995/9, 20-22. Chamaeleone koennen durch Fokussierung mit einem Auge stereoskopisch sehen. 7116 Christoph Poeppe: Reste von Ordnung im Unendlichdimeensionalen. Spektrum 1995/9, 22-32. Kleine Nenner und kleine Zaehler. 7117 Werner Kirsch: Shape weaving - dreidimensionale Gewebeschalen direkt aus dem Webstuhl. Spektrum 1995/9, 34-39. Mit einer neu entwickelten Webmaschine koennen nicht nur ebene Stoffbahnen, sondern auch gewoelbte, raeumliche Formen hergestellt werden. 7118 Guenther Stoll: Urease - nur eine weitere Enzymstruktur? Spektrum 1995/9, 39-40. 7119 Donald Tomalia: Dendrimere. Spektrum 1995/9, 42-47. Als Polymere mit genau einstellbarer Groesse und Struktur lassen Dendrimere vielfaeltige Einsatzmoeglichkeiten in Gentechnik, Pharmazie, chemischer Verfahrenstechnik und Umweltschutz erwarten. 7120 Robert Martin: Hirngroesse und menschliche Evolution. Spektrum 1995/9, 48-55. Ein Schluesselfaktor der evolutiven Vergroesserung des Gehirns ist die Energieversorgung. 7121 John Horgan: Komplexitaet in der Krise. Spektrum 1995/9, 58-64. Kuenstliches Leben ist ein wichtiges Teilgebiet der Komplexitaetsforschung - handelt es sich doch nur um theoretische Spielerei? 7122 Jeff Rothenberg: Die Konservierung digitaler Dokumente. Spektrum 1995/9, 66-71. Digitale Daten gelten als aussergewoehnlich dauerhaft, aber das ist irrefuehrend. In Wahrheit wird in 50 Jahren nur noch der handgeschriebene Brief unmittelbar entzifferbar sein, waehrend alles andere hinter der rasanten Entwicklung von Hard- und Software zurueckgeblieben sein wird. Buchfuehren, Dokumentieren, Aufbewahren von Aufzeichnungen aller Art sind durch die Informationstechnik so radikal veraendert worden wie zuvor nur durch die Buchdruckerkunst oder, in grauer Vorzeit, die Entwicklung der Zahl- und Schriftzeichen ueberhaupt. Aber gerade die digitalen Aufzeichnungen der jetzigen Generation sind viel verderblicher als Papier. 7123 Paul Lacy: Inselzellverpflanzung bei Diabetes. Spektrum 1995/9, 72-78. Die guenstigste und eleganteste Therapie beim juvenilen (insulinabhaengigen) Diabetes mellitus waere, das funktions- untuechtige Gewebe der Bauchspeicheldruese zu ersetzen, das normalerweise das Hormon Insulin bildet. Neuerdings zeichnen sich dafuer Techniken ab, die eine staendige Kontrolle des Immunsystems eruebrigen. 7124 Paul Chevedden/Les Eigenbrod/Vernard Foley/Werner Soedel: Das Trebuchet - die maechigste Waffe des Mittelalters. Spektrum 1995/9, 80-86. Das gewaltige Hebelgeschuetz vermochte mehrere Zentner schwere Projektile ueber Hunderte von Metern zu schleudern. Erst durch seinen originaltreuen Nachbau und Computersimulationen hat man seine Funktionsweise verstanden. 7125 Horst Kant: Die Aera der Roentgenstrahlen. Spektrum 1995/9, 88-95. 7126 Karl Bredereck: Gefaehrdung, Restaurierung und Konservierung von Schriftgut. Spektrum 1995/9, 96-103. 7127 Ulrich Behrens: Das neue Battelle-Verfahren zur Buchkonservierung. Spektrum 1995/9, 103-105. Entsaeuerung grosser Mengen von Buechern. 7128 Wolfgang Waechter: Strategien fuer die Konservierung und Restaurierung von Schriftgut. Spektrum 1995/9, 105-107. 7129 Malte Faber/Frank Joest/Reiner Manstetten/Georg Mueller-Fuerstenberger: Wirtschaftlichkeit und Umweltschutz in der chemischen Industrie - eine Fallstudie. Spektrum 1995/9, 112-114. Bei der Herstellung eines Produkts entstehen fast immer unerwuenschte Nebenproduktte, die oft die Umwelt belasten. Geaenderte Verfahren, die das Anfallen solcher Substanzen vermeiden, sind in vielen Faellen auch wirtschaftlicher. 7130 Elisabeth Vaupel: Im Deutschen Museum geht es bunt zu - Sonderausstellungen zum Thema "Farbe". Spektrum 1995/9, 114-116. 7131 G. Hartmut Altenmueller: Das Abitur vor der naechsten Reform. Spektrum 1995/9, 117-119. 7132 Hans Bruegelmann: BLISS - globales Kommunikationsmittel und zugleich Anfangsschrift fuer Kinder? Spektrum 1995/9, 119-121. Eine in den fuenfziger Jahren erfundene Symbolschrift koennte das Schreibenlernen und die internationale Verstaendigung erleichtern. 7133 Hermann Feldmeier: Besprechung des Buches "Hot zone" von Richard Preston. Spektrum 1995/9, 122-123. 7134 Michael Gross: Besprechung des Buches "Experiment Zukunft" von K. Eric Drexler und Chris Peterson. Spektrum 1995/9, 123-124. 7135 Dorothea vom Berg: Besprechung des Buches "Prost Mahlzeit!" von Pollmer/Fock/Gonder/Haug. Spektrum 1995/9, 129-130. 7137 ZZ. Anne Katrin Werenskiold. DUZ 1995/17, 23. A. Werenskiold ist habilitierte Biologin und Krebsforscherin. 7138 Kristina Zerges: Nichts dem Zufall ueberlassen. DUZ 1995/17, 28-29. Bericht einer Gastprofessorin an der Pensylvania State University. 7139 Erasmus von Rotterdam: Familiarium colloquiorum formulae. Reclam 1982. 7140 Friedrich Schiller: Wilhelm Tell. Reclam 1960. 7141 Friedrich Schiller: Die Raeuber. Reclam 1981. 7142 Gustave Choquet: Lectures on analysis. 3 volumes. Benjamin 1969. 7143 Martina Catozzi: Reticoli e punti interi. Tesi, Ferrara 1994. 7144 Erwin Neher: Elektronische Messtechnik in der Physiologie. Springer 1974. -7145 Beniamino Segre: Introduction to Galois geometries. Memorie Acc. Naz. Lincei 8 (1967), 135-236. 7146 Gerald Banon/Junior Barrera: Minimal representations for translation-invariant set mappings by mathematical morphology. SIAM J. Appl. Math. 51 (1991), 1782-1798. 7147 Azriel Rosenfeld: Connectivity in digital pictures. J. Ass. Comp. Mach. 17 (1970), 146-160. [8194] 7148 Timothy Ross: Fuzzy logic with engineering applications. McGraw-Hill 1995, 600p. 0-07-053917-0. [8510] 7149 Sujeet Chand/Stephen Chiu: Scanning the issue. Foreword to the special issue on fuzzy logic with engineering applications. Proc. IEEE 83 (1995), 343-344. [8510] 7150 Jerry Mendel: Fuzzy logic systems for engineering. A tutorial. Proc. IEEE 83 (1995), 345-377. [8510] 7151 Jyh-Shing Roger Jang/Chuen-Tsai Sun: Neuro-fuzzy modeling and control. Proc. IEEE 83 (19959, 378-406. [8510] 7152 Matt Welsh: Writing manual pages using groff. Linux Journal October 1995, 18-21. 7153 Jim Paradis: Porting Linux to the DEC Alpha: Infrastructure. Linux Journal October 1995, 22-25. 7154 Dean Oisboid: Serendipity. Linux Journal October 1995, 26-28. Discovering mc, pkgtool, installpkg, explodepkg, removepkg, makepkg, minicom, seyon, dos2unix, unix2dos, xfractint and pov-ray. 7155 Jon Hall: Linux on Alpha. A strategic choice. Linux Journal 1995, 29-31. Research in computer science can easily be facilitated with Linux, and the copyleft licenses encourage free exchange of the research results. 7156 Kim Johnson: LaTeX for the slightly timid. Linux Journal October 1995, 34-41. 7157 Eric Goedelbecker: Using grep. Linux Journal October 1995, 42-48. 7158 Christian Schwarz: Flexible formatting with Linuxdoc-SGML. Linux Journal October 1995, 51-53. 7159 Andreas Rieder/Raymond Wells/Xiaodong Zhou: On the wavelet frequency decomposition method. Found on Internet 1995. 7160 Werner Benger: Seminar Feldtheorie. Gravito-Magnetismus. Internet 1995. 7161 Detlef Nauck/Frank Klawonn/Rudolf Kruse: Combining neural networks and fuzzy controllers. Internet, probably 1993. 13p. [8510] 7162 Peter Hellekalek: Study of algorithms for primitive polynomials. Internet (Salzburg) April 1994, 20p. This paper concerns random number generators for parallel processors, pseudorandom number generation and primitive polynomials, and algorithms for primitive polynomials. 7163 E. Assmus: On 2-ranks of Steiner triple systems. Electronic J. Comb. 2 (1995), 35p. [8191] 7164 C. Godsil: Problems in algebraic combinatorics. Electronic J. Comb. 2 (1995), 20p. This is a list of open problems, mainly in graph theory and all with an algebraic flavour. [8191] 7165 Michael Doob: A gentle introduction to TEX. Internet (around 1995), 91p. A somewhat expanded version ("TEX. Starting from 1.") is available as a book from Springer 1993. 3-540-56441-1. 7166 Robert May: Necessity and change. Deterministic chaos in ecology and evolution. Bull. AMS 32 (1995), 291-308. 7167 Michael Larsen: The problem of kings. Electronic J. Comb. 2 (1995), 14p. [8191] 7168 Herbert Wilf: The problem of the kings. Electronic J. Comb. 2 (1995), 7p. [8191] 7169 Brendan McKay/Eric Rogoyski. Latin squares of order 10. Electronic J. Comb. 2 (1995), 4p. The authors describe two independent computations of the number of Latin squares of order 10. [8191] 7170 Paul Gortmaker: Linux BootPrompt-Howto. Internet, August 1995, 20p. [6842] 7171 Matt Welsh: The Linux Installation Howto. Internet, December 1994, 24p. [6842] 7172 Paul Gortmaker: Linux Ethernet-Howto. Internet, May 1995, 63p. [6842] 7173 Terry Dawson: Linux Net-2/Net-3 Howto. Internet, August 1995, 91p. [6842] 7174 Grant Taylor/Brian McCauley: Linux Printing Howto guide. Internet 1994, 60p. [6842] 7175 Matt Foster: The Linux Printing Usage Howto. Internet August 1995, 8p. [6842] 7176 Matt Welsh: The Linux XFree86 Howto. Internet March 1995, 19p. [6842] 7177 Ellen Spertus: Why are there so few female computer scientists? Internet 1991, 101p. [8619] 7178 Kenneth Ribet: Galois representations and modular forms. Bull. AMS 32 (1995), 375-402. [7922] 7179 Tobias Oetiker/Hubert Partl/Irene Hyna/Elisabeth Schlegl: The not so short introduction to LaTEX2e. Internet, July 1995, 67p. 7180 Stephen van den Berg: SmartList mailinglist management. Internet 1994, 12p. [6842] 7181 Klaus-Dieter Thies: 80486-Systemsoftware-Entwicklung. Hanser 1992. 7182 Henk Heijmans: Morphological image operators. Academic Press 1994. 0-12-014599-5. DM 240. 7183 Juris Steprans/Stephen Watson: Mutually complementary families of T1 topologies, equivalence relations and partial orders. Proc. AMS 123 (1995), 2237-2249. [8194] 7184 Shawpawn Kumar Das: On the enumeration of finite maxial connected topologies. J. Comb. Theory 15 B (1973), 184-199. [8194] 7185 Shawpawn Kumar Das: A machine representation of finite T0 topologies. J. Ass. Comp. Mach. 24 (1977), 676-692. [8194] 7186 Shawpawn Kumar Das: A partition of finite T0 topologies. Can. J. Math. 25 (1973), 1137-1147. [8194] 7187 Shawpawn Kumar Das: On the structure of finite T0+T5 spaces. Can. J. Math. 25 (1973), 1148-1158. [8194] 7188 Louis Comtet: Recouvrements, bases de filtre et topologies d'un ensemble fini. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 262 (1966), A 1091-1094. [8194] 7189 Richard Stanley: On the number of open sets of finite topologies. J. Comb. Theory 10 (1971), 74-79. [8194] 7190 Richard Stanley: An extremal problem for finite topologies and distributive lattices. J. Comb. Theory A 14 (1973), 209-214. [8194] 7191 Marcel Erne': Struktur- und Anzahlformeln fuer Topologien auf endlichen Mengen. Manuscripta Math. 11 (1974), 221-259. [8194] 7192 Henry Sharp: Quasi-orderings and topologies on finite sets. Proc. AMS 17 (1966), 1344-1349. [8194] 7193 R. Stong: Finite topological spaces. Trans. AMS 123 (1966), 325-340. [8194] 7194 Marcel Erne'/Kurt Stege: Counting finite posets and topologies. Order 8 (1991), 247-265. [8194] 7195 Giuseppe Zanetti: LINUX. Edizioni Libreria Progetto. Padova 1995, 300 p. Lire 30.000. 7196 Helmut Mueller: Primzahltests und elliptische Kurven. 10^99+289 ist prim. Mitt. Math. Ges. Hamburg 13 (1993), 155-177. [7922] 7197 E. Assmus: On the theory of designs. Internet 1989. [8191] 7198 Ulrich Oberst/Arne Duer: Die Konstruktion aller maximalen Codes mit Hilfe von MDS-Codes. Publ. IRMA Strasbourg 1984, 229/S-08, Aces 8. Sem. Loth., 71-74. 7199 L. Cerlienco/M. Mureddu/F. Piras: Combinatorial-algebraic techniques in Groebner bases theory. Internet 1995. [8258] 7200 Adalbert Kerber: Algebraic combinatorics in Bayreuth. Internet May 1995, 18p. [8191] 7201 F. Kinchin Smith: Latin. Hodder and Stoughton 1981. 7202 Mark Komarinski: Installing the Xaw3d libraries. Linux Journal July 1995, 54-56. 7203 Michael Johnson: ELF is on the way. Linux Journal November 1995, 12-13. 7204 Alessandro Rubini: The best without X. Linux Journal November 1995, 22-29. Rubini is the author of gpm. 7205 Jeff Arnholt: Optimizing the Linux user interface. Linux Journal November 1995, 47-51. An interesting article with nice small suggestions. 7206 Aeleen Frisch: Using Lilo, the Linux loader. Linux Journal November 1995, 52-55. 7207 Malcolm Murphy: LessTif and the Hungry ViewKit. Linux Journal November 1995, 56-58. 7208 T. Cormen/C. Leiserson/R. Rivest: Introduzione agli algoritmi. 3 volumi. Jackson, tog. 1050p. 88-256-0449-1, -0652-4, 0679-6. Tog. Lire 126.000. 7209 Keith Matthews: The generalized 3x+1 mapping. Internet 1995, 19p. (on http://www.maths.uq.oz.au/~krm/home.html). [7922] 7210 Carla Guerrini/Manuela Piraccini: Parallel wavelet Galerkin methods using adapted wavelet packet bases. In Chui/Schumaker 1995, 1-10. [8510] 7211 Wolfgang Miedl: Partitionen vergroessern und verkleinern. PC-Welt 1995/11, 316. 7212 Lothar Afflerbach/Juergen Lehn (ed.): Zufallszahlen und Simulationen. Teubner 1986. 7213 Johanna Broecker: Zeichenkettendistanzen mit globalen Umkehroperationen. Diplomarbeit, Freiburg i.Br. 1994. 7214 Hannes Leeb: Random numbers for computer simulation. Diplomarbeit, Salzburg 1995. 7215 Roman Koenig: Lectures on codes. 1994. 7216 Lauwerens Kuipers/Harald Niederreiter: Uniform distribution of sequences. Wiley 1974, 390p. 0-471-51045-9. [= authorized facsimile from UMI, Ann Arbor 1988.] 7217 E. Assmus/H. Mattson: Coding and combinatorics. SIAM Rev. 16 (1974), 349-388. [8191] 7218 Harald Niederreiter: Nombres pseudo-aleatoires et equirepartition. Asterisque 61 (1979), 155-164. 