10001 Carles Vila' a.o.: Multiple and ancient origins of the domestic dog. Science 13 June 1997, 1687-1689. 10002 Karin Anderson/Melissa Moore: Bimolecular exon ligation by the human spliceosome. Science 13 June 1997, 1712-1716. 10003 Lutz Volkmann: Fundamente der Graphentheorie. Springer 1996, 450p. 3-540-82774-9. DM 70. 10004 Reinhard Diestel: Graph theory. Springer 1997. 3-540-98211-6 (pb.). DM 48. 10005 Lutz Volkmann: Graphen und Digraphen. Springer 1991, 300p. 3-540-82267-4. DM 56. 10006 Nello Forti Graziani: L'arazzo ferrarese. Electa 1982. 10007 Saverio Fossati/Gino Pagliuca: Vuoto non rende. Gente Money 1997/7, 48-52. 10008 T. van Veen/F. Groen: Discretization errors in the Hough transform. Pattern Rec. 14 (1981), 137-145. 10009 J. Illingworth/J. Kittler: A survey of the Hough transform. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 44 (1988), 87-116. 10010 G. Bonwetsch a.o.: Grundris'' der Geschichte. Von 1850 bis zur Gegenwart. Klett 1972. 10011 Ian Stewart: [Bedingte Wahrscheinlichkeiten im Gerichtssaal.] Nach langem Verho''r legt der Beschuldigte ein Gesta''ndnis ab. Dann ist es doch wahrscheinlicher als zuvor, das'' er der Ta''ter ist? Nicht unbedingt. Spektrum 1997/7, 8-10. 10012 Peter Weygoldt: Brutpflege und mo''gliche Paarbildung bei Fro''schen. Spektrum 1997/7, 12-15. 10013 Ralf To''njes: Transplantation von Organen aus Schweinen - Gefahren durch endogene Retroviren. Spektrum 1997/7, 15-21. Schweine tragen in ihrer Erbsubstanz als blinde Passagiere Viren (porcine endogene Retroviren, PERVs), die sich auch in menschlichen Zellen vermehren ko''nnen. Es besteht die Gefahr, das'' sie in der menschlichen Bevo''lkerung eine Epidemie auslo''sen ko''nnen. 10014 Michael Springer: Was kostet die Welt? Spektrum 1997/7, 21-24. 10015 Lex Kaper: Ursprung der Schnella''ufersterne aufgekla''rt. Spektrum 1997/7, 24-28. Die Milchstras''e entha''lt sehr heis''e, massereiche Sterne, die mit Geschwindigkeiten bis zu 100 km/sec durch das interstellare Medium rasen. Offenbar handelt es sich um Begleitsterne von Neutronensternen. 10016 Walter Massing: Gera''usche a''ndern visuelle Wahrnehmung. Spektrum 1997/7, 28-29. 10017 Gerhard Wenzel: Genomik bei Pflanzen - ein in Deutschland schlecht beackertes Feld. Spektrum 1997/7, 30-34. 10018 Jo''rg Riesmeier/Bernd Mu''ller-Ro''ber: Das Anwendungspotential der Pflanzengenomik. Spektrum 1997/7, 34-38. 10019 Heinrich Sandermann: Transgene Pflanzen - o''kologische Fragen. Spektrum 1997/7, 38-41. 10020 F. Duccio Macchetto/Mark Dickinson: Galaxien im fru''hen Universum. Spektrum 1997/7, 42-49. 10021 Antoine Adremont/Denis Corpet/Patrice Courvalin: Antibiotikaresistenz. Spektrum 1997/7, 50-57. 10022 Hilmar Meissl/Peter Ekstro''m: Das Pinealorgan und sein Hormon Melatonin. Spektrum 1997/, 58-64. 10023 Robert Helmreich: Kommunikationstraining gegen menschliches Versagen im Cockpit. Spektrum 1997/7, 66-71. 10024 Walter Mack/Elizabeth Leistikow: Sande der Welt. Spektrum 1997/7, 72-77. 10025 Uwe Reichert: Kernwaffenversuche - 50 Jahre Wettru''sten. Spektrum 1997/7, 88-90. 10026 Annette Schaper: Der umfassende Kernwaffen-Teststopp - ein Meilenstein der Ru''stungsbegrenzung. Spektrum 1997/7, 90-94. 10027 Joachim Schulze: Struktur des Verifikationssystems. Spektrum 1997/7, 94-97. 10028 Ulrich Rolf/Ju''rgen Siebke: Die Europa''ische Wa''hrungsunion - Bestandsaufnahme und Kritik. Spektrum 1997/7, 98-105. 10029 Dieter Simon: Forscher - Journalisten - O''ffentlichkeit. Spektrum 1997/7, 105-109. 10030 Rolf Henkel: Besprechung des Buches "Roboter" von Gero von Randow. Spektrum 1997/7, 110-111. 10031 Wilhelm Rotthaus: Besprechung des Buches "Giftige Psychiatrie" von Peter Breggin. Spektrum 1997/7, 112-114. 10032 Maria Remenyi: Besprechung des Buches "Mathematik von A bis Z" von William Dunham. Spektrum 1997/7, 115-116. 10033 Bow Sing-tze: Pattern recognition. Dekker 1984, 315p. 0-8247-7176-1. 10034 A. Calderbank/Ingrid Daubechies/Wim Sweldens/Yeo Boon-lock: Wavelet transforms that map integers to integers. Internet ca. 1996, 38p. 10035 Wim Sweldens/Peter Schro''der: Building your own wavelets at home. Internet ca. 1996, 67p. 10036 Naoki Saito: Classification of geophysical acoustic waveforms using time-frequency atoms. Am. Statist. Assoc. 1996 Proc. Stat. Comp., ... 10037 Ronald Coifman/Yves Meyer/Steven Quake/Mladen Victor Wickerhauser: Signal processing and compression with wave packets. Internet ca. 1991, 15p. 10038 Elliot Gootman/Mladen Victor Wickerhauser: Elementary wavelets. Internet ca. 1990, 9p. 10039 Ronald Coifman/Yves Meyer: Orthonormal wave packet bases. Internet ca. 1990, 7p. 10040 Mladen Victor Wickerhauser: Acoustic signal compression with wave packets. In Chui 1992, 679-700. 10041 Wim Sweldens (ed.): Wavelet Digest 14 July 1997. 10042 Wim Sweldens (ed.): Wavelet Digest 16 May 1997. 10043 Wim Sweldens (ed.): Wavelet Digest 13 June 1997. 10044 Patricia Kahn/Ann Gibbons: DNA from an extinct human. Science 11 July 1997, 176-178. For the first time a tiny snippet of DNA from the Neandertal's skeleton has been examined - the piece is very different from the corresponding human one. 10045 Ingrid Wickelgren: Marijuana - harder than thought? Science 27 June 1997, 1967-1968. Contrary to the popular view that marijuana is a relatively benign drug, new evidence suggests its effects in the brain resemble those of heroin and cocaine. 10046 Marcia Barinaga: New imaging methods provide a better view into the brain. Science 27 June 1997, 1974-1976. 10047 Ivan Amato: Candid cameras for the nanoworld. Science 27 June 1997, 1982-1985. 10048 Daniel Clery: Monitoring a killer volcano through clouds and ice. Science 27 June 1997, 1985. 10049 Robert Service: Fast-action flicks draw chemist's rave reviews. Science 27 June 1997, 1986-1987. 10050 Alexander Hellemans: Catching speeding electrons in a circuit city. Science 27 June 1997, 1987. 10051 Trisha Gura: Biologists get up close and personal with live cells. Science 27 June 1997, 1988-1990. 10052 Gary Taubes: Spectral technique paints cells in vivid new colors. Science 27 June 1997, 1990. 10053 Gary Taubes: Play of light opens a new window into the body. Science 27 June 1997, 1991-1993. 10054 Gary Taubes: Firefly gene lights up lab animals from inside out. Science 27 June 1997, 1993. 10055 Andrew Watson: Rethinking the telescope for a sharper view of the stars. Science 27 June 1997, 1994-1995. 10056 Amir Moghaddam a.o.: An animal model for acute and persistent Epstein-Barr virus infection. Science 27 June 1997, 2030-2033. 10057 Jon Cohen: Is an old virus up to new tricks? Science 18 July 1997, 312-313. A recent upsurge of monkeypox cases in Congo. 10058 Gerard Lallement: Semigroups and combinatorial applications. Wiley 1979. 10059 Gregory van der Vink: Scientifically illitarate vs. politically clueless. Science 23 May 1997, 1175. 10060 Lin Zhang a.o.: Gene expression profiles in normal and cancer cells. Science 23 May 1997, 1268-1272. 10061 Wim Sweldens (ed.): Wavelet Digest 14 July 1997. 10062 G. Beylkin/Ronald Coifman/V. Rokhlin: Fast wavelet transforms and numerical algorithms I. Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 44 (1991), 141-183. 10063 L. Auslander/R. Tolimieri: Is computing with the finite Fourier transform pure or applied mathematics? Bull. AMS 1 (1979), 847-897. 10064 Ingrid Daubechies: Orthonormal bases of compactly supported wavelets. Comm. Pure and appl. Math. 41 (1988), 909-996. 10065 Gilbert Strang: Wavelet transforms versus Fourier transforms. Bull. AMS 28 (1993), 288-305. 10066 Gerhard Starnecker/Michael Burret: Ei und Eigelege des Tagpfauenauges (Inachis io). Mikrokosmos 86 (1997), 195-198. 10067 Wolfgang Karg: Stammesentwicklung und Lebensweise von Raubmilben. Mikrokosmos 86 (1997), 199-203. 10068 Werner Nachtigall: Hilfsmittel fu''r den Fang von Su''s''wasser- Mikroorganismen. Mikrokosmos 86 (1997), 205-210. 10069 Wolfgang Hasenpusch: Seeigel-Stachel - ein Objekt fu''r die Bionik. Mikrokosmos 86 (1997), 211-215. 10070 Norbert Gregor Gu''nkel: Aquarien - ein wenig erforschter Lebensraum fu''r Mikroorganismen. Mikrokosmos 86 (1997), 217-224. 10071 Wolfgang Richter: Eine Lanze fu''r die Mikroskopie! Mikrokosmos 86 (1997), 225-228. 10072 Bruno Kremer: Ein Schmetterling im Blu''tenkleid. Mikrokosmos 86 (1997), 229-231. 10073 Klaus Hausmann/Gerhard Teichert/Christopher Limp: Foraminiferen contra Linsen. Mikrokosmos 86 (1997), 233-236. 10074 Philipp Mayer: Hedriocystis spinifera nach 77 Jahren wiederentdeckt. Mikrokosmos 86 (1997), 241-244. Copy of 9878. 10075 Ernst Hippe/Martin Kreutz: Leptomyxa reticulata - eine gros''e Amo''be oder viele kleine? Mikrokosmos 86 (1997), 245-248. 10076 Bernd Walz: Auch im Su''s''wasser - die Hydrozoe Cordylophora caspia. Mikrokosmos 86 (1997), 249-251. 10077 Marcia Barinaga: How much pain for cardiac gain? Science 30 May 1997, 1324-1327. 10078 Ann Gibbons: A new face for human ancestors. Science 30 May 1997, 1331-1333. An 800,000-year-old species from Spain takes its place on the human family tree, and these first Europeans may be ancestral to both modern humans and Neandertals. 10079 James Glanz: Worlds around other stars shake planet birth theory. Science 30 May 1997, 1336-1339. 10080 J. Bermudez de Castro a.o.: A hominid from the lower pleistocene of Atapuerca, Spain - possible ancestors to Neandertals and modern humans. Science 30 May 1997, 1392-1395. 10081 Christopher Chen a.o.: Geometric control of cell life and death. Science 30 May 1997, 1425-1428. 10082 Trisha Gura: Causing cancer by remote control? Science 20 June 1997, 1788-1789. Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpes virus may help drive the growth of multiple myeloma, but from neighboring cells, not the tumor cells. 10083 Alan Boss: Giant planet formation by gravitational instability. Science 20 June 1997, 1836-1839. 10084 M. Rettig a.o.: Kaposi's sarcome-associated herpesvirus infection of bone marrow dendritic cells from multiple myeloma patients. Science 20 June 1997, 1851-1854. 10085 Trevor Hawkins a.o.: A magnetic attraction to high-throughput genomics. Science 20 June 1997, 1887-1889. 10086 Julian Dontchev/Haruo Maki: Groups of theta-generalized homeomorphisms and the digital line. Internet ca. 1997, 1-18. 10087 Michael Mislove: Topology, domain theory and theoretical computer science. Internet ca. 1996, 55p. 10088 Stephen Watson: The classification of metrics and multivariate statistical analysis. Internet ca. 1996, 27p. 10089 Julian Dontchev/Takashi Noiri: N-closed subsets of nearly compact spaces. Internet ca. 1996, 10p. 10090 Mary Lynn Reed: Algebraic structure of genetic inheritance. Bull. AMS 34 (1997), 107-130. 10091 Teresa Cortes/Fernando Montaner: Low dimensional Bernstein-Jordan algebras. J. London Math. Soc. 51 (1995), 53-61. 10092 Rodolfo Baeza-Vega/Abdon Catalan/R. Costa: Bernstein algebras with associative bilinear forms. Arch. Math. 58 (1992), 234-238. 10093 Cesar Burgueno/Michael Neuburg/Avelino Suazo: Totally orthogonal Bernstein algebras. Arch. Math. 56 (1991), 349-351. 10094 Luiz Antonio Peresi: Nilpotency in Bernstein algebras. Arch. Math. 56 (1991), 437-439. 10095 Santos Gonzalez/C. Martinez/P. Vicente: Idempotent elements in a 2nd-order Bernstein algebra. Commun. Alg. 22 (1994), 595-609. 10096 R. Costa/Avelino Suazo: The multiplication algebra of a Bernstein algebra - basic results. Commun. Alg. 24 (1996), 1809-1821. 10097 Santos Gonzalez/C. Martinez/P. Vicente: Special classes of second-order Bernstein algebras. J. Algebra 167 (1994), 855-868. 10098 Santos Gonzalez/J. Gutierrez/C. Martinez: The Bernstein problem in dimension 5. J. Algebra 177 (1995), 676-697. 10099 Maria Teresa Alcalde/Cesar Burgueno/Cristian Mallol/Richard Varro: Derivations dans les algebres de Bernstein. J. Alg. 183 (1996), 826-836. 10100 Alicia Labra/Cristian Mallol/Artibano Mallol/Richard Varro: Sur les algebres de Bernstein V. Les algebres de Bernstein Jordan faibles. Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 3 (1992), 359-373. 10101 Maria Teresa Alcalde/Cesar Burgueno/Alicia Labra/Artibano Micali: Sur les algebres de Bernstein. Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. 1 (1989), 51-68. 10102 Angelika Wo''rz: Further remarks on Bernstein algebras. Proc. London Math. Soc. 58 (1989), 69-73. 10103 I. Etherington: Duplication of linear algebras. Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 6 (1941), 222-230. 10104 Richard Schafer: Structure and representation of nonassociative algebras. Bull. AMS 61 (1955), 469-484. 10105 Philip Holgate: Jordan algebras arising in population genetics (and corrigendum). Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 15 (1967), 291-294. 10106 H. Gonshor: Special train algebras arising in genetics. Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 12 (1960/61), 41-53. 10107 H. Gonshor: Special train algebras arising in genetics II. Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 14 (1964/65), 333-338. 10108 H. Gonshor: Contributions to genetic algebras. Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 17 (1971), 289-298. 10109 Philip Holgate/Silvia Machado: Recombination between several polyploid loci. J. Math. Biol. 25 (1987), 637-642. 10110 Philip Holgate: Characterizations of genetic algebras. J. London Math. Soc. 6 (1972), 169-174. 10111 Joao Carlos da Motta Ferreria/Artibano Micali: Sur les algebres nucleaires. Indag. Math. 7 (1996), 331-342. 10112 Santos Gonzalez/C. Martinez: Idempotent elements in a Bernstein algebra. J. Lond. Math. Soc. 42 (1990), 430-436. 10113 Teresa Cortes/Fernando Montaner: On the structure of Bernstein algebras. J. London Math. Soc. 51 (1995), 41-52. 10114 R. Costa/Henrique Guzzo: A class of exceptional Bernstein algebras associated to a graph. Commun. Algebra ... (ca. 1996), ... 10115 Henrique Guzzo/P. Vicente: Train algebras of rank n which are Bernstein or power-associative algebras. Nova J. ... (ca. 1997), ... 10116 Henrique Guzzo: On normal and composition series for baric algebras. Nova J. 4 (1995), 25-38. 10117 Henrique Guzzo: The Peirce decomposition for commutative train algebras. Commun. Alg. 22 (1994), 5745-5757. 10118 Henrique Guzzo: The bar-radical of baric algebras. Arch. Math. 67 (1996), 106-118. 10119 Henrique Guzzo: Embedding nil algebras in train algebras. Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 37 (1994), 463-470. 10120 Roberto Costa/Henrique Guzzo: Indecomposable baric algebras II. Lin. Alg. Appl. 196 (1994), 233-242. 10121 Roberto Costa/Henrique Guzzo: Indecomposable baric algebras I. Mat. Contemp. 6 (1994), 25-31. 10122 Henrique Guzzo: Indecomposable baric algebras. Lin. Alg. Appl. 183 (1993), 223-236. 