15001 Aldo De Luca: On the combinatorics of finite words. Theor. Computer Sci. 218 (1999), 13-39. 15002 Arturo Carpi/Aldo De Luca: Worlds and special factors. Theor. Computer Sci. 259 (2001), 145-182. 15003 Lothar Schmitt: Theory of genetic algorithms. Theor. Computer Sci. 259 (2001), 1-61. 15004 Mathieu Raffinot: On maximal repeats in strings. Inf. Processing Letters 80 (2001), 165-169. 15005 Renaud Verin: Algorithmes de recherche de motifs dans les se'quences d'ADN. These Univ. Marne La Valle'e 1998, 140p. 15006 Maxime Crochemore/Christophe Hancart: Pattern matching in strings. Internet ca. 1998, 27p. 15007 Maxime Crochemore/Renaud Verin: Direct construction of compact directed acyclic word graphs. Internet ca. 1997, 14p. 15008 Maxime Crochemore/Renaud Verin: On compact directed acyclic word graphs. Internet ca. 1997, 20p. 15009 G. Lorentz: Bernstein polynomials. Chelsea 1986, 140p. 15010 Maxime Crochemore/Christophe Hancart/Thierry Lecroq: Algorithmique du texte. Vuibert 2001, 350p. DM 60. 15011 Ba''rbel Stadler/Peter Stadler/Gu''nter Wagner/Walter Fontana: The topology of the possibile - formal spaces underlying patterns of evolutionary change. Internet 2000, 67p. 15012 Ba''rbel Stadler/Peter Stadler: Generalized topological spaces in evolutionary theory and combinatorial chemistry. Internet 2001, 10p. 15013 Ba''rbel Stadler/Peter Stadler/Max Shpak/Gu''nter Wagner: Recombination spaces, metrics and pretoplogies. Internet ca. 2000, 17p. 15014 Jeong Seop Sim/Costas Iliopoulos/Kunsoo Park/W. Smyth: Approximate periods of strings. Theor. Comp. Sci. 262 (2001), 557-568. 15015 W. Smyth: Repetitive perhaps, but certainly not boring. Theor. Comp. Sci. 249 (2000), 343-355. 15016 Cedric Notredame: Utilisation des algorithmes genetiques pour l'analyse de sequences biologiques. Thesis 1998, ca. 70p. 15017 Andrei Verona: Introducere in coomologia algebrelor Lie. 1974. 15018 Henri Cartan/Samuel Eilenberg: Homological algebra. Princeton UP 1956. 15019 Gerd Stumme/Rudolf Wille (ed.): Begriffliche Wissensverarbeitung. Springer 2000, 390p. DM 110. 15020 Heinz Lu''llmann/Klaus Mohr: Taschenatlas der Pharmakologie. Thieme 2001, 380p. DM 59. 15021 Robert Kowalski: Logic without model theory. Internet ca. 1995, 37p. 15022 Robert Kowalski/Fariba Sadri: From logic programming to multi-agent systems. Internet 1998, 22p. 15023 James Tisdall: Beginning Perl for bioinformatics. O'Reilly 2001, 370p. $28. 15024 Jan Koolman/Klaus-Heinrich Ro''hm: Taschenatlas der Biochemie. Thieme 1998, 460p. DM 59. 15025 Karl May: Der Spion von Ortry. Karl-May-Verlag 1952. 15026 Jo''rg Epplen/Olaf Riess: Repetitive sequences in DNA. In 9589 Bishop/, 185-195. 15027 Stephen Altschul: Sequence comparison and alignment. In 9589 Bishop/, 137-167. 15028 Philippe Ellia: Appunti di Geometria I. Pitagora. 15029 Karl May: Schacht und Hu''tte. Karl-May-Verlag 1996. 15030 Karl May: Die Herren von Greifenklau. Karl-May-Verlag 1953. 15031 Bjo''rn Engquist/Wilfried Schmid (ed.): Mathematics unlimitedd - 2001 and beyond. Springer 2001, 1240p. DM 86. 15032 Erik De Schutter: Computational neuroscience - more math is needed to understand the human brain. In 15031 Engquist/Schmid, 381-391. 15033 Stephen Wolfram: The Mathematica book. Cambridge UP 1999, 1450p. DM 125. 15034 Luigi Genoni: Kernel News. Linux & C Dicembre 2001, 14-17. 15035 Ciro Scognamiglio: Rebol 2.5. Linux & Dicembre 2001, 22-23. 15036 Daniele Verzelloni: L'ultima Samba di Windows. Linux & C Dicembre 2001, 34-39. 15037 Riccardo Corsanici: Oracle - preparazione dell'ambiente e installazione. Linux & C Dicembre 2001, 58-63. 15038 Francesco Consumi: Creare un editor con Kylix. Linux & C Dicembre 2001, 70-73. 15039 Federico Caboni: MacOS X - compilazione del software. Linux & C Dicembre 2001, 78-79. 15040 Andrea Monti: Una risposta a Scott Pulp, manager Microsoft. Linux & C Dicembre 2001, 80-81. 15041 Heikki Ruskeepa''a'': Mathematica Navigator. Academic Press 1999, 850p. 15042 Lester Brown/Christopher Flavin/Hilary French (ed.): State of the World 2001. Worldwatch Institute 2001, 330p. Lire 40.000. 15043 Walter Strampp: Ho''here Mathematik mit Mathematica I. Grundlagen, lineare Algebra. Vieweg 1997, 320p. DM 48. 15044 Walter Strampp: Ho''here Mathematik mit Mathematica II. Analysis. Vieweg 1997, 330p. DM 48. 15045 Walter Strampp/Victor Ganzha/Evgenij Vorozhtsov: Ho''here Mathematik mit Mathematica III. Differentialgleichungen und Numerik. Vieweg 1997, 320p. DM 48. 15046 Walter Strampp/Victor Ganzha/Evgenij Vorozhtsov: Ho''here Mathematik mit Mathematica IV. Funktionentheorie, Fourier- und Laplacetransformationen. Vieweg 1997, 290p. DM 48. 15047 W. Forth/D. Henschler/W. Rummel/U. Fo''rstermann/K. Starke (ed.): Allgemeine und spezielle Pharmakologie und Toxikologie. Urban & Fischer 2001, 1260p. 15048 Karl May: Der Fremde aus Indien. Karl-May-Verlag 1995. 15049 Richard Gaylord/Samuel Kamin/Paul Wellin: Einfu''hrung in die Programmierung mit Mathematica. Birkha''user 1995, 320p. DM 68. 15050 Elkedagmar Heinrich/Hans-Dieter Janetzko: Mathematica - vom Problem zum Programm. Vieweg 1998, 220p. DM 38. 15051 Mario Lepore: Come usare le banche senza rimanere stritolati. Demetra 2000, 160p. Lire 21.000. 15052 Mario Lepore: Quale societa'. Demetra 1999, 110p. Lire 16.000. 15053 Jan Holly: Pictures of ultrametric spaces, the p-adic numbers, and valued fields. Am. Math. Monthly 108 (2001), 721-728. 15054 Marie-Franc,ois Roy: Three problems in real algebraic geometry and their descendants. In 15031 Engquist/, 991-1001. 15055 Hans Petter Langtangen/Aslak Tveito: How should we prepare the students of science and technology for a life in the computer age? In 15031 Engquist/, 809-825. 15056 Claudia Klu''ppelberg: Developments in insurance mathematics. In 15031 Engquist/, 703-722. 15057 David Eisenbud/Sara Robinson: Mathematics comes from many sources ... Eisenbud interviewed by Sara Robinson. In 15031 Engquist/, 647-653. 15058 Nigel Hitchin: Global differential geometry. In 15031 Engquist/, 577-591. 15059 Mikhael Gromov: Possible trends in mathematics in the coming decade. In 15031 Engquist/, 525-527. 15060 Jo''rg Frauendiener/Roger Penrose: Twistors and general relativity. In 15031 Engquist/, 479-505. 15061 Mark Davis: Mathematics of financial markets. In 15031 Engquist/, 361-380. 15062 Achim Bachem/Vasco Alexander Schmidt: Mathematics - from the outside looking in. Bachem interviewed by Schmidt. In 15031 Engquist/, 275-281. 15063 Badi Baltagi: The mathematical aspects of econometrics. In 15031 Engquist/, 67-81. 15064 Kishore Marathe: A chapter in physical mathematics - theory of knots in the sciences. In 15031 Engquist/, 873-888. 15065 Matthias Kreck/Vasco Alexander Schmidt: The unity of mathematics. Kreck interviewed by Schmidt. In 15031 Engquist/, 889-897. 15066 Alice Keller/Bruno Bauer: Entwicklung und Zukunft elektronischer Zeitschriften. Medizinbibliothek-Information September 2001, 12-17. Ein Gespra''ch. 15067 Phil Bradley: Robots, Spiders und Internetseiten. Medizinbibliothek-Information September 2001, 21-22. 15068 Joachim Lehnhardt: Wer zuerst kommt, mahlt zuerst? Medizinbibliothek-Information September 2001, 24-25. Rechtliche Fragen bei Internetnamen. 15069 G. Zoli a.o.: Il lattosio nella dieta naturale dell'anziano. ... 15070 ZZ: La cataratta. Internet ca. 2000, ca. 4p. 15071 Renate Radek/Klaus Hausmann: Lorenz Oken - Naturwissenschaftler und Naturphilosoph. Mikrokosmos 90 (2001), 257-260. 15072 Werner Nachtigall: Eine unkonventionelle Beleuchtungs-Blitzeinrichtung. Mikrokosmos 90 (2001), 261-263. 15073 Christine Hanna Lydia Scho''nberg: Schwammnadeln - ein Skelett aus Glas. Mikrokosmos 90 (2001), 265-272. 15074 Monika Mu''ller: Das leuchtet ein! Vergleich zwischen konventioneller und konfokaler Fluoreszenzmikroskopie. Mikrokosmos 90 (2001), 277-282. 15075 Wolfgang Groepler: Entwicklung des Erlenblattka''fers Agelastica alni I. Von der befruchteten Eizelle bis sum voll entwickelten Keimstreifen. Mikrokosmos 90 (2001), 283-291. 15076 Adolf Mathias/Erhard Mathias: Tiefenscha''rfe in mikroskopischen Bildern mittels PC. Mikroskosmo 90 (2001), 295-299. 15077 Wolfgang Jacob: Kiefernpollen als Na''hrstoffquelle fu''r Plankter in einem extrem sauren Tagebaurestsee. Mikrokosmos 90 (2001), 301-306. 15078 Joachim Wygasch: Erfahrungen mit der Video-Mikroskopie an Protisten. Mikrokosmos 90 (2001), 307-309. 15079 Klaus Rudolph: Notizen zu zwei Algenfunden im Staat Rio de Janeiro (Brasilien). Mikrokosmos 90 (2001), 310-312. 15080 Hans-Ju''rgen Vos'': Als Fischfutter fast zu schade - der Nematode Anguillula silusiae. Mikrokosmos 90 (2001), 313-317. 15081 Pierre Weis/Xavier Leroy: Le langage Caml. Dunod 1999, 370p. E 27. 15082 Stanislav Gorb/Walter Frese/Uli Schwarz: Was Libellen zu Flugku''nstlern macht. Spektrum Juli 2000, 12-13. 15083 Georg Wolschin: Quartett komplett - das europa''ische Superteleskop vor dem Vollbetrieb. Spektrum Juli 2000, 14-16. 15084 Michael Gros'': Der Quell der Bitternis. Spektrum 2000/7, 16-22. 15085 Axel Brennicke: Doppelstrategie gegen resistente Bakterien. Spektrum 2000/7, 22-23. Cocktails aus dem Berberitzenstrauch. 15086 Immanuel Bloch/Theodor Ha''nsch/Tilman Esslinger: Wenn Materie Quantenwellen schla''gt. Spektrum 2000/7, 23-24. 15087 Gibor Basri: Braune Zwerge. Spektrum 2000/7, 28-35. 15088 Joe Tsien: Die kluge Gen-Maus. Spektrum 2000/7, 36-42. 15089 Carol Ezzel: Die Suche nach Pillen fu''r ein besseres Geda''chtnis. Spektrum 2000/7, 41. 15090 William Nellis: Metallischer Wasserstoff. Spektrum 2000/7, 46-52. Physikern ist es gelungen, Wasserstoff fu''r Sekundenbruchteile in ein Metall zu verwandeln. 15091 Peter Drings/Nicola Siegmund-Schultze: Lungenkrebs - die vermeidbare Epidemie. Spektrum 2000/7, 54-63. 15092 Manfred Korfmann: Homers Troia. Griechischer Aus''enposten oder hethitischer Vasall? Spektrum 2000/7, 64-70. 15093 Augusto Mangini/Norbert Frank: Die Altersbestimmung der troianischen Quellho''hle. Spektrum 2000/7, 70. 15094 Manfred Sernetz: Die fraktale Geometrie des Lebendigen. Spektrum 2000/7, 72-79. 15095 Ulrich Joost: Georg Christoph Lichtenberg. Spektrum 2000/7, 80-87. 15096 Thomas Amon: Energie von glu''cklichen Ku''hen. Spektrum 2000/7, 92-93. 15097 Uwe Reichert: Wartesaal im Weltraum. Spektrum 2000/7, 99-103. 15098 Gu''nter Bra''uer: Besprechung des Buches "Neandertaler" von Ian Tattersall. Spektrum 2000/7, 105. 15099 Ian Stewart/Christoph Po''ppe: Der Kegel mit dem Dreh. Spektrum 2000/7, 114-116. Symmetriespiele und Kunst mit Rotationsko''rpern. 15100 Les Rosenau: Der Stromza''hler. Spektrum 2000/7, 117. 15101 Georg Wolschin: Neutrinomasse - und es gibt sie doch! Spektrum 2001/10, 12-15. 15102 Michael Gros'': Die u''brigen 30000 Gene. Spektrum 2001/10, 14. 15103 Michael Gros'': Neues Werkzeug zum Erforschen des Erbguts. Spektrum 2001/10, 15-17. Gezielte Abschaltung von Genen durch RNA-Interferenz. 15104 Petra Jacoby: Mit transgenen Pflanzen Schwermetallen auf der Spur. Spektrum 2001/10, 21-22. Ein neuer Biiotest spu''rt Schwermetalle in Bo''den und Gewa''ssern schon in a''us''erst geringer Konzentration auf. 15105 David Blake/Peter Jenniskens: Kosmisches Eis - Wiege des Lebens? Spektrum 2001/10, 28-34. 15106 Detlef Heck/Fahad Sultan: Das unterscha''tzte Kleinhirn. Spektrum 2001/10, 36-44. 15107 Hal Varian: Mikroo''konomie. Oldenbourg 1994, 540p. E 45. 15108 Hal Varian: Grundzu''ge der Mikroo''konomik. Oldenbourg 2001, 680p. E 30. 15109 Garzanti: Enciclopedia dell'economia. Garzanti 2001, 1390p. E 36. 15110 Gregory Hickock/Ursula Bellugi/Edward Klima: Sprechende Ha''nde. Spektrum 2001/10, 46-53. 15111 Hermann Englert: Gru''ne Gentechnik - Risiko oder Rettung? Spektrum 2001/10, 56-57. 15112 Robert Horsch/Sasha Nemecek: Braucht die Welt Genfood? Spektrum 2001/10, 58-59. Ein Interview. 15113 Margaret Mellon/Sasha Nemecek: Braucht die Welt Genfood? Spektrum 2001/10, 60/61. Ein Interview. 15114 John Verhoeven: Damaszenerklingen. Wunder der Schmiedekunst. Spektrum 2001/10, 62-67. 15115 K. Nicolaou/Christopher Boddy: Neue Chancen bei Antibiotikaresistenz. Spektrum 2001/10, 68-75. 15116 Antonia Ro''tger: Die Schrittmacher. Spektrum 2001/10, 76-78. 15117 Rolf Sterbak: Die Megahandys. Spektrum 2001/10, 78-81. 15118 Michael Lang: Neue Hardware braucht das UMTS-Land. Spektrum 2001/10, 81-82. 15119 Kai Zo''belin: Dringend gesucht - die Killerapplikation. Spektrum 2001/10, 82-84. 15120 Rudolf Siegert/Evdoxia Tsakiridou: Besser spa''t als nie. Spektrum 2001/10, 83. Ein Gespra''ch. 15121 Do''rte Otten: Peilstation in der Westentasche. Spektrum 2001/10, 84-86. 15122 Ulrich Eberl: UMTS++. Spektrum 2001/10, 87-88. 15123 Ulrike Zechbauer: Firewalls gegen Viren und Bakterien. Spektrum 2001/10, 90-92. Die Axxima Pharmaceuticals AG in Martinsried bei Mu''nchen. 15124 Ulrike Zechbauer: Auf den Wurm gekommen. Spektrum 2001/10, 92. Wurmforschung bei EleGene. 15125 Claus Hillebrand: Physik-Nobelpreise - rein biographisch betrachtet. Spektrum 2001/10, 94-99. Eine Analyse er Lebenswege von Nobelpreistra''gern im Fach Physik gibt interessante Aufschlu''sse u''ber strukturelle und forschungspolitische Zusammenha''nge in der Wissenschaft. 15126 Hermann Englert: Sie sollten BSE im Kopf behalten! Spektrum 2001/10, 96. 15127 Wolfgang Bu''rger: Oberfla''chliche Spannungen. Spektrum 2001/10, 112-114. 15128 Ulrich Katscher: Der Kernspintomograph. Spektrum 2001/10, 116-117. 15129 Erann Gat: Lisp as an alternative to Java. Intelligence 11/4 (2000), 21-24. 15130 Klaus Barner: Pierre de Fermat (1601? - 1665). EMS Newsletter December 2001, 12-16. Fermat was probably born in 1607 or in January 1608. 15131 Victor Bukhstaber: Interview with Sergei Novikov. EMS Newsletter December 2001, 17-20. 15132 Philippe Ciarlet: Jacques-Louis Lions (1928-2001). EMS Newsletter December 2001, 21-25. 15133 Arthur Guyton/John Hall: Textbook of medical physiology. Saunders 2000, 1060p. Eur 72. 15134 Roman Ma''der: Programming in Mathematica. Addison-Wesley 1997, 370p. Eur 43. 15135 Roman Ma''der: Computer science with Mathematica. Cambridge UP 2000, 390p. Eur 36. 