17001 Charles Sims: Computational group theory. Internet (Handbook of computer algebra) 1998, 28p. 17002 Hans Ulrich Besche/Bettina Eick/E. O'Brien: The groups of order at most 2000. El. Res. Ann. AMS 7 (2001), 1-4. 17003 Bettina Eick/Delaram Kahrobaei: Polycyclic groups - a new platform for cryptology? Internet ca. 2005, 7p. 17004 Bettina Eick: Frattini group generation. Internet 1995, 14p. 17005 Peter Bloomfield: Fourier analysis of time series - an introduction. Wiley 2000, 270p. 17006 I. Etherington: Genetic algebras. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh 59 (1939), 242-258. 17007 Richard Schafer: Structure of genetic algebras. Am. J. Math. 71 (1949), 121-135. 17008 S. Bernstein: Demonstration mathematique de la loi d'heredite' de Mendel. CR Ac. Sci. Paris 177 (1923), 528-531. 17009 Sandro Mattarei/Gino Favero: Un'introduzione alla teoria della rappresentazione di gruppi finiti. Internet ca. 1998, 57p. 17010 Alessia Raimondi: Struttura mediana e ramificazione di alberi con evoluzione temporale. Tesi Ferrara 2005. 17011 Timothy Van Zandt: seminar.sty user's guide. Internet 1993, 41p. 17012 Frederic Goualard/Peter Moller Neergaard: Making slides in Latex with Prosper. Internet ca. 2000, 11p. 17013 Simonetta Bonomi/Lorenza Perini/Rossella Ruzza: Da Mansio Fossis a Portus Laureti a Loreo - 2000 anni di storia del Delta del Po. Regione Veneto 2004, 60p. 17014 John Humphreys: A course in group theory. Oxford UP 2004, 280p. $47. 17015 Otto Kegel/Federico Menegazzo/Hans Zacher (ed.): Group theory. Springer LN 1281 1987. 17016 Roland Schmidt: Untergruppenverb�de endlicher aufl�barer Gruppen. In 17015 Kegel/, 130-150. 17017 Ben Brewster/Michael Ward/Qinhai Zhang: On self-normality and abnormality in the alternating group of prime power degree. Internet 2002, 16p. 17018 Anton Betten/Harald Fripertinger/Adalbert Kerber/Alfred Wassermann/ Karl-Heinz Zimmermann: Codierungstheorie. Springer 1998, 340p. Eur 39. Truly beautiful. 17019 Rudolf Hame: Sph�ische Trigonometrie. Ehrenwirth ca. 2000, 140p. Eur 20. 17020 Johann Gottfried Seume: Spaziergang nach Syrakus im Jahre 1802. Insel 2001, 460p. Eur 14. 17021 Marshall Hall: Combinatorial theory. Wiley 1998, 440p. $105. 17022 Steven Krantz: Review of "A new kind of science" by Stephen Wolfram. Bull. AMS 40 (2003), 143-150. 17023 David Yaukey/Douglas Anderson: Demography. Waveland 2001, 400p. $35. 17024 Andrew Hinde: Demographic methods. Arnold 1998, 300p. $35. 17025 Jay Weinstein/Vijayan Pillai: Demography. Allyn and Bacon 2001, 450p. $66. 17026 Donald Rowland: Demographic methods and concepts. Oxford UP 2003, 540p. $40. 17027 Audrey Terras: Fourier analysis on finite groups and applications. Cambridge UP 2001, 440p. $23. 17028 Richard Blahut: Algebraic codes for data transmission. Cambridge UP 2003, 480p. $70. 17029 John Humphreys/M. Prest: Numbers, groups and codes. Cambridge UP 2004, 340p. $43. Very elementary. 17030 Marie Davidian/David Giltinian: Nonlinear models for repeated measurement data. Chapman and Hall 1998, 360p. $65. Useful. 17031 David Farmer: Groups and symmetry. AMS 1996, 100p. $17. At high-school level or little more, but nice and interesting. 17032 Florence MacWilliams/Neil Sloane: The theory of error-correcting codes. North-Holland 2003, 760p. $137. Well worth the price. 17033 Michael Vose: The simple genetic algorithm. MIT Press 1999, 250p. $47. 17034 Bernard Beauzamy: Real life mathematics. Irish Math. Soc. Bull. 48 (2002), 43-46. 17035 A. Kurosh: The theory of groups. 2 volumes. Chelsea. 17036 Paulo Ney de Souza/Jorge-Nuno Silva: Berkeley problems in mathematics. Springer 2004, 590p. $45. 17037 Richard Tolimieri/Myoung An/Chao Lu: Algorithms for discrete Fourier transforms and convolution. Springer 1997, 280p. 17038 E. Lyapin/A. Aizensthat/M. Lesokhin: Exercises in group theory. Plenum. 17039 Antonio Machi': Introduzione alla teoria dei gruppi. Feltrinelli 1974. Very beautiful with many exercises. 17040 Hans Bezemer: And so Forth. Internet 2001, 82p. 17041 H. Recktenwald: Einfhrung in die Forth-Programmierung. Internet 2004, 49p. 17042 Neal Crook a.o.: Gforth. Internet 2003, 257p. 17043 Phil Spector: An introduction to S-Plus. Internet 1999, 11p. 17044 Phil Spector: Writing functions in S-Plus. Internet ca. 1999, 9p. 17045 Phil Spector: Statistical models and graphics in S-Plus. Internet ca. 1999, 19p. 17046 Phil Spector: An introduction to R. Internet 2004, 10p. 17047 Crystal Technology: We are growing. Internet ca. 2004, 20p. 17048 John Verzani: Simple R - using R for introductory statistics. Internet 2002, 114p. 17049 Raymond Hill: A first course in coding theory. Oxford UP 2004, 250p. $49. 17050 J. Alperin/Rowen Bell: Groups and representations. Springer 1995, 200p. $30. 17051 Olaf Manz: Representations of solvable groups. Cambridge UP 1993, 300p. $48. 17052 Murray Spiegel/John Schiller/R. Srinivasan: Probabilita' e statistica. McGraw-Hill (Schaum's) 2000, 400p. Eur 23. 17053 Stephen Bernstein/Ruth Bernstein: Statistica inferenziale. McGraw-Hill (Schaum's) 2003, 400p. Eur 25. 17054 Mauro Cerasoli: Il fascino discreto di Gian Carlo Rota. Internet 1999, 10p. 17055 Lamberto Soliani: Il disegno sperimentale - campionamento, programmazione dell'esperimento e potenza. Internet 2004, 62p. Chapter 23 of a large collection of beautiful teaching resources for statistics. 17056 Shlomo Sternberg: Group theory and physics. Cambridge UP 2003, 430p. $48. 17057 Uwe Ligges: Programmieren mit R. Springer 2005, 230p. Eur 30. 17058 Dubravko Dolic: Statistik mit R. Oldenbourg 2004, 240p. Eur 29. 17059 Jonathan Alperin: Review of the books by Suzuki and Huppert/Blackburn. Bull. AMS 10/1 (1984), 121-123. 17060 Phil Spector: An introduction to S and S-Plus. Wadsworth 1994, 290p. $79. 17061 Benjamin Baumslag/Bruce Chandler: Schaum's outline of theory and problems of group theory. McGraw-Hill 1968, 280p. $12. 17062 John Dixon: Problems in group theory. Dover 1973, 180p. $9. 17063 Julian Faraway: Linear models with R. Chapman & Hall 2005, 220p. $64. 17064 Richard Heiberger/Burt Holland: Statistical analysis and data display. Springer 2004, 730p. $78. 17065 Brian Everitt: An R and S-Plus companion to multivariate analysis. Springer 2005, 220p. $70. 17066 Rainer Schlittgen: Statistische Auswertungen. Oldenbourg 2004, 340p. Eur 29. 17067 Christoph Pöope: Arithmetische Primzahlfolgen beliebiger Länge. Spektrum 2005/4, 114-117. Ben Green und Terence Tao haben bewiesen, daß es arithmetische Folgen beliebiger Länge gibt, die nur aus Primzahlen bestehen. Die längste bekannte derartige Folge wurde von Markus Frind, Paul Jobling und Paul Underwood gefunden; sie besteht aus den 23 Primzahlen 56211383760397 + 44546738095860 k für k=0,...,22. 17068 Ben Green: Linear equations in the primes: past, present and future. Internet 2005, 15p. 17069 Ben Green/Terence Tao: The primes contain arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions. Ann. Math. 167 (2008), 481-547. 17070 David Bailey/Jonathan Borwein: Experimental mathematics - examples, methods and implications. Notices AMS May 2005, 502-514. 17071 John Verzani: Using R for introductory statistics. Chapman and Hall 2005, 420p. $45. 17072 Stefan Berchtold/Christian Böhm/Hans-Peter Kriegel: The pyramid technique - towards breaking the curse of dimensinality. Internet 1998, 12p. 17073 Luke Tierney: Name space management for R. R News 3/1 (2003), 2-5. 17074 Gisli Hjaltason/Hanan Samet: Ranking in spatial databases. Internet 1995, 13p. 17075 Christopher Langmead/C. McClung/Anthony Yan/Bruce Donald: Phase-independent rhythmic analysis of genome-wide expression patterns. J. Com. Biol. 10/3-4 (2003), 521-536. 17076 Christian B�m/Karin Kailing/Peer Kr�er/Hans-Peter Kriegel: Immer gr�ere und komplexere Datenmengen - Herausforderungen fr Clustering-Algorithmen. Datenbank-Spektrum 9 (2004), ... 17077 Peter Huber: Projection pursuit. Ann. Statistics 13 (1985), 435-475. A very important paper. Techniques for finding interesting projections from high-dimensional data spaces. 17078 Helmut Sinzinger: Wilhelm Holczabek. Wiener Klin. Wschr. 113/19 (2001), 752-753. 17079 Jrgen L�ter/Ekkehard Glimm/Siegfried Kropf: Multivariate tests based on left-spherically distributed linear scores. Ann. Statistics 26 (1998), 1972-1988. 17080 Guy Nason: Three-dimensional projection pursuit. Internet ca. 1996, 30p. 17081 Guy Nason: Design and choice of projection indices. PhD thesis Bath Univ. 1992, 142p. 17082 Guy Nason: Robust projection indices. Internet 2000, 30p. 17083 Jia-yang Sun: Projection pursuit. Internet ca. 1995, 11p. 17084 Donald Morrison: Multivariate statistical methods. Thomson 2005, 460p. Eur 32. 17085 Derek Holt/Bettina Eick/Eamonn O'Brien: Handbook of computational group theory. Chapman and Hall 2005, 510p. $90. 17086 Horst Rinne: Statistische Analyse multivariater Daten. Oldenbourg 2000, 240p. Eur 34. 17087 Manfred Tiede: Statistik. Regressions- und Korrelationsanalyse. Oldenbourg 1987, 450p. Eur 34. 17088 Steven Millard/Andreas Krause (ed.): Applied statistics in the pharmaceutical industry. Springer 2001, 510p. $85. 17089 Erhard Scholz: Felix Hausdorff and the Hausdorff edition. EMS Newsletter March 2005, 23-25. 17090 Ingo Rechenberg: Evolutionsstrategie '94. Frommannn-Holzboog 1994, 430p. Eur 48. 17091 Thomas Wickens: The geometry of multivariate statistics. Erlbaum 1995, 160p. $36. 17092 Pascal Bernard: Tsunamis im Mittelmeer? Spektrum 2005/4, 34-41. 17093 Herbert Brekle: Vom Rinderkopf zum Abc. Spektrum 2005/4, 44-51. 17094 Jeffery Taubenberger/Ann Reid/Thomas Fanning: Das Killervirus der spanischen Grippe. Spektrum 2005/4, 52-60. 17095 Z. Herman/A. Stamatovic/A. Castleman: Foreword. Int. J. Mass Spectrometry 233 (2004), ix-x. 17096 Jin-wook Seo/Ben Shneiderman: A rank-by-feature framework for interactive exploration of multidimensional data. Internet ca. 2005, 26p. 17097 Antoine de Falguerolles/Felix Friedrich/Gnther Sawitzki: A tribute to J. Bertin's graphical data analysis. Internet ca. 1998, 11p. 17098 Sten Henrysson/Otto Haseloff/Hans Joachim Hoffman: Kleines Lehrbuch der Statistik für Naturwissenschaftler, Mediziner, Psychologen, Sozialwissenschaftler und Pädagogen. De Gruyter 1960, 170p. Eine sehr sch�e elementare Einfhrung, die auch dem Mathematiker gef�lt. 17099 Hellmuth Kneser: Funktionentheorie. Vandenhoeck 1958, 420p. 17100 Fortunato Pesarin: Multivariate permutation tests with applications in biostatistics. Wiley 2001, 410p. Eur 84. 17101 Daniel Carr: Graphical displays. Internet 2002, 28p. 17102 Petra Jacoby: Neue Hoffnung auf Malariaimpfstoff. Spektrum 2005/5, 20-22. 17103 Rainer Lenzen/Wolfgang Brandner: Lichtschwach, aber gewichtig. Spektrum 2005/5, 23-26. 17104 Charles Lineweaver/Tamara Davis: Der Urknall - Mythos und Wahrheit. Spektrum 2005/5, 38-47. 17105 Gary Stix: Datenschutz mit Quantenschlsseln. Spektrum 2005/5, 68-73. 17106 Uwe Reichert/Georg Wolschin: Relativit�, Quantentheorie und gro� Vereinigung. Ein Interview mit Hermann Nicolai. Spektrum 2005/5, 84-87. 17107 Frank Ufen: Besprechung des Buches "Der Tanz um das goldene Kalb" von Josef Reichholf. Spektrum 2005/5, 99-100. 17108 Hermann Feldmeier: Besprechung des Buches "Expedition ins Reich der Seuchen" von J. Grntzig und H. Mehlhorn. Spektrum 2005/5, 104-105. 17109 Eugene Schenkman: Group theory. Van Nostrand 1965, 290p. 17110 Persi Diaconis: Group representations in probability and statistics. Inst. Math. Statistics Hayward 1988, 200p. 17111 Ellen Kirkman/James Maxwell/Colleen Rose: 2004 annual survey of the mathematical sciences. Notices AMS 52/2 (2005), 236-251. 17112 ZZ: Empfehlung der Kommission der Europ�schen Gemeinschaften ber die Europ�sche Charta fr Forscher und einen Verhaltenskodex fr die Einstellung von Forschern. Internet 2005, 17p. 17113 Brian Ripley: Packages and their management in R 2.1.0. R News 5/1 (2005), 8-11. 17114 Henning Harmuth: Sequency theory - foundations and applications. Academic Press 1977. 17115 Alessandra Brazzale: hoa - an R package bundle for higher order likelihood inference. R News 5/1 (2005), 20-27. 17116 Ray Brownrigg/David Harte: Using R for statistical seismology. R News 5/1 (2005), 31-35. 17117 William Venables: Mind your language. R News 2/2 (2002), 24-26. On parse, eval, do.call, substitute. 17118 Hermann Deuser: Kleine Einfhrung in die Systematische Theologie. Reclam 2005, 200p. Eur 5. 17119 Joseph Ratzinger: Glaube - Wahrheit - Toleranz. Herder 2004, 220p. Eur 17. 17120 Joseph Ratzinger: Einfhrung in das Christentum. K�el 2005, 360p. Eur 22. 17121 ZZ: Die Hunnen in antiken Quellen. Internet ca. 2000, 7p. 17122 Antonio Fasano: Qualche considerazione sulla matematica industriale in Italia. Boll. UMI VIII-A Aprile 2005, 83-106. 17123 Adam Coffman/Marc Frantz: M�ius transformations and ellipses. Internet 2004, 9p. 17124 Gabor Grothendieck/Thomas Petzold: Date and time classes in R. R News 4/1 (2004), 29-31. 17125 Brian Ripley/Kurt Hornik: Date-time classes. R News 1/2 (2001), 8-11. 17126 Theodore Anderson: An introduction to multivariate statistical analysis. Wiley 2003, 710p. $87. 17127 Dominik Wodarz/Natalia Komarova: Computational biology of cancer. World Scientific 2005, 250p. $48. 17128 Lauren Sompayrac: How cancer works. Jones and Bartlett 2004, 110p. $27. 17129 Adam Lipowski: Periodicity of mass extinctions without an extraterrestrial cause. Internet 2005, 4p. 17130 Jesse Martinez a.o.: Molecular biology of cancer. Internet 2003, 50p. 17131 Keith Loeb/Lawrence Loeb: Genetic instability and the mutator phenotype. Studies in ulcerative colitis. Am. J. Pathol. 154/6 (1999), 1621-1626. 17132 Lawrence Loeb: A mutator phenotype in cancer. Cancer Res. 61 (2001), 3230-3239. 17133 Sassan Niasseri: Personalpolitik bei BMW. Internet (Spiegel) 2005, 3p. Jugendwahn ist Unsinn. 