7219 Francesco Pappalardi/Igor Shparlinski: On Artin's conjecture over function fields. Finite Fields Appl. 1 (1995), 399-404. [7919] 7220 Philippe Langevin: Regular sections groups. Finite Fields Appl. 1 (1995), 405-411. [7919] 7221 A. Cossidente/L. Storme: Caps on elliptic quadrics. Finite Fields Appl. 1 (1995), 412-420. [8191] 7222 Valerie Gillot: Bounds for exponential sums over finite fields. Finite Fields Appl. 1 (1995), 421-436. [7919] 7223 Sophie Frisch: When are weak permutation polynomials strong? Finite Fields Appl. 1 (1995), 437-439. [7919] 7224 Noboku Hamada/Tor Helleseth: Construction of some optimal ternary linear codes and the uniqueness of [294, 6, 195; 3]-codes meeting the Griesmer bound. Finite Fields Appl. 1 (1995), 458-468. [8191] 7225 Norifumi Kamiya: On multisequence shift register synthesis and generalized-minimum-distance decoding of Reed-Solomon codes. Finite Fields Appl. 1 (1995), 440-457. [8191] 7226 J. Loxton (ed.): Number theory and cryptography. Cambridge UP 1990, 235p. 0-521-39877-0 (pb.). 7227 Yves Meyer: Algebraic numbers and harmonic analysis. North-Holland 1972. 7228 Gerd Baron: Ein lineares Programm in der Zahlentheorie. In 1914 Hlawka, 13. 7229 M. Bluemlinger/Michael Drmota/R. Tichy: Metrische Saetze der Gleichverteilung auf der Sphaere. In 1914 Hlawka, 14-21. 7230 Michael Drmota: Gleichmaessig gleichverteilte und schwach gleichmaessig gleichverteilte Funktionen modulo 1. In 1914 Hlawka, 22-36. 7231 Martin Goldstern: Eine Klasse vollstaendig gleichverteilter Folgen. In 1914 Hlawka, 37-45. 7232 Martin Goldstern: Vollstaendige Gleichverteilung in diskreten Raeumen. In 1914 Hlawka, 46-49. 7233 Edmund Hlawka: Ueber die direkten Methoden der Variationsrechnung und Gleichverteilung. In 1914 Hlawka, 50-85. 7234 Robert Tichy: Einige Bemerkungen ueber stetige Funktionen auf topologischen Gruppen. In 1914 Hlawka, 139-143. 7235 Gerhard Turnwald: Einige Bemerkungen zur diskreten Gleichverteilung. In 1914 Hlawka, 144-149. 7236 Andreas Weingartner: Nonlinear congruential pseudorandom number generators. Diplomarbeit, Salzburg 1994. 7237 Pierre L'Ecuyer: Uniform random number generation. Annals of Operations Research 53 (1993), 77-120. [9830] 7238 Pierre L'Ecuyer: Testing random number generators. Proc. 1992 Winter Simulation Conf. 1992, 305-313. [9830] 7239 Raymond Couture/Pierre L'Ecuyer: Linear recurrences with carry as uniform random number generators. Proc. 1995 Winter Simulation Conf. 1995, ... [9830] 7240 Pierre L'Ecuyer: Random number generators. In Gass/Harris, ca. 1995, ... [9830] 7241 Pierre L'Ecuyer: Recent advances in uniform random number generators. Proc. 1994 Winter Simulation Conf. 1994, ... [9830] 7242 W. Fleischer: Ein Diskrepanzbegriff fuer kompakte Raeume. In 1913 Hlawka, 14-15. 7243 F. Haslinger: Newtonsche Interpolationspolynome und Gleichverteilung. In 1913 Hlawka, 16-18. 7244 Edmund Hlawka: Ueber ein Produkt, das in der Interpolation analytischer Funktionen im Einheitskreis auftritt. In 1913 Hlawka, 19-25. 7245 Edmund Hlawka: Bemerkung zum Lemma von Du Bois-Reymond. In 1913 Hlawka, 26-29. 7246 Edmund Hlawka: Bemerkung zum Lemma von Du Bois-Reymond II. In 1913 Hlawka, 30-39. 7247 Peter Kirschenhofer/Robert Tichy: Gleichverteilung in diskreten Raeumen. In 1913 Hlawka, 66-76. 7248 Viktor Losert: Gleichverteilung von Folgen, die durch additive Halbgruppen definiert sind. In 1913 Hlawka, 77-83. 7249 Viktor Losert: Gleichverteilte Folgen und Folgen, fuer die fast alle Teilfolgen gleichverteilt sind. In Hlawka, 84-97. 7250 Johannes Schoissengeier: Ueber die Diskrepanz der Folgen (n\alpha). In 1913 Hlawka, 148-153. 7251 Robert Tichy: Bemerkung zu einem Lemma der Variationsrechnung. In Hlawka, 154-157. 7252 Hermann Rohling: Einfuehrung in die Informations- und Codierungstheorie. Teubner 1995, 250p. 3-519-06174-0. DM 33. 7253 Udo Hebisch/Hanns Weinert: Halbringe. Algebraische Theorie und Anwendungen in der Informatik. Teubner 1993, 360p. 3-519-02091-2. DM 43. 7254 Jack Tackett/David Gunter/Lance Brown: Linux. Das Kompendium. Markt & Technik 1995, 860p. & CD. 3-87791-790-9. DM 69. 7255 Lynn Margaret Batten/Albrecht Beutelspacher: The theory of finite linear spaces. Cambridge UP 1993, 250p. 0-521-33317-2. Pds. 30. 7256 Daniel Tauber/Matt Welsh: Linux. McGraw-Hill 1995, 270p. & CD. Lire 42.000. Contiene nella seconda parte "Installare e avviare Linux" di Matt Welsh. 7257 Katia Sangiorgi: Algoritmi in C++ per l'aritmetica di grandi numeri interi. Tesi, Ferrara 1995. 7258 Silvia Bonatti: Alcuni aspetti computazionali della teoria delle matrici. Tesi, Ferrara 1995. 7259 Paolo Greghi: Sistemi di disuguaglianze convesse. Tesi, Ferrara 1995. 7260 Chiara Chendi: L'algoritmo di Buchberger. Tesi, Ferrara 1995. 7261 Enzo Gobbetto: Un modello matematico di rete neurale e sue applicazioni. Tesi, Ferrara 1995. 7262 Walter Schmidt: Umsteigen auf LaTEX2e. Die Texnische Komoedie 1994/2, 26-31. 7263 Walter Schmidt: LaTEX fuer Techniker. Die Texnische Komoedie 1994/2, 32-36. 7264 LaTEX3 Project Team: Modifying LaTEX2e. Die Texnische Komoedie 1995/2, 6-10. 7265 Otto Neugebauer: The exact sciences in antiquity. Dover, 256p. 0-486-22332-9. $ 6. 7266 Reinhard Schuster: Grundkurs Biomathematik. Teubner 1995, 320p. 3-519-02092-0. DM 40. Mathematische Modelle in Biologie, Biochemie, Medizin und Pharmazie mit Computerloesungen in Mathematica. 7267 Vladimir Sprindzhuk: Classical diophantine equations. SLN Math. 1559 (1993), 230p. 3-540-57359-3. DM 52. 7268 Georg Schmid/Alfons Radunz/Ute Groeschel-Stewart: Immunologie und ihre Anwendung in der Biologie. Thieme 1993, 248p. 3-13-7715-01-6. DM 39. Sehr empfohlen. 7269 Juergen Peters: Programmieren mit awk. Oldenbourg 1990, 200p. 3-486-21504-3. DM 44. 7270 John Horton Conway/Neil James Sloane: Sphere packings, lattices and groups. Springer 1993, 679 p. 3-540-97912-3. DM 120. 7271 Deutsche Linux-Distribution. Handbuch. Delix 1995. 7272 Wolfgang Schmidt: Equations over finite fields. SLN Math. 536 (1976). 7273 Jochen von Lang: Die Gestapo. Heyne TB 233, 1994. 7274 Juergen Dederichs: Der Umstieg auf Linux. Hanser 1995. 7275 Klaus Fueller/Bernd Kretschmer: Das Linux-Einmaleins. Addison-Wesley 1995. 7276 Chris Brown: Programmieren verteilter Unix-Anwendungen. Prentice Hall 1994. 7277 Christian Horn/Immo Kerner (ed.): Lehr- und Uebungsbuch Informatik. 4 volumes. Fachbuchverlag Leipzig 1995. 7278 Berny Goodheart/James Cox: Unix Systev V Release 4. Prentice Hall 1994. 7279 Daniel Gilly a.o.: Unix in a nutshell. O'Reilly 1995. 7280 Robert Tolksdorf: Die Sprache des Web. dpunkt, Heidelberg 1995, 200p. 3-920993-21-7. DM 49. 7281 Phil Hughes: Selecting a Linux CD. Linux Journal October 1994, 20-21. 7282 Robert Broughton: Review - Crisp text editor. Linux Journal October 1994, 27-28. 7283 Matt Welsh: Tutorial - Emacs for programmers. Linux Journal October 1994, 39-45. 7284 Michael Johnson: An introduction to make. Linux Journal October 1994, 48-50. 7285 Arnold Robbins: What's GNU Texinfo. Linux Journal October 1994, 51-56. Texinfo is a document formatting language which is used for all GNU documentation. 7286 Ian Murdock: Overview of the Debian GNU/Linux system. Linux Journal October 1994, 59-60. 7287 A. van der Poorten: Notes on continued fractions and recurrence sequences. 7226 Loxton, 86-97. 7288 Ed Dawson: Linear feedback shift registers and stream ciphers. 7226 Loxton, 106-119. 7289 Phil Hughes: Selecting hardware for a Linux systems. Linux Journal November 1994, 14-16. 7290 Arnold Robbins: groff. Linux Journal November 1994, 19-21, 37-39. 7291 Andrew Tridgell: Samba - Unix talking with PCs. Linux Journal November 1994, 22-25, 43. Samba is a free implementation of the SMB protocol for Unix. The SMB protocol is the native file- and printer-sharing protocol for Windows for Workgroups, LanManager, Windows NT and OS/2. 7292 Clarence Smith: Linux performance tuning for the faint of heart. Linux Journal November 1994, 26-31, 43. 7293 Jeff Tranter: CD-ROM and Linux. Linux Journal November 1994, 33-36. 7294 Mark Komarinski: Fixing your clock. Linux Journal December 1994, 15-16. 7295 Michael Johnson: Kernel korner. Linux Journal December 1994, 18-21. 7296 Matt Welsh: X Window system programming with Tcl and Tk. Linux Journal December 1994, 24-34. 7297 Jeff Tranter: Linux command line parameters. Linux Journal December 1995, 35-38. 7298 Liem Bahnemann: The term protocol. Linux Journal December 1995, 39-42. 7299 Matt Welsh: Using Tcl and Tk from your C programs. Linux Journal February 1995, 26-33. 7300 Robert Sanders: Introducing Scheme. Linux Journal March 1995, 23-25, 54-59. 7301 Mark Komarinski: How to log friends and influence people. Linux Journal March 1995, 35-37, 53. The syslog daemon. 7302 Robert Dalrymple: A math and graphics package for Linux. Linux Journal March 1995, 40-42. 7303 J. Lambek: If Hamilton had prevailed - quaternions in physics. Math. Intell. 17/4 (1995), 7-15. 7304 Karl Sigmund: A philosopher's mathematician. Hans Hahn and the Vienna circle. Math. Intell. 17/4 (1995), 16-29. 7305 Jeremy Gray: Arthur Cayley (1821-1895). Math. Intell. 17/4 (1995), 62-63. 7306 Mary Beth Ruskai: Review of Meyer's book "Wavelets". Math. Intell. 17/4 (1995), 70-73. 7307 Charles Mann: Security schemes aspire to no-fuss system protection. Science 17 November 1995, 1113-1114. 7308 J. Wayne Streilein: Unraveling immune privilege. Science 17 November 1995, 1158-1159. Immune privilege protects tissue grafted to certain sites (the eye, testis, brain) from rejection. 7309 Thomas Griffith a.o.: Fas ligand-induced apoptosis as a mechanism of immune privilege. Science 17 November 1995, 1189-1992. The eye is a privileged site that cannot tolerate destructive inflammatory responses. 7310 Richard Gray a.o., A. Panfilov a.o., Arthur Winfree: Cardiac fibrillation. Science 17 November 1995, 1222-1225. [8619] 7311 Franz Lemmermeyer: The euclidean algorithm in algebraic number fields. Internet, 31p. [7922] 7312 Terry Dawson: Ethernetting Linux. Linux Journal April 1995, 12-13, 46. 7313 Eric Youngdale: The ELF object file format. Introduction. Linux Journal April 1995, 14-16, 51. 7314 Mark Komarinski: Setting up services. Linux Journal April 1995, 18-19, 47. How to configure TCP/IP network services for Linux. 7315 Joseph Brothers: A Linux port tour. Linux Journal April 1995, 20-23, 35. 7316 Caleb Epstein: InfoMagic Linux developer's resource. Linux Journal April 1995, 25, 34, 59. 7317 Klaus-Peter Nitschke: Solving mathematics with Linux. Linux Journal May 1995, 5-6, 52-53. The pari package is a small, fast, flexible calculator with symbolic and number theoretical abilities. 7318 Eric Kasten: Installing CERN's WWW server. Linux Journal May 1995, 9-12, 14-16. Contains also a short description of the NCSA http daemon. 7319 Piers Cawley: Majordomo. A mailing list handler. Linux Journal May 1995, 13, 17-19. 7320 Eric Youngdale: The ELF object file format by dissection. Linux Journal May 1995, 27-28, 48-51, 55. 7321 Dean Oisboid: DOS emulation with dosemu. Linux Journal May 1995, 34-37. 7322 Mark Komarinski: Anonymous ftp. Linux Journal May 1995, 41-43, 47. How to set up anonymous ftp on your server. 7323 Mark Bolzern: Guest editorial. Linux Journal May 1995, 44, 47. How old is Linux? Connections with the GNU project. 7324 Andries Brouwer: The Linux keyboard driver. Linux Journal June 1995, 5-7, 12-15. 7325 Mark Komarinksi: Upgrading the Linux kernel. Linux Journal June 1995, 30-31. 7326 Dan Wilder: Introduction to Eiffel. Linux Journal June 1995, 34-39, 56. 7327 Ian Murdock: Debian GNU/Linux 0.93. Installation and introduction. Internet, 95p. 7328 J. Wolfowitz: Coding theorems of information theory. Springer 1961. 7329 Susan Landau: Something there is that doesn't love a wall. Notices AMS November 1995, ... Indeed, in this half-century we have gone at research with vim and vigor, and there have been spectacular successes. Within mathematics we have seen the classi- fication of finite simple groups, the proof of (many cases of) the Shimura-Taniyama-Weil conjecture - and hence Fermat's last theorem, the solution of the Poin- care' conjecture for four dimensions, substantial progress in pseudo-differential operators, with appli- cations to the theory of partial differential equations and to index theory. But this specialization has its cost. As we mathematicians concentrated on our own discipline, connections with other fields diminished. Statistics separated from mathematics; in many universities, the two fields are now distinct departments. Computer science was largely shunned by mathematicians in the 1970s; it too developed outside of mathematics departments. Academic bean-counting often ensures that once disciplines are divided, walls go up. Why hire an applied mathematician if the physics or computer science departments can be convinced to do so instead? ... In splitting, we have lost a real resource for mathematics ... Without question, we cannot be good mathematicians without an appreciation and understanding of abstraction. But the inward focus that developed in university mathematics departments has not always served mathematics well, and a broadening of the definition of what constitutes mathematical research, and what a mathematician is, is in order. 7330 Harald Niederreiter: Quasi-Monte-Carlo methods and pseudo-random numbers. Bull. AMS 84 (1978), 957-1041. 7331 Josef Eschgfaeller: Almost topological spaces. Ann. Univ. Ferrara 30 (1984), 163-183. 7332 Daniel Barlow: The Linux ELF howto. Internet, 14p. 7333 Heinz Hauffe: Is citation analysis a tool for evaluation of scientific contributions? Paper given at the 13th Winter-workshop on Biochemical and Clinical Aspects of Pteridines, Sankt Christoph/Arlberg, 1994. 7334 Heinz Hauffe: Die elektronische Revolution und ihre Auswirkungen auf Verlage und Bibliotheken. Beitrag zum Kolloquium "Bibliotheksnetze und elektronische Medien", Bielefeld 1994. 7335 Heinz Hauffe: Der Weg der Universitaetsbibliothek Innsbruck in die Moderne (1976-1995). Beitrag zum Ausstellungskatalog "Vom Codex zum Computer - 250 Jahre Universitaetsbibliothek Innsbruck" 1995. 7336 Arnold Walfisz: Weylsche Exponentialsummen in der neueren Zahlentheorie. Berlin 1963. 