15136 Peter Plath: Jenseits des Moleküls. Vieweg 1997, 220p. Eur 41. 15137 Manfred Hein: Einfu''hrung in die Bankbetriebslehre. Vahlen 1993, 440p. Eur 35. 15138 Michael Kofler/Hans-Gert Gra''be: Mathematica. Addison-Wesley 2002, 640p. Eur 55. 15139 Mutschler/Gerd Geisslinger/Heyo Kroemer/Monika Scha''fer-Korting: Arzneimittelwirkungen. Wiss. Vlgsges. 2001, 1180p. 15140 Ulrich Maniak: Hydrologie und Wasserwirtschaft. Springer 1997, 650p. Eur 60. 15141 Reimer Herrmann: Einfu''hrung in die Hydrologie. Teubner 1977, 150p. Eur 18. 15142 Gerhard Bahrenberg/Ernst Giese/Josef Nipper: Statistische Methoden in der Geographie I. Teubner 1999, 240p. Eur 21. 15143 Heinz Joss: 350 Jahre Rechenschieber, und was die Region Zu''rich dazu beigetragen hat. Vierteljahresschrift Naturf. Ges. Zu''rich 146/2-3 (2001), 75-82. 15144 Claus Roxin (ed.): Strafproszessordnung. dtv 2001, 280p. Eur 6. 15145 Eva Brendel/Gerald Burkard/Ulrike Thienhaus: Polizeiliche Ermittlungen im Strafprozes''. Kriminalistik-Verlag 1998, 170p. Eur 14. 15146 Hans-Heinrich Jeschek (ed.): Strafgesetzbuch. dtv 2001, 300p. Eur 6. 15147 Martin Michalski: Das gros''e Buch von Zaubern. Moewig ca. 2000, 250p. Eur 6. 15148 Oliver Erens: Zaubereien und Tricks mit Karten. Falken 2001, 80p. Eur 9. 15149 Andreas Michel-Andino: Tanz der Ha''nde. Kra''mer 1996, 150p. Eur 20. 15150 Karl May: Der verlorene Sohn. Karl-May-Verlag 1985. 15151 Karl May: Sklaven der Schande. Karl-May-Verlag 1993. 15152 Gregor Snelting: Feyerabend - zwei Jahre spa''ter. Informatik-Spektrum Oktober 2001, 305-308. 15153 Jost Enderle: XML in relationalen Datenbanken. Informatik-Spektrum Dezember 2001, 357-368. 15154 Albert Endres: Akademische und praktische Informatik - zwei Inseln ohne Bru''cken? Informatik-Spektrum Dezember 2001, 378-382. 15155 Uwe As''mann/Theo Ungerer: Informatik in der Schule. Informatik-Spektrum Dezember 2001, 401-405. 15156 Enciclopedia Garzanti del Diritto. Garzanti 2001. 15157 Giustino Gatti/Raffaele Marino/Rossana Petrucci: Codice penale, procedura penale, leggi complementari. Simone 2001, 2200p. 15158 Giovanna Ghidetti: Linguistica. Vallardi 2001, 270p. 15159 Teresa Tardia: Gestione e tecnica bancaria. Vallardi 2001, 230p. 15160 Sergio Sabbadini/Mariangela Mazzucchelli/Romano Solbiati: Geografia economica. De Agostini 2001, 250p. 15161 Touring Club Italiano: Ferrara e provincia. Touring Club Italiano 2001, 150p. 15162 Hans-Ju''rgen Seelos: Theorie der medizinischen Informatik. Vieweg 1998, 110p. Eur 30. 15163 Hans-Ju''rgen Seelos (ed.): Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie. De Gruyter 1997. 3-11-014317-8. Eur 30. 15164 Paolo Merighetti: Dizionario dei film 2002. 2 volumes. Baldini & Castoldi 2001, tog. 3320p. 15165 Erwin Chargaff: Das Feuer des Heraklit. Klett-Cotta 1999, 290p. Eur 22. 15166 Martin Tonko/Michael Aus''erlechner/David Bernhard/Arno Helmberg/Reinhard Kofler: Gene expression profiles of proliferating vs. G1/G0 arrested human leukemia cells suggest a mechanism for glucocorticoid-induced apoptosis. FASEB J. 15 (2001), 693-699. 15167 Baedeker: Reisefu''hrer O''sterreich. Baedeker 2000, 670p.+Karte. Eur 26. 15168 Gabriele Rath/Andrea Sommerauer/Martha Verdorfer (ed.): Bozen und Innsbruck. Zeitgeschichtliche Stadtrundga''nge. Folio 2000, 160p. Eur 17. 15169 Florian Leiner/Wilhelm Gaus/Reinhold Haux/Petra Knaup-Gregori: Medizinische Dokumentation. Schattauer 1999, 230p. Eur 26. 15170 Gerhard Leibold/Frank Brenner/Doris Brenner: Das gros''e Buch der Eignungstests. Juncker 2000, 350p. Eur 7. 15171 Terry Speed: Mathematics and the human genome. Notices AMS April 2002, 429. "The challenges and satisfaction are there for anyone wishing to get involved; the benefits far outweigh the risk of investing time and effort to find out what is needed." 15172 Helmut Ko''hler (ed.): Bu''rgerliches Gesetzbuch. dtv 2002, 660p. Eur 5. 15173 Gu''nter Du''rig/Jutta Limbach (ed.): Grundgesetz. dtv 2001, 180p. Eur 4. 15174 Claus Roxin: Strafrecht. Allgemeiner Teil, Band 1. Beck 1997, 990p. Eur 45. 15175 Volker Haug: Staats- und Verwaltungsrecht. Mu''ller 2001, 300p. Eur 20. 15176 Enrico Sorcinelli: Apache/mod_perl - un application server opensource. Linux & C 22 (2002), 56-61. 15177 Tommie Jones: Web mining with Perl. Internet 2002, 7p. 15178 Bernhard Fleckenstein: Strukturen fu''r die Hochschulmedizin in O''sterreich. Expertise im Auftrag der O''sterreichischen Rektorenkonferenz. Univ. Erlangen, 2001. 60p. 15179 Elisabeth Schremmer-Danninger a.o.: Identification and occurrence of mRNAs for components of the kallikrein-kinin system in human skin and in skin diseases. Immunopharmacology 43 (1999), 287-291. 15180 Wulf Ro''schinger a.o.: Carnitine-acylcarnitine translocase definciency - metabolic consequences of an impaired mitochondrial carnitine cycle. Clinica Chimica Acta 298 (2000), 55-68. 15181 Fabian Moebius/Barbara Fitzky/Hartmut Glossmann: Genetic defects in postsqualene cholesterol biosynthesis. TEM 11/3 (2000), 114. 15182 Jan Boeyens: Chemistry from first principles. Springer 2008, 330p. 15183 Christian Huber a.o.: Mutation detection by capillary denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography using monolithic columns. J. Biochem. Biophys. Methods 47 (2001), 5-19. 15184 Andreas Holzinger a.o.: Genomic organization and chromosomal localization of the human peroxisomal membrane protein-1-like protein (PXMP1-L) gene encoding a peroxisomal ABC transporter. FEBS Letters 426 (1998), 238-242. 15185 Joseph Torggler: Auf delphischer Spur. Tenea 2001, 100p. 15186 Steve Lidie/Nancy Walsh: Mastering Perl/Tk. O'Reilly 2002, 750p. 15187 Reiner Winter: Grundlagen der formalen Logik. Deutsch 2001, 240p. Eur 21. 15188 Bernhard Ganter: Begriffe und Implikationen. In 15019 Stumme/, 1-24. 15189 Peter Burmeister: ConImp - ein Programm zur formalen Begriffsanalyse. In 15019 Stumme/, 25-56. 15190 Katja Lengnink: A''hnlichkeit als Distanz in Begriffsverba''nden. In 15019 Stumme/, 57-71. 15191 Silke Pollandt: Datenanalyse mit Fuzzybegriffen. In 15019 Stumme/, 72-98. 15192 Susanne Prediger: Terminologische Merkmalslogik in der formalen Begriffsanalyse. In 15019 Stumme/, 99-124. 15193 Rudolf Wille/Monika Zickwolff: Grundlagen einer triadischen Begriffsanalyse. In 15019 Stumme/, 125-150. 15194 Christian Lindig/Gregor Snelting: Formale Begriffsanalyse im Software-Engineering. In 15019 Stumme/, 151-175. 15195 Hermann Strack/Martin Skorsky: Zugriffskontrolle bei Programmsystemen und im Datenschutz mittels formaler Begriffsanalyse. In 15019 Stumme/, 176-199. 15196 Urs Andelfinger: Inhaltliche Erschlies''ung des Bereichs "Sozialorientierte Gestaltung von Informationstechnik" - ein begriffsanalytischer Ansatz. In 15019 Stumme/, 200-222. 15197 Winfried Go''dert: Wissensdarstellung in Informationssystemen, Fragetypen und Anforderugen an Retrievalkomponenten. In 15019 Stumme/, 223-238. 15198 Tammo Rock/Rudolf Wille: Ein TOSCANA-Erkundungssystem zur Literatursuche. In 15019 Stumme/, 239-253. 15199 Dieter Eschenfelder/Wolfgang Kollewe/Martin Skorsky/Rudolf Wille: Ein Erkundungssystem zum Baurecht - Methoden der Entwicklung eines TOSCANA-Systems. In 15019 Stumme/, 254-272. 15200 Anja Gros''kopf/Gisela Harras: Begriffliche Erkundung semanticher Strukturen von Sprechaktverben. In 15019 Stumme/, 273-296. 15201 Josef Zelger: Grundwerte, Ziele und Mas''nahmen in einem regionalen Krankenhaus. Eine Anwendung des Verfahrens GABEK. In 15019 Stumme/, 296-324. 15202 Beate Kohler-Koch/Frank Vogt: Normen- und regelgeleitete internationale Kooperationen - formale Begriffsanalyse in der Politik. In 15019 Stumme/, 325-340. 15203 H. Jo''rg Henning/Wolfgang Kemmnitz: Entwicklung eines kontextuellen Methodenkonzeptes mit Hilfe der formalen Begriffsanalyse an Beispielen zum Risikoversta''ndnis. In 15019 Stumme/, 341-367. 15204 Hans-Georg Bartel: U''ber Mo''glichkeiten der formalen Begriffsanalyse in der mathematischen Archa''ometrie. In 15019 Stumme/, 368-389. 15205 Comune di Ferrara: Guida ai servizi del comune di Ferrara. Comune di Ferrara 2002. 15206 Frank Kose/Wolfram Weckwerth/Thomas Linke/Oliver Fiehn: Visualizing plant metabolomic correlation networks using clique-metabolism matrices. Bioinformatics 17/12 (2001), 1198-1208. 15207 Emanuel Petricoin a.o.: Use of proteomic patterns in serum to identify ovarian cancer. Lancet 16 February 2002, 572-577. 15208 Andre' Ahr a.o.: Identification of high risk breast-cancer patients by gene expression profiling. Lancet 12 January 2002, 131-132. 15209 Stephen Chu/Branko Cesnik: Knowledge representation and retrieval using conceptual graphs and free text document self-organization techniques. Int. J. Medical Informatics 62 (2001), 121-133. 15210 Jan Komorowski/Aleksander Oehrn: Modelling prognostic power of cardiac tests using rough sets. Art. Intell. Med. 15 (1999), 167-191. 15211 Denis Thieffry/David Romero: The modularity of biological regulatory networks. Biosystems 50 (1999), 49-59. 15212 Harvey Preisler/Stuart Kauffman: A proposal regarding the mechanism which underlies lineage choice during hematopoietic differentiation. Leukemia Research 23 (1999), 685-694. 15213 R. Lahoz-Beltra: Evolving hardware as model of enzyme evolution. Biosystems 61 (2001), 15-25. 15214 Kevin Gurney: Information processing in dendrites I-II. Neural Networks 14 (2001), 991-1004; 1005-1022. 15215 Almut Schulze a.o.: Anchorage-independent transcription of the cyclin A gene induced by the E7 oncoprotein of human papillomavirus type 16. J. Virology 72/3 (1998), 2323-2334. 15216 Beate Vogt a.o.: Regulation of cyclin E gene expression by the human papillomavirus type 16 E7 oncoprotein. J. General Virology 80 (1999), 2103-2113. 15217 Renate Schmidt: Plant genome evaluation - lessons from comparative genomics at the DNA level. Plant Mol. Biol. 48 (2002), 21-37. 15218 Justin Roberts: Proteomics and a future generation of plant molecular biologists. Plant Mol. Biol. 48 (2002), 143-154. 15219 Mihaela Pertea/Steven Salzberg: Computational gene finding in plants. Plant Mol. Biol. 48 (2002), 39-48. 15220 Oliver Fiehn: Metabolomics - the link between genotypes and phenotypes. Plant Mol. Biol. 48 (2002), 155-171. 15221 Wolfram Weckwerth/Oliver Fiehn: Can we discover novel pathways using metabolomic analysis? Internet ca. 2002, 5p. 15222 Volker Brendel/Wei Zhu: Computational modeling of gene structure in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Mol. Biol. 48 (2002), 49-58. 15223 Zygmunt Krozowski: The 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases - functions and physiological effects. Mol. and Cell. Endocrinology 151 (1999), 121-127. 15224 Andrew Wilcock a.o.: Descriptors of breathlessness in patients with cancer and other cardiorespiratory diseases. J. Pain Symptom Man. 23/3 (2002), 182-189. 15225 Ingo Wegener: The complexity of Boolean functions. Wiley 1987. 15226 Isabelle Bloch: On links between mathematical morphology and rough sets. Pattern Rec. 33 (2000), 1487-1496. 15227 Peter Ku''rsteiner: Geda''chtnistraining. Ueberreuter 1999, 130p. Euro 10. 15228 Frank Berchem: Gehirnjogging. Goldmann 1995, 220p. Eur 7. 15229 Ludwid Fahrmeir/Rita Ku''nstler/Iris Pigeot/Gerhard Tutz: Statistik. Der Weg zur Datenanalyse. Springer 2001, 590p. Eur 30. 15230 Heinrich Reitberger: Vietoris-Beglesches Abbildungstheorem, Vietoris-Lefschetz-Eilenberg-Montgomery-Beglescher Fixpunktsatz und Wirtschaftsnobelpreise. Jber. DMV 103 (2001), ... 15231 George Benedek a.o.: Theoretical and experimental basis for the inhibition of cataract. Progress Retinal and Eye Res. 18/3 (1999), 391-402. 15232 Ingo Wegener: BDDs - design, analysis, complexity, and applications. Discrete Appl. Math. ... (ca. 2002), ... 15233 Thomas Jansen/Ingo Wegener: On the analysis of a dynamic evolutionary algorithm. J. Discrete Algorithms ... (ca. 2002), ... 15234 Stefan Droste/Thomas Jansen/Ingo Wegener: On the analysis of the (1+1) evolutionary algorithm. Theor. Comp. Sci. ... (ca. 2002), ... 15235 Hans-Georg Beyer/Hans-Paul Schwefel/Ingo Wegener: How to analyse evolutionary algorithms. Internet 2002, 37. 15236 Ingo Wegener: Evolutiona''re Algorithmen. Vorlesung Univ. Dortmund SS 2002, 96p. 15237 ZZ: The magnificent ROC. Internet 2001, 25p. 15238 Richard Karp: Mathematical challenges from genomics and molecular biology. Notices AMS May 2002, 544-553. [= Int. Math. Nachr. 196 (2004), 15-32.] 15239 Dan Gusfield/Richard Karp/Lusheng Wang/Paul Stelling: Graph traversals, genes and matroids - an efficient case of the travelling salesman problem. Discrete Appl. Math. 88 (1998), 167-180. 15240 Ralf Herwig: Large-scale information theoretic clustering with application to the analysis of genetic fingerprinting data. Diss. FU Berlin 2001, 160p. Logos Verlag, Eur 41. 15241 Bin Ma/Lusheng Wang/Kaizhong Zhang: Computing similarity between RNA structures. Theor. Comp. Sci. 276 (2002), 111-132. 15242 Christopher Murphy/Stephen Tuft/Darwin Minassian: Refractive error and visual outcome after cataract extraction. J. Cataract Refract. Surg. 28 (2002), 62-66. 15243 Nick Mamalis: Intraocular lens biocompatibility. J. Cataract Refract. Surg. 28 (2002), 1-2. 15244 Ralf Herwig/Pia Aanstad/Matthew Clark/Hans Lehrach: Statistical evaluation of differential expression on cDNA nylon arrays with replicated experiments. Nucleic Ac. Res. 29 (2001), e117. 15245 Subhamoy Maitra/Palash Sarkar: Cryptographically significant Boolean functions with five valued Walsh spectra. Theor. Comp. Sci. 276 (2002), 133-146. 15246 Tarun Sharma/Therese Worstmann: Simultaneous bilateral cataract extraction. J. Cataract Refract. Surg. 27 (2001), 741-744. 15247 Aldo De Luca: A conjecture on continued fractions. Theor. Comp. Sci. 204 (1998), 75-86. 15248 Zhi-hua Zhou/Yuan Jiang/Yu-bin Yang/Shi-fu Chen: Lung cancer cell identification based on artificial neural network ensembles. Artif. Intell. Med. 24 (2002), 25-36. 15249 Sudarshan Khokhar/Mayank Pangtey/Ambarish Soni: Misgivings about simultaneous bilateral cataract extraction. J. Cataract Refract. Surg. 28 (2002), 3. Comment on 15246 Sharma/. 