10123 David Jacobs: The Albert nonassociative algebra system - a progress report. Internet ca. 1995, 4p. 10124 Antonio Fernandez Lopez/Eulalia Garcia Rus: Algebraic lattices and nonassociative structures. Internet 1997, 9p. 10125 Jose' Anquela/Teresa Cortes: Primitivity in Jordan systems is one and ubiquitous. Internet ca. 1997, 20p. 10126 Ottmar Loos: Trace and norm for reduced elements of Jordan pairs. Internet ca. 1997, 25p. 10127 Jose' Anquela/Teresa Cortes: Local-to-global inheritance of primitivity in Jordan algebras. Internet ca. 1997, 10p. 10128 Jose' Anquela/Teresa Cortes/Kevin McCrimmon/Fernando Montaner: Strong primeness of hermitian Jordan systems. Internet ca. 1997, 16p. 10129 Jose' Anquela/Miguel Cabrera/Antonio Moreno: Eater ideals in Jordan algebras. Internet ca. 1997, 19p. 10130 Eliot Marshall: NIH plans peer-review overhaul. Science 9 May 1997, 888-889. According to new rules proposals should be judged on innovation. 10131 Anthony Oro a.o.: Basal cell carcinomas in mice overexpressing sonig hedgehog. Science 2 May 1997, 817-821. 10132 C. Kurland: Beating scientists into plowshares. Science 2 May 1997, 761-762. Command structures in recent science funding (e.g. in the European Union). 10133 Settara Chandrasekharappa a.o.: Positional cloning of the gene for multiple endocrine neoplasia-type 1. Science 18 April 1997, 404-407. Multiple endocrine neoplasia-type 1 is an autosomal dominant familiar cancer syndrome characterized by tumors in parathyroids, enteropancreatic endocrine tissues, and the anterior pituitary. 10134 Virginia Morell: Microbiology's scarred revolutionary. Science 2 May 1997, 699-702. 10135 Richard Kerr: Life goes to extremes in the deep Earth - and elsewhere? Science 2 May 1997, 703-704. 10136 Elizabeth Pennisi: In industry, extremophiles begin to make their mark. Science 2 May 1997, 705-706. 10137 Evelyn Strauss/Stanley Falkow: Microbial pathogenesis - genomics and beyond. Science 2 May 1997, 707-712. 10138 Lucy Shapiro/Richard Losick: Protein localization and cell fate in bacteria. Science 2 May 1997, 712-718. 10139 B. Brett Finlay/Pascale Cossart: Exploitation of host cell functions by bacterial pathogens. Science 2 May 1997, 718-725. 10140 Barbara Baker/Patricia Zambryski/Brian Staskawicz/S. P. Dinesh-Kumar: Signaling in plant-microbe interactions. Science 2 May 1997, 726-733. 10141 Norman Pace: A molecular view of microbial diversity and the biosphere. Science 2 May 1997, 734-740. 10141 Jean Marx: Possible function found for breast cancer genes. Science 25 April 1997, 531-532. 10142 Charles Seife: New test sizes up randomness. Science 25 April 1997, 532. The Pincus-Singer entropy test. 10143 Wage Roush: Putative cancer gene shows up in development instead. Science 25 April 1997, 534-535. New findings about the "deleted in colo- rectal cancer gene". 10144 Alexander Dent a.o.: Control of inflammation, cytokine expression, and germinal center formation by bcl-6. Science 25 April 1997, 589-592. 10145 Yi Lin/Kwok-kin Wong/Kathryn Calame: Repression of c-myc transcription by blimp-1, an inducer of terminal B cell differentiation. Science 25 April 1997, 596-599. 10146 Susan Biggin: Program funding, Italian style. Science 25 April 1997, 191. Freeze in government funding for Aids research. 10147 John Huelsenbeck/Bruce Rannala: Phylogenetic methods come of age - testing hypotheses in an evolutionary context. Science 11 April 1997, 227-232. 10148 Constance Holden: Tenure turmoil sparks reforms. Science 4 April 1997, 24-26. 10149 Geoffrey West/James Brown/Brian Enquist: A general model for the origin of allometric scaling laws in biology. Science 4 April 1997, 122-126. 10150 George Michalopoulos/Marie De Frances: Liver regeneration. Science 4 April 1997, 60-66. 10151 Ronald McKay: Stem cells in the central nerve system. Science 4 April 1997, 66-71. 10152 Darwin Prockop: Marrow stromal cells as stem cells for nonhematopoietic tissues. Science 4 April 1997, 71-74. 10153 Paul Martin: Wound healing - aiming for perfect skin regeneration. Science 4 April 1997, 75-81. 10154 Jeremy Brockes: Amphibian limb regeneration - rebuilding a complex structure. Science 4 April 1997, 81-87. 10155 Susan Biggins: Reform begins with new CNR head. Science 4 April 1997, 1871. 10156 Elizabeth Pennisi: New tumor suppressor found - twice. Science 28 March 1997, 1876-1878. PTEN. 10157 Jing Li: PTEN, a putative protein tyrosine phosphatase gene mutated in human brain, breast, and prostate cancer. Science 28 March 1997, 1943-1947. 10158 Inge Hoefer (ed.): Krebsmedizin. Spektrum Spezial 5 (1997). 10159 Robert Weinberg: Wie Krebs entsteht. In 10158 Hoefer, 7-17. 10160 Erkki Ruoslahti: Wie Krebs sich ausbreitet. In 10158 Hoefer, 18-23. 10161 Dimitrios Trichopoulos/Frederick Li/David Hunter: Ursachen fu''r Krebs. In 10158 Hoefer, 25-34. 10162 Lori Miller Kase: Lokale Ha''ufung von Krebsfa''llen - ein unergiebiges Forschungsfeld. In 10158 Hoefer, 31. 10163 Walter Willett/Graham Colditz/Nancy Mueller: Strategien zur Krebspra''vention. In 10158 Hoefer, 34-40. 10164 Peter Greenwald: Chemopra''vention von Krebs. In 10158 Hoefer, 40-44. 10165 Karen Wright: Ein Vorreiter der Vorbeugung. In 10158 Hoefer, 43. Michael Sporn. 10166 Nancy Davidson: Birgt die Substitutionstherapi mit O''strogenen ein Krebsrisiko? In 10158 Hoefer, 44-45. 10167 David Sidransky: Fru''erkennung und Diagnostik mit Tumormarkern. In 10158 Hoefer, 47-52. 10168 Gary Stix: Sind Gentests auf Krebsrisiken verfru''ht? In 10158 Hoefer, 49. 10169 Maryellen Giger/Charles Pelizzari: Fortschritte bei bildgebenden Verfahren. In 10158 Hoefer, 52-55. 10170 Gerald Hanks/Peter Scardino: Kontroverse um PSA-Screening auf Prostatakrebs. In 10158 Hoefer, 55-57. 10171 Samuel Hellman/Everett Vokes: Fortschritte in der herko''mmlichen Krebstherapie. In 10158 Hoefer, 59-65. 10172 Karen Antmann: Hochdosis-Therapie ud Knochenmark-Transplantation. In 10158 Hoefer, 65-67. 10173 ZZ: Zwo''lf ha''ufige Krebserkrankungen. In 10158 Hoefer, 68-74. 10174 Lloyd Old: Immuntherapie gegen Krebs. In 10158 Hoefer, 77-84. 10175 Allen Oliff/Jackson Gibbs/Frank McCormick: Neue molekulare Angriffsziele fu''r eine Krebstherapie. In 10158 Hoefer, 85-90. 10176 Judah Folkman: Ausschaltung der Blutversorgung von Tumoren. In 10158 Hoefer, 91-96. 10177 Jimmie Holland: Die seelische Belastung bewa''ltigen. In 10158 Hoefer, 99-103. 10178 Jean-Jacques Aulas: Alternative Krebstherapien. In 10158 Hoefer, 103-105. 10179 Kathleen Foley: Schmerztherapie bei Krebspatienten. In 10158 Hoefer, 105-106. 10180 S. Paskov/Joseph Traub: Faster valuation of financial derivatives. J. Portfolio Man. 22 (1995), 113-120. 10181 A. Papageorgiou/Joseph Traub: Faster evaluation of multidimensional integrals. Computers in Phys. ... (1997), ... 10182 Grzgeorz Wasilkowski/Henryk Wozniakowski: The exponent of discrepancy is at most 1.4778... Internet 1995, 10p. 10183 A. Papageorgiou/Joseph Traub: New results on deterministic pricing of financial derivatives. Internet 1996, 10p. 10184 Joseph Traub/Henryk Wozniakowski: The Monte-Carlo algorithm with a pseudo-random generator. Math. Comp. 58 (1992), 303-339. 10185 Ian Sloan/Henryk Wozniakowski: An intractability result for multiple integration. Internet 1995, 7p. 10186 Steve Pincus/Rudolf Kalman: Not all (possibly) random sequences are created equal. Proc. Nat. Ac. Sci. USA 94 (1997), 3513-3518. 10187 Thomas Anantharaman/Bud Mishra/David Schwartz: Genomics via optical mapping II - ordered restriction maps. J. Comp. Biol. 4 (1997), 91-118. 10188 Vlado Dancik/Sridhar Hannenhalli/S. Muthukrishnan: Hardness of flip-cut problems from optical mapping. J. Comp. Biol. 4 (1997), 119-125. 10189 John Henderson/Steven Salzberg/Kenneth Fasman: Finding genes in DNA with a hidden Markov model. J. Comp. Biol. 4 (1997), 127-141. 10190 Paul Kearney: A six-point condition for ordinal matrices. J. Comp. Biol. 4 (1997), 143-156. 10191 Martin Farach: Recognizing circular decomposable metrics. J. Comp. Biol. 4 (1997), 157-162. 10192 Dorit Hochbaum/Anu Pathria: Path costs in evolutionary tree reconstruction. J. Comp. Biol. 4 (1997), 163-175. 10193 Louxin Zhang: On a Mirkin-Muchnik-Smith conjecture for comparing molecular phylogenies. J. Comp. Biol. 4 (1997), 177-187. 10194 Sophie Schbath: An efficient statistic to detect over- and under-reprented words in DNA sequences. J. Comp. Biol. 4 (1997), 189-192. 10195 Jacob Dalgaard/Michael Moser/Richard Hughey/I. Saira Mian: Statistical modeling, phylogenetic analysis and structure prediction of a protein splicing domain common to inteins and hedgehog proteins. J. Comp. Biol. 4 (1997), 193-214. 10196 R. Griffiths/P. Marjoram: Ancestral inference from samples of DNA sequences with recombination. J. Comp. Biol. 3 (1996), 479-502. 10197 Suchendra Bhandarkar/Sridhar Chirravuri/Jonathan Arnold: Parallel computing of physical maps - a comparative study in SIMD and MIMD parallelism. J. Comp. Biol. 3 (1996), 503-528. 10198 Rajani Joshi: A self-organizing cognitive network of antibody repertoire development. J. Comp. Biol. 3 (1996), 529-545. 10199 Cathy Wu/Sheng Zhao/Hsi-lien Chen: A protein class database organized with prosite protein groups and PIR superfamilies. J. Comp. Biol. 3 (1996), 547-561. 10200 Eugene Myers/Sanford Selznick/Zheng Zhang/Webb Miller: Progressive multiple alignment with constraints. J. Comp. Biol. 3 (1996), 563-572. 10201 Michael Teitelman/Frank Eeckman: Principal component analysis and large-scale correlations in non-coding sequences of human DNA. J. Comp. Biol. 3 (1996), 573-576. 10202 Pierre Lemarie (ed.): Les ondelettes en 1989. Springer LN Math. 1438 (1990). DM 37. 10203 Erich Novak: Deterministic and stochastic error bounds in numerical analysis. Springer LN Math. 1349 (1988). 3-540-50368-4. DM 23. 10204 Maya Bar-Hillel/Willem Wagenaar: The perception of randomness. Adv. Appl. Math. 12 (1991), 428-454. 10205 R. Todd Ogden: On preconditioning the data for the wavelet transform when the sample size is not a power of two. Comm. Statist. Simul. 26 (1997), 467-486. 10206 K. Wong: On the distribution of \alfa p^k modulo 1. Glasgow Math. J. 39 (1997), 121-130. 10207 Christopher Pinner: On sums of fractional parts {na+y}. J. Number Theory 68 (1997), 48-73. 10208 Georg Johann Rieger: On the integer part function and uniform distribution mod 1. J. Number Theory 65 (1997), 74-86. 10209 Pavel Kargaev/Anatoly Zhigljavsky: Asymptotic distribution of the distance function to the Farey points. J. Number Theory 65 (1997), 130-149. 10210 Jean-Michel Morel: The Mumford-Shah conjecture in image processing. Asterisque 241 (1991), 221-242. 10211 S. Bertoluzza: Human vision model and wavelets for high-quality image compression. Ist. Analisi Num. Pavia 961 (1995), 5p. 10212 A. Braides/G. Dal Maso: Non-local approximation of the Mumford-Shah functional. Calc. Var. 5 (1997), 293-322. 10213 Steven Pincus/Burton Singer: Randomness and degrees of irregularity. Proc. Nat. Ac. Sci. USA 93 (1996), 2083-2088. 10214 Steven Pincus a.o.: Older males secrete luteinizing hormone and testosterone more irregularly, and jointly more asynchronously, than younger males. Proc. Nat. Ac. Sci. USA 93 (1996), 14100-14105. 10215 Steven Pincus: Approximate entropy as a measure of system complexity. Proc. Nat. Ac. Sci. USA 88 (1991), 2297-2301. 10216 Gilbert Strang: Wavelets and dilation equations - a brief introduction. SIAM Review 31 (1989), 614-627. 10217 Christopher Heil/David Walnut: Continuous and discrete wavelet transforms. SIAM Rev. 31 (1989), 628-666. 10218 Harald Niederreiter: The serial test for pseudo-random numbers generated by the linear congruential method. Num. Math. 46 (1985), 51-68. 10219 Christian Biester/Peter Grabner/Gerhard Larcher/Robert Tichy: Adaptive search in quasi-Monte-Carlo optimization. Math. Comp. 64 (1995), 807-818. 10220 M. Skriganov: The geometry of numbers and uniform distributions. Sov. Math. Doklady 43 (1991), 878-881. 10221 Steven Krantz: Mathematics journals should be electronic and free. Notices AMS September 1997, ... But the author believes the contrary. 10222 Ann Gibbons: Archaelogists rediscover cannibals. Science 1 August 1997, 635-637. 10223 Marcia Barinaga: New insights into how babies learn language. Science 1 August 1997, 641. 10224 Michael Marder: Roughing it. Science 1 August 1997, 647. Fractals in material science. 10225 Ronald Kostoff: Peer review - the appropriate GPRA metric for research. Science 1 August 1997, 651-652. "Annual preformance plans are derived from production and service industries, where efficiency in the use of known resources to achieve well-defined targets over the performance period is the main goal. Revolutionary basic research, which has historically yielded some of the largerst downstream payoffs, has an inherently large uncertainty and failure rate, and may take many years before results are forthcoming." (From the article) 10226 Patricia Kuhl a.o.: Cross-language analysis of phonetic units in language addressed to infants. Science 1 August 1997, 684- 10227 Wim Sweldens (ed.): Wavelet Digest 12 August 1997. 10228 Rainer Burkhard: Laudatio fu''r Herrn Univ.-Doz. Dr. Franz Rendl. Int. Math. Nachr. April 1997, 73-74. 10229 Gerd Baron: Laudatio Drmota. Int. Math. Nachr. April 1997, 77-78. 10230 Werner Kuich: Laudatio Goldstern. Int. Math. Nachr. April 1997, 78-79. 10231 Robert Tichy: Laudatio Larcher. Int. Math. Nachr. April 1997, 79-80. 10232 Wilfried Imrich: Laudatio Seifter. Int. Math. Nachr. April 1997, 81. 10233 George Morgenthaler: On Walsh-Fourier series. Trans. AMS 84 (1957), 472-507. 10234 Bruce Sloss/William Blyth: Walsh functions and uniform distribution mod 1. Tohoku Math. J. 45 (1993), 555-563. 10235 Umberto Massari/Italo Tamanini: Regularity properties of optimal segmentations. J. reine & angew. Math. 420 (1991), 61-84. 10236 Peter Grabner: Block-distribution in random strings. Ann. Inst. Fourier 43 (1993), 539-549. 10237 Edmund Hlawka/Christa Binder: U''ber die Entwicklung der Theorie der Gleichverteilung in den Jahren 1909-1916. Arch. Hist. Ex. Sci. 36 (1986), 197-249. 10238 Umberto Massari/Italo Tamanini: On the finiteness of optimal partitions. Ann. Univ. Fe 39 (1993), 167-185. 10239 Jeffrey Vaaler: Some extremal functions in Fourier analysis. Bull. AMS 12 (1985), 183-216. 10240 Peter Grabner: Erdoes-Turan type discrepancy bounds. Monatshefte Math. 111 (1991), 127-135. 10241 W. Le Veque: An inequality connected with Weyl's criterion for uniform distribution. Proc. Symp. Pure Math. AMS 8 (1965), 22-30. 10242 Wolfgang Lu''ck: L2-Invarianten von Mannigfaltigkeiten und Gruppen. Jber. DMV 99 (1997), 101-109. 10243 Gerd Grubb: Pseudodifferential boundary problems and applications. Jber. DMV 99 (1997), 110-121. 10244 Reiner Ku''hnau: Herbert Gro''tzsch zum Geda''chtnis. Jber. DMV 99 (1997), 122-145. 10245 Horst Tietz: Herbert Gro''tzsch in Marburg. Jber. DMV 99 (1997), 146-148. 10246 Hans-Christian Reichel: Besprechung des Buches "Das Formale, das Soziale und das Subjektive" von M. Otte. Jber. DMV 99 (1997), B 29-30. 10247 S. Fuchs: Besprechung des Buches "General pattern theory" von Grenander. Jber. DMV 99 (1997), B 37-38. 10248 Melanie Mitchell: Computation in cellular automata - a selected review. In Schuster/Gramss 1997, ... 