16001 Werner Kahle/Michael Frotscher: Taschenatlas der Anatomie, Band 3. Nervensystem und Sinnesorgane. Thieme 2001, 410p. Eur 25. 16002 Sterling Hughes/Andrei Zmievski: PHP. Apogeo 2001, 420p. Eur 31. 16003 Rasmus Lerdorf/Kevin Tatroe: Programmare in PHP. Hops 2002, 540p. Eur 43. 16004 Rasmus Lerdorf: PHP. Hops 2003, 140p. Eur 9. 16005 Irving Kaplansky: Linear algebra and geometry. A second course. Dover 2003, 150p. $11. 16006 Sheng-wu He/Jia-gang Wang/Jia-an Yan: Semimartingale theory and stochastic calculus. CRC 1992, 550p. $90. 16007 George Visick: A quantitative version of the observation that the Hadamard product is a principal submatrix of the Kronecker product. Lin. Alg. Appl. 304 (2000), 45-68. 16008 Miroslav Fiedler/Thomas Markham: An observation on the Hadamard product of Hermitian matrices. Lin. Alg. Appl. 215 (1995), 179-182. 16009 Vilmos Komornik: A simple proof of Farkas' lemma. Am. Math. Monthly December 1998, 949-950. 16010 Brian McCartin: Seven deadly sins of numerical computation. Am. Math. Monthly December 1998, 929-941. 16011 Bernd Sturmfels: Polynomial equations and convex polytopes. Am. Math. Monthly December 1998, 907-922. 16012 Theodore Rivlin: The Chebyshev polynomials. Wiley 1974, 190p. 16013 Julie Meloni: PHP essentials. Premier Press 2003, 320p. $32. 16014 David Mamet: Richtig und falsch. Alexander 2003, 190p. Eur 10. 16015 Otto Forster: Algorithmische Zahlentheorie. Vieweg 1996, 280p. Eur 33. 16016 Helmut Koch: Zahlentheorie. Algebraische Zahlen und Funktionen. Vieweg 1997, 340p. Eur 27. 16017 Armin Leutbecher: Zahlentheorie. Springer 1996, 350p. Eur 25. 16018 Philip Nelson: bc. Version 1.06. Internet, ca. 2002, 19p. 16019 Torbjo''rn Granlund: GNU MP. Internet 2002, 120p. 16020 Bernd Sturmfels: Solving systems of polynomial equations. AMS 2002, 150 p. $32. 16021 Bernd Sturmfels: Gro''bner bases and convex polytopes. AMS 1996, 160p. $30. 16022 R. Vaidyanathaswamy: Set topology. Dover 1999, 300p. $15. 16023 Ioannis Karatzas/Steven Shreve: Methods of mathematical finance. Springer 1998, 410p. $80. 16024 E. Fernholz: Stochastic portfolio theory. Springer 2002, 180p. $50. 16025 Peter Dalgaard: A primer on the R-Tcl/Tk package. R News September 2001, 27-31. 16026 Peter Dalgaard: Changes to the R-Tcl/Tk package. R News December 2002, 25-27. 16027 Giovanni Naldi/Lorenzo Pareschi: Matlab. Apogeo 2002, 350p. Eur 22. 16028 Mark Harrison/Michael McLennan: Effective Tcl/Tk programming. Addison-Wesley 1998, 400p. $45. 16029 Clif Flynt: Tcl/Tk. A developers guide. Morgan Kaufmann 2003, 750p. $40. 16030 Marco Prando: Ottimizzazione di funzioni discriminanti per dati clinici di grandi dimensioni. Tesi Ferrara, 2003. 16031 Paul Raines/Jeff Tranter: Tcl/Tk - guida di riferimento. Apogeo 1999, 450p. Eur 26. 16032 Luca Ranieri: Creazione di librerie in C per la programmazione in Perl con XSUB. Tesi, Ferrara 2003. 16033 Giovanni Pistone/Eva Riccomagno/Henry Wynn: Algebraic statistics. Chapman and Hall 2001, 160p. $74. 16034 David Eisenbud/Daniel Grayson/Michael Stillman/Bernd Sturmfels (ed.): Computations in algebraic geometry with Macaulay 2. Springer 2002, 330p. $43. 16035 Oliver Deussen: Computergenerierte Pflanzen. Springer 2003, 280p. Eur 50. 16036 Paul Selzer/Richard Marho''fer/Andreas Rohwer: Angewandte Bioinformatik. Springer 2003, 280p. Eur 25. 16037 Thomas Fischbacher: Perl-Kurs. Internet ca. 2000, ca. 200p. Think- and beautiful. The last chapter contains a good (though not too long) tutorial on XS and SWIG. 16038 Ian Korf/Mark Yandell/Joseph Bedell: BLAST. O'Reilly 2003, 340p. Eur 28. 16039 Brent Welch/Ken Jones/Jeffrey Hobbs: Practical programming in Tcl/Tk. Prentice-Hall 2003, 880p. Eur 39. 16040 Mark Galassi a.o.: GNU Scientific Library. Reference Manual. Edition 1.3, for GSL Version 1.3. Network Theory 2003, 600p. $28. 16041 James Gentle: Elements of computational statistics. Springer 2002, 420p. $74. 16042 Sam Tregar: Writing Perl modules for CPAN. Apress 2002, 290p. $25. 16043 Charles Donnelly/Richard Stallman: Bison. Internet 1995, 100p. 16044 Günter Ziegler: Lectures on polytopes. Springer 1995, 370p. Eur 36. 16045 Gert-Martin Greuel/Gerhard Pfister: A SINGULAR introduction to commutative algebra. Springer 2002, 590p. Eur 43. 16046 Helmut Herold: lex & yacc. Addison-Wesley 2003, 380p. Eur 25. 16047 Steve Qualline: Practical C programming. O'Reilly 1997, 420p. $25. Not bad, but rather elementary. 16048 Charles Donnelly/Richard Stallman: Bison. GNU Press 2003, 130p. $25. 16049 Krzysztof Apt: Principles of constraint programming. Cambridge UP 2003, 410p. $50. 16050 Klaus Schredelseker: Grundlagen der Finanzwirtschaft. Oldenbourg 2002, 550p. Eur 50. 16051 Michael Covington/Donald Nute/Andre' Vellino: Prolog programming in depth. Prentice-Hall 1997, 520p. $54. 16052 Jean-Michel Claverie/Cedric Notredame: Bioinformatics for dummies. Wiley 2003, 450p. $21. 16053 Christian Wagenknecht: Deutsche Metrik. Beck 1999, 140p. Eur 15. 16054 Dieter Breuer: Deutsche Metrik und Versgeschichte. Fink 1999, 410p. Eur 18. 16055 Wolfgang Kayser: Kleine deutsche Versschule. Francke 2002, 130p. Eur 10. 16056 Erwin Arndt: Deutsche Verslehre. Volk und Wissen 1996, 190p. Eur 16. 16057 Hans-Dieter Gelfert: Einführung in die Verslehre. Reclam 1998, 190p. Eur 4. 16058 Karl May: Der Habicht. Karl-May-Verlag 1967. Eur 15. 16059 Joachim von zur Gathen/Ju''rgen Gerhard: Modern computer algebra. Cambridge UP 2003, 780p. Eur 58. 16060 Renato Spigler: Divulgare la matematica attraverso le sue applicazioni. Boll. UMI Mat. Soc. Cultura Dicembre 2003, 521-530. 16061 Andrea Brini: Combinatoria e topologia. Boll. UMI Mat. Soc. Cultura Dicembre 2003, 531-563. 16062 C. Olds: Continued fractions. Random House 1963, 170p. 16063 Wolfgang Bu''rger: Nur zwo''lf Stunden bis zur Ewigkeit. Spektrum Februar 2004, 102-103. Geschwindigkeitsmessung durch Zahnradgetriebe. 16064 Hugh Bicheno: Midway. Cassell 2001, 230p. $16. 16065 Karl May: Schlos'' Rodriganda. Karl-May-Verlag 1951. 16066 Eckart Richter/Thomas Feyerabend: Grundlagen der Strahlentherapie. Springer 2002, 460p. Eur 39. 16067 Theodor Laubenberger/Jo''rg Laubenberger: Technik der medizinischen Radiologie. Dt. A''rzteverlag 1999, 630p. Eur 34. 16068 H. Schicha/O. Schober: Nuklearmedizin. Schattauer 2003, 350p. Eur 39. 16069 Martin Nowak a.o.: The role of chromosomal instability in tumor initiation. Proc. Nat. Ac. Sci. USA 10 December 2002, 16226-26231. 16070 Martin Nowak/Franziska Michor/Yoh Iwasa: The linear process of somatic evolution. Proc. Nat. Ac. Sci. USA 9 December 2003, 14966-14969. 16071 Harith Rajagopalan/Martin Nowak/Bert Vogelstein/Christoph Lengauer: The significance of unstable chromosomes in colorectal cancer. Nature Rev. Cancer 3 September 2003, 695-700. 16072 Yoh Iwasa/Franziska Michor/Martin Nowak: Evolutionary dynamics of invasion and escape. J. Theor. Biol. 226 (2004), 205-214. 16073 G. Ball a.o.: An integrated approach utilizing artificial neural networks and SELDI mass spectrometry for the classification of human tumours and rapid identification of potential biomarkers. Bioinformatics 18/3 (2002), 395-404. 16074 Michael Reed: Why is mathematical biology so hard? Notices AMS March 2004, 338-342. 16075 Steven Frank: Somatic mutation - early cancer stepes depend on tissue architecture. Current Biol. 1 April 2003, R261-R263. 16076 Franziska Michor/Steven Frank/Robert May/Yoh Iwasa/Martin Nowak: Somatic selection for and against cancer. J. Theor. Biol. 225 (2003), 377-382. 16077 Franziska Michor/Martin Nowak/Steven Frank/Yoh Iwasa: Stochastic elimination of cancer cells. Proc. Royal Soc. London B 270 (2003), 2017-2024. 16078 Steven Frank/Yoh Iwasa/Martin Nowak: Patterns of cell division and the risk of cancer. Genetics 163 (2003), 1527-1532. 16079 Steven Frank/C. Barr: Programmed cell death and hybrid incompatibility. J. Heredity 94/2 (2003), 181-183. Developmental aberrations in plant hybrids. 16080 Steven Frank: Somatic mosaicism and cancer - inference based on a conditional Luria-Delbrück distribution. J. Theor. Biology 223 (2003), 405-412. 16081 Steven Frank/Martin Nowak: Developmental predisposition to cancer. Nature 3 April 2003, 494. 16082 Robert Schmidt/Hans-Georg Schaible (ed.): Neuro- und Sinnesphysiologie. Springer 2000, 560p. Eur 23. 16083 Peter Plath: Das Hörorgan und seine Funktion. Einführung in die Audiometrie. Spiess 1992, 210p. Eur 20. 16084 Hans-Peter Zenner: HNO-Krankheiten. Schattauer 1996, 260p. Eur 10. 16085 Rene' Brunner/Ilse Nöldeke: Das Ohr. Thieme 2001, 120p. Eur 30. 16086 Jan Maurer (ed.): Neurootologie. Thieme 1999, 180p. Eur 39. 16087 Reinhard Rohkamm/Manfred Güther: Taschenatlas Neurologie. Thieme 2003, 440p. Eur 33. 16088 Rudolf Probst/Gerhard Grevers/Heinrich Iro: Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde. Thieme 2004, 480p. Eur 49. 16089 Markus Hartl/.../Klaus Bister: JAC, a direct target of oncogenic transcription factor Jun, is involved in cell transformation and tumorigenesis. Proc. Nat. Ac. Sci. USA 98/24 (2001), 13601-13606. 16090 Wolfgang Fieber/Martin Schneider/.../Klaus Bister: Structure, function, and dynamics of the dimerization and DNA-binding domain of oncogenic transcription factor v-Myc. J. Mol. Biol. 307 (2001), 1395-1410. 16091 Wynn Kapit/Robert Macey/Esmail Meisami: Physiologie-Malatlas. Arcis 1992, 320p. Eur 25. 16092 Wynn Kapit/Lawrence Elson: Anatomie-Malatlas. Arcis 1995, 330p. Eur 23. 16093 Marian Diamond/A. Scheibel/L. Elson: Neuroanatomie-Malatlas. Arcis 2003, 300p. Eur 25. 16094 Klaus Poeck/Werner Hacke: Neurologie. Springer 2001, 750p. Eur 49. 16095 Marco Mumenthaler/Heinrich Mattle: Neurologie. Thieme 2002, 1000p. Eur 49. 16096 Franziska Michor/Yoh Iwasa/Martin Nowak: Dynamics of cancer progression. Nature Reviews Cancer March 2004, 197-206. 16097 Paul Young/Jacquelyn Giuffre': The botany coloring book. Harper Perennial 1982, 210p. $14. 16098 Margaret Matt/Joe Ziemann: Human anatomy coloring book. Dover 1982, 42p. $4. 16099 Freddy Stark/Henry Gray/Helen Driggs: Start exploring Gray's anatomy. A fact-filled coloring book. Running Press 1991, 130p. $9. One should not sell such books; how can you learn anything about the ear on page 51, for example? 16100 Roman König: Endliche Hüllensysteme und ihre Implikationenbasen. Sem. Loth. Comb. 49 (2003), ... 16101 Nathalie Caspard/Bernard Monjardet: The lattices of closure systems, closure operators, and implicational systems on a finite set - a survey. Discrete Appl. Math. 127 (2003), 241-269. 16102 Moshe Chaimoff/Ben Nageris/Jaqueline Sulkes/Thomas Spitzer/Marian Kalmanowitz: Sudden hearing loss as a presenting symptom of acoustic neuroma. Am. J. Otol. 20/3 (1999), 157-160. 16103 Nathalie Caspard/Bernard Monjardet: The lattices of Moore families and closure operators on a finite set - a survey. Internet 1999, 26p. Preliminary version of 16101. 16104 ZZ: Transactions American Otological Society 2002, 74p. 16105 Ryan Rifkin/Sayan Mukherjee/.../Todd Golub/Jill Mesirov: An analytical method for multiclass molecular cancer classification. SIAM Rev. 45/4 (2003), 706-723. 16106 Akira Higuchi: Lattices of closure operators. Discrete Math. 179 (1998), 267-272. 16107 Vincent Duquenne: Latticial structures in data analysis. Theor. Comp. Sci. 217 (1999), 407-436. 16108 Larry Cummings: Review of the book "Algebraic combinatorics on words" by M. Lothaire. SIAM Rev. 45/4 (2003), 828-830. 16109 Riccardo Baiocato: Il modello di Gompertz per la reazione polimerica a catena in tempo reale. Tesi, Ferrara 2004. 16110 Vincent Duquenne/Caroline Chabert/.../Anne-Lise Doyen/Douglas Pickering: Structuration of phenotypes-genotypes through Galois lattices and implications. Internet 2001, 12p. 16111 S. Obiedkov/Vincent Duquenne: Incremental construction of the canonical implication basis. Internet ca. 2003, 9p. 16112 Andrea La Torre/Giovanni Carriere: Diagnosi dell'ostruzione nasale e chirurgia del naso ambulatoriale senza tamponi (deviazione del setto nasale, ipertrofia dei turbinati, poliposi nasale). Internet 2004, 4p. 16113 Andrea La Torre/Giovanni Carriere: Novita' e progressi nella diagnosi e nella terapia dell'ostruzione nasale da deviazione del setto, ipertrofia dei turbinati o poliposi nasale. Internet 2004, 32p. 16114 Frank Kozusko/Zeljko Bajzer: Combining gompertzian growth and cell population dynamics. Math. Biosci. 185 (2003), 153-167. 16115 Bernard Monjardet: The presence of lattice theory in discrete problems of mathematical social sciences - why. Math. Social Sci. 46 (2003), 103-144. 16116 B. Lattimore/M. Crabbe: Expression profiles in the progression of ductal carcinoma of the breast. Comput. Biol. Chem. 27 (2003), 115-120. 16117 Subhash Bagui/Sikha Bagui/Kuhu Pal/Nikhil Pal: Breast cancer detection using rank nearest neighbor classification rules. Pattern Recognition 36 (2003), 25-34. 16118 Ying Lu/Jiawei Han: Cancer classification using gene expression data. Information Systems 28 (2003), 243-268. 16119 Ethan Dmitrovsky: Tissue microarrays for hypothesis generation. J. Nat. Cancer Inst. 96/4 (2004), 248-249. 16120 Harold de Vladar/Jorge Gonzalez: Dynamic response of cancer under the influence of immunological activity and therapy. J. Theor. Biol. 227 (2004), 335-348. 16121 Ronald Bracewell: The Fourier transform and its applications. McGraw-Hill 2000, 640p. 16122 Karl Peter Hadeler/Christina Kuttler/Alexander Nussbaum: Cleaving proteins for the immune system. Math. Biosci. 188 (2004), 63-79. 16123 J. Rosenkranz: Anatomie und Physiologie in übersichten. Verlag Wiss. Skripten Zwickau 1999, ca. 30p. Eur 5. Wirklich nur Übersichten (und keine Bilder). Zur Prüfungsvorbereitung vielleicht ganz brauchbar. 16124 Hans-Georg Boenninghaus/Thomas Lenarz: Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde. Springer 2001, 640p. Eur 25. 16125 Thomas Mothes/Harald Remke/Volker Richter (ed.): Pathobiochemie und klinische Chemie. Verlag Wiss. Skripten Zwickau 2002, 260p. Eur 12. 16126 Jean-Paul Doignon/Jean-Claude Falmagne: Knowledge spaces. Springer 1999, 330p. Eur 70. Knowledge spaces are exact neighbourhood spaces or, equivalently, exact closure spaces (topological spaces in the general sense of Sierpinski or Nöbeling, i.e., one does not require that the intersection of open sets is again open). Why not say it? There are definitely too many new books and articles in computer science which neglect beautiful old mathematical theories. The price makes one not happier. 