15250 N. Nachiketa/V. Munshi: Ethical issue in simultaneous bilateral cataract extractions. J. Cataract Refract. Surg. 28 (2002), 3-4. Comment on 15246 Sharma/. 15251 Lucia Del Chicca: Un algoritmo per la ricostruzione di sequenze da sequenze parziali in bioinformatica. Tesi Ferrara 2001. 15252 Thomas Merz/Olaf Dru''mmer: Die PostScript- und PDF-Fibel. PDFlib-Edition 2002, 640p. Eur 52. Nichts u''ber PostScript-Programmierung, aber sehr viel technische Information u''ber die beiden Formate. 15253 Ingo Klo''ckl: Ochem. Unser's manual 4/0d. Internet 2001, 160p. 15254 Debranjan Sarkar: Boolean function-based approach for encoding of binary images. Pattern Rec. Letters 17 (1996), 839-848. 15255 Manish Sarkar/B. Yegnanarayana/Deepak Khemani: A clustering algorithm using an evolutionary programming-based approach. Pattern Rec. Letters 18 (1997), 975-986. 15256 R. Segall: Some mathematical and computer modelling of neural networks. Appl. Math. Mod. 19 (1995), 386-399. 15257 Debranjan Sarkar: Operations on binary images encoded as minimized boolean functions. Pattern Rec. Letters 18 (1997), 455-463. 15258 Masumi Ishikawa: Structural learning with forgetting. Neural Networks 9 (1996), 509-521. 15259 Ralf Herwig: Ein Normalisierungs- und Clusteranalyseprogramm zur Bearbeitung gros''er genomischer Datenmengen. Vortrag Heinz-Billing-Preis 1999. Internet, 15p. 15260 L. Egghe: Properties of topologies of information retrieval systems. Math. Comp. Mod. 27/2 (1998), 61-79. 15261 Debranjan Sarkar/Swapnesh Banerjee/Sudip Chattopadhyay: Translation and rotation of binary images encoded as minimized boolean functions. Pattern Rec. Letters 18 (1997), 157-163. 15262 Endre Boros/Peter Hammer/Toshidide Ibaraki/Alexander Kogan: Logical analysis of numerical data. Math. Programming 79 (1997), 163-190. 15263 E. Triantaphyllou/A. Soyster: An approach to guided learning of boolean functions. Math. Comp. Mod. 23/3 (1996), 69-86. 15264 R. Boozarjomehry/W. Svrcek: Automatic design of neural network structures. Comp. Chem. Eng. 25 (2001), 1075-1088. 15265 G. Nelson: Real time transformation of musical material with fractal music. Comp. Math. Appl. 32/1 (1996), 109-116. 15266 Carlos Diaz-Ambrona/Ana Tarquuis/M. Ines Minguez: Faba bean canopy modellig with a parametric open L-system - a comparison with the Monsi and Saeki model. Fields Crops Res. 58 (1998), 1-13. 15267 Ligia Collado-Vides/Guillermo Gomez-Alcaraz/Gerardo Rivas-Lechuga/Vinicio Gomez-Gutierrez: Simulation if the clonal growth of Bostrychia radicans (Ceramiales-Rhodophyta) using Lindenmayer systems. Biosystems 42 (1997), 19-27. 15268 Franco Bignone: Coupled map lattices dynamics on a variable space for the study of development - a general discussion on Caenorhabditis elegans. Theor. Comp. Sci. 217 (1999), 157-172. 15269 Alfonso Ortega/Marina de la Cruz/Manuel Alfonseca: Parametric 2-dimensional L-systems and recursive fractal images - Mandelbrot set, Julia sets and biomorphs. Computers and Graphics 26 (2002), 143-149. 15270 Christian Jacob: Evolution and coevolution of developmental programs. Comp. Phys. Comm. 121-122 (1999), 46-50. 15271 Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz: Modeling of spatial structure and development of plants - a review. Sci. Hort. 74 (1998), 113-149. 15272 Juan Garcia Escudero: Stochastic L-systems and quasicrystal patterns. Mater. Sci. Eng. 294-296 (2000), 389-392. 15273 Gregory Hornby/Jordan Pollack: Evolving L-systems to generate virtual creatures. Computers and Graphics 25 (2001), 1041-1048. 15274 Jim Hanan: Virtual plants - integrating architectural and physiological models. Envir. Mod. Software 12/1 (1997), 35-42. 15275 Narendra Goel/Bo Shen: Symbolic computation using L-systems II. Extensions. Appl. Math. Comp. 69 (1995), 227-240. 15276 Andre' Stauffer/Moshe Sipper: On the relationship between cellular automaa and L-systems - the self replication case. Physica D 116 (1998), 71-80. 15277 Wenhan Qin/Siegfried Gerstl/Donald Deering/Narendra Goel: Characterizing leaf geometry for grass and crop canopies from hotspot observations - a simulation study. Remote Sensing Env. 80 (2002), 100-113. 15278 D. Wang/D. Kerbyson/G. King/G. Nudd: Realistic image synthesis of plant structures for genetic analysis. Image Vision Comp. 19 (2001), 517-522. 15279 B. Pommel/Y. Sohbi/B. Andrieu: Use of virtual 3D maize canopies to assess the effect of plot heterogeneity on radiation interception. Agr. Forest Meteor. 110 (2001), 55-67. 15280 Giorgio Ascoli/Jeffrey Krichmar: L-neuron - a modeling tool for the efficient generation and parsimonious description of dendritic morphology. Neurocomp. 32-33 (2000), 1003-1011. 15281 Wenhan Qin/Siegfried Gerstl: 3-D scene modeling of semidesert vegetation cover and its radiation regime. Remote Sensing Env. 74 (2000), 145-162. 15282 David Holliday/Ashok Samal: Object recognition using L-system fractals. Pattern Rec. Letters 16 (1995), 33-42. 15283 Y. Zhang/M. Sugisaka/X. Li: Lifelike artificial trees based on growth iterated function systems. Appl. Math. Comp. 91 (1998), 3-8. 15284 P. Kaitaniemi/J. Hanan/P. Room: Virtual sorghum - visualisation of partitioning and morphogenesis. Comp. Electronics Agr. 28 (2000), 195-205. 15285 Min-lu Dai/Kazumasa Ozawa: Texture synthesis by L-systems. Image Vision Comp. 15 (1997), 197-204. 15286 Hans-Hermann Bock: Clustering and self-organizing networks - regression-type models and optimization algorithms. In Gaul/Schader 1999, ... 15287 Hans-Hermann Bock: Clustering and neural network approaches. In Gaul/Locarek-Junge 1999, 42-57. 15288 Hans-Hermann Bock: Clustering and neural networks. In Rizzi/Vichi/Bock 1998, 265-277. 15289 Hans-Hermann Bock: Regression-type models for Kohonen's self-organizing networks. In Decker/Gaul 1999, 18-31. 15290 Bernard Moret: Decision trees and diagrams. Comp. Surv. ACM 14/4 (1982), 593-623. 15291 Randal Bryant: Symbolic boolean manipulation with ordered binary-decision diagrams. ACM Comp. Surveys 24/3 (1992), 293-318. 15292 Wolfram Lippe: Neuronale Netze. Eine Vorlesung. Internet ca. 2000. 15293 Paul Molitor: Darstellungen von Schaltfunktionen. Vorlesung Halle WS 2001/02. 15294 Jacob Feldman: A catalog of boolean concepts. Internet ca. 2001, 20p. Boolean functions in psychology with tables. 15295 Gearoid Tuohy: Bio-ophthalmology - molecular keys to eye disease. EuroTimes 2001, 2p. Search for cataract genes could lead to more effective treatment. 15296 Yuke Wang/Carl McCrosky/Xiaoyu Song: Single-faced boolean functions and their minimization. Comp. J. 44/4 (2001), 280-291. 15297 Iwaro Takahashi: Switching functions constructed by Galois extension fields. Inf. Control 48 (1981), 95-108. 15298 Jacob Feldman: Minimization of boolean complexity in human concept learning. Nature 407 (2000), 630-633. 15299 Karl Brace/Richard Rudell/Randal Bryant: Efficient implementation of a BDD package. 27th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conf. 1990, 40-45. 15300 Brian Ripley: Pattern recognition and neural networks. Cambridge UP 2001, 400p. Eur 80. 15301 Stuart Kauffman: The origins of order. Oxford UP 1993, 700p. Eur 50. 15302 Ingo Wegener: Efficient data structures for boolean functions. Discrete Math. 136 (1994), 347-372. 15303 Takashi Horiyama/Toshihide Ibaraki: Ordered binary decision diagrams as knowledge bases. Art. Intell. 136 (2002), 189-213. 15304 Martin Sauerhoff/Ingo Wegener/Ralph Werchner: Optimal ordered binary decision diagrams for read-once formulas. Discrete Appl. Math. 103 (2000), 237-258. 15305 Sammlung Clusteranalyse. 15306 Sammlung Genetische Algorithmen. 15307 Sammlung Genetische Algorithmen. 15308 Sammlung Formale Begriffsanalyse. 15309 Sammlung Formale Begriffsanalyse. 15310 Sammlung Mathematische Biochemie. 15311 Sammlung Medizinische Informatik. 15312 Sammlung Lindenmayersysteme. 15313 Sammlung Lindenmayersysteme. 15314 Sammlung PSTricks. 15315 Detlef Sieling: Theorie des Logikentwurfs. Begleitmaterial zur Vorlesung SS 2000, Univ. Dortmund, 90p. 15316 Christoph Meinel/Thorsten Theobald: Ordered binary decision diagrams and their significance in computer-aided design of VLSI circuits - a survey. Electronic Coll. Comp. Complexity Rep. 39 (1998), 17p. 15317 Christoph Meinel: Die Entwicklung der Informatik braucht Theorie und Praxis. Ein Fallbeispiel aus dem CAD-Schaltkreisentwurf. Proc. GISI'95 (1995), 339-346. 15318 Patrick McGeer a.o.: Fast discrete function evaluation using decision diagrams. Internet ca. 1996, 6p. 15319 Christian Matuszewski/Robby Scho''nfeld/Paul Molitor: Using sifting for k-layer straightline crossing minimization. Internet 1999, 10p. 15320 Christoph Meinel/Fabio Somenzi/Thorsten Theobald: Function decomposition and synthesis using linear sifting. Internet ca. 1998, 6p. 15321 Jordan Gergov/Christoph Meinel: Boolean manipulation with free BDDs. An application in combinational logic verification. Proc. 13th IFIP World Computer Congress 1994, 309-314. 15322 Jordan Gergov/Christoph Meinel: Mod-2 OBBDs - a generalization of OBBDs and EXOR sum-of-products. Proc. IFIP-Workshop 1993, TR WSI-93-2, 170-175. 15323 Christoph Scholl/Stephan Melchior/Gu''nter Hotz/Paul Molitor: Minimizing ROBBD sizes of incompletely specified boolean functions by exploiting strong symmetries. Internet ca. 1997, 6p. 15324 Jordan Gergov/Christoph Meinel: Analysis and manipulation of boolean functions in terms of decision graphs. Springer LN CS 657 (1993), 310-320. 15325 Christoph Meinel/Harald Sack: Algorithmic considerations for sum-OBBD reordering. Proc. 4th Int. Workshop Reed-Muller Exp. 1999, 179-184. 15326 Christoph Meinel: Schaltkreiskomplexita''tstheorie. Vorlesung WS 1992/93, Univ. Trier 1995, 100p. 15327 Christoph Meinel/Anna Slobodova: An adequate reducibility concept for problems defined in terms of ordered binary decision diagrams. ECCC TR 96-010 (1996), 20p. 15328 Andreas Hett/Rolf Drechsler/Bernd Becker: MORE - an alternative implementation of BDD packages by multi-operand synthesis. EURODAC'96 (1996), 6p. 15329 Jochen Bern/Jordan Gergov/Christoph Meinel/Anna Slobodova: Boolean manipulation with free BDDs - first experimental results. Proc. Europ. Design Test Conf. 1994 (1994), 200-207. 15330 Richard Rudell: Dynamic variable ordering for ordered binary decision diagrams. Proc. ACM/IEEE Int. Conf. CAD (1993), 42-47. 15331 Christoph Meinel/Fabio Somenzi/Thorsten Theobald: Linear sifting of decision diagrams. Internet ca. 1997, 6p. 15332 Reinhard Laubenbacher/Bodo Pareigis: Finite dynamical systems. Internet 2001, 14p. 15333 Sammlung Bina''re Entscheidungsgraphen. 15334 Sammlung Schaltfunktionen. 15335 Sammlung Anwendungen boolescher Funktionen. 15336 Paul Molitor: Zweistufige Logikminimierung. Vorlesung Halle. 15337 Hans-Ju''rgen Bandelt/Andreas Dress: An order theoretic framework for overlapping clustering. Discrete Math. 136 (1994), 21-37. 15338 C. Barrett/Christian Reidys: Elements of a theory of computer simulation I. Sequential CA over random graphs. Applied Math. Comp. 98 (1999), 241-259. 15339 C. Barrett/Christian Reidys: Elements of a theory of computer simulation III. Equivalence of SDS. Applied Math. Comp. 122 (2001), 325-340. 15340 Reinhard Laubenbacher/Bodo Pareigis: Equivalence relations on finite dynamical systems. Adv. Appl. Math. 26 (2001), 237-251. 15341 Christian Reidys: On acyclic orientations and sequential dynamical systems. Adv. Appl. Math. 27 (2001), 790-804. 15342 H. Mortveit/Christian Reidys: Discrete, sequential dynamical systems. Discrete Math. 226 (2001), 281-295. 15343 Christian Reidys: Acyclic orientations on random graphs. Adv. Appl. Math. 21 (1998), 181-192. 15344 Claude Carlet/Palash Sarkar: Spectral domain analysis of correlation immune and resilient boolean functions. Finite Fields Appl. 8 (2002), 120-130. 15345 Sammlung Endliche dynamische Systeme. 15346 John Eldon Whitesitt: Boolean algebra and its applications. Dover 1995, 180p. Eur 11. 15347 Paul Molitor/Christoph Scholl: Datenstrukturen und effiziente Algorithmen fu''r die Logiksynthese kombinatorischer Schaltungen. Teubner 1999, 300p. Eur 28. 15348 David Ellis/Robert Ellis/Mahesh Nerurkar: The topological dynamics of semigroup actions. Trans. AMS 353 (2000), 1279-1320. 15349 Harry Furstenberg/Yitzhak Katznelson: Idempotents in compact semigroups and Ramsey theory. Israel J. Math. 68 (1989), 257-270. 15350 Eli Glasner: Topological ergodic decompositions and applications to products of powers of a minimal transformation. J. d'Analyse Math. 64 (1994), 241-262. 15351 Joseph Auslander/Harry Furstenberg: Product recurrence and distal points. Trans. AMS 343 (1994), 221-232. 15352 Thierry Genoud/Jean-Pierre Metraux: Crosstalk in plant cell signaling - structure and function of the genetic network. Trends Plant Science ... (ca. 2001), ... 15353 H. Singh/H. Singh Bawa/L. Anneberg: Boolean neural network realization of an adder-subtractor cell. Microelectr. Rel. 36/3 (1996), 367-369. 15354 Luciano Biasini: Gli elaboratori di dati. Patron 1977, 190p. 15355 Oya Ekin/Peter Hammer/Uri Peled: Horn functions and submodular boolean functions. Theor. Comp. Sci. 175 (1997), 257-270. 15356 Oya Ekin/Stephan Foldes/Peter Hammer/Lisa Hellerstein: Equational characterizations of boolean function classes. Discrete Math. 211 (2000), 27-51. 15357 Yves Crama/Oya Ekin/Peter Hammer: Variable and term removal from boolean formulae. Discrete Appl. Math. 75 (1997), 217-230. 15358 Chi Wang: Boolean minors. Discrete Math. 141 (1995), 237-258. 15359 Aaron Feigelson/Lisa Hellerstein: The forbidden projections of unate functions. Discrete Appl. Math. 77 (1997), 221-236. 15360 Oya Ekin/Peter Hammer/Alexander Kogan: Convexity and logical data analysis. Theor. Comp. Sci. 244 (2000), 95-116. 15361 Ezequiel Di Paolo: Rhythmic and non-rhythmic attractors in asynchronous random boolean networks. Biosystems 59 (2001), 185-195. 15362 Yukio-pegio Gunji/Hisato Sadaoka/Keisuke Ito: Inter- and intracellular computation models based on boolean vs. non-boolean inconsistency. Biosystems 35 (1995), 213-217. 