7337 Loo-Keng Hua/Yuan Wang: Applications of number theory to numerical analysis. Springer 1981, 240p. 3-540-10382-1. DM 128. 7338 Claus Peter Schnorr: Zufaelligkeit und Wahrscheinlichkeit. SLN Math. 218 (1971). 7339 Dennis Ritchie: Reflections on software research. Comm. ACM August 1984, 758-760. [8214] 7340 Ken Thompson: Reflections on trusting trust. Comm. ACM August 1984, 761-763. 7341 L. Carlitz: Gauss sums over finite fields of order 2^n. Acta Arithm. 15 (1969), 247-265. [7919] 7342 P. O'Neil: A new criterion for uniform distribution. Proc. AMS 24 (1970), 1-5. [8621] 7343 Harald Niederreiter/Jau-Shyong Shiue: Equidistribution of linear recurring sequences in finite fields. Indag. Mat. 39 (1977), 397-405. 7344 Harald Niederreiter: Verteilung von Resten rekursiver Folgen. Arch. Math. 34 (1980), 526-533. 7345 Gilbert Helmberg: A class of criteria concerning uniform distribution in compact groups. Comp. Math. 16 (1964), 196-203. [7921] 7346 N. Slater: Distribution problems and physical applications. Comp. Math. 16 (1964), 176-183. [7921] 7347 Ch. Pisot/Raphael Salem: Distribution modulo 1 of the powers of real numbers larger than 1. Comp. Math. 16 (1964), 164-168. [8621] 7348 Ivan Niven: Uniform distribution of sequences of integers. Comp. Math. 16 (1964), 158-160. 7349 Edmund Hlawka: Uniform distribution modulo 1 and numerical analysis. Comp. Math. 16 (1964), 92-105. [9830] 7350 Edmund Hlawka: Discrepancy and uniform distribution of sequences. Comp. Math. 16 (1964), 83-91. [9830] 7351 Gilbert Helmberg: Abstract theory of uniform distribution. Comp. Math. 16 (1964), 72-82. [7921] 7352 Johann Cigler: The fundamental theorem of van der Corput on uniform distribution and its generalizations. Comp. Math. 16 (1964), 29-34. [8621] 7353 Johann Cigler: Some applications of the individual ergodic theorem to problems in number theory. Comp. Math. 16 (1964), 35-43. [7921] 7354 Johann Cigler: Methods of summability and uniform distribution mod 1. Comp. Math. 16 (1964), 44-51. [7921] 7355 Jean-Paul Bertrandias: Suites pseudo-aleatoires et criteres d'equirepartition modulo un. Comp. Math. 16 (1964), 23-28. [7921] 7356 J. Koksma: The theory of asymptotic distribution modulo one. Comp. Math. 16 (1964), 1-22. [8621] 7357 J. Cassels: An introduction to diophantine approximation. Cambridge UP 1957. 7358 Paul Garrett: Factorization of unitary representations of adele groups. Internet 1995, 11p. [7922] 7359 Paul Garrett: Automorphic representations and L-functions. Internet 1995, 11p. [7922] 7360 Paul Garrett: Smooth representations of totally disconnected groups. Internet 1995, 37p. [7922] 7361 Michael Will: Linux PCI-Howto. Internet 1994. [8214] 7362 Christopher Brislawn: Fingerprints go digital. Internet 1995. The new mathematical field of wavelet transforms has achieved a major success, the FBI's decision to adopt a wavelet-based image coding algorithm as the national standard for digitized fingerprint records. [8619] 7363 Pierre L'Ecuyer: Bad lattice structures for vectors of non-successive values produced by some linear recurrences. Internet 1994. 7364 Michael Johnson: Memory allocation. Linux Journal August 1995, 16-18. 7365 Stephen Uhler: Puttings widgets in their place. Linux Journal August 1995, 30-31. Programming tips for Tcl/Tk. 7366 Eric Kasten: HTML forms. Linux Journal August 1995, 34-38. 7367 Jim Shapiro: Prototyping algorithms in Perl. Linux Journal August 1995, 39-43, 51-52. Perl may be also a useful prototyping tool for applications and scientific programmers. 7368 Balasubramanian Narasimhan: Introduction to Lisp-Stat. Linux Journal August 1995, 44-46, 54-55, 59. Lisp-Stat is a free and powerful statistical package that runs under Linux. 7369 Arnold Robbins: The GNU coding standards. Linux Journal August 1995, 47-50. The GNU coding standards describe how to write and package GNU software. 7370 Michael Johnson: System calls. Linux Journal September 1995, 12-13, 49. 7371 Robert Dalrymple: Open Look window manager. Linux Journal September 1995, 27. 7372 Alan Cox: Porting DOS applications to Linux. Linux Journal September 1995, 28-35, 53. 7373 Dean Oisboid: Databases. Linux Journal September 1995, 37-41. A tour of databases available for Linux. 7374 Jim Paradis: Porting Linux to the DEC Alpha. The user environment. Linux Journal December 1995, 13-17. 7375 Stephen Uhler: It's all a matter of timing. Linux Journal December 1995, 18-21. About how to test the speed of Tcl programs. 7376 Roger Scrafford: Caldera Network Desktop Preview 1. Linux Journal December 1995, 34-39. The Caldera Network Desktop fulfills its promises and hints at a plug-and-play system for the masses. It's something new to the Linux community. 7377 Eric Goebelbecker: Finding files and more. Linux Journal December 1995, 40-51. 7378 Aeleen Frisch: Adding a new disk to a Linux system. Linux Journal December 1995, 52-56. 7379 Martin Aigner/J. Seidel: Knoten, Spinmodelle und Graphen. Jber. DMV 97 (1995), 75-96. 7380 Wolfgang Dahmen: Multiskalen-Methoden und Wavelets - Konzepte und Anwendungen. Jber. DMV 97 (1995), 97-114. 7381 Harald Niederreiter: Besprechung des Buches "Computational and algorithmic problems in finite fields" von Shparlinski. Jber. DMV 97 (1995), B 68-69. 7382 Ann Schaffner: The future of scientific journals. Lessons from the past. Information Technology and Libraries, December 1995 (1994?). 7383 Karl Entacher/Hannes Leeb: Inversive pseudorandom number generators. Empirical results. Parallel Numerics, Sorrento September 1995, ... 7384 Stefan Wegenkittl: On empirical testing of pseudorandom number generators. Parallel Numerics, Sorrento September 1995, ... 7385 Alfred Gitter: Schwimmbewegungen der Salinenkrebslarve. Mikrokosmos 84 (1995), 321-323. 7386 H. Linskens: Untersuchung von Autolacken. Mikrokosmos 84 (1995), 324. 7387 Heinz Schneider: Bilder aus dem Leben des Strauchtierchens Zoothamnium arbuscula. Mikrokosmos 84 (1995), 325-333. Im Protozoenaufwuchs an Pflanzen und unbelebten Gegenstaenden sind die Baeumchenkolonien der Peritrichen attraktive Objekte. 7388 Erich Luethje: Stiel-Uebungen. Mikrokosmos 84 (1995), 335-336. 7389 Max Gruber: Mikroskopie kulinarisch: Die Erdnuss. Mikrokosmos 84 (1995), 339-343. 7390 Karl Heinz Rustige: Heliochona scheutenii und Spirochona gemmipara als Besiedler von Gammarus tigrinus. Mikrokosmos 84 (1995), 345-348. 7391 Dietmar Krause/Gerhard Jennemann: Ueber die Entwicklung der Zaehne. Mikrokosmos 84 (1995), 349-355. 7392 Morten Motzfeldt Laane/Morten Paul Pedersen: Plasma in Bewegung. Sichtbarmachung plasmatischer Bewegungsmuster bei Physarum polycephalum II. Mikrokosmos 84 (1995), 357-363. 7393 Heike Walz: Eine Reise durch die Wunderwelt des Mikrokosmos. Mikrokosmos 84 (1995), 365-368. 7394 Michael Zoelffel: 40 Jahre vollautomatisches Kameramikroskop. Mikroskosmos 84 (1995), 369-372. 7395 Klaus Henkel: Plankton fangen und transportieren II. Der Transport: Braucht Plankton Atemluft oder die volle Pulle? Mikrokosmos 84 (1995), 375-378. 7396 Joel Cohen: How many people can the Earth support? The Sciences November/December 1995, 18-23. 7397 Harald Fripertinger: Enumeration in musical theory. Beitraege zur Elektronischen Musik 1 (1992), ... Available on Internet, 25p. (Math. Dep. Univ. Graz). [Shorter version in Actes 26. Sem. Loth. Comb. 476/S-26 (1992), 29-42.] 7398 Harald Fripertinger: The cycle index of the symmetry group of the Fullerene C_60. Internet 1995, 14p. [8191] 7399 Rita Accorsi: L'equazione funzionale della funzione zeta. Tesi, Ferrara 1994. 7400 Marcella Oliani: Condizioni d'ordine per metodi di Runge-Kutta. Tesi, Ferrara 1995. 7401 Harald Fripertinger: Enumeration of mosaics. Internet 1995, 16. [8191] 7402 Karl Entacher: Numerical integration with generalized Haar systems. Internet 1994, 17p. [9830] 7403 R. Pinch: Some primality testing algorithms. Notices AMS November 1993, ..., or Internet 1993, 12p. [7922] 7404 Christoph Zollikofer/Marcia Ponce de Leon: Beruehrungsfreie Rekonstruktion, Vermessung und Replikation menschlicher Fossilien. Spektrum 1995/11, 14-16. Mit einer Kombination von Computertomographie, Computergraphik und Stereolithographie ist es moeglich, alten Fossilien neue entwicklungsgeschichtliche Einsichten abzugewinnen. 7405 Wolfgang Schmidt: Diophantine approximation. SLN Math. 785 (1980), 300p. 3-540-09762-7. DM 35. 7406 Edmund Hlawka/Robert Tichy (ed.): Number-theoretic analysis. SLN Math. 1452 (1990). 7407 Michael Drmota/Robert Tichy/Reinhard Winkler: Completely uniformly distributed sequences of matrices. In 7406 Hlawka/, 43-57. 7408 Peter Grabner: On digit expansions with respect to second order linear recurring sequences. In 7406 Hlawka/, 58-64. 7409 Edmund Hlawka: Naeherungsformeln zur Berechnung von mehrfachen Integralen mit Anwendungen auf die Berechnung von Potentialen, Induktionskoeffizienten und Loesungen von Gleichungssystemen. In 7406 Hlawka/, 65-111. 7410 Gerhard Larcher: An inequality with applications in diophantine approximation. In 7406 Hlawka/, 132-138. 7411 Harald Niederreiter: Pseudorandom numbers generated from shift register sequences. In 7406 Hlawka/, 165-177. 7412 Reinhard Winkler: Strong Weyl property in uniform distribution. In 7406 Hlawka/, 208-220. 7413 Peter Ebenfelt: Some results on the Pompeiu probelm. Ann. Ac. Sci. Fennicae 18 (1993), 323-341. [Top.-Prog.] 7414 Martin Gerhardt/Heike Schuster: Das digitale Universum - zellulaere Automaten als Modelle der Natur. Vieweg 1995. DM 58. 7415 Albrecht Beutelspacher/Ute Rosenbaum: Projektive Geometrie. Vieweg 1992, 230p. 3-528-07241-5. DM 38. 7416 Wilfried Soeker: PCL Level V. Eine Einfuehrung in die Programmierung mit dem LaserJet III. Vieweg 1992, 192p. 3-528-05188-4. DM 78. 7417 Leslie Lamport: LaTEX. A document preparation system. Addison-Wesley 1994, 256p. 0-201-52983-1 (pb.). 7418 Harald Niederreiter: Random number generation and quasi-Monte-Carlo methods. SIAM 1992, 240p. 0-89871-295-5 (pb). DM 116. Authoritative account of recent developments in the theory of pseudo-random number generation. 7419 Linda Mui/Valerie Quercia: Tools fuer das X-Window-System. O'Reilly 1995, 900p. 3-930673-16-9. DM 99. [= X User Tools. O'Reilly 1995, 800p. 0-56592-019-8. $50.L] 7420 William Veech: Some questions of uniform distribution. Annals of Math. 94 (1971), 125-138. 7421 S. Zaremba: Good lattice points, discrepancy and numerical integration. Ann. Mat. pura e appl. 73 (1966), 293-317. [7921] 7422 Clemens Amstler: Discrepancy operators and numerical integration in compact groups. Monatsh. Math. 119 (1995), 177-186. [7921] 7423 Juergen Eichenauer-Herrmann: Nonoverlapping pairs of explicit inversive congruential pseudorandom numbers. Monatsh. Math. 119 (1995), 49-61. 7424 Oto Strauch: Uniformly maldistributed sequences in a strict sense. Monatsh. Math. 120 (1995), 153-164. [7921] 7425 H. Blatt/H. Mashkar: A discrepancy theorem concerning polynomials of best approximations in L^p_w[-1,1]. Monatsh. 120 (1995), 91-103. [8211] 7426 Peter Hellekalek: General discrepancy estimates: The Walsh function system. Acta Arithm. 57 (1994), 209-218. [9830] 7427 Peter Hellekalek: General discrepancy estimates II: The Haar function system. Acta Arithm. 57 (1994), 313-322. [9830] 7428 Peter Hellekalek: General discrepancy estimates III: The Erdoes- Turan-Koksma inequality for the Haar function system. Monatsh. 120 (1995), 25-45. [9830] 7429 Harald Niederreiter: Diskrepanz in kompakten abelschen Gruppen II. Manuscr. Math. 1 (1969), 293-306. [7921] 7430 Edmund Hlawka/Harald Niederreiter: Diskrepanz in kompakten abelschen Gruppen I. Manuscr. Math. 1 (1969), 259-288. [7921] 7431 William Veech: Strict ergodicity in zero-dimensional dynamical systems and the Kronecker-Weyl theorem modulo 2. Trans. AMS 140 (1969), 1-33. 7432 Hermann Weyl: Ueber die Gleichverteilung von Zahlen mod Eins. Math. Ann. 77 (1916), 313-352. [8621] 7434 Alan Baker: Review of the book "Catalan's conjecture" by Paulo Ribenboim. Bull. AMS 32 (1995), 110-112. [8191] 7435 A. Hinkkanen: Zeta functions of rational functions are rational. Ann. Ac. Sci. Fennicae 19 (1994), 3-10. [8621] 7436 Ulrich Dieter: Probleme bei der Erzeugung gleichverteilter Zufallszahlen. In 7212 Afflerbach/, 7-20. 7437 Lothar Afflerbach: Die Gitterstruktur gleichverteilter Zufallszahlen. In 7212 Afflerbach/, 21-28. 7438 H. Grothe: Matrixgeneratoren zur Erzeugung gleichverteilter Zufalls- vektoren. In 7212 Afflerbach/, 29-34. 7439 E. Stadlober: Allgemeine Prinzipien zur Erzeugung nicht-gleichverteilter Zufallszahlen. In 7212 Afflerbach/, 35-45. 7440 J. Ahrens/Ulrich Dieter: Effiziente Algorithmen zur Erzeugung nicht-gleichverteilter Zufallszahlen. In 7212 Afflerbach/, 47-56. 7441 A. Neimanis/N. Schmitz: Faltungsbedingungen bei der Auswahl von linearen Kongruenzgeneratoren. In 7212 Afflerbach/, 57-63. 7442 B. Schorr: Simulationsprobleme der Hochenergiephysik im CERN. In 7212 Afflerbach/, 65-73. 7443 S. Rettig/E. Mueller: Simulation eines biologischen Testsystems. In 7212 Afflerbach/, 75-84. 7444 M. Gipser: Simulationen in der Fahrdynamik. In 7212 Afflerbach/, 85-95. 7445 H. Tzschach: Simulationen in der Rechnerverkehrstheorie. In 7212 Afflerbach/, 97-101. 7446 E. Wallmeier: Simulation von Koppelnetzen in Nachrichten-Vermittlungs- systemen. In 7212 Afflerbach/, 103-109. 7447 T. Hanschke: Ein Simulationsmodell fuer Telekommunikationssysteme. In 7212 Afflerbach/, 111-120. 7448 J. Saegebarth: Ein Online-Verfahren zur Beurteilung von Simulationsergebnissen. In 7212 Afflerbach/, 121-128. 7449 Harald Niederreiter: The multiple-recursive matrix method for pseudorandom number generation. Finite Fields 1 (1995), 3-30. 7450 Juergen Eichenauer-Herrmann: A unified approach to the analysis of compound pseudorandom numbers. Finite Fields 1 (1995), 102-114. 