26001 Wayne Blizard: Multiset theory. Notre Dame J. Formal Logic 30/1 (1989), 36-66. 26002 William Coleman/Gregory Tsongalis (ed.): The molecular basis of human cancer. Springer 2017, 870p. Eur 165. 26003 Peter Doleschel/Johann Frahm (ed.): Landwirtschaftlicher Pflanzenbau. BLV 2014, 120pp. Eur 60 (Ebuch). 26004 Wulf Diepenbrock/Frank Ellmer/Jens Leon: Ackerbau, Pflanzenbau und Pflanzenzüchtung. Ulmer 2012, 360p. Eur 25. 26005 Alfons Willam/Henner Simianer: Tierzucht. Ulmer 2011, 350p. Eur 30. 26006 Ernst Billeter: Grundlagen der erforschenden Statistik - Statistische Testtheorie. Springer 1972, 220p. Eur 49. 26007 Ernst Billeter: Grundlagen der repräsentativen Statistik - Stichprobentheorie und Versuchsplanung. Springer 1970, 160p. Eur 49. 26008 Jochen Schwarze: Grundlagen der Statistik 1 - Beschreibende Verfahren. NWB 2014, 260p. Eur 17. 26009 Jochen Schwarze: Grundlagen der Statistik 2 - Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung und induktive Statistik. NWB 2013, 260p. 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(2009), 22p. 26229 Claudia Zerahn-Hartung/.../Franz Resch: Normverschiebungen bei Rechtschreibleistung und sprachfreier Intelligenz. Praxis Kinderpsychol. Kinderpsychiatrie 51/4 (2002), 281-297. 26230 David Cooper: Auswandern. Create Space 2014, 140p. Eur 4 (Ebuch). 26231 Paolo Di Stefano: Se l'universita' deve insegnare la grammatica ai futuri giuristi. Corriere della Sera, 2 giugno 2015, 1p. 26232 ZZ: Chemietalent aus Südtirol siegt in Österreich. Internet 2015, 1p. 26233 Katerina Jacob: Oh Kanada. Mod. Vlgsges. 2015, 230p. Eur 14 (Ebuch). 26234 Ben Schweizer: Partielle Differentialgleichungen. Springer 2013, 580p. Eur 27 (Ebuch). 26235 Carlos Vinuesa: Asymptotics for magic squares of primes. Internet 2012, 34p. 26236 Jaime Sorenson: A review of prime patterns. Internet 2008, 7p. 26237 EMS Newsletter March 2008, 64p. 26238 Raghu Ramakrishnan/Johannes Gehrke: Database management systems. McGraw-Hill 2003, 1060p. Eur 65. 26239 Alessandro Languasco/Alessandro Zaccagnini: Manuale di crittografia. Hoepli 2015, 310p. Eur 24. 26240 Marek Adar: Oracle-SQL- und PL/SQL-Entwicklung. Books on Demand 2013, 360p. Eur 30. 26241 Paolo Atzeni/.../Riccardo Torlone: Basi di dati. Modelli e linguaggi di interrogazione. McGraw-Hill 2013, 500p. Eur 36. 26242 Hugh Fletcher/Ivor Hickey: Genetics. Garland 2013, 380p. Eur 31 (Ebook Eur 49). 26243 Nicola Bellomo/Abdelghani Bellouquid: Networks and heterogeneous media. Am. Inst. Math. Sci. 6/3 (2011), 383-399. 26244 Philipp Seibt: Warum die Menschheit immer schlauer wird. Spiegel Online 3. Juni 2015, 1p. 26245 Lutz Fröhlich: PostgreSQL 9 - Praxisbuch für Administratoren und Entwickler. Hanser 2012, 290p. Eur 32 (Ebuch). 26246 Wikipedia: PostgreSQL. Wikipedia 2015, 4p. 26247 Wikipedia: SQLite. Wikipedia 2015, 3p. 26248 Hadley Wickham a.o.: RSQLite. Internet 2014, 22p. 26249 O. Tezer: SQLite vs. MySQL vs. PostgreSQL - a comparison of relational database management systems. Internet 2014, 17p. 26250 Simon Riggs/Gianni Ciolli/Hannu Krosing/Gabriele Bartolini: PostgreSQL 9 administration cookbook. Packt 2015, 510p. Eur 30 (Ebook). 26251 Francis Buekenhout/Dominique Buset: On the foundation of incidence geometry. Geom. Dedicata 25 (1988), 269-296. 26252 Matthias Homeister: Quantum computing verstehen. Springer 2013, 300p. Eur 27 (Ebuch). 26253 ZZ: Wurm im Wurm. Spiegel 1964/11, 105-106. 26254 Uwe Krüger: Meinungsmacht. Halem 2013, 370p. Eur 29. 26255 John-Harry Wieken: Erfolgreich SQL lernen. Addison-Wesley 2012, 380p. Eur 17. 26256 ZZ: PostgreSQL 9.0 - Official documentation. Volume I. The SQL language. Fultus 2011, 420p. Eur 34. 26257 Bernd Kramer: Der Unsinn der Elitenförderung. SPON 12. Juni 2015, 1p. 26258 Volkmar Weiss: Klassischer und probabilistischer Mendelismus. Biol. Zentralblatt 101 (1982), 597-607. 26259 Matthias Schubert: Datenbanken. Vieweg + Teubner 2007, 344p. Eur 30 (Ebuch). 26260 Frank Geisler: Datenbanken - Grundlagen und Design. Mitp 2014, 590p. Eur 26 (Ebuch). 26261 Usama Dar/Hannu Krosing/Jim Mlodgenski/Kirk Roybal: PostgreSQL server programming. Packt 2015, 300p. Eur 42. 26262 Peter Kleinschmidt/Christian Rank: Relationale Datenbanksysteme. Springer 2005, 270p. Eur 36. 26263 Melissa Pressman: Making sense of biostatistics - Latin squares. J. Clin. Res. Best Pract. 10/5 (2014), 2p. 26264 Rosemary Bailey: Orthogonal partitions in designed experiments. Designs, Codes Cryptogr. 8 (1996), 45-77. 26265 Rosemary Bailey/Peter Cameron: Latin squares in experimental design. Internet 2003, 3p. 26266 William Gasarch: Ramsey theory and the history of pre-Christian England - an example of interdisciplinary research. Internet ca. 2014, 14p. 26267 Goffredo Pistelli: Padova, universita' anti Renzi. Italia Oggi 6 giugno 2015, 12. 