15363 Miguel Jimenez-Montano/Carlos de la Mora-Basanez/Thorsten Po''schel: The hypercube structure of the genetic code explains conservative and non-conservative aminoacid substitutions in vivo and in vitro. Biosystems 39 (1996), 117-125. 15364 Stephen Senn: Cross-over trials in drug development - theory and practice. J. Stat. Planning Inference 96 (2001), 29-40. 15365 Beverly Austin/Karsten Henckell/Chrystopher Nehaniv/John Rhodes: Subsemigroups and complexity via the presentation lemma. J. Pure Appl. Algebra 101 (1995), 245-289. 15366 Chrystopher Nehaniv: From relation to emulation - the covering lemma for transformation semigroups. J. Pure Appl. Algebra 107 (1996), 75-87. 15367 T. Hall/Mark Sapir: Idempotents, regular elements and sequences from finite semigroups. Discrete Math. 161 (1996), 151-160. 15368 Niels Becker/Tom Britton: Design issues for studies of infectious diseases. J. Stat. Planning Inference 96 (2001), 41-66. 15369 ZZ: Linee guida per la politica scientifica e tecnologica del governo. Internet Aprile 2002, 42p. 15370 Lisa Hellerstein: On generalized constraints and certificates. Discrete Math. 226 (2001), 211-232. 15371 S. Scho''nauer/Peter Clote: How optimal is the genetic code? Internet ca. 1999, 3p. 15372 Tim Hindle: Besprechugen organisieren. Dorling Kindersley 2002, 70p. Eur 10. 15373 Klaus Beuth: Digitaltechnik. Vogel 2001, 560p. Eur 36. 15374 Agatha Christie: Mit offenen Karten. Scherz 2000. 15375 Reinhard Rauhut: Bioinformatik. Wiley-VCH 2001, 290p. Eur 72. 15376 B. Davey/H. Priestley: Introduction to lattices and order. Cambridge UP 2002, 300p. Eur 35. 15377 Raymond Smullyan: First-order logic. Dover 1994, 160p. Eur 11. 15378 Maria Mies/Claudia von Werlhof (ed.): Lizenz zum Plu''ndern. Rotbuch 1999, 230p. Eur 13. 15379 Hartmut Ehrig a.o.: Mathematisch-strukturelle Grundlagen der Informatik. Springer 2001, 620p. Eur 33. 15380 Rolf Drechsler/Bernd Becker: Graphenbasierte Funktionsdarstellung. Teubner 1998, 200p. Eur 20. 15381 Martin Anthony: Discrete mathematics of neural networks. SIAM 2001, 130p. $55. 15382 Sonja Nauenburg/Werner Zwerschke/Pidder Jansen-Du''rr: Induction of apoptosis in cervical carcinoma cells by peptide aptamers that bind to the HPV-16 E7 oncoprotein. FASEB J. 19 January 2001, 592-594. 15383 Lothar Sachs: Angewandte Statistik. Springer 2002, 890p. Eur 50. 15384 Karl May: Der Silberbauer. Karl-May-Verlag 1959. 15385 Karl May: Der Peitschenmu''ller. Karl-May-Verlag 1958. 15386 Karl May: Der Eremit. Karl-May-Verlag 1994. 15387 Gian Battista Rosa (ed.): Dall'universita' all'azienda. ACTL 2002, 350p. Eur 10. 15388 Michael Laub/Harley McAdams/Tamara Feldblyum/Claire Fraser/ Lucy Shapiro: Global analysis of the genetic network controlling a bacterial cell cycle. Science 15 December 2000, 2144-2148. 15389 Harley McAdams/Adam Arkin: Gene regulation - towards a circuit engineering discipline. Current Biology 10 (2000), R 318-320. 15390 ZZ: In vivo boolean networks. Internet ca. 2000, 5p. 15391 Zoltan Szallasi: Gene expression patterns and cancer. Nature Biotechn. 16 (1998), 1292-1293. 15392 Tatsuya Akutsu/Satoru Miyano: Selecting informative genes for cancer classification using gene expression data. Internet ca. 2001, 5p. 15393 Ron Wiess/George Homsy/Thomas Knight: Towards in vivo digital circuits. Internt ca. 1999, 18p. 15394 Tatsuya Akutsu/Satoru Miyano/Satoru Kuhara: Algorithms for inferring qualitative models of biological networks. Internet ca. 2000, 12p. 15395 Shoudan Liang/Stefanie Fuhrman/Roland Somogyi: Reveal, a general reverse engineering algorithm for inference of genetic network architectures. Pacif. Symp. Biocomp. 3 (1998), 18-29. 15396 Tatsuya Akutsu/Satoru Miyano/Satoru Kuhara: Identification of genetic networks from a small number of gene expression patterns under the boolean network model. Internet ca. 1999, 10p. 15397 Patrik D'haeseleer/Shoudan Liang/Roland Somogyi: Genetic network inference - from co-expression clustering to reverse engineering. Bioinformatics 16/8 (2000), 707-726. 15398 Patrik D'haeseleer/Shoudan Liang/Roland Somogyi: Gene expression data analysis and modeling. Pacific Symp. Biocomp. 1999, 1-34. 15399 Zoltan Szallasi: Genetic network analysis. Internet 2001, 36p. A good overview on cluster analysis methods in gene expression research. 15400 David Duggan a.o.: Expression profiling using cDNA microarrays. Nature Genetics Suppl. January 1999, 10-14. 15401 Jason Moore/Lance Hahn: A cellular automata approach to detecting interactions among single-nucleotide polymorphisms in complex multifactorial diseases. Internet ca. 2002, 12p. 15402 Debashis Ghosh: Singular value decomposition regression models for classification of tumors from microarray experiments. Internet ca. 2002. 12p. 15403 John Koza a.o.: Reverse engineering of metabolic pathways from observed daa using genetic programming. Internet ca. 2001, 12p. 15404 Zoltan Szallasi/Shoudan Liang: Modeling the normal and neoplastic cell type with realistic boolean genetic networks - their application for understanding carcinogenesis and assessing therapeutic strategies. Internet ca. 1998, 10p. 15405 Michael Eisen/Paul Spellman/Patrick Brown/David Botstein: Cluster analysis and display of genome-wide expression patterns. Proc. Nat. Ac. Sci. USA December 1998, 14863-14868. 15406 Andrew Wuensche: Classifying cellular automata automatically. Internet ca. 1999, 26p. 15407 Andrew Wuensche: Discrete dynamics lab - tools for investigating cellular automata and discrete dynamical networks. Internet ca. 2001, 22p. 15408 Andrew Wuensche: Basins of attraction in network dynamics. Internet ca. 2002, 17p. 15409 Yishay Mansour: Learning boolean functions via the Fourier transform. Internet 1994, 28p. 15410 Olaf Wolkenhauer: Systems biology. Internet 2002, ca. 22p. 15411 Sandrine Dudoit/Jane Fridlyand/Terry Speed: Comparison of discrimination methods for the classification of tumors using gene expression data. Internet ca. 2000, 51p. 15412 Kristina Cole/David Krizman/Michael Emmert-Buck: The genetics of cancer - a 3D model. Nature Genetics Suppl. January 1999, 38-41. 15413 M. Dal Cin: Modifiable automata with tolerance - a model of learning. In 2503 Conrad/, 442-455. 15414 Michael Conrad: Molecular automata. In 2503 Conrad/, 419-430. 15415 Otto Ro''ssler: Chemical automata in homogeneous and reaction-diffusion kinetics. In 2503 Conrad/, 399-418. 15416 Otto Ro''ssler: A synthetic approach to exotic kinetics. In 2503 Conrad/, 546-582. 15417 C. Yoo/V. Thorsson/G. Cooper: Discovery of causal relationships in a gene-regulation pathway from a mixture of experimental and observational DNA microarray data. Internet ca. 2002, 12p. 15418 Gerard Lallement/Robert McFadden: On the determination of Green's relations in finite transformation groups. J. Symb. Comp. 10 (1990), 481-498. 15419 Andrew Gleason: Semigroups of shift register matrices. Math. Systems Theory 25 (1992), 253-267. From a course given at Princeton in 1960. 15420 S. Linton/G. Pfeiffer/E. Robertson/N. Ruskuc: Computing transformation semigroups. J. Symb. Comp. 33 (2002), 145-162. 15421 Nik Ruskuc: Computational semigroup theory (past and present). Internet 1997, 25p. 15422 S. Linton/G. Pfeiffer/E. Robertson/N. Ruskuc: Groups and actions in transformation semigroups. Math. Zeitschr. 228 (1998), 435-450. 15423 Joelle Cohen/Dominique Perrin/Jean-Eric Pin: On the expressive power of temporal logic. Internet 1991, 22p. 15424 D. Paul Benjamin: Formulating domain theories for software design. Internet ca. 1995, 6p. 15425 D. Paul Benjamin: Decomposing robotic representations by finding local symmetries and invariants. Internet ca 1997, 2p. 15426 D. Paul Benjamin: Formulating systems. Internet ca. 1995, 4p. 15427 D. Paul Benjamin: On the emergence of intelligent global behaviors from simple local actions. Internet ca. 1999, 19p. 15428 Stefan Des''loch a.o.: Towards an integrated data management platform for the Web. Datenbank-Spektrum 2002/2, 5-13. 15429 Carsten Kleiner/Udo Lipeck: Automatische Erzeugung von XML-DTDs aus konzeptionellen Datanbankschemata. Datenbank-Spektrum 2002/2, 14-22. 15430 Stefan Bo''ttcher/Adelhard Tu''rling: Umkehrbares Mapping von XM_-Updates auf relationale Datenbankinhalte. Datenbank-Spektrum 2002/2, 23-29. 15431 Daniel Keim: Datenvisualisierung und Data Mining. Datenbank-Spektrum 2002/2, 30-39. 15432 Knut Stolze: Still image extensions in database systems - a product overview. Datenbank-Spektrum 2002/2, 40-47. 15433 Martin Heczko/Daniel Keim/Dietmar Saupe/Dejan Vranic: Verfahren zur A''hnlichkeitssuch auf 3D-Objekten. Datenbank-Spektrum 2002/2, 54-63. 15434 Achim Krais''/Frank Scho''n/Gerhard Weikum/Uwe Deppisch: Mit HEART zu middlewarebasierten Antwortzeitgarantien fu''r E-Services. Datenbank-Spektrum 2002/2, 64-74. 15435 Volker Linnemann: Forschungsarbeiten von Datenbankgruppen. AG Datenbanken und Informationssysteme der Uni Lu''beck. Datenbankspektrum 2002/2, 80-82. 15436 Paolo Attivissimo: Palladium - la soluzione finale secondo Microsoft e Intel. Apogeo online 2 Luglio 2002. 15437 Ross Anderson: TCPA and Palladium FAQ. Internet June 2002, 7p. 15438 Calin Guet/Michael Elowitz/Weihong Hsing/Stanislas Leibler: Combinatorial synthesis of genetic networks. Sience 24 May 2002, 1466-1470. 15439 Steven Narod: Genetic epidemiology of prostate cancer. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1423 (1998), F1-F13. 15440 Karen Vousden: Activation of the p53 tumor suppressor protein. Biochi. Biophys. Atta 1602 (2002), 47-59. 15441 Werner Lutz/Javier Leon/Martin Eilers: Contributions of myc to tumorigenesis. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1602 (2002), 61-71. 15442 Michaela Herzig/Gerhard Christofori: Recent advances in cancer research - mouse models of tumorigenesis. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1602 (2002), 97-113. 15443 Jacqueline Jacobs/Maarten van Lohuizen: Polycomb expression - from cellular memory to cellular proliferation and cancer. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1602 (2002), 151-161. 15444 Sagrario Ortega/Marcos Malumbres/Mariano Barbacid: Cyclin D-dependent kinases - INK4 inhibitors and cancer. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1602 (2002), 73-87. 15445 Tanya Gottlieb/Moshe Oren: p53 in growth control and neoplasia. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1287 (1996), 77-102. 15446 Jerald Radich: The promise of gene expression analysis in hematopoietic malignancies. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1602 (2002), 88-95. 15447 James De Gregori: The genetics of the E2F family of transcription factors - shared functions and unique roles. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1602 (2002), 131-150. 15448 Roderick Beijersbergen/Rene' Bernards: Cell cycle regulation by the retinoblastoma family of growth inhibitory proteins. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1287 (1996), 103-120. 15449 ZZ: Was Adam der Wirkung eines Reizgases verdankt. Aner 2001/1, 1-2. NO and erection. 15450 Joachim Schindler: Sollte im Alter alles, was weniger wird, substituiert werden? Aner 2001/1, 3. 15451 ZZ: Schu''tzen Phytoo''strogene die Prostata? Aner 2001/1, 5. 15452 Friedrich Husmann: Apoptose - ohne programmierten Zelltod la''s''t sich zellula''re Homo''ostase nicht aufrechterhalten. Aner 2001/1, 8-11. 15453 ZZ: Das Wachstumshormon reguliert nicht nur die Ko''rpergro''s''e und die Muskel-Fett-Relation. Aner 2001/1, 12-13. 15454 Joachim Schindler: Hyposomatotrope Erwachsene - verbesserte Lebensumsta''nde durch eine Wachstumshormon-Substitutionstherapie. Aner 2001/1, 14-15. 15455 Joachim Schindler: Somatopause - la''s''t sich die biologische Uhr durch eine Wachstumshormontherapie zuru''ckstellen? Aner 2001/1, 16-18. 15456 Victor Laitenberger: Auch bei Depressionen des a''lteren Mannes zuna''chst an Hormondefizite denken. Aner 2001/1, 18-19. 15457 Friedrich Husmann: Hormonabha''ngige Entwicklungssto''rungen - Neues auch zu Prostata and Prostatakarzinom. Aner 2001/1, 20-21. 15458 Francesco Bartolini (ed.): Il codice amministrativo. La Tribuna 2002, 2490p. Eur 54. 15459 Jill Graham a.o.: Stressful life experiences and risk of relapse of breast cancer - observational cohort study. BMJ 324 (202), ... 15460 Andrew Cato/Ljuba Shatkina/Andrea Nestl/S. Mink: Warum scheitert die Antihormontherapie bei fortgeschrittenem Prostatakrebs? Nachr. Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe 34/1 (2002), 41-48. 15461 ZZ: Standards in der urologischen Onkologie - aktuelle Leitlinien fu''r Diagnostik und Therapie. AKO-Symp. Du''sseldorf Oktober 1999, 15p. 15462 ZZ: [Il carcinoma prostatico.] Internet ca. 2000, 10p. 15463 Deutsche Krebshilfe: Prostatakrebs. Ein Ratgeber nicht nur fu''r Betroffene. Internet ca. 2000, 62p. 15464 Gerhard Leibold: Erkrankungen der Prostata. Oesch 2000, 110p. Euro 10. 15465 Eberhard Wormer: Prostatabeschwerden wirksam behandeln. Midena 2000, 110p. Eur 10. 15466 Ju''rgen So''keland/Harald Schulze/Herbert Ru''bben: Urologie. Thieme 2002, 470p. Eur 30. 15467 Ali Brivanlou/James Darnell: Signal transduction and the control of gene expression. Science 1 February 2002, 813-818. 15468 Ronald Wheeler: Prostate cancer treatment - too many radicals, too many failures. Internet [www.theprostatcenter.com] 2000, 6p. 15469 Erwin Niederwieser: [Kommentar zum Universita''tsgesetz 2002]. Internet Juli 2002, 7p. "Ein Riesenbau mit einem engen Flaschenhals, durch den alle Entscheidungen hindurchmu''ssen." 15470 Federico Guercini: Prostatite cronica. Internet [www.prostatitis2000.org] 2002, ca. 25p. 15471 G. Thalmann/T. Gasser/F. Recker/U. Studer: Tag des Prostatakarzinoms 2000 - Highlights. Schweiz. Med. Forum 12. Dezember 2001, 1245-1248. 15472 Kaspar Holaus: Sammlung und Erhaltung pflanzengenetischer Ressourcen im Alpenraum. AG Landw. Versuchsanstalten, Jahrestagung 2000, 67-68. 