7451 Wun-Seng Chou: The period lengths of inversive pseudorandom vector generations. Finite Fields Appl. 1 (1995), 126-132. 7452 Valerie Gillot: Bounds for exponential sums over finite fields. Finite Fields 1 (1995), 421-436. [9830] 7453 William Veech: Well distributed sequences of integers. Trans. AMS 161 (1971), 63-70. 7454 P. Baayen/Gilbert Helmberg: On families of equi-uniformly distributed sequences in compact spaces. Math. Ann. 161 (1965), 255-278. [7921] 7455 Teturo Kamae/Benjamin Weiss: Normal numbers and selection rules. Israel J. Math. 21 (1975), 101-110. [7921] 7456 Teturo Kamae: Subsequences of normal sequences. Israel J. Math. 16 (1973), 121-149. [7921] 7457 Harald Niederreiter: Pseudo-random numbers and optimal coefficients. Adv. Math. 26 (1977), 99-181. 7458 Peter Gerl: Einige mehrdimensionale Saetze zur gleichmaessigen Gleichverteilung mod 1. Indag. Math. 30 (1968), 151-161. [7921] 7459 Hannes Leeb: On the digit test. Internet, 13p. [Published in Tagungsband zum 1. Salzburger Minisymposium ueber Pseudozufallszahlen und Quasi-Monte-Carlo-Methoden am 18.11.1994.] [9830] 7460 N. de Bruijn/K. Post: A remark on uniformly distributed sequences and Riemann integrability. Indag. Math. 30 (1968), 149-150. [8621] 7461 Harald Niederreiter: On the distribution of pseudo-random numbers generated by the linear congruential method I. Math. Comp. 26 (1972), 793-795. 7462 Harald Niederreiter: On the distribution of pseudo-random numbers generated by the linear congruential method II. Math. Comp. 28 (1974), 1117-1134. 7463 Harald Niederreiter: On the distribution of pseudo-random numbers generated by the linear congruential method III. Math. Comp. 30 (1976), 571-597. 7464 Alessandra Castaldi: Catene di Markov finite e matrici stocastiche. Tesi, Ferrara 1995. 7465 Henk Heijmans: On the construction of morphological operators which are selfdual and activity-extensive. CWI Report BS-R9307 (1993). 7466 A. Baddeley/L. Cruz-Orive: The Rao-Blackwell theorem in stereology and some counterexamples. Internet (on CWI) 1993, 19p. [8211] 7467 A. Baddeley/Henk Heijmans: Incidence and lattice calculus with applications to stochastic geometry and image analysis. CWI Report BS-R9213 (1992). [8211] 7468 Henk Heijmans: Composing morphological filters. CWI Report BS-R9504 (1995). 7469 Cesar Galindo-Legaria/Arjan Pellenkoft/Martin Kersten: Cost distribution of search spaces in query optimization. CWI Report CS-R9432 (1994). [7921] 7470 Cesar Galindo-Legaria/Arjan Pellenkoft/Martin Kersten: Uniformly- distributed random generation of join orders. CWI Report CS-R9431 (1994). [7921] 7471 R. Rodgers/A. Baddeley: Nested Monte Carlo study of random packing on the sphere. CWI Report BS-R9023 (1990). [8211] 7472 Lynda Hardman/Dick Bulterman/Guido van Rossum: The Amsterdam hypermedia model. Extending hypertext to support real multimedia. CWI Report CS-R9306 (1993). [8214] 7473 Joachim von zur Gathen/Marek Karpinski/Igor Shparlinski: Counting curves and their projections. Internet 1994, 40p. 7474 Joachim von zur Gathen/Igor Shparlinski: Components and projections of curves over finite fields. Internet 1995, 25p. [7919] 7475 Shuohong Gao/Joachim von zur Gathen/Daniel Panario: Gauss periods, primitive normal bases, and fast exponentiation in finite fields. Internet 1995, 26p. [7919] 7476 Eric Bach/Joachim von zur Gathen/Hendrik Lenstra: Deterministic factorization of polynomials over special finite fields. Internet 1995, 15p. [7919] 7477 Joachim von zur Gathen/Igor Shparlinski: Finding points on curves over finite fields. Internet 1995, 20p. [7919] 7478 Joachim von zur Gathen/Juergen Gerhard: Skript Computeralgebra I. Universitaet Paderborn, Wintersemester 1994/95. Internet 1995, 118p. [8258] 7479 Joachim von zur Gathen/Juergen Gerhard: Skript Computeralgebra II. Universitaet Paderborn, Sommersemester 1995. Internet 1995, 60p. [8258] 7480 Joachim von zur Gathen: Skript zur Vorlesung Kodierungstheorie. Universitaet Paderborn, Wintersemester 1994/95. Internet 1995, 22p. [8191] 7481 Joachim von zur Gathen: Polynomials with two values. Internet 1993, 30p. [7919] 7482 Joachim von zur Gathen/Igor Shparlinski: Orders of Gauss periods in finite fields. Internet 1995, 6p. [7919] 7483 Juergen Gerhard: Faktorisieren von Polynomen ueber F_q. Ein Vergleich neuerer Verfahren. Diplomarbeit, Erlangen 1994. [8258] 7484 Robert Bejian: Minoration de la discrepance d'une suite quelconque sur T. Acta Arithm. 41 (1982), 185-202. [9830] 7485 George Marsaglia: Random numbers fall mainly in the planes. Proc. Nat. Ac. USA 61 (1968), 25-28. [9830] 7486 Harald Niederreiter/Robert Tichy: Solution of a problem of Knuth on complete uniform distribution of sequences. Mathematika 32 (1985), 26-32. [7921] 7487 Lothar Afflerbach: The sub-lattice structure of linear congruential random number generators. Manuscripta Math. 55 (1986), 455-465. [9830] 7488 Martin Schlichenmaier: Some concepts of modern algebraic geometry. Point, ideal and homomorphism. Mannheimer Manuskripte 177, Internet 1994. [7919] 7489 Peter Lang: Entwicklung eines Workflow-Systems auf Basis eines aktiven objektorientierten Datenbanksystems. Diplomarbeit, Linz 1995. [8214] 7490 Werner Kurschl: Verteilte Informationssysteme in der Institutionsorganisation. Diplomarbeit, Linz 1994. [7490] Verteilte Informationssysteme wie World-Wide Web (WWW) erlauben via Internet einen massiven Austausch von Informationen. Die Offenheit des WWW gegenueber neuen Medien und Techniken in Verbindung mit einer einfachen Benutzer- schnittstelle ergeben ein sehr komfortables System. Die moeglichen Einsatz- bereiche dieses Systems sind zum gegenwaertigen Zeitpunkt sicher nicht vollstaendig bekannt und erforscht. Ziel dieser Diplomarbeit ist der Versuch, WWW in der Organisation eines universitaeren Institutes einzusetzen. 7491 Aeleen Frisch: Maximizing Linux security I. Linux Journal January 1996, 12-18. 7492 Jeff Bauer: An introduction to Python. Linux Journal January 1996, 21-25. 7493 Erich Goebelbecker: The chmod command. Linux Journal January 1996, 27-32. 7494 Guido van Rossum: Python tutorial. Release 1.3. Internet 1995, 70p. 7495 Guido van Rossum: Python reference manual. Release 1.3. Internet 1995, 60p. 7496 Guido van Rossum: Extending and embedding the Python interpreter. Release 1.3. Internet 1995, 22p. 7497 Guido van Rossum: Python library reference. Release 1.3. Internet 1995, 186p. 7498 Ann Okerson: Whose article is it anyway? Copyright and intellectual property issues for researchers in the 90s. Notices AMS January 1996, ... 7499 Allyn Jackson: Should doctoral education change? Notices AMS January 1996, ... 7500 Mark Steinberger: Electronic mathematics journals. Notices AMS January 1996, ... 7501 Michelin Italia 1996. 7502 Michelin Deutschland 1996. 7503 Alessandra Fiocca: Ingegneria a Ferrara. Ferrara Storia Gennaio/Febbraio 1996, 71-75. 7504 Barry Shell: Setting knowledge free. Internet, circa 1995, 4p. 7505 Robert Cameron: To link or to copy? Four principles for materials acquisition in Internet electronic libraries. Internet 1994, 7p. 7506 Harald Niederreiter (ed.): Taetigkeitsbericht 1994-1995. Institut fuer Informationsverarbeitung der Oesterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Wien 1996. 7507 Nicolai Gogol: Erzaehlungen. Reclam 1988. 7508 Karl May: Im Reiche des Silbernen Loewen. Karl-May-Verlag 1957. 7509 Karl May: Am Rio de la Plata. Ueberreuter. 7510 Karl May: Das Buschgespenst. Ueberreuter. 7511 Karl May: Ritter und Rebellen. Ueberreuter. 7512 Hans Breuer: dtv-Atlas zur Physik. 2 Baende. dtv 1993. 7513 Michael Feig: Einfuehrung in GNU. Hanser 1996. 7514 Mike Banahan/Andy Rutter: Unix. Hanser 1984. 7515 Konrad Heuer: Programmentwicklung unter Unix. Addison-Wesley 1994. 7516 Paul Abrahams/Bruce Larson: Unix for the impatient. Addison-Wesley 1996. 7517 Vincenzo Zeno-Zencovich: I nuovi concorsi "qualificano" tutti. Il Sole 24 Ore 3 Febbraio 1996. Approvato l'11 gennaio 1996, il disegno di legge sulla riforma dei concorsi universitari, e' un deplorevole esempio della tendenza a trascinare l'Italia fuori dall'Europa e dal mondo delle democrazie industriali. Il disegno di legge introduce una serie di meccanismi di permanente corruzione. Il futuro sara' come nemmeno il piu' estremista dei leghisti potrebbe sognare: i calabresi nelle universita' calabresi, i veneti in quelle venete, i lombardi in Lombardia e gli odiosi romani nella capitale e nell'ex Stato pontificio. 7518 Franz Mehling (ed.): Knaurs Kulturfuehrer in Farbe - Oesterreich. Droemer Knaur 1993. 7519 Margarete Graf: Polyglott-Reisefuehrer Tirol. Polyglott 1995. 7520 Karl May: Durch die Wueste. Karl-May-Verlag 1952. 7521 Karl May: Das versteinerte Gebete. Karl-May-Verlag 1957. 7522 John Fawcett/Robert Jepson: Interactive programming with CGI. Websmith January 1996, 12-16. 7523 Bernie Roehl: VRML tech talk. Websmith January 1996, 17-18. 7524 Jonathan Gross: Optimizing graphics for the WWW. Websmith January 1996, 26-29. 7525 Dave Dittrich: Review of "VRML" by Mark Pesce. Websmith January 1996, 36-38. 7526 Marty Leisner: Using Linux and DOS together. Linux Journal January 1996, 33-37. 7527 David Rusling: Linux on Alpha AXP. Linux Journal January 1996, 38-41. 7528 Christopher Boscolo: Review of "Linux universe" by Strobel/Uhl. Linux Journal January 1996, 47-48. 7529 Robert Seller: Differential diagnosis of common complaints. Saunders 1986. 7530 Karl May: Von Bagdad nach Stambul. Karl-May-Verlag 1951. 7531 Karl May: In den Schluchten des Balkan. Karl-May-Verlag 1949. 7532 Karl May: Ich. Karl-May-Verlag 1992. 7533 Karl May: Durchs wilde Kurdistan. Karl-May-Verlag 1951. 7534 Alfred Edmund Brehm: Reisen im Sudan (1847-1852). Thienemann 1983. 7535 Monika Niederwolfsgruber: Innsbruck und Hall in Tirol. Fleischmann 1995. 7536 Gerald Bast: UOG 1993. Manz 1994. 7537 Walter Maletzki/Angelika Stegmayer-Petry (ed.): Klinikleitfaden Pflege. Jungjohann 1995. 7538 David Fieldhouse: Die Kolonialreiche seit dem 18. Jahrhundert. Fischer Weltgeschichte Band 29. Fischer TBV 1965. 7539 Joerg Braun (ed.): Klinikleitfaden Innere Medizin. Jungjohann 1994. 7540 Matt Welsh/Lar Kaufman: Linux - Wegweiser zur Installation und Konfiguration. O'Reilly 1995, 600p. 3-930673-19-3. DM 59. [= Running Linux. O'Reilly 1995, 600p. 1-56592-100-3. $24.95.] 7541 Marc Ewing: Running Linux. Companion CD-ROM for Red Hat. O'Reilly 1996. 7542 Dion Bell (ed.): Lecture notes on tropical medicine. Blackwell 1995. 7543 Martin Sklorz/Ralf Michaelis: Richtig Tischtennis. BLV 1995. 7544 ZZ. Innsbruck. Chizzali 1990. 7545 ZZ. Vedere Vienna e l'Austria. Primavera 1992. 7546 Levin Santos: Sante'. The Sciences January/February 1996, 11. The good news about wine (or perhaps phenols) keeps on flowing. 7547 Robert Zimmerman: The shadow boxer. The Sciences January/February 1996, 16-19. 7548 Eugenie Scott: Monkey business. The Sciences January/February 1996, 20-25. 7549 George Rose: No assembly required. The Sciences January/February 1996, 26-31. Protein folding on the computer. 7550 Stephen Jay Gould: Brothers under the skin. The Sciences January/February 1996, 32-33. 7551 David Anthony: Shards of speech. The Sciences January/February, 34-39. Proto-Indo-European was spoken 5000 years ago. 7552 Broder Christiansen: Eine Prosaschule. Reclam 1958. 7553 Arthur Stoffella: Zimbrisch - Wurzel der deutschen Sprache. Reimmichls Volkskalender 1996, 46-53. 7554 Anton Romen/Vinzenz Oberhollenzer: Aus Bozens schwersten Tagen. Reimmichls Volkskalender 1996, 54-63. 7555 Gottfried Solderer (ed.): Silvius Magnago. Raetia 1996, 390p. 88-7283-053-2. Lire 80.000. 7556 Peter Hellekalek/M. Mayer/Andreas Weingartner: Implementations of algorithms for IMP polynomials. Report D5H-2. Research Institute for Software Technology, Univ. Salzburg 1994. [8258] 7557 Juergen Eichenauer-Herrmann: Inversive congruential pseudorandom numbers avoid the planes. Math. Comp. 56 (1991), 297-301. 7558 Harald Niederreiter: Pseudorandom vector generation by the multiple-recursive matrix method. Math. Comp. 64 (1995), 279-294. 7559 Harald Niederreiter/R. Goettfert: On a new factorization algorithm for polynomials over finite fields. Math. Comp. 64 (1995), 347-353. [7919] 7560 Geoffrey Briggs/Fredric Taylor: Atlante Cambridge dei pianeti. Zanichelli 1989. 7561 Ian Sloan/Philip Kachoyan: Lattice methods for multiple integration: Theory, error analysis and examples. SIAM J. Num. Analysis 24 (1987), 116-128. [7921] 7562 G. Fishman: Multiplicative congruential random number generators with modulus 2^\beta. An exhaustive analysis for \beta=32 and a partial analysis for \beta=48. Math. Comp. 54 (1990), 331-344. [7921] 7563 Ian Sloan/James Lyness: Lattice rules: Projection regularity and unique representations. Math. Comp. 54 (1990), 649-660. [7921] 7564 Harald Niederreiter/Ian Sloan: Lattice rules for multiple integration and discrepancy. Math. Comp. 54 (1990), 303-312. [7921] 7565 Victor Shoup: New algorithms for finding irreducible polynomials over finite fields. Math. Comp. 54 (1990), 435-447. [7919] 7566 Debra Andre'/Gary Mullen/Harald Niederreiter: Figures of merit for digital multistep pseudorandom numbers. Math. Comp. 54 (1990), 737-748. [7921] 7567 Ivan Niven: Uniform distribution of sequences of integers. Trans. AMS 98 (1961), 52-61. 7568 Ian Sloan/James Lyness: The representation of lattice quadrature rules as multiple sums. Math. Comp. 52 (1989), 81-94. [7921] 7569 Harald Niederreiter: On the cycle structure of linear recurring sequences. Math. Scand. 38 (1976), 53-77. 7570 Hans Hinterhuber: Das Leadership-Rad. Suedtiroler Wirtschaftszeitung 26. Jaenner 1996, 11-12. 7571 Antony Watts: Datenverschluesselung in der Chipkarte. Elektronik 1994/22, 88-94. [8619] 7572 John Snare: Security in telecommunication services over the next decade. In 7226 Loxton, 98-105. 