10249 Stefan Karisch/Franz Rendl/Jens Clausen: Solving graph bisection problems with semidefinite programming. Univ. Copenhagen Dept. CS DIKU-TR-97/9 (1997). 10250 Christoph Helmberg/Bojan Mohar/Svatopluk Poljak/Franz Rendl: A spectral approach to bandwidth and separator problems in graphs. Lin. Multilin. Alg. ... (ca. 1994), ... 10251 Stefan Karisch/Franz Rendl: Lower bounds for the quadratic assignment problem via triangle decompositions. TU Graz Report 286 (1994). 10252 Rainer Burkard: Efficiently solvable special cases of hard combinatorial optimization problems. TU Graz SFB 105 (1997). 10253 Christoph Helmberg/Franz Rendl/Henry Wolkowicz/Robert Vanderbei: An interior-point method for semidefinite programming. TU Graz Report 264 (1994). 10254 Qing Zhao/Stefan Karisch/Franz Rendl/Henry Wolkowicz: Semidefinite programming relaxations for the quadratic assignment problem. J. Comb. Opt. ... (ca. 1997), ... 10255 Jens Clausen/Stefan Karisch/Michael Perregaard/Franz Rendl: On the applicability of lower bounds for solving rectilinear quadratic assignment problems in parallel. Internet 1996, 19p. 10256 Melanie Mitchell/Stephanie Forrest: Fitness landscapes - royal road functions. In Ba''ck/Fogel/Michalewicz 1997, ... 10257 Melanie Mitchell/Stephanie Forrest/John Holland: The royal road for genetic algorithms - fitness landscapes and GA performance. In Toward a Practice of Autonomous Systems - Proc. 1st Europ. Conf. Artificial Life, MIT Press 1991, ... [11478] 10258 Christoph Helmberg/Franz Rendl/Robert Weismantel: Quadratic knapsack relaxations using cutting planes and semidefinite programming. Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum Berlin SC 95-37 (1995). 10259 Melanie Mitchell/John Holland/Stephanie Forrest: When will a genetic algorithm outperform hill climbing? In Cowan/Tesauro/Alspector ca. 1997, ... 10260 Christoph Helmberg/Svatopluk Poljak/Franz Rendl/Henry Wolkowicz: Combining semidefinite and polyhedral relaxations for integer programs. Internet ca. 1995, 12p. 10261 Melanie Mitchell: Review of the book "The dreams of reason" by Heinz Pagels. Bull. Santa Fe Inst. 6 (...), ... 10262 Melanie Mitchell: Review of the book "Darwin's dangerous idea" by Daniel Dennett. Internet ca. 1992, 5p. [11477] 10263 Melanie Mitchell: Review of the book "Out of control" by Kevin Kelly. Internet, ca. 1994, 4p. [11477] 10264 Stephanie Forrest/Melanie Mitchell: What makes a problem hard for a genetic algorithm? Some anomalous results and their explanation. Machine Learning 13/2-3 (1993), ... 10265 Melanie Mitchell: Computer models of complex adaptive systems. New Scientist 13 February 1993, ... 10266 Melanie Mitchell: Complexity and the future of science. Internet ca. 1994, 4p. 10267 Stefan Karisch/Franz Rendl: Semidefinite programming and graph equipartition. Internet ca. 1996, 19p. 10268 Melanie Mitchell: Review of the "Handbook of genetic algorithms" edited by L. Davis. Internet ca. 1993, 6p. 10269 Christoph Helmberg: An interior point method for semidefinite programming and max-cut bounds. Dissertation TU Graz 1994. 10270 Stefan Karisch: Nonlinear approaches for quadratic assignment and graph partition problems. Dissertation TU Graz 1995. 10271 Melanie Mitchell/Stephanie Forrest: Genetic algorithms and artificial life. Internet 1993, 28p. 10272 Stephanie Forrest/Melanie Mitchell: Relative building-block fitness and the building-block hypothesis. In Whitley ca. 1993, ... 10273 Christoph Helmberg/Franz Rendl: Solving quadratic (0,1)-problems by semidefinite programs and cutting planes. Internet 1996, 22p. 10274 Helmut Bru''ckner: Ein elementarer Beweis der algebraischen Abgeschlossenheit des Ko''rpers C der komplexen Zahlen. ... [8194] 10275 Ron Solomon: On finite simple groups and their classification. Notices AMS February 1995, 231-239. [8194] 10276 George Nemhauser/Laurence Wolsey: Integer and combinatorial optimization. Wiley 1988. 10277 J. David Schaffer (ed.): Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. Genetic Algorithms. Morgan Kaufmann 1989. 10278 R. Thomas/Robert Weismantel: Truncated Gro''bner bases for integer programming. ZIB Berlin Preprint SC-95-09 (1995), 12p. 10279 Peter Gruber/Joerg Wills (ed.): Handbook of convex geometry. 2 volumes. North-Holland 1993, 1600p. 0-444-89598-1. $ 309. 10280 Peter Gritzmann/Jo''rg Wills: Lattice points. In 10279 Gruber/Wills, 765-797. 10281 Peter Gruber: The space of convex bodies. In 10279 Gruber/Wills, 301-318. 10282 Herbert Edelsbrunner: Geometric algorithms. In 10279 Gruber/Wills, 699-735. 10283 Martin Henk/Robert Weismantel: On Hilbert bases of polyhedral cones. Internet 1996, 17p. 10284 G. Ewald: Algebraic geometry and convexity. In 10279 Gruber/Wills, 603-626. 10285 Margaret Bayer/Carl Lee: Combinatorial aspects of convex polytopes. In 10279 Gruber/Wills, 485-534. 10286 Peter Schmitt: Problems in discrete and combinatorial geometry. In 10279 Gruber/Wills, 449-483. 10287 Peter Gritzmann/Victor Klee: Mathematical programming and convex geometry. In 10279 Gruber/Wills, 627-674. 10288 Rainer Burkard: Convexity and discrete optimization. In 10279 Gruber/Wills, 675-698. 10289 David Mumford/Jayant Shah: Optimal approximations by piecewise smooth functions and associated variational problems. Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 42 (1989), 577-684. 10290 Caterina De Simone: The cut polytope and the boolean quadric polytope. Discrete Math. 79 (1989), 71-75. 10291 Robert Weismantel: On the 0/1 knapsack polytope. Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum Berlin SC 94-01 (1994). 10292 John Grefenstette/James Baker: How genetic algorithms work - a critical look at implicti parallelism. In 10277 Schaffer, 20-27. 10293 Geoffrey Miller/Peter Todd/Shailesh Hegde: Designing neural networks using genetic algorithms. In 10277 Schaffer, 379-384. 10294 Christoph Po''ppe: [Chaos.] Spektrum 1997/8, 12-17. Ein einfaches nichtlineares dynamisches System wechselt mehrfach zwischen geordnetem und chaotischem Verhalten, wenn man einen einzigen Systemparameter variiert. 10295 Robert Smith/Stephanie Forrest/Alan Perelson: Searching for diverse, cooperative populations with genetic algorithms. Internet ca. 1993, 29p. 10296 Stephanie Forrest/Brenda Javornik/Robert Smith/Alan Perelson: Using genetic algorithms to explore pattern recognition in the immune system. Internet 1993, 31p. [11477] 10297 Stephanie Forrest/Steven Hofmeyr/Thomas Longstaff/Anil Somayaji: A sense of self for Unix processes. Proc. 1996 IEEE Symp. Security Privacy (1996), 120-128. [11477] 10298 Patrik D'haeseleer/Stephanie Forrest/Paul Helman: An immunological approach to change detection - algorithms, analysis and implications. Proc. 1996 IEEE Symp. Security Privacy (1996), ... [11477] 10299 Ron Hightower/Stephanie Forrest/Alan Perelson: The evolution of emergent organization in immune system gene libraries. Internet 1994, 7p. [11477] 10300 Stephanie Forrest/Anil Somayaji/David Ackley: Building diverse computer systems. Proc. 6th Workshop Hot Topics Operating Systems, IEEE Computer Soc. Press (1997), 67-72. [11477] 10301 Rebecca Parsons/Stephanie Forrest/Christian Burks: Genetic algorithms, operators, and DNA fragment assembly. Machine Learning ... (ca. 1994), 1-24. [11477] 10302 Ron Hightower/Stephanie Forrest/Alan Perelson: The Baldwin effect in the immune system - learning by somatic hypermutation. Internet ca. 1994, 8p. [11477] 10303 Stephanie Forrest/Steven Hofmeyr/Anil Somayaji: Computer immunology. Internet ca. 1995, 19p. [11477] 10304 Peter Hraber/Terry Jones/Stephanie Forrest: The ecology of Echo. Artificial Life December 1996, ... 10305 Stephanie Forrest/Terry Jones: Modeling complex adaptive systems with Echo. In Stonier/Yu 1994, 3-21. 10306 Stephanie Forrest: Genetic algorithms. ACM Comp. Surveys January 1996, ... 10307 Stephanie Forrest: Research projects. Internet. [11477] 10308 Terry Jones/Stephanie Forrest: Fitness distance correlation as a measure of problem difficulty for genetic algorithms. Internet ca. 1994, 9p. 10309 Derek J. Smith/Stephanie Forrest/Ron Hightower/Alan Perelson: Deriving shape space parameters from immunological data. J. Theor. Biol. ... (ca. 1993), ... [11477] 10310 Dipankar Dasgupta/Stephanie Forrest: Novelty detection in time series using ideas from immunology. Internet ca. 1997, 7p. [11477] 10311 Alan Perelson/Ron Hightower/Stephanie Forrest: Evolution and somatic learning in V-region genes. Internet ca. 1993, 11p. [11477] 10312 Stephanie Forrest/Alan Perelson/Lawrence Allen/Rajesh Cherukuri: Self-nonself discrimination in a computer. Proc. 1994 IEEE Symp. Res. Security Privacy (...), ... 10313 Dieter Sporn a.o.: Vom Mottenauge abgeschaut - ultrafeine Strukturen fu''r die Entspiegelung. Spektrum 1997/8, 20-22. 10314 Hans Werner Mewes/Dmitrij Frishman/Klaus Heumann: Das Hefegenom - von der Sequenz zur Funktion. Spektrum 1997/8, 22-29. Nachdem das Erbgut von Saccharomyces cervisiae komplett entschlu''sselt worden ist, gilt es, fu''r die entdeckten Gene die biologische Funktion zu ermitteln - eine Aufgabe, bei der die Bioinformati eine entscheidende Rolle spielt. 10315 Michael Gros'': Genomische Pra''gung und die Vererbung intellektueller Fa''higkeiten. Spektrum 1997/8, 29-32. 10316 Christoph Po''ppe: Der erste ernstzunehmende Computerbeweis. Spektrum 1997/8, 32-36. 10317 Lieven Vandenberghe/Stephen Boyd: Semidefinite programming. SIAM Rev. ... (1996), ... 10318 Motakuri Ramana/Levent Tuncel/Henry Wolkowicz: Strong duality for semidefinite programming. Univ. Waterloo TR CORR 95-12 (1995). 10319 Charles Johnson/Brenda Kroschel/Henry Wolkowicz: An interior-point method for approximate positive semidefinite completions. Univ. Waterloo TR CORR 95-11 (1996). 10320 Panos Pardalos/Franz Rendl/Henry Wolkowicz: The quadratic assignment problem - a survey and recent developments. Internet ca. 1994, 42p. 10321 Motakuri Ramana: An algorithmic analysis of multiquadratic and semidefinite programming problems. PhD thesis Johns Hopkins Univ. 1993. 10322 Svatopluk Poljak: Convex relaxations of 0-1 quadratic programming. Internet 1993, 16p. 10323 Qing Zhao: Semidefinite programming for assignment and partitioning problems. PhD thesis Univ. Waterloo 1996. 10324 Henry Wolkowicz/Qing Zhao: Semidefinite programming relaxations for set partitioning problems. Univ. Waterloo TR CORR 96-... (1996). 10325 Motakuri Ramana: An exact duality theory for semidefinite programming and its complexity implications. DIMACS TR 95-02 (1995). 10326 Henry Wolkowicz: Explicit solutions for interval semidefinite linear programs. Univ. Waterloo TR CORR 93-29 (1993). 10327 P. Crescenzi/V. Kann: A compendium of NP optimization problems. Internet 1997, 97p. 10328 Farid Alizadeh/Jean-Pierre Haeberly/Michael Overton: Complementarity and nondegeneracy in semdefinite programming. Math. Programming ... (ca. 1996), ... 10329 Franz Rendl/Henry Wolkowicz: A semidefinite framework for trust region subproblems with applications to large scale minimization. Internet 1996, 35p. [11477] 10330 Lieven Vandenberghe/Stephen Boyd: A primal-dual potential reduction method for problems involving matrix inequalities. Internet 1994. 10331 Serge Kruk: Semidefinite programming applied to nonlinear programming. Master thesis Univ. Waterloo 1996. 10332 Gabor Pataki: On the facial structure of cone-LPs and semidefinite programs. Internet 1994, 13. 10333 Laszlo Lovasz: Semidefinite programming and combinatorial optimization. Internet 1995, 20p. 10334 Henry Wolkowicz/Qing Zhao: Semidefinite programming relaxations for the graph partitioning problem. Univ. Waterloo TR CORR 96-... (1996). 10335 Svatopluk Poljak/Franz Rendl/Henry Wolkowicz: A recipe for semidefinite relaxation for (0,1)-quadratic programming. Internet 1992, 13p. 10336 Gu''nter Rote/Robert Tichy: Quasi-Monte-Carlo methods and the dispersion of point sequences. Math. Comp. Modelling 23 (1996), 9-23. 10337 Mordecai Golin/Gu''nter Rote: A dynamic programming algorithm for constructing optimal prefix-free codes with unequal letter costs. SFB Optimierung und Kontrolle Graz Ber. 84 (1996). 10338 Gu''nter Rote: The N-line traveling salesman problem. TU Graz Report 109 (1991). 10339 Vladimir Deineko/Rene' van Dal/Gu''nter Rote: The convex-hull-and-line traveling salesman problem - a solvable case. TU Graz Report 233 (1992). 10340 Franz Brandenburg/Michael Ju''nger/Petra Mutzel: Algorithmen zum automatischen Zeichnen von Graphen. Inst. Informatik Ko''ln Rep. 97-264 (1997). 10341 John Miller: The coevolution of automata in the repeated prisoner's dilemma. Internet 1993, 22p. 10342 Ken Kollman/John Miller/Scott Page: Policy position-taking in two-party elections. Internet 1996, 43. 10343 John Miller: Active nonlinear tests (ANTs) of complex simulation models. Internet 1997, 17p. 10344 John Miller: Evolving information processing organizations. Internet 1996, 20p. 10345 Michael Springer: Gros''mut zahlt sich letztlich aus. Spektrum 1992/5, 30-32. Das Gefangenendilemma. 10346 Thomas Ray: Artificial life. Internet 1997, 30p. 10347 Thomas Ray: Evolution, complexity, entropy, and artificial reality. Internet 1994, 33p. 10348 Thomas Ray: An evolutionary approach to synthetic biology - Zen and the art of creating life. Internet 1994, 39p. 10349 Thomas Ray: Evolution, ecology and optimization of digital organisms. Internet, ca. 1992. 10350 Thomas Ray: Second Tierra Workshop report. Internet, ca. 1996. 10351 Peter White/James Powell: Phase transition from environmental to dynamic determinism in mountain pine beetle attack. Bull. Math. Biol. 59 (1997), 609-643. 10352 Miloje Rakocevic: Two classes of the aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases in correspondence with the codon path cube. Bull. Math. Biol. 59 (1997), 645-648. 10353 V. Alexeyev/A. Levich: A search for maximum species abundances in ecological communities under conditional diversity optimization. Bull. Math. Biol. 59 (1997), 649-677. 10354 Mats Gyllenberg/Ilkka Hanski/Trosten Lindstro''m: Continuous versus discrete single species population models with adjustable reproductive strategies. Bull. Math. Biol. 59 (1997), 679-705. 10355 M. Costa/J. Boldrini: Conflicting objectives in chemotherapy with drug resistance. Bull. Math. Biol. 59 (1997), 707-724. 10356 Ole Lund a.o.: Gene therapy of T helper cells in HIV infection - mathematical model of the criteria for clinical effect. Bull. Math. Biol. 59 (1997), 725-745. 10357 Micha Peleg/Mark Normand/Evi Damrau: Mathematical interpretation of dose-response curves. Bull. Math. Biol. 59 (1997), 747-761. 10358 Denise Kirschner/G. Webb: Understanding drug resistance for monotherapy treatment of HIV infections. Bull. Math. Biol. 59 (1997), 763-785. 10359 Uta Wille: The role of synthetic geometry in representational measurement theory. TU Berlin Report 1996/504 (1996). 10360 Brad Miller/David Goldberg: Optimal sampling for genetic algorithms. Internet 1996, 7p. [11478] 10361 David Dobkin/Seth Teller: Computer graphics. In Goodman/O'Rourke ca. 1996, ... 