15473 Nathalie Dejucq/Bernard Jegou: Viruses in the mammalian male genital tract and their effects on the reproductive system. Microbiol. Mol. Biol. Rev. June 2001, 208-231. 15474 J. Vuillez: Biologie du FDG et des autres traceurs emetteurs de positons utilises en cancerologie. Rev. ACOMEN 4/1 (1998), 4-26. 15475 Leslie Dennis/Charles Lynch/James Torner: Epidemiologic association between prostatitis and prostate cancer. Urology 60 (2002), 78-83. 15475 Patrik Finne a.o.: Estimation of prostate cancer risk on the basis of total and free prostate-specific antigen, prostate volume and digital rectal examination. European Urology 41 (2002), 619-627. 15476 Jennifer Niederst: HTML pocket reference. O'Reilly 2002, 100p. 15477 Trey Ideker a.o.: Integrated genomic and proteomic analyses of a systemically perturbed metabolic network. Science 4 May 2001, 929-934. 15478 Reka Albert/Hawoong Jeong/Albert-Laszlo' Barabasi: Error and attack tolerance of complex networks. Nature 27 July 2000, 378-382. 15479 Katja Bru''cker/Lidia Perez/Henrik Clausen/Stephen Cohen: Glycosyltransferase activity of fringe modulates notch-delta interactions. Nature 406 (2000), 411-415. 15480 Eberhard Voit/Tomas Radiovoyevitch: Biochemical systems analysis of genome-wide expression data. ... (2000), 1023-1037. 15481 Eberhard Voit: Metabolic modeling - a tool of drug discovery in the post-genomic era. DDT 7/11 (2002), 621-628. 15482 D. Livingstone/D. Manallack/I. Tetko: Data modelling with neural networks - advantages and illusions. J. Comp. Aided Mol. Des. 11 (1997), 135-142. 15483 Laszlo Boros/Marta Cascante/Wai-Nang Paul Lee: Metabolic profiling of cell growth and death in cancer - applications in drug discovery. DDT 7/6 (2002), 364-372. 15484 Michael Bittner/Paul Meltzer/Jeffrey Trent: Data analysis and integration - of steps and arrows. Nature Genetics July 1999, 213-215. 15485 Stefan Schuster/Thomas Dandekar/David Fell: Detection of elementary flux models in biochemical networks - a promising tool for pathway analysis and metabolic engineering. Tibtech February 1999, 54-60. 15486 Stefan Schuster/David Fell/Thomas Dandekar: A general definition of metabolic pathways useful for systematic organization and analysis of complex metabolic networks. Nature Biotechnol. March 2000, 326-332. 15487 Richard Trethewey: Gene discovery via metabolic profiling. ... (...), 135-138. 15488 David Fell: Beyond genomics. Trends in Genetics 17/12(2001), 680-682. 15489 Russ Altman/Teri Klein: Challenges for biomedical informatics and pharmacogenomics. Annu. Rev. Pharm. Tox. 42 (2002), 113-133. 15490 E. Ravasz a.o.: Hierarchical organization of modularity in metabolic networks. Science 30 August 2002, 1551-1555. 15491 H. Jeong a.o.: The large-scale organization of metabolic networks. Nature 5 October 2000, 651-654. 15492 David Fell/Andreas Wagner: The small world of metabolism. Nature Biotechnology November 2000, 1121-1122. 15493 Orly Alter/Patrick Brown/David Botstein: Singular value decomposition for genome-wide expression data processing and modeling. PNAS 97/18 (2000), 10101-10106. 15494 Jean-Michel Claverie: Computational methods for the identification of differential and coordinated gene expression. Human Mol. Gen. 8/10 (1999), 1821-1832. 15495 Jean-Michel Claverie/Chantal Abergel/Stephane Audic/Hiroyuki Ogata: Recent advances in computational genomics. Pharmacogenomics 2/4 (2001), 361-372. 15496 Sara Rutter: Mathematicians and the mathematics library - a librarian's perspective. Notices AMS October 2002, 1078-1081. 15497 Erik Bo''ttger: Das bedrohliche Fremde - molekulare Aspekte von Infektionserregern. Vjschrift Naturf. Ges. Zu''rich 147/2 (2002), 41-49. 15498 Dennis Turner: Das Verhalten von Hunden und Katzen. Beru''hrungspunkte zwischen Mensch und Tier. Vjschrift Naturf. Ges. Zu''rich 147/2 (2002), 51-61. 15499 Konstantin Siegmann: Feuer und Mensch. Von der Altsteinzeit zum Global Change. Vjschrift Naturf. Ges. Zu''rich 147/2 (2002), 63-71. 15500 Christoph Lippuner: Leishmanien und Leishmaniosen - wenig bekannte Geis''el der Entwicklungsla''nder. Vjschrift Naturf. Ges. Zu''rich 147/1 (2002), 3-12. 15501 Sebastian Brandner: Neurologische Krankheitsforschung - von der Stammzelle zum Mausmodell. Vjschrift Naturf. Ges. Zu''rich 147/1 (2002), 13-22. 15502 Ursula Ku''es: Sexuelle und asexuelle Fortpflanzung bei einem Pilz mit 12000 Geschlechtern. Vjschrift Naturf. Ges. Zu''rich 147/1 (2002), 23-34. Der Hutpilz Coprinus cinereus hat eine extrem hohe Anzahl von Kreuzungstypspezifita''ten (Geschlechtern) entwickelt. 15503 Christian Monn: Luftschadstoffe und Allergene - ein ungesundes Zusammenwirken. Vjschrift Naturf. Ges. Zu''rich 147/1 (2002), 35-36. 15504 Agatha Christie: Hercule Poirots Weihnachten. Scherz 2002. 15505 Agatha Christie: Die ersten und die letzten Arbeiten des Herkules. Scherz 2002. 15506 Johann-Christian Hanke: XML fu''r Einsteiger. Maardt 2002, 78p. 15507 George Sebestyen: Decision-making processes in pattern recognition. Macmillan 1962, 160p. Still very useful. 15508 Akram Aldroubi/Karlheinz Gro''chenig: Nonuniform sampling and reconstruction in shift-invariant spaces. SIAM Rev. 43/4 (2001), 585-620. 15509 Stefan Schuster/C. Hilgetag/J. Woods/David Fell: Reaction routes in biochemical reaction systems - algebraic properties, validated calculation procedure and example from nucleotide metabolism. J. Math. Biol. 45 (2002), 153-181. 15510 Gilbert Helmberg: Videogespra''ch mit Leopold Vietoris. IMN 190 (2002), 1-11. Das Interview fand im Juni 1994 statt. 15511 Sean Burke: Perl and LWP. O'Reilly 2002, 240p. 15512 Gerhard Marinell: Multivariate Verfahren. Oldenbourg 1998, 240p. Eur 25. 15513 Jo''rg Holzmann/Ju''rgen Plate: Linuxserver fu''r Intranet und Internet. Hanser 2002, 410p. Eur 40. 15514 Nathan Patwardhan/Ellen Siever/Stephen Spainhour: Perl in a nutshell. O'Reilly 2002, 730p. $28. 15515 Harvey Deitel/Paul Deitel: C++ - techniche avanzate di programmazione. Apogeo 2001, 380p. Eur 26. 15516 Bjarne Stroustrup: C++. Addison-Wesley 2000, 1000p. Eur 46. 15517 John Worsley/Joshua Drake: Manuale pratico di PostgreSQL. O'Reilly 2002, 690p. Eur 44. 15518 Kevin Kline/Daniel Kline: SQL - guida di riferimento. Apogeo 2001, 250p. Eur 21. 15519 Mark Aldenderfer/Roger Blashfield: Cluster analysis. Sage 1984, 90p. $15. 15520 Gu''nter Wahl: UML kompakt. Internet 1998, 19p. 15521 Roel Wieringa: A survey of structured and object-oriented software specification methods and techniques. ACM Computing Surveys 30/4 (1998), 459-527. 15522 Heinrich Reitberger: Leopold Vietoris (1891-2002). Notices AMS November 2002, 1232-1236. 15523 Joseph Kruskal/Myron Wish: Multidimensional scaling. Sage 1978, 90p. $15. 15524 Kantilal Mardia/J. Kent/J. Bibby: Multivariate analysis. Academic Press 2000, 520p. $73. 15525 Teuvo Kohonen: Self-organizing maps. Springer 2001, 500p. Eur 54. 15526 Christopher Bishop: Neural networks for pattern recognition. Oxford UP 2002, 470p. Eur 47. 15527 Helmut Herold/Jo''rg Arndt: C-Programmierung unter Linux. Suse 2002, 1080p. Eur 51. 15528 ZZ: PostgreSQL installation instructions. Contained in postgresql-7.2.3., 2002, 14p. 15529 Nicolai Josuttis: The C++ standard library. Addison-Wesley 1999, 790p. $58. 15530 Siegfried Kropf: Hochdimensionale multivariate Verfahren in der medizinischen Statistik. Shaker 2000, 190p. Eur 20. 15531 Ju''rgen Gebhard: Flederma''use. Birkha''user 1997, 384p. Eur 19. " ... ein sehr informatives und unterhaltsames Buch ... " (B. Heinz) 15532 Pieter Koopman/Vincent Zweije: Functional programming in a basic database course. Internet 1995, 15p. 15533 Jens Hartwig: PostgreSQL - professionell und praxisnah. Addison-Wesley 2001, 460p. Eur 50. 15534 Helmut Herold/Michael Klar/Susanne Klar: Goto Objektorientierung. Addison-Wesley 2001, 740p. Eur 40. 15535 Molly Holzschlag: Farbe fu''r Websites. Rowohlt 2002, 180p. Eur 17. 15536 William Venables/Brian Ripley: Modern applied statistics with S. Springer 2002, 490p. Eur 83. An advanced and truly interesting textbook on statistical methods and use of S and R. 15537 William Venables/D. Smith: An introduction to R. Internet 2002, 100p. 15538 ZZ: R language definition. Internet 2002, 57p. 15539 ZZ: R data import/export. Internet 2002, 31p. 15540 ZZ: Writing R extensions. Internet 2002, 72p. 15541 ZZ: R installation and administration. Internet 2002, 21p. 15542 Timothy Keitt: [RPgSQL commands in Rd format.] Internet ca. 2001, 20p. 15543 Manfred Broy: Edsger Wybe Dijkstra 1930-2002. Informatik-Spektrum Oktober 2002, 368-369. 15544 Manfred Broy: Ole-Johan Dahl 1931-2002, Kristen Nygaard 1926-2002. Informatik-Spektrum Oktober 2002, 367-368. 15545 Francois Bry/Peer Kro''ger: Datenbanken in der Bioinformatik. Informatik-Spektrum Oktober 2002, 359-362. 15546 Sandrine Dudoit/Yee Hwa Yang/Ben Bolstad: Using R for the data analysis of DNA microarray data. R News March 2002, 24-32. 15547 Salvatore Ingrassia/Cristina Davino (ed.): Reti neuronali e metodi statistici. Franco Angeli 2002, 240p. 15548 Jim Melton/Alan Simon: SQL 1999 - understanding relational language components. Morgan Kaufmann 2002, 890p. $42. 15549 Barry Stinson: PostgreSQL essential reference. New Riders 2002, 370p. $28. 15550 Kurt Hornik: R FAQ. Internet 2002, 45p. 15551 Dejori Matha''us: Analyzing gene expression data with Bayesian networks. Diplom thesis TU Graz 2002, 55p. 15552 Francois Bry/Peer Kro''ger: A computational biology database digest - data, data analysis, and data management. Internet 2002, 57p. 15553 Alexander Sturn: Cluster analysis for large scale gene expression studies. Master thesis TU Graz 2000, 71p. 15554 Elmar Trost: Entwicklung eines Pathway-Editors und einer Webapplikation fu''r lipidassoziierte Krankheiten. Diplom thesis TU Graz 2002, 65p. 15555 Alessandro Arsie: Special Lagrangian geometry in irreducible symplectic 4-folds. Internet 2000, 9p. 15556 John Chambers: Computing with data - concepts and challenges. Internet ca. 1999, 33p. 15557 Torsten Hothorn/David James/Brian Ripley: R/S interfaces to databases. Internet 2001, 18p. 15558 John Chambers: Evolution of the S language. Internet ca. 1994, 7p. 15559 John Chambers: Greater or lesser statistics - a choice for future research. Internet ca. 1995, 7p. 15560 Christian Bo''hm: Effiziente Indexstrukturen fu''r hochdimensionale Datenra''ume. Internet ca. 2000, 11p. 15561 Christian Bo''hm/Stefan Berchtold/Daniel Keim: Searching in high-dimensional spaces - index structures for improving the performance of multimedia databases. Internet ca. 2001, 74p. 15562 Christian Bo''hm: Powerful database support for high performance data mining. Habilitationsschrift Univ. Mu''nchen 2001, 246p. 15563 Christian Bo''hm: Efficiently indexing high-dimensional data spaces. Diss. Univ. Mu''nchen 1998, 241p. 15564 John Chambers/Duncan Temple Lang: Object-oriented programming in R. R News September 2001, 17-19. 15565 Klaus Michael Weinberger/Tanja Bauer/Stephan Bo''hm/Wolfgang Jilg: High genetic variability of the group-specific alpha-determinant of hepatitis B virus surface antigen (HBsAg) and the corresponding fragment of the viral polymerase in chronic virus carriers lacking detectable HBsAg in serum. J. Gen. Virol. 81 (2000), 1165-1174. 15566 Patrick Brown/David Botstein: Exploring the new world of the genome with DNA microarrays. Suppl. Nature Genetics January 1999, 33-37. 15567 Patricia Tonin a.o.: Microarray analysis of gene expression mirrors the biology of an ovarian cancer model. Oncogene 20 (2001), 6617-6626. 15568 J. Bull a.o.: Identification of potential diagnostic markers of prostate cancer and prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia using cDNA microarray. British J. Cancer 84/11 (2001), 1512-1519. 15569 Xin-min Li/Wei-kuan Gu/Subburaman Mohan/David Baylink: DNA microarrays - their use and misuse. Microcirculation 9 (2002), 13-22. 15570 Gu''nther Sawitzki: Quality control and early diagnostics for cDNA microarrays. R News March 2002, 6-9. 15571 Allan Balmain: Cancer genetics - from Boveri and Mendel to microarrays. Nature Rev. Cancer October 2001, 77-82. 15572 Michael Miles: Microarrays - lost in a storm of data? Nature Rev. Neuroscience June 2001, 441-443. 15573 Andrew Sage/James Melsa: System identification. Academic Press 1971. 15574 Yee-hwa Yang/Sandrine Dudoit/Percy Luu/Terry Speed: Normalization for cDNA microarray data. Internet ca. 2001, 12p. 15575 Marta Cascante a.o.: Metabolic control analysis in drug discovery and disease. Nature Biotechn. March 2002, 243-249. 15576 Jan Ihmels a.o.: Revealing modular organization in the yeast transcriptional network. Nature Genetics August 2002, 370-377. 15577 Richard Strohmann: Maneuvering in the complex path from genotype to phenotype. Science 26 April 2002, 701-703. 15578 Elaine Holmes: Metabonomic expert systems for toxicity screening and disease diagnosis. Internet ca. 2001, 2p. 15579 Sally Pobojewski: A red flag for lethal prostate cancer. Internet October 2002, 4p. 15580 Donald Tindall/Peter Scardino: State of research for prostate cancer - excerpt from the report of the prostate cancer progress review group. Urology 57 (suppl. 4 A) April 2001, 28-30. 15581 Donald Coffey: Similarities of prostate and breast cancer - evolution, diet, and estrogens. Urology 57 (suppl. 4 A) April 2001, 31-38. 15582 Andreas Wagner/Peter Stadler: Viral RNA and evolved mutational robustness. Internet 2000, 14p. 15583 Marcel Dettling/Peter Bu''hlmann: Boosting for tumor classification with gene expression data. Internet 2002, 10p. 15584 Cory Abate-Shen/Michael Shen: Molecular genetics of prostate cancer. Internet ca. 2001, 12p. 15585 Bernhard Tilg a.o.: Imaging of electrical function within the human atrium and ventricle from paced ECG mapping data. Internet 2001, 8p. 15586 Marcel Dettling/Peter Bu''hlmann: Supervised clustering of genes. Internet 2002, 25p. 15587 Gordon Smyth/Yee-hwa Yang/Terry Speed: Statistical issues in cDNA microarray analysis. Internet 2002, 26p. 15588 Andreas Dress: The mathematical basis of molecular phylogenetics. From the 1995 Biocomputing course. 