26268 Karl Megner: Die Unkündbarkeit des Beamten liegt im Interesse von Staat und Gesellschaft. Internet (GÖD) ca. 2015, 4p. 26269 Paolo Gianni: Gli effetti del blocco di classi e scatti stipendiali dei docenti universitari. Internet ca. 2015, 4p. 26270 Stefano Pirani: Quadrati latini e di ordine superiore per la attenuazione dei disturbi nelle attivita' sperimentali. Internet ca. 2007, 6p. 26271 Luyi Xing/.../Xiaojing Liao: Unauthorized cross-app resource access on Mac OS X and iOS. Internet 2015, 13p. 26272 Hanswalter Buff: Datenbanktheorie. Books on Demand 2003, 310p. Eur 16. 26273 ZZ: Regierungserklärung von Paul Rösch. Südtirol News 17. Juni 2015, 2p. INQ 7858. 26274 Paul Zak: Genetics, family structure, and economic growth. J. Evol. Econ. 12 (2002), 343-365. 26275 Paul Zak/Kwang Woo Park: Population genetics and economic growth. J. Bioeconomics 4 (2001), 1-37. 26276 Richard Lynn/John Harvey: The decline of the world's IQ. Intelligence 36 (2008), 112-120. 26277 Jaron Lanier: Digital maoism - the hazards of the new online collectivism. Edge June 2006, 20p. 26278 Karl Schulze-Hagen: Parasitierung und Brutverluste durch den Kuckuck (Cuculus canorus) bei Teich- und Sumpfrohrsänger (Acrocephalus scirpaceus - A. palustris) in Mittel- und Westeuropa. J. Orn. 133 (1992), 237-249. 26279 ZZ: PostgreSQL 9.0 - Official documentation. Volume IV. Reference. Fultus 2011, 430p. Eur 43. 26280 Andreas Scherbaum: PostgreSQL. Open Source 2009, 517p. Eur 27. Ziemlich vollständig und sehr übersichtlich geschrieben. 26281 Michael Kofler: Markdown und Pandoc. Kofler 2013, 150p. Eur 10 (Ebuch). 26282 Daniel Staal: Installing Pandoc on Mac OS X. Internet 2015, 1p. Very helpful. 26283 Louis Kauffman: Quantum computing and the Jones polynomial. Internet 2001, 51p. 26284 ZZ: PostgreSQL 9.0 - Official documentation. Volume III. Server Programming. Fultus 2011, 270p. Eur 34. 26285 Andreas Matthias: The pdfpages package. Internet 2015, 12p. 26286 Dan Woods/Peter Thoeny: Wikis for dummies. For Dummies 2007, 380p. Eur 16 (Ebook). 26287 Martin Seibert/Sebastian Preuss/Matthias Rauer: Enterprise Wikis. Gabler 2011, 260p. Eur 30 (Ebuch). 26288 Daniel Barrett: Mediawiki. O'Reilly 2008, 380p. Eur 44. 26289 Yaron Koren: Working with Mediawiki. WikiWorks 2012, 310p. Eur 20 (Ebook). 26290 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: Faust 1 + 2. Ebookslib. Eur 6 (Ebook). 26291 Jon Emmons: Oracle shell scripting. Rampant Techpress 2007, 300p. Eur 32. 26292 Christoph Lange (Hg.): Wikis und Blogs. Computer & Literatur 2007, 850p. Eur 49. 26293 John Grayson: Python and Tkinter programming. Manning 2000, 650p. $33. 26294 Dominik Bischoff: Bilder einfügen in Latex. Internet 2010, 36p. 26295 Thomas Merz: Ghostscript-Manual. Internet 1997, 28p. 26296 ZZ: How to use Ghostscript. Artifex ca. 2010, 29p. 26297 ZZ: Overview of Ghostscript. Artifex ca. 2006, 4p. 26298 NUMI Maggio-Giugno 2015. 50p. 26299 Wikipedia: Creating books from Wikipedia. Wikipedia 2015, 4p. 26300 Wikipedia: Garbe/Sheaf. Wikipedia 2015, 14p. 26301 Wikipedia: Projective space/Proj. Wikipedia 2015, 27p. 26302 David Eisenbud/Joe Harris: 3264 and all that intersection theory in algebraic geometry. Internet (draft) 2013, 690p. 26303 David Harari: Geometrie algebrique. Internet 2014, 150p. 26304 David Harari: Schemes. Internet 2005, 40p. 26305 Mauro Beltrametti/Paltin Ionescu: A view on extending morphisms from ample divisors. Internet 2009, 40p. 26306 Paltin Ionescu/Francesco Russo: Manifolds covered by lines and the Hartshorne conjecture for quadratic manifolds. Internet 2012, 11p. 26307 Paltin Ionescu/Francesco Russo: On dual defective manifolds. Internet 2014, 13p. 26308 Paltin Ionescu: Birational geometry of rationally connected manifolds via quasi-lines. Internet 2005, 20p. 26309 James Wilsdon: We need a measured approach to metrics. Nature 9 July 2015, 129. 26310 Tim Schürmann: Praxiswissen Joomla! 3.0. O'Reilly 2013, 920p. Eur 32 (Ebuch). 26311 Torben Hoffmann: Typesetting chess in Latex with the skak package. Internet 2013, 13p. 26312 Ulrike Fischer: xskak - an extension to the package skak. Internet 2015, 59p. 26313 R. Churchill: A brief introduction to algebraic geometry. Internet 2007, 125p. 26314 John Friedlander: Prime numbers - a much needed gap is finally found. Notices AMS June/July 2015, 660-664. 26315 Alessia Massarutto: Strutture di incidenza e statistica combinatoria. Tesi LM Ferrara 2015, 85p. 26316 Peter Romanovsky: Soviet middlegame technique. Quality Chess 2013, 420p. Eur 25. 26317 Terence Tao: Cycles of a random permutation, and irreducible factors of a random polynomial. Internet 2015, 6p. 26318 Terence Tao: The number of cycles in a random permutation. Internet 2011, 3p. 26319 Anton Deitmar: F_1-schemes and toric varieties. Internet 2007, 12p. 26320 Andrew Granville: The anatomy of integers and permutations. Internet ca. 2009, 16p. 26321 C. Soule': On the field with one element. Internet ca. 2000, 5p. 26322 ZZ: [Interview mit der Lehrerin Jutta Dreßler.] Welt Online Juni 2015, 5p. 26323 EMS Newsletter June 2015. 26323 Ari Laptev: Institut Mittag-Leffler. EMS Newsletter June 2015, 20-21. 26324 Arild Stubhaug: Gösta Mittag-Leffler (1846-1927). EMS Newsletter June 2015, 22-25. 26325 Albrecht Beutelspacher/Günter Törner: Interview with Prof. Dr. Günter Pickert. EMS Newsletter June 2015, 41-49. 