17134 Daniel Asimov/Andreas Buja: The grand tour via geodesic interpolation of 2-frames. Internet 1994, 9p. 17135 Andreas Buja/Deborah Swayne: Visualization methodology for multidimensional scaling. J. Classification 19 (2002), 7-43. 17136 Andreas Buja/Deborah Swayne/.../Heike Hofmann: Interactive data visualization with multidimensional scaling. Internet 2004, 32p. 17137 Andreas Buja/Dianne Cook/Daniel Asimov/Catherine Hurley: Computational methods for high-dimensional rotations in data visualization. Internet 2004, 26p. 17138 Andreas Buja/Dianne Cook/Daniel Asimov/Catherine Hurley: Theory of dynamic projections in high-dimensional data visualization. Internet 2004, 53p. 17139 George Gopen/Judith Swan: The science of scientific writing. Am. Scientist 78 (1990), 550-558. 17140 Serge Lang: On the AMS Notices publication of Krieger's translation of Weil's 1940 letter and comments on nonreferences in Weil's work. Notices AMS 52/6 (2005), 612-622. 17141 Warren Sanderson/Sergei Scherbov: Average remaining lifetimes can increase as human populations age. Nature 9 June 2005, 811-813. 17142 F. Macdonald/C. Ford/A. Casson: Molecular biology of cancer. Garland 2004, 270p. $50. 17143 Bernhard Flury: A first course in multivariate statistics. Springer 1997, 700p. $99. 17144 ZZ: Zum 80. Geburtstag von Prof. Dr. Rohen. Internet 2001, 2p. 17145 Enrico Marro: Concorsi combinati negli atenei. Corriere della Sera 16 giugno 2005, ... 17146 Elvira Naselli: Gastroscopia senza paura. La Repubblica, suppl. La Salute, 6 febbraio 2003. L'esofagogastroduodenoscopia transnasale. Con un elenco dei centri in cui viene effettuata. 17147 Fausto Barberani: La gastroscopia nasale. Internet 2004, ... 17148 Hans-Joachim Gabius: Erfahrungen eines Biochemikers mit der Medizin. Internet 1999, 4p. 17149 Roberto Perotti: Concorsi riformati, un inutile pasticcio. Il Sole 24 Ore 21 giugno 2005, ... 17150 Fausto Barberani/.../Sandro Boschetto: Transnasal gastroscopy - the first preliminary experience in operative digestive endoscopy through transnasal route. AJG September 2003, Suppl., S 283. 17151 Peter Belafsky/Gregory Postman/Elena Daniel/James Koufman: Transnasal esophagoscopy. Otorinolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery 125/6 (circa 2001), 588-589. 17152 E. Ciliberto/C. Frandina/G. Monti: Feasiblity and tolerability of transnasal gastroscopy. Internet ca. 2002, 1p. 17153 Gregory Postma/Peter Belafsky/.../James Koufman: The evaluation of esophageal function using transnasal esophagoscopy. Otorinolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery 129/2 (ca. 2003), P 59. 17154 Kia Saeian: Unsedated transnasal endoscopy (the Shaker technique) - an alternative for assessment of supraesophageal complications of gastroesophageal reflux. Am. J. Medicine 115/3A (2003), 144S-149S. 17155 I. Stroppa/.../A. Farinon: Prospective evaluation of feasibility and patient tolerance of transnasal esophagogastroduodenoscopy. Internet ca. 2002, 1p. 17156 ZZ: Patients swallow camera-in-a-pill to help doctors check for diseases of esophagus. Internet 2005, 2p. 17157 Douglas Faigel a.o. (ed.): Ensuring competence in endoscopy. ASGE circa 2004, 34p. 17158 David Staff/Reza Shaker: Aging in the gastrointestinal tract. Disease a Month 47/3 (2001), 69-101. 17159 E. Abbas/P. Dham/D. Shaker: A multicenter clinical trial in the Arab world. Transpl. Proc. 36 (2004), 1801-1804. 17160 Walter Hogan/Reza Shaker: A critical review of endoscopic therapy of gastroesophageal reflux disease. Am. J. Med. 115/3A (2003), 201S-210S. 17161 David Staff/.../Reza Shaker/Walter Hogan: Does open access endoscopy close the door to an adequately informed patient? Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 52/2 (2000), 212-217. 17162 Reza Shaker/David Staff: Unsedated transnasal laryngo-esophagogastroduodenoscopy - an alternative to conventional endoscopy. Am. J. Med. 111/8A (2001), 153S-156S. 17163 Reza Shaker: Nighttime GERD - clinical implications and therapeutical challenges. Best Treat. Res. Clin. Gastroenterology 18/S (2004), 31-38. 17164 Seckin Ulualp/Robert Toohill/Reza Shaker: Pharyngeal acid reflux in patients with single and multiple otolaryngic disorders. Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery December 1999, 725-730. 17165 Reza Shaker/Ivan Lang: Reflex mediated airway protective mechanisms against retrograde aspiration. Am. J. Med. 103/6A (1997), 64S-73S. 17166 Walter Hogan/Reza Shaker: Medical treatment of supraesophageal complications of gastroesophageal reflux disease. Am. J. Med. 111/8A (2001), 197S-201S. 17167 Kia Saeian/David Staff/.../Reza Shaker: Unsedated transnasal endoscopy - a new technique for accurately detecting and grading esophageal varices in cirrhotic patients. Am. J. Gastroenterology 97/9 (2002), 2246-2249. 17168 Hyman Bass: Mathematics, mathematicians, and mathematics education. Bull. AMS ... (2005), ... 17169 Anastasia Myskina: An interview. Internet, 24 June 2005, 3p. 17170 Jesper Lagergren/Reinhard Bergstr�/Anders Lindgren/Olof Nyren: Symptomatica gastroesophageal reflux as a risk factor for esophageal adenocarcinoma. New England J. Med. 340 (1999), 825-831. 17171 Hashem El-Serag/Edward Hepworth/Patty Lee/Amnon Sonnenberg: Gastroesophageal reflux disease is a risk factor for laryngeal and pharyngeal cancer. Am. J. Gastroenterology 96/7 (2001), 2013-2018. 17172 Atif Zaman/Ronald Hapke/Geronimo Sahagun/Ronald Katon: Unsedated peroral endoscopy with a video ultrathin endoscope - patient acceptance, tolerance, and diagnostic accuracy. Am. J. Gastroenterology 93 (1998), 1260-1263. 17173 Irshad Manji: Quando abbiamo smesso di pensare? Guanda 2004, 250p. Eur 13. 17174 Amedeo Gerardi (ed.): Spagna Sud. Touring 2004, 300p. Eur 26. 17175 Jean Jacques Schmidt/Lucia Avallone/Maurizio Bagatin: L'arabo senza sforzo. Assimil 2003, 260p. + 4 CD. Eur 98. 17176 Brigitte Hintzen-Bohlen: Andalusia. K�emann 2000, 530p. 17177 Orlando Guntinas-Lichius/Hans Eckel: Temporary reduction of salivation in laryngectomy patients with pharyngocutaneous fistulas by botulinum toxin A injection. Laryngoscope 112 (2002), 187-189. 17178 Anne-Laure Boulesteix/Korbinian Strimmer: Predicting transcription factor activities from combined analysis of microarray and chip data - a partial least squares approach. Theor. Biol. Med. Modell. ... (2005), ... 17179 Denys Wheatley: A new journal - "Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling". Theor. Biol. Med. Modell. 2/21 (2005). 17180 Khaldon Saleh/Nadine Smith: A 63 element 1.75 dimensional ultrasound phased array for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Biomedical Engineering Online 4/39 (2005). 17181 Swaroop Singh/Desok Kim/James Mohler: Java Web Start based software for automatic quantitative nuclear analysis of prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia. Biomedical Engineering Online 4/31 (2005). 17182 Gregory Ippolito/Christian Schmidt/Chhaya Das/Philip Tucker: Towards open access. Molecular Cancer 4/20 (2005). 17183 Anne Turner Bruno: The Arab women. Internet, perhaps 1971, 15p. 17184 Zeba Khan: The hijab. Internet ca. 2003, 3p. 17185 Wolfgang Khnel: Taschenatlas der Zytologie, Histologie und mikroskopischen Anatomie. Thieme 2002, 530p. 17186 Thorsten Pohle/Wolfram Domschke: Gastro�ophageale Refluxkrankheit (GERD) - Barrett-�ophagus. Unimed 2002, 110p. 17187 Ann Elizabeth Mayer: Women's lives n the muslim Middle East - the true lies of cultural stereotyping. Internet ca. 1996, 40p. 17188 Ann Elizabeth Mayer: Islam, human rights, and gender - traditions and politics. Internet ca. 2002, 60p. 17189 Ann Elizabeth Mayer: The convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women - the political nature of religious reservations. Internet 2005, 27p. 17190 Ann Elizabeth Mayer: Debating the universality of human rights. Internet ca. 2000, 27p. 17191 Ann Elizabeth Mayer: Islam as a political law - an assessment of recent developments in Pakistan and Iran. Internet ca. 2001, 32p. 17192 Ann Elizabeth Mayer: Not taking rights seriously. Internet ca. 2002, 48p. 17193 Ann Elizabeth Mayer: Protecting women's rights. Internet ca. 2001, 12p. 17194 Ann Elizabeth Mayer: Reconsidering the human rights framework for applying islamic criminal law. Internet ca. 2005, 5p. 17195 Smokey Ardisson: An introduction to the Arab world. Internet ca. 2003, 2p. 17196 Claude Cahen: Der Islam I. Fischer Weltgeschichte 14, 1968, 380p. Eur 14. 17197 Peter Reuter/Christine Reuter: Taschenw�terbuch Medizin. Englisch-Deutsch und Deutsch-Englisch. Thieme 2002, 950p. Eur 33. 17198 Ingrid Friedbichler/Michael Friedbichler: Fachwortschatz Medizin Englisch. Sprachtrainer und Fachw�terbuch. Thieme 2003, 850p. Eur 49. 17199 Amin Maalouf: Der Heilige Krieg der Barbaren. dtv 2004, 300p. Eur 13. 17200 Sigrid Hunke: Allahs Sonne ber dem Abendland. Fischer TB 2005, 370p. Eur 10. 17201 Roberto Poppi: I registi dal 1930 ai giorni nostri. Gremese 2002, 450p. 17202 Pietro Izzo/Lorenzo Corvi/Marco Mion: Come si fa un video digitale. Tecniche Nuove 2004, 180p. Eur 10. 17203 Philippe Simon/Marie-Laure Bouet: Invenzioni. Larus 2005, 120p. Eur 12. 17204 Anneliese Legat/Tilmann Reuther: Universit�spolitische Positionen des Universit�slehrerverbandes 2004. Internet 2004, 8p. 17205 Bernhard Tillmann: Atlas der Anatomie des Menschen. Springer 2005, 700p. Eur 84. 17206 Johannes Rohen: Topographische Anatomie. Schattauer 2000, 440p. Eur 36. 17207 Achim Wagenknecht: VHS-Kassetten auf DVD. Data Becker ca. 2004, Eur 10. 17208 Peter Klau: DVD-Rekorder. Moderne Industrie 2004, 210p. Eur 10. 17209 Mona Mikhail: Seen and heard. A century of Arab women in literature and culture. Olive Branch 2004, 170p. $11. 17210 Howard Rowland: Let's read the Arabic newspapers. Int. Book Centre 1997, 280p. $20. 17211 W. Wright: Arabic grammar. Dover 2005, 440p. $22. 17212 Reinhart Dozy: Spanish Islam - a history of the Muslims in Spain. Kessinger ca. 2000, 770p. $35. 17213 Nada Mourtada-Sabbah/Adrian Gully: I am, by God, fit for high positions. On the political role of women in al-Andalus. Brit. J. Middle Eastern Stud. 30/2 (2003), 183-209. 17214 Asaad Abu-Khalil: Women in the Middle East. Foreign Policy Infocus September 2000, 4p. 17215 Edward Manstein: [Uses of English I]. Internet 2004, 3p. 17216 Edward Manstein: [Uses of English II]. Internet 205, 4p. 17217 Giorgio Sitta: DVD come vuoi tu. Crea dischi d'autore con audio, foto e video. Apogeo 2004, 300p. Eur 6. 17218 Alessandro Di Pietro: Gli elettrodomestici della casa sana e sicura. Red 2001, 140p. Eur 8. 17219 Peter Klau: Camcorder fr Ein- und Aufsteiger. Humboldt 2005, 170p. Eur 15. 17220 Rudi Schmidts: Grundlagen der digitalen Videoproduktion mit DV. Books on Demand 2003, 150p. Eur 23. 17221 Daniela Mair: E-Learling - das Drehbuch. Springer 2005, 220p. Eur 48. 17222 Frank Thissen (ed.): Multimedia-Didaktik in Wirtschaft, Schule und Hochschule. Springer 2003, 290p. Eur 30. 17223 ZZ: Arcispedale S. Anna di Ferrara. Carta dei servizi. Pagine Gialle 2005, 56p. 17224 ZZ: Ferrara in tasca. 2002, 70p. 17225 ZZ: Miniguida di Ferrara. Cirelli & Zanirato 1997, 64p. 17226 Lorenzo Borghi e.a.: Giardino delle capinere. Tosi 2001, ca. 70p. 17227 ZZ: Parco Massari. Tosi 2000, 4p. 17228 ZZ: Ferrara - pianta della citta' e degli alberghi. 17229 ZZ: Ferrara - pianta della citta'. Con le localita' di Barco e Pontelagoscuro. 17230 ZZ: Ferrara in bicicletta. Pianta. 17231 ZZ: Le valli di Comacchio. Pianta. 17232 ZZ: Carta dei servizi del Corpo di Polizia Municipale di Ferrara. Calderini 2004, 60p. 17233 ZZ: Pagine utili - Ferrara e provincia. 2003, 130p. 17234 Daniela Beretta a.o.: 1000 piante e fiori per il giardino. DVE 2005, 650p. Eur 15. 17235 Michael Mackey/Moises Santillan: Mathematics, biology, and physics - interactions and interdependence. Notices AMS September 2005, 832-840. 17236 Jennifer Slimowitz/Scott Weidman: What mathematics is required to make use of genomic data? Notices AMS September 2005, 829. 17237 Christos Ouzounis: Bioinformatics and the theoretical foundations of molecular biology. Bioinformatics 18/3 (2002), 377-378. 17238 Geoffrey McLachlan/R. Bean/D. Peel: A mixture model-based approach to the clustering of microarray expression data. Bioinformatics 18/3 (2002), 413-422. 17239 Christophe Ambroise/Geoffrey McLachlan: Selection bia in gene extraction on the basis of microarray gene-expression data. Proc. Nat. Ac. Sci. ... (2002), ... 17240 T. Moothathu: Traveling with a point x. Internet ca. 2004, 10p. The little essays by Moothathu make a good introduction to topological dynamics! 17241 T. Moothathu: A ballad on topological dynamics. Internet 2004, 18p. An unusual and not bad organized collection of main results. 17242 T. Moothathu: The algebra of topological dynamics. Internet ca. 2004, 10p. An introduction to the Ellis semigroup. 17243 T. Moothathu: Transitivity of linear maps. Internet ca. 2004, 6p. 17244 T. Moothathu: A step to step start to scattering. Internet ca. 2004, 7p. Scattering is, in this context, a mixing property. 17245 T. Moothathu: Two lectures on minimality. Internet ca. 2004, 7p. 17246 T. Moothathu: Reporting some papers on scrambled sets. Internet ca. 2004, 22p. On proximality and chaoticity. 17247 Yuri Mansury/Thomas Deisboeck: The impact of search precision in an agent-based tumor model. J. Theor. Biol. 224 (2003), 325-337. 17248 ZZ: Ferrara 2005 - tuttocitta'. 17249 Anton Arnold: Nichtlineare partielle Differentialgleichungen. Internet 2004, 110p. 17250 Leila Ahmed: Women and gender in Islam. Yale UP 1992, 300. $19. 17251 Margaret Sullivan Pepe: The statistical evaluation of medical tests for classification and prediction. Oxford UP 2004, 300p. $70. 17252 Nizar Kabbani: Arabian love poems. Lynne Rienner 1999, 220p. $17. 17253 Fridhelm Bchele: Digitales Filmen. Galileo 2005, 280p. Eur 22. 17254 Viola Shafik: Arab cinema. American Univ. Cairo 2004, 250p. $16. 