10362 Georges Harik a.o.: The gambler's ruin problem, genetic algorithms, and the sizing of populations. Internet ca. 1997, 6p. [11478] 10363 Ulrich Kortenkamp/Ju''rgen Richter-Gebert/Aravamuthan Sarangarajan/ Gu''nter Ziegler: Extremal properties of 0/1-polytopes. Internet ca. 1997, 9p. 10364 Dieter Schinzer/Anja Limberg: Epothilone - neue Wirkstoffe gegen Krebs. Spektrum 1997/8, 38-43. 10365 John Villasenor/William Mangione-Smith: Wandlungsfa''hige Mikrochips. Spektrum 1997/8, 44-49. 10366 Meave Leakey/Alan Walker: Fru''he Hominiden. Spektrum 1997/8, 50-55. 10367 Hans Gu''nter Brauch: Migration von Nordafrika nach Europa. Spektrum 1997/8, 56-61. 10368 Michael Bommes/Jost Halfmann: Migration, Wohlfahrtssysteme und Nationalstaatlichkeit in Deutschland. Spektrum 1997/8, 61-64. 10369 Wilhelm Heitmeyer: Migrationspolitik als Zitadellen-Politik. Spektrum 1997/8, 64-66. 10370 Peter Atteslander: Favelas-Kulturen und die zweite Generation - Kinder von Migranten. Spektrum 1997/8, 66-69. 10371 Cornelia Schmalz-Jacobsen: Interview. Spektrum 1997/8, 69-72. 10372 Lincoln Pratson/William Haxby: Submarine Panoramen. Spektrum 1997/8, 74-79. 10373 Arthur Kleinman/Alex Cohen: Psychiatrie in Entwicklungsla''ndern. Spektrum 1997/8, 80-84. 10374 Richard Rice/Raymond Gullison/John Reid: Tropische Regenwa''lder - Grenzen nachhaltiger Forstwirtschaft. Spektrum 1997/8, 86-92. 10375 Manfred Henger: Seismische Verifikation [von Atomtests]. Spektrum 1997/8, 94-104. 10376 Peter Wille: Hydroakustische U''berwachung der Weltmeere. Spektrum 1997/8, 104-109. 10377 Wolfgang Weiss: Das Radioaktivita''tsmes''netz. Spektrum 1997/8, 109-111. 10378 Christoph Po''ppe: Die Fermatsche Vermutung ist bewiesen - nun auch offiziell. Spektrum 1997/8, 113-116. Andrew Wiles erha''lt den Wolfskehlpreis. 10379 Georg Hartmut Altenmu''ller: Mit Nischenprodukten den technischen Fortschritt schaffen. Spektrum 1997/8, 116-118. 10380 Bruno Buchberger/Juan Elias: Using Gro''bner bases for detecting polynomial identities - a case study of Fermat's ideal. J. Number Theory 41 (1992), 272-279. 10381 Rudolf Sigl: Einfu''hrung in die Potentialtheorie. Wichmann 1989. 10382 V. Smirnov: Cours de mathematiques superieurs. Mir 1975. Integral equations and calculus of variations. 10383 Friedrich Hund: Grundbegriffe der Physik. 2 volumes. Bibl. Inst. 1979. 10384 Karsten Schmidt: Symmetrieberechnung. Internet ca. 1995. 10385 Dirk Hauschildt/Matthias Jantzen: Petri net algorithms in the theory of matrix grammars. Internet ca. 1993, 10p. 10386 Hartmut Ehrig/Julia Padberg/Leila Ribeiro: Algebraic high level nets. Springer LN CS 785 (1994), 188-206. 10387 Karsten Schmidt: Computations of invariants for algebraic Petri nets. Internet 1994, 23p. 10388 Karsten Schmidt: Parametrized reachability trees for algebraic Petri nets. Internet ca. 1995, 10p. 10389 Karsten Schmidt: On the computation of place invariants for algebraic Petri nets. Internet ca. 1992, 18p. 10390 Olaf Kummer/Mark-Oliver Stehr: Petri's axioms of concurrency. A selection of recent results. Internet ca. 1997, 20p. 10391 Stephan Melzer/Javier Esparza: Checking system properties via integer programming. TU Mu''nchen SFB 342 (1995). 10392 Julia Padberg: An outline of rule-based refinement for Petri nets. Internet 1996, 8p. 10393 Karsten Schmidt: Symmetries of Petri nets. Internet 1994, 29p. 10394 Karsten Schmidt: Symbolische Analysemethoden fu''r algebraische Petrinetze. Internet ca. 1995, 6p. 10395 Karsten Schmidt: T-invariants of algebraic Petri nets. Internet 1994, 41p. 10396 Tran Quoc-Nam/Franz Winkler: An overview of CASA - a system for computational algebra and constructive algebraic geometry. Internet 1997, 8p. 10397 Werner Krandick/Tudor Jebelean: Bidirectional exact integer division. J. Symb. Comp. 11 (1996), ... 10398 Karsten Schmidt: Symmetry calculations. Internet ca. 1994, 15p. 10399 Javier Esparza: Skript zur Vorlesung Petrinetze. SS 1995. Internet 1996, 60p. 10400 Olaf Kummer: Modellierung eines Aufzugssystems mit Petrinetzen. Studienarbeit Univ. Hamburg 1994, 74p. 10401 Karsten Schmidt: Ein Verfahren zur Verifikation von "Immer mo''glich"- und "Mo''glich, das'' immer"-Eigenschaften. Internet ca. 1995, 7p. 10402 Jo''rg Desel/Thomas Freytag: A partial-order-based simulation and validation approach for high-level Petri nets. Internet ca. 1997, 6p. 10403 Petr Jancar/Javier Esparza: Deciding finiteness of Petri nets up to bisimulation. Internet ca. 1996, 12p. 10404 Anja Gronewold/Michael Sonnenschein: Event-based modelling of ecological systems with asynchronous cellular automata. Internet ca. 1996, 18p. 10405 Karsten Schmidt: Implementation der Umgebung eines Programms zur Pru''fung und Berechnung von Invarianten algebraischer Petrinetze. Diplomarbeit HU Berlin 1993. 10406 Olaf Kummer: Axiome fu''r die Theorie der Nebenla''ufigkeit. Diplomarbeit Univ. Hamburg 1996. 10407 Karsten Schmidt: Siphons and traps of algebraic Petri nets. Internet ca. 1996, 12p. 10408 Michael Sonnenschein/Anja Gronewold: Diskrete Petrinetze fu''r individuenbasierte Modelle. Internet ca. 1993, 18p. 10409 Ugo Montanari/Marco Pistore: Minimal transition systems for history-preserving bisimulation. Internet ca. 1995, 13p. 10410 Andrei Kovalyov/Javier Esparza: A polynomial algorithm to compute the concurrency relation of free-choice signal transition graphs. TU Mu''nchen SFB 342 (1995). 10411 Ugo Montanari: Causal computing. ACM Comp. Surv. 28 A December 1996, ... 10412 Ugo Montanari/Francesca Rossi: Concurrency and concurrent constraint programming. Internet ca. 1995, 25p. 10413 Francesca Rossi: Redundant hidden variables in finite domain constraint problems. Internet ca. 1995, 8p. 10414 F. Bueno/M. Hermenegildo/Ugo Montanari/Francesca Rossi: Partial order and contextual net semantics for atomic and locally atomic CC programs. Internet 1996, 35p. 10415 Stefano Bistarelli a.o.: Semiring-based CSPs and valued CSPs - basic properties and comparison. Internet ca. 1996, ca. 50p. 10416 Francesca Rossi/Alessandro Sperduti: Learning solution preferences in constraint problems. Internet ca. 1996, 33p. 10417 Stefano Bistarelli/Ugo Montanari/Francesca Rossi: Semiring-based constraint satisfaction and optimization. J. ACM ... (ca. 1996), ... 10418 Philippe Codognet/Daniel Diaz/Francesca Rossi: Constraint retraction in FD. Internet ca. 1997, 12p. 10419 Francesca Rossi (?): Semiring-based constraint logic programming. Internet ca. 1997, 6p. 10420 Stefano Bistarelli/Ugo Montanari/Francesca Rossi: Constraint solving over semirings. Internet ca. 1996, 7p. 10421 Francesca Rossi: Existential variables and local consistency in finite domain constraint problems. Internet ca. 1996, 16p. 10422 Claudia Ermel/Alfio Martini: A taste of categorical Petri nets. TU Berlin Ber. 96-9 (1996), 38p. 10423 Javier Esparza/Bernhard von Stengel: The asynchronous committee meeting problem. Internet ca. 1994, 16p. 10424 Claudia Ermel: Anforderungsanalyse eines medizinischen Informations- systems mit algebraischen High-Level-Netzen. Internet 1996, 155p. 10425 James Glanz: Cut the communications fog, say physicists and editors. Science 15 August 1997, 895-896. The flood of unexplained acronyms, cryptic symbols, endless sentences, and nightmarish graphs has risen so high, that physicists can no longer understand each other. 10426 Sarah Anzick a.o.: AIB1, a steroid receptor coactivator amplified in breast and ovarian cancer. Science 15 August 1997, 965-968. 10427 Ellen Spertus: Testimony. Internet 1992, 2p. [8619] 10428 Janet Cottrell: I'm a stranger here myself - a consideration of women in computing. Internet ca. 1993, 10p. [8619] 10429 Heiko Visarius a.o.: Man-machine interfaces in computer aided surgery. Internet ca. 1994. [8619] 10430 Alexander Borusan: Requirements on Petri net technique from point of view of system development process. Internet ca. 1995, 10p. 10431 Ekkart Kindler: Safety and liveness properties - a survey. Interent ca. 1993, 5p. 10432 Javier Esparza: Petri nets, commutative context-free grammars, and basic parallel processes. Fund. Inform. 30 (1997), 23-41. 10433 Javier Esparza: Decidability of model checking for infinite-state concurrent systems. Internet ca. 1995, 25p. 10434 Fabio Gadducci/Ugo Montanari: Enriched categories as models of computation. Internet ca. 1995, 23p. 10435 Ekkart Kindler/Jo''rg Desel: Der Traum von einem universellen Petrinetz-Werkzeug - der Petrinetzkern. Internet 1996, 6p. 10436 Javier Esparza: Reachability in live and safe free-choice Petri nets is NP-complete. Internet ca. 13p. 10437 Ekkart Kindler/Wolfgang Reisig: Algebraic system nets for modelling distributed algorithms. Internet ca. 1997, 25p. 10438 Ekkart Kindler/Rolf Walter: Rearranging problems. Internet ca. 1995, 4p. 10439 Ekkart Kindler: A compositional partial order semantics for Petri net components. Internet ca. 1996, 18p. 10440 Jo''rg Desel/Ekkart Kindler: Proving correctness of distributed algorithms - a Petri net approach. Internet ca. 1997, 16p. 10441 Tobias Vesper: Beweisregeln fu''r Runden. Internet ca. 1997, 8p. 10442 Ekkart Kindler/Rolf Walter: Arc-typed Petri nets. Internet 1995, 17p. 10443 Jean-Marc Andreoli a.o.: Constraints and agents for a decentralized network infrastructure. Internet 1997, 6p. 10444 Ugo Montanari/Francesca Rossi: Constraint solving and programming - what next? Internet 1997, 6p. 10445 Ugo Montanari/Francesca Rossi: Contextual nets. Internet ca. 1994, 53p. 10446 Claudia Ermel/Julia Padberg/Hartmut Ehrig: Requirements engineering of a medical information system using rule-based refinement of Petri nets. Internet ca. 1994, 8p. 10447 Ekkart Kindler/A. Listl/Rolf Walter: A specification method for transaction models with data replication. Internet ca. 1996, 18p. 10448 Karsten Schmidt: How to calculate symbolically siphons and traps for some algebraic Petri nets. Helsinki Res. Rep. A 39 (1996). 10449 Ekkart Kindler/Tobias Vesper: Automatisch u''berpru''fbare Beweistechniken fu''r algebraische Petrinetze. Internet ca. 1997, 6p. 10450 Ekkart Kindler: A specification and verification method for caching protocols. Internet ca. 1997, 6p. 10451 Hsu-chun Yen/Bow-yaw Wang/Ming-sheng Yang: Deciding a class of path formulas for conflict-free Petri nets. Theory Comp. Systems 30 (1997), 475-494. 10452 Sibylle Strandt: Quadratic congruential generators with odd composite modulus. TH Darmstadt Preprint 1927 (1997), 11p. 10453 David Curry: Unix systems programming for SVR4. O'Reilly 1995, 600p. 1-56592-163-1. $33. 10454 George Collins/Werner Krandick: An efficient algorithm for infallible polynomial complex root isolation. Internet ca. 1993, 6p. 10455 George Collins/Werner Krandick: A hybrid method for high precision calculation of polynomial real roots. Internet ca. 1994, 6p. 10456 Giovanna Roda: Linear algebra methods for the transformation of Gro''bner bases. RISC Rep. 95-54 (1995), 16p. 10457 Bruno Buchberger: Symbolic computation - computer algebra and logic. Internet 1996, 25p. 10458 Klaus Aigner: Maple V procedure for computation of Gro''bner bases by the Gro''bner walk. Internet 1997, 33p. 10459 Dominique Perrin: Symbolic dynamics and finite automata. Internet 1995, 12p. 10460 Chris Hillman: [Comparison between shift dynamical systems and tiling dynamical systems.] Internet ca. 1996, 2p. [10806] 10461 Brian Marcus: Symbolic dynamics and coding applications. Internet 1995, 12p. 10462 Dominique Perrin: Les debuts de la theorie des automates. Internet 1996, 25p. 10463 Chris Hillman: [Symbolic dynamics of the Mandelbrot set.] Internet 1996 (mail), 5p. [10806] 10464 Chris Hillman: Entropy in ergodic theory and dynamical systems. Internet ca. 1996, 4p. [10805] 10465 Chris Hillman: Entropy in the biological sciences. Internet 1997, 2p. [10805] 10466 Thomas Schneider: New approaches in mathematical biology - information theory and molecular machines. Internet 1996, 9p. [10805] 10467 M. Lothaire: Presentation of the book "Algebraic combinatorics on words". Internet 1997, 18p. 10468 Zaqueu Coelho/William Parry: Central limit asymptotics for shifts of finite type. Internet ca. 1995, 15p. [10805] 10469 Mike Boyle/Jun Tomiyama: Bounded topological orbit equivalence and C*-algebras. Internet ca. 1996, 13p. [10805] 10470 Zaqueu Coelho: On the asymptotic range of cocycles for shifts of finite type. Erg. Th. Dyn. Syst. 13 (1993), 249-262. [10805] 10471 M. Lothaire: Words. First chapter of the new edition of "Combinatorics on words." Internet 1997, 17p. 10472 Chris Hillman: Symbolic dynamics on the World Wide Web. Internet 1997, 9p. [10806] 10473 Klaus Schmidt: Invariant cocycles, random tilings and the super-K and strong Markov properties. Erwin Schro''dinger Inst. Wien Preprint 301 (1996). [10806] 10474 Marie-Pierre Beal/Filippo Mignosi/Antonio Restivo: Minimal forbidden words and symbolic dynamics. Internet ca. 1995, 12p. 10475 Mike Boyle: Factoring factor maps. Internet ca. 1996, 13p. 10476 Jan Freund: Symbolic dynamics approach to stochastic processes. Internet ca. 1997, 18p. [10805] 10477 Bohuslav Balcar/Frantisek Franek: Structural properties of universal minimal dynamical systems for discrete semigroups. Trans. AMS 349 (1997), 1697-1724. [10805] 10478 Ethan Coven/Michael Keane: The structure of substition minimal sets. Trans. AMS 162 (1971), 89-102. [10806] 10479 Nelson Markley: Substition-like minimal sets. Israel J. Math. 22 (1975), 332-353. [10806] 10480 Kenneth Berg: Quasi-disjointness in ergodic theory. Trans. AMS 162 (1971), 71-87. [10805] 10481 Vladimir Pestov: Independence of almost periodicity upon the topology of the acting group. Topology Appl. ... (ca. 1997), ... [10805] 10482 Patrizia Riviera: Il semigruppo di Ellis di un sistema dinamico compatto. Tesi, Ferrara 1994. 10483 Zaqueu Coelho/Anthony Quas: Criteria for d-continuity. Internet 1996, 12p. [10805] 10484 Zaqueu Coelho/William Parry: Shift endomorphisms and compact Lie extensions. Internet ca. 1996, 12p. [10805] 10485 Marcus Pendergrass: Topological complexity for set-valued maps I. Topological entropy. Internet 1994, 10p. [10805] 10486 Vladimir Pestov: Some universal constructions in abstract topological dynamics. Internet 1997, 18p. [10805] 10487 Nicholas Ormes: Strong orbit realization for minimal homeomorphisms. Internet ca. 1997, 26p. [10805] 10488 Marie-Pierre Beal/Dominique Perrin: Symbolic dynamics and finite automata. Internet 1999, 55p. 10489 Klaus Schmidt: Tilings, fundamental cocycles and fundamental groups of symbolic Z^d-actions. Erwin Schro''dinger Institute Wien 377 (1996), 57p. [10806] 10490 Manfred Einsiedler/Klaus Schmidt: Markov partitions and homoclinic points of algebraic Z^d-actions. Erwin-Schro''dinger-Inst. Wien 439 (1997), 21p. [10806] 10491 Josef Eschgfa''ller: On the coalescence of minimal distal transformation groups with a nilpotent Ellis group. Ann. Univ. Ferrara 19 (1974), 27-31. 