40p. 15589 R. Matusik/S. Kasper/K. Tsuchiya: Microarray analysis in prostate cancer. Internet 2002, 12p. 15590 William Nelson/Angelo De Marzo/Theodore De Weese: The molecular pathogenesis of prostate cancer - implications for prostate cancer prevention. Urology 57 (suppl. 4 A) April 2001, 39-45. 15591 Cloud Paweletz/Lance Liotta/Emanuel Petricoin: New technologies for biomarker analysis of prostate cancer progression - laser capture microdissection and tissue proteomics. Urology 57 (suppl. 4 A) April 2001, 160-163. 15592 U. Alon a.o.: Broad patterns of gene expression revealed by clustering analysis of tumor and normal colon tissues probed by oligonucleotide arrays. Proc. Nat. Ac. Sci. USA 96 (1999), 6745-6750. 15593 Mark Reynolds: Microarray technology - GEM microarrays and drug discovery. J. Ind. Microbiol. Biotechn. 28 (2002), 180-185. 15594 Saravana Dhanasekaran a.o.: Delineation of prognostic biomarkers in prostate cancer. Nature 23 August 2001, 822-826. 15595 James Bailey: Lessons from metabolic engineering for functional genomics and drug discovery. Nature Biotechnol. July 1999, 616-618. 15596 M. Bittner a.o.: Molecular classification of cutaneous malignant melanoma by gene expression profiling. Nature 3 August 2000, 536-540. 15597 Robert Lipshutz/Stephen Fodor/Thomas Gingeras/David Lockhart: High density synthetic oligonucleotide arrays. Nature Genetics Suppl. January 1999, 20-24. 15598 Pablo Tamayo a.o.: Interpreting patterns of gene expression with self-organizing maps - methods and applications to hematopoietic differentiation. Proc. Nat. Ac. Sci. USA 96 (1999), 2907-2912. 15599 Michael Bittner/Paul Meltzer/Jeffrey Trent: Data analysis and integration - of steps and arrows. Nature Genetics July 1999, 213-215. 15600 Michael Eisen/Paul Spellman/Patrick Brown/David Botstein: Cluster analysis and display of genome-wide expression patterns. Proc. Nat. Ac. Sci. USA 95 (1998), 14863-14868. [=15405] 15601 Gad Getz/Erel Levine/Eytan Domany: Coupled two-way clustering analysis of gene microarray data. Proc. Nat. Ac. Sci. USA 97 (2000), 12079-12084. 15602 Atul Butte: The use and analysis of microarray data. Nature Reviews December 2002, 951-960. 15603 John Quackenbush: Computational analysis of microarray data. Nature Genetics June 2001, 418-427. 15604 Yee-hwa Yang/Terry Speed: Design issues for cDNA microarray experiments. Nature Genetics August 2002, 579-588. 15605 William Venables/Brian Ripley: S programming. Springer 2000, 260p. $63. 15606 Andreas Krause/Melvin Olson: The basics of S-Plus. Springer 2002, 420p. $55. 15607 Shamil Sunyaev/Vasily Ramensky/Peer Bork: Towards a structural basis of human non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms. Trends Genetics 16/5 (2000), 198-200. 15608 John Desjarlais/Stephen Mayo: Computational protein design. Current Opinion Structural Biol. 12 (2002), 429-430. 15609 John Chambers: Programming with data. Springer 1998, 470p. $55. 15610 Red Hat: Red Hat Linux 8.0 - customization guide. Red Hat 2002, 280p. 15611 Red Hat: Red Hat Linux 8.0 - reference guide. Red Hat 2002, 290p. 15612 Pierre Baldi/G. Wesley Hatfield: DNA microarrays and gene expression. Cambridge UP 2002, 210p. $45. 15613 G. Kamberova/Shishir Shah (ed.): DNA array analysis - nuts and bolts. DNA Press 2002, 210p. $30. 15614 Bernhard Ganter: Formal concept analysis - algorithmic aspects. Preliminary version. Internet 2002, 53p. 15615 Marcel Erne': Ordnungskombinatorik. Internet 2001, 62p. 15616 Marcel Erne': Distributive laws for concept lattices. Algebra Univ. 30 (1993), 538-580. 15617 Elias David: Topological representation of posets. Algebra Univ. 30 (1993), 221-233. 15618 Marcel Wild: A theory of finite closure spaces based on implications. Adv. Math. 108 (1994), 118-139. 15619 M. Smyth: Semimetrics, closure spaces and digital topology. Theor. Comp. Sci. 151 (1995), 257-276. 15620 Bernhard Ganter/Ru''diger Kraus''e: Pseudo models and propositional Horn inference. Internet 1999, 11p. 15621 Bernhard Ganter/Sergei Kuznetsov: Pattern structures and their projections. Internet ca. 2001, 16p. 15622 Ju''rgen Wimmer: Entwicklung und Evaluierung eines Spotters fu''r cDNA Microarrays. Diplomarbeit TU Graz 2002, 60p. 15623 Silicon Genetics: GeneSpring tutorial 5.0. Silicon Genetics 2002, ca. 100p. 15624 Jochen Brennecke: Geschichte der Schiffahrt. Sigloch, 500p. Eur 22. 15625 Stefan Zweig: Sternstunden der Menschheit. Fischer TB 2002, 300p. Eur 9. 15626 Hiroyuki Ogata a.o.: Analysis of binary relations and hierarchies of enzymes in the metabolic pathways. Genome Informatics 7 (1996), 128-136. 15627 S. Goto a.o.: Organizing and computing metabolic pathway data in terms of binary relations. Pac. Symp. Biocomput. 1997, 175-186. 15628 Minoru Kanehisa/Susumu Goto/Shuichi Kawashima/Akihiro Nakaya: The KEGG databases at GenomeNet. Nucl. Ac. Res. 30/1 (2002), 42-46. 15629 Minoru Kanehisa: Toward pathway engineering - a new database of genetic and molecular pathways. Science & Technology Japan 59 (1996), 34-38. 15630 Mitsuteru Nakao a.o.: Genome-scale gene expression analysis and pathway reconstruction in KEGG. Genome Informatics 10 (1999), 94-103. 15631 Christophe Schilling/David Letscher/Bernhard Palsson: Theory for the systemic definition of metabolic pathways and their use in interpreting metabolic function from a pathway-oriented perspective. J. Theor. Biol. 203 (2000), 229-248. 15632 Erich Ossa: Topologie. Vieweg 1992, 310p. 3-528-07242-3. Eur 28. Nicely written. Covers general topology, homotopy and homology, topological groups, homogeneous spaces. 15633 Lorenz Kropfitsch/Georg Krotkoff: Langenscheidts Taschenwo''rterbuch Arabisch-Deutsch und Deutsch-Arabisch. Langenscheidt 1998, 1190p. Eur 31. 15634 Roswitha Elsner: Eine Verbesserung des Maleralgorithmus. Diplomarbeit Innsbruck 2001, 90p. 15635 Timothy Ford: Topological invariants of a fan associated to a toric variety. Commun. Algebra 23/11 (1995), 4031-4045. 15636 Shoji Ochiai: On a topological invariant of finite topological spaces and enumerations. Tsukuba J. Math. 16/1 (1992), 63-74. 15637 Maria Manuel Clementino: On finite triquotient maps. J. Pure and Appl. Algebra 168 (2002), 387-389. 15638 E. Kronheimer: A note on alternative digital topologies. Top. Appl. 46 (1992), 269-277. 15639 E. Kronheimer: The topology of digital images. Top. Appl. 46 (1992), 279-303. 15640 Gu''nter Wagner/Peter Stadler: Quasi-independence, homology and the unity of type - a topological theory of characters. Internet 2002, 29p. 15641 Akihiro Nakaya/Susumu Goto/Minoru Kanehisa: Extraction of correlated gene clusters by multiple graph comparison. Genome Informatics 12 (2001), 44-53. 15642 Minoru Kanehisa/Susumu Goto: KEGG - Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes. Nucleic Ac. Res. 28/1 (2000), 27-30. 15643 Karl May: Old Firehand und andere Erza''hlungen. Karl-May-Verlag 1967, 410p. Eur 14. 15644 Holger Lutz/Wolfgang Wendt: Taschenbuch der Regelungstechnik. Deutsch 2002, 1160p. Eur 30. 15645 Arun Jagota: Microarray data analysis and visualization. Bay Press 2001, 100p. $30. A concise, but very useful overview on statistical techniques in microarray analysis. 15646 Ker-chau Li: Genome-wide coexpression dynamics - theory and application. Proc. Nat. Ac. Sci. USA 99 (2002), 16875-16880. 15647 U. Alon a.o.: Broad patterns of gene expression revealed by clustering analysis of tumor and normal colon tissues probed by oligonucleotide arrays. Proc. Nat. Ac. Sci. USA 96 (1999), 6745-6750. 15648 Donald Voet/Judith Voet/Charlotte Pratt: Lehrbuch der Biochemie. Wiley-VCH 2002, 1060p. Eur 65. 15649 Sammlung Microarrays in der Krebsforschung. 15650 Sammlung Microarrays in Graz. 15651 Sammlung Microarrays. 15652 G. Grant/Elisabetta Manduchi/C. Stoeckert: Using non-parametric methods in the context of multiple testing to determine differentially expressed genes. Internet ca. 2002, 18p. 15653 Sammlung Finanzmathematik. 15654 Sammlung Allgemeine Topologie. 15655 Sammlung Genetik. 15656 Sammlung Optimierung. 15657 Sammlung Zahlentheorie. 15658 Sammlung Ku''nstliche Dialoge. 15659 Sammlung Formale Begriffsanalyse. 15660 Sammlung Endliche dynamische Systeme. 15661 Sammlung Geomathematik. 15662 Sammlung Bildverarbeitung. 15663 Sammlung Arabtex. 15664 Klaus Lagally: Processing Hebrew with Arabtex 3.05. Internet 1997, 3p. 15665 Sammlung Dermatologie. 15666 Sammlung Boolesche Funktionen. 15667 Sammlung Bioinformatik. 15668 Sammlung Endliche Modelltheorie 15669 Sammlung Modelltheorie. 15670 Sammlung Logik. 15671 ZZ: [Algebraische Logik]. 3p. 15672 Sammlung Lambda-Kalkuel. 15673 Sammlung Zellzyklus und Krebs. 15674 Sammlung Krebs. 15675 Sammlung Boolesche Netze in der Biologie. 15676 Sammlung Genexpression und Onkogene. 15677 Sammlung Genetische Netze. 15678 Sammlung Stoffwechselwege. 15679 Sammlung Molekulare Kinetik. 15680 Lue-ping Zhao/Ross Prentice/Linda Breeden: Statistical modeling of large microarray data sets to identify stimulus-response profiles. Proc. Nat. Ac. Sci. USA 98 (2001), 5631-5636. 15681 Kimmo Virtaneva a.o.: Expression profiling reveals fundamental biological differences in acute myeloid leukemia with isolated trisomy 8 and normal cytogenetics. Proc. Nat. Ac. Sci. USA 98 (2001), 1124-1129. 15682 Andreas Strasser/Liam O'Connor/Vishva Dixit: Apoptosis signaling. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 69 (2000), 217-245. 15683 Erik Karrer a.o.: In situ isolation of mRNA from individual plant cells - creation of cell-specific cDNA libraries. Proc. Nat. Ac. Sci. USA 92 (1995), 3814-3818. 15684 Stefan Schmidt: Real-time PCR-Quantifizierung von Glucocorticoidrezeptor-Isoformen wa''hrend der glucoidinduzierten Leuka''miezellapoptose. Diss. Univ. Innsbruck 2002, 110p. 15685 Jean Peccoud/Christine Jacob: Statistical estimations of PCR amplification rates. In F. Ferre' (ed.), Gene quantification, Birkha''user 1998, ... 15686 Ronald Fagin: Horn clauses and database dependencies. J. ACM 29/4 (1982), 952-985. 15687 Yehoshua Sagiv/Claude Delobel/D. Stott Parker/Ronald Fagin: An equivalence between relational database dependencies and a fragment of propositional logic. J. ACM 28/3 (1981), 435-453; corr. 34/4 (1987), 1016-1018. 15688 Sammlung PCR-Analytik. 15689 Birgit Kloss: CSS und DHTML. Markt+Technik 2002, 320p. Eur 31. 15690 H. De Blij a.o.: Bebende Erde. Bechtermu''nz 1997, 290p. 15691 Muin Khoury/Linda McCabe/Edward McCabe: Population screening in the age of genomic medicine. New England J. Med. 2 January 2003, 50-58. 15692 Lennart Rade/Bertil Westergren: Springers mathematische Formeln. Springer 2000, 550p. Eur 25. 15693 Rainer Scheithauer: Signale und Systeme. Teubner 1998, 440p. Eur 35. 15694 Max Koecher/Aloys Krieg: Ebene Geometrie. Springer 2000, 250p. Eur 23. 15695 Wolf-Dieter Klix/Karla Nestler: Konstruktive Geometrie. Fachbuchverlag Leipzig 2001, 290p. Eur 25. 15696 Marc van de Vijver a.o.: A gene-expression signature as a predictor of survival in breast cancer. New England J. Med. 19 December 2002, 1999-2009. 15697 Ingrid Hedenfalk a.o.: Gene-expression profiles in hereditary breast cancer. New England J. Med. 22 February 2001, 539-548. 15698 Leland Wilkinson: The grammar of graphics. Springer 1999, 410p. $80. 15699 Eduardo Sontag: Mathematical control theory. Springer 1998, 530p. $60. 15700 Isaac Kohane/Alvin Kho/Atul Butte: Microarrays for an integrative genomics. MIT Press 2003, 300p. $40. 15701 Robert Stengel: Optimal control and estimation. Dover 1994, 640p. $18. 15702 Jennifer Niederst: Web design in a nutshell. O'Reilly 2001, 610p. $21. 15703 Eric Meyer: Cascading style sheets. The definitive guide. O'Reilly 2000, 450p. $25. 15704 Owen Briggs/Steven Champeon/Eric Costello/Matt Patterson: Cascading style sheets - separating content from presentation. Glasshaus 2002, 290p. $25. 15705 Eric Meyer: Cascading style sheets 2.0. Osborne/McGraw-Hill 2002, 330p. $14. 15706 Gerhard Michal (ed.): Biochemical pathways. Spektrum 1999, 260p. Eur 60. 15707 Ingwer Borg/Patrick Groenen: Modern multidimensional scaling. Springer 1997, 470p. $85. 15708 Geoffrey Duyk: Sharper tools and simpler methods. Nature Gen. Suppl. 32 December 2002, 465-468. 15709 Laura van 't Veer a.o.: Gene expression profiling predicts clinical outcome of breast cancer. Nature 31 January 2002, 530-536. 15710 Leland Wilkinson: Less is more - two and three-dimensional graphics for data display. Internet ca. 1994, 7p. 15711 Christian Stoeckert/Helen Causton/Catherine Ball: Microarray databases - standards and ontologies. Nature Genetics Suppl. 32, December 2002, 469-473. 15712 Leif Peterson: Factor analysis of cluster-specific gene expression levels from cDNA microarrays. Computer Meth. Programs Biomedicine 69 (2002), 179-188. 15713 Robert Modre-Osprian a.o.: DNA-chip analysis for acute lymphatic leukemia. Project UMIT-TKFI-TUG 2003, 1p. 15714 Robert Modre-Osprian a.o.: Patient database for acute lymphatic leukemia. Project UMIT-TKFI-TUG 2003, 1p. 15715 Lukas Huber: Is proteomic heading in the wrong direction? Nature Rev. Mol. Cell. Biol. January 2003, 74-80. 15716 Christine Chung/Philip Bernard/Charles Perou: Molecular portraits and the family tree of cancer. Nature Genetics Suppl. December 2002, 533-540. 15717 Gavin MacBeath: Protein microarrays and proteomics. Nature Genetics Suppl. December 2002, 526-532. 15718 David Gerhold/Roderick Jensen/Steven Gullans: Better therapeutics through microarrays. Nature Genetics Suppl. December 2002, 547-552. 15719 John Quackenbush: Microarray data normalization and transformation. Nature Genetics Suppl. December 2002, 496-501. 15720 Donna Slonim: From patterns to pathways - gene expression data analysis comes of age. Nature Genetics Suppl. December 2002, 502-508. 15721 Rodrigo Chuaqui a.o.: Post-analysis follow-up and validation of microarray experiments. Nature Genetics Suppl. December 2002, 509-514. 15722 Gary Churchill: Fundamentals of experimental design for cDNA microarrays. Nature Genetics Suppl. December 2002, 490-495. 