17255 Fatima Mernissi: Beyond the veil. Indiana UP 1987, 200p. $14. 17256 Fatima Mernissi: Dreams of trespass. Tales of a harem childhood. Perseus 1995, 240p. $12. 17257 James Dickins/Sandor Hervey/Ian Higgins: Thinking Arabic translation. Routledge 2005, 250p. $35. 17258 Ann Elizabeth Mayer: Islam and human rights. Westview 1999, 260p. $26. 17259 Henry George Farmer: A history of Arabian music to the 13th century. Luzac Oriental 1994, 260p. $24. 17260 Roger Allen: An introduction to Arabic literature. Cambridge UP 2002, 260p. $33. 17261 Robert Hillenbrand: Islamic art and architecture. Thames & Hudson 2004, 290p. $12. 17262 Mohammad Abd Al-Aziz: Briefeschreiben auf Arabisch. Diwan 2004, 80p. Eur 13. 17263 Fouad Al-Auwad: Das elfte Gebot. Schiler 2004, 120p. Eur 15. 17264 Sebastian Eissenhauer: Relativs�ze im Vergleich. Waxmann 1999, 200p. Eur 25. 17265 Suleman Taufiq (ed.): Frauen in der arabischen Welt. dtv 2005, 210p. Eur 9. 17266 Doris Behrens-Abouseif: Sch�heit in der arabischen Kultur. Beck 1998, 240p. Eur 17. 17267 Christian Houzel: Die Rolle von Nicolas Bourbaki in der Mathematik des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts. Int. Math. Nachr. 198 (2005), 3-14. 17268 Lawrence Summers: Remarks at NBER conference on diversifying the science & engineering workforce. Internet 2005. 17269 Haifa Zangana: Women of the new Iraq. Al-Ahram Weekly 16 August 2005, ... 17270 Robert Acland: DVD atlas of human anatomy. 6 DVD. $210. Together approximately 15 hours (150' on each DVD). A masterpiece. 17271 Statsoft: Experimental design. Internet 2003, 57p. 17272 Statsoft: Statistica Design of Experiments. Internet 2004, 3p. 17273 James Perry/David Morton: Photo atlas for botany. Wadsworth 1998, 140p. $51. 17274 Bernd Diekmann/Klaus Heinloth: Energie. Teubner 1997, 460p. Eur 34. 17275 Wolfgang Geller: Thermodynamik fr Maschinenbauer. Springer 2005, 370p. Eur 33. 17276 Hans Dieter Baehr: Thermodynamik. Springer 2005, 650p. Eur 59. 17277 A. Fowler: Mathematical models in the applied sciences. Cambridge UP 1998, 400p. $43. 17278 Hiroshi Arakawa/Huseyin Saribasak/Jean-Marie Buerstedde: Immunoglobulin-Genkonversion oder Hypermutation - das ist die Frage. Internet ca. 2005, 6p. 17279 Matthias Aschenbrenner/Wai-yan Pong: Orderings of monomial ideals. Internet 2004, 39p. 17280 Geoffrey McLachlan/David Peel: Finite mixture models. Wiley 2000, 420p. $99. 17281 Geoffrey McLachlan/Kim-anh Do/Christophe Ambroise: Analyzing microarray gene expression data. Wiley 2004, 320p. $84. 17282 Wolfgang Gr�ner: Applicazione del calcolo vettoriale alla geometria algebrica. Sem. Mat. Univ. Ferrara VIII/1 (1951), 63-68. 17283 Alex Martelli: Python per programmatori. Internet 2005, 60p. Una guida utilissima. 17284 John Shipman: Tkinter reference. Internet 2005, 83p. 17285 Wolfgang Schulz/M. Burchardt/M. Cronauer: Molecular biology of prostate cancer. Molecular Human Reprod. 9/8 (2003), 437-438. 17286 Viktor Prasolov: Polynomials. Springer 2004, 300p. Eur 63. 17287 George Box/J. Hunter/William Hunter: Statistics for experimenters. Wiley 2005, 630p. $100. 17288 Alex Martelli/Guido van Rossum (ed.): Python success stories I. Internet ca. 2003, 31p. 17289 Alex Martelli/Guido van Rossum (ed.): Python success stories II. Internet ca. 2003, 23p. 17290 Eric Raymond: Why Python? Internet 2000, 7p. 17291 Franziska Michor/.../Martin Nowak: Dynamics of chronic myeloid leukemia. Nature 435 (2005), 1267-1270. 17292 Dorota Gertig/David Hunter: Genes and environment in the etiology of colorectal cancer. Sem. Cancer Biol. 8 (1998), 285-298. 17293 Jong-bin Kim: Three-dimensional tissue culture models in cancer biology. Sem. Cancer Biol. 15 (2005), 365-377. 17294 Ruo-xiang Wang/.../Leland Chung: Three-dimensional co-culture models to study prostate cancer growth, progression, and metastasis to bone. Sem. Cancer Biol. 15 (2005), 353-364. 17295 Giovanni Dalu/.../Francesca Guarnieri/Valerio Capecchi: The hydrological onset and withdrawal index (HOWI) for the West African monsoon. Internet ca. 2005, 10p. 17296 Alberto Farci: Spazi topologici e gruppi associati. Tesi Ferrara 2005. 17297 John Shipman: Python Imaging Library (PIL). Internet 2005, 11p. 17298 Fredrik Lundh/Matthew Ellis: Python Imaging Library overview. Internet 2002, 77p. 17299 Jörg Lehmann/Andre' Wobst: PyX 0.10 reference manual. Internet 2007, 84p. 17300 Gert-Ludwig Ingold: Some frequently and not so frequently asked questions about Pyx (version 0.8.1). Internet 2005, 14p. 17301 Adobe: Encapsulated PostScript file format specification. Internet 1992, 34p. 17302 Robert Miner: The importance of MathML to mathematics communication. Notices AMS May 2005, 532-538. 17303 Michael Weigend: Python gepackt. Mitp 2005, 570p. Eur 17. 17304 Hans Petter Langtangen: Python scripting for computational science. Springer 2004, 720p. Eur 52. 17305 Allyn Jackson: Interview with Heisuke Hironaka. Notices AMS October 2005, 1010-1019. 17306 Gerd-Rdiger Burmester/Antonio Pezzutto: Color atlas of immunology. Thieme 2003, 320p. $40. 17307 Ben Greenstein/Adam Greenstein: Color atlas of neuroscience. Thieme 2000, 440p. $38. 17308 James Perry/David Morton: Photo atlas for biology. Wadsworth 1996, 150p. $28. A wonderful atlas. 17309 Mark Lutz/David Ascher: Programmare con Python. Hoepli 2004, 650p. Eur 42. 17310 William Adams/Philippe Loustaunau: An introduction to Gr�ner bases. AMS 1994, 280p. $39. 17311 John Zelle: Python programming. Franklin 2004, 510p. $40. 17312 Alex Martelli: Python in a nutshell. O'Reilly 2003, 630p. $24. 17313 Douglas Montgomery: Design and analysis of experiments. Wiley 2005, 640p. Eur 59. 17314 Wilhelm Kleppmann: Taschenbuch Versuchsplanung. Hanser 2003, 300p. Eur 30. 17315 Wolmer Vasconcelos (ed.): Computational methods in commutative algebra and algebraic geometry. Springer 2004, 400p. $50. 17316 David Eisenbud: The geometry of syzygies. Springer 2005, 240p. $30. 17317 Don Lancaster: Converting between PostScript strings, integers, arrays, and dictionaries. Internet, 8p. 17318 Don Lancaster: PostScript insider secrets. Byte May 1990, 381-389. 17319 Don Lancaster: PostScript secrets. Synergetics 1989, 140p. 17320 Don Lancaster: Some PostScript transparency experiments using Acrobat 5.0. Internet, 7p. 17321 Wolfgang Schulz: Molecular biology of human cancers. Springer 2005, 510p. $83. Very good and advanced, but well written. 17322 NRC: Mathematics and 21st century biology. Nat. Academies 2005, 150p. $35. A little expensive for the rather generic content. 17323 Don Lancaster: Gonzo PostScript utilities. Internet 1996, 35p. 17324 Bernd Sturmfels: What is a Gr�ner basis? Notices AMS November 2005, ... 17325 David Morton/James Perry: Photo atlas for anatomy and physiology. Wadsworth 1998, 150p. $48. 17326 Pavi Sandhu: The MathML handbook. River 2003, 520p. $28. 17327 Kurt Cagle: SVG programming - the graphical Web. Apress 2002, 590p. $33. 17328 William Casselman: Mathematical illustration. Cambridge UP 2005, 320p. $40. A very useful introduction to geometrical PostScript programming. 17329 William Casselman: A review of the book "Visual explanations" by E. Tufte. Notices AMS January 1999, 43-46. 17330 Arno Helmberg: Skriptum Krebsentstehung. Internet 2004, 28p. 17331 Arno Helmberg: Skriptum Abwehr und Immunologie. Internet 2004, 60p. 17332 Arno Helmberg: Skriptum Leberfunktionsst�ungen. Internet 2005, 18p. 17333 Don Lancaster: Some PostScript disk access notes. Internet, 14p. 17334 Ulf Rehmann: Digital Mathematics Library - some technical and organisatorial suggestions. Internet ca. 2002, 5p. 17335 ZZ: Adobe celebrates two decades of publishing revolution. Adobe 2004, 8p. 17336 Henry Scheffe': The analysis of variance. Wiley 1999, 480p. $74. 17337 Peter Vollenweider: PostScript fr Workstations. Addison-Wesley 1992, 300p. 17338 Jeff Fox: ANSI Forth is ANTI Forth. Internet 1999, 4p. 17339 Stephen Pelc: Programming Forth. Internet 2005, 180p. A good, detailed introduction. 17340 Vladimir Lange: Be a survivor. Your guide to breast cancer treatment. Lange 2005, 180p. $17. 17341 David Mertz: Text processing in Python. Addison-Wesley 2003, 520p. $35. 17342 Giorgio Patrizio: Intervista a Guido Zappa. Boll. UMI Mat. Soc. Cult. VIII-A Agosto 2005, 241-260. 17343 Giorgio Talenti: Necrologio di Carlo Pucci. Boll. UMI Mat. Soc. Cult. VIII-A Agosto 2005, 357-377. 17344 Yannis Haralambous: The traditional Arabic typecase extended to the Unicode set of glyphs. Internet 1997, 18p. 17345 Yannis Haramboulos: Typesetting the Holy Qur'a_n with TEX. Internet 1992, 21p. 17346 Hermann Zapf: Lifestory of Hermann Zapf. Internet, 16p. An autobiography. 17347 David Byram-Wigfield: Practical PostScript. Cappella Archive 2000, 91p. 17348 Jaan Kiusalaas: Numerical methods in engineering with Python. Cambridge UP 2005, 420p. $85. 17349 Jürgen Richter-Gebert/Bernd Sturmfels/Thorsten Theobald: First steps in tropical geometry. Internet 2003, 29p. 17350 Robert Dewar/Robert Hummel: A gentle introduction to the Setl2 programming language. Internet ca. 2000, 26p. 17351 Roberto De Leo: An invitation to Setl. Linux Journal ... (2004), ... 17352 Roland Psenner: Gibt es Leben im Vostoksee? Vjschr. Natf. Ges. Zrich 150/3-4 (2005), 57-67. 17353 Karl-Heinz Altmann: Die Natur als Arzneimittelhersteller und als Quelle der Inspiration fr den Chemiker - die Bedeutung von Naturstoffen in der Arzneimittelforschung. Vjschr. Natf. Ges. Zrich 150/3-4 (2005), 97-105. 17354 Walter Moreira/Gregory Warnes: RPy reference manual. Internet 2004, 27p. 17355 Martin Aigner: Diskrete Mathematik. Vieweg 2004, 360p. Eur 26. 17356 Edward Conklin/Elizabeth Rather: Forth programmer's handbook. Forth Inc. 2004, 230p. $72. A little expensive. 17357 Julian Noble: Scientific Forth. Mechum Banks 1992, 310p. $40. 17358 S. Roberts: Forth applications. Elcomp ca. 1988, 150p. $10. 17359 John Deubert: A name look-up procedure. Acumen J. November 2003, 8-18. 17360 John Deubert: Printing text along an arc. Acumen J. November 2002, 10-23. 17361 John Deubert: Recursive programming in PostScript. Acumen J. June 2003, 14-32. 17362 John Deubert: String concatenation and NullEncode. Acumen J. December 2003, 14-23. 17363 John Deubert: Case statements in PostScript. Acumen J. April 2001, PST 1-10. 17364 Anna Maria Sigmund/Peter Michor/Karl Sigmund: Leray in Edelbach. Int. Math. Nachr. 199 (2005), 1-16. 17365 Elizabeth Rather: Forth application techniques. Forth Inc. 2004, 160p. $29. 17366 David Cox: What is the role of algebra in applied mathematics? Notices AMS November 2005, 1193-1198. 17367 Mesut Tastan/T. Ergenc/S. Pickl/Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber: Stability analysis of gene expression patterns by dynamical systems and a combinatorial algorithm. Internet 2005, 9p. 17368 Mesut Tastan/.../Feza Korkusuz: Mathematical modeling of proximal femur geometry and bone mineral density. Internet 2005, 14p. 17369 Tom Fischer: Valuation and risk management in life insurance. Diss. TU Darmstadt 2004. 17370 Jutta Gebert/.../R�be Wnschiers: An algorithm to analyze stability of gene expression patterns. Internet 2003, 25p. 17371 Frank Thierolf: Mathematische Modelle und Methoden zur Genexpressionsanalyse in der Bioinformatik. Diplomarbeit TU Darmstadt 2003. 17372 Paul-Hermann Zieschang: Review of the book "Association schemes" by Rosemary Bailey. Bull. AMS 43/2 (2006), 249-253. 17373 Leo Brodie: Thinking Forth. Creative Commons 2004, 290p. $24. 17374 Michael Weigend: Objektorientierte Programmierung mit Python. Mitp 2005, 650p. Eur 36. 17375 Michael Lauer: Python und GUI-Toolkits. Mitp 2002, 520p. Eur 34. 17376 Robersy Sanchez/Ricardo Grau: A novel Lie algebra of the genetic code over the Galois fiels of four DNA bases. Internet 2005, 23p. 17377 Robersy Sanchez/Eberto Morgado/Ricardo Grau: The genetic code boolean lattice. MATCH 52 (2004), 29-46. 17378 Robersy Sanchez/Eberto Morgado/Ricardo Grau: Gene algebra from a genetic code algebraic structure. Internet ca. 2005, 27p. 17379 Robersy Sanchez/Eberto Morgado/Ricardo Grau: A genetic code boolean structure I. The meaning of boolean deductions. Bull. Math. Biol. 67 (2005), 1-14. 17380 Robersy Sanchez/Ricardo Grau: A genetic code boolean structure II. The genetic information system as a boolean information system. Bull. Math. Biol. 67 (2005), 1017-1029. 17381 Luc Frappat/Antonino Sciarrino/P. Sorba: Symmetry and codon usage correlations in the genetic code. LAPTH-709/98 (1998, 15p. 17382 Luc Frappat/Antonino Sciarrino/P. Sorba: A crystal base for the genetic code. Phys. Lett. A 250 (1998), 214-221. 17383 Antonino Sciarrino: From quantum groups to genetic mutations. Internet 2003, 13p. 17384 Michael Forger/Sebastian Sachse: Lie superalgebras and the multiplet structure of the genetic code I. Codon representations. J. Math. Phys. 41/8 (2000), 5407-5422. 17385 Michael Forger/Yvone Hornos/Jose' Hornos: Global aspects in the algebraic approach to the genetic code. Phys. Rev. E 56 (1997), 7078-7082. 17386 Jose' Hornos/Yvone Hornos/Michael Forger: Symmetry and symmetry breaking - an algebraic approach to the genetic code. Int. J. Modern Phys. B 13/23 (1999), 2795-2885. 17387 Michael Forger/Sebastian Sachse: Lie superalgebras and the multiplet structure of the genetic code II. Branching schemes. J. Math. Phys. 41/8 (2000), 5423-5444. 17388 Fernando Antoneli/Ligia Braggion/Michael Forger/Jose' Hornos: Extending the search for symmetries in the genetic code. Int. J. Modern Phys. B 17/7 (2003), 3135-3204. 17389 Jose' Hornos/Marcio Magini/Michael Forger: Symmetry preservation in the evolution of the genetic code. IUBMB Life 56/3 (2004), 125-130. 17390 Fernando Antoneli/Michael Forger/Jose' Hornos: The search for symmetries in the genetic code - finite groups. Modern Phys. Lett. B 18/18 (2004), 971-978. 