26326 Ulf Persson: Remembering Grothendieck - an interview with Jacob Murre. EMS Newsletter June 2015, 49-53. 26327 Henri Darmon: Review of the book "A first course in modular forms" by F. Diamond and J. Shurman. MR 2112196 (2006f:11045), 3p. 26328 Werner Kleinert: Review of the book "A first course in modular forms" by F. Diamond and J. Shurman. ZB 1062.11022. 26329 Rolf Gscheidle (Hg.): Fachkunde Kraftfahrzeugtechnik. Europa Lehrmittel 2013, 780p. Eur 40. 26330 Bernd Hofmann/Matthias Richter/Friedrich Thießen/Ralf Wunderlich: Der Cost-average-Effekt in der Anlageberatung - Einsatzmöglichkeiten und Grenzen sowie deren mathematische Hintergründe. Internet. 26331 Fred Reinfeld: The complete chessplayer. Simon & Schuster 1992, 290p. Eur 19. 26332 Yves Hellegouarch: Invitation aux mathematiques de Fermat-Wiles. Dunod 2009, 380p. Eur 40. 26333 ZZ: Hotelführer Lana. August 2015, 52p. 26334 ZZ: Tabelle der Nebenspesen bei begünstigten Mietverträgen. Internet ca. 2015, 2p. 26335 ZZ: Gebietsabkommen begünstigte Mietverträge in Lana. Internet, 9p. 26336 ZZ: Blatte. Internet, 4p. 26337 ZZ: Gli scarafaggi. Internet, 2p. 26338 Fred Diamond/John Im: Modular forms and modular curves. Can. MS Conf. Proc. 17 (1995), 39-133. 26339 Mathias Lederer: Einführung in die höhere Algebra und diskrete Mathematik - Torische Varietäten. Internet, 85p. 26340 Hans-Hermann Dubben/Hans-Peter Bornholdt: Der Hund, der Eier legt. Rororo 2006, 320p. Eur 10 (Ebuch). 26341 Mark Wooding: The mdwtab and mathenv packages. Internet 1998, 86p. 26342 Mark Wooding: mdwtools. Internet 1996, 6p. 26343 Frank Mittelbach: An environment for multicolumn output. Internet 2011, 29p. The multicol package. 26344 Cody Mooneyhan: Grey hair and vitiligo reversed at the root. FASEB 3 May 2013, 2p. 26345 Karl Sigmund/Peter Michor: John Forbes Nash Jr. 1928-2015. IMN 229 (2015), 1-11. 26346 Joachim Herrmann: Welcher Stern ist das? Kosmos 2014, 216p. Eur 19. 26347 Stefano Semplici: Noi disobbediamo. ROARS Settembre 2015, 5p. 26348 A: Istruzioni per Pari/GP. 16 luglio 2015. 26349 A: Istruzioni per Latex. 16 luglio 2015. 26350 A: Il file fourier.tex. 16 luglio 2015. 26351 Tony Crilly: Interleaving integer sequences. Math. Gaz. 91/520 (2007), 27-33. 26352 Henry Schenck: Review of the book "Numerically solving polynomial systems with Bertini" by Daniel Bates a.o. Bull. AMS ... (2015), ... 26353 E. Kowalski: Representation theory. Internet 2013, 330p. 26354 Jared Weinstein: Reciprocity laws and Galois representations - recent breakthroughs. Bull. AMS ... (2015), ... 26355 Ariel Starr/Melissa Libertus/Elizabeth Brannon: Number sense in infancy predicts mathematical abilities in childhood. Proc. Nat. Ac. Sci. 110/45 (2013), 18116-18120. 26356 Hewlett Packard: Manual for HP Laserjet 400 M401dn. HP 2014, 150p. 26357 Luigi Pepe: Un ricordo di Lucia. Settembre 2015, 2p. Lucia Ottobrini. 26358 ZZ: Zum Lesen 2012/1. 48p. 26359 ZZ: Zum Lesen 2015/2. 50p. 26360 EMS Newsletter September 2015. 26361 Martin Raussen/Christian Skau: Interview with Abel laureate John F. Nash jr. EMS Newsletter September 2015, 26-31. 26362 Frank Morgan: Soap bubbles and mathematics. EMS Newsletter September 2015, 32-36. 26363 Gert-Martin Greuel: Mathematics between research, application, and communication. EMS Newsletter September 2015, 44-51. 26364 Thomas Wang/.../Robert Gerszten: Metabolite profiles and the risk of developing diabetes. Nature Medicine 17/4 (2011), 448-454. 26365 Christopher Fordyce/.../Robert Califf: Cardiovascular drug development - Is it dead or just hibernating? J. Am. Coll. Cardiology 65/15 (2015), 1567-1582. 26366 Thomas Wang/Deepak Gupta: Metabolite profiles in heart failure. J. Am. Coll. Cardiology 65/15 (2015), 1521-1524. 26367 Erica Klarreich: The connoisseur of number sequences. Quanta 6 August 2015, 8p. On Neil Sloane. 26368 Marzio Bartoloni/Eugenio Bruno: Atenei, tornano gli scatti di carriera. Sole 24 Ore 17 ottobre 2015, ... 26369 ZZ: In memoriam Robert Ash (1935-2015). Internet 2015, 1p. 26370 Maurizio Zani: I docenti Gelmini sono gia' sbloccati. ROARS 2 ottobre 2015, 2p. 26371 Levent Alpoge: Van der Waerden and the primes. Am. Math. Monthly 122/8 (2015), 784-785. A proof of the infinitude of the set of primes by van der Waerden's theorem. 26372 Erica Klarreich: A magical answer to an 80-year-old puzzle. Quanta Magazine, 1 October 2015, 5p. On Tao's proof of the Erdös discrepancy problem. 26373 Terence Tao: The Erdös discrepancy theorem. Internet 2015, 28p. 26374 Terence Tao: The logarithmically averaged Chowla and Elliott conjectures for two-point correlations. Internet 2015, 27p. 26375 Thomas Sturm: The tcolorbox package. Internet 2012, 60p. 26376 Wikipedia: Malliavin calculus. Internet 2015, 3p. 26377 Nassim Taleb/Mark Blyth: The black swan of Cairo. How suppressing volatility makes the World less predictable and more dangerous. Foreign Affairs 90/3 (2011), 33-39. 