10492 Josef Eschgfa''ller: Another dynamical interpretation of the Ellis semigroup. Manuscript ca. 1974, 7p. 10493 Josef Eschgfa''ller: On the existence of distal points in minimal transformation groups. Ann. Univ. Ferrara 19 (1974), 33-36. 10494 Josef Eschgfa''ller: On monothetic right topological semigroups. Boll. UMI 11 (1975), 544-551. 10495 Mike Boyle/Douglas Lind: Expansive subdynamics. Internet ca. 1994, 46p. [10806] 10496 Douglas Lind/Klaus Schmidt: Homoclinic points of algebraic Z^d-actions. Erwin-Schro''dinger-Inst. Wien 411 (1996), 29p. [10806] 10497 Thomas Schneider: Sequence logos, machine/channel capacity, Maxwell's demon, and molecular computers - a review of the theory of molecular machines. Internet 1994, 37p. [10805] 10498 Richard Ball/James Hagler: Real-valued functions on flows. Internet 1996, 38p. Interesting paper on compactifications of dynamical systems. [10805] 10499 Herbert Wilf a.o.: Marcel-Paul Schu''tzenberger (1920-1996). Internet 1996, 10p. 10500 Marcel-Paul Schu''tzenberger: Les failles du darwinisme. Interview. Internet 1996, 20p. 10501 Stanislav Kublanovsky/Mark Sapir: Potential divisibility in finite semigroups is undecidable. Internet 1996, 9p. 10502 T. Hall/Mark Sapir: Idempotents, regular elements and sequences from finite semigroups. Internet ca. 1996, 13p. 10503 Mark Sapir: Eventually H-related sets and systems of equations over finite semigroups and rings. Internet 1995, 10p. 10504 O. Delgado Friedrichs/Andreas Dress/D. Huson: Tilings and symbols. A report on the uses of symbolic calculation in tiling theory. Internet ca. 1995, 16p. 10505 Peter Flor: Rhythmische Abbildungen abelscher Gruppen II. Z. Wtheorie 7 (1967), 17-28. [10806] 10506 John Baum: Instability and asymptoticity in topological dynamics. Pacific J. Math. 12 (1962), 25-34. [10805] 10507 John Baum: Asymptoticity in topological dynamics. Trans. AMS 77 (1957), 506-519. [10805] 10508 F. Dekking: Strongly non-repetitive sequences and progression-free sets. J. Comb. Theory A (1979), 181-185. [10806] 10509 Georges Simenon: Il porto delle nebbie. Adelphi 1994. 10510 Ethan Coven/Gustav Arnold Hedlund: Sequences mit minimal block growth. Math. Systems Th. 7 (1973), 138-153. [10806] 10511 Jean Berstel: Une hierarchie des parties rationelles de N^2. Math. Systems Th. 7 (1973), 114-137. 10512 John Martin: Minimal flows arising from substitutions on non-constant length. Math. Systems Th. 7 (1973), 73-82. [10806] 10513 Ethan Coven: P-recursion and transformation groups having an equicontinuous replete semigroup. Math. Systems Th. 3 (1969), 170-178. [10805] 10514 B. Bryant/Peter Walters: Asymptotic properties of expansive homeomorphisms. Math. Systems Th. 3 (1969), 60-66. [10805] 10515 Harvey Keynes/James Robertson: Generators for topological entropy and expansiveness. Math. Systems Th. 3 (1969), 51-59. [10805] 10516 Gustav Arnold Hedlund: Endomorphisms and automorphisms of the shift dynamical system. Math. Systems Theory 3 (1969), 320-375. [10806] 10517 John Martin: Generalized Morse sequences in n symbols. Proc. AMS 54 (1976), 379-383. [10806] 10518 F. Dekking: The spectrum of dynamical systems arising from substitutions of constant length. Z. Wtheorie 41 (1978), 221-239. [10806] 10519 John Martin: The structure of generalized Morse minimal sets on n symbols. Trans. AMS 232 (1977), 343-355. [10806] 10520 Kenneth Lau/Alan Zame: On weak mixing of cascades. Math. Systems Th. 6 (1972), 307-311. [10805] 10521 Michael Sears: Expansive self-homeomorphisms of the Cantor set. Math. Systems Th. 6 (1972), 129-132. [10805] 10522 J. Patrick Ryan: The shift and commutativity. Math. Systems Th. 6 (1972), 82-85. [10805] 10523 F. Rhodes: Lifting recursion properties. Math. Systems Th. 6 (1973), 302-306. [10805] 10524 W. Reddy: On positively expansive maps. Math. Systems Th. 6 (1973), 76-81. [10805] 10525 I. Namioka: Right topological groups, distal flows and a fixed point theorem. Math. Syst. Th. 6 (1972), 193-209. [10805] 10526 Louis Nachman: Minimal sets with discrete abelian phase group. Math. Systems Th. 6 (1972), 16-22. [10805] 10527 Ping-fun Lam: Inverses of recurrent and periodic points under homomorphisms of dynamical systems. Math. Systems Th. 6 (1972), 26-36. [10805] 10528 Richard Freiman: Regular minimal sets over the circle and the Ellis minimal set. Math. Systems Th. 6 (1972), 145-163. [10805] 10529 Kenneth Berg: Quasi-disjointness, products and inverse limits. Math. Systems Th. 6 (1972), 123-128. [10805] 10530 Benjamin Klein: Homomorphisms of symbolic dynamical systems. Math. Systems Th. 6 (1972), 107-122. [10806] 10531 Michael Weiss: Restricted topological entropy and expansive mappings. Math. Systems Th. 7 (1973), 318-322. [10805] 10532 Michael Sears: Expansivenes on locally compact spaces. Math. Systems Th. 7 (1973), 377-382. [10805] 10533 David Rine: A category theory for programming language. Math. Systems Th. 7 (1973), 304-317. 10534 Georges Simenon: La balera da due soldi. Adelphi 1995. 10535 Georges Simenon: Il caso Saint-Fiacre. Adelphi 1996. 10536 Joseph Auslander: Transformation groups without minimal sets. Math. Systems Theory 2 (1968), 93-95. [10805] 10537 Giacomo Della Riccia: Equicontinuous semi-flows (one-parameter semigroups) on locally compact or complete metric spaces. Math. Systems Theory 4 (1969), 29-34. [10805] 10538 L. Wayne Goodwyn: A characterization of symbolic cascades in terms of expansiveness and topological entropy. Math. Systems Theory 4 (1970), 157-159. [10806] 10539 Larry King: Types of isomorphisms of transformation groups. Math. Systems Theory 5 (1971), 376-382. [10805] 10540 Nelson Markley: Lifting dynamical properties. Math. Systems Theory 5 (1971), 299-305. [10805] 10541 Karl Petersen: Extension of minimal transformation groups. Math. Systems Theory 5 (1971), 365-375. [10805] 10542 Michael Sears: The automorphisms of the shift dynamical system are relatively sparse. Math. Systems Theory 5 (1971), 228-231. [10806] 10543 Benjamin Weiss: Topological transitivity and ergodic measures. Math. Systems Theory 5 (1971), 71-75. [10805] 10544 Ethan Coven: Sequences with minimal block growth II. Math. Systems Theory 8 (1973), 376-382. [10806] 10545 Ethan Coven/Michael Paul: Endomorphisms of irreducible subshifts of finite type. Math. Systems Theory 8 (1974), 167-175. [10806] 10546 Michael Paul: Minimal symbolic flows having minimal block growth. Math. Systems Theory 8 (1974), 309-315. [10806] 10547 G. Herman/Aristid Lindenmayer/Grzegorz Rozenberg: Description of developmental languages using recurrence systems. Math. Systems Theory 8 (1975), 316-341. [10806] 10548 J. Patrick Ryan: The shift and commutativity. Math. Systems Theory 8 (1974), 249-250. [10805] 10549 Peter Walters: Affine transformations and coalescence. Math. Systems Theory 8 (1974), 33-44. [10805] 10550 Michael Weiss: Algebraic and other entropies of group endomorphisms. Math. Systems Theory 8 (1974), 243-248. [10805] 10551 Charles Radin: Global order from local sources. Bull. AMS 25 (1991), 335-364. [10805] 10552 Joseph Kruskal: The theory of well-quasi-ordering - a frequently rediscovered concept. J. Comb. Theory A 13 (1972), 297-305. 10553 F. Dekking: On repetitions of blocks in binary sequences. J. Comb. Theory A 20 (1976), 292-299. [10806] 10554 Roy Adler/L. Wayne Goodwyn/Benjamin Weiss: Equivalence of topological Markov shifts. Israel J. Math. 27 (1977), 49-63. [10805] 10555 Wolfgang Krieger: On sofic systems II. Israel J. Math. 60 (1987), 167-176. [10805] 10556 Wolfgang Krieger: On sofic systems I. Israel J. Math. 48 (1984), 305-330. [10805] 10557 E. Hemmingsen/William Reddy: Lifting and projecting expansive homeomorphisms. Math. Systems Theory 2 (1968), 7-15. [10805] 10558 William Reddy: Lifting expansive homeomorphisms to symbolic flows. Math. Systems Theory 2 (1968), 91-92. [10805] 10559 Frank Hahn/William Parry: Some characteristic properties of dynamical systems with quasi-discrete spectra. Math. Systems Theory 2 (1968), 179-190. [10805] 10560 Nelson Markley: Transitive homeomorphisms of the circle. Math. Systems Theory 2 (1968), 247-249. [10805] 10561 P. Kahn/A. Knapp: Equivariant maps onto minimal flows. Math. Systems Theory 2 (1968), 319-324. [10805] 10562 John Rhodes: A homomorphism theorem for finite semigroups. Math. Systems Theory 4 (1970), 289-304. 10563 Kenneth Krohn/Richard Mateosian/John Rhodes: Complexity of ideals in finite semigroups and finite-state machines. Math. Systems Theory 1 (1967), 59-66. 10564 Ta-sun Wu: Construction of locally almost periodic minimal transformation groups. Math. Systems Theory 1 (1967), 157-163. [10805] 10565 Harvey Keynes: The proximal relation in a class of substitution minimal sets. Math. Systems Theory 1 (1967), 165-174. [10805] 10566 Leonard Bidwell: Regionally almost periodic transformation groups. Math. Systems Theory 1 (1967), 257-262. [10805] 10567 Robert Brook: A construction of the greatest ambit. Math. Systems Theory 4 (1971), 242-248. [10805] 10568 Ping-fun Lam: Homomorphisms of expansive transformation groups. Math. Systems Theory 4 (1971), 249-256. [10805] 10569 Roy Adler/Leopold Flatto: Geodesic flows, interval maps, and symbolic dynamics. Bull. AMS 25 (1991), 229-334. [10806] 10570 Harry Furstenberg: Disjointness in ergodic theory, minimal sets and diophantine approximations. Math. Systems Theory 1 (1967), 1-49. [10805] 10571 Trisha Gura: How TRAIL kills cancer cells, but not normal cells. Science 8 August 1997, 768. 10572 Michael Paul: Construction of almost automorphic symbolic minimal flows. Gen. Top. 6 (1976), 45-56. [10806] 10573 F. Dekking/Michael Keane: Mixing properties of substitutions. Z. Wtheorie 42 (1978), 23-33. [10806] 10574 SIAM: The SIAM report on mathematics in industry. Internet 1996, 34p. 10575 ZZ: Arbeits-und Ergebnisbericht Graduiertenkolleg Technomathematik. Universita''t Kaiserslautern 1996, 98p. 10576 Paul Davis: 1994 SIAM Forum (final report) - mathematics in industry, the job market of the future. SIAM 1994, 17p. 10577 Paul Davis: Mathematics in industry. A SIAM project. Report 1 - some views of mathematics in industry. SIAM, ca. 1995, 11p. 10578 J. Struckmeier: Fast generation of low-discrepancy sequences. Internet, ca. 1995, 15p. 10579 ZZ: Abschlus''bericht Wintersemester 1996/97 - Graduiertenkolleg Technomathematik. Universita''t Kaiserslautern 1997, 66p. 10580 ZZ: Abschlus''bericht Wintersemester 1995/96 - Graduiertenkolleg Technomathematik. Universita''t Kaiserslautern 1996, 61p. 10581 ZZ: Abschlus''bericht Sommersemester 1995 - Graduiertenkolleg Technomathematik. Universita''t Kaiserslautern 1995, 54p. 10582 George Andrews: Number theory. Dover 1994. 10583 Dario Floreano: Manuale sulle reti neurali. Il Mulino 1996. 10584 Giordano Lanzola/Sabina Falasconi/Mario Stefanelli: Cooperating agents implementing distributed patient management. Internet 1996, 13p. [11477] 10585 Riccardo Bellazzi/Alberto Riva: Learning conditional probabilities with longitudinal data. Internet, ca. 1996, 8p. 10586 Alberto Riva/Riccardo Bellazzi: Intelligent analysis techniques for diabetes data time series. Internet, ca. 1996, 5p. 10587 Giordano Lanzola/Sabina Falasconi/Mario Stefanelli: Health care information systems based on cooperating software agents. Internet, ca. 1995, 6p. 10588 P. Magni/Riccardo Bellazzi/L. De Maestri: DT-planner - an environment for managing dynamic decision problems. Internet, ca. 1996, 36p. 10589 Marco Ramoni/Alberto Riva: Basic science in medical reasoning - an artificial intelligence approach. Internet 1995, 10p. [11477] 10590 Marco Ramoni/Alberto Riva: Belief maintenance in Bayesian networks. Internet, ca. 1992, 8p. 10591 Sabina Falasconi/Mario Stefanelli: A library of medical ontologies. Internet, ca. 1995, 10p. 10592 S. Quaglini/Mario Stefanelli/F. Locatelli: Decision models for cost-effectiveness analysis - a means for knowledge sharing and quality control in health care multidisciplinary tasks. Internet, ca. 1996, 12p. 10593 Giordano Lanzola/Sabina Falasconi/Mario Stefanelli: Cooperative software agents for patient management. Internet, ca. 1995, 12p. 10594 Silvana Quaglini/Riccardo Bellazzi/Mario Stefanelli/Franco Locatelli: Sharing and reusing therapeutic knowledge for managing leukemic children. Internet, ca. 1994, 10p. 10595 Gertjan van Heijst a.o.: A case study in ontology library construction. Internet, ca. 1994, 25p. 10596 Marco Ramoni/Alberto Riva/Mario Stefanelli/Vimla Patel: Forecasting glucose concentration in diabetic patients using ignorant belief networks. Internet 1994, 6p. 10597 Marcia Angell: The ethics of clinical research in the Third World. New England J. Med. 18 September 1997, ... [11477] 10598 W. Lippe/T. Feuring/A. Jankrift/R. Hohenstein: Klassifikation neuromagnetischer Daten mittels ku''nstlicher neuronaler Netze. Internet ca. 1994, 8p. [10808] 10599 Michael Rath/Christof Gemke: Adaptive resonance theory. Referat Univ. Mu''nster 1996, 36p. 10600 Stefan Jung: Mehrschichtige Netze und Fehlerfunktion. Seminar Univ. Mu''nster 1996, 20p. 10601 Matthias Niehues/Peter Hocks: Einfu''hrung in neuronale Netze. Historie - Perzeptron - Adaline. Seminar Univ. Mu''nster 1996, 34p. 10602 Matthias Walter: Einfu''hrung in die evolutiona''re Berechnung. Internet, ca. 1995, 15p. [10807] 10603 Matthias Vo''geler: Hebbsches Lernen und PCA. Seminar Univ. Mu''nster 1997, 18p. 10604 Marcel Sohnius: Selbstorganisierende Netze - Kohonens self-organizing Map. Grundlagen. Seminar Univ. Mu''nster 1997, 12p. [10807] 10605 Ingo Scholz/Andreas Elkmann: Assoziativer Speicher, Perceptron und LMS-Algorithmus. Seminar Univ. Mu''nster 1997, 23p. 10606 Sonja Hartberger: Einfu''hrung in die Theorie der neuronalen Netze - Radial-Basis-Function-Netze. Seminar Univ. Mu''nster 1995, 21p. 10607 Sonja Hartberger: Verfahren zur Minimierung von Netzen. Seminar Univ. Mu''nster 1996, 13p. 10608 Stefan Neuwirth: Neuronale Netze und genetische Algorithmen. Evolutiona''re Strukturierung von neuronalen Netzen. Seminar Univ. Mu''nster 1996, 7p. [10807] 10609 Patrick Haubold: Modular networks. Seminar Univ. Mu''nster 1997, 13p. 10610 ZZ: Der Lernprozes'' in neuronalen Netzen. Seminar Univ. Mu''nster 1996/97, 18p. 10611 Sven Ku''hne: Neuronale Netze und genetische Algorithmen. Ein U''berblick u''ber aktuelle Ansa''tze. Seminar Univ. Mu''nster 1995/96, 14p. [10807] 10612 Hauke Kru''mpelmann: Kohonens selbstorganisierende Karten - Teil 2. Seminar Univ. Mu''nster 1997, 16p. [10807] 10613 Mirko Czesla: Konstruktive Ansa''tze zur Bestimmung von Netztopologien. Seminar Univ. Mu''nster 1996, 17p. [10808] 10614 Adelheid Klingebiel: Optimale Netzstruktur von mehrschichtigen Perceptronnetzen. Seminar Univ. Mu''nster 1996, 16p. [10807] 10615 Stefan Karrman: Das Zusammenwirken von Evolution und Lernen bei der Entwicklung neuronaler Netze. Seminar Univ. Mu''nster 1995/96, 9p. [10807] 10616 Astrid Dominique van Viebahn: Hardware ku''nstlicher neuronaler Netze. Seminar Univ. Mu''nster 1995, 27p. 10617 Stefan Neuwirth: [Genetische Algorithmen