16127 Daniel Augot: Madhu Sudan's contributions to the theory of error-correcting codes. EMS Newsletter March 2004, 6-10. 16128 Bernard Hodgson: Herculean or Sisyphean task? EMS Newsletter March 2004, 11-16. 16129 Miklos Redei: John von Neumann 1903-1957. EMS Newsletter March 2004, 17-20. 16130 George Grätzer: General lattice theory. Birkhäuser 2003, 660p. Eur 76. With 140 pages of interesting new appendices. 16131 David Maier: The theory of relational databases. Computer Science Press 1983, 640p. A modern and abstract book! 16132 Waclaw Sierpinski: General topology. Dover 2000, 290p. $11. 16133 John Pinel/Maggie Edwards: A colorful introduction to the anatomy of the human brain. Allyn and Bacon 1998, 230p. $14. 16134 Marcel Erne': Einführung in die Ordnungstheorie. Bibl. Inst. 1982, 300p. 16135 Karl May: Die Pyramide des Sonnengottes. Karl-May-Verlag 1951. 16136 Richard Hautmann/Hartwig Huland (ed.): Urologie. Springer 2001, 590p. Eur 34. 16137 Vittorio Zucconi: George. Feltrinelli 2004, 150p. Eur 11. 16138 David Hanson: C interfaces and implementations. Addison-Wesley 1997, 520p. $41. 16139 Samuel Harbison/Guy Steele: C. A reference manual. 5th edition. Prentice Hall 2002, 530p. $32. 16140 Monika Reiter-Zinnau: Grundkurs Aquarellmalerei. Frechverlag 2002, 60p. Eur 10. 16141 Bassam Tibi: Der neue Totalitarismus. Heiliger Krieg und westliche Sicherheit. Primus 2004, 240p. Eur 20. 16142 Bassam Tibi: Die fundamentalistische Herausforderung. Beck 2003, 290p. Eur 13. 16143 Michio Kaku: Visions. How science will revolutionize the 21st century. Anchor 1997, 400p. $12. 16144 Nuh Ha Mim Keller (ed.): Reliance of the traveller. Amana 1994, 1230p. $30. 16145 Norman Lin: Linux 3D graphics programming. Wordware 2001, 600p. $42. 16146 Martin Anthony/Peter Bartlett: Neural network learning - theoretical foundations. Cambridge UP 2002, 390p. $68. 16147 C. Batut a.o.: A tutorial for Pari/GP. Internet 2000, 46p. 16148 C. Batut a.o.: User's guide to Pari/GP. Internet 2000, 224p. 16149 Kristin Bennett/Erin Bredensteiner: Duality and geometry in SVM classifiers. Internet 2000, 8p. 16150 Kristin Bennett/Colin Campbell: Support vector machines - hype or hallelujah? SIGKDD Explorations 2 (2000), 1-13. 16151 Daniel Bernstein: Multidigit multiplication for mathematicians. Adv. Appl. Math. ca. 2002, 19p. 16152 Klaus Zeppenfeld: Lehrbuch der Grafikprogrammierung. Spektrum 2004, 470p. Eur 49. 16153 Marius Apetri: 3D-Grafikprogrammierung. Mitp 2003, 910p. Eur 39. 16154 Fritz Schneider/Nancy Blachman/Eric Fredricksen: How to do everything with Google. McGraw-Hill 2004, 360p. $17. 16155 Tara Calishain/Rael Dornfest/D. Adams: Google pocket guide. O'Reilly 2003, 130p. $10. 16156 Bernhard Schölkopf/Alexander Smola: Learning with kernels. MIT Press 2002, 620p. $56. 16157 David Crisp/Christopher Burges: A geometric interpretation of v-SVM classifiers. Internet 2000, 7p. 16158 Christopher Burges: Geometry and invariance in kernel based methods. Internet 1998, 32p. 16159 Ayhan Demiriz/Kristin Bennett/Curt Breneman/Mark Embrechts: Support vector machine regression in chemometrics. Internet 2001, 9p. 16160 Nello Cristianini/John Shawe-Taylor: An introduction to support vector machines and other kernel-based learning methods. Cambridge UP 2000, 190p. $42. 16161 Eric Steven Raymond: The art of Unix programming. Addison-Wesley 2004, 510p. $29. A good introduction to general principles of Unix systems programming. 16162 Claude Lobry: La ricerca matematica in Africa subsahariana - una necessita' per lo sviluppo. Boll. UMI Mat. Soc. Cult. Aprile 2004, 127-141. 16163 Andrea Brini: Combinatoria e topologia - teorema di Quillen e funzioni di Möbius. Boll. UMI Mat. Soc. Cult. Aprile 2004, 143-172. 16164 Sumio Watanabe: Algebraic analysis for non-regular learning machines. Adv. Neural Inf. Proc. Systems 12 (2000), 356-362. 16165 Sumio Watanabe: Algebraic analysis for non-identifiable learning machines. Internet 2000, 36p. 16166 Sumio Watanabe: Algebraic information geometry for learning machines with singularities. Internet ca. 2002, 7p. 16167 Christian Walder/Brian Lovell/Peter Kootsookos: Algebraic curve fitting support vector machines. Internet ca. 2000, 12p. 16168 Christian Walder/Brian Lovell: Kernel based algebraic curve fitting. Internet ca. 1999, 4p. 16169 Bernhard Boser/Isabelle Guyon/Vladimir Vapnik: A training algorithm for optimal margin classifiers. Internet 1992, 9p. 16170 I. Sokolov: Ein Ritt auf Sierpinskis Teppich und eine Kreuzfahrt entlang einer unendlichen Küstenlinie. Int. Math. Nachr. 194 (2003), 1-12. 16171 Allyn Jackson: The Digital Mathematics Library. Int. Math. Nachr. 194 (2003), 13-23. 16172 Isabelle Guyon/Jason Weston/Stephen Barnhill/Vladimir Vapnik: Gene selection for cancer classification using support vector machines. Machine Learning 46 (2002), 389-422. 16173 Francisco Gonzalez Castano/Ubaldo Garcia Palomares/Robert Meyer: Projection support vector machine generators. Machine Learning 54 (2004), 33-44. 16174 David Tax/Robert Duin: Support vector data description. Machine Learning 54 (2004), 45-66. 16175 Thomas Walter Rauber: Pattern recognition. A short course. Internet 1997, 42p. 16176 Sumio Watanabe: Algebraic geometrical methods for hierarchical learning machines. Neural Networks 14 (2001), 1049-1060. 16177 Norman Lin: Advanced Linux 3D graphics programming. Wordware 2001, 620p. $41. 16178 Edward Tufte: The visual display of quantitative information. Graphics Press 2001, 190p. $38. 16179 Edmond Sabo/Albina Boltenko/.../Murray Resnick: Microscopic analysis and significance of vascular architectural complexity in renal cell carcinoma. Clin. Cancer Res. 7 (2001), 533-537. 16180 Dieter Jungnickel: Optimierungsmethoden. Springer 1999, 140p. Eur 23. 16181 J. Teugels/J. van Horebeek: Algebraic description of nominal multivariate discrete data. J. Multiv. Analysis 67 (1998), 203-226. 16182 Akimichi Takemura/Satoshi Aoki: Some characterizations of minimal Markov basis for sampling from discrete conditional distributions. 16183 Jeff Fortuna/David Capson: Improved support vector classification using PCA and ICA feature space modification. Pattern Rec. 37 (2004), 1117-1129. 16184 J. Smith/J. Croft: Bayesian networks for discrete multivariate data - an algebraic approach to inference. J. Multiv. Analysis 84 (2003), 387-402. 16185 Sharunas Raudys/Dean Young: Results in statistical discriminant analysis - a review of the former Soviet Union literature. J. Multiv. Analysis 89 (2004), 1-35. 16186 Persi Diaconis/Bernd Sturmfels: Algebraic algorithms for sampling from conditional distributions. Ann. Statistics 26/1 (1998), 363-397. 16187 Giovanni Pistone: Generalised confounding with Gröbner bases. Biometrika 83/3 (1996), 653-666. 16188 Miroslav Lovric/Min-oo Maung: Multivariate normal distributions parametrized as a Riemannian symmetric space. J. Multiv. Analysis 74 (2000), 36-48. 16189 Reinhard Laubenbacher/Bodo Pareigis: Decomposition and simulation of sequential dynamical systems. Adv. Appl. Math. 30 (2003), 655-678. 16190 Hiroyuki Nakahara/.../Shun-ichi Amari: Gene interaction in DNA microarray data is decomposed by information geometric measure. Internet 2002, 17p. 16191 Florian Jarre/Josef Stoer: Optimierung. Springer 2004, 470p. Eur 30. 16192 Walter Alt: Nichtlineare Optimierung. Vieweg 2002, 310p. Eur 30. 16193 Karl May: Benito Juarez. Karl-May-Verlag 1952. 16194 Arjeh Cohen: Communicating mathematics across the Web. In 15031 Engquist/, 283-300. 16195 Jürgen Schürmann: Pattern classification. Wiley 1996, 370p. 16196 Peter Eisentraut (ed.): PostgreSQL - das offizielle Handbuch. Mitp 2003, 800p. Eur 34. 16197 Trevor Hastie/Robert Tibshirani/Jerome Friedman: The elements of statistical learning. Springer 2001, 520p. $71. 16198 Hans Bandemer/Andreas Bellmann: Statistische Versuchsplanung. Deutsch 1979, 120p. Eur 7. 16199 Robert Scheifler/James Gettys: X Window system. Digital Press 1992, 1000p. 16200 George Cobb: Introduction to design and analysis of experiments. Springer 1998, 800p. $48. 16201 David Cox/N. Reid: The theory of the design of experiments. Chapman and Hall 2000, 320p. $80. 16202 Vladimir Vapnik: Statistical learning theory. Wiley 1998, 730p. $115. 16203 Paul Taylor: Commutative Diagrams in TEX. Internet 1997, 37p. 16204 Dieter Struss: Das war 1933. Heyne 1980, 190p. 16205 Dieter Struss: Das war 1931. Heyner 1980, 190p. 16206 Christian Berg/Jens Christensen/Paul Ressel: Harmonic analysis on semigroups. Theory of positive definite and related functions. Springer 1984, 280p. 16207 David Carlisle: The trig package. Internet 1994, 5p. 16208 Conrad Kwok: Eepic. Internet 1988, 12p. 16209 Kresten Krab Thorup/Frank Jensen: The calc package. Internet 1995, 12p. 16210 Peter Williams: Algorithms. Internet 1996, 10p. 16211 Sunil Podar: Enhancements to the picture environment of Latex. Internet 1986, 31p. 16212 Sammlung Latexpakete. 16213 Michael Mehlich: fp.sty. 1995. Package documentation. 16214 Allyn Jackson: Bonn's Max Planck Institute - a new building and a new era. Notices AMS May 1998, 582-588. 16215 Miles Reid: Undergraduate commutative algebra. Cambridge UP 1995, 150p. $18. 16216 Hal Schenck: Computational algebraic geometry. Cambridge UP 2003, 190p. $25. 16217 Karen Smith/Lauri Kahanpää/Pekka Kekäläinen/William Traves: An invitation to algebraic geometry. Springer 2000, 160p. $43. 16218 Daniel Bump: Algebraic geometry. World Scientific 2001, 210p. $38. 16219 Bernard Desgraupes: Latex. Vuibert 2003, 760p. Eur 33. 16220 Christian Rolland: Latex par la pratique. O'Reilly 1999, 550p. Eur 45. 16221 David Cox/John Little/Donal O'Shea: Using algebraic geometry. Springer 1998, 500p. Eur 35. 16222 Saugata Basu/Richard Pollack/Marie-Francoise Roy: Algorithms in real algebraic geometry. Springer 2003, 600p. Eur 60. 16223 Helmut Groemer: Stabilitätsprobleme in der Theorie konvexer Körper. Int. Math. Nachr. 195 (2004), 1-17. 16224 Rudolf Taschner: Mathematik, eine öffentliche Wissenschaft. Int. Math. Nachr. 195 (2004), 19-25. 16225 Christa Binder: Mathematics in Vienna in the first half of the 19th century. Int. Math. Nachr. 195 (2004), 27-35. 16226 Federico Paset: Regressione, correlazione e analisi delle componenti principali. Tesi, Ferrara 2003. 16227 Robert Fokkink: A forgotten mathematician. EMS Newsletter June 2004, 9-14. On E.R. van Kampen. 16228 Kjell-Ove Widman: Household names in Swedish mathematics. EMS Newsletter June 2004, 17-20. 16229 Guerino Mazzola: The topos of music. Birkhäuser 2002, 1330p. Eur 125. 16230 Theodoros Evgeniou: Learning with kernel machine architectures. PhD thesis MIT 2000, 106p. 16231 Einar Hille: Introduction to general theory of reproducing kernels. Rocky Mt. J. Math. 2 (1972), 321-368. 16232 Theodoros Evgeniou/Massimiliano Pontil: Statistical learning theory - a primer. Internet ca. 2000, 6p. 16233 Theodoros Evgeniou/Massimiliano Pontil/Tomaso Poggio: Regularization networks and support vector machines. Internet 1999, 53p. 16234 Federico Girosi: An equivalence between sparse approximation and support vector machines. Neural Comp. 10/6 (1998), 1455-1480. 16235 Guy Roos/Weiping Yin: New classes of domains with explicit Bergman kernel. Internet 2003, 22p. 16236 Daniel Bump/Alexander Pekker: On the dimension of the space of theta functions. Proc. AMS 130/12 (2002), 3473-3481. 16237 Robert Schaback: Mathematical results concerning kernel techniques. Internet ca. 2003, 6p. 16238 Ludwig Fahrmeir/Alfred Hamerle/Gerhard Tutz (ed.): Multivariate statistische Verfahren. De Gruyter 1996, 900p. Eur 124. 16239 Eric Johnson/Kevin Reichard: Professional graphics programming in the X Window system. MIS 1993, 1190p. 16240 Hans-Dieter Schwind: Kriminologie. Kriminalistik-Verlag 2004, 700p. Eur 27. 16241 Anil Jain: Fundamentals of digital image processing. Pearson 1989, 560p. $53. 16242 Claudio Beccari/Apostolos Syropoulos: New Greek fonts and the greek option of the babel package. TUBboat 19/4 (1998), 419-425. 16243 Charles Weibel: An introduction to homological algebra. Cambridge UP 1997, 450p. $35. 16244 Jonathan Rosenberg: Algebraic K-theory and its applications. Springer 1996, 390p. $60. 16245 Harrison Barrett/Kyle Myers: Foundations of image science. Wiley 2004, 1530p. $128. 16246 Jochen Wengenroth: Derived functors in functional analysis. Springer LNM 1810 2003, 130p. Eur 24. 16247 Salvatore Pincherle: Programma della Unione Matematica Italiana. Boll. UMI 1 Luglio 1922, 6. 16248 Martin Buhmann: Neue und alte Thesen über Wavelets. El. Math. 51 (1996), 145-155. 16249 Martin Buhmann: Radial basis functions. Acta Numerica 9 (2000), 1-38. 16250 Robert Schaback: Multivariate interpolation by polynomials and radial basis functions. Internet 2002, 21p. 16251 Robert Schaback: Native Hilbert spaces for radial basis functions I-II. Internet 1996, 31p. 16252 Robert Schaback/Holger Wendland: Approximation by positive definite kernels. Internet 2002, 13p. 16253 Dirk Nettelbeck/David Curiel: Mit Viren gegen Krebs. Spektrum Juli 2004, 24-31. 16254 K. Merkel/B. Kopper/M. Obe'/G. Dhom: Malignitätsgrad des Prostatacarcinoms und lymphogene Metastasierung. In 9 Hübner, 111-114. 16255 W. Friedmann/.../G. Jahn: Immunhistochemische Charakterisierung von Metastasen des Prostatakarzinoms. In 9 Hübner 115-117. 16256 P. Kirchmeier/I. Schall: Metastasierung im Alter. In 9 Hübner, 235-237. 16257 Bela Bollobas: Modern graph theory. Springer 1998, 390p. $43. 16258 Bela Bollobas: Linear analysis. Cambridge UP 1999, 240p. $26. 16259 Nicholas Young: An introduction to Hilbert space. Cambridge UP 2004, 230p. $30. 16260 Dieter Pumplün: Elemente der Kategorientheorie. Spektrum 1999, 310p. 16261 Eric Johnson/Kevin Reichard: Advanced X Window application programming. MIS 1990, 610p. 16262 Larousse de poche. Larousse 1979, 600p. 16263 Michael Barry: Prostate-specific-antigen testing for early diagnosis of prostate cancer. New England J. Med. 3 May 2001, 1373-1377. 16264 Kazuto Ito/Takumi Yamamoto/.../Kazuhiro Suzuki/Hidetoshi Yamanaka: Natural history of PSA increase with and without prostate cancer. Urology 62 (2003), 64-69. 