26378 J. Sadique/U. Zaman/Ranjan Ghosh: A review study of NIST statistical test suite - development of an indigeneous computer package. Internet, 24p. 26379 Dore' Ogrizek/Pierre Daninos: Weltknigge. Bertelsmann, 500p. 26380 Gertrud Oheim: Das praktische neue Kochbuch. Bertelsmann 1962, 480p. 26381 Peter Owen: Das kleine Knotenbuch. Klasing 2015, 80p. Eur 10. 26382 Ralf Korn: Moderne Finanzmathematik. Springer 2014, 320p. Eur 30. 26383 Samsung: Manuale dell'utente per il Galaxy S6 (Italia, SM-G920F). Samsung 2015, 140p. 26384 Hans Dorsch: Das Buch zu Android-Tablets. O'Reilly 2015, 370p. Eur 16 (Ebuch). 26385 Michael Krimmer: Mein iPhone - für iPhone 6s und 6s+. Amac 2015, 420p. Eur 5 (Ebuch). 26386 Michael Kofler: Swift 2. Rheinwerk 2015, 760p. Eur 35 (Ebuch). 26387 Denis Bell: The Malliavin calculus. Dover 2006, 110p. Eur 14. 26388 Emilio Acerbi/Giuseppe Buttazzo/Francesca Prinari: The class of functionals which can be represented by a supremum. J. Convex Analysis 9/1 (2002), 225-236. 26389 Terence Tao: Discrete Black-Scholes theory. Internet, 3p. 26390 A. Doganaksoy/C. Tezcan: An alternative approach to Maurer's universal statistical test. 3rd Inf. Sec. Crypt. Conference Ankara 2008, 3p. 26391 Alexander Blach: Textastic for iPhone manual. Internet 2013, 88p. 26392 Giesbert Damaschke: Meine 350 besten iPhone-Tipps. Amac 2014, Eur 3 (Ebuch). 26393 Thomas Künneth: Android 5. Rheinwerk 2015, 630p. Eur 34. 26394 Patrick Illinger: Formeln der Freiheit. Interview mit Jürgen Mimkes. SZ Online 17. Februar 2011, 4p. 26395 Simon Tuite (ed.): Arabic-English visual bilingual dictionary. Dorling Kindersley, 360p. Eur 7 (Ebook). 26396 ZZ: Piano dell'offerta formativa 2015-16 dell'Ist. Istr. Sec. Gandhi Merano, 144p. 26397 ZZ: Tischtennis in Südtirol 2014-2015. Internet, 40p. 26398 Eckhard Meinrenken: Differential geometry. Lecture Notes, Internet 2015, 118p. 26399 Sean Carroll: Lecture notes on general relativity. Internet 1997, 238p. 26400 John Stewart: Advanced general relativity. Cambridge UP 1996, 118p. 26401 J. Coron/D. Naccache: An accurate evaluation of Maurer's universal test. Springer LN CS 1556 (2002), 57-71. 26402 Johannes Wernz: Banksteuerung und Risikomanagement. Gabler 2012, 130p. Eur 30 (Ebuch). 26403 Claudia Cottin/Sebastian Döhler: Risikoanalyse. Springer Spektrum 2013, 460p. Eur 30 (Ebuch). 26404 Alfred Nordheim/Rolf Knippers: Molekulare Genetik. Thieme 2015, 570p. Eur 60 (Ebuch). 26405 Peter Richmond/Jürgen Mimkes/Stefan Hutzler: Econophysics and physical economics. Oxford UP 2013, 250p. Eur 70. 26406 Andreas Kriegl: Computer graphics. Internet 2003, 180p. 26407 Andreas Kriegl: Riemannsche Geometrie. Internet 2015, 150p. 26408 Andreas Kriegl: Algebraic topology. Internet 2010, 120p. 26409 Ingrid Daubechies: Big data's mathematical mysteries. Quanta 3 December 2015, 4p. 26410 Stefan Thurner/Benedikt Fuchs: Physical forces between humans and how humans attract and repel each other based on their social interactions in an online world. Internet 2014, 7p. 26411 Heinrich Rudolf Schinz: Naturgeschichte und Abbildungen des Menschen der verschiedenen Rassen und Stämme. 1840. 26412 Andreas Kriegl: Funktionalanalysis I. Internet 2002, 140p. 26413 Andreas Kriegl: Funktionalanalysis II - Spektraltheorie. Internet 2003, 166p. 26414 Andreas Hamel/.../Carola Schrage: Set optimization - a rather short introduction. Internet 2014, 76p. 26415 Henk Broer: KAM theory - the legacy of Kolmogorov's 1954 paper. Bull. AMS 41/4 (2004), 507-521. 26416 C. Kiefer: Kosmologische Grundlagen der Irreversibilität. Phys. Bl. 49/11 (1993), 1027-1029. 26417 ZZ: Group representations I. Internet, 150p. 26418 ZZ: Group representations II. Internet, 65p. 26419 ZZ: Lie groups. Internet, 100p. 26420 Jürgen Kremer: Portfoliotheorie, Risikomanagement und die Bewertung von Derivaten. Springer 2011, 490p. Eur 25 (Ebuch). 26421 Erica Klarreich: Outsiders crack 50-year-old math problem. Quanta 24 November 2015, 7p. 26422 Rafael de la Llave: A tutorial on KAM theory. Internet ca. 2000, 130p. 26423 ZZ: Berufsbild Versicherungsmathematiker. Verschiedene Aufsätze. Internet, 11p. 26424 ZZ: Berufsbild Mathematiker. Verschiedene Aufsätze. Internet, 13p. 26425 ZZ: Berufsbild Finanzmathematiker. Verschiedene Aufsätze. Internet, 9p. 26426 Andreas Löhne: Optimization with set relations. Diss. Univ. Halle 2005, 100p. 26427 Andreas Löhne: Minimalpunkttheoreme in uniformen Räumen und verwandte Aussagen. Diplomarbeit Univ. Halle 2001, 60p. 26428 Zachary Weinstein/Birgit Rudloff: Multiportfolio time consistency for set-valued convex and coherent risk measures. Internet 2014, 29p. 26429 NUMI Settembre-Ottobre 2015, 82p. 26430 Bernt Oeksendal: An introduction to Malliavin calculus with applications to economics. Internet 1997, 80p. 26431 Jürgen Pöschel: A lecture on the classical KAM theorem. Proc. Symp. Pure Math. 69 (2001), 707-732. 26432 Andreas Kriegl: Algorithmische Geometrie. Internet 2012, 118p. 26433 Klaus Schmidt: Lectures on risk theory. Internet 1995, 207p. 26434 Gabi Brede/Horst-Dieter Radke: Pages. Smart Books 2014, 90p. Eur 8 (Ebuch). 