und neuronale Netze.] Seminar Univ. Mu''nster 1997, 13p. [10807] 10618 Jens Fischer: Die Boltzmann-Maschine. Seminar Univ. Mu''nster 1997, 14p. 10619 Ralf Hohenstein: Klassifizierung neuromagnetischer Feldmuster mit einem einzelnen Fuzzy-ARTMAP-Netzwerk. Diplomarbeit Univ. Mu''nster 1993. [10808] 10620 Anke Jankrift: Klassifizierung neuromagnetischer Feldmuster unter Verwendung eines Cascade-Correlation-Netzes. Diplomarbeit Univ. Mu''nster 1994. [10808] 10621 Benjamin Blankertz: Einfu''hrung in neuronale Netze. Seminar Univ. Mu''nster 1995, 18p. 10622 Christian Ba''umer: Hopfieldnetze. Seminar Univ. Mu''nster 1997, 11p. 10623 Adelheid Klingebiel/Sven Ku''hne: Mehrschichtige Netze und der Backpropagationalgorithmus. Seminar Univ. Mu''nster 1995, 15p. 10624 ZZ: Die ART-Familie. Seminar Univ. Mu''nster ca. 1996, 21p. 10625 Wolfram-Manfred Lippe/Thomas Feuring/Anke Jankrift/Ralf Hohenstein: Frequency-domain localization of intracerebral dipole sources. Internet ca. 1996, 6p. [10808] 10626 Wolfram-Manfred Lippe/Thomas Feuring/Anke Jankrift: Klassifizierung neuromagnetischer Feldmuster unter Verwendung eines Cascade-Correlation- Netzes. Univ. Mu''nster Bericht 3/94 (1994), 34p. [10808] 10627 Christian Beckmann: Perzeptron, Adaline und assoziative Netze. Seminar Univ. Mu''nster 1995, 22p. 10628 Karsten Giernalczyk: Grundlagen zu neuronalen Netzen. Seminar Univ. Mu''nster 1997, 19p. 10629 Ralph Wesselmann/Thomas Feuring: Fuzzy-clustering with Kohonen networks. Internet ca. 1993, 5p. [10807] 10630 Heiko Schmidt: [About Theoretical Bioinformatics at Dkfz.] Internet 1997, 2p. 10631 O. Eulenstein/Martin Vingron: On the equivalence of two tree mapping measures. Internet ca. 1997, 8p. 10632 Alexander Renner/Erich Bornberg-Bauer: Exploring the fitness landsacpe of lattice proteins. Internet ca. 1997, 15p. 10633 Benno Schwikowski/Martin Vingron: The deferred path heuristic for the generalized tree alignment problem. Internet ca. 1997, 14p. 10634 Benno Schwikowski/Martin Vingron: A clustering approach to generalized tree alignment with application to Alu repeats. Internet ca. 1997, 10p. 10635 Benno Schwikowski: Sequence graphs in practice. Internet ca. 1997, 2p. 10636 Martin Vingron: Sequence alignment and phylogeny construction. Internet ca. 1997, 11p. 10637 Eric Rivals: Algorithmes de compression et applications a' l'analyse de sequences genetiques. These Docteur Univ. Lille 1996. 10638 Benno Schwikowski: [Algorithms for the comparison and reconstruction of evolutionary relationships between DNA and genomic sequences.] Internet ca. 1997, 5p. 10639 Ralph Youngen: Toward a mathematical markup language. Notices AMS October 1997, ... 10640 Jacques-Louis Lions/Francois Murat: Ennio De Giorgi (1928-1996). Notices AMS October 1997, ... 10641 Stefano Nolfi/Domenico Parisi: Evolving neural networks that develop in time. Internet ca. 1996, 12p. [10807] 10642 Stefano Nolfi/Domenico Parisi: Phylogenetic recapitulation in the ontogeny of artificial neural networks. Internet ca. 1996, 9p. [10807] 10643 Stefano Nolfi/Orazio Miglino/Domenico Parisi: Phenotypic plasticity in evolving neural networks. Internet 1994, 12p. [10807] 10644 Stefano Nolfi/Jeffrey Elman/Domenico Parisi: Learning and evolution in neural networks. CNR Roma TR 94-08 (1994), 23p. [10807] 10645 Stefano Nolfi/Domenico Parisi: Growing neural networks. CNR Roma TR PCIA-91-15 (1991), 16p. [10807] 10646 Stefano Nolfi/Domenico Parisi: Genotypes for neural networks. Internet ca. 1992, 13p. [10807] 10647 Stefano Nolfi/Domenico Parisi: Desired answers do not correspond to good teaching inputs in ecological neural networks. Internet ca. 1992, 5p. [10807] 10648 Stefano Nolfi/Domenico Parisi: Learning to adapt to changing environments in evolving neural networks. CNR Roma TR 95-15 (1996), 14p. [10807] 10649 Stefano Nolfi/Domenico Parisi: Auto-teaching - networks that develop their own teaching input. Internet ca. 1992, 15p. [10807] 10650 Dario Floreano/Francesco Mondada: Evolving fast-learning neural controllers for a mobile robot. Internet ca. 1996, 1p. [10807] 10651 Francesco Mondada/Dario Floreano: Evolution of neural control structures - some experiments on mobile robots. Internet ca. 1996, 18p. [10807] 10652 Marcus Pfister/Raul Rojas: Hybrid learning algorithms for neural networks - the adaptive inclusion of second order information. Internet ca. 1995, 6p. 10653 Dario Floreano/Francesco Mondada: Automatic creation of an autonomous agent - genetic evolution of a neural-network driven robot. Internet ca. 1994, 12p. [10807] 10654 Dario Floreano: Evolutionary robotics. Internet ca. 1995, 5p. An interview. [10807] 10655 Angelo Cangelosi/Domenico Parisi/Stefano Nolfi: Cell division and migration in a genotype for neural networks. Internet ca. 1995, 25p. [10807] 10656 Sven Behnke/Nicolaos Karayiannis/Raul Rojas: Phoneme recognition using competitive neural trees. Internet ca. 1997, 5p. [10808] 10657 Raffaele Calabretta/Riccardo Galbiati/Stefano Nolfi/Domenico Parisi: Two is better than one - a diploid genotype for neural networks. Internet ca. 1997, 8p. [10807] 10658 ZZ: Graduiertenkolleg Signalketten in lebenden Systemen. FU Berlin. Internet ca. 1997. 10659 Frank Darius/Raul Rojas: Simulated molecular evolution or computer generated artefacts? Internet ca. 1995, 7p. [10808] 10660 Jun Tani/Naohiro Fukumura: Embedding a grammatical description in deterministic chaos - an experiment in recurring neural learning. Biol. Cyb. ... (ca. 1997), ... [10808] 10661 Raul Rojas: Was ko''nnen neuronale Netze? Internet ca. 1997, 34p. 10662 Raul Rojas: Automatic speech recognition with neural networks. Internet ca. 1997. [10808] 10663 Dario Floreano/Francesco Mondada: Evolution of plastic neurocontrollers for situated agents. Internet ca. 1996, 8p. [10807] 10664 Raul Rojas: A short proof of the posterior probability property of classifier neural networks. Internet ca. 1996, 4p. [10808] 10665 ZZ: Casa - contratto sicuro. Supplemento di Gente Money, ca. 1996. 10666 Larry Cummings (ed.): Combinatorics on words. Academic Press 1983. 10667 C. Choffrut: On some combinatorial properties of metrics over the free monoid. In 10666 Cummings, 247-255. 10668 Misha Mahowald/Carver Mead: Die Silicium-Netzhaut. Spektrum 1991/7, 64-71. 10669 Thomas Ward: [Publications in ergodic theory.] Web page. [10805] 10670 Aldo De Luca/L. Ricciardi: Introduzione alla cibernetica. Franco Angeli 1971. 10671 ZZ: Die Suche nach dem Ich. Spiegel 1996/16, 190-202. 10672 Monica Bianchini/Stefano Fanelli/Marco Gori/Marco Protasi: Unimodal loading problems. Internet ca. 1995, 6p. 10673 Paolo Frasconi/Marco Gori/Marco Maggini/Giovanni Soda: Representation of finite state automata in recurrent radial basis function networks. Internet ca. 1995, 29p. 10674 Monica Bianchini/Marco Gori/Marco Maggini: On the problem of local minima in recurrent neural networks. Internet ca. 1995, 26p. 10675 Monica Bianchini/Paolo Frasconi/Marco Gori: Learning without local minima in radial basis function networks. Internet ca. 1995. 10676 Monica Bianchini/Marco Gori: Optimal learning in artificial neural networks - a theoretical view. Internet ca. 1996, 46p. 10677 Marco Gori/Marco Maggini: Optimal convergence of on-line backpropagation. Internet ca. 1996, 8p. 10678 Marco Gori/A. Tesi: On the problem of local minima in backpropagation. Internet ca. 1994, 28p. 10679 Paolo Frasconi/Marco Gori/Marco Maggini/Givoanni Soda: Unified integration of explicit knowledge and learning by example in recurrent networks. Internet ca. 1994, 16p. 10680 Marvin Minsky: Logical vs. analogical or symbolic vs. connectionist or neat vs. scruffy. In Winston 1990, ... 10681 Paul Keller/Richard Kouzes: Gamma spectral analysis via neural networks. PNL-SA-24177 (1994), 5p. [10808] 10682 Paul Keller/Richard Kouzes/Lars Kangas/Sherif Hashem: Neural network based sensor systems for manufacturing applications. PNL-SA-23252 (1994), 6p. [10808] 10683 Lars Kangas a.o.: Alpha spectral analysis via artificial networks. PNL-SA-24176 (1994), 3p. [10808] 10684 Orlando Illi/Frank Greitzer/Lars Kangas/Tracy Reeve: An artificial neural network system for diagnosing gas turbine engine fuel faults. PNL-SA-22914 (1994), 9p. [10808] 10685 Sherif Hashem/Paul Keller/Richard Kouzes/Lars Kangas: Neural network based data analysis for chemical sensor arrays. Internet ca. 1994, 7p. [10808] 10686 Sherif Hashem: Optimal linear combinations of neural networks. PNL-SA-25166 1994, 32p. 10687 A. Frosini/Marco Gori/P. Priami: A neural network-based model for paper currency recognition and verification. Internet ca. 1995, 20p. [10808] 10688 Yoshua Bengio/Patrice Simard/Paolo Frasconi: Learning long-term dependencies with gradient descent is difficult. Internet ca. 1993, 34p. 10689 Monica Bianchini/Paolo Frasconi/Marco Gori: Learning in multilayered networks used as autoassociators. Internet ca. 1995, 9p. 10690 Rosaria Silipo a.o.: Classification of arrhythmic events in ambulatory electrocardiogram, using artificial neural networks. Internet ca. 1993, 40p. [10808] 10691 Yoshua Bengio/Paolo Frasconi: Credit assignment through time - alternatives to backpropagation. In Cowan/Tesauro/Alspector 1994, ... 10692 ZZ: Artificial neural networks in medicine. PNL-SA-24193 (1996), 3p. [10808] 10693 Steven Dickman: First p53 relative may be a new tumor suppressor. Science 12 September 1997, 1605-1606. 10694 Frank Pfrieger/Barbara Barres: Synaptic efficacy enhanced by glial cells in vitro. Science 12 September 1997, 1684-1687. 10695 Stephen Baylin: Tying it all together - epigenetics, genetics, cell cycle, and cancer. Science 26 September 1997, 1948-1949. 10696 Andrew Watson: Why can't a computer be more like a brain. Science 26 September 1997, 1934-1936. 10697 Sunny Bains: A subtler silicon cell for neural networks. Science 26 September 1997, 1935. 10698 Gary Taubes: After 50 years, self-replicating silicon. Science 26 September 1997, 1936. 10699 Gary Taubes: Computer design meets Darwin. Science 26 September 1997, 1931-1932. [10807] 10700 Burt Richards/Hong Zhang/Geraldine Phear/Mark Meuth: Conditional mutator phenotypes in hMSH2-deficient tumor cell lines. Science 5 September 1997, 1523-1526. 10701 M. Irie a.o.: Binding of neuroligins to PSD-95. Science 5 September 1997, 1511-1515. 10702 Thomas Otis/Michael Kavanaugh/Craig Jahr: Postsynaptic glutamate transport at the climbing fiber-Purkinje cell synapse. Science 5 September 1997, 1515-1518. 10703 Beth Furnari/Nicholas Rhind/Paul Russell: Cdc25 mitotic inducer targeted by Chk1 DNA damage checkpoint kinase. Science 5 September 1997, 1495-1497. 10704 Yolanda Sanchez a.o.: Conservation of the Chk1 checkpoint pathway in mammals - linkage of DNA damage to Cdk regulation through Cdc25. Science 5 September 1997, 1497-1501. 10705 Cheng-yuan Peng a.o.: Mitotic and G2 checkpoint control - regulation of 14-3-3 protein binding by phosphorylation of Cdc25C on Serine-216. Science 5 September 1997, 1501-1505. 10706 Lawrence Loeb: Transient expression of a mutator phenotype in cancer cells. Science 5 September 1997, 1449-1450. 10707 Ted Weinert: A DNA damage checkpoint meets the cell cycle engine. Science 5 September 1997, 1450-1451. 10708 Reginald Ferber/Manfred Wettler: Simulation von Worterkennungs- prozessen mit konnektionistischen Wortnetzen. Univ. Paderborn 1996, 76p. [10808] 10709 Reginald Ferber: Cognitive dynamics - dynamic cognition? Internet ca. 1996, 12p. [10808] 10710 Neuralware: Neural computing. A technology handbook for Professional II/Plus and NeuralWorks explorer. Neuralware 1993. 10711 Moshe Sipper: If the milieu is reasonable - lessons from nature on creating life. J. Transfigural Math. 3/1 (1997), 7-22. 10712 Thomas Worsch: On the power of communications structures in some generalized cellular automata models. Proc. 3d Europ. Congr. Systems Science 1996, ... 10713 Moshe Sipper: Quasi-uniform computation-universal cellluar automata. Internet 1995, 12p. 10714 Peter Sanders/Thomas Worsch: Konvergente lokale Lastverteilungs- verfahren und ihre Modellierung durch Zellularautomaten. Internet ca. 1996, 6p. 10715 Martin Kutrib: On language families of interacting automata. Internet 1995, 10p. 10716 Moshe Sipper: An introduction to artificial life. AI Expert September 1995, 4-8. 10717 Moshe Sipper/Eytan Ruppin: Co-evolving cellular architectures by cellular programming. Proc. IEEE 3rd Int. Conf. Evol. Comput. 1996 (1996), 306-311. 10718 Moshe Sipper: Non-uniform cellular automata - evolution in rule space and formation of complex structures. Internet 1994, 6p. 10719 Thomas Buchholz/Martin Kutrib: On the power of one-way bounded cellular time computers. Internet 1996, 11p. 10720 Alf-Christian Achilles/Martin Kutrib: On relations between arrays of processing elements of different dimensionality. Internet 1996, 13p. 10721 M. Sintzoff/F. Geurts: Compositional analysis of dynamical systems using predicate transforms (summary). Internet ca. 1995, 3p. 10722 Frederic Geurts: Systemes dynamiques. Algorithmique generale. Internet 1993, 28p. 10723 Maylis Delest: Algebraic languages - a bridge between combinatorics and computer science. Internet ca. 1996, 17p. 10724 Jean-Yves Perrier/Moshe Sipper/Jacques Zahnd: Toward a viable, self-reproducing universal computer. Physica D 97 (1996), 335-352. 10725 Moshe Sipper: Studying artificial life using a simple, general cellular model. Artificial Life J. 2 (1995), 1-35. 10726 Jo''rg Weimar/Layne Watson/John Tyson: Cellular automaton models for reaction diffusion equations. Proc. 6th Distrib. Memory Comp. Conf. (1991), 431-434. 10727 Moshe Sipper: Co-evolving non-uniform cellular automata to perform computation. Physica D 92 (1996), 193-208. 10728 Thomas Worsch: Programming environments for cellular automata. Univ. Karlsruhe TR 37/96 (1997), 37p. 10729 Martin Kutrib: Parallele Automaten. Univ. Gies''en Bericht 9401 (1994), 149p. 10730 Henner Kro''ger/Martin Kutrib (ed.): Informatik an der JLUG [Justus-Liebig-Universita''t Gies''en]. Interdisziplina''rer Workshop. Univ. Gies''en Bericht 9602 (1996), 150p. 10731 Emanuele Munarini: A combinatorial interpretation of the generalized Fibonacci numbers. Adv. Appl. Math. 19 (1997), 306-318. 10732 G. Venturini: On a generalization of the 3x+1 problem. Adv. Appl. Math. 19 (1997), 295-305. 