16265 William Catalona/Christian Ramos/.../Yan Yan: Lowering PSA cutoffs to enhance detection of curable prostate cancer. Urology 55 (2000), 791-795. 16266 H. Carter: A PSA threshold of 4.0 ng/ml for early detection of prostate cancer - the only rational approach for men 50 years old and older. Urology 55 (2000), 796-799. 16267 H. Carter/Daniel Chan/.../E. Metter/Patrick Walsh: Prostate-specific antigen variability in men without prostate cancer - effect of sampling interval on prostate-specific antigen velocity. Urology 45 (1995), 591-596. 16268 H. Butz: Bayer cPSA (komplexiertes PSA). Internet ca. 2002, 5p. 16269 Saunders MacLane/Ieke Moerdijk: Sheaves in geometry and logic. Springer 1992, 630p. Eur 73. A very good book for content and presentation, but a shame for the publisher: cheaply bound, it looses the first page 20 minutes after arriving. And that at a price of 73 Euro. 16270 Karl May: Trapper Geierschnabel. Karl-May-Verlag 1952. 16271 Karl May: Der sterbende Kaiser. Karl-May-Verlag 1952. 16272 Morris Marden: Geometry of polynomials. AMS 1989, 240p. $45. 16273 Josef Beuth (ed.): Grundlagen der Komplementäronkologie. Hippokrates 2002, 320p. Eur 59. 16274 Ulrich Abel: Die Bewertung diagnostischer Tests. Hippokrates 1993, 210p. 16275 Leon Gordis: Epidemiologie. Kilian 2001, 360p. Eur 35. 16276 Lothar Kreienbrock/Siegfried Schach: Epidemiologische Methoden. Spektrum 2000, 270p. Eur 30. 16277 Martin Schumacher/Gabi Schulgen: Methodik klinischer Studien. Springer 2002, 360p. Eur 30. 16278 Marc-Thorsen Hütt: Datenanalyse in der Biologie. Springer 310p. Eur 10. 16279 Friedrich Bauer: 3.14159... und 2.71828... Informatik-Spektrum 23. Juni 2004, 276-280. 16280 Alfred Hamerle/Heinz Pape: Grundlagen der mehrdimensionalen Skalierung. In 16238 Fahrmeir/, 767-793. 16281 Hans Wolfgang Brachinger/Friedmann Ost: Modelle mit latenten Variablen - Faktorenanalyse, Latent-Structure-Analyse und LISREL-Analyse. In 16238 Fahrmeir/, 639-766. 16282 Ernst Kunz: Introduction to commutative algebra and algebraic geometry. Birkhäuser 1985, 230p. $60. Translation of 1506. 16283 Charles Hennekens/Julie Buring: Epidemiology in medicine. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 1987, 380p. $50. 16284 Harold Kahn/Christopher Sempos: Statistical methods in epidemiology. Oxford UP 1989, 290p. $43. 16285 Paolo Bonora: Spazi topologici finiti e analisi formale dei concetti. Tesi laurea triennale, Ferrara 2004. 16286 H. Fischer: Limesräume. Math. Ann. 137 (1959), 269-303. 16287 Ernst Binz: Continuous convergence on C(X). SLN Math. 469. 16288 Darell Kent/Gary Richardson: Locally compact convergence spaces. Michigan Math. J. 22 (1975), 353-360. 16289 A. Carstens/Darell Kent: A note on products of convergence spaces. Math. Ann. 182 (1969), 40-44. 16290 Darell Kent/Gary Richardson: Open and proper maps between convergence spaces. Czech. Math. J. 23 (1973), 15-23. 16291 Paul Edelman/Robert Jamison: The theory of convex geometries. Geom. Ded. 19 (1985), 247-270. 16292 Silke Brandt/Dietrich Albert/Cord Hockemeyer: Surmise relations between tests - mathematical considerations. Discrete Appl. Math. 127 (2003), 221-239. 16293 Ali Ünlü/Silke Brandt/Dietrich Albert: Test surmise relations, test knowledge structures, and their characterizations. Internet 2004, 59p. 16294 Silke Brandt/Dietrich Albert/Cord Hockemeyer: Surmise relations between tests - preliminary results of the mathematical modeling. Internet 1999, 15p. 16295 Dietrich Albert (ed.): Knowledge structures. Springer 1994. 16296 B. Banaschewski/R. Lowen: A cancellation law for partially ordered sets and T0 spaces. Proc. AMS ... (2004), ... 16297 Bernhard Schölkopf/Klaus-Robert Müller/Alexander Smola: Lernen mit Kernen. Informatik Forsch. Entw. 14 (1999), 154-163. 16298 Klaus Dohmen: Improved inclusion-exclusion identities via closure operators. Discrete Math. Theor. Comp. Sci. 4 (2000), 61-66. 16299 H. Groitl/J. Odar: Endoskopie heute und morgen. In 1270 Odar, 33-57. 16300 Martin Nowak: Theory is available light. Current Biology 14/11 (2004), R 406-407. 16301 Martin Nowak: Prisoners of the dilemma. Nature 5 February 2004, 491. 16302 Martin Nowak/Franziska Michor/Natalia Komarova/Yoh Iwasa: Evolutionary dynamics of tumor suppressor gene inactivation. Proc. Nat. Ac. Sci. 20 July 2004, 10635-10638. 16303 Franziska Michor/Yoh Iwasa/.../Martin Nowak: Linear model of colon cancer initiation. Cell Cycle 3/3 (2004), 358-362. 16304 Steven Frank: Age-specific acceleration of cancer. Current Biol. 14 (2004), 242-246. 16305 Steven Frank: Genetic variation in cancer predisposition - mutational decay of a robust genetic control network. Proc. Nat. Ac. Sci. 101 (2004), 8061-8065. 16306 Steven Frank/Martin Nowak: Problems of somatic mutation and cancer. Bioessays 26 (2004), 291-299. 16307 Franziska Michor/Yoh Iwasa/Natalia Komarova/Martin Nowak: Local regulation of homeostasis favors chromosomal instability. Curr. Biology 13 (2003), 581-584. 16308 Simon Bach/Andrew Renehan/Christopher Potten: Stem cells - the intestinal stem cell as a paradigm. Carcinogenesis 21 (2000), 469-476. 16309 Natalia Komarova/Anirvan Sengupta/Martin Nowak: Mutation-selection networks of cancer initiation - tumor suppressor genes and chromosomal instability. J. Theor. Biol. 223 (2004), 433-450. 16310 Shun-ichi Amari/Hiroshi Nagaoka: Methods of information geometry. Oxford UP 2000, 200p. Eur 69. 16311 Robert Gatenby/Philip Maini: Cancer summed up - mathematical oncology. Nature 421 (2003), 321. 16312 Bert Vogelstein: The molecular basis of colon cancer. Internet 2004, 2p. 16313 David Young: Cancer biology review. Internet 2003, 8p. 16314 Josef Hofbauer/Karl Sigmund: Evolutionary game dynamics. Bull. AMS 40/4 (2003), 479-519. 16315 Yang Kuang/John Nagy/James Elser: Biological stoichiometry of tumor dynamics - mathematical models and analysis. Disc. Cont. Dyn. Systems B 4/1 (2004), 221-240. 16316 Aalpen Patel/Edward Gawlinski/Susan Lemieux/Robert Gatenby: A cellular automaton model of early tumor growth and invasion. J. Theor. Biol. 213/3 (2001), 315-331. 16317 Robert Gatenby/Philip Maini/Edward Gawlinski: Analysis of tumor as an inverse problem provides a novel theoretical framework for understanding tumor biology and therapy. Appl. Math. Lett. 15/3 (2002), 339-345. 16318 Robert Gatenby/Edward Gawlinski: The glycolytic phenotype in carcinogenesis and tumor invasion - insights through mathematical models. Cancer Res. 63/14 (2003), 3847-3854. 16319 Robert Gatenby/Edward Gawlinski/.../E. David Crawford: The possible role of postoperative azotemia in enhanced survival of patients with metastatic renal cancer after cytoreductive nephrectomy. Cancer Res. 62/18 (2002), 5218-5222. 16320 Simon Levin/Bryan Grenfell/Alan Hastings/Alan Perelson: Mathematical and computational challenges in population biology and ecosystems science. Science 17 January 1997, 334-343. 16321 Bruce Levin/Marc Lipsitch/Sebastian Bonhoeffer: Population biology, evolution, and infectious disease. Science 5 February 1999, 806-809. 16322 Thomas Wheldon: Radiation physics and genetic targeting - new directions for radiotherapy. Phys. Med. Biol. 45 (2000), R 77-95. 16323 Ying Wu: Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer. Internet 1999, 8p. Part of a larger text on the genetics of colorectal cancer. 16324 B. O'Connell/A. Cheung/.../J. Sedivy: A large scale genetic analysis of c-Myc regulated gene expression patterns. J. Biol. Chem. 4 April 2003, 12563-12573. 16325 Alfred Knudson: Antioncogenes and human cancer. Proc. Nat. Ac. Sci. USA 90 (1993), 10914-10921. 16326 John Cairns: Somatic stem cells and the kinetics of mutagenesis and carcinogenesis. Proc. Nat. Ac. Sci. USA 99 (2002), 10567-10570. 16327 Alberto Bardelli/Daniel Cahill/.../Bert Vogelstein/Christoph Lengauer: Carcinogen- specific induction of genetic instability. Proc. Nat. Ac. Sci. USA 98 (2001), 5770-5775. 16328 O. Sieber/K. Heinimann/.../I. Tomlinson: Analysis of chromosomal instability in human colorectal adenomas with two mutational hits at APC. Proc. Nat. Ac. Sci. USA 99 (2002), 16910-16915. 16329 Martin Nowak: What is a quasispecies? Trends. Ecol. Evol. 7 (1992), 118-121. 16330 Natalia Komarova/Christoph Lengauer/Bert Vogelstein/Martin Nowak: Dynamics of genetic instability in sporadic and familial colorectal cancer. Cancer Biol. Therapy 1/6 (2003), 685-692. 16331 Irene Guggenmoos-Holzmann/Hans van Houwelingen: The (in)validity of sensitivity and specificity. Statistics in Med. 19 (2000), 1783-1792. 16332 Emiliano Fedeli/Luciano Giustini/Alessandro Tittozzi: Una panomarica sulle curve e superfici offset. Internet 2003, 20p. 16333 Krzysztof Simek/.../Malgorzata Wiench: Computational methods of gene expression analysis for DNA microarray data. Internet 2003, 2p. 16334 Krzysztof Fujarewicz/Malgorzata Wiench: Selecting differentially expressed genes for colon tumor classification. Int. J. Appl. Math. Comp. Sci. 13/3 (2003), 327-335. 16335 Rida Farouki/Thomas Sederberg: Analysis of the offset to a parabola. Computer Aided Geometric Design 12 (1995), 639-645. 16336 Helmut Pottmann/Stefan Leopoldseder: Geometries for CAGD. In Farin/Hoschek/Kim 2002, 43-73. 16337 Yong-ming Li/Vivian Hsu: Curve offsetting based on Legendre series. Computer Aided Geom. Design 15 (1998), 711-720. 16338 Thomas Hermann: On the smoothness of offset surfaces. Computer Aided Geom. Design 15 (1998), 529-533. 16339 Martin Peternell/Helmut Pottmann: A Laguerre geometric approach to rational offsets. Computer Aided Geom. Design 15 (1998), 223-249. 16340 Helmut Pottmann/Martin Peternell/Bahram Ravani: An introduction to line geometry with applications. Computer Aided Design 31 (1999), 3-16. 16341 Helmut Pottmann/Michael Hofer: Geometry of the squared distance function to curves and surfaces. In Hege/Polthier 2003, 223-244. 16342 Helmut Pottmann/Stefan Leopoldseder: A concept of parametric surface fitting which avoids the parametrization problem. Computer Aided Geom. Design 20 (2003), 343-362. 16343 Helmut Pottmann: Rational curves and surfaces with rational offsets. Computer Aided Geom. Design 12 (1995), 175-192. 16344 Yu Wang: Intersections of offsets of parametric surfaces. Computer Aided Geom. Design 13 (1996), 453-465. 16345 Johannes Wallner/.../Helmut Pottmann/G. Yu: Self-intersections of offset curves and surfaces. Int. J. Shape Modeling 7 (2001), 1-21. 16346 Samsa Hautaniemi/.../Olli Kallioniemi: Analysis and visualization of gene expression microarray data in human cancer using self-organizing maps. Machine Learning 52 (2003), 45-66. 16347 Hong-kai Zhao/Stanley Osher/Barry Merriman/Myungjoo Kang: Implicit and non-parametric shape reconstruction from unorganized data using a variational level set method. Comp. Vision Image Underst. 80 (2000), 295-314. 16348 Helmut Pottmann/Stefan Leopoldseder/Hong-kai Zhao: The d2 tree - a hierarchical representation of the squared distance function. Internet ca. 2002, 12p. 16349 Hong-kai Zhao: Analysis and visualization of large sets of unorganized points using the distance function. Internet ca. 2002, 12p. 16350 Hong-kai Zhao/Stanley Osher: Visualization, analysis and shape reconstruction of unorganized data sets. Internet ca. 2003, 25p. 16351 Nicola Bellomo/Elena De Angelis/Luigi Preziosi: Multiscale modeling and mathematical problems related to tumor evolution and medical therapy. J. Theor. Med. 5/2 (2003), 111-136. 16352 Alessandro Bertuzzi/Alberto Gandolfi: Cell kinetics in a tumour cord. J. Theor. Biology 204 (2000), 587-599. 16353 Janet Dyson/Rosanna Villella Bressan/G. Webb: The steady state of a maturity structured tumor cord cell population. Discrete Cont. Dyn. Syst. B 4/1 (2004), 115-134. 16354 Alessandro Bertuzzi/Antonio Fasano/Alberto Gandolfi: A free boundary problem with unilateral constraints describing the evolution of a tumour cord under the influence of cell killing agents. Internet ca. 2003, 46p. 16355 Luigi Preziosi: Modelli matematici a sostegno della ricerca contro il cancro. Boll. UMI VIII-8 A (2004), ... 16356 Helen Byrne/Luigi Preziosi: Modelling solid tumour growth using the theory of mixtures. Math. Med. Biol. 20 (2003), 341-366. 16357 Nicola Bellomo/Luigi Preziosi: Modelling and mathematical problems related to tumor evolution and its interaction with the immune system. ath. Comp. Model. 32 (2000), 413-452. 16358 Christopher Breward/Helen Byrne/Claire Lewis: A multiphase model describing vascular tumour growth. Bull. Math. Biol. 65 (2003), 609-640. 16359 D. Ambrosi/Nicola Bellomo/Luigi Preziosi: Modelling tumor progression, heteregeneity and immune competition. J. Theor. Medicine 4 (2002), 51-65. 16360 T. Alarcon/Helen Byrne/Philip Maini: A multiscale model for tumour growth. Internet ca. 2002, 37p. 16361 D. Ambrosi/Luigi Preziosi: On the closure of mass balance models for tumor growth. Math. Mod. Meth. Appl. Sci. 12/5 (2002), 737-754. 16362 Elena De Angelis/Luigi Preziosi: Advection-diffusion models for solid tumour evolution in vivo and a related free boundary problem. Math. Mod. Meth. Appl. Sci. 3 (2000), 379-407. 16363 S. Franks/Helen Byrne/.../Claire Lewis: Modelling the early growth of ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast. J. Math. Biol. 47 (2003), 424-452. 16364 Luigi Preziosi: Modelling tumour growth and progression. Internet 2002, 14p. 16365 Elena De Angelis/Pierre-Emmanuel Jabin: Qualitative analysis of a mean field model of tumor-immune system competition. Internet ca. 2002, 24p. 16366 T. Alarcon/Helen Byrne/Philip Maini: A cellular automaton model for tumour growth in inhomogeneous environment. J. Theor. Biol. 225 (2003), 257-274. 16367 T. Alarcon/Helen Byrne/Philip Maini: A mathematical model of the effects of hypoxia on the cell cycle of normal and cancer cells. J. Theor. Biol. 229 (2004), 395-411. 16368 T. Alarcon/Helen Byrne/Philip Maini: Towards whole-organ modelling of tumour growth. Progr. Biophys. Mol. Biol. 85 (2004), 451-472. 16369 Vittorio Cristini/John Lowengrub/Qing Nie: Nonlinear simulation of tumor growth. J. Math. Biol. 46 (2003), 191-224. 16370 X. Zheng/S. Wise/Vittorio Cristini: Nonlinear simulation of tumor necrosis, neo-vascularization and tissue invasion via an adaptive finite-element/level-set method. Bull. Math. Biol. ... (2005), ... 