26435 Cagin Ararat/Andreas Hamel/Birgit Rudloff: Set-valued shortfall and divergence risk measures. Internet 2014, 37p. 26436 Andreas Kriegl: Analysis auf Mannigfaltigkeiten. Internet 2015, 220p. 26437 Gareth Cook: Terence Tao, a giant who straddles the world of mathematics. AFR 8 August 2015, 10p. 26438 Terence Tao: The Black-Scholes equation. Internet 2008, 3p. 26439 Vincent DeVita/Elizabeth DeVita: The death of cancer. Crichton 2015, 340p. Eur 16 (Ebook). 26440 Francesco Scafuri: Alla ricerca della Ferrara perduta. Faust 2015, 300p. 26441 Wikipedia: Vincent DeVita. Wikipedia 2015, 3p. 26442 Robert Weinberg: The biology of cancer. Garland 2014, 880p. Eur 48 (Ebook). 26443 Lothar Rink/Andrea Kruse/Hajo Haase: Immunologie für Einsteiger. Springer 2012, 330p. Eur 15 (Ebook). 26444 Eric Kandel a.o.: Principles of neural science. McGraw-Hill 2012, 1760p. Eur 86 (Ebook). 26445 Wikipedia: Apple IOS. Wikipedia 2015, 11p. 26446 NUMI Novembre-Dicembre 2015, 66p. 26447 Rolf Beike/Johannes Schlütz: Finanznachrichten lesen. Schäffer-Poeschel 2015, 840p. Eur 50 (Ebuch). 26448 Gerhard Gottschalk: Welt der Bakterien, Archeen und Viren. Wiley-VCH 2015, 430p. Eur 26 (Ebuch). 26449 P. Alexandrov: Diskrete Räume. Mat. Sb. 2 (1937), 501-519. 26450 Kevin Hartnett: Hope rekindled for perplexing proof. Quanta 21 December 2015, 8p. On Mochizuki's papers. 26451 Jonathon Davis/.../James Sikela: DUF1220 copy number is linearly associated with increased cognitive function as measured by total IQ and mathematical aptitude scores. Hum. Genet. 134 (2015), 67-75. 26452 ZZ: Karl May - Karl der Deutsche. Spiegel 1962/37, 54-67. 26453 Jan Kallsen: Risk management. Internet 2014, 54p. 26454 Alfons Hädener/Heinz Kaufmann: Grundlagen der allgemeinen und der anorganischen Chemie. Birkhäuser 2010, 240p. Eur 17 (Ebuch). 26455 Vinay Kumar/Abul Abbas/Jon Aster (ed.): Robbins and Cotran pathologic basis of disease. Elsevier 2014, 1390p. Eur 60 (Ebook). 26456 Arthur Guyton/John Hall: Textbook of medical physiology. Saunders 2015, 1140p. Eur 62 (Ebook). 26457 Neil Campbell a.o.: Biology - a global approach. Pearson 2014, 1510p. Eur 52 (Ebook). 26458 David Craik/.../K. Rosengren: Structures of naturally occurring circular proteins. J. Bacteriology 185/14 (2003), 4011-4021. 26459 David Craik/Norma Allewell: Thematic minireview series on circular proteins. J. Biol. Chem. 287/32 (2012), 26999-27000. 26460 Ulf Göransson/.../K. Rosengren: Circular proteins from plants and fungi. J. Biol. Chem. 287/32 (2012), 27001-27006. 26461 Robert Lehrer/Alex Cole/Michael Selsted: theta-defensins - circular peptides with endless potential. J. Biol. Chem. 287/32 (2012), 27014-27019. 26462 James Tam/Clarence Wong: Chemical synthesis of circular proteins. J. Biol. Chem. 287/32 (2012), 27020-27025. 26463 Ulrich Welsch/Wolfgang Kummer/Thomas Deller: Lehrbuch Histologie. Urban & Fischer 2014, 710p. Eur 25 (Ebuch). 26464 Wikipedia: Cyclotide. Wikipedia 2015, 5p. 26465 Olaf Wolkenhauer: Projekte können auch auf eine gute Art scheitern. Interview. Internet ca. 2012, 2p. 26466 Olaf Wolkenhauer: 10 questions to him. Internet 2015, 2p. 26467 Olaf Wolkenhauer: Pushing limits by embracing complexity. IET Systems Biology ... (2014), 7p. 26468 Wikipedia: Wolstenholme's theorem. Wikipedia 2015, 4p. 26469 Wikipedia: Satz von Wolstenholme. Wikipedia 2015, 3p. 26470 Romeo Mestrovic: Wolstenholme's theorem - its generalizations and extensions in the last hundred and fifty years (1862-2012). Internet 2012, 30p. 26471 Timothy Choi: Notes on Wolstenholme's theorem. Internet 2008, 2p. 26472 Werner Böcker u.a.: Lehrbuch Pathologie. Urban & Fischer 2012, 1090p. Eur 70 (Ebuch). 26473 Keith Conrad: Zorn's lemma and some of its applications. Internet ca. 2008, 21p. 26474 Renate Lüllmann-Rauch: Taschenlehrbuch Histologie. Thieme 2015, 730p. Eur 35 (Ebuch). 26475 Werner Mäntele: Biophysik. UTB 2012, 310p. Eur 20 (Ebuch). 26476 Volker Schünemann: Biophysik. Springer 2005, 250p. Eur 17 (Ebuch). 26477 Michael Gekle u.a.: Taschenlehrbuch Physiologie. Thieme 2015, 830p. Eur 40 (Ebuch). 26478 Gerd Püschel u.a.: Taschenlehrbuch Biochemie. Thieme 2011, 930p. Eur 35 (Ebuch). 26479 ZZ: Hotelführer Lana. 2016, 52p. 26480 ZZ: Fahrplan Südtirol 13. 12. 2015 - 10. 12. 2015. Internet 2016, 100p. 26481 Fritz Tröster: Regelungs- und Steuerungstechnik für Ingenieure 1: Regelungstechnik. De Gruyter Oldenbourg 2015, 350p. Eur 30 (Ebuch). 26482 Barbara Hardinghaus: Maximilian der Große. Spiegel 46/2013, 63. 26483 Elisalex Henckel: Ich bin nicht so auf Freunde spezialisiert. Welt 14. Oktober 2013, ... 26484 Dietrich Burde: Algebra im Überblick. Internet 2011, 82p. Elementary algebra and coding theory. 26485 Harvey Friedman: Invariant maximal cliques and incompleteness. Internet 2011, 130p. 26486 Joe Gallian/Ivars Peterson: Interview with Bernd Sturmfels. MAA ... (2008), 4p. 26487 Charles Helou/Guy Terjanian: On Wolstenholme's theorem and its converse. J. Number Theory 128 (2008), 475-499. 26488 Evelyne Hubert/George Labahn: Computation of invariants of finite abelian groups. Math. Comp. ... (2016), 22p. 26489 Karl May: Der Scout - Deadly dust - Ave Maria. 