15723 Emanuel Petricoin a.o.: Medical applications of microarray technologies - a regulatory science perspective. Nature Genetics Suppl. December 2002, 474-479. 15724 Andrew Holloway/Ryan van Laar/Richard Tothill/David Bowtell: Options available - from start to finish - for obtaining data from DNA microarrays II. Nature Genetics Suppl. December 2002, 481-489. 15725 Franz-Josef Herpers/Thomas Sebestyen: Das Einsteigerseminar XSL. Verlag Moderne Industrie 2002, 400p. Eur 10. 15726 Helmut Herold: Das HTML/XHTML-Buch. Suse 2002, 530p. Eur 46. 15727 Sammlung Datenraeume. 15728 Sammlung Datenbanken. 15729 A. Arkin/P. Shen/J. Ross: A test case of correlation metric construction of a reaction pathway from measurements. Science 277 (1997), 1275-1279. 15730 Edgar Brunner/Ullrich Munzel: Nichtparametrische Datenanalyse. Springer 2002, 310p. Eur 36. 15731 Gu''nter Lehmann: Statistik. Spektrum 2002, 390p. Eur 30. 15732 Terrence Furey a.o.: Support vector machine classification and validation of cancer tissue samples using microarray expression data. Bioinformatics 16/10 (2000), 906-914. 15733 Lance Liotta/Elise Kohn: Cancer's deadly signature. Nature Genetics January 2003, 10-11. 15734 Harold Varmus: Genomic empowerment - the importance of public databases. Nature Genetics Suppl. September 2002, 3. 15735 Vamsi Mootha a.o.: Identification of a gene causing human cytochrome C oxidase deficiency by integrative genomics. Proc. Nat. Ac. Sci. USA 100/2 (2003), 605-610. 15736 Michael Brown a.o.: Knowledge-based analysis of microarray gene expression data by using support vector machines. Proc. Nat. Ac. Sci. USA 97/1 (2000), 262-267. 15737 Agatha Christie: The ABC murders. Harper Collins 1993. 15738 Agatha Christie: The body in the library. Harper Collins 2002. 15739 Charles Kooperberg/Thomas Fazzio/Jeffrey Delrow/Toshio Tsukiyama: Improved background correction for spotted DNA microarrays. J. Comp. Biology 9/1 (2002), 55-66. 15740 BioRad: VersArray. Internet ca. 2002, 8p. 15741 BioRad: Real-time multiplex PCR from genomic DNA using the iCycler iQ detection system. Internet ca. 2002, 4p. 15742 Marco Ramoni/Paola Sebastiani/Isaac Kohane: Cluster analysis of gene expression dynamics. Proc. Nat. Ac. Sci. USA 99 (2002), 9121-9126. 15743 Qing Zhao a.o.: Identification of genes expressed with temporal-spatial restriction to developing cerebellar neuron precursors by a functional genomic approach. Proc. Nat. Ac. Sci. USA 99 (2002), 5704-5709. 15744 Javed Khan a.o.: Classification and diagnostic prediction of cancers using gene expression profiling and artificial neural networks. Nature Medicine June 2001, 673-679. 15745 Atul Butte a.o.: Discovering functional relationships between RNA expression and chemotherapeutic susceptibility using relevance networks. Proc. Nat. Ac. Sci. USA 97 (2000), 12182-12186. 15746 BioRad: iCycler iQ real-time PCR detection system. Packing list and installation guide. BioRad ca. 2002, 21p. 15747 BioRad: iCycler iQ real-time PCR detection system. Instruction manual. BioRad ca. 2002, 139p. 15748 Lars Eijssen: Cluster analysis of microarray gene expression data. Master Thesis Maastricht Univ. 2000, 93p. 15749 Wei-hong Liu/David Saint: A new quantitative method of real time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction assay based on simulation of polymerase chain reaction kinetics. Analytical Biochem. 302 (2002), 52-59. 15750 Nigel Walker: A technique whose time has come. Science 19 April 2002, ... 15751 Ales Tichopad/Anamarija Dzidic/Michael Pfaffl: Improving quantitative real-time RT-PCR reproducibility by boosting primer-linked amplification efficiency. Biotechnol. Letters 24 (2002), 2053-2056. 15752 Wei-hong Liu/David Saint: Validation of a quantitative method for real time PCR kinetics. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 294 (2002), 347-353. 15753 Michael Pfaffl: A new mathematical model for relative quantification in real-time RT-PCR. Nucl. Ac. Res. 29/9 (2001), ... 15754 Sammlung iCycler. 15755 Thomas Schmittgen: Real-time quantitative PCR. Methods 25 (2001), 383-385. 15756 Annapaula Giulietti a.o.: An overview of real-time quantitative PCR - applications to quantify cytokine gene expression. Methods 25 (2001), 386-401. 15757 Ian Mackay/Katherine Arden/Andreas Nitsche: Real-time PCR in virology. Nucl. Ac. Res. 30/6 (2002), 1292-1305. 15758 Dieter Klein: Quantification using real-time PCR technology - applications and limitations. Trends Mol. Med. 8/6 (2002), 257-260. 15759 David Ginzinger: Gene quantification using real-time quantitative PCR - an emerging technology hits the mainstream. Experimental Hematology 30 (2002), 503-512. 15760 Willard Freeman/Stephen Walker/Kent Vrana: Quantitative RT-PCR - pitfalls and potential. Biotechniques 26/1 (1999), 112-125. 15761 A. Bustin: Absolut quantification of mRNA using real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction assays. J. Mol. Endocrinology 25 (2000), 169-193. 15762 Sammlung PCR-Analytik. 15763 Stephen Lidie: Perl/Tk pocket reference. Internet ca. 2002, 58p. 15764 Reinhard Kofler a.o.: Zusammenfassung der laufenden Projekte. TKFI Mai 2002, ca. 18p. 15765 Guido Kru''ger: Handbuch der Java-Programmierung. Addison-Wesley 2002, 1230p. Eur 50. 15766 David Kleinbaum/Mitchel Klein: Logistic regression. Springer 2002, 510p. Eur 86. 15767 Agatha Christie: Five little pigs. Berkley 1984. 15768 Agatha Christie: N or m? Harper Collins 2001. 15769 Agatha Christie/Charles Osborne: The unexpected guest. Harper Collins 1999. 15770 Wilhelm Kaup: Komplexe Analysis. Vorlesung Tu''bingen 1996, 48p. 15771 Wilhelm Kaup: Funktionentheorie. Vorlesung Tu''bingen 94/95. Neuauflage 2001, 62p. 15772 Eberhard Freitag: Lokale Funktionentheorie. Vorlesung Heidelberg, 74p. 15773 Wilhelm Kaup: Analysis III. Teil I - Funktionentheorie. Vorlesung Tu''bingen 1994. Neuauflage 2002, 48p. 15774 Sammlung Funktionentheorie. 15775 Diego Mejia/Christian Pommerenke: On the derivative of hyperbolically convex functions. Ann. Ac. Sci. Fenn. Math. 27 (2002), 47-56. 15776 Paul Murrell: R lattice graphics. Proc. 2nd Int. Workshop Distr. Stat. Comp. Vienna 2001, ... 15777 Kurt Hornik/Friedrich Leisch: Vienna and R - love, marriage and the future. Festschr. 50 Jahre O''st. Stat. Ges. ca. 2001, 61-70. 15778 Ross Ihaka: R graphics - the good, the bad, and the ugly. Proc. 2nd Int. Workshop Distr. Stat. Comp. Vienna 2001, ... 15779 Ruth Etzioni/Charles Kooperberg/Margaret Pepe/Robert Smith: Combining biomarkers to detect disease with application to prostate cancer. Internet ca. 2003, 28p. 15780 A. Tsoularis: Analysis of logistic growth models. Res. Lett. Inf. Math. Sci. 2 (2001), 23-46. 15781 Jos Weusten a.o.: Principles of quantitation of viral loads using nucleic acid sequence-based amplification in combination with homogeneous detection using molecular beacons. Nucl. Ac. Res. 30/6 (2002), ... 15782 Patrick Muller/Harald Janovjak/Andre' Miserez/Zuzana Dobbie: Processing of gene-expression data generated by quantitative real-time RT-PCR. Biotechniques 32/6 (2002), ... 15783 Faye Boeckman/Keith Hamby/Larissa Tan: The iCycler iQ detection system for TaqMan assays. BioRad ca. 2002, 3p. 15784 Karl May: Der Waldla''ufer. Karl-May-Verlag 1959. 15785 Peter Dalgaard: Introductory statistics with R. Springer 2002, 270p. Eur 45. 15786 ZZ: Die Welt. Atlas und Almanach. Freitag & Berndt 1999, 260p. Eur 15. 15787 Robin Wilson: Four colours suffice. EMS Newsletter December 2002, 15-19. 15788 Bjarne Stroustrup: Generalizing overloading for C++2000. Overload 1 April 1998, ... Look at Chuck Moore's website! 15789 Bjarne Stroustrup: Learning standard C++ as a new language. C/C++ Users J. May 1999, 43-54. 15790 Agatha Christie: Death comes as the end. Harper Collins 1993. 15791 Peter Deuflhard/Andreas Hohmann: Numerische Mathematik 1. De Gruyter 2002, 370p. Eur 25. 15792 Peter Deuflhard/Folkmar Bornemann: Numerische Mathematik 2. De Gruyter 2002, 500p. Eur 30. 15793 Harvey Deitel/Paul Deitel: C++ - fondamenti di programmazione. Apogeo 2001, 670p. Eur 36. 15794 Sandip Kar/Suman Kumar Banik/Deb Shankar Ray: Solutions of Fisher and Burgers' equations with finite transport memory. Internet 2002, 6p. 15795 Stephen Lidie: Perl/Tk pocket reference. O'Reilly 1998, 100p. Eur 9. 15796 Constantin Caratheodory: Conformal representation. Dover 1998, 110p. Eur 9. 15797 Stephen Fisher: Complex variables. Dover 1990, 430p. Eur 17. 15798 Zeev Nehari: Conformal mapping. Dover 1975, 400p. Eur 11. 15799 Falko Lorenz: Funktionentheorie. Spektrum 1997, 410p. Eur 25. 15800 Dan Heller/Paula Ferguson: Motif programming manual. O'Reilly 1994, 970p. 15801 man perlmod. 10p. 15802 man perlintern. 1p. 15803 man perlapi. 43p. 15804 man perlxs. 36p. 15805 man perlguts. 37p. 15806 man perlxstut. 21p. 15807 man h2xs. 5p. 15808 Brian Ingerson: Pathologically polluting Perl Internet 2001, 7p. The wonderful Inline module described by its author. 15809 Andrei Alexandrescu: Modern C++ design. Addison-Wesley 2001, 320p. $43. 15810 Scott Meyers: Effective C++. Addison-Wesley 1998, 260p. $38. 15811 Alfio Quarteroni/Riccardo Sacco/Fausto Saleri: Numerische Mathematik. 2 volumes. Springer 2002, 370+330p. Eur 25+30. "In the reviewers opinion, the presented book is the best textbook in numerical mathematics edited in the last ten years." (Werner Schmidt) 15812 Hans-Friedrich Eckey/Reinhold Kosfeld/Martina Rengers: Multivariate Statistik. Gabler 2002, 400p. Eur 33. 15813 Matthias Kalle Dalheimer: Programming with Qt. O'Reilly 2002, 490p. $28. 15814 Klaus Schmaranz: Softwareentwicklung in C++. Springer 2003, 560p. Eur 50. 15815 David Fell: Understanding the control of metabolism. Portland 1997, 300p. $40. 15816 Peter Prinz/Ulla Kirch-Prinz: C++. Galileo 2001, 740p. Eur 45. 15817 Herbert Schildt: C++ - the complete reference. McGraw-Hill 2003, 1020p. $35. 15818 Sammlung perlxs. 15819 Lloyd Brown: The story of maps. Dover 1979, 400p. $12 15820 Michael Moore: Stupid white man. Piper 2002, 330p. Eur 14. 15821 Bernhard Maier: Koran-Lexikon. Kro''ner 2001, 210p. Eur 13. 15822 Olaf Ko''ndgen: Jordanien. Beck 1999, 250p. Eur 13. 15823 Ian Sommerville: Software-Engineering. Addison-Wesley 2001, 710p. Eur 50. 15824 Hartmut Helmke/Rolf Isernhagen: Softwaretechnik in C und C++. Das Lehrbuch. Hanser 2001, 440p. Eur 30. 15825 Tim Jenness/Simon Cozens: Extending and embedding Perl. Manning 2003, 360p. $32. 15826 Mahatma Gandhi: Antiche come le montagne. Mondadori 1987. 15827 Heino Henke: Elektromagnetische Felder. Springer 2001, 360p. Eur 40. 15828 Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad: Koran. Arabisch und Deutsch. Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat 1996. Eur 17. 15829 Rudi Paret: Der Koran (U''bersetzung). Kohlhammer 2001, 440p. Eur 17. 15830 T. Brown: Gentechnologie für Einsteiger. Spektrum 2002, 410p. Eur 30. 15831 Volker Perthes: Geheime Ga''rten. Siedler 2002, 420p. Eur 24. 15832 Harald Haarmann: Geschichte der Schrift. Beck 2002, 130p. Eur 9. 15833 Hartmut Bobzin: Der Koran. Eine Einfu''hrung. Beck 2001, 130p. Eur 8. 15834 Werner Vos'': Taschenbuch der Statistik. Hanser 2000, 750p. Eur 20. 15835 Konrad Dettner/Werner Peters (ed.): Lehrbuch der Entomologie. G. Fischer 1999, 920p. Eur 50. 15836 David Meyer: Support vector machines. R News 1/3 (2001), 23-26. The R libsvm library. 15837 Paulo Ribeiro/Peter Diggle: geoR - a package for geostatistical analysis. R News 1/2 (2001), 15-18. 15838 Ole Christensen/Paulo Ribeiro: geoRglm - a package for generalised linear spatial models. R News 2/2 (2002), 26-28. 15839 Torsten Hothorn: On exact rank tests in R. R News 1/1 (2001), 11-12. 15840 Torsten Hothorn/Berthold Lausen: Maximally selected rank statistics in R. R News 2/1 (2002), 3-5. 15841 Hans-Jo''rg Schek a.o.: Hyperdatenbanken zur Verwaltung von Informationsra''umen. Information Technology 48 (2000), 70-77. 15482 Felix Graf Luckner: Seeteufel. Ullstein 2002, 320p. Eur 8. 15843 Thomas Lehmann/Erdmuthe Meyer zu Bexten (ed.): Handbuch der medizinischen Informatik. Hanser 2002, 790p. Eur 50. 15844 Eric Zivot/Jia-hui Wang: Modeling financial time series with S-Plus. Springer 2003, 620p. $60. 15845 Deborah Nolan/Terry Speed: Stat labs. Springer 2001, 280p. $38. 15846 Steve Selvin: Modern applied biostatistical methods using S-Plus. Oxford UP 1998, 460p. $53. 15847 Boris Rolinski/.../Adelbert Roscher: The biochemical metabolite screen in the Munich ENU mouse mutagenesis project - determination of amino acids and acylcarnitines by tandem mass spectrometry. Mammalian Genome 11 (2000), 547-551. 15848 Jaroslav Hajek/Zbynek Sidak/Pranab Sen: Theory of rank tests. Academic Press 1999, 430p. $78. 15849 Ernst Kunz: Einfu''hrung in die algebraische Geometrie. Vieweg 1997, 270p. Eur 27. 15850 Klaus Hulek: Elementare algebraische Geometrie. Vieweg 2000, 170p. Eur 25. 15851 Lutz Fro''hlich/Norbert Debes/Carsten Czarski: Oracle9i. Markt+Technik 2003, 810p. Eur 60. 15852 Hans Dominik: Das Erbe der Uraniden. Heyne 1999, 480p. Eur 10. 15853 Joey Hirao/Jim Meade: SAP R/3 fu''r Dummies. Mitp 2002, 310p. Eur 26. Jedenfalls fu''r Duldies (sehr geduldige Leser). 15854 George Reese/Randy Yarger/Tim King: MySQL. O'Reilly 2003, 460p. Eur 40. 15855 Agatha Christie: The big four. Harper Collins 1994. 15856 Agatha Christie: Appointment with death. Harper Collins 1993. 15857 George Seber/Alan Lee: Linear regression analysis. Wiley 2003, 560p. $95. 15858 David Eisenbud/Joe Harris: The geometry of schemes. Springer 2000, 290p. $35. 15859 David Eisenbud: Commutative algebra with a view toward algebraic geometry. Springer 1995, 790p. $45. 15860 Michael Kofler: MySQL. Addison-Wesley 2003, 930p. Eur 50. 15861 Burkhard Klose: Projektabwicklung. Ueberreuter 2002, 220p. Eur 37. 15862 Rainer Kleine-Doepke: Management-Basiswissen. dtv 2001, 280p. Eur 13. 15863 Ro''diger Voss: Grundwissen Betriebswirtschaftslehre. Heyne 2002, 460p. Eur 11. 15864 Helmut Kasper/Wolfgang Mayrhofer (ed.): Personalmanagement - Fu''hrung - Organisation. Linde 2002, 650p. Eur 49. 