16371 G. Webb: The steady state of a tumor cord population. J. Evol. Equ. 2 (2002), 425-438. 16372 Luigi Preziosi/Luigi Graziano: Multiphase models of tumor growth - general framework and particular cases. Internet ca. 2003, 6p. 16373 Helen Byrne/.../Luigi Preziosi: A two-phase model of tumour growth. Internet ca. 2000, 10p. 16374 Ulrich Reif: In memoriam Josef Hoschek. Computer Aided Geom. Design. 20/8-9 (2003), 493-499. 16375 Donald Malins/.../Katie Anderson: Cancer-related changes in prostate DNA as men age and early identification of metastasis in primary prostate tumors. Proc. Nat. Ac. Sci. 100/9 (2003), 5401-5406. 16376 Claudia Eberhard-Metzger: Besprechung des Buchs "Die Krankheitserfinder" von Jörg Blech. Spektrum August 2004, 112-113. 16377 Renate Tobies: Emmy Noether. Spektrum August 2004, 70-77. 16378 Kenneth Kinzler/Bert Vogelstein: Gatekeepers and caretakers. Nature 24 April 1997, 761-762. 16379 Jonathan Milner/Bruce Ponder/.../Tony Kouzarides: Transcriptional activation functions in BRCA2. Nature 24 April 1997, 772-773. 16380 Shyam Sharan/Masami Morimatsu/.../Paul Hasty/Allan Bradley: Embryonic lethality and radiation hypersensitivity mediated by Rad51 in mice lacking Brca2. Nature 24 April 1997, 804-810. 16381 E. Luebeck/Suresh Moolgavkar: Multistage carcinogenesis and the incidence of colorectal cancer. Proc. Nat. Ac. Sci. USA 99 (2002), 15095-15100. 16382 Henry Lynch/Albert de la Chapelle: Genetici susceptibility to non-polyposis colorectal cancer. J. Med. Gen. 36 (1999), 801-818. 16383 Paula Calvert/Harold Frucht: The genetics of colorectal cancer. Ann. Int. Med. 137 (2002), 603-612. 16384 Gilles Aubert/Michel Barlaud/Olivier Faugeras/Stephanie Jehan-Besson: Image segmentation using active contours - calculus of variations or shape gradients? SIAM J. Appl. Math. 63/6 (2003), 2128-2154. 16385 Leonard Nunney: The population genetics of multistage carcinogenesis. Proc. Royal Soc. London B 270 (2003), 1183-1191. 16386 Leonard Nunney: Lineage selection and the evolution of multistage carcinogenesis. Proc. Royal Soc. London B 266 (1999), 493-498. 16387 Christopher Potten: Stem cells in gastrointestinal epithelium - numbers, characteristics and death. Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. London B 353 (1998), 821-830. 16388 Christopher Potten/Gary Owen/Dawn Booth: Intestinal stem cells protect their genome by selective segregation of template DNA strands. J. Cell Sci. 115 (2002), 2381-2388. 16389 W. Wayt Gibbs: Preziosen im DNA-Schrott. Spektrum Februar 2004, 68-75. 16390 Gregory Chaitin: Grenzen der Berechenbarkeit. Spektrum Februar 2004, 86-93. 16391 Lior Pachter/Bernd Sturmfels: The geometry of statistical models for biological sequences. Internet 2003, 14p. 16392 Hubert Brenn: Hinweise zur Erstellung von Seminararbeiten und Diplomarbeiten. Päd. Ak. Stams 2003, 28p. 16393 Joachim Weickert: Anisotropic diffusion in image processing. Dissertation Kaiserslautern 1996, 140p. 16394 Joachim Weickert: Applications of nonlinear diffusion in image processing and computer vision. Acta Math. Univ. Comen. 70/1 (2001), 33-50. 16395 Joachim Weickert/Christoph Schnörr: Räumlich zeitliche Berechnung des optischen Flusses mit nichtlinearen flußabhängigen Glattheitstermen. In Förstner/Buhmann/Faber/Faber 1999, 317-324. 16396 Joachim Weickert/Christoph Schnörr: PDE-based preprocessing of medical images. TR 2000/8 CS Univ. Mannheim 2000, 11p. 16397 Pavel Mrazek/Joachim Weickert/Andres Bruhn: On robust estimation and smoothing with spatial and tonal kernels. Internet 2004, 17p. 16398 Bernhard Burgeth/Martin Welk/Christian Feddern/Joachim Weickert: Morphological operations on matrix-values images. Internet ca. 2004, 12p. 16399 Bernhard Burgeth/Joachim Weickert: An explanation for the logarithmic connection between linear and morphological system theory. Internet 2003, 27p. 16400 Joachim Weickert: Efficient image segmentation using partial differential equations and morphology. Pattern Recognition 34 (2001), 1813-1824. 16401 David Mumford: The Bayes rationale for energy functionals. Internet 1994, 14p. 16402 David Mumford: Pattern recognition - the mathematics of perception. ICM 2002/III, 21p. 16403 Ziv Gigus/Jitendra Malik: Computing the aspect graph for line drawings of polyhedral objects. IEEE Trans. Patt. An. Mach. Intell. 12/2 (1990), 113-122. 16404 David Martin/Charless Fowlkes/Jitendra Malik: Learning to detect natural image boundaries using local brightness, color and texture cues. IEEE Trans. Patt. An. Mach. Intell. 26/5 (2004), 530-549. 16405 Pietro Perona/Jitendra Malik: Scale-space and edge detection using anisotropic diffusion. IEEE Trans. Patt. An. Mach. Intell. 12/7 (1990), 629-639. 16406 Jitendra Malik/Serge Belongie/Thomas Leung/Jian-bo Shi: Contour and texture analysis for image segmentation. Int. J. Computer Vision 43/1 (2001), 7-27. 16407 Paolo Zaccaria: Diagnosis of metabolic inherited diseases using support vector machine analysis of metabolome data. Poster 2004, 2p. 16408 Emad El-Omar/.../Charles Rabkin: Interleukin-1 polymorphisms associated with increased risk of gastric cancer. Nature 23 March 2000, 398-402. 16409 Ian Beales: Effect of interleukin-1beta on proliferation of gastric epithelial cells in culture. BMC Gastroenterology 2/7 (2002), ... 16410 Peter Adams: Regulation of the retinoblastoma tumor suppressor gene by cyclins/cdks. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1471 (2001), M 123-133. 16411 Olivier Coqueret: New roles for p21 and p27 cell-cycle inhibitors - a function for each cell compartment? Trends Cell Biol. 13/2 (2003), 65-70. 16412 Nikola Pavletich: Mechanisms of cyclin-dependent kinase regulation - structures of cdks, their cyclin activators, and cip and INK4 inhibitors. J. Mol. Biol. 287 (1999), 821-828. 16413 Kristin Swanson/Ellsworth Alvord/J. Murray: Dynamics of a model for brain tumors reveals a small window for therapeutic intervention. Discr. Cont. Dyn. Systems B 4/1 (2004), 289-295. 16414 Thalya Burden/Jon Ernstberger/K. Fister: Optimal control applied to immunotherapy. Discr. Cont. Dyn. Systems B 4/1 (2004), 135-146. 16415 Avner Friedman: A hierarchy of cancer models and their mathematical challenges. Discr. Cont. Dyn. Systems B 4/1 (2004), 147-159. 16416 Alessandro Bertuzzi/Alberto D'Onofrio/Antonio Fasano/Alberto Gandolfi: Modelling cell populations with spatial structure - steady state and treatment-induced evolution of tumour cords. Discr. Cont. Dyn. Systems B 4/1 (2004), 161-186. 16417 T. Jackson: A mathematical model of prostate tumor growth and androgen-independent relapse. Discr. Cont. Dyn. Systems B 4/1 (2004), 187-201. 16418 Kristin Swanson/Ellsworth Alvord/J. Murray: Quantifying efficacy of chemotherapy of brain tumors with homogeneous and heterogeneous drug delivery. Acta Biotheoretica 50/4 (2002), 223-237. 16419 Kristin Swanson/Lawrence True/J. Murray: On the use of quantitative modeling to help understand prostate-specific antigen dynamics and other medical problems. Am. J. Clin. Pathol. 119/1 (2003), 14-17. 16420 Kristin Swanson/.../James Murray: A quantitative model for the dynamics of serum prostate-specific antigen as a marker for cancerous growth. Am. J. Pathol. 158/6 (2001), 2195-2199. 16421 Kristin Swanson/Ellsworth Alvord/James Murray: Virtual brain tumours (gliomas) enhance the reality of medical imaging and highlight inadequacies of current therapy. Brit. J. Cancer 86 (2002), 14-18. 16422 Kristin Swanson/Carly Bridge/James Murray/Ellsworth Alvord: Virtual and real brain tumors - using mathematical modelling to quantify glioma growth and invasion. J. Neurol. Sci. 216/1 (2003), 1-10. 16423 W. Tan/L. Zhang: Stochastic modeling of carcinogenesis - state space models and estimation of parameters. Discr. Cont. Dyn. Systems B 4/1 (2004), 298-322. 16424 Simon Brendle/Rainer Nagel: PFDE with nonautonomous past. Discr. Cont. Dyn. Systems 8/4 (2002), 953-966. 16425 Marc Preunkert: Lecture 1. Internet 2003, 8p. 16426 Marc Preunkert: Lecture 2. Internet 2003, 7p. 16427 Luis Alvarez/R. Deriche/F. Santana: Recursivity and PDEs in image processing. Internet 1999, 15p. 16428 Luis Alvarez/Yann Gousseau/Jean-Michel Morel: Scales in natural images and a consequence on their bounded variation norm. Internet 1999, 12p. 16429 Henk Heijmans: Morphological scale-spaces, scale invariance and Lie groups. Internet 2002, 11p. 16430 Luis Alvarez/Frederic Guichard/Pierre-Louis Lions/Jean-Michel Morel: Axioms and fundamental equations of image processing. Arch. Rat. Mech. An. 123 (1993), 199-257. 16431 Luis Alvarez/Pierre-Louis Lions/Jean-Michel Morel: Image selective smoothing and edge detection by nonlinear diffusion II. SIAM J. Num. An. 29/3 (1992), 845-866. 16432 Luis Alvarez/Luis Mazorra: Signal and image restauration using shock filters and anisotropic diffusion. SIAM J. Num. An. 31/2 (1994), 590-605. 16433 Vicent Caselles/Jean-Michel Morel/Guillermo Sapiro/Allen Tannenbaum: Introduction to the special issue on partial differential equations and geometry-driven diffusion in image processing and analysis. IEEE Trans. Image Proc. 7/3 (1998), 269-273. 16434 Vicent Caselles/Bartomeu Coll/Jean-Michel Morel: Junction detection and filtering - a morphological approach. Internet ca. 1998, 4p. 16435 Petros Maragos/M. Akmal Butt/Lucio Pessoa: Two frontiers in morphological image analysis - differential evolution models and hybrid morphological/linear neural networks. Internet ca. 1997, 8p. 16436 Karol Mikula/Tobias Preußer/Martin Rumpf/Fiorella Sgallari: On anisotropic geometric diffusion in 3D image processing and image sequence analysis. Internet ca. 2001, 8p. 16437 Tamas Sziranyi/Ivan Kopilovic/Barnabas Toth: Anisotropic diffusion as preprocessing step for efficient image compression. Internet ca. 1999, 3p. 16438 Bart ter Haar Romeny: Introduction to scale-space theory - multiscale geometric image analysis. Internet 1997, 26p. 16439 Carsten Brock: Untersuchungen zur Regulation von Klasse-I-Phospoinositid-3-Kinasen in vivo. Einleitung. Digitale Diss. FU Berlin 2003, 29p. 16440 Juan Ballesteros/Krzysztof Palczewski: G protein-coupled receptor drug discovery - implications from the crystal structure of rhodopsin. Internet ca. 2002, 14p. 16441 Nagarajan Vaidehi/.../William Goddard: Prediction of structure and function of G protein-coupled receptors. Proc. Nat. Ac. Sci. USA 99/20 (2002), 12622-12627. 16442 Ulrik Gether: Uncovering model mechanisms involved in activation of G protein-coupled receptors. Endocrin. Rev. 21/1 (2000), 90-113. 16443 Marvin Gershengorn/Roman Osman: Insights into G protein-coupled receptor function using molecular mechanisms. Endocrinology 142/1 (2001), 2-10. 16444 Anshul Kundaje/Shane Eisenman: Modeling of the p53 pathway to cell cycle arrest and apoptosis - relevance to cancer. Internet 2001, 19p. 16445 J. Greer/Andrea Bertozzi: Traveling wave solutions of fourth order PDEs for image processing. SIAM J. Math. An. 36/1 (2004), 38-68. 16446 M. Bertalmio/Andrea Bertozzi/Guillermo Sapiro: Navier-Stokes, fluid dynamics, and image and video impainting. Internet 2001, 8p. 16447 Markus Ulrich/Stefan Hinz: Thema einer Diplomarbeit über Bildrestaurierung mit Navier-Stokes. Internet ca. 2002, 1p. 16448 Markus Ulrich/Stefan Hinz: Thema einer Diplomarbeit über Bildrepräsentation durch Grauwertkanten. Internet ca. 2002, 1p. 16449 Stephen Wolfram: Navier-Stokes equations. Internet ca. 2002, 2p. 16450 Qi Zheng: Mathematical issues arising from the directed mutation controversy. Genetics 164 (2003), 373-379. 16451 Qi Zheng: Progress of a half century in the study of the Luria-Delbrück distribution. Math. Biosci. 162 (1999), 1-32. 16452 Thomas Kepler/Mihaela Oprea: Improved inference of mutation rates I - an integral representation of the Luria-Delbrück distribution. Theor. Pop. Biol. 59/1 (2001), 41-48. 16453 Mihaela Oprea/Thomas Kepler: Improved inference of mutation rates II - generalization of the Luria-Delbrück distribution for realistic cell-cycle time distributions. Theor. Pop. Biol. 59/1 (2001), 49-59. 16454 Oliver Sieber/Karl Heinimann/Ian Tomlinson: Genomic instability - the engine of tumorigenesis? Nature Rev. Cancer September 2003, 701-708. 16455 Bart ter Haar Romeny: Scale-space theory for multiscale geometric image analysis. Internet ca. 1998, 24p. 16456 Luc Florack/Arjan Kuijper: The topological structure of scale-space images. J. Math. Imag. Vision 12 (2000), 65-79. 16457 Joachim Weickert/Seiji Ishikawa/Atsushi Imiya: Linear scale-space has first been proposed in Japan. J. Math. Imag. Vision 10 (1999), 237-252. 16458 Joachim Weickert: A review of nonlinear diffusion filtering. Springer LN CS 1252 (1997), 3-28. 16459 Hanno Scharr/Michael Black/Horst Haussecker: Image statistics and anisotropic diffusion. Internet ca. 2002, 8p. 16460 S. Edelman/L. Vaina: Marr, David (1945-80). Internet ca. 2001, 3p. 16461 G. Gerig/O. Kübler/R. Kikinis/F. Jolesz: Nonlinear anisotropic filtering of MRI data. IEEE Trans. Med. Imag. 11 (1992), 221-232. 16462 G. Cottet/M. al-Ayyadi: A Volterra type model for image processing. Internet ca. 1998, 11p. 16463 Ilya Pollak/Alan Willsky/Hamid Krim: A nonlinear diffusion equation as a fast and optimal solver of edge detection problems. Internet ca. 1999, 4p. 16464 Harry Rubin: Selected cell and selective microenvironment in neoplastic development. Cancer Res. 61 (2001), 799-807. 16465 Svetlana Ukraintseva/Anatoly Yashin: Individual aging and cancer risk - how are they related. Demographic Res. 9 (2003), 164-199. 16466 John Cairns: Mutation and cancer - the antecedents to our studies of adaptive mutation. Genetics 148 (1998), 1433-1440. 16467 Pia Prasch: Früh übt sich das Sprachgenie. Spektrum 2004/3, 20-21. In einer frühen, empfänglichen Phase kann jedes Kind noch sämtliche Laute aller Sprachen der Welt auseinanderhalten. 16468 Frank Schubert: Gehört der Wissenschaftler aus Fleisch und Blut zu einer aussterbenden Spezies? Spektrum 2004/3, 22. Bezieht sich auf einen Aufsatz in Nature 427 (2004), 181-... 16469 Robert Langer: Medikamente direkt zum Ziel. Spektrum 2004/3, 42-48. 16470 W. Wayt Gibbs: DNA ist nicht alles. Spektrum 2004/3, 68-75. 16471 Giacomo Maria Paganotti/Claudia Palladino/Mario Coluzzi: Der Ursprung der Malaria. Spektrum 2004/3, 82-89. 16472 Christoph Pöppe: Perfekte magische Würfel. Spektrum 2004/3, 108-110. 