26490 Grigory Mikhalkin/Johannes Rau: Tropical geometry. Internet 2015, 150p. 26491 Karl May: Gesammelte Werke in einem Band. E-Artnow 2015, 50000p. Eur 1 (Ebuch). 26492 ZZ: GIMPS project discovers largest known prime number. Science Daily 20 January 2016, 3p. The prime is 2^{74207281}-1. 26493 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: Gesammelte Werke. Eur 1 (Ebuch). 26494 Friedrich Schiller: Gesammelte Werke. Eur 1 (Ebuch). 26495 Immanuel Kant: Gesammelte Werke. Eur 1 (Ebuch). 26496 Arthur Schopenhauer: Gesammelte Werke. Eur 1 (Ebuch). 26497 Friedrich Hölderlin: Gesammelte Werke. Eur 1 (Ebuch). 26498 Alexandre Dumas: Gesammelte Werke. Eur 1 (Ebuch). 26499 Jules Verne: Gesammelte Werke. Eur 1 (Ebuch). 26500 William Shakespeare: Gesammelte Werke. Eur 1 (Ebuch). 26501 Victor Hugo: Gesammelte Werke. Eur 1 (Ebuch). 26502 Honore' de Balzac: Gesammelte Werke. Eur 1 (Ebuch). 26503 Robert Musil: Gesammelte Werke. Eur 1 (Ebuch). 26504 Edgar Allan Poe: Gesammelte Werke. Eur 1 (Ebuch). 26505 Georg Ebers: Gesammelte Werke. Eur 1 (Ebuch). 26506 Edgar Wallace: Gesammelte Werke. Eur 1 (Ebuch). 26507 Charles Dickens: Gesammelte Werke. Eur 1 (Ebuch). 26508 Mark Twain: Gesammelte Werke. Eur 1 (Ebuch). 26509 Herman Melville: Gesammelte Werke. Eur 1 (Ebuch). 26510 James Fenimore Cooper: Gesammelte Werke. Eur 1 (Ebuch). 26511 Reinhard Bürger: A survey of migration-selection models in population genetics. Dyn. Syst. B 19/4 (2014), 883-959. 26512 W. Chng/O. Glebov/P. Bergsagel/W. Kuehl: Genetic events in the pathogenesis of multiple myeloma. Best Pract. Res. Clin. Haem. 20/4 (2007), 571-596. 26513 Hartmut Goldschmidt: Multiples Myelom - Grundbegriffe. Internet 2014, 50p. 26514 Stanley Burris: George Boole and Boolean algebra. EMS Newsletter December 2015, 27-31. 26515 Katrin Barth/Evelyn Simon: Ich trainiere Tischtennis. Meyer & Meyer 2014, 160p. Eur 14 (Ebuch). 26516 Bernd-Ulrich Groß: Tischtennis Basics. Meyer & Meyer 2015, 270p. Eur 15 (Ebuch). 26517 Gottfried Forsthuber a.o.: Handbuch für den Tischtennissport in Österreich. Internet ÖTTV 2013, 120p. 26518 Philipp Altrock/Lin Liu/Franziska Michor: The mathematics of cancer - integrating quantitative models. Nature Reviews Cancer December 2015, 730-745. 26519 Reinhard Bürger: Some mathematical models in evolutionary genetics. Internet ca. 2011, 23p. 26520 Stiftung Weltbevölkerung: Datenreport 2015. Internet 2015, 16p. 26521 Lilli Sippel/Tanja Kiziak/Franziska Woellert/Reiner Klingholz: Afrikas demographische Herausforderung. IBE 2011, 84p. 26522 EMS Newsletter December 2015. 26523 Christoph Aistleitner: Probabilistic methods in analysis and number theory. Int. Math. Nachr. 230 (2015), 1-12. 26524 Ulrich Oberst: Nachruf auf Heinrich Reitberger. Int. Math. Nachr. 230 (2015), 39-40. 26525 Brian Durie: The Black Swan research initiative is the myeloma moonshot. Internet 2016, 3p. 26526 Theodore Hailperin: Probability logic. Notre Dame JFL 25/3 (1984), 198-212. 26527 Leo Hansmann/.../Mark Davis: Mass cytometry analysis shows that a novel memory phenotype B cell is expanded in multiple myeloma. Cancer Imm. Res. 3/6 (2015), 650-661. 26528 Michelin: La guida Michelin Italia 2016 - alberghi e ristoranti. Michelin 2016, 1360p. Eur 19. 26529 Amgen: FDA approves new Kyprolis (Carfilzomib) combination therapy for the treatment of patients with relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma. Internet (Amgen) 2016, 5p. 26530 Udi Manber/Gene Myers: Suffix arrays - a new method for on-line string searches. ... (ca. 1990), 319-327. 26531 Luca Bernardinello/Lucia Pomello/Stefania Rombola': Orthomodular lattices induced by the concurrency relations. Internet 2009, 10p. 26532 David Platt: Numerical computations concerning the GRH. Math. Comput. ... (2016), 19p. 26533 Bruce Ayati/Claire Edwards/Glenn Webb/John Wikswo: A mathematical model of bone remodeling dynamics for normal bone cell populations and myeloma bone disease. Biology Direct 5 (2010), 17p. 26534 J. Chrobak/M. Bodnar/H. Herrero: About a generalized model of lymphoma. J. Math. An. Appl. 386 (2012), 813-829. 26535 ZZ: Can maths be used to cure leukemia? Internet ca. 2008, 1p. 26536 Ben Fogelson: Mathematical model of the chronic lymphocytic leukemia microenvironment. Harvey Mudd College 2009, 50p. 26537 Geoffrey Clapp/Doron Levy: A review of mathematical models for leukemia and lymphoma. Disease Discovery Today 16 (2015), 6p. 26538 Christina Goldschmidt: An introduction to random trees. Internet 2015, 21p. 26539 Elena Barcucci/Alberto Del Lungo/Elisa Pergola: Random generation of trees and other combinatorial objects. Theor. Comp. Sci. 218 (1999), 219-232. 26540 Philippe Flajolet/Paul Zimmerman/Bernard van Cutsem: A calculus for the random generation of labelled combinatorial structures. Theor. Comp. Sci. 132 (1994), 1-35. 26541 Richard Durrett: Branching process models of cancer. Internet 2014, 63p. 26542 Brian Durie: To collaborate, or not to collaborate, that is the question. Internet 2016, 2p. 26543 ZZ: EMA fast-tracks treatment of multiple myeloma for approval in EU. Internet 2016, 2p. The new drug elotuzumab (Empliciti). 