7573 Stuart Anderson: Random number generation on vector supercomputers and other advanced architectures. SIAM Review 32 (1990), 221-251. 7574 Jean Chauvineau: Sur la repartition dans R et dans Q_p. Acta Arithm. 14 (1968), 225-313. [7921] 7575 Harald Niederreiter: Almost-arithmetic progressions and uniform distribution. Trans. AMS 161 (1971), 283-292. [8621] 7576 G. Cenacchi/A. de Matteis: Quasi-random sequences by power residues. Num. Math. 20 (1972), 54-63. [7921] 7577 L. Cerlienco/F. Piras/M. Mignotte: Suites recurrentes lineaires. L'Ens. Math. 33 (1987), 67-108. [7919] 7578 Juergen Eichenauer-Herrmann/J. Lehn: On the structure of quadratic congruential sequences. Manuscripta Math. 58 (1987), 129-140. 7579 Harald Niederreiter: The serial test for congruential pseudorandom numbers generated by inversions. Math. Comp. 52 (1989), 135-144. 7580 Harald Niederreiter: Lower bounds for the discrepancy of inversive congruential pseudorandom numbers. Math. Comp. 55 (1990), 277-287. 7581 Juergen Eichenauer-Herrmann: Statistical independence of a new class of inversive congruential pseudorandom numbers. Math. Comp. 60 (1993), 375-384. 7582 Juergen Eichenauer-Herrmann/Harald Niederreiter: Bounds for exponential sums and their applications to pseudorandom numbers. Acta Arithm. 67 (1994), 269-281. 7583 Juergen Eichenauer-Herrmann/H. Grothe/J. Lehn/A. Topuzoglu: A multiple recursive nonlinear congruential pseudorandom number generator. Manuscripta Math. 59 (1987), 331-346. 7584 Juergen Eichenauer-Herrmann/J. Lehn/A. Topuzoglu: A nonlinear congruential pseudorandom number generator with power of two modulus. Math. Comp. 51 (1988), 757-759. 7585 Douglas Stinson: On the connections between universal hashing, combinatorial designs and error-correcting codes. Internet 1996, 21p. [7920] 7586 Carlo Blundo/Luiz Frota Mattos/Douglas Stinson: Multiple key distribution maintaining user anonimity via broadcast channels. Internet 1995, 17p. [7920] 7587 M. Atici/S. Magliveras/Douglas Stinson/W.D. Wei: Some recursive constructions for perfect hash families. Internet 1995, 17p. [7920] 7588 Carlo Blundo/Douglas Stinson: Anonymous secret sharing schemes. Internet 1996, 15p. [7920] 7589 Giuseppe Ateniese/Carlo Blundo/Alfredo De Santis/Douglas Stinson: Visual cryptography for general access structures. Internet 1995, 32p. [7920] 7590 Douglas Stinson: On some methods for unconditionally secure key distribution and broadcast encryption. Internet 1995, 30p. [7920] 7591 Rolf Rees/Douglas Stinson: Combinatorial characterizations of authentication codes II. Internet 1995, 26p. [8191] 7592 Avi Widgerson: Lectures on the fusion method and derandomization. Technical Report SOCS-95.2, School of Computer Science, McGill University 1995. [7920] 7593 N. Sloane: Theta-series and magic numbers for diamond and certain ionic crystal structures. J. Math. Phys. 28 (1987), 1653-1657. [8191] 7594 N. Sloane: Algebraic coding theory. Recent developments related to Z_4. Internet 1994, 14p. [8191] 7595 N. Sloane: Some important integer sequences. Internet 1995, 9p. [7921] 7596 Hanspeter Mo''ssenbo''ck: Object-oriented programming in Oberon-2. Internet, 12p. [8551] 7597 Herbert Stoyan: Early Lisp history (1956-1959). Internet, 19p. [8551] 7598 Sabine Stifter/Eugen Ardeleanu: Intersection algorithms. A comparative study. Internet 12p. [8211] 7599 John McCarthy: History of Lisp. Internet, 19p. [8551] 7600 A. Calderbank/N. Sloane: The ternary Golay code, the integers mod 9 and the Coxeter-Todd lattice. Internet 1995, 2p. [8191] 7601 J. Conway/N. Sloane: What are all the best sphere packings in low dimensions? Discrete and Comp. Geom. 13 (1995), 383-403. [8191] 7602 Werner Krandick: Komplexe Nullstellen von Polynomen. Vergleich zweier unfehlbarer Methoden. Internet, 2p. [8211] 7603 Hanspeter Mo''ssenbo''ck: The programming language Oberon. An alternative to C++? Internet, 28p. [8551] 7604 Ronald Rivest: Cryptology. Internet, 47p. [7920] 7605 Ronald Rivest: The RC5 encryption algorithm. Internet, 11p. [7920] 7606 Ronald Rivest/Adi Shamir: Payword and Micromint. Two simple micropayment schemes. Internet 1996, 12p. [7920] 7607 Ronald Rivest: Multi-grade cryptography. Internet 1995, 8p. [7920] 7608 Matt Blaze a.o.: Minimal key lenghts for symmetric ciphers to provide adequate commercial security. Internet, 10p. [7920] 7609 Robert Jenkins: ISAAC. Internet (HTML version) 1996, 10p. [7921] 7610 Terry Ritter: Ritter's crypto glossary. Internet, 18p. [7920] 7611 Terry Ritter: Ritter's cipher boutique. Web page. [7920] 7612 Ian Goldberg/David Wagner: Randomness and the Netscape browser. Dr Dobb's J. January 1996, ... [7920] 7613 N. Mendelsohn: Congruence relationships for integral recurrences. Can. Math. Bull. 5 (1962), 281-284. [7921] 7614 Fatin Sezgin a.o.: Letters regarding random number generation. Comm. ACM 32/8 (1989), 1019-1024. [9830] 7615 Pierre L'Ecuyer: Efficient and portable combined random number generators. Comm. ACM 31 (1988), 742-749, 774. [9830] 7616 Pierre L'Ecuyer: Random numbers for computer simulation. Communications of the ACM 33 (1990), 85-97. [9830] 7617 Harald Rindler: Uniformly distributed sequences in quotient groups. Acta Sci. Math. 38 (1976), 153-156. 7618 Henk Heijmans: Mathematical morphology. A geometrical approach in image processing. Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde 10 (1992), 237-276. 7619 Henk Heijmans: Iteration of morphological transformations. CWI Quarterly 2 (1989), 19-36. 7620 Henk Muller/Paul Stallard/David Warren: The role of associative memory in VSM architectures. A price-performance comparison. Univ. of Bristol CSTR-95-009 (1995), 17p. [8211] 7621 Henk Muller/Paul Stallard/David Warren: The application of skewed-associative memories to cache only memory architectures. Proc. 1995 Int. Conf. Parallel Processing I (1995), 150-154. [8211] 7622 G. Bellavia/A. Corradi/L. Leonardi: Fondamenti di informatica II. Leonardo 1994. 7623 John Hennessy/David Patterson: Architetture dei calcolatori. Zanichelli 1993. 7624 Vera Sos: On the theory of diophantine approximations. Acta Math. 8 (1957), 461-471. [7921] 7625 W. Beyer/R. Roof/D. Williamson: The lattice structure of multiplicative congruential pseudo-random vectors. Math. Comp. 25 (1971), 345-363. [7921] 7626 Ulrich Dieter: Pseudo-random numbers: The exact distribution of pairs. Math. Comp. 25 (1971), 855-883. [7921] 7627 Juergen Eichenauer-Herrmann/Harald Niederreiter: On Marsaglia's lattice test for pseudorandom numbers. Manuscripta Math. 62 (1988), 245-248. 7628 Ronald Rivest: Optimal arrangement of keys in a hash table. J. ACM 25/2 (1978), 200-209. [7920] 7629 P. Larson: Dynamic hash tables. Comm. ACM 31/4 (1988), 446-457. [7920] 7630 Herbert Stahl: Best uniform rational approximation of x^\alpha on [0,1]. Bull. AMS 28 (1993), 116-122. [7921] 7631 Harald Niederreiter: Discrepancy and convex programming. Annali Mat. Pura e Appl. 93 (1972), 89-97. [8621] 7632 Harald Niederreiter/C.P. Xing: Low-discrepancy sequences obtained from algebraic function fields over finite fields. Acta Arithm. 72 (1995), 281-298. [7921] 7633 S. Hartman: Remarks on equidistribution on non-compact groups. Compos. Math. 16 (1964), 66-71. 7634 Stephen Park/Keith Miller: Random number generators: good ones are hard to find. Comm. ACM 31 (1988), 1192-1201. [9830] 7635 Juergen Eichenauer-Herrmann: On the discrepancy of inversive congruential pseudorandom numbers with prime power modulus. Manuscripta Math. 71 (1991), 153-161. 7637 Dingyi Pei: Information-theoretic bounds for authentication codes and block designs. J. Cryptology 8 (1995), 177-188. 7638 Martin Dyer/Trevor Fenner/Alan Frieze/Andrew Thomason: On key storage in secure networks. J. Cryptology 8 (1995), 189-200. 7639 Ivan Bjerre Damgard: Practical and provable secure release fo a secret and exchange of signatures. J. Cryptology 8 (1995), 201-222. 7640 Howard Heys/Stafford Tavares: Substitution-permutation networks resistant to differential and linear cryptanalysis. J. Cryptology 9 (1996), 1-19. 7641 Ishai Ben-Aroya/Eli Biham: Differential cryptoanalysis of Lucifer. J. Cryptology 9 (1996), 21-34. 7642 Shimon Even/Oded Goldreich/Silvio Micali: On-line/off-line digital signatures. J. Cryptology 9 (1996), 35-67. 7643 Jim Knoble: Almost Internet with Slirp and PPP. Linux Journal April 1996, 32-45. 7644 Aeleen Frisch: Maximizing Linux security II. Linux J. February 1996, 10-14. 7645 Malcolm Murphy: Backup strategy. Linux Journal February 1996, 15-17. 7646 Yusuf Nagree: Tar and taper for Linux. Linux Journal February 1996, 19-27. 7647 Eric Goebelbecker: Caldera Network Desktop Preview II. Linux Journal February 1996, 28-33. 7648 Ed Tittel/Mark Gaither: Java. Apogeo 1996. 7649 Andrew Tanenbaum: Architettura del computer. Jackson 1991. 7650 John Woram: La grande guida hardware. 2 volumi. Apogeo 1992. Una guida molto completa al hardware dei computer con i processori 8088, 80286, 80386, 80486. 7651 Heinz Haeberle a.o.: Fachkunde Informatioselektronik. Europa 1985. 7651 bis: Uyless Black: Il manuale TCP/IP. McGraw-Hill 1995. Lire 42.000. 7652 John December: Java. Tecniche Nuove 1996. 7653 Eric Raymond: Java on Linux HOWTO. Internet 1996, 15p. 7654 Peter Hellekalek: Inversive pseudorandom number generators. Concepts, results and links. Internet 1996, 8p. [9830] 7655 Wolfgang Blum: Die Zufallszahlen werden knapp. Die Zeit 22. Maerz 1996, ... [9830] 7656 Donn Seeley: Password cracking - a game of wits. Comm. ACM 32/6 (1989), 700-703. [7920] 7657 Eugene Spafford: Crisis and aftermath. Comm. ACM 32/6 (1989), 678-687. How the Internet worm operated. [7920] 7658 Andrew Binstock: Hashing rehashed. Dr Dobbs' Journal April 1996, 24-33. [7920] 7659 Lauren Hightower: HTML conversion and ftp automation. Dr Dobbs' Journal April 1996, 82-86, 94-98. 7660 Greg White: Java command-line arguments. Dr Dobbs' Journal February 1996, 58-62. 7661 Tom Tessier: Using JavaScript to create interactive web pages. Dr Dobbs' Journal March 1996, 84-97. 7662 Gary Aitken: Moving from C++ to Java. Dr Dobbs' Journal March 1996, 52-57. 7663 Arthur van Hoff/Sami Shaio/Orca Starbuck: What is this thing called Java? Datamation 1 March 1996, 45-46. 7664 Laura Lemay/Charles Perkins: Yes, Java's secure. Here's why. Datamation 1 March 1969, 47-49. 7665 Harald Niederreiter: Metric theorems on the distribution of sequences. Proc. Symp. Pure Math. AMS 24 (1973), 195-212. 7666 Rainer Rueppel: Analysis and design of stream ciphers. Springer 1986, 250p. 3-540-16870-2. DM 136. 7667 Walter Fumy/Hans Peter Riess: Kryptographie. Oldenbourg 1994. 7668 Harald Niederreiter/Peter Shiue (ed.): Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte-Carlo methods in scientific computing. Springer 1995, 390p. DM 78. 7669 Hans Moser (ed.): Zur Situation des Deutschen in Suedtirol. Innsbruck 1982, 230p. 3-85124-086-3. DM 32. 7670 John Levine/Tony Mason/Doug Brown: Lex and yacc. O'Reilly, 366p. 1-56592-000-7. DM 59. 7671 Harald Niederreiter: New developments in uniform pseudorandom number and vector generation. In 7668 Niederreiter/Shiue 1995, 87-120. 7672 Edmund Hlawka: Zur Definition der Diskrepanz. Acta Arithm. 18 (1971), 233-241. [7921] 7673 Ingo Reiffenstein: Hochsprachliche Norm und regionale Varianten der Hochsprache. Deutsch in Oesterreich. In 7669 Moser, 9-18. 7674 Norbert Richard Wolf: Fremdeinfluesse auf das gegenwaertige Deutsch als linguistisches Problem. In 7669 Moser, 19-34. 7675 Ray Sterner: IDL FAQ. Internet. 7676 Yusuf Nagree: Backing up in Linux. Linux Journal February 1996, 38-41. 7677 Jay Allen: How to read 950 e-mail messages before lunch. Linux Journal February 1996, 42-49. 7678 Karel Kubat: XForms. Linux Journal February 1996, 50-58. XForms is a graphical user interface toolkit for X under C/C++. It can be used free of charge for non-commercial applications. 7679 John Fisk: XF-Mail. Linux Journal April 1996, 12-17. 7680 Alessandro Rubini: Dynamic kernels - discovery. Linux Journal April 1996, 18-25. 7681 Michael Johnson: Choosing an Internet service provider. Linux Journal April 1996, 26-31. 7682 Erik Troan: Finding Linux software. Linux Journal April 1996, 46-48. 7683 Chris Kostick: Building a Linux firewall. Linux Journal April 1996, 49-61. 7684 David Bonn: The trouble with live data. Linux Journal April 1996, 63-65. 7685 Wun-Seng Chou/Harald Niederreiter: On the lattice test for inversive congruential pseudorandom numbers. In 7668 Niederreiter/, 186-197. 7686 A. De Matteis/S. Pagnutti: Controlling correlations in parallel Monte Carlo. Parallel Computing 21 (1995), 73-84. 7687 Jun Makino/Osamu Miyamura: Parallelized feedback shift register generators of pseudorandom numbers. Parallel Computing 21 (1995), 1015-1028. 7688 Terry Bossomaier/Adrian Loeff: Parallel computation of the Hausdorff distance between images. Parallel Computing 19 (1993), 1129-1140. [8211] 7689 Gary Mullen/Arijit Mahalanabis/Harald Niederreiter: Tables of (t,m,s)-net and (t,s)-sequence parameter. In 7668 Niederreiter/, 58-86. 7690 Jian Chen/Paula Whitlock: Implementation of a distributed pseudorandom number generator. In 7668 Niederreiter/, 168-185. 7691 Henri Faure: Discrepancy lower bound in two dimensions. In 7668 Niederreiter/, 198-204. 7692 Fred Hickernell: A comparison of random and quasirandom points for multidimensional quadrature. In 7668 Niederreiter/, 213-227. 7693 Gerhard Larcher/Wolfgang Schmid: Multivariate Walsh series, digital nets and quasi-Monte-Carlo integration. In 7668 Niederreiter/, 252-262. 7694 Michael Mascagni/M. Robinson/Daniel Pryor/Steven Cuccaro: Parallel pseudorandom number generation using additive lagged-Fibonacci recursions. In 7668 Niederreiter/, 263-277. 7695 Art Owen: Randomly permuted (t,m,s)-nets and (t,s)-sequences. In 7668 Niederreiter/, 299-317. 7696 Tony Warnock: Computational investigations of low-discrepancy point sets II. In 7668 Niederreiter/, 354-361. 