16473 Otmar Scherzer/Joachim Weickert: Relations between regularization and diffusion filtering. J. Math. Imag. Vision 12 (2000), 43-63. 16474 Paul Nurse/Yoshio Masui/Leland Hartwell: Understanding the cell cycle. Nature Medicine 4/10 (1998), 1103-1106. 16475 Leland Hartwell/John Hopfield/Stanislas Leibner/Andrew Murray: From molecular to modular cell biology. Nature 402 (1999), c 47-52. 16476 Reinhard Breuer: Wer schützt uns vor Impfverweigerern? Spektrum 2003/4, 3. 16477 Stefanie Reinberger: Fliegende Antimalariawaffen. Spektrum 2003/4, 15-16. Genmanipulierte Moskitos sollen den Erreger nicht mehr übertragen. 16478 Jean-Claude Duplessy: Klarheit über das Klima. Spektrum 2003/4, 20-25. 16479 Jacques Banchereau: Impfen gegen Krebs. Spektrum 2003/4, 38-45. Dendritische Zellen machen nur 0.2 % aller weißen Blutzellen aus, und doch spielen sie eine ganz wichtige Rolle in der Immunabwehr. Kann man sie für Impfstoffe gegen Krebs benutzen? 16480 Michael Puttre': Satellitengelenkte Waffen. Spektrum 2003/4, 66-72. Experimente mit Waffen sind immer auch Experimente mit Menschen - das scheinen solche Autoren nicht zu begreifen. 16481 Götz Neuneck: Der Mythos vom sauberen Krieg. Spektrum 2003/4, 68. Kommentaru zu 16480 Puttre'. 16482 John Rennie: Interview mit James Watson. Spektrum 2003/4, 74-77. 16483 Martin Boeckh: Mit Ultraschall gegen Krebs. Spektrum 2003/4, 98-99. Therapie von Prostatakrebs mit hochfokussiertem Ultraschall. 16484 Elke Reinecke: Besprechung des Buches "Kaspar Hausers Geschwister" von P. Blumenthal. Spektrum 2003/4, 104-105. 16485 Wolfgang Bürger: Flöhe, Käfer und Leichtathleten. Spektrum 2003/4, 112-114. Mechanik des Sprunges. 16486 David Donoho: High-dimensional data analysis - the curses and blessings of dimensionality. Internet 2000, 32p. 16487 Mario Köppen: The curse of dimensionality. Internet 2000, 22p. Very clear and useful. 16488 Rudolf Hanka/Thomas Harte: Curse of dimensionality - classifying large multi-dimensional images with neural networks. Internet 1996, 10p. 16489 Ted Norminton: Curse of dimensionality. Internet ca. 2003, 28p. 16490 Mario Köppen/M. Teunis: Adaptation of morphological masks by genetic algorithms. Internet 1995, 6p. 16491 Mario Köppen/B. Nickolay: Design of image exploring agent using genetic programming. Internet 1996, 4p. 16492 Mario Köppen/M. Teunis/B. Nickolay: A neural network that uses evolutionary learning. Internet 1996, 5p. 16493 Maria Paz/.../Manuel Esteller: A systematic profile of DNA methylation in human cancer cell lines. Cancer Res. 63 (2003), 1114-1121. 16494 Julia Yaneva/Sikya Zacharieva: DNA methylation and cancer - an overview. Exp. Pathol. Parasit. 5/10 (2002), 45-54. 16495 Sorin Draghici: Data analysis tools for DNA microarrays. Chapman & Hall 2003, 470p. $66. 16496 George Salmon: A treatise on conic sections. Chelsea, 400p. $36. 16497 Dietrich Albert/Josef Lukas (ed.): Knowledge spaces. Erlbaum 1999, 230p. $60. 16498 Dhammika Amaratunga/Javier Cabrera: Exploration and analysis of DNA microarray and protein array data. Wiley 2004, 250p. $74. 16499 Richard Gorsuch: Factor analysis. Erlbaum 1983, 420p. $55. 16500 Terry Speed (ed.): Statistical analysis of gene expression microarray data. Chapman & Hall 2003, 220p. $59. 16501 T. Bakacs/Tamas Szabados/L. Varga/Gabor Tusnady: Axioms of mathematical immunology. Stud. Sci. Math. Hung. 38 (2001), 13-43. 16502 Steven Frank: Immunology and evolution of infectious disease. Princeton UP 2002, 350p. $25. 16503 Luigi Preziosi (ed.): Cancer modeling and simulation. Chapman & Hall 2003, 420p. $119. 16504 Mario Primicerio/Federico Talamucci: Models of cellular populations with different states of activity. Internet 2003, 15p. 16505 Dan Nguyen/.../Uttam Sinha: Overexpression of cell cycle regulatory proteins correlates with advanced tumor stage in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas. Int. J. Oncology 22 (2003), 1285-1290. 16506 Kati Porkka: Differentially expressed genes in prostate cancer. Diss. Univ. Tampere 2003, 97p. 16507 Donald Knuth: Letter to the editorial board of the "Journal of Algorithms". Internet 2003, 14p. 16508 Peter Calabrese/Simon Tavare'/Darryl Shibata: Pretumor progression - clonal evolution of human stell cell populations. Am. J. Path. 164 (2004), 1337-1346. 16509 Kyoung-mee Kim/Peter Calabrese/Simon Tavare'/Darryl Shibata: Enhanced stem cell survival in familial adenomatous polyposis. Am. J. Pathol. 164 (2004), 1369-1377. 16510 Peter Calabrese/.../Simon Tavare'/Darryl Shibata: Colorectal pre-tumor progression before and after loss of DNA mismatch repair. Am. J. Pathol. 164 (2004), 1443-1453. 16511 Samuel Karlin/Simon Tavare': A class of diffusion stochastic processes with killing arising in population genetics. SIAM J. Appl. Math. 43 (1983), 31-41. 16512 Klaus-Jochen Engel/Rainer Nagel/U. Schlotterbeck: An invitation to positive semigroups. Internet 2001, 82p. 16513 Gregor Nickel: A new look at boundary perturbation of generators. El. J. Diff. Eq. 95 (2004), 1-14. 16514 Reza Ahangar/Xiao-biao Lin: Multistage evolutionary model for carcinogenesis mutations. El. J. Diff. Eq. Conf. 10 (2003), 37-53. 16515 Chris Cosner: Contributions of Alan C. Lazer to mathematical population dynamics. El. J. Diff. Eq. Conf. 5 (2000), 335-352. 16516 Anthony Leung/Beatriz Villa: Bifurcation of reaction-diffusion systems related to epidemics. El. J. Diff. Eq. Conf. 5 (2000), 121-133. 16517 Ralph Showalter: Monotone operators in Banach spaces and nonlinear partial differential equations. AMS 1997, 280p. Free online. 16518 Ralph Showalter: Hilbert space methods for partial differential equations. Pitman 1977. Free online as El. J. Diff. Eq. Monograph 1 (1994). 16519 Hans Bankl: Woran sie wirklich starben. Maudrich 1999, 260p. Eur 28. 16520 Ivan Petrovskii: Lectures on partial differential equations. Dover 1991, 240p. $10. 16521 Donald Greenspan: Introduction to partial differential equations. Dover 2000, 190p. $9. 16522 Dirk Struik: Lectures on classical differential geometry. Dover 1988, 230p. $9. 16523 Heinrich Guggenheimer: Differential geometry. Dover 1977, 370p. $11. 16524 Herbert Gintis: Game theory evolving. Princeton UP 2000, 530p. $37. 16525 Klaus-Jochen Engel/Rainer Nagel: One-parameter semigroups for linear evolution equations. Springer 2000, 580p. $65. 16526 Mikhail Mikhailov/M. Özisik: Unified analysis and solutions of heat and mass diffusion. Dover 1994, 520p. $16. 16527 Wolfgang Boehm/Hartmut Prautzsch: Geometric concepts for geometric design. Peters 1994, 400p. $59. 16528 Gilles Aubert/Pierre Kornprobst: Mathematical problems in image processing. Springer 2002, 280p. $62. 16529 Nicholas Kazarinoff: Geometric inequalities. MAA 1961, 130p. $12. 16530 Edwin Beckenbach/Richard Bellman: An introduction to inequalities. MAA 1961, 130p. $10. 16531 J. Steele: The Cauchy-Schwarz master class. Cambridge UP 2004, 300p. $29. 16532 Nicholas Kazarinoff: Analytic inequalities. Dover 2003, 90p. $9. 16533 Doron Ginsberg: The transcription factor E2F - balancing proliferation and apoptosis. Internet 2004, 2p. 16534 Doron Ginsbeg: The E2F transcription factor as a regulator of cell proliferation. Internet ca. 2002, 2p. 16535 Thomas Ramsauer: Gene expression profiling of cytokine activated T-cells. Master thesis TU Graz 2003, 52p. 16536 Susanne Modrow/Dietrich Falke/Uwe Truyen: Molekulare Virologie. Spektrum 2003, 730p. Eur 60. 16537 Karsten Keller/Heinz Lauffer: Symbolic analysis of high-dimensional time series. Int. J. Bif. Chaos 13 (2003), 2657-2668. 16538 Karsten Keller/Katharina Wittfeld: Distances of times series computed by means of symbolic dynamics. Int. J. Bif. Chaos ... (2004), 693-704. 16539 Karsten Keller: Diskretes logistisches Wachstum - vom einfachen biologischen Modell zu einer reichhaltigen Mathematik. In Flachsmeyer/Fritsch/Reichel (2000), ... 16540 Michael Groß: DNA-Computer zur Krebsdiagnose und -therapie. Spektrum 2004/9, 23-24. Ein raffiniert konstruiertes DNA-Molekül kann vier Indikatoren für Prostatakrebs testen und bei positivem Ergebnis eine tumorhemmende Substanz freisetzen. Noch nicht einsatzreif. 16541 Graham Collins: Die Lösung eines Jahrhundertproblems. Spektrum 2004/9, 86-94. Grigorii Perelman ist es wahrscheinlich gelungen, die Poincaresche Vermutung zu beweisen. 16542 Marjeta Kramar/Eszter Sikolya: Spectral properties and asymptotic periodicity of flows on networks. Internet (Tübinger Berichte Funktionalanalysis) 2003, 24p. 16543 Vladimir Arnold: Vorlesungen über partielle Differentialgleichungen. Springer 2004, 170p. Eur 30. 16544 Allyn Jackson: Comme appele' du neant. As if summoned from the void - the life of Alexandre Grothendieck. Notices AMS October 2004, 1036-1056. 16545 Luc Illusie: What is a topos? Notices AMS October 2004, 1060-1061. 16546 Louis Billera/Gabor Hetyei: Decompositions of partially ordered sets. Order 17/2 (2000), 141-166. 16547 Louis Billera/Gabor Hetyei: Linear inequalities for flags in graded partially ordered sets. J. Comb. Theory A 89/1 (2000), 77-104. 16548 Chi-keung Ng: Review of the book "Operator spaces" by E. Effros and Z. Ruan. Irish Math. Soc. Bull. 47 (2001), 67-70. 16549 Francesca Francioso/.../Paolo Carinci/Stefano Volinia: Identification of differentially expressed genes in human salivary gland tumors by DNA microarrays. Mol. Cancer Ther. 1 (2002), 533-538. 16550 Stefano Volinia/.../Paolo Gasparini: GOAL - automated gene ontology analysis of expression profiles. Nucl. Ac. Res. 32 (2004), W 492 - 499. 16551 Michael Yaffe/.../Stefano Volinia/Lewis Cantley: A motif-based profile scanning approach for genome-wide prediction of signaling pathways. Nature Biotechn. 19 (2001), 348-353. 16552 Annalisa Buniella/Donatella Montanaro/Stefano Volinia/Paolo Gasparini/Valeria Marigo: An expression atlas of connexin genes in the mouse. Genomics 83 (04), 812-820. 16553 J. Slingerland/M. Pagano: Regulation of the cdk inhibitor p27 and its deregulation in cancer. J. Cell. Physiol. 183 (2000), 10-17. 16554 Stephan Foldes/Gerasimos Meletiou: Semilattices distributive over a max operation. Rutcor Res. Rep. 8-98 (1998), 8p. 16555 Steve Purisch: A history of results on orderability and suborderability. Internet (Topology Atlas) 1996, 16p. 16556 William Trotter: Partially ordered sets. Internet 2004, 7p. 16557 M. van de Vel: Collapsible polyhedra and median spaces. Proc. AMS 126/9 (1998), 2811-2818. 16558 Hans-Jürgen Bandelt/Victor Chepoi: A Helly theorem in weakly modular space. Discrete Math. 160 (1996), 25-39. 16559 Hans-Jürgen Bandelt/Victor Chepoi: Metric graph theory and geometry - a survey. Internet ca. 2004, 39p. 16560 Wieslaw Kubis: Abstract convex structures in topology and set theory. Dissertation Katowice 1999, 49p. 16561 Hans-Jürgen Bandelt/M. van de Vel: The median stabilization degree of a median algebra. J. Algebraic Combinatorics 9 (1999), 115-127. 16562 M. van de Vel: Determination of msd(L^n). J. Algebraic Combinatorics 9 (1999), 162-171. 16563 Sigrid Albert: De technologia genorum. Vox Latina 127 (1997), 86-92. 16564 Caelestis Eichenseer: De Hildegare Bingensi (1098-1179), Benedictina vere Europaea et universali. Vox Latina 130 (1997), 558-564. 16565 Caio Licoppe: De itinere Americano I. Vox Latina 156 (2004), 208-216. 16566 Sigrid Albert: De Alberto Einstein ante centum viginti quinque annos natus. Vox Latina 156 (2004), 226-229. 16567 Sigrid Albert: Pauca de pellicula, quae est "De passione Christi". Vox Latina 156 (2004), 234-235. 16568 Thomas Pekkanen: Commentarii de bello Iraquico. Vox Latina 152 (2003), 244-251. 16569 Nikolaus Groß: De vespis et vespillonibus. Vox Latina 149 (2002), 336-345. 16570 Sigrid Albert: Quomodo Augustus siphonarios invenerit. Vox Latina 149 (2002), 370-378. 16571 Michael von Albrecht: De lingua Latina in philologia classica adhibenda. Vox Latina 149 (2002), 444-445. 16572 Vittorio Ciarrocchi: De Henrico Fermi. Vox Latina 149 (2002), 448-450. 16573 Caelestis Eichenseer: De nova pecunia Europaea. Vox Latina 147 (2002), 9-14. 16574 Caelestis Eichenseer: Quaedam de re ferriviaria. Vox Latina 146 (2001), 590-593. 16575 Sigrid Albert: De imperio Romano atque de Europa futura. Vox Latina 145 (2001), 393-407. 16576 Sigrid Albert: De Francisci Petrarcae libro itinerario. Vox Latina 140 (2000), 163-174. 16577 Sigrid Albert: De sequelis inexspectatis actionum praecogitatarum. Vox Latina 140 (2000), 241-253. 16578 Vittorio Ciarrocchi: De alterius belli mundani initio. Vox Latina 140 (2000), 290-293. 16579 Sigrid Albert: Vocabula quaedam itineraria. Vox Latina 137 (1999), 356-370. 16580 Sigrid Albert: De itineribus pedestribus. Vox Latina 137 (1999), 371-386. 16581 Sigrid Albert: De itinere Hispanico atque Lusitanico IV. Vox Latina 137 (1999), 387-411. 16582 Robert Deprez: De clonizatione. Vox Latina 135 (1999), 84-87. 16583 Sigrid Albert: De itinere Hispanico atque Lusitanico I. Vox Latina 134 (1998), 514-533. 16584 Martin Meier: De bello civili Americano. Vox Latina 134 (1998), 534-539. 16585 Sigrid Albert: De pecunia Europaea. Vox Latina 134 (1998), 556-559. 16586 Caelestis Eichenseer: De tempestatibus quasi chaoticis. Vox Latina 134 (1998), 573-576. 16587 Caelestis Eichenseer: De nominibus interretis et ordinatri et telecopiatri. Vox Latina 132 (1998), 194-205. 16588 Nikolaus Sallmann: Walter Jens quid dixerit de institutione Latina. Vox Latina 132 (1998), 251-252. 16589 David Morgan: Cyclin-dependent kinases - engines, clocks, and microprocessors. Annual Rev. Cell Dev. Biol. 13 (1997), 261-291. 16590 Jeffrey Ubersax/.../David Morgan: Targets of the cyclin-dependent kinase Cdk1. Nature 23 October 2003, 859-865. 16591 Chris Carroll/David Morgan: The Doc1 subunit is a processivity factor for the anaphase-promoting complex. Nature Cell Biol. 11 (2002), 880-887. 16592 Charles Sherr/James Roberts: CDK inhibitors - positive and negative regulators of G1-phase progression. Genes Dev. 13 (1999), 1501-1512. 16593 Charles Sherr: Tumor surveillance via the ARF-p53 pathway. Genes Dev. 12 (1998), 2984-2991. 16594 Deanna Koepp/J. Harper/Stephen Elledge: How the cyclin became a cyclin - regulated proteolysis in the cell cycle. Cell 97 (1999), 431-434. 16595 Paul Nurse: A long twentieth century of the cell cycle and beyond. Cell 100 (2000), 71-78. 