17391 Luc Frappat/Antonino Sciarrino/P. Sorba: Crystalizing the genetic code. Internet 2000, 39p. 17392 Antonino Sciarrino: A mathematical model accounting for the organization in multiplets of the genetic code. Internet 2001, 18p. 17393 Antonino Sciarrino: Wigner-Eckart theorem in the crystal base and the organization of the genetic code. Internet 2001, 12p. 17394 J. Bashford/I. Tsohantjis/P. Jarvis: A supersymmetric model for the evolution of the genetic code. Internet 1999, 14p. 17395 Andre' Haefliger: Armand Borel (1923-2003). EMS Newsletter September 2005, 14-19. 17396 Holger Petersson: An observation on real division algebras. EMS Newsletter September 2005, 20. A proof in 6 lines that there are no real division algebras (associative or not) of odd dimension > 1. Since the dimension is > 1, there exist linearly independent vectors x,y; then $\phi(t):=\det L_{x+ty}$ is a real polynomial of odd degree without real roots (by linear independency x+ty is always different from 0 and therefore $L_{x+ty}$ is invertible), a contradiction. 17397 Alex Martelli/Anna Ravenscroft/David Ascher: Python cookbook. O'Reilly 2005, 800p. $33. Very useful. 17398 Nicholas Eriksson/Kristian Ranestad/Bernd Sturmfels/Seth Sullivant: Phylogenetic algebraic geometry. Internet 2004, 15p. 17399 Lior Pachter/Bernd Sturmfels: The mathematics of phylogenomics. Internet 2005, 41p. 17400 Qing-shu Meng/Min Yang/Huan-guo Zhu/Yu-zhen Lin: The analysis of affinely equivalent boolean functions. Internet 2005, 8p. 17401 Harald Fripertinger: Enumeration and construction in music theory. Internet 1999, 25p. 17402 F. Bergeron: Invariants of finite groups and their applications in combinatorics (25 years later). Internet 2004, 60 slides. 17403 Larry Smith: Polynomial invariants of finite groups - a survey of recent developments. Bull. AMS 34/3 (1997), 211-250. 17404 Domenico Cantone/Eugenio Omodeo/Alberto Policriti: Set theory for computing. Springer 2001, 400p. $80. 17405 Wen-jun Xiao: Linear symmetries of boolean functions. Discrete Appl. Math. 149/1-3 (2005), 192-199. 17406 George Avrunin: Symbolic model checking using algebraic geometry. Internet 1996, 14p. 17407 Samuel Karlin/Stephen Altschul: Methods for assessing the statistical significance of molecular sequence features by using general scoring schemes. Proc. Nat. Ac. Sci. USA 87/6 (1990), 2264-2268. 17408 I. Cohen: Commutative rings with restricted minimum condition. Duke Math. J. 17 (1950), 27-42. 17409 Michael Harrison: On the classification of boolean functions by the general linear and affine groups. J. SIAM 12/2 (1964), 285-299. 17410 Dennis White/S. Williamson: Combinatorial structures and group invariant partitions. Proc. AMS 55/1 (1976), 233-236. 17411 Richard Stanley: Invariants of finite groups and their applications in combinatorics. Bull. AMS 1 (1979), 475-411. 17412 Mark Pilgrim: Dive into Python. Apress 2004, 410p. $27. 17413 Lior Pachter/Bernd Sturmfels (ed.): Algebraic statistics for computational biology. Cambridge UP 2005, 420p. $60. 17414 Brian Everitt/Graham Dunn: Applied multivariate statistics. Arnold 2001, 340p. $49. 17415 John Mandel: The statistical analysis of experimental data. Dover 1984, 410p. $13. 17416 Bernhard Ganter/Gerd Stumme/Rudolf Wille (ed.): Formal concept analysis. Springer 2005, 350p. Eur 54. 17417 Tim Becker: Features of interaction between formal concept analysis and algebraic geometry. In 17416 Ganter/, 49-80. 17418 Jrgen Mller: Invariant theory of finite groups. Internet 2004, 53p. Good lecture notes. 17419 Michael Drmota/Gerhard Larcher/Friedrich Pillichshammer: Precise distribution properties of the van der Corput sequence and related sequences. Man. Math. 118 (2005), 11-41. 17420 Gheorghe Craciun/Martin Feinberg: Multiple equilibria in complex chemical reaction networks I - the injectivity property. SIAM J. Appl. Math. 65/5 (2005), 1526-1546. 17421 Karin Gatermann/Matthias Wolfrum: Bernstein's second theorem and Viro's method for sparse polynomial systems in chemistry. Adv. Appl. Math. 34/2 (2005), 252-294. 17422 Rosemary Bailey: Association schemes. Designed experiments, algebra, and combinatorics. Cambridge UP 2004, 390p. $48. 17423 I. Cohen: Lengths of prime ideal chains. Am. J. Math. 76 (1954), 654-668. 17424 ZZ: L'universita' che scoppia. 2005, 10p. 17425 Christian Kassel: Quantum groups. Springer 1995, 530p. $60. 17426 Brian Hall: Lie groups, Lie algebras, and representations. Springer 2003, 350p. $52. 17427 V. Varadarajan: Supersymmetry for mathematicians - an introduction. AMS 2004, 300p. $39. 17428 Steve Holden: Python Web programming. New Riders 2002, 680p. $34. 17429 David Brillinger: John W. Tukey - his life and professional contributions. Ann. Stat. 30/6 (2002), 1535-1575. 17430 Harm Derksen/Gregor Kemper: Computational invariant theory. Springer 2002, 270p. $64. 17431 Larry Smith: Polynomial invariants of finite groups. Peters 1995, 360p. Eur 104. 17432 S. Baran/J. Gall/M. Ispany/G. Pap: Prediction of hungarian mortality rates using Lee-Carter method. Preprint 2005, 10p. 17433 John Goerzen: Foundations of Python network programming. Apress 2004, 510p. $30. 17434 Boris Slepchenko/James Schaff/Ian Macara/Leslie Loew: Quantitative cell biology with the virtual cell. Trends Cell Biol. 13/11 (2003), 570-576. 17435 Juha Alho/Bruce Spencer: Uncertain population forecasting. J. Am. Stat. Ass. 80/390 (1985), 306-314. 17436 Juha Alho/Bruce Spencer: Error models for official mortality forecasts. J. Am. Stat. Ass. 85/411 (1990), 609-616. 17437 Ronald Lee/Lawrence Carter: Modeling and forecasting the time series of U.S. mortality. J. Am. Stat. Ass. 87/419 (1992), 659-671. 17438 Robert McNown/Andrei Rogers: Forecasting mortality - a parametrized time series approach. Demography 26/4 (1989), 645-660. 17439 Ronald Lee/Timothy Miller: Evaluating the performance of the Lee-Carter method for forecasting mortality. Demography 38/4 (2001), 537-549. 17440 A. Renshaw/S. Haberman: Lee-Carter mortality forecasting with age-specific enhancement. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 33/2 (2003), 255-272. 17441 Heather Booth/John Maindonald/Len Smith: Age-time interactions in mortality projection - applying Lee-Carter to Australia. Australian Natl. Univ. 2002, 28p. 17442 Ronald Lee: The Lee-Carter method for forecasting mortality, with various externsions and applications. North Am. Act. J. 4/1 (2000), 80-91. 17443 B�bel Stadler/Peter Stadler: The topology of evolutionary biology. Internet 2004, 20p. 17444 Jian-jun Tian/Bai-lian Li: Coalgebraic structure of genetic inheritance. Math. Biosci. Eng. 1/2 (2004), 243-266. 17445 Michael Barnett: Computer algebra in the life sciences. Internet 2003, 28p. 17446 Pieter Hartel/Henk Muller/Hugh Glaser: The functional C experience. J. Functional Progr. 14/2 (2004), 129-135. 17447 Frances Kuo/Ian Sloan: Lifting the curse of dimensionality. Notices AMS December 2005, 1320-1328. 17448 Karl Petersen: Symbolic dynamics. Internet 1998, 116p. 17449 Karl Petersen: Lectures on ergodic theory. Internet 1997, 28p. 17450 Walter Helbig Gottschalk: A survey of minimal sets. Ann. Inst. Fourier Grenoble 14/1 (1964), 53-60. 17451 Gabriella Margaria/Eva Riccomagno/Michael Chappell/Henry Wynn: Differential algebra methods for the study of the structural identifiability of state-space models in the biosciences. Math. Biosci. 174/1 (2001), 1-26. 17452 Qi Zheng: Computer algebra is indispensable in some problems of mathematical biology. Math. Biosci. 151/2 (1998), 219-225. 17453 Karl Petersen: Attractors and attracting measures. Internet 1997, 92p. 17454 Armin Mohler: Der Nasenring. Langen Mller 1996, 360p. Eur 20. 17455 Hermann Witting: Mathematische Statistik I. Parametrische Verfahren bei festem Stichprobenumfang. Teuber 1985, 540p. Eur 64. 17456 Andrzej Lasota/Michael Mackey: Cell division and the stability of cellular populations. J. Math. Biol. 38 (1999), 241-261. 17457 Norbert Schmitz: Vorlesungen ber Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie. Teubner 1996, 420p. Eur 30. 17458 Manfred Denker: Einfhrung in die Analysis dynamischer Systeme. Springer 2005, 290p. Eur 39. A beautiful introduction to many areas of differential dynamics, ergodic theory and topological dynamics. Proofs are rather short. 17459 Michael Brin/Garrett Stuck: Introduction to dynmical systems. Cambridge UP 2002, 240p. Eur 54. 17460 Charles Mann: 1491. New revelations of the Americas before Columbus. Knopf 2005, 460p. $20. 17461 Clark Robinson: Review of the book "Topological theory of dynamical systems" by Aoki/Hiraide. Bull. AMS 33/4 (1996), 497-499. 17462 Jacques Belair/Marc Courtemanche/Leon Glass: Parasystole and the pacemaker problem. In 2658 Glass/, 377-390. 17463 Leon Glass/Ary Goldberger/Jacques Belair: Dynamics of pure parasystole. Am. J. Physiol. 251 (1986), H841-H847. 17464 Leon Glass/Peter Hunter: There is a theory of heart. Physica D 43 (1990), 1-16. 17465 Kislaya Prasad: The robustness of economic models. Internet 2001, 11p. 17466 Brian Ripley: Robust statistics. Internet 2004, 11p. 17467 John Paul Mueller: Windows XP SP2. Apogeo 2004, 650p. Eur 40. 17468 Steve Sinchak: Mettere a punto Windows XP. Apogeo 2005, 350p. Eur 29. 17469 Brian Barber/Chad Todd/Norris Johnson/Robert Shimonski: Windows XP Professional. McGraw-Hill 2004, 880p. Eur 14. 17470 Frank Hampel: Wozu brauchen wir robuste Statistik? Internet 1995, 9p. A good introduction. 17471 Anne Beuter/Leon Glass/Michael Mackey/Michele Titcombe (ed.): Nonlinear dynamics in physiology and medicine. Springer 2003, 430p. Eur 84. 17472 Samuel Preston/Patrick Heuveline/Michel Guillot: Demography. Blackwell 2001, 280p. $46. 17473 Shishir Gundavaram/.../Sandip Bhattacharya: Linux Fedora 3. Guida professionale. Apogeo 2004, 590p. Eur 47. 17474 Silvio Umberto Zanzi: Usare Linux. Apogeo 2005, 230p. Eur 8. 17475 Olav Kallenberg: Foundations of modern probability. Springer 2002, 640p. Eur 58. Phantastic. 17476 Peter Huber: Robust statistics. Wiley 2004, 310p. $77. 17477 Andrew Hudson/Paul Hudson/Bill Ball/Hoyt Duff: Fedora 4 unleashed. Sams 2005, 1140p. Eur 39. 17478 Omar Colon-Reyes: Monomial dynamical systems over finite fields. Ph.D thesis Virginia Polytechnic Inst. 2005. 17479 Humberto Ortiz-Zuazaga: Abstract of "Analysis of gene regulation networks using finite fields". Internet 2005, 7p. 17480 Frank Ronneburg: Debian GNU/Linux - Anwenderhandbuch. Addison-Wesley 2005, 810p + 2 DVD. Eur 68. 17481 Martin Krafft: The Debian system. Open Source 2005, 600p. Eur 44. 17482 Michael Kofler: Ubuntu Linux. Addison-Wesley 2005, 350p. Eur 25. 17483 Dave Taylor: Learning Unix for Mac OS X Tiger. O'Reilly 2005, 260p. $14. 17484 Brian Jepson/Ernest Rothman: Mac OS X Tiger for Unix geeks. O'Reilly 2005, 390p. $24. 17485 Mahendra Nadkarni: Spectral theory of dynamical systems. Birkhäuser 1998, 180p. $65. 17486 Mahendra Nadkarni: Basic ergodic theory. Birkhäuser 1995, 150p. $52. 17487 Geon-ho Choe: Computational ergodic theory. Springer 2005, 450p. $90. 17488 Harold Pinter: Art, truth, and politics. Internet 2005, 13p. 17489 Robert Ash: Probability and measure theory. Academic Press 2000, 520p. $94. Outstanding and very clear. 17490 D. Arrowsmith/C. Place: An introduction to dynamical systems. Cambridge UP 1994, 420p. $45. A very good exposition of bifurcation and perturbation theory. 17491 Michael Keane: Ergodic theory and subshifts of finite type. In 5677 Bedford/, 35-70. 17492 Mahesh Nerurkar/Douglas Dokken/David Ellis (ed.): Topological dynamics and applications. A volume in honor of Robert Ellis. AMS 1998, 330p. $69. 17493 Patrick Billingsley: Convergence of probability measures. Wiley 1999, 280p. $101. 17494 Daniel Kaplan/Leon Glass: Understanding nonlinear dynamics. Springer 1995, 410p. $48. 17495 Ermanno Pitacco: Survival models in actuarial mathematics - from Halley to longevity risk. Internet 2003, 40p. 17496 J. McCutcheon: Some remarks on the basic mortality functions. TFA 32 (1971), 395-403. 17497 Thomas Hoffmann (ed.): Windows XP - Trickkasten II. Ullstein 2005, 140p. Eur 6. 17498 Thomas Hoffmann (ed.): Windows XP - Trickkasten. Ullstein 2005, 130p. Eur 6. 17499 Olaf Engelke a.o.: Microsoft Windows XP - die Expertentips. Microsoft Press 2004, 510p. Eur 20. 17500 Stefan Münz/Wolfgang Nefzger: HTML-Handbuch. Franzis 2005, 1220p. Eur 30. 17501 Johanna Maier: Meine Kochschule. Rolf Heyne 2005, 250p. Eur 44. 17502 Klaus Michael Weinberger/Steven Ramsay/Armin Graber: Towards the biochemical fingerprint. Biosystems Solutions 12 (2005), 36-37. 17503 Klaus Michael Weinberger: Metabolomics auf dem Weg zur systematischen quantitativen Bestimmung des Stoffwechsels. Bioforum 4 (2005), ... 17504 Daniel Dix: Some problems in mathematical biochemistry. Internet circa 2000, 16p. 17505 Nelson Dunford/Jacob Schwartz: Linear operators I. Wiley 1988, 860p. $99. 17506 Helmut Pottmann/Qi-xing Huang/Yong-liang Yang/Stephan Kölpl: Integral invariants for robust geometry processing. Internet 2005, 67p. 17507 Li-hong Hua/Guan-hua Chen/Raymond Ming-wah Chau: A neural networks-based drug discovery approach and its application for designing aldose reductase inhibitors. J. Molecular Graphics Modelling 24 (2006), 244-253. 17508 Thomas Royce/.../Mark Gerstein: Extrapolating traditional DNA microarray statistics to the tiling and protein microarray technologies. Internet 2005, 33p. 17509 Ronald Jansen/.../Mark Gerstein: A Bayesian networks approach for predicting protein-protein interactions from genomic data. Science 302 (2003), 449-453. 17510 Hilmar Schmundt: Ideenbörse für Tüftler. Spiegel online 19. Dezember 2005. 17511 Peter Ganten/Wulf Alex: Debian GNU/Linux. Springer 2004, 950p. Eur 59. 17512 John Fogarty: Invariant theory. Benjamin 1969, 210p. 17513 Michael Stutz: The Linux cookbook. No Starch Press 2004, 780p. Eur 43. 17514 Giorgio Zarrelli: Windows XP. Hoepli 2005, 230p. Eur 9. 