7697 Yi-Jun Xiao: Estimates for the volume of points of (0,s)-sequences in base b>=s>=2. In 7668 Niederreiter/, 362-372. 7698 Bruce Wampler: V. A C++ GUI framework. Manual to the program. Internet 1996, 146p. [8551] 7699 Dieter Glauss: Art'tcl. Unix/Mail 1994/2, 125-132. 7700 Rudolf Mueck/Walter Philipp: Distances of probability measures and uniform distribution mod 1. Math. Zeitschr. 142 (1975), 195-202. [9830] 7701 S. Hartman/E. Marczewski/C. Ryll-Nardzewski: Theoremes ergodiques et leurs applications. Colloq. Math. 2 (1951), 109-123. 7702 Juergen Eichenauer-Herrmann: Quadratic congruential pseudorandom numbers. Distribution of lagged pairs. TH Darmstadt, preprint 1766 (1995). 7703 Juergen Eichenauer-Herrmann/Eva Herrmann: Compound cubic congruential pseudorandom numbers. TH Darmstadt, preprint 1732 (1995). 7704 Juergen Eichenauer-Herrmann: Equidistribution properties of inversive congruential pseudorandom numbers with power of two modulus. TH Darmstadt, preprint 1709 (1995). 7705 Juergen Eichenauer-Herrmann/Frank Emmerich: A review of compound methods for pseudorandom number generation. TH Darmstadt, preprint 1710 (1995). 7706 Juergen Eichenauer-Herrmann/Gerhard Larcher: Average equidistribution properties of compound nonlinear congruential pseudorandom numbers. TH Darmstadt, preprint 1712 (1995). 7707 Juergen Eichenauer-Herrmann/Gerhard Larcher: Average behaviour of compound nonlinear congruential pseudorandom numbers. Finite Fields 2 (1996), 111-123. 7708 Juergen Eichenauer-Herrmann/Frank Emmerich: Compound inversive congruential numbers. An average case analysis. TH Darmstadt, preprint 1672 (1994). [Math. Comp., ca. 1996.] 7709 Juergen Eichenauer-Herrmann: Modified explicit inversive congruential pseudorandom numbers with power of two modulus II. TH Darmstadt, preprint 1673 (1994). 7710 Juergen Eichenauer-Herrmann: Equidistribution properties of nonlinear congruential pseudorandom numbers. Metrika 40 (1993), 333-338. 7711 Juergen Lehn/Stefan Rettig: On the choice and implementation of pseudorandom number generators. TH Darmstadt, preprint 1584 (1993). [9830] 7712 Juergen Eichenauer-Herrmann: Pseudorandom number generation by nonlinear methods. TH Darmstadt, preprint 1570 (1993). [Intern. Statist. Rev., ca. 1995.] 7713 Juergen Eichenauer-Herrmann/Harald Niederreiter: Digital inversive pseudorandom numbers. TH Darmstadt, preprint. [ACM Trans. Modeling Computer Sim. 4 (1994), 339-349.] 7714 Gerard Rauzy (ed.): Repartition modulo 1. SLN Math. 475 (1975). 7715 Christa Binder: Une remarque sur la characterisation des fonctions R-\mu-integrables. In 7714 Rauzy, 13-17. 7716 J. Couot: Theorie ergodique de l'equirepartition. In 7714 Rauzy, 26-88. 7717 Pal Erdoes: Problems and results on diophantine approximations II. In 7714 Rauzy, 89-99. 7718 Peter Gerl: Quelques generalisations de l'equirepartition. In 7714 Rauzy, 100-103. 7719 H. Meijer/Harald Niederreiter: Equirepartition et theorie des nombres premieres. In 7714 Rauzy, 104-112. 7720 Harald Niederreiter: Independance de suites. In 7714 Rauzy, 120-131. 7721 Harald Niederreiter: Resultats nouveaux dans la theorie quantitative de l'equirepartition. In 7714 Rauzy, 132-154. 7722 Gerard Rauzy: Equirepartition et entropie. In 7714 Rauzy, 155-175. 7723 G. Rhin: Repartition modulo 1 de f(p_n) quand f est une serie entiere. In 7714 Rauzy, 176-244. 7724 Peter Schmitt: Linear uniform distribution. In 7714 Rauzy, 245-252. 7725 J. Vaaler: A Tauberian theorem related to Weyl's criterion. In 7714 Rauzy, 253-258. 7726 Stanislaw Mrowka: Some comments on the space of subsets. In 4134 Fleischman, 59-63. 7727 J. Fell: A Hausdorff topology for the closed subsets of a locally compact non-Hausdorff space. Proc. AMS 13 (1962), 472-476. 7728 Stanislaw Mrowka: On the convergence of nets of sets. Fund. Math. 45 (1958), 237-246. 7729 Jack Woehr: An interview with Donald Knuth. Dr. Dobb's Journal April 1996, 16-22. 7730 Paul Tyma: Tuning Java performance. Dr. Dobb's Journal April 1996, 52-58, 90. 7731 Juergen Eichenauer-Herrmann: Inversive congruential pseudorandom numbers. A tutorial. Int. Statist. Rev. 60 (1992), 167-176. 7732 Juergen Eichenauer-Herrmann/J. Lehn: A nonlinear congruential pseudorandom number generator. Statistische Hefte 27 (1986), 315-326. 7733 Juergen Eichenauer-Herrmann/H. Grothe/J. Lehn: Marsaglia's lattice test and nonlinear congruential random number generators. Metrika 35 (1988), 241-250. 7734 Mary Flahive/Harald Niederreiter: On inversive congruential generators for pseudorandom numbers. In Mullen/Shiue 1993, 75-80. [9830] 7735 Harald Niederreiter: Statistical independence of nonlinear congruential pseudorandom numbers. Monatshefte Math. 106 (1988), 149-159. 7736 Harald Niederreiter: Nonlinear methods for pseudorandom number and vector generation. In Pflug/Dieter 1992, 145-153. 7737 Harald Niederreiter: Remarks on nonlinear congruential pseudorandom numbers. Metrika 35 (1988), 321-328. 7738 Manfred Schroeder: More on Magnus. Math. Intell. 18/1 (1996), 7. 7739 Neal Koblitz: The case against computers in K-13 math education (kindergarten through calculus). Math. Intell. 18/1 (1996), 9-16. 7740 Jean-Michel Kantor: Hilbert's problems and their sequels. Math. Intell. 18/1 (1996), 21-30. 7741 D. Newman: The Morley miracle. Math. Intell. 18/1 (1996), 31-34. Classical theorems on triangles. 7742 Xiang Sheng/Michael Spurr: Symmetries of fractals. Math. Intell. 18/1 (1996), 35-42. 7743 Alan Beardon: Symmetries of Julia sets. Math. Intell. 18/1 (1996), 43-44. 7744 Eike Lau/Dierk Schleicher: Symmetries of fractals revisited. Math. Intell. 18/1 (1996), 45-51. 7745 Norbert Schappacher/Rene' Schoof: Beppo Levi and the arithmetic of elliptic curves. Math. Intell. 18/1 (1996), 57-69. 7746 D. Borwein/J. Borwein/P. Borwein/R. Girgensohn: Giuga's conjecture on primality. Am. Math. Monthly (1996), 40-50. [7922] 7747 G. Gierz a.o.: A compendium of continuous lattices. Springer 1980. 7748 David Fowler: The binomial coefficient function. Am. Math. Monthly (1996), 1-17. [8191] 7749 Juergen Eichenauer-Herrmann: Compound nonlinear congruential pseudorandom numbers. Monatsh. Math. 117 (1994), 213-222. 7750 Juergen Eichenauer-Herrmann: Improved lower bounds for the discrepancy of inversive congruential pseudorandom numbers. Math. Comp. 62 (1994), 783-786. 7751 Juergen Eichenauer-Herrmann/Katja Ickstadt: Explicit inversive congruential pseudorandom numbers with power of two modulus. Math. Comp. 62 (1994), 787-797. 7752 Juergen Eichenauer-Herrmann: On generalized inversive congruential pseudorandom numbers. Math. Comp. 63 (1994), 293-299. 7753 Lothar Afflerbach/R. Weilbaecher: The exact determination of rectangle discrepancy for linear congruential pseudorandom numbers. Math. Comp. 53 (1989), 343-354. [7921] 7754 Juergen Eichenauer-Herrmann/Harald Niederreiter: Lower bounds for the discrepancy of inversive congruential pseudorandom numbers with power of two modulus. Math. Comp. 58 (1992), 775-779. 7755 Stuart Margolis/Mark Sapir: Quasi-identities of finite semigroups and symbolic dynamics. Internet 1995, 14p. [8213] 7756 Karl Petersen: Ergodic theorems and the basis of science. Internet, ca. 1995, 12p. [8621] 7757 Alessandro Rubini: Dynamic kernels. Modularized device drivers. Linux Journal March 1996, 10-17. 7758 Tim Jones: Geomview. Linux Journal March 1996, 18-23. 7759 Linux Journal Staff: Linux distributions compared. Linux Journal March 1996, 24-33, 62-65. 7760 Gerald Graef: Graphics formats for Linux. Linux Journal March 1996, 36-42. 7761 Eric Goebelbecker: cpio: A multipurpose archive tool. Linux Journal March 1996, 44-47. 7762 Ron Bardarson: Running MS Windows applications now. Linux Journal March 1996, 48-51. 7763 Scott Wegener: Review of "Linux configuration and installation" by Volkerding/Reichard/Johnson. Linux Journal March 1996, 56-57. 7764 Harald Niederreiter/Walter Philipp: Berry-Esseen bounds and a theorem of Erdoes and Turan on uniform distribution mod 1. Duke Math. J. 40 (1973), 633-649. 7765 Neal Zierler/W. Mills: Products of linear recurring sequences. J. Algebra 27 (1973), 147-157. [7919] 7766 Gerhard Bruhn: Wolfgang Haack zum Gedaechtnis. Jber. DMV 98 (1996), 1-11. 7767 Manfred Denker/Stefan Heinemann: Dynamik analytischer Endomorphismen auf der Sphaere. Jber. DMV 98 (1996), 12-29. 7768 Karl Rubin: Euler systems and exact formulas in number theory. Jber. DMV 98 (1996), 30-39. 7769 Konrad Jacobs: Besprechung des Buches "Leonardi Pisani liber abaci" von Heinz Lueneburg. Jber. DMV 98 (1996), B1-B2. 7770 Albrecht Boettcher: Toeplitz operators with piecewise continuous symbols - a neverending story? Jber. DMV 97 (1995), 115-129. 7771 Ludwig Broecker: Semialgebraische Geometrie. Jber. DMV 97 (1995), 130-156. 7772 Helmut Neunzert: Vom Nutzen der Mathematik. Jber. DMV 97 (1995), 157-169. 7773 Ernest Michael: Topologies on spaces of subsets. Trans. AMS 71 (1951), 152-182. 7774 Steven Hughes: Fortran programming tools under Linux. Linux Journal May 1996, 14-21. 7775 Christopher Fraser/David Hanson: Compile C faster on Linux. Linux Journal May 1996, 32-33. lcc is a small and fast C compiler for Linux. 7776 Vern Paxson: Flexdoc. Flex manual page, 1993, 31p. [8213] 7777 M. Lesk/E. Schmidt: Lex. A lexical analyzer generator. Bell Laboratories, ca. 1978, 13p. Often reprinted. [8213] 7778 Susan Horwitz: Compiler course. Course Notes, Univ. of Wisconsin in Madison, ca. 1996. [8213] 7779 Stephen Johnson: Yacc. Yet another compiler compiler. Bell Laboratories, ca. 1975, 33p. Original description of yacc, often reprinted. [8213] 7780 Todd Graham Lewis: The rough and tumble world of the Linux-based ISP. Linux Journal May 1996, 22-29. 7781 Benjamin Ewy: Creating a Linux firewall using the TIS firewall toolkit. Linux Journal May 1996, 36-44. 7782 Ian Gordon: Introduction to gawk. Linux Journal May 1996, 46-50. 7783 Georg von Zezschwitz/Alessandro Rubini: The devils in the details. Linux Journal May 1996, 52-58. Introduces concepts of reading, writing, and using ioctl-calls. 7784 Michael Johnson: Keeping track of change with RCS. Linux Journal May 1996, 63-66. 7785 Ralph Griswold/David Hanson: String processing languages. Internet 1995, 16p. [8213] 7786 Steven Krantz: The way things ought to be. Notices AMS May 1996, ... "In a world where hard decisions are being made, we are often the ones acted upon rather than the prime movers. Generally speaking, we are not organization people", Krantz says. 7787 Volker Strehl: Recurrences and Legendre transform. Internet 1992, 22p. Apery and Franel recurrence relations between sums of binomial numbers are conjugate via Legendre transform. [8191] 7788 Andrew Odlyzko: The decline of unfettered research. Internet 1995, 20p. 7789 Uwe Kastens: Construction of application generators using Eli. Internet, ca. 1995, 11p. [8213] 7790 Avner Friedman/Fadil Santosa: Graduate studies in industrial mathematics. Workshop at the University of Minnesota, November 1995. Notices AMS May 1996, ... 7791 Achyutram Bhamidipaty/Todd Proebsting: Very fast yacc-compatible parsers (for very little effort). Internet 1995, 8p. [8213] 7792 Charles Chui: Review of the books "Wavelets and operators" by Meyer and "A friendly guide to wavelets" by Kaiser. Bull. AMS 33 (1996), 131-134. [8510] 7793 Wolfgang Karg: Im Boden lebende Raubmilben als Indikatoren fuer Umweltgifte. Mikrokosmos 85/2 (1996), 65-71. Mikroskopisch kleine Raubmilben besiedeln in grosser Zahl gesunde Boeden. Auf Umweltgifte reagieren sie sehr empfindlich. Man kann daher mit Hilfe der Raubmilben den Zustand von Oekosystemen testen. 7794 Rudolf Drews: Der Videoprinter in der Mikrovideografie. Mikrokosmos 85/2 (1996), 73-76. 7795 Michael Franz: Praeparation und Mikroskopie von Zuckmuecken. 7796 Andrea Kamphuis: Biokonvektionsmuster in Kulturen der Alge Euglena gracilis. Mikrokosmos 85/2 (1996), 83-92. 7797 Renate Radek: Lectine. Ihre Bedeutung in Natur und Wissenschaft. Mikrokosmos 85/2 (1996), 93-99. Lectine sind Proteine oder Glykoproteine, die spezifische Zuckerkomponenten erkennen und binden koennen. Vor etwas mehr als 100 Jahren wurden sie in waessrigen Extrakten von Rizinussamen entdeckt. Das Wissen um ihre biologische Funktion ist noch recht unvollstaendig. In der chemischen Industrie benutzt man sie zur Identifizierung und Gewinnung von Zuckern. Auch in der Krebsforschung scheint es Anwendungsmoeglichkeiten zu geben. 7798 Hans-Peter Elsaesser: Die lymphatischen Organe III. Die Milz. Mikrokosmos 85/2 (1996), 101-106. 7799 Klaus Hausmann: Der Diatomeen-Mikro-Arrangeur von Blautannen, England: Klaus Dieter Kemp. Mikrokosmos 85/2 (1996), 107-110. Klaus Dieter Kemp fertigt Legepraeparate aus Diatomeenschalen an, welche durch beeindruckende Symmetrien und bemerkenswerte Ausgewogenheit, aber auch durch ein hohes Mass an Praezision gepraegt sind. Die Preise sind moderat und die Leistung beeindruckend. Adresse: Klaus Dieter Kemp Microlife Services Blautannen, Wickham Way East Brent Somerset TA9 4JB England 7800 Heinz Guenter Beer: Auswirkungen von Umwelteinfluessen auf biologische Mikrostrukturen. Mikrokosmos 85/2 (1996), 111-114. 7801 Erich Luethje: Sauerkraut - auf dem Objekttraeger angerichtet. Mikrokosmos 85/2 (1996), 115-120. 7802 Presbyter Johannes: Epistula. In Oppert 1870, 168-179. 7803 Peter Parham/Tomoko Ohta: Population biology of antigen presentation by MHC class I molecules. Science 5 April 1996, 67-74. 7804 Martin Nowak/Charles Bangham: Population dynamics of immune responses to persistent viruses. Science 5 April 1996, 74-79. 7805 Russ Altman/John Koza: A programming course in bioinformatics for computer and information science students. Internet 1995, 14p. [8513] 7806 Barry Cipra: Fermat prover points to next challenges. Science 22 March 1996, 1668-1669. 