26544 Jean-Francois Le Gall: Random trees and applications. Prob. Surveys 2 (2005), 245-311. 26545 Brian Conrey: Review of the book "Lectures on the Riemann zeta function" by Henryk Iwaniec. Bull. AMS ... (2016), 6p. 26546 Robert Penner: Moduli spaces and macromolecules. Bull. AMS ... (2016), 52p. 26547 Piero Foscari: Stochastic and deterministic simulation techniques for traffic and economics. Tesi dott. Univ. Ferrara, ca. 2006, 180p. 26548 Friedrich Nietzsche: Gesammelte Werke. Ebuch, Eur 2. 26549 Thomas Haslwanter: An introduction to statistics with Python. Springer 2016, 280p. Eur 60. 26550 ZZ: COSBI 2005-2015. COSBI 2016, 24p. 26551 Gianni Trovati: Universita' a dieta. Sole 24 Ore 8 Febbraio 2016, 1p. 26552 Flavia Pichiorri/Luciana De Luca/Rami Aqeilan: Micro RNAs - new players in multiple myeloma. Frontiers Gen. 2 (2011), 8p. 26553 Elie Dolgin: The mathematician versus the malignancy. Nature Medicine 20/5 (2014), 460-463. Franziska Michor. 26554 D. Gillies: Selecting applications for funding - why random choice is better than peer review. RT J. Res. Pol. Eval. 2 (2014), 14p. 26555 Jody Hey/Rasmus Nielsen: Integration within the Felsenstein equation for improved Markov chain Monte Carlo methods in population genetics. Proc. Nat. Ac. Sci. 104/8 (2007), 2785-2790. 26556 Bing Ji/.../Michael Fagan: Mathematical modelling of the pathogenesis of multiple myelomainduced bone disease. Int. J. Num. Math. Biomed. Eng. 30 (2014), 1085-1102. 26557 UMI: Atti del 20esimo congresso dell'UMI a Siena, settembre 2015. UMI, 478p. 26558 R. Fonseca/.../H. Avet-Loiseau: International Myeloma Working Group molecular classification of multiple myeloma - spotlight review. Leukemia 23 (2009), 2210-2221. 26559 Bruce Ayati/Jason Graham/Sarah Holstein: Using a level set to model multiple myeloma induced bone loss. Internet 2012, 13p. 26560 Roman Liedl/Eva Ottmer/Clemens Cap (ed.): Interkulturelle Naturphilosophie. Internet 2015, 680p. 26561 Enrico Lista/Gian Matteo Rigolin/Francesco Cavazzini/Antonio Cuneo: Terapie innovative delle leucemie acute - il paradigma della leucemia a promielociti. Atti Acc. Sci. Ferrara 90 (2012/13), 47-58. 26562 Martin Bleif: Krebs - die unsterbliche Krankheit. Klett-Cotta 2015, 530p. Eur 10 (Ebuch). 26563 Gabriele Caiulo: Automi cellulari e loro limiti macroscopici in oncologia matematica. Tesi LM Univ. Pisa 2015, 79p. 26564 Londa Schiebinger/Andrea Davies Henderson/Shannon Gilmartin: Dual-career academic couples. Stanford Univ. 2008, 108p. 26565 Jeremy Gray: Who would have won the Fields medal 150 years ago? Notices AMS March 2016, 269-274. 26566 Amy Keller: Medical math - mathematicians doing cancer research. Florida Trend ... (2013), 2p. Alexander Anderson at the Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa. 26567 Russell Lyons/Yuval Peres: Probability on trees and networks. Draft 2010, 590p. 26568 Jean Raspail: The camp of the saints. Trine Day. Eur 10 (Ebook). 26569 ZZ: Konventionierter Wohnbau (Abschnitt VII des Landesgesetzes vom 11. August 1997). Internet (INQ 8876) 1997, 2p. 26570 Lawrence Loeb: Human cancers express mutator phenotypes - origin, consequences and targeting. Nat. Rev. Cancer 11/6 (2011), 450-457. 26571 Peter Illetschko/Karin Krichmayr: Interview mit Peter, Franziska und Johanna Michor. Standard ca. 24. Oktober 2011, 4p. 26572 Robert Kunz/.../Cheng Dong: Multi-scale biological and physical modelling of the tumour micro-environment. Drug Discovery Today 16 (2015), 9p. 26573 Fabio Ferlazzo/Stefano Sdoia: Measuring nepotism through shared last names - are we really moving from opinions to facts? PLOS 7/8 (2012), 6p. 26574 Ulrich Gaier: Kommentar zu Goethes Faust. Reclam 2010, 350p. Eur 10. 26575 Wikipedia: Whatsapp. Wikipedia 2016, 7p. 26576 J. Aarnes/P. Andenaes: On nets and filters. Math. Scand. 31 (1972), 285-292. A good definition of subnet is given. 26577 Jean-Paul Penot: Compact nets, filters, and relations. J. Math. An. Appl. 93 (1983), 406-417. 26578 Josef Eschgfaeller/Andrea Scarpante: Dichotomic random number generators. arXiv:1603.08500 (2016), 35p. 26579 Stefan Münz/Clemens Gull: HTML5-Handbuch. Franzis 2014, 820p. Eur 30 (Ebuch). 26580 Markus Helmerich: Liniendiagramme in der Wissenskommunikation. Diss. TU Darmstadt 2009, 170p. 26581 Jane Austen: Gesamtausgabe (englisch). Eur 3 (Ebuch). 26582 Sunil Singh: A primer in MathML. Eur 3 (Ebook). 26583 Ryan Hodson: MathML tutorial. Eur 1 (Ebook). 26584 J. Eisenberg/Amelia Bellamy: SVG essentials. O'Reilly 2014, 360p. Eur 39 (Ebook). 26585 Kai Laborenz: CSS. Rheinwerk 2015, 820p. Eur 35 (Ebuch). 26586 Andrew Watt/.../Niklas Gustavsson: SVG unleashed. Sams 2003, 1110p. 26587 NUMI Marzo 2016. 92p. 26588 Martin Falck/Susanne Falck: Die großen Pharaonen. 2015, 130p. Eur 5 (Ebuch). 26589 Dieter Rasch/Dieter Schott: Mathematische Statistik. Wiley VCH 2015, 650p. Eur 71 (Ebuch). 