17515 Pino Bruno/Marco De Salvo: Windows XP Service Pack 2 alla massima potenza. Mondadori 2004, 210p. Eur 13. 17516 Patrizio Bianchi: La rincorsa frenata. Mulino 2002, 340p. Eur 22. 17517 Alexei Chernavski: Lyudmila Vsevolodovna Keldysh (to her centenary, part I). EMS Newsletter December 2005, 25-29. 17518 Noel O'Boyle: Python for chemistry in 21 days/minutes. Internet 2005, 32p. 17519 Christian Baumgartner/.../Gerhard Marini/Klaus Weinberger/.../Adelbert Roscher: Supervised machine learning techniques for the classification of metabolic disorders in newborns. Bioinformatics 20/17 (2004), 2985-2996. 17520 Peter Murray-Rust/John Mitchell/Henry Rzepa: Chemistry in bioinformatics. BMC Bioinformatics 6 (2005), 4p. 17521 David Morrill: Chaco - a plotting package for scientists and engineers. Enthought ca. 2004, 25p. 17522 Joel Spolsky: The absolute minimum every software developer absolutely, positively must know about Unicode and character sets (no excuses)! Internet 2003, ca. 5p. 17523 K. Parthasarathy: Introduction to probability and measure. Hindustan Book 2005, 340p. Eur 24. 17524 Tobias Weltner: Windows XP. Franzis 2005, 660p. Eur 24. 17525 Andy Rathbone: Windows XP für Dummies. Wiley-VCH 2005, 480p. Eur 20. 17526 Thomas Hoffmann (ed.): Einsteigerkurs Windows XP Home Edition. Ullstein 2005, 260p. Eur 8. 17527 Ernst-Wolfgang Dieterich: Assembler. Oldenbourg 2005, 360p. Eur 34. 17528 Reiner Backer: Assembler. Mit Windows-Programmierung. Rowohlt 2003, 350p. Eur 10. 17529 Kip Irvine: Assembly langauge for Intel-based computers. Prentice-Hall 2003, 700p. Eur 64. 17530 Richard Deonier/Simon Tavare'/Michael Waterman: Computational genome analysis. Springer 2005, 530p. $80. 17531 Paul Selick: Introduction to homotopy theory. AMS 1997, 190p. $51. 17532 Johann Gasteiger/Thomas Engel (ed.): Chemoinformatics. Wiley-VCH 2003, 650p. Eur 77. 17533 Magnus Lie Hetland: Beginning Python - from novice to professional. Apress 2005, 600p. Eur 36. 17534 Mark Hammond/Andy Robinson: Python programming on Win32. O'Reilly 2000, 650p. Eur 27. 17535 Christian Immler: Das Franzis-Handbuch für Windows XP. Franzis 2005, 910p. Eur 31. 17536 Thomas Kühme/Peter Witschital: Die Fortran-Fibel. Oldenbourg 1991, 250p. Eur 20. 17537 Richard Gillam: Unicode demystified. Addison-Wesley 2003, 850p. Eur 41. 17538 Jonathan Bartlett: Programming from the ground up. Bartlett Publishing 2004, 320p. Eur 31. 17539 Theodor Kröger: Heimat am Don. Fleischhauer & Spohn 1981, 270p. Eur 17. 17540 Theodor Kröger: Das vergessene Dorf. Fleischhauer & Spohn 1997, 590p. Eur 19. 17541 Markus Haase: Ramseytheorie und die Stone-Cech-Kompaktifizierung diskreter Halbgruppen. Diplomarbeit Tübingen 1997, 95p. 17542 Klaus Wagner (ed.): Seminar Ramseytheorie. Univ. Würzburg 2004, 37p. 17543 Aldo Andreotti/Arnold Kas: Duality on complex spaces. Ann. SNS Pisa ... (1973), 187-263. 17544 Miroslav Pavlovic: Introduction to function spaces on the disk. SANU Beograd 2004, 190p. 17545 I. Grunskii/V. Koslovskii: Sintez i identifikatsia avtomatov. Naukova Dymka Kiev 2004, 240p. 17545 Ronald Fisher: Statistical methods, experimental design, and scientific inference. Oxford UP 2003, ca. 1000p. 17546 B. Yadav: The invariant subspace problem. EMS Newsletter December 2005, 19-23. Does every bounded operator on a Hilbert space have a non-trivial invariant subspace? This question has a positive answer for finite-dimensional and for non-separable spaces; the problem is unsolved for general separable Hilbert spaces. 17547 Wolfgang Lück/Vasco Alexander Schmidt: Interview with Friedrich Hirzebruch. EMS Newsletter December 2005, 31-35. 17548 Steven Salzberg: On comparing classifiers - a critique of current research and methods. Data Min. Knowl. Disc. 1 (1999), 1-12. 17549 F. Dekking: Recurrent sets. Adv. Math. 44 (1982), 78-104. 17550 Fritz Schweiger: Some remarks on ergodicity and invariant measures. Mich. Math. J. 22 (1975), 181-187. The paper describes a method, applicable to a large class of noninvertible transformations, for proving ergodicity and existence of an invariant measure. 17551 Yitzhak Katznelson/Benjamin Weiss: A simple proof of some ergodic theorems. Israel J. Math. 42/4 (1982), 291-296. 17552 Joseph Doob: The development of rigor in mathematical probability (1900-1950). Am. Math. Monthly 103/7 (1996), 586-595. 17553 Mark Guzdial: Introduction to computing and programming in Python. Prentice-Hall 2005, 380p. $73. 17554 Theodor Kröger: Natascha. Fleischhauer & Spohn 1974, 390p. Eur 17. 17555 Mark Pollicott/Klaus Schmidt (ed.): Ergodic theory of Zd actions. Cambridge UP 1996, 480p. Eur 60. 17556 Sean Riley: Game programming with Python. Charles River Media 2004, 470p. Eur 37. 17557 Mark Braverman/Stephen Cook: Computing over the reals - foundations for scientific computing. Notices AMS March 2006, 318-329. 17558 Susan Landau: Find me a hash. Notices AMS March 2006, 330-332. 17559 Vitali Milman: Impact factor and how it relates to quality of journals. Notices AMS March 2006, 351-352. 17560 Luis David Garcia: Algebraic geometry of Bayesian networks. Ph.D. thesis Virginia Univ. 2004, 87p. 17561 Humberto Ortiz-Zuazaga: Analysis of gene regulation networks using finite-field models. Internet 2005, 17p. 17562 Oscar Moreno/.../Dorothy Bollman: A finite field deterministic gene network model. Internet ca. 2003, 7p. 17563 Vladimir Filkov: Gene network inference from large-scale expression data. Internet 2001, 29p. 17564 Vladimir Filkov/Steven Skiena/Ji-zu Zhi: Analysis techniques for microarray time-series data. J. Comp. Biol. 9 (2002), 317-330. 17565 Dirk Repsilber/Hans Lilijenström/Siv Andersson: Reverse engineering of regulatory networks - simulation studies on a genetic algorithm approach for ranking hypotheses. Biosystems 66 (2002), 31-41. 17566 H. Marchand/M. Le Borgne: Partial order control of discrete event systems modeled as polynomial dynamical systems over Galois fields. INRIA 1997, 37p. 17567 George Calin/Manuela Ferracin/.../Massimo Negrini/Carlo Croce: A microRNA signature associated with prognosis and progression of chronic lymphoblastic leukemia. New England J. Med. 353 (2005), 1793-1801. 17568 Marilena Iorio/Manuela Ferracin/.../Massimo Negrini/Carlo Croce: MicroRNA gene expression deregulation in human breast cancer. Cancer Res. 65/16 (2005), 7065-7070. 17569 George Calin/.../Manuela Ferracin/.../Massimo Negrini/Carlo Croce: MicroRNA profiling reveals distinct signatures in B cell chronic lymphocytic leukemias. Proc. Nat. Ac. Sci. USA 101/32 (2004), 11755-11760. 17570 Erich von Däniken: Die Götter waren Astronauten! Goldmann 2003, 290p. Eur 9. 17571 Erich von Däniken: Auf den Spuren der Allmächtigen. Goldmann 1995, 190p. Eur 9. 17572 Klaus Backhaus/Bernd Erichson/Wulff Plinke/Rolf Weiber: Multivariate Analysemethoden. Springer 2006, 830p. Eur 37. 17573 Neil Hindman: Ultrafilters and combinatorial number theory. In Nathanson 1979, 119-184. 17574 Yuri Manin: The notion of dimension in geometry and algebra. Bull. AMS ... (2006), ... 17575 Peter Zweifel/Roland Eisen: Versicherungsökonomie. Springer 2003, 490p. Eur 32. 17576 Srinivas Aluru: Handbook of computational molecular biology. Chapman & Hall 2006, 1100p. Eur 124. 17577 Dennis Davenport/Neil Hindman/Imre Leader/Dona Strauss: Continuous homomorphisms on \beta\NN and Ramsey theory. New York J. Math. 6 (2000), 73-86. 17578 Bai-lin Hao: Applied symbolic dynamics. Chinese J. Phys. 36/6 (1998), 753-757. 17579 Niels Wessel/U. Schwarz/P. Saparin/Jürgen Kurths: Symbolic dynamics for medical data analysis. In Klonowski 2002, 45-61. 17580 Jürgen Kurths/Andreas Voss/.../Niels Wessel: Quantitative analysis of heart rate variability. Chaos 5 (1995), 88-94. 17581 C. Daw/C. Finney/E. Tracy: A review of symbolic analysis of experimental data. Internet 2002, 18p. Contains a very good historical introduction. 17582 Erik Bollt/Ying-chen Lai: Dynamics of coding in communicating with chaos. Physical Rev. E 58/2 (1998), 1724-1736. 17583 Peter Tino: Multifractal properties of Hao's geometric representations of DNA sequences. Internet ca. 2002, 26p. 17584 Howard Tucker: A graduate course in probability. Academic Press 1967, 270p. 17585 Erik Bollt/Theodore Stanford/Ying-chen Lai/Karel Zyczkowski: What symbolic dynamics do we get with a misplaced partition? Physica D 154 (2001), 259-286. 17586 Vitaly Bergelson: Ergodic Ramsey theory. In 17555 Pollicott/Schmidt 1996, 1-61. 17587 Vitaly Bergelson/R. McCutcheon: Uniformity in the polynomial Szemeredi theorem. In 17555 Pollicott/Schmidt 1996, 273-296. 17588 Hillel Furstenberg/E. Glasner: Robert Ellis and the algebra of dynamical systems. In 17492 Nerurkar/, 3-12. 17589 E. Akin/J. Auslander/K. Berg: Almost equicontinuity and the enveloping semigroup. In 17492 Nerurkar/, 75-81. 17590 Hillel Furstenberg/E. Glasner: Subset dynamics and van der Waerden's theorem. In 17492 Nerurkar/, 197-203. 17591 U. Schwarz/A. Benz/Jürgen Kurths/A. Witt: Analysis of solar spike events by means of symbolic dynamics methods. Astr. Astrophys. 277 (1993), 215-224. 17592 Karsten Keller/Mathieu Sinn: Ordinal symbolic dynamics. Internet 2005, 15p. 17593 Brian Marcus: Symbolic dynamics and coding applications. Internet 1995, 12p. 17594 Paul Shields: The theory of Bernoulli shifts. Chicago UP 1973, 80p. 17595 Paul Shields: The interactions between ergodic theory and information theory. IEEE Trans. Inf. Th. 44/6 (1998), 2079-2093. 17596 ZZ: Hochbegabte Kinder. Wenn Intelligenz zum Fluch wird. Spiegel online 3. März 2004, 2p. 17597 Gerhard Wetzel/Fabian Zabatta: A constraint programming approach to portfolio selection. Internet 1998, 3p. 17598 Vieri Benci/Mauro Di Nasso: A purely algebraic characterization of the hyperreal numbers. Proc. AMS 133/9 (2005), 2501-2505. The hyperreal numbers of nonstandard analysis are characterized in purely algebraic terms as homomorphic images of a suitable class of rings of functions. 17599 Vieri Benci/Mauro Di Nasso/Marco Forti: The eightfold path to nonstandard analysis. Internet 2004, 46p. 17600 Mauro Di Nasso/Marco Forti: Hausdorff ultrafilters. Proc. AMS ... (ca. 2006), ... 17601 Mauro Di Nasso/Marco Forti: Ultrafilter semirings and nonstandard submodels of the Stone-Cech compactification of the natural numbers. In Blass/Zhang 2005, 45-51. 17602 Mauro Di Nasso/Marco Forti: Topological and nonstandard extensions. Monatshefte Math. 144 (2005), 89-112. 17603 Vieri Benci/Mauro Di Nasso/Marco Forti: Hausdorff nonstandard extension. Bol. Soc. Parana Mat. 20 (2002), 9-20. 17604 Vieri Benci/Mauro Di Nasso: Alpha-theory, an elementary axiomatics for nonstandard analysis. Exp. Math. 21 (2003), 355-386. "... the Alpha-theory ... represents a beautiful strengthening of the Omega-theory and has the full strength of Robinson's nonstandard analysis. This is accomplished by ... five easy to grasp axioms ... The Alpha-calculus is warmly recommended to those who are interested in finding out what Robinson's theory is all about. Even the specialists in the field will find a thing or two to ponder." (W. Luxemburg) 17605 Vieri Benci/Mauro Di Nasso: Numerosities of labelled sets: a new way of counting. Adv. Math. 173 (2003), 50-67. 17606 Mauro Di Nasso/Marco Forti: On the ordering of the nonstandard real line. AMS Contemp. Math. 302 (2002), 259-273. 17607 Mauro Di Nasso/Y. Zhang: Nonstandard analysis and an application to the symmetric group on the natural numbers. AMS Contemp. Math. 302 (2002), 249-258. 17608 Vieri Benci/Mauro Di Nasso: A ring homomorphism is enough to get nonstandard analysis. Bull. Belgian Math. Soc. 10 (2003), 1-10. 17609 Mauro Di Nasso: Nonstandard analysis by means of ideal values of sequences. In Schuster/Berger/Osswald 2001, 63-73. 17610 Mauro Di Nasso: On the foundations of nonstandard mathematics. Math. Japonica 50/1 (1999), 131-160. 17611 Mauro Di Nasso: The generic filter property in nonstandard analysis. Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 111 (2001), 23-37. 17612 Mauro Di Nasso: An axiomatic presentation of the nonstandard methods in mathematics. J. Symb. Logic 67 (2002), 315-325. 17613 Mauro Di Nasso: I numeri infinitesimi e l'analisi nonstandard. Archimede 2003/1, 13-22. 17614 Paul Bankston: A survey of ultraproduct constructions in general topology. Topology Atlas Inv. Contr. 8/2 (2003), 1-32. 17615 Joram Lindenstrauss/Lior Tzafriri: Classical Banach spaces I-II. Springer 1996, 420p. Eur 37. 17616 Horst Rinne: Wirtschafts- un Bevölkerungsstatistik. Oldenbourg 1996, 630p. Eur 39. 17617 Lon Poole/Martin McNiff/Steven Cook: Apple II - guida all'uso. Jackson 1983, 380p. 17618 Manuel Gonzalez/Antonio Martinez Abejon: Local reflexivity of dual Banach spaces. Pacific J. Math. 189/2 (1999), 263-278. 17619 Paul Bankston: Some applications of the ultrapower theorem to the theory of compacta. Internet 2005, 24p. 17620 Josef Eschgfäller: Principles of filter theory and nonstandard analysis. Manuscript 1984, 19p. 17621 Uta Priss: Formalizing botanical taxonomies. Internet 2003, 14p. 17622 Claudio Carpineto/Giovanni Romano: Using concept lattices for text retrieval and mining. In 17416 Ganter/, 161-179. 17623 Rudolf Wille: Conceptual knowledge processing in the field of economics. In 17416 Ganter/, 226-249. 17624 Karl Erich Wolff: States, transitions, and life tracks in temporal concept analysis. In 17416 Ganter/, 127-148. Applications of FCA to systems theory. 17625 Jürgen Läuter/Siegfried Kropf/Knut Krohn/Markus Eszlinger/Ralf Paschke: Multivariate inference in DNA microarray analysis. Internet 2002, 35p. 17626 Jürgen Läuter: Hochdimensionale Statistik - Anwendungen in der Genexpressionsanalyse. Univ. Leipzig 2005, 95p. 17627 Christine Körner: Integration von Genannotationen aus Web-Datenquellen. Diplomarbeit Univ. Leipzig 2004, 84p. 17628 Hans Binder: Probing gene expression sequence specific hybridization on microarrays. Univ. Leipzig 2005, 15p. 17629 Johannes Freudenberg: Comparison of background correction and normalization procedures for high-density oligonucleotide microarrays. Univ. Leipzig 2005, 120p. 17630 Jörg Lange: Flexible Verwaltung und Spezifikation von Experimentannotationen für Genexpressionsanalysen. Diplomarbeit 2004, 121p. 17631 Boris Gnedenko: Lehrbuch der Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie. Deutsch 1997, 470p. Eur 29. 