7807 Roger Sayle: RasMol 2.5. A molecular visualization program. Glaxo Res. Dev. 1994. 7808 Frank Lison/Robert Wyanands/Dieter Meschede: Diaprojektion mit Atomen. Spektrum 1996/2, 16-17. Mit einem Strahl neutraler Atome einheitlicher Geschwindigkeit und einer Anordnung von Permanentmagneten als Linse laesst sich auf die gleiche Art Optik betreiben wie mit Licht. Dies koennte eine Moeglichkeit sein, noch feinere Strukturen auf Mikrochips zu erzeugen und deren Integrationsdichte dadurch weiter zu erhoehen. 7809 Klaus-Dieter Linsmeier: Russfilter aus Metallfasern. Spektrum 1996/2, 17-22. Aus dem Abgasstrom von Dieselmotoren lasen sich Russpartikel bislang nicht effizient entfernen. Mit Know-How aus der Kerntechnik koennten aus metallischem Gewebe wirksamere Filter gebaut werden. 7810 Matthias Glaubrecht/Axel Meyer: Ursprung der Landwirbeltiere - molekulargenetische Verwandtschaft von Quastenflosser und Lungenfisch. Spektrum 1996/2, 22-24. Sind Quastenflosser oder die auf der Suedhalbkugel verbreiteten Lungenfische die naechsten lebenden Verwandten aller Landwirbeltiere? 7811 Wolfgang Hachtel: CHIP, TIP und PIP - Proteine fuer Wasserkanaele in Zellmembranen. Spektrum 1996/2, 24-26. Aquaporine, kleine porenbildende Proteine, lassen nur Wasser, aber keine anderen Molekuele oder Ionen passieren. 7812 Martin Kutrib/Joerg Richstein: Primzahlen - Zwillinge aus dem Parallelrechner. Spektrum 1996/2, 26-31. Das Sieb des Eratosthenes eignet sich recht gut zur Parallelisierung. 7813 Michael Welsh/Alan Smith: Mukoviszidose. Spektrum 1996/2, 32-39. 7814 David Chalmers: Das Raetsel des bewussten Erlebens. Spektrum 1996/2, 40-47. 7815 Luigi Pulvirenti/George Koob: Die Neurobiologie der Kokainabhaengigkeit. Spektrum 1996/2, 48-55. 7816 Ulf Borgeest: Kosmischer Staub. Spektrum 1996/2, 56-69. 7817 Gary Stix: Herausforderung Komma eins. Spektrum 1996/2, 70-74. Unter Laborbedingungen lassen sich hoechstintegrierte Schaltkreise mit bis zu 0.1 tausendstel Millimeter kleinen Strukturen bereits herstellen, doch die geeignete Technologie fuer eine industrielle Produktion ist noch umstritten. 7818 Jack Newman: Immunschutz durch Muttermilch. Spektrum 1996/2, 76-79. 7819 Peter Beek/Arthur Lewbel: Jonglieren. Spektrum 1996/2, 80-86. 7820 Klaus-Dieter Linsmeier: Anwendung technischer Textilien. Spektrum 1996/2, 88-90. 7821 Juergen Brandt/Klaus Drechsler: Dreidimensionale Faserverbundwerkstoffe. Spektrum 1996/2, 91-94. 7822 Konrad Gliesche: Sticken und Naehen verstaerkender Fasern. Spektrum 1996/2, 95-96. 7823 Andrzej Bledzki/Jochen Gassan: Natuerliche Verstaerkungsfasern fuer Kunststoffe. Spektrum 1996/2, 96-100. 7824 Wolfgang Renner: Die Verhuellung des Berliner Reichstagsgebaeudes aus technischer Sicht. Spektrum 1996/2, 100-105. 7825 Hans Zacher: Eingeengte Forschung, verprellter Nachwuchs. Spektrum 1996/2, 108-111. 7826 G. Batut/D. Bernardi/Henri Cohen/M. Olivier: User's guide to PARI-GP. Internet 1995, 168p. [8551] 7827 Daniel Dreilinger/Adele Howe: An information gathering agent for querying web search engines. Internet 1996, 18p. [8214] 7828 Robert Calderbank: A personal perspective on mathematics research in industry. Notices AMS May 1996, ... 7829 Donald Knuth: Bracket notation for the 'coefficient of' operator. Internet 1993, 13p. [8191] 7830 Peter Shor: Algorithms for quantum computation. Discrete logarithms and factoring. Proc. 35th Annual Symp. Found. Computer Science, Santa Fe 1994, IEEE Computer Soc. Press 1994, 124-134. [8214] 7831 Samuel Braunstein: Quantum computation - a tutorial. Internet, ca. 1995, HTML-Text. [8214] 7832 Peter Shor: Polynomial-time algorithms for prime factorization and discrete logarithms on a quantum computer. Internet 1995, 26p. [8214] 7833 Gilles Brassard: The impending demise of RSA? Internet 1995, 4p. [8214] 7834 P. Diggle/R. Gratton: Monte Carlo methods of inference for implicit statistical models (with discussion). J. Royal Stat. Soc. B 46 (1984), 193-227. [7921] 7835 Elizabeth Pennisi: Premature aging gene discovered. Science 12 April 1996, 193-194. Werner's syndrome. 7836 Barry Cipra: Error-correcting code keeps quantum computers on track. Science 12 April 1996, 199. [8214] 7837 G. Likens/C. Driscoll/D. Buso: Long-term effects of acid rain: response and recovery of a forest ecosystem. Science 12 April 1996, 244-246. 7838 Chang-En Yu a.o.: Positional cloning of the Werner's syndrome gene. Science 12 April 1996, 258-262. 7839 Dorian Goldfeld: Beyond the last theorem. The Sciences March/April 1996, 34-40. The ABC is the most important unsolved problem in diophantine analysis. 7840 Luc Steels: The artificial life roots of artificial intelligence. Internet 1993, 87p. [8214] 7841 Luc Steels: Intelligence - dynamics and representations. Internet, ca. 1995, 18p. [8214] 7842 Luc Steels: Building agents out of autonomous behaviour systems. Internet 1994, 12p. [8214] 7843 Artur Ekert: What is quantum cryptography? Internet, ca. 1995, 3p. [8214] 7844 Ramana Idury/Michael Waterman: A new algorithm for DNA sequence assembly. J. Comp. Biology 2 (...), 291-306. 7845 Fengzhu Sun/Norman Arnheim/Michael Waterman: Whole genome amplification of single cells - mathematical analysis of PEP and tagged PCR. Nucleid Acids Res. (ca. 1995), ... 7846 Gary Benson: A method for fast database search for all k-nucleotide repeats. Nucleic Acids Res. 22 (1994), ... 7847 PDB. Protein Data Bank contents guide: Atomic coordinate entry format description. Internet 1996. 7848 Peter Herrmann/Berthold Harking/Frank Kursawe/Joerg Sprave: Studien- fuehrer Informatik und Ingenieurmathematik. Fachbereich Informatik, Univ. Dortmund. Internet, ca. 1995. 7849 Amara Graps: An introduction to wavelets. IEEE Comp. Sci. Eng. 2/2 (1995), 18p. [8621] 7850 Brani Vidakovic/Peter Mueller: Wavelets for kids. Internet, ca. 1993, 26p. 7851 Donald Knuth: Efficient representation of perm groups. Internet, ca. 1990, 11p. [8191] 7852 Donald Knuth: Johann Faulhaber and sums of powers. Internet, ca. 1990, 22p. [8191] 7853 Ch. Bandt: Besprechung des Buches "Fractal image compression" von Barnsley/Hurd. Jber. DMV 96 (1994), B 31-32. 7854 Michael Guenther: Simulating digital circuits numerically - a charge-oriented ROW approach. TH Darmstadt, preprint 1803 (1996), 15p. 7855 Werner Anzill/Oskar von Stryk: Optimum design of microwave oscillators with minimized phase noise. TUM-Math-12-94-M13-350/1.-FM, 29-35. 7856 Petra Selting/H. Bauer/W. Schmidt: A glance at the stability of integrated circuits with oscillating behaviour. TUM-Math-12-94-M13-350/1.-FM, 21-27. 7857 Michael Guenther: Numerical solution of differential-algebraic equations in electric circuit simulation. TUM-Math-12-94-M13-350/1.-FM, 9-20. 7858 Georg Denk: The simulation of oscillatory circuits. An efficient integration scheme. TUM-Math-12-94-M13-350/1.-FM, 1-8. 7859 Georg Denk/U. Feldmann/Michael Guenther: Modeling and simulating charge sensitive MOS circuits. TUM-Math-12-95-M09-200/1.-FM, 16p. 7860 Mikhail Klin/Christoph Ruecker/Gerta Ruecker/Gottfried Tinhofer: Algebraic combinatorics in mathematical chemistry. Methods and algorithms. 1. Permutation groups and coherent (cellular) algebras. TUM-Math-12-95-M10-225/1.-FM. [8619, unvollst.] 7861 M. Deleglise/J. Rivat: Computing \pi(x): The Meissel, Lehmer, Lagarias, Miller, Odlyzko method. Math. Comp. 65 (1996), 235-245. [7922] 7862 Takashi Kato/Li-Ming Wu/Niro Yanagihara: On a nonlinear congruential pseudorandom number generator. Math. Comp. 65 (1996), 227-233. [9830] 7863 Edmund Hlawka: Erinnerungen an Karl Prachar. Monatshefte 121 (1996), 1-9. "Wie bereits angedeutet, war Karl Prachar viel zu selbstkritisch. Es waeren noch viele schoene Arbeiten von ihm zu erwarten gewesen. Mit ihm hat die Wissenschaft einen hervorragenden Mathematiker, ich aber einen guten Freund verloren." (Auszug) [8465] 7864 Bernd Huertgen/Frank Mueller: Selbstaehnlichkeit als neuartiges Prinzip zur Quellencodierung. ITG Fachtagung 130 "Codierrung fuer Quelle, Kanal und Uebertragung", Oktober 1994, Muenchen, 277-284. 7865 Kai Uwe Barthel/Joerg Schuettemeyer/Thomas Voye'/Peter Noll: A new image coding technique unifying fractal and transform coding. Proc. IEEE ICIP 3 (1994), 112-116. 7866 Karl Folley (ed.): Semigroups. Academic Press 1969. 7867 John Rhodes: Algebraic theory of finite semigroups. In 7866 Folley, 125-162. 7868 Bret Tilson: Appendix to "Algebraic theory of finite semigroups". On the p length of p-solvable semigroups. Preliminary results. In 7866 Folley, 163-208. 7869 Mark Sapir: Combinatorics on words with applications. Internet 1993, 68p. [8213] 7870 Stuart Margolis/John Meakin/Mark Sapir: Algorithmic problems in groups, semigroups and inverse semigroups. In Fountain 1995, 147-214. [8213] 7871 Jean Berstel: Recent results in Sturmian words. Internet 1995, 12p. [8621] 7872 Jean Berstel: Axel Thue's work on repetitions in words. Internet 1995, 16p. [8213] 7873 Jean-Michel Autebert/Jean Berstel/Luc Boasson: Context-free languages and push-down automata. Internet ca. 1994, 65p. [8213] 7874 A. Roosevelt a.o.: Paleoindian cave dwellers in the Amazon. The peopling of America. Science 19 April 1996, 373-384. A paleoindian campsite has been uncovered in stratified prehistoric deposits in Caverna da Pedra Pintada at Monte Alegre in the Brazilian Amazon. 7875 Roland Koestner/Albrecht Moeschwitzer: Elektronische Schaltungen. Hanser 1993, 470p. 3-446-16588-6. DM 68. 7876 Niklaus Wirth: Compilerbau. Teubner 1986, 115p. 3-519-32338-9. DM 24. [Neu: Addison-Wesley 1996, 200p. 3-89319-931-4. DM 40.] 7877 Rolf Hoffmann: Rechnerentwurf: Rechenwerke, Mikroprogramnmierung, RISC. Oldenbourg 1993, 400p. 3-486-22174-4. DM 64. 7878 H. Messmer: PC-Hardwarebuch: Aufbau, Funktionsweise, Programmierung. Addison-Wesley 1995, 1400p. DM 100. 7879 Walter Oberschelp/Gottfried Vossen: Rechneraufbau und Rechnerstrukturen. Oldenbourg 1994, 510p. 3-486-22959. DM 50. 7880 UNIX: Leitfaden fuer den Programmierer: ANSI-C und Programmierwerkzeuge. Hanser 1991, 750p. 3-446-16265-8. DM 115. 7881 Niklaus Wirth: Digital circuit design. Springer 1995, 200p. 3-540-58577-X. DM 49. 7882 Christian Maertin: Rechnerarchitektur. Hanser 1994, 330p. 3-446-17445-1. DM 48. 7883 Uwe Kastens: Uebersetzerbau. Oldenbourg 1990, 250p. 3-486-20780-6. DM 58. 7884 Peter Rechenberg/Hanspeter Moessenboeck: Ein Compiler-Generator fuer Mikrocomputer. Hanser 1988, 390p. 3-446-15350-0. DM 74. 7885 Albrecht Moeschwitzer: Grundlagen der Halbleiter- und Mikroelektronik. 2 volumes. Hanser 1992, tog. 640p. 3-446-16456-1, -16551-7. Tog. DM 106. 7886 Kenneth Krohn/John Rhodes: Algebraic theory of machines I. Prime decomposition theorem for finite semigroups and machines. Trans. AMS 116 (1965), 450-464. [8213] 7887 Gerhard Larcher/Harald Niederreiter: Generalized (t,s)-sequences, Kronecker-type sequences, and diophantine approximations of formal Laurent series. Trans. AMS 347 (1995), 2051-2073. [7921] 7888 Johannes Schoissengeier: On the discrepancy of (n\alpha). Acta Arithm. 44 (1984), 241-279. [7921] 7889 Karl Prachar: Bemerkungen ueber Primzahlen in kurzen Reihen. Acta Arithm. 44 (1984), 175-180. [7922] 7890 Stuart Margolis/John Meakin: Inverse monoids, trees and context free languages. Trans. AMS 335 (1993), 259-273. [8213] 7891 Alfred Aho: Pattern matching in strings. In 1105 Book, 325-347. 7892 Joffroy Beauquier/Maurice Nivat: Application of formal language theory to problems of security and synchronization. In 1105 Book, 407-454. 7893 Anna Helversen-Pasotto: Gausssche Summen ueber endlichen Koerpern und Gammafunktion. Sem. Loth. Comb. B33f (1994), 15p. [8465] 7894 Ta-Sun Wu: Disjointness of minimal sets. In Hajek/Lohwater/McCann 1971, 134-140. [8621] 7895 R. Adler/A. Konheim/M. McAndrew: Topological entropy. Trans. AMS 114 (1965), 309-319. [8621] 7896 Hsin Chu: Topological dynamics and compact transformation groups. In Hajek/Lohwater/McCann 1971, 44-53. [8621] 7897 Joseph Auslander: Structure and homomorphisms of minimal sets. In Hajek/Lohwater/McCann 1971, 23-30. 7898 William Veech: Point-distal flows. Am. J. Math. 92 (1970), 205-242. [8621] 7899 Leonard Shapiro: Distal and proximal extensions of minimal flows. Math. Systems Theory 5 (1971), 76-88. [8621] 7900 Leonard Shapiro: Proximality in minimal transformation groups. Proc. AMS 26 (1970), 521-525. [8621] 7901 Leonard Shapiro: On the structure of minimal flows. In Hajek/Lohwater/McCann 1971, 123-128. [8621] 7902 Walter Helbig Gottschalk: Substitution minimal sets. Trans. AMS 109 (1963), 467-491. [8621] 7903 E. Assmus/J. Florentin: Algebraic machine theory and logical design. In 1112 Arbib, 15-35. 7904 Michael Arbib: Automaton decompositions and semigroup extensions. In 1112 Arbib, 37-54. 7905 Kenneth Krohn/John Rhodes/Bret Tilson: The prime decomposition theorem of the algebraic theory of machines. In 1112 Arbib, 81-125. 7906 Michael Arbib/John Rhodes/Bret Tilson: Complexity and group complexity of finite-state machines and finite semigroups. In 1112 Arbib, 127-145. 7907 Kenneth Krohn/John Rhodes/Bret Tilson: Axioms for complexity of finite semigroups. In 1112 Arbib, 233-267. 7908 Jane Day: Expository lectures on topological semigroups. In 1112 Arbib, 269-296. 7909 H. Zeiger: Cascade decomposition of automata using covers. In 1112 Arbib, 55-80. 7910 J. Allouche: Finite automata and arithmetic. Internet ca. 1994, 23p. [8621] 7911 Veronique Bruyere: Automata and numeration systems. Internet ca. 1996, 19p. [8213] 7912 Kenneth Krohn/John Rhodes: Complexity of finite semigroups. Annals Math. 88 (1968), 128-160. [8213] 7913 Anna Helversen-Pasotto: L'identite' de Barnes pour les corps finis. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 286 (1978), 297-300. [8465] 7914 Hans Heilbronn: Zeta-functions and L-functions. In 1752 Cassels/, 204-230. 