15865 A. Textor: Sag es treffender. Rowohlt 2003, 540p. Eur 11. 15866 Susanne Modrow: Viren. Beck 2001, 120p. Eur 8. 15867 Michael Rüttger: MySQL für Dummies. Mitp 2002, 430p. Eur 25. 15868 Korry Douglas/Susan Douglas: PostgreSQL. Sams 2003, 790p. $35. 15869 Cornelia Boenigk: PostgreSQL. dpunkt 2002, 410p. Eur 39. 15870 Ramez Elmasri/Shamkant Navathe: Grundlagen von Datenbanksystemen. Pearson 2002, 1100p. Eur 60. 15871 Wilfried Multhammer: Selbst mit Naturstein bauen und gestalten. Compact 2001, 100p. Eur 11. 15872 Carl Faulmann: Schriftzeichen und Alphabete aller Zeiten und Vo''lker. Weltbild 2003, 290p. Eur 10. 15873 Sigrid Bode/Brigitte Dietze/Gundula Steinert: Grundkurs Stricken. Knaur 2003, 130p. Eur 18. 15874 Cornelia Renczes: Deutsche Scha''ferhunde. Augustus ca. 2003, 60p. Eur 15. 15875 Marcus Barth/Gu''nther Karl: MySQL. Data Becker 2002, 440p. Eur 15. 15876 Wilhelm Gaus: Dokumentation und Datenverarbeitung bei klinischen Studien. GFMD 2003, 80p. Eur 9. 15877 Wilhelm Gaus: Dokumentations- und Ordnungslehre. Springer 2003, 470p. Eur 40. 15878 Ju''rgen Bortz/Gustav Lienert/Klaus Boehnke: Verteilungsfreie Methoden in der Biostatistik. Springer 2000, 940p. Eur 65. 15879 Daryl Daley/Joe Gani: Epidemic modelling - an introduction. Cambridge UP 1999, 210p. $28. 15880 Martin Nowak/Robert May: Virus dynamics. Oxford UP 2000, 240p. $45. 15881 Dagmar Fischer/Jo''rg Breitenbach (ed.): Die Pharmaindustrie. Spektrum 2003, 270p. Eur 20. 15882 Ute Dorau/Peter Woeckel: Jobreport Pharmaindustrie und Gesundheitswesen. Karrieretag 2002, 200p. Eur 10. 15883 Ivan Goncharov: Oblomovs Traum. Russisch/Deutsch. Reclam 1996. 15884 Joseph von Eichendorff: Das Marmorbild. Schlos'' Du''rande. Reclam 2001. 15885 Aleksandr Pushkin: Das Ma''rchen vom Zaren Saltan. Russisch/Deutsch. Reclam 2001. 15886 Aleksandr Pushkin: Der steinerne Gast. Russisch/Deutsch. Reclam 1999. 15887 F. Del Giudice/F. Mariani/F. Izzo: Diritto del lavoro. Simone 2002, 670p. Eur 19. 15888 Luigi Tramontano (ed.): Codice del lavoro 2003. Hoepli 2003, 1590p. Eur 45. 15889 Salvatore Ingrassia: Introduzione all'apprendimento statistico. In 15547 Ingrassia/, 11-30. 15890 Cristina Davino/Domenico Vistocco: Il neurone artificiale. In 15547 Ingrassia/, 31-50. 15891 Salvatore Ingrassia: I percettroni multistrato (reti MLP). In 15547 Ingrassia/, 51-62. 15892 Salvatore Ingrassia: Apprendimento per reti MLP. In 15547 Ingrassia/, 63-80. 15893 Cristina Davino: Metodi statistici per la costruzione e selezione dei modelli neuronali. In 15547 Ingrassia/, 81-98. 15894 Cristina Davino: Reti neuronali e analisi dei dati multidimensionali. In 15547 Ingrassia/, 99-117. 15895 Cira Perna/Francesco Giordano: Reti neurali artificiali per l'analisi delle serie storiche. In 15547 Ingrassia/, 119-135. 15896 Isabella Morlini: Le reti con funzioni a base radiale (reti RBF). In 15547 Ingrassia/, 137-157. 15897 Isabella Morlini: Apprendimento in due fasi per reti RBF. In 15547 Ingrassia/, 159-174. 15898 Domenico Vistocco: Mappe di Kohonen. In 15547 Ingrassia/, 175-191. 15899 Cristina Davino: Il software per le reti neuroanli. In 15547 Ingrassia/, 193-204. 15900 Francesca Perino/Michelangelo Viterbo: Il Neural Network Toolbox di Matlab - un esempio applicativo. In 15547 Ingrassia/, 205-224. 15901 Tony Chan: The mathematics doctorate - a time for change? Notices AMS September 2003, 896-903. 15902 Ruma Falk/Arnold Well: Many faces of the correlation coefficient. J. Stat. Education ... (2003), ... 15903 K. Weldon: A simplified introduction to correlation and regression. J. Stat. Education ... (2003), ... 15904 Charles Bond/Ken Richardson: Seeing the Fisher z-transformation. Psychometrika ... (ca. 1993), ... 15905 Roger Nelsen: Correlation, regression lines, and moments of inertia. Am. Statist. 52/4 (1998), 343-345. 15906 Yadolah Dodge/Valentin Rousson: The cube of the correlation coefficient. Internet ca. 2000, 2p. 15907 Allison Randal/Dan Sugalski/Leopold To''tsch: Perl 6 essentials. O'Reilly 2003, 190p. Eur 26. 15908 Joseph Lee Rodgers/W. Alan Nicewander: Thirteen ways to look at the correlation coefficient. Am. Statist. 42/1 (1988), 59-66. 15909 Joseph Lee Rodgers/W. Alan Nicewander/Larry Toothaker: Linearly independent, orthogonal, and uncorrelated variables. Am. Statist. 38/2 (1984), 133-134. 15910 Won-chan Lee/Joseph Lee Rodgers: Bootstrapping correlation coefficients using univariate and bivariate sampling. Psychological Methods 3/1 (1998), 91-103. 15911 Theodor Bro''cker: Lineare Algebra und analytische Geometrie. Birkha''user 2003, 370p. Eur 28. 15912 Susanne Schmidt/Sven Severin: Spaghetti im Rohbau. Kiepenheuer u. Witsch 2003, 280p. Eur 9. 15913 Albrecht Beutelspacher: Pasta all'infinito. dtv 2002, 260p. Eur 10. 15914 Gerhard Bahrenberg/Ernst Giese/Josef Nipper: Statistische Methoden in der Geographie. Band 2: Multivariate Statistik. Borntraeger 2003, 410p. Eur 29. 15915 Markus Paulmichl: Eine Riesenchance fu''r Su''dtirol. Dolomiten 30. August 2003, 15. 15916 Titus Maccius Plautus: Amphitruo. Reclam 1979. 15917 Ilse Drews/Bernhard Drews: Steno heute - Verkehrsschrift. Heckner 1989, 60p. Eur 9. 15918 Sergio Bolasco: Analisi multidimensionale dei dati. Carocci 2002, 360p. Eur 24. 15919 Luigi Fabbris: Statistica multivariata - analisi esplorativa dei dati. McGraw-Hill 1997, 430p. Eur 30. 15920 Carla Iodice: Compendio di statistic economica. Simone 2002, 190p. Eur 12. 15921 Bogdan Falkowski: A comment on "generalized Reed-Muller forms as a tool to detect symmetries. IEEE Trans. Computers 52/7 (2003), 975-976. [Boole, 13] 15922 Gerhild Tieger/Manfred Plinke (ed.): Deutsches Jahrbuch fu''r Autoren und Autorinnen. Autorenhaus 2002, 630p. Eur 20. 15923 Manfred Plinke: Vom Schreiben leben - Schriftsteller. Autorenhaus 2002, 130p. Eur 7. 15924 Andreas Handl: Multivariate Analysemethoden. Springer 2002, 460p. Eur 30. 15925 Hans Joachim Sto''rig: Kleine Weltgeschichte der Philosophie. Fischer TB 2002, 880p. Eur 16. 15926 Marcello D'Onofrio: Come realizzare un business plan. Franco Angeli 2002, 190p. Eur 25. 15927 Linda Pinson/Jerry Jinnett: Il business plan. Franco Angeli 2003, 160p. Eur 13. 15928 Alessandro De Benedittis/Giusy Mingolla/Alessandro Scaccheri: Come fare un business plan. Sperling & Kupfer 1999, 280p. Eur 17. 15929 Luciano Gallino: La scomparsa dell'Italia industriale. Einaudi 2003, 110p. Eur 7. 15930 Renato Di Lorenzo: Come guadagnare in borsa con un capitale minimo. Il Sole 24 Ore 2001, 250p. Eur 21. 15931 Ilse Drews/Bernhard Drews: Steno heute - Start in die Eilschrift. Eins 1999, 50p. Eur 7. 15932 ZZ: Winklers Kürzelbüchlein der Deutschen Einheitskurzschrift. Winklers 1994, 55p. Eur 6. 15933 Hans Häckel: Farbatlas Wetterphänomene. Ulmer 1999, 340p. Eur 20. 15934 Karl Wilhelm Henke: Eilschrift 1 - das Wichtigste aus der Eilschrift. Winklers 1998, 40p. Eur 7. 15935 Sascha Zeisberg: Weltweit professionell verhandeln. Moderne Industrie 2003, 110p. Eur 13. 15936 Dario Palladino: Corso di logica. Carocci 2003, 310p. Eur 26. 15937 Loretta Santini: Ferrara. Guia con mapa. Plurigraf 1998, 90p. Eur 5. 15938 Peter Bro Miltersen/Mike Paterson/Jun Tarui: The asymptotic complexity of merging networks. Proc. IEEE Symp. Found. CS October 1992, 236-246. 15939 Debatosh Debnath/Tsutomu Sasao: Fast boolean matching under permutation using representative. ASP-DAC January 1999, 359-362. 15940 N. Lester/J. Saul: Technology mapping of mixed polarity Reed-Muller representations. ... (1999), 305-309. 15941 Dario Di Majo/Maria Laura Santorelli/Mariarosaria Solombrino: Compendio di diritto commerciale. Simone 2003, 490p. Eur 19. 15942 Dirk Werner: Funktionalanalysis. Springer 2002, 500p. Eur 30. 15943 Horst Geckeler/Dieter Kattenbusch: Einfu''hrung in die italienische Sprachwissenschaft. Niemayer 1992, 160p. Eur 14. 15944 Reinhold Meise/Dietmar Vogt: Einfu''hrung in die Funktionalanalysis. Vieweg 1992, 410p. Eur 30. 15945 Calyampudi Radhakrishna Rao/M. Bhaskara Rao: Matrix algebra and its applications to statistcs and econometrics. World Scientific 2001, 530p. $80. 15946 Kristoffer Rose: XY-pic user's guide. Internet 1999, 16p. 15947 A. Carbone/M. Gromov: Mathematical slices of molecular biology. IHES 2001, 85p. 15948 A. Carbone/M. Gromov: Functional labels and syntactic entropy on DNA strings and proteins. Internet 2001, 22p. 15949 Peter Hammer/Alexander Kogan: Optimal compression of propositional Horn knowledge bases - complexity and approximation. Internet 1993, 15p. 15950 Endre Boros/Ondrej Cepek: On the complexity of Horn minimization. DIMACS 94/7 March 1994, 15p. 15951 Dirk Werner: Funktionalanalysis. In Atiyah/Coxeter/Walz 2003, 93-98. 15952 James Robinson: Infinte-dimensional dynamical systems. An introduction to dissipative parabolic PDEs and the theory of global attractors. Cambridge UP 2001, 460p. $40. 15953 Thomas Cutler: The battle of the Leyte Gulf. Naval Institute 1994, 340p. $14. 15954 Brigitte Nagiller: Klasse mit Knigge. Ueberreuter 2003, 310p. Eur 23. 15955 Richard Stutely: Der professionelle Businessplan. Financial Times 2002, 370p. Eur 45. 15956 Peter Do''rsam: Grundlagen der Entscheidungstheorie. PD-Verlag Heidenau 2003, 110p. Eur 6. 15957 Heinz-Dietrich Wuttke/Karsten Henke: Schaltsysteme. Pearson Education 2003, 350p. Eur 35. 15958 R. Pinson (ed.): Ma''rchen aus 1001 Nacht. Gondrom 2002, 640p. Eur 10. 15959 David Acheson: 1089 and all that. The element of surprise in mathematics. EMS September 2003, 9-11. 15960 Nick Bingham: A.N. Kolmogorov (1903-1987). EMS September 2003, 12-13. 15961 John Kingman: Kolmogorov and contemporary mathematics. EMS September 2003, 14-15. 15962 Christa Binder: Vor 100 Jahren - Mathematik in Wien. Int. Math. Nachr. 193 (2003), 1-20. 15963 Anna Bernasconi: Mathematical techniques for the analysis of boolean functions. PhD thesis Univ. Pisa 1998, 126p. 15964 Walter Schachermayer: Introduction to the mathematics of financial markets. Internet 2000, 64p. 15965 Shi-chun Tsai: Lower bounds on representing boolean functions as polynomials in Z_m. Internet ca. 1993, 8p. 15966 Gabor Hegedu''s/Lajos Ronyai: Gro''bner bases for complete uniform families. Internet 2003, 13p. 15967 Anna Bernasconi/Lavinia Egidi: Hilbert function and complexity lower bounds for symmetric boolean functions. Inf. Comput. 153 (1999), 1-25. 15968 Erion Plaku/Igor Shparlinski: On polynomial representations of boolean functions related to some number theoretic properties. Internet ca. 2002, 12p. 15969 Anna Bernasconi/Bruno Codenotti/Valentino Crespi/Giovanni Resta: Computing Groebner bases in the boolean setting with applications to counting. Internet ca. 1998, 10p. 15970 Antonio Bucciarelli/Pasquale Malacaria: Relative definability of boolean functions via hypergraphs. Theor. Comp. Sci. 278 (2002), 91-110. 15971 Freddy Delbaen/Walter Schachermayer: Applications to mathematical finance. Internet 2001, 29p. 15972 Francois Desbouvries: Geometrical aspects of linear prediction algorithms. Internet ca. 1997, 10p. 15973 M. Kreuseler/T. Nocke/H. Schumann: Integration of cluster analysis and visualization techniques for visual data analysis. Internet ca. 2002, 9p. 15974 Richard Mohr: Korrelation und Regression. In Richard Mohr: Statistik fu''r Studienga''nge IT. 15975 Kazuhisa Makino: Efficient dualization of O(log n)-term monotone disjunctive normal forms. Discrete Appl. Math. 126 (2003), 305-312. 15976 Antonio Bucciarelli: Degrees of parallelism in the continuous type hierarchy. Theor. Comp. Sci. 177 (1997), 59-71. 15977 Anna Bernasconi/Carsten Damm/Igor Shparlinski: Circuit and decision tree complexity of some number theoretic problems. Inf. Comput. 168 (2001), 113-124. 15978 Hubie Chen: Polynomial programs and the Razborov-Smolensky method. Electronic Coll. Comput. Complexity Rep. 67 (2001), 15p. 15979 Alessandro Andretta: I teoremi di assolutezza in teoria degli insiemi - prima parte. Boll. UMI Mat. Soc. Cult. 6/A (2003), 57-84. 15980 Luigia Berardi/Albrecht Beutelspacher: La storia della crittografia - l'uso dei gruppi ciclici per costruire codici. Boll. UMI Mat. Soc. Cult. 6/A (2003), 105-118. 15981 Mauro Gasparini: La statistica nelle prove cliniche. Boll. UMI Mat. Soc. Cult. 6/A (2003), 119-140. 15982 Paulo Ribenboim: 1093. Boll. UMI Mat. Soc. Cult. 6/A (2003), 165-182. 1093 is the smallest prime p with the property that 2^{p-1} is congruent to 1 mod p^2. 15983 Luc Lemaire: Interview with Philippe Tondeur. EMS Newsletter September 2003, 21. 15984 Otto Leiberich: Besprechung des Buches "Codebreakers" von Bengt Beckman. Spektrum Oktober 2003, 98-100. 15985 I. Jolliffe: Principal component analysis. Springer 1986. [New edition 2002, 500p.] 15986 Wolfgang Willems: Codierungstheorie. De Gruyter 1999, 250p. Eur 30. 15987 Rolf Beike/Johannes Schlu''tz: Finanznachrichten lesen - verstehen - nutzen. Scha''ffer-Poeschel 2001, 790p. 15988 Steven Roman: Advanced linear algebra. Springer 1992, 360p. 3-540-97837-2. DM 102. 15989 Emil Artin: Algebra geometrica. Feltrinelli 1968. 15990 Bela Bollobas: Combinatorics. Set systems, hypergraphs, families of vectors and combinatorial probability. Cambridge UP 1998, 180p. $22. 15991 M. Rieck: Totally isotropic subspaces, complementary subspaces, and generalized inverses. Lin. Alg. Appl. 251 (1997), 239-248. 15992 A. Kostrikin/Yu. Manin: Linear algebra and geometry. Taylor and Francis 1997, 310p. $72. 15993 I. Jolliffe: Principal component analysis. Springer 2002, 480p. $90. 15994 Marcus Tullius Cicero: Prima orazione catiliniana. Signorelli 1978. 15995 Michael Seeboerger-Weichselbaum: PHP. Rowohlt 2003, 400p. Eur 10. 15996 Kate Gilliver: Auf dem Weg zum Imperium. Theiss 2003, 220. Eur 24. 15997 Hans Grauert/Hans-Christoph Grunau: Lineare Algebra und analytische Geometrie. Oldenbourg 1999, 270p. Eur 25. 15998 Egon Aderhold: Sprecherziehung des Schauspielers. Henschel 1998, 320p. Eur 20. 15999 Hans Martin Ritter: Sprechen auf der Bu''hne. Henschel 1999, 340. Eur 35. 16000 Francesco Petrarca: Canzoniere. Eine Auswahl. Reclam 2000, 190p. Eur 5. Italienisch/Deutsch.