17632 Herold Dehling/Beate Haupt: Einführung in die Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Statistik. Springer 2004, 300p. Eur 25. 17633 Peter Cameron: Combinatorics. Cambridge UP 1994, 350p. Eur 46. 17634 Marcel Erne'/J. Koslowski/A. Melton/G. Strecker: A primer on Galois connections. Ann. NY Ac. Sci. 704 (1993), 103-125. 17635 Kevin Backhouse/Roland Backhouse: Logical relations and Galois connections. Internet 2002, 17p. 17636 Yves Lafont: Towards an algebraic theory of boolean circuits. J. pure appl. Algebra 184/2-3 (2003), 257-310. 17637 G. Castellini/Jürgen Koslowski/G. Strecker: Categorical closure operators via Galois connections. Internet 1992, 8p. 17638 Norbert Brunner/H. Mihara: Arrows' theorem, Weglorz' models and the axiom of choice. Math. Logic Quart. 46 (2000), 335-359. 17639 H. Mihara: Arrow's theorem, countably many agents, and more visible invisible dictators. J. Math. Econ. 32 (1999), 267-287. 17640 Beno Eckmann: Social choice and topology. Internet 2003, 8p. Good starting point for mathematicians! 17641 Joel Franklin: Mathematical methods of economics. Am. Math. Monthly 90/4 (1983), 229-244. 17642 Horst Osswald: Malliavin calculus in abstract Wiener space using infinitesimals. Adv. Math. 176 (2003), 1-37. 17643 Horst Osswald: On the Clark-Ocone formula for the abstract Wiener space. Adv. Math. 176 (2003), 38-52. 17644 Peter Loeb: An optimization of the Besicovitch covering. Proc. AMS 118/3 (1993), 715-716. 17645 Peter Loeb/Horst Osswald: Nonstandard integration theory in topological vector lattices. Monatsh. Math. 124 (1997), 53-82. 17646 Thomas Scanlon: Diophantine geometry from model theory. Bull. Symb. Logic 7/1 (2001), 37-57. 17647 Bohuslav Balcar/Frantisek Franek: Structural properties of universal minimal dynamical systems for discrete semigroups. Trans. AMS 349 (1997), 1697-1724. 17648 Menachem Kojman: Van der Waerden spaces. Proc. AMS 130/3 (2001), 631-635. 17649 Albin Jones: A brief remark on van der Waerden spaces. Internet 2002, 6p. 17650 Andreas Blass: Ultrafilters - where topological dynamics = algebra = combinatorics. Top. Proc. 18 (1993), 33-56. 17651 Andreas Blass: Some questions arising from Hindman's theorem. Internet 2004, 7p. 17652 Vitaly Bergelson/Andreas Blass/Neil Hindman: Partition theorems for spaces of variable words. Proc. London Math. Soc. 68 (1994), 449-476. 17653 John Pym: Review of the book "Algebra in the Stone-Cech compactification" by Hindman/Strauss. Semigroup Forum 59 (1999), 310-314. 17654 Florin Diacu/Philip Holmes: Celestial encounters. Princeton UP 1996. Really nice, much history and much good mathematics. 17655 Donald Knuth: Selected papers on discrete mathematics. CSLI 2003, 810p. Eur 42. 17656 Donald Knuth: The art of computer programming 4/3. Generating all combinations and partitions. Addison-Wesley 2005, 150p. Eur 15. 17657 Donald Knuth: The art of computer programming 4/2. Generating all tuples and permutations. Addison-Wesley 2005, 130p. Eur 12. 17658 Hartmut Milbrodt/Manfred Helbig: Mathematische Methoden der Personenversicherung. De Gruyter 1999, 650p. Eur 76. 17659 Jürgen Appell/Martin Väth: Elemente der Funktionalanalysis. Vieweg 2005, 350p. Eur 25. 17660 Jürgen Elstrodt: Maß- und Integrationstheorie. Springer 2005, 430p. Eur 30. "Dieses ansprechende und ausführliche Lehrbuch ..." (R. Bürger) 17661 Helmut Schaefer: Topological vector spaces. Springer 1999, 340p. Eur 65. 17662 Nicolas Pasquier/Yves Bastide/Rafik Taouil/Lotfi Lakhal: Mining bases for association rules using galois closed sets. Internet 2000, 21p. 17663 Lotfi Lakhal/Gerd Stumme: Efficient mining of association rules based on formal concept analysis. In 17416 Ganter/, 180-195. 17664 Rafik Taouil/Nicolas Pasquier/Yves Bastide/Lotfi Lakhal: Computing closed set lattices - algorithms, applications and performances. Internet 2003, 30p. 17665 Nicolas Pasquier: Data mining - algorithmes d'extraction et de reduction des regles d'association dans les bases de donnees. PHD thesis Univ. Clermont-Ferrand II 2000, 220p. 17666 Norbert Brunner: Der wissenschaftliche Wert von Optionen. Wissenschaftl. Nachr. 127 (2005), 29-31. 17667 Luigi Mariani/.../Lara Lusa/.../Federico Bozzetti: A modified prognostic score for patients with curatively resected gastric cancer. Tumori 91 (2005), 221-226. 17668 Thorsten Forster/D. Roy/P. Ghazal: Experiments using microarray technology - limitations and standard operating procedures. J. Endocrin. 178 (2003), 195-204. 17669 Paul Burchard: User's guide to the diagram environment, version 5.0. Internet 2005, 12p. 17670 Pedro Quaresma: dcpic, commutative diagrams in a Latex document. Internet 2001, 11p. 17671 Pedro Quaresma: dcpic 4.0. Internet 2003, 36p. 17672 Michael Barr: A new diagram package (Version 2004-12-08). Internet 2004, 39p. 17673 Robert Goldblatt: Lectures on the hyperreals. Springer 1998, 290p. Eur 65. 17674 Dieter Landers/Lothar Rogge: Nichtstandard-Analysis. Springer 1994, 480p. Eur 49. 17675 Jürgen Herzog//Takayuki Hibi/Xin-xian Zheng: The monomial ideal of a finite meet-semilattice. Internet 2004, 17p. 17676 Paola Cavallanti: Il manuale degli scacchi. Giunti 2002, 130p. Eur 5. Un piccolo gioiello. 17677 Bryna Kra: The Green-Tao theorem of arithmetic progressions in the primes - an ergodic point of view. Bull. AMS 43/1 (2006), 3-23. 17678 W. Comfort: Ultrafilters - some old and some new results. Bull. AMS 83 (1977), 417-455. 17679 Neil Hindman: Ultrafilters and Ramsey theory - an update. In Steprans/Watson 1989, 97-118. 17680 Stefan Heinrich: Ultraproducts in Banach space theory. J. reine angew. Math. 313 (1980), 72-104. 17681 Rainer Nagel/Frank Räbiger: Superstable operators on Banach spaces. Israel J. Math. 81 (1993), 213-226. 17682 N. Metropolis/M. Stein/P. Stein: On finite limit sets for transformations on the unit interval. J. Comb. 15 A (1973), 25-44. 17683 Hillel Furstenberg/Yitzhak Katznelson/Benjamin Weiss: Ergodic theory and configurations in sets of positive density. Internet ca. 1990, 16p. 17684 Bryna Kra: From combinatorics to ergodic theory and back again. Internet ca. 2006, 20p. 17685 Vitaly Bergelson: Ergodic theory and diophantine problems. In Blanchard/Maass/Nogueira 2000, 167-205. 17686 Vitaly Bergelson: Minimal idempotents and Ramsey theory. Internet 2003, 32p. 17687 Vitaly Bergelson/A. Leibman/A. Quas/M. Wierdl: Combinatorial and diophantine applications of ergodic theory. In Hasselblatt/Katok 2005 (Handbook 1B), 745-841. 17688 Mathias Beiglböck/Vitaly Bergelson/Neil Hindman/Dona Strauss: Some new results in multiplicative and additive Ramsey theory. Trans. AMS 360/2 (2008), 819-847. 17689 Neil Hindman/Imre Leader: The semigroup of ultrafilters near 0. Semigroup Forum 59 (1999), 33-55. 17690 Neil Hindman/Dona Strauss: Recent progress in the topological theory of semigroups and the algebra of \beta S. Internet 2002, 26p. 17691 Timothy Carlson/Neil Hindman/Dona Strauss: Ramsey theoretic consequences of some new results about algebra in the Stone-Cech compactification. El. J. Comb. Number Th. 5/2 (2005), 26p. 17692 Neil Hindman: Algebra in the Stone-Cech compactification and its applications to Ramsey theory. Scientiae Math. Jap. 62 (2005), 321-329. 17693 Neil Hindman: The mathematics of Bruce Rothschild. J. Comb. Th. 113 A (2006), 2-20. 17694 Menachem Kojman: Hindman spaces. Proc. AMS 130/6 (2002), 1597-1602. 17695 Vera Rosta: Ramsey theory applications. Internet 2001, 41p. 17696 Anne Siegel: Ultrafiltres et theorie de Ramsey. Internet ca. 1996, 38p. 17697 Heidemarie Tengler: Nähen leicht gemacht. Burda 2002, 240p. Eur 10. 17698 Heidemarie Tengler: Burda Grundkurs Nähen. Knaur 2003, 110p. Eur 22. 17699 Oliver Deiser: Einführung in die Mengenlehre. Springer 2004, 550p. Eur 30. 17700 Eric Vittinghoff/Stephen Shiboski/David Glidden/Charles McCulloch: Regression methods in biostatistics. Springer 2005, 340p. Eur 86. 17701 Betty Kirkwood/Jonathan Sterne: Essential medical statistics. Blackwell 2003, 500p. Eur 31. 17702 F. Lawvere/Robert Rosebrugh: Sets for mathematics. Cambridge UP 2003, 260p. Eur 29. 17703 Alain Robert: Nonstandard analysis. Dover 2003, 160p. Eur 17. 17704 Timothy Carlson: Some unifying principles in Ramsey theory. Discrete Math. 68 (1988), 117-169. 17705 Eric van Douwen: The Cech-Stone compactification of a discrete groupoid. Top. Appl. 39 (1991), 43-60. 17706 Hillel Furstenberg/Benjamin Weiss: Topological dynamics and combinatorial number theory. J. Analyse Math. 34 (1978), 61-85. 17707 Vitaly Bergelson/Neil Hindman: Nonmetrizable topological dynamics and Ramsey theory. Trans. AMS 320/1 (1990), 293-320. 17708 Hermann Render: Nonstandard topology on function spaces with applications to hyperspaces. Trans. AMS 336/1 (1993), 101-119. 17709 C. Henson: Applications of model theory and set theory to the geometry of Banach spaces. Internet 2001, 1p. 17710 C. Henson: Foundations of nonstandard analysis. A gentle introduction to nonstandard extensions. Internet 1996, 51p. 17711 ZZ: Il libro completo del cucito. Fabbri 2004, 320p. Eur 30. 17712 Wendy Gardiner: Enciclopedia delle tecniche di cucito. Il Castello 2004, 160p. Eur 20. 17713 Manindra Agrawal/Neeraj Kayal/Nitin Saxena: Primes is in P. Ann. Math. 160 (2004), 781-793. 17714 Sara Robinson: Fast deterministic algorithm for primality testing. History of the Agrawal-Kayal-Saxena primality test. 17715 Peter Sarnak: Problems of the millennium - the Riemann hypothesis (2004). Internet 2004, 9p. 17716 Martin Predota: Praxis der Versicherungsmathematik. Internet TU Graz 2004, 124p. 17717 Claudio Pacati: Appunti delle lezioni di istituzioni di matematica attuariale per le assicurazioni sulla vita. Internet 2005, 64p. 17718 Gerda Schlegel/Engelmarie Heite: Nähen mit der Maschine. Büchner 2004, 70p. Eur 9. Ganz ausgezeichnet: 20 Seiten über die Nähmaschine und die Sticharten, dann Grundtechniken der Textilverarbeitung (Nähte, Kantenbefestigungen, Verschlüsse, Einengen von Stoffweite, Instandsetzungsarbeiten). 17719 Doris Schneider/Heidrun Jutzi: Näh- und Schneiderpraxis. EINS 1993, 160p. Eur 33. 17720 Ingeborg Sauer: Textilarbeit mit System. Büchner 1998, 130p. Eur 18. 17721 Mauro Beltrametti/Ettore Carletti/Dionisio Gallarati/Giacomo Monti: Lezioni di geometria analitica e proiettiva. Bollati Boringhieri 2002, 390p. Eur 32. 17722 Mauro Beltrametti/Ettore Carletti/Dionisio Gallarati/Giacomo Monti: Letture su curve, superficie e varieta' proiettive speciali. Bollati Boringhieri 2002, 410p. Eur 32. 17723 Abraham Robinson: Non-standard analysis. Princeton UP 1996, 290p. Eur 40. 17724 Paul Roberts: Cycles and commutative algebra. Internet 2003, 13p. A very clear exposition. 17725 Paul Roberts: Intersection multiplicities and Hilbert polynomials. Internet 2003, 13p. 17726 Joe Taylor: Notes on locally convex topological vector spaces. Internet 1995, 51p. 17727 Eric Slud: Actuarial mathematics and life-table statistics. Internet 2001, 187p. 17728 Alison Abbott: Saving Italian science. Nature ... (2006), 264-265. 17729 Lior Pachter/Bernd Sturmfels: The mathematics of phylogenomics. Internet 2006, 41p. 17730 Klaus Schmidt: Algebra, arithmetic and multi-parameter ergodic theory. IMN 200 (2005), 1-21. 17730 Johann Cigler: Erinnerungen. IMN 200 (2005), 43-48. 17731 Peter Michor/W. Schachermayer: Laudationes für Josef Teichmann. IMN 200 (2005), 76-80. 17732 Francine Diener/Marc Diener (ed.): Nonstandard analysis in practice. Springer 1995, 250p. Eur 52. 17733 Hartley Rogers: Theory of recursive functions and effective computatbility. MIT Press 1987, 500p. Eur 40. 17734 Bai-lin Hao: Elementary symbolic dynamics. World Scientific 1989, 460p. Eur 56. 17735 Aleksandr Khinchin: Mathematical foundations of statistical mechanics. Dover 1949, 180p. Eur 9. 17736 Aleksandr Khinchin: Continued fractions. Dover 1997, 90p. Eur 7. 17737 Hans Konrad Biesalski/Josef Köhrle/Klaus Schümann (ed.): Vitamine, Spurenelemente und Mineralstoffe. Thieme 2002, 770p. Eur 78. 17738 Hans Konrad Biesalski/Peter Fürst/.../Hannes Stähelin (ed.): Ernährungsmedizin. Thieme 2004, 730p. Eur 59. 17739 Glen Bredon: Sheaf theory. Springer 1997, 500p. Eur 61. 17740 Jacobo Pejsachowicz/Robert Skiba: Fixed point theory of multivalued weighted maps. Internet 2004, 50p. 17741 Claudio Panichi/Elia Pinto: Package manager - il fantastico mondo di rpm. Linux & C Marzo 2006, 36-43. 17742 Marco Ortisi: Fingerprint - ogni sistema operativo lascia le impronte. Linux & C Marzo 2006, 50-55. 17743 Dorothy Maharam: On homogeneous measure algebras. Proc. Nat. Ac. Sci. 28/3 (1942), 108-111. 17744 Markus Meringer: Mathematische Modelle für die kombinatorische Chemie und die molekulare Strukturaufklärung. Diss. Bayreuth 2004, 350p. Logos 2004. Eur 41. 17745 Valerie Berthe'/S. Ferenczi/C. Mauduit/Anne Siegel (ed.): Substitutions in dynamics, arithmetics and combinatorics. Springer LN Math. 1794 (2002), 400p. Eur 72. 17746 Dorothy Maharam: From finite to countable additivity. Port. Math. 44/3 (1987), 265-282. 17747 Randall Dougherty/Matthew Foreman: Banach-Tarski decompositions using sets with the property of Baire. J. AMS 7/1 (1994), 75-124. 17748 Randall Dougherty/Matthew Foreman: Banach-Tarski decompositions using sets with the property of Baire. Proc. Nat. Ac. Sci. USA 89 (1992), 10726-10728. 17749 Ferenc Beleznay/Matthew Foremen: The complexity of the collection of measure distal transformations. J. Erg. Th. Dyn. Syst. 16 (1996), 929-962. 