7915 Gisbert Wuestholz: Ausgewaehlte Kapitel aus Zahlentheorie und Geometrie. Internet 1996, 37p. [7922] 7916 Karl Gruber: Herz-Jesu-Verehrung in unserer Heimat. Reimmichls Volkskalender 1996, 97-116. 7917 Harald Niederreiter/Jau-Shyong Shiue: Equidistribution of linear recurring sequences in finite fields II. Acta Arithm. 38 (1980), 197-207. 7918 Juergen Eichenauer-Herrmann/Harald Niederreiter: An improved upper bound for the discrepancy of quadratic congruential pseudorandom numbers. Acta Arithm. 69 (1995), 193-198. 7919 Endliche Koerper. 7920 Kryptographie. 7921 Gleichverteilung. 7922 Zahlentheorie. 7923 Martin Held: On computing Voronoi diagrams of convex polyhedra by means of wavefront propagation. Internet, ca. 1994, 8p. [8466] 7924 Bernd Borchert: On the acceptance power of regular languages. Forschungsberichte Math. Logik Heidelberg 6 (1994). [8213] 7925 M. Poggio/Tomaso Poggio: Cooperative physics of fly swarms - an emergent behaviour. MIT AI Memo 1512 (1994), 12p. 7926 Eric Freeman/David Gelernter: Lifestreams. A storage model for personal data. Internet, ca. 1996, 7p. [8214] Lifestreams uses a time-ordered stream as a storage model and stream filters to organize, locate, summarize and monitor incoming information. Together, streams and filters provide a unified framework that subsumes many separate desktop applications to accomplish and handle personal communication, scheduling, and search and retrieval tasks. Lifestream is based on the following observations: Storage should be transparent; directories are inadequate as an organizing device; archiving should be automatic; the system should provide sophisticated logic for summarizing or compressing a large group of related documents of which the user wants a concise overview; computers should make reminding convenient; personal data should be accessible anywhere and compatibility should be automatic. 7927 Claus Peter Schnorr: Rekursive Funktionen und ihre Komplexitaet. Teubner 1974. 7928 Sze-Tsen Hu: Threshold logic. Univ. California Press 1965. 7929 Gary Taubes: Rare sightings beguile physicists. Science 26 April 1996, 474-476. 7930 Marcia Barinaga: The cerebellum - movement coordinator or much more? Science 26 April 1996, 482-483. 7931 Steven Wolinsky a.o.: Adaptive evolution of human immunodeficiency virus-type 1 during the natural course of infection. Science 26 April 1996, 537-542. 7932 Jia-Hong Gao a.o.: Cerebellum implicated in sensory acquisition and discrimination rather than motor control. Science 26 April 1996, 545-547. 7933 Isabel Mellon a.o.: Transcription-coupled repair deficiency and mutations in human mismatch repair genes. Science 26 April 1996, 557-560. [8619] 7934 Michael Brown/Joseph Goldstein: Heart attacks - gone with the century? Science 3 May 1996, 629. [8619] 7935 Constance Holden: Wiley drops IQ book after public furor. Science 3 May 1996, 644. Christopher Brand's 247-page book "The g factor" probably will not be published by Wiley. The author told reporters that he believes genes play a role in average IQ differences between the races. Student boycotts of his lectures followed. Wiley said that the book was in any case "a scientific monograph intended for a very limited audience." Brand is demanding $75000 compensation from Wiley. Many of Brand's colleagues have expressed dismay over Wiley's action. Brand is not the only author to run into problems publishing books that touch on race differences in IQ. The patriarch of modern US IQ research, Arthur Jensen, professor emeritus at Berkeley, says he has had a hard time finding a publisher for his magnum opus on intelligence, a 800-page book also called "The g factor", which is now sitting - also at Wiley - awaiting a final decision on a contract. Comment by Hans Eysenck, in review to appear in Personality & Individual Differences (from an Internet page): "Christopher Brand, a paid-up member of the Edinburgh branch of the London School, examines the curious fate of Spearman's g and discusses general intelligence and its implications. It is an important job, extremely well done, by someone clearly acquainted with the historical roots of the controversies that have raged around this concept, and anyone wishing to know just what happened, and where we are now, can do no better than read this book." 7936 Elizabeth Pennisi: New gene forges link between fragile site and many cancers. Science 3 May 1996, 649. [8619] 7937 Marcia Barinaga: Finding new drugs to treat stroke. Science 3 May 1996, 664-666. [8619] 7938 Ingrid Wickelgren: New devices are helping transform coronary care. Science 3 May 1996, 668-670. [8619] 7939 Eric Olson/Deepak Srivastava: Molecular pathways controlling heart development. Science 3 May 1996, 671-676. [8619] 7940 Richard Lifton: Molecular genetics of human blood pressure variation. Science 3 May 1996, 676-680. [8619] 7941 Mark Keating/Michael Sanguinetti: Molecular genetic insights into cardiovascular disease. Science 3 May 1996, 681-685. [8619] 7942 Jan Breslow: Mouse models of atherosclerosis. Science 3 May 1996, 685-688. [8619] 7943 Gary Gibbons/Victor Dzau: Molecular therapies for vascular diseases. Science 3 May 1996, 689-693. [8619] 7944 Nicholas Geist/Terry Jones: Juvenile skeletal structure and the reproductive habits of dinosaurs. Science 3 May 1996, 712-714. 7945 Toru Nakano/Hiroaki Kodama/Tasuku Honjo: In vitro development of primitive and definitive erythrocytes from different precursors. Science 3 May 1996, 722-724. 7946 Anja Geisterfer-Lowrance a.o.: A mouse model of familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Science 3 May 1996, 731-734. [8619] 7947 Andreas Bender: Continued fractions against Farey fractions. Dr. Dobb's Journal May 1996, 99-101. [8465] 7948 Tom Tessier: Sharing data between web page frames using JavaScript. Dr. Dobb's Journal May 1996, 72-75, 86-87. 7949 Linda Seebach: Un-publishing a book is like unbreaking an egg. Valley Times 8 May 1996, ... About the un-publishing of Christopher Brand's book "The g factor". 7950 Pankaj Agarwal/David States: A Bayesian evolutionary distance for parametrically aligned sequences. J. Comp. Biol. 3 (1996), 1-17. 7951 Michael Hendy/David Penny: Complete families of linear invariants for some stochastic models of sequence evolution, with and without the molecular clock assumption. J. Comp. Biol. 3 (1996), 19-31. 7952 Eugene Myers: Approximate matching of network expressions with spacers. J. Comp. Biol. 3 (1996), 33-51. 7953 William Hart/Sorin Istrail: Fast protein folding in the hydrophobic- hydrophilic model with three-eighths of optimal. J. Comp. Biol. 3 (1996), 53-96. 7954 Yoshikane Takahashi: A mathematical solution to a network designing problem. J. Comp. Biol. 3 (1996), 97-141. 7955 Rajani Joshi/K. Krishnanand: Probabilistic learning in immune network. Weighted tree matching model. J. Comp. Biol. 3 (1996), 143-162. 7956 Soren Kamaric Riis/Anders Krogh: Improving prediction of protein secondary structure using structured neural networks and multiple sequence alignments. J. Comp. Biol. 3 (1996), 163-183. 7957 Simon Tsang/Milton Saier: A simple flexible program for the computational analysis of amino-acyl residue distribution in protein. Application to the distribution of aromatic versus aliphatic hydrophobic amino acids in transmembrane alpha-helical spanners on integral membrane transport proteins. J. Comp. Biol. 3 (1966), 185-190. 7958 Peter Karp/Suzanne Paley: Integrated access to metabolic and genomic data. J. Comp. Biol. 3 (1996), 191-212. 7959 Joerg Keller/Wolfgang Paul: Hardwaredesign. Teubner 1995, 420p. 3-8154-2065-2. DM 60. 7960 Sven Naumann/Hagen Langer: Parsing. Teubner 1994, 305p. 3-519-02139-0. DM 48. 7961 Ingo Wegener: Theoretische Informatik. Teubner 1993, 240p. 3-519-02123-4. DM 34. 7962 Georg Schumacher: Ueber die Entwicklung der komplexen Analysis in Deutschland vom Ausgang des 19. Jahrhunderts bis zum Anfang der siebziger Jahre. Jber. DMV 98 (1996), 41-133. 7963 SUN: The Java language. A white paper. Internet 1995, 8p. 7964 James Gosling/Henry McGilton: The Java language environment. Internet 1995, 86p. 7965 SUN: Readme for the Java Development Kit. Internet 1996, 4p. 7966 Michael Johnson: Unix wars, Redux. Linux Journal June 1996, 8, 54. Will Linux eat away the Unix market? 7967 Curt Olson: Money management in Linux. Linux Journal June 1996, 10-14. CBB is a personal check book balancing utility for Unix and X11. 7968 Joe Klemmer: Linux in the US Army, or how I spent my winter vacation. Linux Journal June 1996, 16-17. How to install the WN HTTP server for USAPPC. 7969 Kenneth Harker: Linux on mobile computers. Linux Journal June 1996, 19-23. 7970 Harald Niederreiter: The distribution of Farey points. Math. Annalen 201 (1973), 341-345. 7971 J. Kemperman: On the distribution of a sequence in a compact group. Comp. Math. 16 (1964), 138-157. 7972 M. Huxley: The distribution of Farey points I. Acta Arithm. 18 (1971), 281-287. [9830] 7973 Robert Gray a.o.: Eli. A complete, flexible compiler construction system. Comm. ACM 35/2 (1992), 121-131. [8213] 7974 Gerhard Larcher/Claudia Traunfellner: On the numerical integration of Walsh series by number-theoretic methods. Math. Comp. 63 (1994), 277-291. [9830] 7975 P. Plauger: Editor's forum. C/C++ Users Journal May 1996, 6. "... Java. Mind you, it looks like a perfectly fine little language ... The current phenomenon, as you probably know, is venture capital. More precisely, it's way too much venture capital pursuing way too few legitimate investment opportunities. Anything coming along that smacks of real utility attracts hype and hope ... investors want the absolute latest cutting-edge technology - so long as it's also tried and true and safe. So they follow each others like lemmings from one fad to another. The distortion of market values did not begin with Java, of course. Microsoft is a fine company with considerable depth, to be sure. But it has nowhere near the depth and diversity of IBM, and yet the total stock values of the two companies are comparable ... So let's hear it for the little language that probably can. I'm sure Java will find uses outside the narrow confines of Web browsers ... But let's not imbue it with any more magical properties than it actually has ..." (author) 7976 Ennio De Giorgi/Marco Forti/Giacomo Lenzi: Verso i sistemi assiomatici del 2000 in matematica, logica e informatica. Internet 1996, 19p. 7977 M. Greenwood: Desperately seeking friends. Science 17 May 1996, 933. "The knowledge created by US scientists and those they have trained has been the basis for the creation of wealth, in very real ways, for this country and the world ... One would think, then, that scientists would have a lot of friends and feel a sense of public appreciation not enjoyed by many other professions. Yet at scientific meetings these days, there is a palpable anxiety about the fact that our friends are few and their loyalty uncertain ... This is a tough time for many scientists." (author) 7978 Elizabeth Pennisi: Worm genes imply a master clock. Science 17 May 1996, 949-950. 7979 Barry Cipra: A new theory of turbulence causes a stir among experts. Science 17 May 1996, 951. On a new paper of Grigory Barenblatt and Alexandre Chorin. 7980 Trisha Gura: Chemokines take center stage in inflammatory ills. Science 17 May 1996, 954-956. Chemokines are a fundamental part of the inflammatory host defenses. 7981 Anna Helversen-Pasotto: Representation de Gelfand-Graev et identites de Barnes - le cas de GL(2,F_q). Ens. Math. 32 (1986), 57-77. [8465] 7982 Anna Helversen-Pasotto: Darstellungen von GL(3,F_q) und Gausssche Summen. Math. Ann. 260 (1982), 1-21. [8465] 7983 Ronald Evans: Identiities for products of Gauss sums over finite fields. Ens. Math. 27 (1981), 197-204. [9830] 7984 Christof Koch: Towards the neuronal substrate of visual consciousness. Internet 1996, 12p. Adapted from a chapter in Hameroff/Kaszniak/Scott 1996. 7985 Henk Heijmans/Petros Maragos: Lattice calculus of the morphological slop transform. CWI BS-R9531 (1995), 34p. [8211] 7986 Henk Heijmans/Ilya Molchanov: Morphology on convolution lattices with applications to the slope transform and random set theory. CWI BS-R9603 (1996), 22p. [8211] 7987 Mark Lewis: Report on the Special Year in Mathematical Biology held at the University of Utah 1995-1996. Math. Biology Newsletter June 1996, 3. 7988 Philip Maini: Mathematical biology in Britain. Math. Biology Newsletter June 1996, 4. Mathematical biology is flourishing in Britain with a number of groups working in many different areas within the field. 7989 Nanako Shigesada/Yoh Iwasa: In memoriam Ei Teramoto (1925-1996). Math. Biol. Newsletter June 1996, 6. 7990 Simon Levin: In memoriam Akira Okubo (1925-1996). Math. Biol. Newsletter June 1996, 7. 7991 Russell Anderson: In memoriam Hans J. Bremermann (1926-1996). Math. Biol. Newsletter June 1996, 8. 7992 W. Specht: Gruppentheorie. Springer 1956. 7993 Ernst Mayr/Carl Sagan: The search for extraterrestrial intelligence. Scientific quest or hopeful folly? Planetary Report May/June 1996, 4-13. 7994 Chuck McManis: Using communication channels in applets III. Develop Visual-Basic-style techniques to applet design. Internet 1996, 10p. 7995 Gordon McComb: Using Javascript and forms. Internet 1996, 11p. 7996 Bill Venners: Under the hood. The lean, mean, virtual machine. An introduction to the basic structure and functionality of the Java Virtual Machine. Internet 1996, 6p. 7997 John Mitchell: Tip 8: Threads, Netscape, and the resize problem. How to deal with applet resizing in Netscape Navigator. Internet 1996, 4p. 7998 Bret Sommers: Distributing Java. Remote objects for Java. Internet 1996, 6p. 7999 Peter van der Linden: How exceptions work. Internet 1996, 10p. 8000 Rawn Shah: Distributed object computing with Joe and NEO. Internet 1996, 5p.