16596 J. Harper/Janet Burton/Mark Solomon: The anaphase promoting complex - it's not just for mitosis any more. Genes Dev. 16 (2002), 2179-2206. 16597 Jan-Michael Peters: The anaphase-promoting complex - proteolysis in mitosis and beyond. Mol. Cell 9 (2002), 931-943. 16598 David Morgan: Regulation of the APC and the exit from mitosis. Nature Cell Biol. 1 (1999), E 47-53. 16599 Paul De Witte: A single axiom for closure operations. Algebra Univ. 12 (1981), 268-269. 16600 Hans-Jürgen Bandelt/Jarmila Hedlikova: Median algebras. Discrete Math. 45 (1983), 1-30. 16601 Hans-Jürgen Bandelt: Endomorphism semigroups of median algebras. Algebra Univ. 12 (1981), 262-264. 16602 Hans-Jürgen Bandelt/Gerasimos Meletiou: The zero-completion of a median algebra. Czech. Math. J. 43 (1989), 409-417. 16603 Marlow Sholander: Medians, lattices, and trees. Proc. AMS 5 (1954), 808-812. 16604 Marlow Sholander: Trees, lattices, order, and betweenness. Proc. AMS 3 (1952), 369-381. 16605 Hans-Jürgen Bandelt/Marcel van de Vel: Embedding topological median algebras in products of dendrons. Proc. London MS 58/3 (1989), 439-453. 16606 John Isbell: Median algebra. Trans. AMS 260 (1980), 319-362. 16607 Karl-Peter Hadeler/Johannes Müller: Dynamical systems of population dynamics. Internet 2001, 22p. 16608 Paul Magwene/Paul Lizardi/Jun-hyong Kim: Reconstructing the temporal order of biological samples using microarray data. Bioinformatics 19/7 (2003), 842-850. 16609 S. Rifkin/Jun-hyong Kim: Geometry of gene expression dynamics. Bioinformatics 18 (2002), 1176-1183. 16610 Jun-hyong Kim: Slicing hyperdimensional oranges - the geometry of phylogenetic estimation. Mol. Phyl. Evol. 17/1 (2000), 58-75. 16611 Bernd Sturmfels/Seth Sullivant: Toric ideals of phylogenetic invariants. Internet 2003, 17p. 16612 Klaus Altmann/Bernd Sturmfels: The graph of monomial ideals. Internet 2002, 15p. 16613 Meera Sitharam/Mavis Agbandje-McKenna: Modelling virus self-assembly pathways - avoiding dynamics using geometric constraint decomposition. Internet 2004, 41p. 16614 Meera Sitharam/Mavis Agbandje-McKenna: Modelling virus self-assembly pathways using computational algebra and geometry. Internet 2004, 16p. 16615 Meera Sitharam/Miklos Bona: Counting and enumeration of self-assembly pathways for symmetric macromolecular structures. Internet 2004, 7p. 16616 Benny Chor/Amit Khetan/Sagi Snir: Maximum likelihood on four taxa phylogenetic trees - analytic solutions. Internet ca. 2001, 9p. 16617 Daniel Dix: Some problems in mathematical biochemistry. Internet ca. 2002, 14p. 16618 Michael Barnett: Computer algebra in the life sciences. Internet ca. 2003, 28p. 16619 Jun-hyong Kim: [Research topics.] Internet 2004, 6p. 16620 Elizabeth Allman/John Rhodes: Phylogenetic invariants for stationary base composition. Internet 2004, 15p. 16621 Elizabeth Allman/John Rhodes: Phylogenetic invariants for the general Markov model of sequence mutation. Internet 2003, 34p. 16622 Fabrizio Catanese/Serkan Hosten/Amit Khetan/Bernd Sturmfels: The maximum likelihood degree. Internet ca. 2004, 33p. 16623 Marlow Sholander: Medians and betweenness. Proc. AMS 5 (1954), 801-807. 16624 ZZ: [The PSA era is over, Thomas Stamey says.] Mail September 2004, 2p. 16625 James Sneyd: Review of the book "Nonlinear dynamics in physiology and medicine" edited by Beuter/Glass/Mackey/Titcombe. Bull. AMS 41/4 (2004), 559-564. 16626 Julian Havil: Gamma. Exploring Euler's constant. Princeton UP 2003, 260p. $21. 16627 Bernd Schröder: Ordered sets. Birkhäuser 2003, 390p. $52. 16628 Robert Weinberg: One renegade cell. Basic 1999, 170p. $12. 16629 Thomas Huckle: Jüdische Mathematiker im Dritten Reich. Internet ca. 2004, 25p. 16630 Michele Benzi: Aspects of Italian mathematics during the fascist period. Internet 2001, 46p. 16631 Udo Hebisch: Ebene und sphärische Trigonometrie. Internet 2001, 60p. Very beautiful. 16632 Carlo Sbordone: Renato Caccioppoli, nel centenario della nascita. Boll. UMI Mat. Soc. Cultura Agosto 2004, 193-214. 16633 Mauro Fabrizio: Intervista a Giuseppe Grioli. Boll. UMI Mat. Soc. Cultura Agosto 2004, 215-236. 16634 Edoardo Boncinelli: Il genoma umano come testo in attesa di decifrazione. Boll. UMI Mat. Soc. Cultura Agosto 2004, 237-247. 16635 Carlo Viola: Approssimazione diofantea, frazioni continue e misure d'irrazionalita'. Boll. UMI Mat. Soc. Cultura Agosto 2004, 291-320. 16636 Carlo Toffalori/Stefano Leonesi/Sonia L'Innocente: Cinquanta anni di teoria dei modelli. Boll. UMI Mat. Soc. Cultura Agosto 2004, 347-381. 16637 Rainer Maria Rilke: Die Gedichte. Insel 2004, 1140p. 16638 Lawrence Evans: Partial differential equations. AMS 2000, 660p. $75. 16639 Ignaz Semmelweis: The etiology, concept, and prophylaxis of childhood fever. Wisconsin UP 1983, 260p. $20. 16640 Bernhard Schölkopf/Koji Tsuda/Jean-Philippe Vert (ed.): Kernel methods in computational biology. MIT Press 2004, 400p. $50. 16641 Maurice Kendall: A course in the geometry of n dimensions. Dover 2004, 60p. $8. 16642 Paula Ludwig: Gedichte. Langewiesche-Brandt 1986, 320p. $24. 16643 Jürgen Jost: Partielle Differentialgleichungen. Springer 1998, 290p. Eur 30. 16644 Helmut Pottmann/Johannes Wallner: Computational line geometry. Springer 2001, 560p. Eur 87. 16645 Miles Reid: Undergraduate algebraic geometry. Cambridge UP 2001, 130p. $19. 16646 Claude Berge: The theory of graphs. Dover 2001, 250p. $11. 16647 Merran Evans/Nicholas Hastings/Brian Peacock: Statistical distributions. Wiley 2000, 220p. $62. 16648 John Derbyshire: Prime obsession. Plume 2004, 410p. $11. 16649 Michael Farber: Instabilities of robot motion. Internet 2002, 26p. 16650 Tamal Dey/Herbert Edelsbrunner/Sumanta Guha: Computational topology. Internet 1999, 24p. 16651 Claude Berge: Topological spaces. Dover 1997, 270p. $9. 16652 Gerhard Lindbichler/Georg Pflug: Leopold Schmetterer (1919-2004). IMN 197 (2004), 1-4. Leopold Schmetterer starb im April 2004 bei einem Autounfall. 16653 Marko Roczen: Gröbner bases and resultants. Internet 1999, 5p. When Gröbner bases fail, resultants may help. 16654 Marko Roczen: First steps with Gröbner bases. Internet 1998, 16p. 16655 Arne Dür: Programmieren für Mathematiker in C und C++. Skriptum Sommersemester 2003, 124p. 16656 Margaret Wright: The interior-point revolution in optimization theory - history, recent developments, and lasting consequences. Bull. AMS 41 (2004), ... 16657 John Baum: Elements of point set topology. Dover 1991, 150p. $9. 16658 Stephen Willard: General topology. Dover 2004, 370p. $17. 16659 Elizabeth Allman/John Rhodes: Mathematical models in biology. Cambridge UP 2004, 370p. $32. 16660 Joseph Felsenstein: Inferring phylogenies. Sinauer 2004, 660p. $62. 16661 Albert Messiah: Quantum mechanics. Dover 1999, 1130p. $21. 16662 David Bohm: Quantum theory. Dover 1989, 650p. $14. 16663 William Trotter: Combinatorics and partially ordered sets. Johns Hopkins UP 1992, 300p. $27. 16664 Francis Edward Su: The Banach-Tarski paradox. Internet 1990, 30p. 16665 Carl Lee: The Banach-Tarski paradox - how to disassemble a ball the size of a pea and reassemble it into a ball the size of the Sun. Internet 1992, 6p. 16666 Thomas Neukirchner: Das Banach-Tarski-Paradox. Internet 2002, 6p. 16667 John Bell: The axiom of choice and Zorn's lemma. Internet, 15p. 16668 John Bell: The axiom of choice. Internet, 2p. 16669 Angelo Mineo: Una guida all'utilizzo dell'ambiente statistico R. Internet 2003, 67p. 16670 C. Maunder: Algebraic topology. Dover 1996, 370p. $12. 16671 Martin Schechter: Operator methods in quantum mechanics. Dover 2002, 320p. $14. 16672 Michael Crawley: Statistical computing. An introduction to data analysis using S-Plus. Wiley 2004, 750p. $95. 16673 Robert Edwards: Functional analysis. Dover 1995, 770p. $18. 16674 Karl Stromberg: The Banach-Tarski paradox. Am. Math. Monthly 86 (1979), 151-161. 16675 Walter Deuber: Paradoxe Zerlegungen euklidischer Räume. Elemente der Math. 48 (1993), 61-75. 16676 Andrew Granville: It is easy to determine whether a given integer is prime. Bull. AMS 41/5 (2004), ... 16677 Günther Sawitzki: Einführung in S. Internet 2001, 81p. 16678 Wolfgang Huber/Anja von Heydebreck/Martin Vingron: Analysis of microarray gene expression data. Internet 2003, 37p. 16679 Wolfgang Huber/.../Martin Vingron: Variance stabilization applied to microarray data calibration and to the quantification of differential expression. Bioinformatics 18 (2004), S 96-104. 16680 ZZ: R language definition. Internet 2004, 56p. 16681 ZZ: R installation and administration. Internet 2004, 30p. 16682 Anthony Edwards: Human genetic diversity - Lewontin's fallacy. Bioessays 25 (2003), 798-801. 16683 Joseph Felsenstein: The troubled growth of statistical phylogenetics. Syst. Biol. 50/4 (2001), 465-467. 16684 Enrico Bombieri: The Rosetta stone of L-functions. Int. Math. Nachr. 196 (2004), 1-14. 16685 Christian Buchta/Rolf Schneider: Laudatio und Festvortrag zur Ehrenpromotion von Rolf Schneider in Salzburg. Int. Math. Nachr. 196 (2004), 78-86. 16686 Robert Tichy: Rudolf Heersink verstorben. Int. Math. Nachr. 196 (2004), 92-94. 16687 Daniel Pedoe: Geometry. Dover 1988, 450p. 16688 John Maindonald/John Braun: Data analysis and graphics using R. Cambridge UP 2004, 360p. $60. 16689 John Riordan: An introduction to combinatorial analysis. Dover 2002, 240p. $11. 16690 E. Verheul: Multimedians in metric and normed spaces. CWI 1993, 140p. Eur 18. 16691 Allyn Jackson: Comme appele' du neant. As if summoned from the void - the life of Alexandre Grothendieck. Part 2. Notices AMS November 2004, 1196-1212. 16692 Daniel Biss: The elephant in the Internet. Notices AMS November 2004, 1217-1219. 16693 G. Dunn/Brian Everitt: An introduction to mathematical taxonomy. Dover 2004, 150p. $10. 16694 George Grätzer: Math into Latex. Birkhäuser 2004, 580p. $35. 16695 Brian Everitt: A handbook of statistical analyses using S-Plus. Chapman & Hall 2002, 240p. $37. 16696 Michela Bertolani: Intervista con Mirella Manaresi. Internet 2000, 3p. 16697 Stan Wagon: The Banach-Tarski paradox. Cambridge UP 1994, 250p. $13. 16698 Bernard Gelbaum/John Olmsted: Counterexamples in analysis. Dover 2003, 190p. $11. 16699 John Fox: An R and S-Plus companion to applied regression. Sage 2002, 310p. $44. 16700 Werner Buxa: Bilder aus Ostpreußen. Dörfler ca. 2002, 210p. Eur 10. 16701 Alois Knoll/Thomas Christaller: Robotik. Fischer TB 2003, 120p. Eur 9. 16702 Volkmar Weiss: Die IQ-Falle. Stocker 2000, 310p. Eur 22. 16703 Klaus Dörner: Klinische Chemie und Hämatologie. Thieme 2003, 560p. Eur 30. 16704 Andrea Abele/Helmut Neunzert/Renate Tobies: Traumjob Mathematik! Birkhäuser 2004, 190p. Eur 28. 16705 Reinhold Bertlmann: Anomalies in quantum field theory. Oxford UP 2000, 570p. $85. 2813-5227. 16706 ZZ: Leistungsbegutachtungssysteme an staatlichen US-Universitäten. BM Bildung u. Forschung 2001, 68p. 16707 Brian Everitt/Sophia Rabe-Hesketh: Analyzing medical data using S-Plus. Springer 2001, 480p. $73. 16708 Sid Steward: PDF hacks. O'Reilly 2004, 280p. $18. 16709 Charles Geschke/John Warnock (ed.): PDF reference. Addison-Wesley 2001, 940p. $38. 16710 Amnon Sonnenberg: The diagnostic pursuit of gastrointestinal symptoms. Am. J. Gastroent. 96/2 (2001), 298-302. 16711 Amnon Sonnenberg: The wax and wane of intestinal autointoxications and visceroptosis - historical trends of real versus apparent new digestive diseaeses. Am. J. Gastroent. 97/11 (2002), 2695-2699. 16712 Amnon Sonnenberg: The end of diagnosis - when to stop testing. Am. J. Gastroent. 97/10 (2002), 2494-2498. 16713 Yoh Iwasa/Franziska Michor/Martin Nowak: Some basic properties of immune selection. J. Theor. Biol. 229 (2004), 179-188. 16714 James Murray: Mathematical biology II. Springer 2003, 810p. $68. 16715 Christopher Fall/Eric Marland/John Tyson/John Wagner (ed.): Computational cell biology. Springer 2002, 460p. $51. 16716 Franz Lemmermeyer: Elliptische Kurven I. Internet 1999, 150p. 16717 N. Mackintosh/E. Bennett: The fractionation of working memory maps onto different components of intelligence. Intelligence 31 (2003), 519-531. 16718 Susan Embretson: The role of working memory capacity and general control processes in intelligence. Intelligence 20 (1995), 169-189. 16719 Roberto Colom/Pei-chun Shi: Is working memory fractionated onto different components of intelligence? A reply to Mackintosh and Bennett (2003). Intelligence 32 (2004), 431-444. 16720 Joanne Ruthsatz/Douglas Dettermann: An extraordinary memory - the case study of a musical prodigy. Intelligence 31 (2003), 509-518. 16721 Robert Sternberg: Costs and benefits of defying the crowd in science. Intelligence 26 (1998), 209-215. 16722 Volkmar Weiss: The advent of a molecular genetics of general intelligence. Intelligence 20 (1995), 115-124. 16723 Antoine Lucas: The gmp package. Internet 2004, 8p. 16724 David Firth: CGIwithR - facilities for processing web forms using R. Internet 2003, 8p. 16725 Werner Ebeling/Jan Freund/Frank Schweitzer: Komplexe Strukturen - Entropie und Information. Teubner 1998, 260p. Eur 30. 16726 Volkmar Weiss: Der Clan aus Geld und Genen. Books on Demand 2003, 240p. Eur 21. 16727 Richard Herrnstein/Charles Murray: The bell curve. Free Press 1994, 870p. Eur 15. 16728 Mei-ling Ting Lee: Analysis of microarray gene expression data. Kluwer 2004, 370p. $70. 16729 Barry Cipra: A new testament for special functions? SIAM News 31/2 (1998), ... 16730 Daniel Lozier: NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions. Internet 2002, 18p. 16731 Bruce Miller/Abdou Youssef: Technical aspects of the Digital Library of Mathematical Functions. Internet 2002, 19p. 16732 Bonita Saunders/Qiming Wang: From 2D to 3D - numerical grid generation and the visualization of complex surfaces. Internet 2000, 8p. 16733 Bonita Saunders/Qiming Wang: Using numerical grid generation to facilitate 3D visualization of complicated mathematical functions. Internet 1999, 8p. 16734 Daniel Lozier: The DLMF project - a new initiative in classical special functions. Internet 1999, 14p. 16735 Daniel Lozier/Frank Olver: Numerical evaluation of special functions. Internet 2000 (math.nist.gov/nesf), 48p. 16736 Paul Bristow: A proposal to add mathematical functions for statistics to the C++ standard library. Internet 2004, 22p. 16737 Willard Miller: The Lie theory approach to special functions. Internet 2002, 56p. 16738 Willard Miller: Some applications of the representation theory of the euclidean group in three-space. Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 17 (1964), 527-540. 16739 E. Whittaker/G. Watson: A course of modern analysis. Cambridge UP 2003, 600p. $60. 16740 G. Watson: A treatise on the theory of Bessel functions. Cambridge UP 1996, 800p. $34. 16741 N. Lebedev: Special functions and their applications. Dover 1972, 310p. $11. 16742 Frank Olver: Airy and related functions. NIST Handbook, model chapter. Internet ca. 2002, 27p. 16743 William Thompson: Computing special functions of mathematical physics. Comput. Phys. Comm. 142 (2001), 1-6. 16744 Herwig Birg: Migrationsdiskurse in Deutschland zwischen Politik, Propaganda und Wissenschaft. Internet 2003, 30p. 16745 Herwig Birg: Perspektiven der Bevölkerungsentwicklung in Deutschland und Europa - Konsequenzen für die sozialen Sicherungssysteme. Internet 2000, 30p. 16746 Herwig Birg: Auswirkungen und Kosten der Zuwanderung nach Deutschland. Internet 2001, 56p. 16747 Volkmar Weiss: Universitätsstadt Leipzig. Internet 2003, 6p. 16748 Erik Koelnik: 8 lectures on quantum groups and q-special functions. Internet 1996, 82p. 16749 Wolfgang Grundmann/Bernd Luderer: Formelsammlung Finanzmathematik, Versicherungsmathematik, Wertpapieranalyse. Teubner 2003, 160p. Eur 20. 16750 Michael Koller: Stochastische Modelle in der Lebensversicherung. Springer 2000, 180p. Eur 20. 16751 Klaus Schmidt: Versicherungsmathematik. Springer 2002, 320p. Eur 30. 16752 Vincent Ferretti/David Sankoff: A remarkable nonlinear invariant for evolution with heterogeneous rates. Math. Biosci. 134 (1996), 71-83. 16753 Thomas Hagedorn: Determining the number and structure of phylogenetic invariants. Adv. Appl. Math. 24 (2000), 1-21. 16754 Thomas Hagedorn/Laura Landweber: Phylogenetic invariants and geometry. J. Theor. Biology 205 (2000), 365-376. 16755 Bryan Bergeron: Bioinformatics computing. Prentice-Hall 2003, 440p. $37. 16756 Jose' Pinheiro/Douglas Bates: Mixed-effects models in S and S-Plus. Springer 2000, 520p. $85. 16757 Kevin MacDonald: A people that shall dwell alone. Writers Club 2002, 480p. $33. 16758 George Andrews/Richard Askey/Ranjan Roy: Special functions. Cambridge UP 2000, 660p. $50. 16759 Stephen Krawetz/David Womble (ed.): Introduction to bioinformatics. Humana 2003, 750p. $90. 16760 Philip Bourne/Helge Weissig (ed.): Structural bioinformatics. Wiley 2003, 630p. $72. 16761 I. Gradshteyn/I. Ryzhik: Table of integrals, series, and products. Academic Press 2000, 1140p. $89. 16762 Martin Thurau: Die Gengräber. Interview mit Hans-Werner Mewes. Süddeutsche Zeitung 15. Februar 2001, L5. 16763 Sabrina Spencer/Matthew Berryman/Jose' Garcia/Derek Abbott: An ordinary differential equation model for the multistep transformation to cancer. J. Theor. Biol. 231 (2004), 515-524. 16764 Milton Abramowitz/Irene Stegun (ed.): Handbook of mathematical functions. Dover 1972, 1020p. $64. 16765 Mark Ablowitz/Athanassios Fokas: Complex variables. Cambridge UP 2003, 650p. $50. 16766 Jack Kuipers: Quaternions and rotation sequences. Princeton UP 2002, 370p. $30. 16767 John Horton Conway/Derek Smith: On quaternions and octonions. Peters 2003, 160p. $29. 16768 Frank Olver: Asymptotics and special functions. Peters 1997, 570p. $69. 16769 Einar Hille: Ordinary differential equations in the complex domain. Dover 1997, 480p. $14. 16770 Arthur Erdelyi: Asymptotic expansions. Dover 1956, 110p. $7. 16771 John Chambers/Trevor Hastie (ed.): Statistical models in S. CRC 1992, 610p. $68. 16772 Wendell Fleming: Review of the book "Extending H_\infty control to nonlinear systems" by Helton and James. Bull. AMS 38 (2000), 93-96. 16773 R. Farwig: Elementare partielle Differentialgleichungen. Skript zur Vorlesung. Internet 2003, 87p. 16774 Marcelo Aguiar/Frank Sottile: Structure of the Loday-Ronco Hopf algebra of trees. Internet 2004, 32p. 16775 Vito Ricci: Analisi delle serie storiche con R. Internet 2004, 64p. 16776 Vito Ricci: R - un ambiente opensource per l'analisi statistica dei dati. Internet 2004, 25p. 16777 Roberto Baggiani: Introduzione ad R. Internet 2004, 100p. 16778 Edward Titchmarsh: The theory of functions. Oxford UP 2002, 450p. $75. 16779 John Dettman: Applied complex analysis. Dover 1984, 480p. $14. 16780 Lauren Sompayrac: How the immune system works. Blackwell 2003, 130p. $27. 16781 Ludwig Bieberbach: Theorie der gewöhnlichen Differentialgleichungen. Springer 1965, 380p. 16782 Herbert Meschkowski: Hilbertsche Räume mit Kernfunktion. Springer 1962, 260p. 16783 Tristan Needham: Anschauliche Funktionentheorie. Oldenbourg 2001, 680p. Eur 54. 16784 Klemens Burg/Herbert Haf/Friedrich Wille: Funktionentheorie. Teubner 2004, 270p. Eur 30. 16785 Edoardo Sontag: Some new directions in control theory inspired by systems biology. Systems Biology 1 (2004), 9-18. 16786 David Angeli/Edoardo Sontag: Monotone control systems. IEEE Trans. Autom. Control. 48 (2003), 1684-1698. 16787 David Angeli/Edoardo Sontag: Interconnections of monotone systems with steady-state characteristics. Internet 2004, 20p. 16788 Edoardo Sontag/Boris Kholodenko/Anatoly Khiatkin: Inferring dynamic architecture of cellular networks using time series of gene expression, protein and metabolite data. Bioinformatics 20 (2004), 1877-1886. 16789 Joseph Pomerening/Edoardo Sontag/James Ferrell: Building a cell-cycle oscillator - hysteresis and bistability in teh activation of Cdc2. Nature Cell Biology 5 (2003), 346-351. 16790 Edoardo Sontag: Review of the book "Multidimensional systems theory" edited by N. Bose. Lin. Alg. Appl. 87 (1987), 273-278. 16791 Edoardo Sontag: On linear systems and noncommutative rings. Math. Syst. Th. 9 (1975), 327-344. 16792 Steven Krantz: Function theory of several complex variables. AMS Chelsea 2001, 560p. $55. 16793 Steven Krantz/Harold Parks: A primer of real analytic functions. Birkhäuser 2002, 200p. $68. 16794 Steven Krantz: Complex analysis - the geometric viewpoint. MAA 1990, 210p. $40. 16795 Konrad Knopp: Theory of functions I-II. Dover 1996, 150p. $10. 16796 Harold Edwards: Riemann's zeta function. Dover 2001, 310p. $11. 16797 Yoh Iwasa/Franziska Michor/Martin Nowak: Virus evolution within patients increases pathogenicity. J. Theor. Biol. 232 (2005), 17-26. 16798 Enciclopedia Universale Garzanti 2003. Garzanti 2003, 1760p. 16799 Lynn Steen/J. Seebach: Counterexamples in topology. Dover 1995, 240p. $9. 16800 Steven Krantz: A mathematician's survival guide. AMS 2003, 220p. $28. 16801 Steven Krantz: A primer of mathematical writing. AMS 1997, 210p. $20. 16802 Douglas Hanahan/Robert Weinberg: The hallmarks of cancer. Cell 100 (2000), 57-70. 16803 Norman Bleistein/Richard Handelsman: Asymptotic expansions of integrals. Dover 1986, 420p. $13. 16804 Hans Sagan: Introduction to the calculus of variations. Dover 1992, 450p. $14. 16805 Roland Schinzinger/Patricio Laura: Conformal mapping. Dover 2003, 580p. $33. 16806 Andrei Tikhonov/A. Samarskii: Equations of mathematical physics. Dover 1990, 760p. $13. 16807 Daniel Finkel a.o.: Communicating applied mathematics - four examples. Internet ca. 2003, 29p. 16808 ZZ: Biotech in Austria. Internet 2004, 122p. A directory of Austrian biotech companies. 16809 Ulrike Kastrup: Szenario Erdbeben. Internet ca. 2003, 8p. 16810 Geoforschungszentrum Potsdam: Merkblatt Erdbeben. GFZ Potsdam ca. 2002, 7p. 16811 Peter Bormann: Was ist die Magnitudo und was ist die Intensität eines Erdbebens? GFZ Potsdam ca. 2002, 4p. 16812 Geoforschungszentrum Potsdam: What to do if you experience an earthquake. GFZ Potsdam ca. 2002, 7p. English version of 16810. 16813 Holger Dambeck: Tsunamis lauern überall. Spiegel 28. Dezember 2004. 16814 J. May: A concise course in algebraic topology. Chicago UP 1999, 240p. $20. 16815 Francesc Rossello Llompart/Gabriel Valiente: Graph transformation in molecular biology. Internet ca. 2004, 16p. 16816 Francesc Rossello Llompart/Gabriel Valiente: Chemical graphs, chemical reaction graphs, and chemical graph transformation. Internet 2004, 10p. 16817 Francesc Rossello Llompart/Gabriel Valiente: Analysis of metabolic pathways by graph transformation. Springer LN CS 3256 (2004), 70-82. 16818 Christian Reidys/Peter Stadler: Biomolecular shapes and algebraic structures. Computers Chemistry 20 (1996), 85-94. 16819 Francesc Rossello Llompart: On Reidys and Stadler's metrics for RNA contact structures. Internet 2003, 8p. 16820 M. Labres/Francesc Rossello Llompart: A new family of metrics for biopolymer contact structures. Internet 2004, 34p. 16821 Francesc Rossello Llompart: Comparing biomolecular contact structures - the algebraic way. Internet 2004, 23p. 16822 Edward Ince: Ordinary differential equations. Dover 1956, 550p. $15. 16823 Harm Derksen/Jerzy Weyman: Quiver representations. Notices AMS February 2005, 200-206. 16824 Elske Ammenwerth a.o.: Übergreifende Forschungsschwerpunkte in der biomedizinischen Informatik an der UMIT. Internet 2004, 34p. 16825 Omar Colon-Reyes/Reinhard Laubenbacher/Bodo Pareigis: Boolean monomial dynamical systems. Internet 2004, 13p. 16826 Reinhard Laubenbacher/Bodo Pareigis: Update schedules of sequential dynamical systems. Internet 2002, 18p. 16827 Jeffrey Fox/Colin Hill: From topology to dynamics in biochemical networks. Chaos 11/4 (2001), 809-815. 16828 Jennifer Hallinan: Cluster analysis of the p53 genetic regulatory network - topology and biology. Internet 2004, 8p. 16829 Catherine Beauchemin: Modeling the immune system. Internet 2002, 26p. 16830 Michele Bezzi/Franco Celada/Stefano Ruffo/Philip Seiden: The transition between immune and disease states in a cellular automaton model of clonal immune response. Internet 1997, 34p. 16831 Reinhard Laubenbacher/Brandilyn Stigler: A computational algebra approach to the reverse engineering of genetic regulatory networks. J. Theor. Biol. 229 (2004), 523-537. 16832 Reinhard Laubenbacher: A computer algebra approach to biological systems. Internet 2003, 2p. 16833 Nicholas Eriksson: Biology and systems of polynomial equations. Internet 2003, 3p. 16834 Ruchira Datta: Leveraging algebra and logic to model biological systems. Internet ca. 2004, 7p. 16835 Michael Coombs/Abdul Jarrah/Reinhard Laubenbacher: Foundations of combinatorial time series analysis. Internet ca. 1997, 16p. 16836 Reka Albert: Boolean modeling of genetic regulatory networks. Springer LN Physics 650 (2004), 459-481. 16837 Shu-huong Gao/Virginia Rodrigues/Jeffrey Stroomer: Gröbner basis structure of finite sets of points. Internet 2003, 16p. 16838 Reka Albert/Hans Othmer: The topology of the regulatory interactions predicts the expression pattern of the segment polarity in Drosophila melanogaster. J. Theor. Biol. 223 (2003), 1-18. 16839 Dion Weatherley/Meng-fen Xia/Peter Mora: Correlation length evolution in cellular automata with long-range stress transfer. Internet ca. 2001, 6p. 16840 V. Keilis-Borok/P. Shebalin/Andrei Gabrielov/D. Turcotte: Reverse tracing of short-term earthquake precursors. Phys. Earth Plan. Int. ... (2004), ... 16841 A. Ribeiro a.o.: Undecidability in earthquake faulting - a review. Internet ca. 2002, 6p. 16842 A. Jimenez/A. Posadas/T. Hirata/J. Garcia: Probabilistic seismic hazard maps from seismicity pattern analysis - the Iberian Peninsula case. Nat. Hazards Earth System Sci. 4 (2004), 407-416. 16843 C. Barrett/Christian Reidys: Elements of a theory of computer simulation II. Sequential dynamical systems. Applied Math. Comp. 107 (2000), 121-136. 16844 Micah Leamer/Edward Green: Polynomial models of time series over (Z/p)^n. Internet 2003, 16p. 16845 Luis David Garcia/Michael Stillman/Bernd Sturmfels: Algebraic geometry of bayesian networks. Internet 2003, 30p. 16846 Karen Duca/Anselm Blumer/Mary Locuta/John Fleming: MHV recombination in vitro and in silico. Internet 2001, 1p. 16847 Maria Avino/Edward Green/Oscar Moreno: Applications of finite fields to dynamical systems and reverse-engineering problems. Internet 2004, 6p. 16848 Rene' Vidal/Yi Ma/Shankar Sastry: Generalized principal component analysis. Internet 2003, 8p. 16849 Rene' Vidal/Stefano Soatto/Yi Ma/Shankar Sastry: An algebraic-geometric approach to the identification of a class of linear hybrid systems. Internet 2003, 6p. 16850 Leon Glass: Combinatorial and topological methods in nonlinear chemical kinetics. J. Chem. Phys. 63 (1975), 1325-1335. 16851 Georges Weil/Kamel Heus/Thomas Faraut/Jacques Demongeot: The cyclic genetic code as a constraint satisfaction problem. Theor. Comp. Sci. 322 (2004), 313-334. 16852 Martin Matamala/Edoardo Moreno: Dynamic of cyclic automata over Z^2. Theor. Comp. Sci. 322 (2004), 369-381. 16853 Christoph Dürr/Ivan Rapaport/Guillaume Theyssier: Cellular automata and communication complexity. Theor. Comp. Sci. 322 (2004), 355-368. 16854 Heiner Schirmer: Medikamente für die Armen. Die Biomedizin des 21. Jahrhunderts darf nicht nur für die Minderheit der Wohlhabenden forschen. Spektrum Dezember 2004, 110-113. 16855 Klaus Pommerening: Fourier analysis of boolean maps. A tutorial. Internet 2003, 41p. Short version of 16951 Pommerening. 16856 Klaus Pommerening: Computersimulation dynamischer Systeme dargestellt am Beispiel der Räuber-Beute-Systeme und anderer Wachstumsmodelle aus der Ökologie. Internet 1987, 29p. 16857 Claudia Schlembach/Hans-Günther Schlembach: Businessplan. Cornelsen 2003, 130p. Eur 7. 16858 Frank Press/Raymond Siever: Allgemeine Geologie. Spektrum 2003, 720p. Eur 69. 16859 Jörg Ott: Meereskunde. Ulmer 1996, 420p. Eur 20. 16860 Götz Schneider: Erdbeben. Spektrum 2004, 250p. Eur 49. 16861 ZZ: New members of the EMS executive committee. EMS December 2004, 4. Olga Gil Medrano, Carlo Sbordone, Klaus Schmidt. 16862 K. Bullen/Bruce Bolt: An introduction to the theory of seismology. Cambridge UP 1987, 500p. $57. 16863 Christopher Scholz: The mechanics of earthquakes and faulting. Cambridge UP 2003, 470p. $47. 16864 Peter Shearer: Introduction to seismology. Cambridge UP 1999, 260p. $45. 16865 Donald Turcotte/Gerald Schubert: Geodynamics. Cambridge UP 2002, 460p. $45. 16866 Steven Krantz: How to teach mathematics. AMS 1999, 310p. $24. 16867 Alexandru Dimca: Sheaves in topology. Springer 2004, 240p. $50. 