17750 Folkmar Bornemann: Das Banach-Tarski-Paradoxon und seine Folgen. Habilitationsvortrag 1997, 28p. 17751 Folkmar Bornemann/Günter Ziegler: Die Beweise des Sommers. DMV-Mitt. 12/3 (2004), 181-183. 17752 Folkmar Bornemann: Ein Durchbruch für jedermann. DMV Mitt. 2004/2, 14-21. On the primality test in P discovered by Agrawal, Kayal and Saxena. 17753 Armin Rainer: Transitive Zerlegungsgleichheit von Kreis und Quadrat. Diplomarbeit Univ. Salzburg 2001, 76p. Eine sehr schöne Darstellung des Satzes von Laczkowski. Die Diplomarbeit wurde mit dem Hans-Stegbuchner-Preis ausgezeichnet. 17754 Hans Konrad Biesalski: Vitamine. Beck 1997, 110p. Eur 8. 17755 Johannes Plötner/Steffen Wendzel: Linux. Das distributionsunabhängige Handbuch. Galileo 2006, 1010p. Eur 39. 17756 Terence Tao: From rotating needles to stability of waves - emerging connections between combinatorics, analysis, and PDE. Notices AMS March 2001, 294-303. 17757 Heinz König: Measure and integration - an attempt at unifying systematization. Rend. Ist. Mat. Univ. Trieste 34 (2002), 155-214. 17758 Hermann Locarek-Junge: Finanzmathematik. Oldenbourg 1997, 280p. Eur 29. Zinsrechnung ausführlich, aber elementar dargestellt. 17759 James Briggs/Thomas Schaffter: Measure and cardinality. Am. Math. Monthly 86 (1979), 852-855. 17760 Heinz König: Measura and integration - comparison of old and new procedures. Arch. Math. 72 (1999), 192-205. 17761 Hans Kellerer: A topological version of Liapunov's theorem. Arch. Math. 72 (1999), 206-213. 17762 Miklos Laczkovich: Decomposition of sets with small boundary. J. London Math. Soc. 46 (1992), 58-64. 17763 Heinz König: On the basic extension theorem in measure theory. Math. Zeitschr. 190 (1985), 83-94. 17764 Krzysztof Ciesielski: Isometrically invariant extensions of Lebesgue measure. Proc. AMS 110/3 (1990), 799-801. 17765 Miklos Laczkovich: Equidecomposability of sets, invariant measures, and paradoxes. Rend. Ist. Mat. Univ. Trieste 23 (1991), 145-176. 17766 Tauno Metsänkylä: Catalan's conjecture - another old diophantine problem solved. Bull. AMS 41/1 (2003), 43-57. 17767 Yuri Bilu: Catalan without logarithmic forms. Internet 2004, 11p. 17768 Jeanine Daems: Het vermoeden van Catalan. Nieuw Arch. Wisk. September 2004, 221-225. 17769 Paul Gunnells: Cells in Coxeter groups. Notices AMS May 2006, 528-535. 17770 Jay Jorgenson/Steven Krantz: Serge Lang (1927-2005). Notices AMS May 2006, 536-553. 17771 Loring Tu: The life and works of Raoul Bott. Notices AMS May 2006, 554-560. 17772 J. Kisynski: On the generation of tight measures. Studia Math. 30 (1968), 141-151. 17773 Raouf Doss: The Hahn decomposition theorem. Proc. AMS 80/2 (1980), 377. 17774 Klaus Schmidt: On a result of Cobzsas on the Hahn decomposition. Arch. Math. 39 (1982), 564-567. 17775 K. Parthasarathy: Probability measures on metric spaces. AMS Chelsea 2005, 280p. Eur 37. 17776 John Oxtoby: Measure and category. Springer 1987, 110p. Eur 58. 17777 Aleksander Kharazishvili: Nonmeasurable sets and functions. Elsevier 2004, 330p. Eur 119. 17778 A. Melton/D. Schmidt/G. Strecker: Galois connections and computer science applications. In Pitt/Abramsky/Poigne'/Rydeheard 1986, 299-312. 17779 Christian Krattenthaler: Combinatorics. Internet ca. 2006, 51p. 17780 Laurent Bessieres: Poincare' conjecture and Ricci flow. An outline of the work of R. Hamilton and G. Perelman. EMS Newsletter March 2006, 11-15. 17781 Alexei Chernavski: Lyudmila Vsevolodovna Keldysh (to her centenary, part II). EMS Newsletter March 2006, 17-21. 17782 Herbert Federer: Geometric measure theory. Springer 1996, 670p. Eur 37. 17783 Alla Borisyuk/Bard Ermentrout/Avner Friedman/David Terman: Tutorials in mathematical biosciences I. Mathematical neuroscience. Springer LN Math. 1860 (2005), 170p. Eur 52. 17784 Ron Sommer: Die strategischen Herausforderungen der Zukunft und ihre Auswirkungen auf das Top-Management-Profil der Jahrtausendwende. Internet 1998, 9p. 17785 Dirk Brockmann/Lars Hufnagel/Theo Geisel: The scaling laws of human travel. Nature 26 January 2006, 462-465. 17786 Dirk Brockmann/Lars Hufnagel/Theo Geisel: Dynamics of modern epidemics. Internet 2005, 11p. 17787 Tim Schulz/.../Michael Ristow: Induction of oxidative metabolism by mitochondrial frataxin inhibits cancer growth. J. Biol. Chem. 13 January 2006, 977-981. 17788 Jacobus van Lint/R. Wilson: A course in combinatorics. Cambridge UP 2004, 600p. Eur 43. 17789 Neil Hindman/Dona Strauss: Algebra in the Stone-Cech compactification. De Gruyter 1998, 480p. Eur 157. 17790 Irving Segal/Ray Kunze: Integrals and operators. Springer 1978, 370p. 17791 Ronald Graham/Donald Knuth/Oren Patashnik: Concrete mathematics. Addison-Wesley 1994, 650p. Eur 61. 17792 John Giordano: The sewing machine guide. Taunton 1997, 100p. Eur 13. 17793 Carter Bays: The encyclopedia of early American sewing machines. Collector Books 2005, 400p. Eur 24. 17794 K. Borgwardt/S. Vishwanathan/H. Kriegel: Class prediction for time series gene expression profiles using dynamical systems kernels. Internet 2006, 12p. 17795 Alexander Smola/S. Vishwanathan: Hilbert space embeddings in dynamical systems. Internet 2003, 6p. 17796 Benjamin Raphael/Stanislav Volik/Colin Collins/Pavel Pevzner: Reconstructing tumor genome architectures. Bioinformatics 19/suppl. 2 (2003), 162-171. 17797 Ryan Rifkin/.../Jill Mesirov: An analytical method for multiclass molecular cancer classification. SIAM Rev. 45/4 (2003), 706-723. 17798 Tomaso Poggio/Steven Smale: The mathematics of learning - dealing with data. Notices AMS May 2003, 537-544. 17799 Louis de Branges: Apology for the proof of the Riemann hypothesis. Internet 2005, 16p. 17800 Louis de Branges: A proof of the Riemann hypothesis I. Internet 2005, 41p. 17801 Louis de Branges: A proof of the Riemann hypothesis II. Internet 2006, 24p. 17802 Karl Sabbagh: The strange case of Louis de Branges. London Rev. Books 22 July 2004, ... 17803 J. Conrey/Xiang-jin Li: A note on some positivity conditions related to zeta and L functions. Internet 1998, 10p. Counterexamples to some assertions in de Branges' method for proving the Riemann hypothesis. 17804 John Kelley/T. Srinivasan: Measure and integral - a new gambit. In Kölzow/Maharam 1984, 120-126. 17805 John Kelley/T. Srinivasan: Premeasures on lattices of sets. Math. Ann. 190 (1971), 233-241. 17806 Frank Calegari: Review of the book "A first course in modular forms" by Diamond/Shurman. Bull. AMS 43/3 (2006), 415-421. 17807 Miroslav Zeleny: The Dynkin system generated by all balls in R^d contains all Borel sets. Proc. AMS 128/2 (1999), 433-437. 17808 Marton Elekes/Tamasz Keleti: Is Lebesgue measure the only sigma-finite invariant Borel measure? J. Math. Anal. Appl. ... (ca. 2006), ... 17809 Marton Elekes/Tamasz Keleti: Borel sets which are null or non sigma-finite for every translation invariant measure. Adv. Math. ... (ca. 2006), ... 17810 Nenad Trinajstic/Ivan Gutman: Mathematical chemistry. Croatica Chem. Acta 75/2 (2002), 329-356. A mainly historical account. 17811 Pertti Mattila: Geometry of sets and measures in euclidean spaces. Fractals and rectifiability. Cambridge UP 2004, 340p. Eur 46. 17812 David Williams: Probability with martingales. Cambridge UP 2005, 250p. Eur 29. 17813 David Pollard: A user's guide to measure theoretic probability. Cambridge UP 2002, 350p. Eur 31. 17814 Kenneth Falconer: Techniques in fractal geometry. Wiley 1997, 260p. Eur 55. 17815 Karel Hrbacek/Thomas Jech: Introduction to set theory. Dekker 1999, 290p. Eur 61. 17816 Alexander Kechris: Classical descriptive set theory. Springer 1995, 400p. Eur 60. 17817 Roland Backhouse/Roy Crole/Jeremy Gibbons (ed.): Algebraic and coalgebraic methods in the mathematics of program construction. Springer 2002, 380p. Eur 56. 17818 Donald Knuth: Notes on Thomas Harriot. In 17655 Knuth, 85-88. 17819 Donald Knuth: Tables of finite fields. In 17655 Knuth, 277-304. 17820 Ana Bravo/Herwig Hauser: Review of the book "Resolution of curve and surface singularities in characteristic zero" by Kiyek/Vicente. Bull. AMS 43/2 (2006), 241-247. This review is a short nice introduction to singularities by itself, with several beautiful figures. 17821 Donald Knuth: Two notes on notation. Am. Math. Monthly 99 (1992), 403-422; 102 (1995), 562. Reprinted in 17655 Knuth, 15-44. 17822 Flemming Topsoe: Supplement on construction of measures. Internet ca. 2004, 19p. 17823 B. Pettis: On the extension of measures. Ann. Math. 54 (1951), 186-197. 17824 Georges Simenon: Maigret und das Schattenspiel. Diogenes 2000, 170p. 17825 Mikhail Kapranov: Review of the book "Gröbner deformations of hypergeometric differential equations" by Saito/Sturmfels/Takayama. Bull. AMS 38/4 (2001), 481-488. 17826 Eduardo Cattani/Alicia Dickenstein/Bernd Sturmfels: Rational hypergeometric functions. Compos. Math. 128 (2001), 217-240. 17827 Kenneth Falconer: Fractal geometry. Wiley 2005, 340p. Eur 50. 17828 Sorin Draghici/.../Stephen Krawetz: Global functional profiling of gene expression. Internet ca. 2003, 12p. 17829 Nobuki Takayama: Generating Kummer type formulas for hypergeometric functions. Internet 2003, 14p. 17830 Mitsumi Saito/Bernd Sturmfels/Nobuki Takayama: Hypergeometric polynomials and integer programming. Compos. Math. 115 (1999), 185-204. 17831 Niko Beerenwinkel/Nicholas Eriksson/Bernd Sturmfels: Evolution on distributive lattices. Internet 2005, 22p. 17832 Bernd Sturmfels: Algebraic recipes for integer programming. Proc. Symp. Appl. Math. AMS 61 (2004), 99-113. 17833 Clyde Martin: Review of the article "Applications of algebraic geometry in system theory" by Byrnes/Falb. MR 0527996 (81f:93017). 17834 Dietrich Kölzow: Differentiation von Maßen. Springer LN Math. 65 (1968), 100p. 17835 Max Wagner: Gruppentheoretische Methoden in der Physik. Vieweg 1998, 460p. 17836 Terence Tao: Analysis. 2 volumes. Hindustan Book 2006, tog. 640p. Eur 29+34. 17837 Stephen Gustafson/Israel Michael Sigal: Mathematical concepts of quantum mechanics. Springer 2003, 250p. Eur 48. 17838 Allen Hatcher: Algebraic topology. Cambridge UP 2002, 540p. Eur 30. 17839 Hans Grauert/Ingo Lieb/Wolfgang Fischer: Differential- und Integralrechnung. 3 volumes. Springer 1968-1973, 200+220+180p. 17840 Eleonora Andreotti: Esistono infinite progressioni aritmetiche di numeri primi di lunghezza k per ogni intero positivo. Elaborazione di una conferenza sul teorema di Green-Tao. Aprile 2006, 14p. 17841 I. Gelfand/A. Zelevinskii: Algebraic and combinatorial aspects of the general theory of hypergeometric functions. Funct. Anal. Appl. 20/3 (1986), 183-197. 17842 B. Fort: A specialization of Zorn's lemma. Duke Math. J. 15 (1948), 763-765. 17843 I. Gelfand: General theory of hypergeometric functions. Sov. Math. Dokl. 33/3 (1986), 573-577. 17844 Hans Weber: Two extension theorems. Modular functions on complemented lattices. Czech. Math. J. 52/127 (2002), 55-74. 17845 H. Peterson: Regular and irregular measures on groups and dyadic spaces. Pacific J. Math. 28 (1969), 173-182. 17846 George Gasper/Mizan Rahman: Basic hypergeometric series. Cambridge UP 2004, 430p. Eur 115. 17847 Panos Macheras/Athanassios Iliadis: Modeling in biopharmaceutics, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics. Springer 2006, 440p. Eur 71. 17848 Johann Cigler: Fibonacci-Zahlen, Gitterpunktwege und die Identitäten von Rogers-Ramanujan. Math. Semesterber. 52 (2005), 97-125. 17849 Johann Cigler: Elementare q-Identitäten. Internet (Sem. Loth. Comb.) 1982, 261-267. 17850 Johann Cigler: Eine Charakterisierung der q-Exponentialpolynome. Sber. ÖAW 208 (1999), 143-157. 17851 A. Di Bucchianico/D. Loeb: A selected survey of umbral calculus. Internet 1995, 34p. 17852 Rudolf Winkel: Generalized Bernstein polynomials and Bezier curves - an application of umbral calculus to computer aided geometric design. Adv. Appl. Math. 27 (2001), 51-81. 17853 Kazuo Ueno: Hypergeometric series formulas through operator calculus. Funkcialaj Ekvacioj 33 (1990), 493-518. 17854 Philip Feinsilver/Rene' Schott: Formal power series, operator calculus, and duality on Lie algebras. Discrete Math. 180 (1998), 157-171. 17855 Cristian Lenart/Nigel Ray: Hopf algebras of set systems. Discrete Math. 180/1-3 (1998), 255-280. 17856 Marilena Barnabei/Carla Guerrini/L. Montefusco: Some algebraic aspects of signal processing. Lin. Alg. Appl. 284/1-3 (1998), 3-17. 17857 Salvatore Coen: Ascoltando Francesco Gherardelli. Boll. UMI Mat. Soc. Cultura Aprile 2006, 25-40. 17858 Ermanno Pitacco/Annamaria Olivieri: Introduzione alla teoria attuariale delle assicurazioni di persone. Pitagora 1997, 240p. 17859 Sashi Srivastava: A course on Borel sets. Springer 1998, 260p. Eur 65. 17860 Robert Maier: Algebraic hypergeometric transformations of modular origin. Internet 2006, 27p. 17861 George Lorentz: Who discovered analytic sets? Math. Intell. 23/4 (2001), 28-32. 17862 Antonio Di Crescenzo/Gian-Carlo Rota: Sul calcolo umbrale. Ric. Mat. 48/1 (1994), 129-162. 17863 Gian-Carlo Rota/B. Taylor: The classical umbral calculus. SIAM J. Math. Anal. 25/2 (1994), 694-711. 17864 Kazuo Ueno: Umbral calculus and special functions. Adv. Math. 67 (1988), 174-229. 17865 Marko Petkovsek/Herbert Wilf/Doron Zeilberger: A = B. Peters 1996, 210p. Eur 40. 17866 Yuri Matiyasevich: Hilbert's tenth problem. What can we do with diophantine analysis? Internet 1996, 26p. 17867 Gennady Bocharov/Hermann Brunner/Zvi Grossman: Preface to the "Special issue on mathematics applied to immunology". J. Comp. Appl. Math. 184 (2005), 1-3. 17868 Rolf Zinkernagel: Immunology and immunity against infection - general rules. J. Comp. Appl. Math. 184 (2005), 4-9. 17869 John McCall: Genetic algorithms for modelling and optimisation. J. Comp. Appl. Math. 184 (2005), 205-222. 17870 Edward Bender/Stanley Williamson: Foundations of combinatorics with applications. Dover 2006, 470p. Eur 18. 