10733 Ru''diger Reischuk: Zeit und Raum in Rechnernetzen. Internet 1996, 17p. 10734 H. Fang: The developing structure of dynamical systems. LANL comp-gas/9509004 (1995), 5p. 10735 David Meyer: On the absence of homogenous scalar unitary cellular automata. LANL quant-ph/9604011 (1996), 7p. 10736 G. Barkema/U. Bastolla/Peter Grassberger: Two-dimensional oriented self-avoiding walks with parallel contacts. LANL cond-mat/9707312 (1997), 6p. 10737 Cristopher Moore/Timofey Pnin: Predicting non-linear cellular automata quickly by decomposing them into linear ones. LANL patt-sol/9701008 (1997), 19p. 10738 Cristopher Moore: Quasi-linear cellular automata. LANL adap-org/9701001 (1997), 41p. 10739 I. Lagaris/A. Likas/D. Fotiadis: Artificial neural network methods in quantum mechanics. LANL quant-ph/9705029 (1997), 29p. [10808] 10740 I. Lagaris/A. Likas/D. Fotiadis: Artificial neural networks for solving ordinary and partial differential equations. LANL physics/9705023 (1997), 26p. [10808] 10741 D. Kulkarni/A. Pandya/J. Parikh: Dynamic predictions from time series data - an artificial neural network approach. LANL comp-gas/9707001 (1997), 35p. [10808] 10742 B. Eisenbla''tter/L. Santen/A. Schadschneider/M. Schreckenberg: Jamming transition in a cellular automaton model for traffic flow. LANL cond-mat/9706041 (1997), 20p. 10743 Carson Chow: Phase-locking in weakly heterogeneous neuronal networks. LANL cond-mat/9709220 (1997), 27p. 10744 Henryk Fuks: Solution of the density classification problem with two cellular automata rules. LANL comp-gas/9703001 (1997), 5p. 10745 Helge Frauenkron a.o.: A new Monte Carlo algorithm for protein folding. LANL cond-mat/9705146 (1997), 4p. 10746 H. Bussemaker/M. Ernst/J. Dufty: Generalized Boltzmann equation for lattice gas automata. LANL comp-gas/9404002 (1994), 32p. 10747 Jo''rg Weimar/Jean-Pierre Boon: A new class of cellular automata for reaction-diffusion systems. LANL comp-gas/9305005 (1993), 4p. 10748 Robert Farber/Alan Lapedes/Ramiro Rico-Martinez/Ioannis Kevrekidis: Identification of continuous-time dynamical systems - neural network based algorithms and parallel implementation. LANL comp-gas/9305001 (1993), 4p. [10808] 10749 Stefan Bornholdt/Kim Sneppen: Neutral mutations and punctuated equilibrium in evolving genetic networks. LANL physics/9708026 (1997), 11p. 10750 Mark Burgess/Harek Haugerud/Are Strandlie: Object orientation and visualization of physics in two dimensions. LANL cond-mat/9707007 (1997), 12p. 10751 John Pearson: Complex patterns in a simple system. LANL patt-sol/9304003 (1993), 10p. 10752 Mark Newman: Evidence for self-organized criticality in evolution. Internet ca. 1996, 6p. 10753 Paul Davis: 1996 AMS-IMS-MAA annual survey. Notices AMS September 1997, ... 10754 Donald McClure: Employment experiences of 1990-1991 US institution doctoral recipients in the mathematical sciences. Notices AMS July 1995, ... 10755 Susan Landau: The myth of the young mathematician. Notices AMS November 1997, ... 10756 ZZ: News from the institute for mathematics and its applications. Notices AMS November 1997, ... 10757 Donald Rung: A survey of four-year and university mathematics in fall 1995 - a hiatus in both enrollment and faculty increases. Notices AMS September 1997, ... 10758 Geoff Davis: Mathematicians and the market. Notices AMS November 1997, ... 10759 Martin Schubert: Die botanischen Werke und die naturwissen- schaftliche Arbeitsweise des Nehemia Grew. Mikrokosmos 86 (1997), 257-264. 10760 Bruno Wiertz: Steigerung von Kontrast und Auflo''sung im Bereich hoher Aperturen. Mikrokosmos 86 (1997), 265-269. 10761 Werner Nachtigall: Der kleinste Motor der Welt - die Antriebs- maschinerie der Bakteriengeis''el. Mikrokosmos 86 (1997), 271-277. 10762 Hans-Ju''rgen Vos''/Erich Saake: Mikroblitzfotografie mit einfachen Mikroskopen - ein Bauvorschlag. Mikrokosmos 86 (1997), 279-283. 10763 Rainer Hendel/Erich Saake: Leeuwenhoek entdeckt die Kryptobiose. Die Untersuchungen an dem Ra''dertier Philodina. Mikrokosmos 86 (1997), 285-291. 10764 Paul Gangloff: Der Kreislauf der Gesteine. Mikrokosmos 86 (1997), 292-298. 10765 Michael Trockenbrodt: Sklereiden in der Baumrinde. Mikrokosmos 86 (1997), 300-304. 10766 Bruno Kremer: Beerenauslese. Einladung zur Mikroskopie herrlicher Fru''chte. Mikrokosmos 86 (1997), 305-312. 10767 Olaf Fritsche: Pathfinder auf dem Mars - wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse einer medienwirksamen Mission. Spektrum 1997/9, 16-21. 10768 Michael Gros'': Goldchemie erstrahlt in neuem Glanz. Spektrum 1997/9, 21-23. Eine ku''rzlich hergestellte Goldverbindung leuchtet auf, wenn man ihre Kristalle mit einem Lo''sungsmittel befeuchtet. 10769 Rolf Engler: Leuchtende Flu''gel - beru''hrungsfreie Druckmessung an Modellen im Windkanal. Spektrum 1997/9, 23-25. 10770 Christoph Po''ppe: Die unvermeidliche Langsamkeit des Seins. Spektrum 1997/9, 25-27. Gros''e Tiere verbrauchen mehr Energie als kleine. 10771 Gerald Fishman/Dieter Hartmann: Gammastrahlungsausbru''che - Explosionen im fernen Kosmos. Spektrum 1997/9, 30-36. 10772 Vaclav Smil: Weltbevo''lkerung und Stickstoffdu''nger. Spektrum 1997/9, 38-44. 10773 Peter Bruns: Konkurrenz um Drittmittel - zum Schaden der Forschung. Spektrum 1997/9, 46-50. 10774 Gerhard Neuweiler: Deutsche Nachwuchswissenschaftler - Gefangene eines erstarrten Systems. Spektrum 1997/9, 50-54. 10775 Helmut Altner: Selbsta''ndige Ko''pfe - brauchen wir einen anderen Nachwuchs? Spektrum 1997/9, 54-55. 10776 Didier Massonet: Radarinterferometrie zur Messung der Erdkrusten- dynamik. Spektrum 1997/9, 56-64. 10777 Herwig O''ttl: Kartierung der Erde mit Radarinterferometrie. Spektrum 1997/9, 65-68. 10778 Robert Lanza/David Cooper/William Chick: Xenotransplantation. Spektrum 1997/9, 70-75. 10779 Kenneth Birman/Robbert van Renesse: Software fu''r zuverla''ssige Netzwerke. Spektrum 1997/9, 76-81. 10780 Nicholas Pinter/Mark Brandon: Der Beitrag der Erosion zur Gebirgsbildung. Spektrum 1997/9, 82-88. 10781 Marc Beusenberg: Unfallforschung mit Crashtest-Dummies. Spektrum 1997/9, 90-96. 10782 Ulrich Hartmann/Frithjof Kruggel: Ein virtueller Dummy zur Simulation des Scha''del-Hirn-Traumas. Spektrum 1997/9, 96-98. 10783 Frank Sachse a.o.: Ein Computer-Dummy zur Simulation physikalischer Pha''nomene im menschlichen Ko''rper. Spektrum 1997/9, 98-101. 10784 Andreas Ro''s''ler/Roland Lippmann/Wilhelm Bauer: Ergonomiestudien mit virtuellen Menschen- und Objektmodellen. Spektrum 1997/9, 101-104. 10785 Rudolf Lenz: Leichenpredigten - Quelle geschichtlicher Forschung. Spektrum 1997/9, 108-110. 10786 Michael Gros'': Naturwissenschaftler gegen Wissenschaftstheoretiker - ein Krieg zwischen den zwei Kulturen? Spektrum 1997/9, 110-112. 10787 G. Hartmut Altenmu''ller: Umwelt im juristischen Netz. Spektrum 1997/9, 112-115. 10788 Uhnoh Kim/Maria Sanchez-Vives/David McCormick: Functional dynamics of GABAergic inhibition in the thalamus. Science 3 October 1997, 130-134. 10789 William De Grado: Proteins from scratch. Science 3 October 1997, 80-81. 10790 Bassil Dahiyat/Stephen Mayo: De novo protein design - fully automated sequence selection. Science 3 October 1997, 82-87. 10791 Ingrid Wickelgren: Getting the brain's attention. Science 3 October 1997, 35-37. 10792 Temple Smith a.o.: Current limitations to protein threading approaches. J. Comp. Biol. 4 (1997), 217-225. 10793 K. Dill/A. Phillips/J. Rosen: Protein structure and energy landscape dependence on sequence using a continuous energy function. J. Comp. Biol. 4 (1997), 227-239. 10794 William Hart/Sorin Istrahl: Lattice and off-lattice side chain models of protein folding - linear time structure prediction better than 86% of optimal. J. Comp. Biol. 4 (1997), 241-259. 10795 Bonnie Berger/Mona Singh: An iterative method for improved protein structural motif recognition. J. Comp. Biol. 4 (1997), 261-273. 10796 Richa Agarwala a.o.: Local rules for protein folding on a triangular lattice and generalized hydrophicity in the HP model. J. Comp. Biol. 4 (1997), 275-296. 10797 Sing-hoi Sze/Pavel Pevzner: Las Vegas algorithms for gene recognition - suboptimal and error-tolerant spliced alignment. J. Comp. Biol. 4 (1997), 297-309. 10798 Martin Reese/Frank Eeckman/David Kulp/David Haussler: Improved splice site detection in Genie. J. Comp. Biol. 4 (1997), 311-323. 10799 Ying Xu/Edward Uberbacher: Automated gene identification in large-scale genomic sequences. J. Comp. Biol. 4 (1997), 325-338. 10800 Zheng Zhang/William Pearson/Webb Miller: Aligning a DNA sequence with a protein sequence. J. Comp. Biol. 4 (1997), 339-349. 10801 Gary Benson: Sequence alignment with tandem duplication. J. Comp. Biol. 4 (1997), 351-367. 10802 Eric Anson/Eugene Myers: ReAligner - a program for refining DNA sequence multi-alignments. J. Comp. Biol. 4 (1997), 369-383. 10803 Tetsuo Shibuya/Hiroshi Imai: New flexible approaches for multiple sequence alignment. J. Comp. Biol. 4 (1997), 385-413. 10804 Benno Schwikowski/Martin Vingron: The deferred path heuristic for the generalized tree alignment problem. J. Comp. Biol. 4 (1997), 415-431. 10805 Topologische Dynamik. 10806 Symbolische Dynamik. 10807 Evolution neuronaler Netze. 10808 Anwendungen neuronaler Netze. 10809 Eliot Marshall: Need a reagent? Just sign here ... Science 10 October 1997, 212-213. 10810 Patrick Mantyh a.o.: Inhibition of hyperalgesia by ablation of lamina I spinal neurons expressing the substance P receptor. 10 October 1997, 275-279. 10811 Annika Malmberg/Chong Chen/Susumu Tonegawa/Allan Basbaum: Preserved acute pain and reduced neuropathic pain in mice lacking PKCgamma. Science 10 October 1997, 279-283. 10812 Stanley Prusiner: Prion diseases and the BSE crisis. Science 10 October 1997, 245-251. 10813 Michael Iadarola/Robert Caudle: Good pain, bad pain. Science 10 October 1997, 239-240. 10814 Carol Potera: Fishing for answers to whirling disease. Science 10 October 1997, 225-226. 10815 Gary Taubes: Theorists nix distant antimatter galaxies. Science 10 October 1997, 226. 10816 Virginia Morell: How the malaria parasite manipulates its hosts. Science 10 October 1997, 223. 10817 Dana Mackenzie: Fractions to make an Egyptian scribe blanch. Science 10 October 1997, 224. 10818 Matt Conway: A Tkinter life preserver. Internet ca. 1996, 27p. 10819 David Ascher/Matt Conway: Tkinter examples. Internet, ca. 1997, 55p. 10820 Matt Conway: Tk without Tcl. ACM Interactions April 1995, ... 10821 Guido van Rossum: Python style guide. Internet ca. 1996, 8p. 10822 ZZ: Python patterns. Internet ca. 1996, 8p. 10823 Friedrich Ringleb: Mathematische Formelsammlung. De Gruyter 1967. 10824 Stanley Benkoski: Preparing for a job outside academia. Notices AMS 41 (1994), 917-919. 10825 Joseph Halpern: Knowledge and common knowledge in a distributed environment. J. ACM 37 (1990), 549-587. 10826 Ronald Fagin/Joseph Halpern/Moshe Vardi: What can machines know? On the properties of knowledge in distributed systems. J. ACM 39 (1992), 328-376. 10827 Didier Arques/Christian Michel: A simulation of the genetic periodicities modulo 2 and 3 with processes of nucleotide insertions and deletions. J. Theor. Biol. 156 (1992), 113-127. 10828 Ronald Fagin/Joseph Halpern/Yoram Moses/Moshe Vardi: Knowledge based programs. Internet ca. 1995, 49p. 10829 Ronald Fagin: Easier ways to win logical games. Descriptive Complexity and Finite Models 1 (1997), 1-32. 10830 Arnaud Durand/Ronald Fagin/Bernd Loescher: Spectra with only unary function symbols. Internet 1997, 13p. 10831 Wagner Associates: Search, survey and recovery system solution - MELIAN II. Internet 1997, 2p. 10832 Wagner Associates: Professional career opportunities. Internet 1997, 3p. 10833 Wagner Associates: Scientific search planning solutions. Internet 1997, 6p. 10834 Wagner Associates: Capillary array DNA sequencing software and instrumentation. Internet 1997, 1p. 10835 Wagner Associates: Famous searches. Internet 1997, 4p. 10836 Wagner Associates: Recent work in the mathematics of finance. Internet 1997, 2p. 10837 Wagner Associates: Fast sensitive protein analysis tandem mass spectrometry. Internet 1997, 1p. 10838 Wagner Associates: DNA sequencing quality control. Internet 1997, 2p. 10839 Wagner Associates: Speaker identification and speech recognition solutions. Internet 1997, 2p. 10840 Wagner Associates: Specialties. Internet 1997, 2p. 10841 Stanley Benkoski: How to prepare to find a job in industry. Internet 1995, 20p. 10842 H. Timerding: Differenzenrechnung. Pascals Repetitorium, 511-527. 10843 Alwin Walther: Differenzenrechnung. Pascals Repetitorum, 1189-1249. 10844 Peter Grassberger: Chaos and diffusion in deterministic cellular automata. Physica D 10 (1984), 52-58. 10845 Hugues Chate'/Paul Manneville: Criticality in cellular automata. Physica D 45 (1990), 122-135. 10846 Max Garzon: Cellular automata and discrete neural networks. Physica D 45 (1990), 431-440. 10847 Andreas Heuer: Objektorientierte Datenbanken. Konzepte, Modelle, Systeme. Addison-Wesley 1992, 630p. 3-89319-315-4. DM 80. 10848 Domenico Piccolo: Introduzione all'analisi delle serie storiche. NIS 1994. 10849 George Box/Gwilym Jenkins: Time series analysis - forecasting and control. Holden-Day 1976. 10850 Maxime Crochemore/Christophe Hancart: Pattern matching in strings. Internet ca. 1996, 26p. 10851 Thierry Lecroq: Exact string matching algorithms. Internet ca. 1994, 114p. 10852 Maxime Crochemore a.o.: Constant-time randomizing parallel string matching. SIAM J. Comp. 1 (1993), ... 10853 Maxime Crochemore/Thierry Lecroq: Tight bounds on the complexity of the Apostolico-Giancarlo algorithm. Internet ca. 1996, 10p. 10854 Maxime Crochemore/Christophe Hancart: Automata for matching patterns. Internet ca. 1996, 48p. 10855 Maxime Crochemore a.o.: Text data compression algorithms. Internet ca. 1995, 32p. In Handbook of algorithms and theory of computation. 10856 Maxime Crochemore a.o.: Off-line serial exact string searching. Internet ca. 1995, 53p. 10857 Ron Bartlett/Max Garzon: Bilinear cellular automata. Internet ca. 1996, 28p. 10858 Ron Bartlett/Max Garzon: Distribution of linear rules in cellular automata rule space. Internet ca. 1992, 15p. 10859 Cristopher Moore: Majority-vote cellular automata, Ising dynamics, and P-completeness. LANL cond-mat/9701118 (1997), 10p. 10860 Bruce Boghosian/Washington Taylor: Quantum lattice-gas models for the many-body Schro''dinger equation. LANL quant-ph/9701016v2 (1997), 13p. 10861 David Meyer: Unitarity in one-dimensional nonlinear quantum cellular automata. LANL quant-ph/9605023 (1996), 32p. 10862 David Meyer: From quantum cellular automata to quantum lattice gases. LANL quant-ph/9604003 (1996), 22p. 10863 Christopher Adler a.o.: Simulating three-dimensional hydrydynamics on a cellular-automata machine. LANL chao-dyn/9508001 (1995), 19p. 10864 T. Karapiperis: Cellular automaton model of precipitation/dissolution coupled with solute transport. LANL comp-gas/9502004 (1995), 13p. 10865 F. Zertuche/R. Lopez-Pena/H. Waelbroek: Recognition of temporal sequences of patterns using state-dependent synapses. LANL comp-gas/9408001 (1994), 17p. 10866 E. Segre/C. Deangeli: Cellular automaton for realistic modelling of landslides. LANL comp-gas/9407002 (1995), 15p. 10867 Harold McIntosh: A zoo of LIFE forms. Internet 1988, 24p. 10868 Harold McIntosh: What has and what hasn't been done with cellular automata. Internet 1990, 22p. 10869 Ron Bartlett/Max Garzon: Minimal polynomial representations for universal cellular automata. Internet ca. 1995, 11p. 10870 P. Simon/Howard Gutowitz: A cellular automaton model for bi-directional traffic. Internet ca. 1995, 5p. 10871 Harold McIntosh: LIFE's still lifes. Internet 1988, 20p. 10872 Howard Gutowitz: Artificial-life simulators and their applications. Internet 1995, 62p. 10873 Harold McIntosh: Reversible cellular automata. Internet 1991, 48p. 10874 Dominique Foata/Guo-niu Han: Transformations on words. Internet 1997, 20p. 10875 Dominique Foata/Doron Zeilberger: A classic proof of a recurrence for a very classical sequence. Internet 1997, 4p. 10876 Ron Bartlett/Max Garzon: A new proof of the computation universality of piecewise monotone maps on [0,1]. Internet ca. 1995, 11p. 10877 Howard Gutowitz: Method and apparatus for the encryption, decryption and authentication of messages using dynamical systems. Internet 1992, 63p. 10878 Ron Bartlett/Max Garzon: Monomial cellular automata. Internet ca. 1990, 28p. 10879 Harold McIntosh: Linear cellular automata. Internet 1990, 192p. 10880 Ron Bartlett/Pei-yong Weng: Evolutionary programming of a rule-based expert system for hold 'em poker. Internet 1997, 9p. 10881 Harold McIntosh: Ancestors - commentaries on "The global dynamics of cellular automata" by Andrew Wuensche and Miker Lesser. Internet 1993, 43p. 10882 Gerard Weisbuch/Howard Gutowitz/Guillemette Duchateau-Nguyen: Dynamics of economic choices involving pollution. Internet ca. 1994, 19p. 10883 Harold McIntosh: Linear cellular automata via de Bruijn diagrams. Internet 1991, 49p. 10884 Howard Gutowitz: Cryptography with dynamical systems. Internet 1996, 37p. 10885 Howard Gutowitz: A hierarchical classification of cellular automata. Physica D 45 (1989), ... 