16868 Augustin Udias: Principles of seismology. Cambridge UP 2000, 470p. $60. 16869 Erling Andersen: Introduction to the statistical analysis of categorical data. Springer 1997, 260p. $75. 16870 Hans Weinberger: A first course in partial differential equations. Dover 1995, 440p. $14. 16871 Andrew Murray/Tim Hunt: The cell cycle - an introduction. Oxford UP 1993, 250p. $30. 16872 A. Campbell/Laurie Heyer: Discovering genomics, proteomics, and bioinformatics. Benjamin Cummings 2003, 350p. $81. 16873 Seth Stein/Michael Wysession: An introduction to seismology, earthquakes, and Earth structure. Blackwell 2003, 500p. $57. 16874 Paola Flocchini/Elena Lodi/Fabrizio Luccio/Linda Pagli/Nicola Santoro: Dynamic monopolies in tori. Discrete Appl. Math. 137/2 (2004), 197-212. 16875 Kurt Kohn: Molecular interaction map of the mammalian cell cycle control and DNA repair system. Mol. Biol. Cell 10 (1999), 2703-2734. 16876 Erich Lehmann: Testing statistical hypotheses. Springer 1986, 600p. $69. 16877 Stephen Wolfram: A new kind of science. Wolfram Media 2002, 1280p. $45. 16878 Renzo Pirino/Maurilio Usai: Guida agli squali del Mediterraneo. EDAI 1991, 210p. 16879 Scott Aaronson: Review of the book "A new kind of science" by Stephen Wolfram. Internet 2003, 16p. 16880 Ray Kurzweil: Reflections on Stephen Wolfram's "A new kind of science". Internet 2003, 10p. 16881 I. Duursma/C. Renteria/H. Tapia-Recillas: Reed-Muller codes on complete intersections. Internet ca. 1996, 13p. 16882 Carlos Moreno: Basic introduction into coding theory. Internet 2004, 43p. 16883 Gary Mullen/Igor Shparlinski: Open problems and conjectures in finite fields. LN London MS 233 (1996), 243-268. 16884 Stefan Dodunekov/Juriaan Simonis: Codes and projective multisets. El. J. Comb. 5 (1998), ... 16885 Ivan Landjev: The geometric approach to linear codes. Internet ca. 2001, 10p. 16886 Thomas Honold/Ivan Landjev: Linear codes over finite chain rings. Internet 1999, 22p. 16887 Thomas Honold/Werner Heise: Coding theory and applications to communication technologies. Internet 2002, 47p. 16888 Ivan Landjev: Linear codes over finite fields and finite projective geometries. Discrete Math. 213 (2000), 211-244. 16889 C. Renteria/Horacio Tapia-Recillas: Reed-Muller codes - an ideal theory approach. Comm. Algebra 25/2 (1997), 401-413. 16890 N. Sloane: Error-correcting codes and invariant theory. Am. Math. Monthly 84 (1977), 82-107. 16891 Jonathan Rowe/Michael Vose/Alden Wright: Group properties of crossover and mutation. Internet ca. 2002, 33p. 16892 Charles Sealsfield: Das Kajütenbuch. Langen Müller 2003, 380p. Eur 10. 16893 Raymond Seroul: Programming for mathematicians. Springer 2000, 430p. Eur 37. 16894 Peter Clote/Evangelos Kranakis: Boolean functions and computation models. Springer 2002, 600p. Eur 44. 16895 Attilio Milano: Storia degli ebrei in Italia. Einaudi 1992, 730p. 16896 Vito Ricci: Rappresentazione analitica delle distribuzioni statistiche con R. Internet 2005, 23p. 16897 Mati Kilp/Ulrich Knauer/Alexander Mikhalev: Monoids, acts and categories. De Gruyter 2000, 530p. $149. 16898 Mauro Costantini/Hans Zacher: The finite simple groups have complemented subgroup lattices. Pacific J. Math. 213 (2004), 245-251. The authors answer a long-standing open question in group theory. 16899 Stewart Stonehewer/Hans Zacher: Abelian quasinormal subgroups of groups. Rend. Mat. Lincei 9/15 (2004), 69-79. 16900 Arjeh Cohen/Scott Murray/D. Taylor: Computing in groups of Lie type. Math. Comput. 73 (2004), 1477-1498. 16901 Laszlo Babai a.o.: Short presentations for finite groups. J. Algebra 194 (1997), 79-112. 16902 Akos Seress: An introduction to computational group theory. Notices AMS June 1997, ... 16903 Bernd Friedrichs: Kanalcodierung. Springer 1996, 510p. Eur 68. 16904 Hans-Dieter Zollondz: Grundlagen Marketing. Cornelsen 2003, 120p. Eur 7. 16905 Helmut Pruscha: Vorlesungen über mathematische Statistik. Teubner 2000, 360p. Eur 34. 16906 Heinrich Dörrie: Ebene und sphärische Trigonometrie. Oldenbourg 1950, 520p. 16907 F. Bergeron/G. Labelle/P. Leroux: Combinatorial species and tree-like structures. Cambridge UP 1998, 460p. $102. 16908 B. van der Waerden: Mathematische Statistik. Springer 1965, 360p. 16910 Helmut Pruscha: Angewandte Methoden der mathematischen Statistik. Teubner 1989, 390p. 16911 Peter Cameron: Finite geometry and coding theory. Internet 1999, 60p. 16912 Gerhard Trageser: Die Tsunami-Katastrophe. Spektrum 2005/2, 10-11. 16913 Ulf Dittmer: Viren mißbrauchen Immunzellen als Schutzschild. Spektrum 2005/2, 16-17. 16914 Oliver Koch: Pyrrhus läßt grüßen. Spektrum 2005/2, 20-21. 16915 Ronald Pelrine: Stabil in der Schwebe. Spektrum 2005/2, 38-44. 16916 Stefanie Reinberger/Bernd Müller: Jugend aus der Tube. Spektrum 2005/2, 83-86. 16917 Yoh Iwasa/Franziska Michor/Natalia Komarova/Martin Nowak: Population genetics of tumor suppressor genes. J. Theor. Biol. 233 (2005), 15-23. 16918 Franziska Michor a.o.: Can chromosomal instability initiate tumorigenesis? Sem. Cancer Biol. 15 (2005), 43-49. 16919 Daniel Speiser a.o.: Rapid and strong human CD8+ T cell response to vaccination with peptide, IFA, and CpG oligodeoxynucleotide 7909. J. Clin. Invest. 3 February 2005, 8p. 16920 W. Huffman/Vera Pless: Fundamentals of error-correcting codes. Cambridge UP 2003, 640p. $85. 16921 Michael Aschbacher: Finite group theory. Cambridge UP 2000, 300p. $37. 16922 Wilhelm Magnus/Abraham Karrass/Donald Solitar: Combinatorial group theory. Dover 2004, 440p. $20. 16923 Michael Aschbacher: The status of the classification of the finite simple groups. Notices AMS August 2004, 736-740. There was a serious gap in the classification, which has only recently been closed. 16924 Syd Logan: Gtk+ programming in C. Prentice Hall 2001, 830p. 16925 John Dixon/Brian Mortimer: Permutation groups. Springer 1996, 340p. $60. 16926 Daniel Gorenstein: Finite groups. Harper & Row 1968, 520p. 16927 Bruce Sagan: The symmetric group. Springer 2001, 240p. $48. 16928 Gordon James/Martin Liebeck: Representations and characters of groups. Cambridge UP 2001, 460p. $34. 16929 Frank Brown: Boolean reasoning. Dover 2003, 290p. $12. 16930 Bertram Wehrfritz: Finite groups. World Scientific 1999, 120p. $28. 16931 I. Isaacs: Character theory of finite groups. Dover 1994, 300. $9. 16932 John Rose: A course on group theory. Dover 1994, 310p. $10. 16933 Roger Lyndon/Paul Schupp: Combinatorial group theory. Springer 2001, 340p. $35. 16934 Colleen Kelly/Gary Churchill: Biases in amino acid replacement matrices and alignment scores due to rate heterogeneity. J. Comp. Biol. 3 (1996), 307-318. 16935 Prakash Nadkarni a.o.: DNA workbench - a database package to manage regional physical mapping. J. Comp. Biol. 3 (1996), 319-329. 16936 Thomas Fischbacher: Lisp. Internet 1999, 8p. 16937 Andreas Geissel: [C in Perl.] Internet 1999, ca. 12p. 16938 Gisle Aas: PerlGuts illustrated. Internet ca. 2000, 23p. Very useful and well organized. 16939 Thomas Fischbacher: The lambda calculus. Internet 2003, 10p. 16940 Helmut Herold: C-Kompaktreferenz. Addison-Wesley 2002, 460p. Eur 26. 16941 Klaus Sandmann: Einfu''hrung in die Stochastik der Finanzma''rkte. Springer 2001, 520p. Eur 30. 16942 Hans-Joachim Bo''ckenhauer/Dirk Bongartz: Algorithmische Grundlagen der Bioinformatik. Teubner 2003, 350p. Eur 30. 16943 Wilfried Hausmann/Kathrin Diener/Joachim Ka''sler. Derivate, Arbitrage und Portfolio-Selection. Vieweg 2002, 430p. Eur 30. 16944 Martin Kreuzer/Lorenzo Robbiano: Computational commutative algebra 1. Springer 2000, 320p. Eur 43. 16945 Tim Converse/Joyce Park: PHP bible. Wiley 2002, 1010p. Eur 35. 16946 R. Bailey/Peter Cameron a.o.: Designs on the Web. Internet 2004, 23p. 16947 Peter Cameron: Designs. Internet ca. 2004, 2p. 16948 Peter Cameron: Combinatorial and statistical design. Internet 2003, 7p. 16949 R. Bailey/Peter Cameron: Latin squares in experimental design. Internet 2003, 3p. 16950 Tom Edgar: Finite projective geometries and linear codes. MS thesis Fort Collins 2004, 48p. 16951 Klaus Pommerening: Linearitätsmaße für Boolesche Funktionen. Internet 2003, 143p. 16952 Claude Carlet/Sihem Mesnager: On the supports of Walsh transforms of boolean functions. Internet 2004, 12p. 16953 Peter Cameron: Permutation groups. Cambridge UP 1999, 220p. $35. 16954 William Smart: Textbook on spherical astronomy. Cambridge UP 1990, 430p. $48. 16955 Thomas Cutler: Dutton's nautical navigation. Naval Inst. Press 2004, 440p. $34. 16956 Peter Weiss: Hans Knapp (1935-2004). IMN 197 (2004), 5-7. 16957 I. Isaacs: Review of the book "Character theory of finite groups" by B. Huppert. Bull. AMS 36/4 (1999), 488-492. 16958 T. Lam: Representations of finite groups - a hundred years. Part I. Notices AMS March 1998, 361-372. 16959 T. Lam: Representations of finite groups - a hundred years. Part II. Notices AMS April 1998, 465-474. 16960 Stefano Iacus/Guido Masarotto: Laboratorio di statistica con R. McGraw-Hill 2003, 380p. Eur 29. 16961 David Maslen/Daniel Rockmore: Generalized FFTs - a survey of some recent results. Internet 1995, 55p. 16962 Daniel Rockmore: Recent progress and applications in group FFTs. Internet 2005, 27p. 16963 Daniel Rockmore: The FFT - an algorithm the whole family can use. Internet 2000, 5p. 16964 David Maslen/Daniel Rockmore: Adapted diameters and the efficient computation of FFTs on groups. Internet 1995, 10p. 16965 David Maslen/Daniel Rockmore: The Cooley-Tukey FFT and group theory. Notices AMS November 2001, 1151-1163. 16966 David Dummit/Richard Foote: Abstract algebra. Wiley 2004, 930p. $113. "Now as before, this excellent textbook on modern abstract algebra is extremely comprehensive, versatile, didactically pronounced, mathematically rigorous, conceptually and methodically up-to-date, masterly composed and clearly written. ... unique features that make this (meanwhile classic) text a true marvel, namely the unflagging lucidity and fullness, the cultured and vivid exposition, the great flexibility for students and instructors wishing to pursue a number of important areas of modern algebra, the authors' hints for doing so, the rigorous and carefully thought-out proofs, the encouraging ease in explaining also the more advanced topics, and the wealth of material to choose from. ... the book under review is one of the greatest textbooks in modern mathematics ..." (W. Kleinert) 16967 Daniel Rockmore/.../Peter Stadler: Fast Fourier transforms for fitness landscapes. Internet circa 2000, 18p. 16968 Yee-hwa Yang/Terry Speed: Design issues for cDNA microarray experiments. Nature Reviews Genetics August 2002, 579-588. 16969 Henrik Spliid: Design and analysis of experiments with k factors having p levels. Internet 2002, 121p. 16970 Klaus Pommerening: Boolesche Funktionen. Internet ca. 2003, 22p. Contained in 16951 Pommerening. 16971 Michael Heideman/Don Johnson/C. Burrus: Gauss and the history of the fast Fourier transform. Arch. Hist. Exact Sci. 34/3 (1985), 265-277. "... il lavoro di J.W. Cooley e J.W. Tukey risale all'aprile 1965. Tuttavia, ben presto ci si avvide che gia' nel 1942 era stato pubblicato un algoritmo simile da G.C. Danielson e C. Lanczos, i quali a loro volta facevano riferimento a due articoli di C. Runge del 1903 e del 1905. Ulteriori successive ricerche permisero alla fine di stabilire che procedure analoghe erano state usate gia' nel 1805 dal solito C.F. Gauss -- e' nota la battuta secondo cui quello della FFT sia stato il 1001-esimo algoritmo di Gauss!" (Paolo Marincola). 16972 Marshall Hall: Block designs. In 1331 Beckenbach, 369-405. 16973 Elbert Brigham: The fast Fourier transform and its applications. Prentice-Hall 1988. 16974 Michael Vose/Alden Wright: The simple genetic algorithm and the Walsh transform I. Internet 1998, 24p. 16975 Michael Vose/Alden Wright: The simple genetic algorithm and the Walsh transform II. Internet 1998, 15p. 16976 Sami Khuri: Transform methods - Walsh analysis, Walsh transforms. Internet (Handbook of Evol. Comp.) 1995, 5p. 16977 Peter Köhler: Gruppentheoretische Algorithmen. Internet 2001, 37p. 16978 Wieb Bosma/John Cannon: An introduction to permutation group algorithms. Internet ca. 1993, 29p. 16979 Markus Grassl/Wolfgang Globke: Algorithmen für Gruppen und Codes. Internet 2005, 59p. 16980 James Massey: The discrete Fourier transform in coding and cryptography. Internet ca. 1997, 2p. 16981 Shu-hong Gao: A new algorithm for decoding Reed-Solomon codes. Internet 2002, 11p. 16982 B. Rajan/Moon-ho Lee: Quasi-cyclic dyadic codes in the Walsh-Hadamard transform domain. Internet 2002, 7p. 16983 R. Blahut: Transform techniques for error control codes. IBM J. Res. Dev. 23/3 (1979), 299-315. 16984 S. Gudvangen: Practical applications of number theoretic transforms. Internet 1999, 6p. 16985 Akos Seress: Permutation group algorithms. Cambridge UP 2003, 260p. $61. 16986 Alexander Hulpke: Konstruktion transitiver Permutationsgruppen. Dissertation Aachen 1996, 159p. 16987 Alexander Hulpke: Zur Berechnung von Charaktertafeln. Diplomarbeit Aachen 1993. 16988 John Conway/Alexander Hulpke/John McKay: On transitive permutation groups. Internet ca. 2005, 48p. 16989 Alexander Hulpke: Constructing transitive permutation groups. J. Symb. Comp. 39 (2005), 1-30. 16990 Jochen Brüning: Review of the book "Mathematicians under the nazis" by Sanford Segal. Notices AMS April 2005, 435-438. 16991 D. Hughes/F. Piper: Design theory. Cambridge UP 1988, 240p. 16992 Hans Bandemer/Wolfgang Näther: Theorie und Anwendung der optimalen Versuchsplanung II. Akademie-Verlag 1980, 590p. 16993 Volker Strehl: Diskrete und schnelle Fouriertransformation. Internet 1994, 35p. 16994 Hans Bandemer: Theorie und Anwendung der optimalen Versuchsplanung I. Akademie-Verlag 1977, 480p. 16995 William Cochran/Gertrude Cox: Experimental design. Wiley 1992, 620p. $45. 16996 James Murray: Mathematical biology I. Springer 2002, 550p. $52. 16997 Peter John: Statistical design and analysis of experiments. SIAM 1998, 360p. $52. 16998 Zvi Kohavi: Switching and finite automata theory. McGraw-Hill 20003, 660p. $52. 16999 Dietrich Burde: Cohomology of groups with applications to number theory. Internet 2009, 74p. 17000 Joachim Neubüser: An invitation to computational group theory. Internet 1993, 25p.