17871 Victor Kac/Pokman Cheung: Quantum calculus. Springer 2002, 110p. Eur 23. 17872 Ernst Eduard Kummer: Summierung langsam konvergierender Reihen. Collected Papers, Springe 1975, vol. 2, 168-176. 17873 Ernst Eduard Kummer: Über die hypergeometrische Reihe ... Collected Papers, Springe 1975, vol. 2, 75-167. 17874 Walter Greiner/Berndt Müller: Quantenmechanik - Symmetrien. Deutsch 2005, 510p. Eur 52. 17875 John von Neumann: Mathematische Grundlagen der Quantenmechanik. Springer 1996, 260p. 17876 Pietro Citati: Catastrofica universita'. La Repubblica 23 maggio 2006, 47. Dopo tre anni, lo studente non sa quasi nulla. 17877 Percy MacMahon: Combinatory analysis. Dover 2004, 720p. Eur 61. 17878 Herbert Wilf/Doron Zeilberger: Rational functions certify combinatorial identities. J. AMS 3/1 (1990), 147-158. 17879 Volker Strehl: Binomial identities - combinatorial and algorithmic aspects. Internet 1994, 30p. 17880 Steven Roman/Gian-Carlo Rota: The umbral calculus. Adv. Math. 27 (1978), 95-188. 17881 George Andrews: Applications of hypergeometric functions. SIAM Review 16/4 (1974), 441-484. 17882 Doron Zeilberger: Theorems for a price - tomorrow's semi-rigorous mathematical culture. Math. Intell. 16/4 (1994), 11-14. 17883 George Andrews: The death of proof? Semi-rigorous mathematics? You've got to be kidding! Math. Intell. 16/4 (1994), 16-18. 17884 Achim Klenke: Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie. Springer 2006, 600p. Eur 36. 17885 Heinz König: Measure and integration. Springer 1997, 260p. 17886 John Kelley/T. Srinivasan: Measure and integral I. Springer 1988, 150p. 17887 Eros Baldissera: Dizionario Italiano-Arabo-Italiano. Zanichelli 2004. Eur 39. 17888 Thomas Jech: Set theory. Springer 2003, 770p. Pds 52. 17889 Josef Lense: Reihenentwicklungen in der mathematischen Physik. De Gruyter 1953, 210p. 17890 Josef Lense: Kugelfunktionen. Geest & Portig 1954, 290p. 17891 Fritz Oberhettinger/Wilhelm Magnus: Anwendungen der elliptischen Funktionen in Physik und Technik. Springer 1949, 130p. 17892 Elke Niedermair/Michael Niedermair: Latex mit ProText. Franzis 2005, 250p. Eur 10. Ein kleines, sehr gut geschriebenes und auch für den Kenner nützliches Taschenbuch mit der ProText-CD. 17893 F. Rühs: Funktionentheorie. VEB 1971, 530p. 17894 Adolf Hurwitz: Vorlesungen über allgemeine Funktionentheorie und elliptische Funktionen. Springer 2000, 250p. 17895 Francesco Tricomi: Funzioni ipergeometriche confluenti. Cremonese 1954, 310p. 17896 Francesco Tricomi: Vorlesungen über Orthogonalreihen. Springer 1955, 260p. 17897 Mutsumi Saito/Bernd Sturmfels/Nobuki Takayama: Gröbner deformations of hypergeometric differential equations. Springer 2000, 250p. Eur 50. 17898 Thomas Feuerstack: ProText - an entire TEX environment. Internet 2005, 21p. 17899 Eberhard Freitag/Rolf Busam: Funktionentheorie II. Internet 2006. 17900 Christopher Negus: Fedora 5 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 Bible. Wiley 2006, 1070p. Eur 32. 17901 Klaus Fritzsche/Hans Grauert: From holomorphic functions to complex manifolds. Springer 2002, 390p. 17902 Robert Elliott/Lakhdar Aggoun/John Moore: Hidden Markov models. Springer 1997, 360p. 17903 Klaus Lamotke: Riemannsche Flächen. Springer 2005, 320p. Eur 39. 17904 Ludwig Ganghofer: Das brennende Tal (der Ochsenkrieg). Bastei 2003, 440p. Eur 4. 17905 Naum Akhiezer/I. Glazman: Theorie der linearen Operatoren im Hilbertraum. Akademie-Verlag 1954, 370p. 17906 Nam Parshad Bhatia/Giorgio Szegö: Stability theory of dynamical systems. Springer 2002, 220p. 17907 Karl Sigmund: Bilder einer Ausstellung. IMN 201 (2006), 1-11. [English as "Pictures at an exhibition" in Notices AMS April 2006, 428-432.] 17908 Matthias Baaz/Rosalie Iemhoff: Konstruktivismus und Intuitionismus. IMN 201 (2006), 13-23. 17909 Christa Binder: Johannes von Gmunden. IMN 201 (2006), 25-28. 17910 Sergei Abramov: In memory of Manuel Bronstein. Internet 2006, 3p. 17911 Claudia Garetto/Todor Gramchev/Michael Oberguggenberger: Pseudodifferential operators with generalized symbols and regularity theory. El. J. Diff. Eq. 116 (2005), 1-43. 17912 ZZ: Regularity of solutions to partial differential equations. Internet ca. 2006, 1p. 17913 Fabrizio Catanese: Vorstellung. Internet ca. 2001, 6p. 17914 Arnaud Beauville: Riemannian holonomy and algebraic geometry. Internet 2006, 26p. 17915 J. Colombeau: Multiplication of distributions. Bull. AMS 23/2 (1990), 251-268. 17916 Alexander Dinghas: Vorlesungen über Funktionentheorie. Springer 1961, 400p. 17917 Albrecht Beutelspacher/Bernhard Petri: Der goldene Schnitt. Spektrum 1996, 190p. Eur 25. 17918 Annette Werner: Elliptische Kurven in der Kryptographie. Springer 2002, 140p. Eur 23. 17919 Alain Grigis/Johannes Sjöstrand: Microlocal analysis for differential operators. Cambridge UP 1994, 150p. 17920 Wolfgang Fischer/Ingo Lieb: Ausgewählte Kapitel aus der Funktionentheorie. Vieweg 1988, 330p. 17921 Ludwig Ganghofer: Das Schweigen im Walde. Bastei 2005, 330p. Eur 4. 17922 Wolfgang Fischer/Ingo Lieb: Funktionentheorie. Vieweg 2005, 300p. Eur 30. 17923 Siegfried Brehmer/H. Haar: Differentialformen und Vektoranalysis. Dt. Vlg. Wiss. 1973, 300p. 17924 Horst Belkner/Siegfried Brehmer: Lebesguesche Integrale. Dt. Vlg. Wiss. 1984, 150p. 17925 Siegfried Brehmer: Hilberträume und Spektralmaße. Akademie-Verlag 1979, 220p. 17926 Roy Anderson/Robert May: Infectious diseases of humans. Oxford UP 2005, 750p. Eur 76. 17927 Walter Sawyer: Prelude to mathematics. Dover 1982, 220p. Eur 8. 17928 Anna Helversen-Pasotto: Character sum identities in analogy with special function identities. Adv. Math. 128/1 (1997), 186-189. 17929 Daniel Bump: Automorphic forms and representations. Cambridge UP 1998, 570p. Eur 48. 17930 Wolfgang Walter: Einführung in die Theorie der Distributionen. Bibl. Inst. 1994, 240p. 17931 Klaus Bethge/Ulrich Schröder: Elementarteilchen. Wiley-VCH 2006, 520p. Eur 58. 17932 Franco Crivellari: Analisi statistica dei dati con R. Apogeo 2006, 430p. 17933 Lakhdar Aggoun/Robert Elliott: Measure theory and filtering. Cambridge UP 2004, 260p. 17934 Maurice Kibler: Classifying chemical elements and particles - from the atomic to the subatomic world. Internet ca. 2003, 31p. 17935 I. Guseinov/B. Mamedov: Use of recursion and analytical relations in evaluation of hypergeometric functions arising in multicenter integrals with nointeger n Slater type orbitals. J. Math. Chem. 38/4 (2005), 511-517. 17936 Will Shortz: Sua maesta' il sudoku. Mondadori 2006, 290p. Eur 8. 17937 Abdul Salam Jarrah/Reinhard Laubenbacher/Brandilyn Stigler/Michael Stillman: Reverse engineering of polynomial dynamical systems. Internet 2006, 13p. 17938 Luciano Biasini: Il multiculturalismo e' da evitare. ENDAS Oggi, Agosto-Settembre 2004, 8p. 17939 Luciano Biasini: Nasce un'Europa politica. ENDAS Oggi, Novembre-Dicembre 2004, 8p. 17940 Miroslav Katetov: A theorem on mappings. Comm. Math. Univ. Carolinae 8/3 (1967), 431-433. 17941 Jürg Kramer: Die Vermutung von Birch und Swinnerton-Dyer. Elem. Math. 57 (2002), 115-120. 17942 Elmar Vogt: Existenz von Quanten-Yang-Mills-Theorien mit Massenlücke. Elem. Math. 57 (2002), 121-126. 17943 Herbert Kurke: Die Hodge-Vermutung. Elem. Math. 57 (2002), 127-132. 17944 Jürg Kramer: Die Riemannsche Vermutung. Elem. Math. 57 (2002), 90-95. 17945 Martin Grötschel: P = NP? Elem. Math. 57 (2002), 96-102. 17946 Jochen Brüning: Die Vermutung von Poincare'. Elem. Math. 57 (2002), 103-108. 17947 Ruedi Seiler: Die Navier-Stokes-Gleichung. Elem. Math. 57 (2002), 109-114. 17948 Klaus-Werner Wiegmann: Einbettungen komplexer Räume in Zahlenräume. Inv. Math. 1 (1966), 229-242. 17949 Heinz König: An explicit formula for fundamental solutions of linear partial differential equations with constant coefficients. Proc. AMS 120/4 (1994), 1315-1318. 17950 Marcel Berger: Dynamiser la geometrie elementaire - introduction a des travaux de Richard Schwartz. Rend. Mat. 25 (2005), 127-153. 17951 Edoardo Vesentini: Beniamino Segre and Italian geometry. Rend. Mat. 25 (2005), 185-193. 17952 Friedrich Sommer/Johannes Mehring: Kernfunktion und Hüllenbildung in der Funktionentheorie mehrerer Veränderlichen. Math. Ann. 131 (1956), 1-16. 17953 Edward Allen/.../David John: Algebraic dependency models of protein signal transduction networks from time-series data. J. Theor. Biol. 238 (2006), 317-330. 17954 Giuseppe Tomassini: Extension problems in complex analysis. Rend. Mat. 25 (2005), 175-184. 17955 Paolo Boggiatto/Ernesto Buzano/Luigi Rodino: Global hypoellipticity and spectral theory. Akademie-Verlag 1996, 180p. 17956 Vladimir Filkov: Identifying gene regulatory networks from gene expression data. In 17576 Aluru, 27/1-27/29. 17957 E. Looijenga/T. Springer: Peter Slodowy. Jber. DMV 108/2 (2006), 105-117. 17958 Alberto Caceres/Omar Colon-Reyes: Some criteria for permutation binomials. Internet ca. 2005, 16p. 17959 Sorin Dragomir/Giuseppe Tomassini: Differential geometry and analysis on CR manifolds. Birkhäuser 2006, 480p. Eur 89. 17960 Goro Kato/Daniele Struppa: Fundamentals of algebraic microlocal analysis. Dekker 1999, 290p. Eur 131. 17961 Eric Bedford: Review of the book "Introduction to holomorphic functions of several variables" (in three volumes) by Robert Gunning. MathSciNet ca. 2003, 4p. 17962 Oscar Zariski: Applicazioni geometriche della teoria delle valutazioni. Rend. Mat. Appl. 13 (1954), 51-88. 17963 Jean-Pierre Serre: Geometrie algebrique et geometrie analytique. Ann. Inst. Fourier Grenoble 6 (1955/56), 1-42. 17964 Rene' Hernandez Toledo: Linear finite dynamical systems. Comm. Algebra 33 (2005), 2977-2989. 17965 Nils Baas/Torbjoern Helvik: Higher order cellular automata. Adv. Complex Systems 8/2-3 (2005), 169-192. 17966 Herbert Alexander/John Wermer: Several complex variables and Banach algebras. Springer 1998, 250p. 17967 Hans Grauert/Reinhold Remmert: Theory of Stein spaces. Springer 1979, 250p. 17968 Vincenzo Ancona/Bernard Gaveau: Differential forms on singular varieties. Chapman & Hall 2006, 310p. Eur 86. 17969 Daniel Huybrechts: Complex geometry. Springer 2005, 310p. Eur 55. 17970 Said El-Baghdadi/Stefania Gabelli: w-divisorial domains. J. Algebra 285 (2005), 335-355. 17971 Stefania Gabelli/Evan Houston/Thomas Lucas: The t#-property for integral domains. J. Pure Appl. Algebra 194 (2004), 281-298. 17972 Anselm Grün/Romano Guardini/.../Joseph Ratzinger: Der Rosenkranz. Gebete und Meditationen. Benno 2003, 60p. Eur 8. 17973 Klaus Jänich: Vektoranalysis. Springer 2005, 270p. Eur 20. 17974 ZZ: Gotteslob. Katholisches Gebet- und Gesangbuch. Stammausgabe. Kath. Bibelanstalt 1996, 910p. Eur 10. 17975 Andreas Gathmann: Tropical algebraic geometry. Jber. DMV 108/1 (2006), 3-32. 17976 Lior Pachter/Bernd Sturmfels: Tropical geometry of statistical models. Proc. Nat. Ac. Sci. USA 101/46 (2004), 16132-16137. 17977 Andreas Gathmann: Algebraic geometry. Univ. Kaiserslautern 2003, 220p. A very nice course, from the beginnings to schemes and characteristic classes, with many concrete examples. 17978 Andreas Gathmann/Hannah Markwig: The numbers of tropical plane curves through points in general position. Internet ca. 2006, 23p. 17979 Andreas Gathmann/Hannah Markwig: Kontsevich's formula and the WDVV equations in tropical geometry. Internet ca. 2006, 24p. 17980 Andreas Gathmann/Hannah Markwig: The Caporaso-Harris formula and plane relative Gromov-Witten invariants in tropical geometry. Internet ca. 2006, 27p. 17981 Grigory Mikhalkin: Tropical geometry. Draft for a book. Internet 2006, 105p. 17982 Grigory Mikhalkin: Tropical geometry and its applications. Internet ca. 2006, 25p. 17983 Grigory Mikhalkin: Enumerative tropical algebraic geometry. Internet ca. 2006, 61p. 17984 Ulrich Stuhler: Martin Kneser 21.1.1928 - 16.2.2004. Jber. DMV 108/1 (2006), 45-61. 17985 Klaus Michael Weinberger/Armin Graber/Jörg Katzenberger: Targeted metabolomics. Biospektrum ... (2006), 231-232. 17986 Philip Maini: Using mathematical models to help understanding biological pattern formation. Compt. Rend. Biologies 327 (2004), 225-234. 17987 R. Plaza/.../Philip Maini: The effect of growth and curvature on pattern formation. J. Dyn. Diff. Eq. 16/4 (2004), 1093-1121. 17988 Steven McDougall/John Dallon/Jonathan Sherratt/Philip Maini: Fibroblast migration and collagen deposition during dermal wound healing - mathematical modelling and clinical implications. Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. A 364 (2006), 1385-1405. 17989 Helen Byrne/.../Philip Maini: Modelling aspects of cancer dynamics - a review. Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. A 364 (2006), 1563-1578. 17990 C. Chuong/.../Philip Maini/.../R. Happle: What is the biological basis of pattern formation of skin lesions? Exp. Dermatology 15 (2006), 547-564. 17991 Tomas Alarcon/Helen Byrne/Philip Maini/Markus Owen: Cancer disease - integrative modelling approaches. Internet 2006, 4p. 17992 R. Liu/S. Liaw/Philip Maini: Two-stage Turing model for generating pigment patterns on the leopard and the jaguar. Phys. Rev. E 74 (2006), 011914. 17993 M. Overhaus/.../A. Puthu: Recent developments in mathematical finance - a practitioner's point of view. Jber. DMV 108/2 (2006), 65-90. 17994 Peter Semrl: Maps on matrix and operator algebras. Jber. DMV 108/2 (2006), 91-103. 17995 K. Meer: Besprechung des Buches "Komplexitätstheorie" von Ingo Wegener. Jber. DMV 108/2 (2006), B 5-6. 17996 Benno Artmann: Das Grabmal Clebsch ist restauriert. DMV-Mitt. 14/2 (2006), 68. 17997 Friedrich Hirzebruch: Gründungsgeschichte des Max-Planck-Instituts für Mathematik. DMV-Mitt. 14/2 (2006), 73-79. 17998 Moritz Kassmann: L-harmonische Funktionen und Sprungprozesse. DMV-Mitt. 14/2 (2006), 80-87. 17999 ZZ: Lennart Carleson erhält den Abel-Preis. DMV-Mitt. 14/2 (2006), 87-88. 18000 Volker Kaibel/Thorsten Koch: Mathematik für den Volkssport. DMV-Mitt. 14/2 (2006), 93-96.