10886 Uwe Frey: Synaptic tagging - ein genereller Mechanismus der neuronalen Informationsspeicherung? Spektrum 1997/10, 16-20. 10887 Ron Bartlett: Functions, languages, and machines. Internet 1996, 180p. Contents: Sets, functions, and countability; Languages, grammars, and computability; Finite-state machines and regular grammars; Decidable properties of regular languaes; Push-down auotmata and context-free grammars; Decidable properties of context-free languages; Turing machines and unrestricted grammars; Undecidable properties of unrestricted languages; Turing machine complexity classes; Recursive functions; Cellular automata; neural networks. 10888 Shmuel Agmon: The relaxation method for linear inequalities. Can. J. Math. 6 (1954), 382-392. 10889 Melanie Mitchell/James Crutchfield/Peter Hraber: Evolving cellular automata to perform computations - mechanisms and impediments. Santa Fe Inst. WP 93-11-071 (1993), 44p. 10890 James Hanson/James Crutchfield: Computational mechanics of cellular automata - an example. Santa Fe Inst. WP 95-10-095 (1995), 20p. 10891 Stephen Wolfram: Cellular supercomputing. Internet 1988, 12p. 10892 Sergio Taraglio: Note sui primi esperimenti di supercalcolo parallelo in ENEA - le reti neurali. Internet 1994, 9p. 10893 John Rowe: The new gerontology. Science 17 October 1997, 367. 10894 Lorenzo Peccato: Sulla matematica a Scienze Giuridiche. Notiziario UMI Ottobre 1997, 18-21. 10895 Klaus Schmidt: The cohomology of higher-dimensional shifts of finite type. Pacific J. Math. 170 (1995), 237-269. 10897 Masakazu Nasu: Local maps inducing surjective global maps of one-dimensional tessellation automata. Math. Systems Theory 11 (1978), 327-351. 10898 Masakazu Nazu: Indecomposable local maps of tessellation automata. Math. Systems 13 (1979), 81-93. 10899 Erica Jen: Cylindrical cellular automata. Comm. Math. Phys. 118 (1988), 569-590. 10900 Christian Jacob: Genetic L-system programming - breeding and evolving artificial flowers with Mathematica. Internet ca. 1996, 8p. [11478] 10901 Christian Jacob/Jan Rehder: Evolution of neural net architectures by a hierarchical grammar-based genetic system. Internet ca. 1995, 7p. [11478] 10902 Stephen Mende/Davis Sentman/Eugene Wescott: Blitze zwischen Wolken und Weltraum. Spektrum 1997/10, 64-67. 10903 Douglas Wallace: Mitochondrien-DNA, Altern und Krankheit. Spektrum 1997/10, 70-80. 10904 Darryl Gwynne: Morgengaben bei Heuschrecken. Spektrum 1997/10, 82-87. Mit nahrhaften Sekreten oder gar eigenen Ko''rperteilen lenken manche Insektenma''nnchen die Weibchen davon ab, gleich nach der Paarung den Samen zu fressen. 10905 Arthur Evans/Ron Miller: Jules Verne - ein verkannter Visiona''r. Spektrum 1997/10, 88-93. 10906 Claus Eisenbach: Pigmente - Farbmittel und Funktionstra''ger. Spektrum 1997/10, 94-99. 10907 Gerhard Pfaff: Perlglanzpigmente. Spektrum 1997/10, 99-102. 10908 Gisbert Ottersta''tter: Lebensmittelfarbstoffe - ein U''berblick. Spektrum 1997/10, 102-104. 10909 Christian-Herbert Fischer: Historische organische Farbstoffe. Spektrum 1997/10, 104-108. 10910 Christine Tamasy: Technologie- und Gru''nderzentren in der Bundesrepublik - eine Bilanz. Spektrum 1997/10, 112-114. 10911 G. Hartmut Altenmu''ller: Auf dem Weg zu wissensintensiven Volkswirtschaften. Spektrum 1997/10, 115-118. 10912 Mamoun Fansa: Mo''glichkeiten und Grenzen der experimentellen Archa''ologie. Spektrum 1997/10, 118-121. 10913 Jennifer Hughes/Gretchen Daily/Paul Ehrlich: Population diversity - its extent and extinction. Science 24 October 1997, 689-692. 10914 Sean Nee/Robert May: Extinction and the loss of evolutionary history. Science 24 October 1997, 693-694. 10915 Bruce Lahn/David Page: Functional coherence of the human Y chromosome. Science 24 October 1997, 675-680. 10916 Joseph De Risi/Vishwanath Iyer/Patrick Brown: Exploring the metabolic and genetic control of gene expression on a genomic scale. Science 24 October 1997, 680-686. 10917 Philip Hieter/Mark Boguski: Functional genomics - it's all how you read it. Science 24 October 1997, 601-602. 10918 Neil Holtzman/Patricia Murphy/Michael Watson/Patricia Barr: Predictive genetic testing - from basic research to clinical practice. Science 24 October 1997, 602-605. 10919 Lee Rowen/Gregory Mahairas/Leroy Hood: Sequencing the human genome. Science 24 October 1997, 605-607. What has been done so far? 10920 Steven Henikoff a.o.: Gene families - the taxonomy of protein paralogs and chimeras. Science 24 October 1997, 609-614. 10921 David Heeger: Hodgkin-Huxley summary. Internet 1997, 3p. 10922 Shunichi Amari: Neural learning in structured parameter spaces - natural Riemannian gradient. Internet ca. 1997, 7p. 10923 Shunichi Amari: Information geometry of neural networks - new Bayesian duality theory. Internet ca. 1997, 4p. 10924 David Heeger: Integrate and fire model fo spike generation. Internet 1997, 4p. 10925 David Heeger: The membrane equation. Internet 1997, 11p. 10926 Shunichi Amari: Natural gradient works efficiently in learning. Internet 1997, 29p. 10927 David Heeger: Computational neuroscience - course description. Internet 1997, 4p. 10928 David Heeger: Poisson model of spike generation. Internet 1997, 13p. 10929 David Heeger: Signal detection theory. Internet 1997, 10p. 10930 David Heeger: Synaptic input. Internet 1997, 12p. 10931 Douglas Lind: Applications of ergodic theory and sofic systems to cellular automata. Physica D 10 (1984), 36-44. 10932 Joseph O'Rourke: Computational geometry in C. Cambridge UP 1994, 370p. 0-521-44592-2 (pb.). Pds. 17. 10933 Claudia Ulbricht/Georg Dorffner/Andreas Lee: Forecasting fetal heartbeats with neural networks. Internet 1996, 9p. 10934 Georg Dorffner: Classification through hyperplane fitting with feedforward neural networks. Internet ca. 1993, 9p. 10935 Arthur Flexer: Statistical evaluation of neural network experiments - minimum requirements and current practice. Internet ca. 1996, 4p. 10936 Claudia Ulbricht/Georg Dorffner/Andreas Lee: Neural networks for recognizing patterns in cardiotocograms. Internet ca. 1996, 18p. 10937 Arthur Flexer: Connectionists and statisticians, friends or foes? Internet ca. 1996, 9p. 10938 Georg Dorffner/Ernst Leitgeb/Heinz Koller: Toward improving exercise ECG for detecting ischemic heart disease with recurrent and feedforward neural nets. Internet 1995, 9p. 10939 Georg Dorffner/Christian Sto''cklmayer/Christian Schmidt/ Heinrich Schima: Synergies between statistical data analysis and neural networks in the control of rotary blood pumps. Internet ca. 1995, 10p. 10940 Georg Dorffner: A unified framework for MLPs and RBFNs - introducing conic section function networks. Internet ca. 1994, 37p. 10941 Georg Dorffner/Herbert Wiklicky/Erich Prem: Formal neural network specification and its implications on standardization. Internet ca. 1994, 34p. 10942 Claudia Ulbricht: Handling time-warped sequences with neural networks. Internet 1996, 20p. 10943 Georg Dorffner/Gerold Porenta: On using feedforward neural networks for clinical diagnostic tasks. Internet ca. 1993, 21p. 10944 Georg Dorfnner a.o.: Experiences with neural networks as a diagnostic tool in medical image processing. Internet ca. 1994, 6p. 10945 Georg Dorffner: Taxonomies and part-whole hierarchies in the acquisition of word meaning - a connectionist model. Internet ca. 1993, 9p. 10946 Claudia Ulbricht/Georg Dorffner/Andreas Lee: CTG-Analyse mit neuronalen Netzen. Internet ca. 1996, 1p. 10947 Georg Dorffner/Peter Rappelsberger/Arthur Flexer: Using selforganizing feature maps to classify EEG coherence maps. Internet 1993, 5p. 10948 Per Bak/Kan Chen: Selbstorganisierte Kritizita''t. Spektrum 1991/3, 62-71. 10949 Michael Springer: Ein Quanteneffekt mit Pfiff. Spektrum 1997/10, 20-22. Das mikroskopische Oszillieren superflu''ssigen Heliums zwischen Bereichen unterschiedlichen Drucks ist nachgewiesen worden. 10950 Peter Herbert Maier: Geschlechtsunterschiede im ra''umlichen Vorstellungsvermo''gen? Spektrum 1997/10, 23-29. 10951 Gerhard Gompper: Modellierung von Knautschprozessen. Spektrum 1997/10, 29-33. 10952 Klaus Mainzer/Ernst Po''ppel/Helge Ritter: Kopf oder Computer. Diskussion. Spektrum 1997/10, 34-48. 10953 Theodore Friedmann: Gentherapie - Viren als Vehikel. Spektrum 1997/10, 50-56. 10954 Jean-Claude Diels/Ralph Bernstein/Karl Stahlkopf/Xin Miao Zhao: Blitzschutz mit Lasern. Spektrum 1997/10, 58-63. 10955 Christian Jacob: Modeling growth with L-systems and Mathematica. Mathematica in Ed. and Res. 4 (1995), ... [11478] 10956 Christian Jacob: Evolving evolution programs - genetic programming and L-systems. Internet ca. 1996, 9p. [11478] 10957 Christian Jacob: Evolution programs evolved. In Voigt/Ebeling/Rechenberg/Schwefel 1996, 42-51. [11478] 10958 Christian Jacob: Genetic L-system programming. Internet ca. 1994, 10p. [11478] 10959 John Louie: Earthquake effects. Internet 1996, 15p. 10960 Roman Tatusov/Eugene Koonin/David Lipman: A genomic perspective on protein families. Science 24 October 1997, 631-637. 10961 Eliot Marshall: Whose DNA is it, anyway? Science 24 October 1997, 564-567. 10962 Eliot Marshall: Gene prospecting in remote populations. Science 24 October 1997, 565. 10963 Eliot Marshall: Tapping Iceland's DNA. Science 24 October 1997, 566. 10964 Elizabeth Pennisi: NRC oks long-delayed survey of humna genome diversity. Science 24 October 1997, 568. 10965 Jocelyn Kaiser: Environment institute lays plans for gene hunt. Science 24 October 1997, 569-570. 10966 Jocelyn Kaiser: A more rational approach to gaugingg environmental threats? Science 24 October 1997, 570. 10967 Denis Duboule: The evolution of genomics. Science 24 October 1997, 555. 10968 S. Anderson/D. Eisenstat/L. Shi/J. Rubenstein: Interneuron migration from basal forebrain to neocortex - dependence on Dlx genes. Science 17 October 1997, 474-476. 10969 Azad Bonni a.o.: Regulation of gliogenesis in the central nervous system by the JAK-STAT signaling pathway. Science 17 October 1997, 477-483. 10970 Nicholas La Mendola/Thomas Bever: Peripheral and cerebral asymmetries in the rat. Science 17 October 1997, 483-486. 10971 Wei Chen/Jens Midtgaard/Gordon Shepherd: Forward and backward propagation of dendritic impulses and their synaptic control in mitral cells. Science 17 October 1997, 463-467. 10972 Geoffrey Murphy/David Glanzman: Mediation of classical conditioning in Aplysia californica by long-term potentiation of sensorimotor synapses. Science 17 October 1997, 467-471. 10973 Qi Quyang/Peter Kaplan/Shumao Liu/Albert Libchaber: DNA solution of the maximal clique problem. Science 17 October 1997, 446-449. 10974 Harro Stammerjohann: [Interview.] Academia Juni-September 1997, .... 10975 Marcia Barinaga: Researchers find signals that guide young brain neurons. Science 17 October 1997, 385-386. 10976 Dan Johnston: A missing link? LTP and learning. Science 17 October 1997, 401-402. 10977 Andrew Lumsden/Massimo Gulisano: Neocortical neurons - where do they come from? Science 17 October 1997, 402-403. 10978 Caleb Finch/Rudolph Tanzi: Genetics of aging. Science 17 October 1997, 407-411. 10979 John Morrison/Patrick Hof: Life and death of neurons in the aging brain. Science 17 October 1997, 412-419. 10980 Steven Lamberts/Annewieke van den Beld/Aart-Jan van der Lely: The endocrinology of aging. Science 17 October 1997, 419-424. 10981 Bernd Eisenbla''tter/Lutz Neubert: Traffic simulation using the Nagel-Schreckenberg model. Internet 1997, 2p. 10982 Pietro Dalpiaz: Inaugurazione 607esimo anno accademico (1997/98) dell'universita' di Ferrara. Ferrara 1997. 10983 Allyn Jackson: NRC report on graduate education. Notices AMS 42 (1995), 984-987. 10984 Allyn Jackson: Should doctoral education change? Notices AMS 43 (1996), 19-23. 10985 Allyn Jackson: Mathematics opportunities. Notices AMS 43 (1996), 47-48. 10986 Marc Mezard/Jean-Pierre Nadal: Learning in feedforward layered networks - the tiling algorithm. J. Phys. A 22 (1989), 2191-2203. 10987 F. De Luigi/Giuseppe Miccoli: Performance optimization of artificial neural network algoriths as a technique for noise and vibration active control. ... (ca. 1994), ... 10988 Paul Davis: Mathematics and the Internet. Internet 1997, 10p. 10989 Max Garzon: Models of massive parallel computing. Springer 1995, 280p. 3-540-56149-8. DM 90. 10990 Tommaso Toffoli/Norman Margolus: Cellular automata machines. MIT Press 1989, 260p. 0-262-20060-0. 10991 Microsoft: Mike Freedman to join Microsoft. Press Release 3 July 1997, 2p. 10992 George Brown: Reforming graduate education in the sciences. APS News Online August/September 1997, ... 10993 D. Gru''nreich: Softwarepaket CAROLA HL. Automationsgestu''tzte Erfassung von Ho''henlinien fu''r die DGM-Berechnung. Inst. f. Kartographie Hannover, Internet 1996, 4p. 10994 Ursula Rost/Peter Oechtering: Knowledge-based genetic learning. Internet ca. 1997, 15p. 10995 Piero Pizzamei: Un lavoro all'estero. Internet 1997, ca. 20p. 10996 Matthias Kerling: Corporate distress diagnosis - an international comparison. Internet 1995, 15p. 10997 Thorsten Poddig/Heinz Rehkugler: A world-model of integrated financial markets using artificial networks. J. Neurocomp. 10 (1996), 251-273. 10998 Friedrich Leisch a.o.: Research seminar "Computational intelligence". Internet 1996, 3p. 10999 Joachim Gla''s''/Andreas Wurz/Reinhard Ma''nner: Neurocomputer SYNAPSE. Internet 1997, 3p. 11000 La Repubblica: Career book - lavoro. Autunno 1997, 480p.