26590 Andreas Quatember: Statistischer Unsinn. Springer 2015, 230p. Eur 10 (Ebuch). 26591 Kai-Uwe Schmidt: The correlation measures of finite sequences - limiting distributions and minimum values. Trans. AMS ... (2016), 18p. 26592 Pierre Bremaud: Initiation aux probabilites et aux chaines de Markov. Springer 2009, 300p. Eur 25 (Ebook). 26593 Misha Gromov: Crystals, proteins, stability and isoperimetry. Bull. AMS 48/2 (2011), 229-257. 26594 Dagmar Fischer/Jörg Breitenbach (ed.): Die Pharmaindustrie. Spektrum 2012, 360p. Eur 20 (Ebuch). 26595 Barbara Hoffbauer: Berufsziel Life Sciences. Spektrum 2011, 240p. Eur 15 (Ebuch). 26596 Alec Nielsen/.../Christopher Voigt: Genetic circuit design automation. Science 1 April 2016, 53-65. 26597 ANVUR: VQR 2004-2010. Rapporto finale I: Statistiche e risultati di compendio. 2013, 64p. 26598 Mensa Italia: Linee guida per le procedure di selezione e nomina degli assistenti al test. Mensa Italia 2016, 4p. 26599 Siobhan Roberts: Michael Atiyah's imaginative state of mind. Quanta 3 March 2016, 9p. 26600 Paul Georgescu: Review of the book "Dynamical systems and population persistence". AMS 2011, 400p. 26601 Wikipedia: Multiples Myelom. Wikipedia 2016, 8p. 26602 Wikipedia: Multiple myeloma. Wikipedia 2016, 10p. 26603 J. Demetrovics/G. Katona: A survey of some combinatorial results concerning functional dependencies in database relations. Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 7 (1993), 63-82. 26604 Thomas Diepgen (ed.): Grundwissen Epidemiologie, medizinische Biometrie und medizinische Informatik. Huber 2008, 120p. Eur 18 (Ebuch). 26605 DKFZ: Cancer research at DKFZ 2015. DKFZ 2015, 150p. 26606 DKFZ: Kurzbroschüre. DKFZ ca. 2007, 24p. 26607 Charles Trowbridge: Fundamental concepts of actuarial science. Internet 1989, 90p. 26608 Hans Bühlmann: The actuary - the role and limitations of the profession since the mid-19th century. Astin Bull. 27/2 (1997), 165-171. 26609 Volkert Paulsen: Versicherungsmathematik. Internet, 84p. 26610 Hans-Otto Herr: Praxis der Lebensversicherungsmathematik. Internet 2012, 120p. 26611 Michael Koller: Lebensversicherungsmathematik. Internet, 280p. 26612 Wikipedia: Actuarial science. Wikipedia 2016, 6p. 26613 Kai-Ingo Voigt: Industrielles Management - Industriebetriebslehre aus prozeßorientierter Sicht. Springer 2008, 740p. Eur 30 (Ebuch). 26614 Michael Amberg/Freimut Bodendorf/Kathrin Möslein: Wertschöpfungsorientierte Wirtschaftsinformatik. Springer 2010, 180p. Eur 15 (Ebuch). 26615 Oliver Razum/Jürgen Breckenkamp/Patrick Brzoska: Epidemiologie für Dummies. Wiley-VCH 2011, 400p. Eur 25. 26616 ZZ: Studien- und Berufsplaner Mathematik. Springer 2014, 300p. Eur 20 (Ebuch). 26617 Jürgen Hedderich/Lothar Sachs: Angewandte Statistik. Springer 2015, 980p. Eur 49. 26618 Eckhard Limpert/Werner Stahel/Markus Abbt: Log-normal distributions across the sciences - keys and clues. Bioscience 51 (2001), 341-352. 26619 Changyong Feng/.../Xin Tu: Log-transformation and its implications for data analysis. Shanghai Arch. Psychiatry 26/2 (2014), 105-109. 26620 Alvin Stone: How to beat the billion-dollar research parasite. Linkedin 29 March 2016, 10p. 26621 Guido Schwarzer/Jens Türp/Gerd Antes: Nutzen eines diagnostischen Tests in der Praxis - prädiktive Werte. Internet ca. 2002, 5p. Formeln für die Abhängigkeit der Vorhersagewerte einer Vierfeldertafel von der Prävalenz. URL: www.ebm-netzwerk.de/pdf/zahnsplitter/11.pdf. 26622 Paulo Ribenboim: Die Welt der Primzahlen. 2. Auflage. Springer 2011, 380p. Eur 25 (Ebuch). 26623 Ulrich Viebahn: Technisches Freihandzeichnen. Springer Vieweg 2009, 220p. Eur 20 (Ebuch). 26624 Will Robertson: The vwcol package. Internet 2008, 23p. 26625 Wikipedia: Kontinuumsmechanik. Wikipedia 2016, 15p. 26626 Karl Peter Hadeler: Forschung und Lehre - als deutscher Emeritus in den USA. Internet 2010, 6p. 26627 V. Alvarez/J. Armario/M. Frau/P. Real: A genetic algorithm for cocyclic Hadamard matrices. Springer LN CS 3857 (2006), 144-153. 26628 V. Alvarez/J. Armario/M. Frau/P. Real: The homological reduction method for computing cocyclic Hadamard matrices. J. Symb. Comp. 44 (2009), 558-570. 26629 Amos Bairoch: Serendipity in bioinformatics, the tribulations of a Swiss bioinformatician through exciting times! Bioinformatics 16/1 (2000), 48-64. 26630 Reinhold Bertlmann: John Bell and the nature of the quantum world. Internet 2014, 27p. 26631 ZZ: Lananer Gemeindeblatt Februar 2016, 80p. 26632 David Donoho: Aide memoire - high-dimensional data analysis. The curses and blessings of dimensionality. Internet 2000, 32p. 26633 Rudolf Ludwig Meyer: Zum 90. Geburtstag von Robert Nikolaus Braun, dem großen Pionier der wissenschaftlichen Allgemeinmedizin. Primary Care 4/1-2 (2004), 20-22. 26634 Charles Hewitt: Review of the book "Risk theory" by Beard/Pentikainen/Pesonen. CAS Proc. 57 (1970), 216-217. 26635 Marc Goovaerts: Review of the book "Risk theory" by Beard/Pentikainen/Pesonen. ASTIN Bull. 15 (1985), 69-70. 26636 Marc Christian Zimmermann: Räume von Modulformen und ihre Anwendungen auf dual-extremale Gitter. Diplomarbeit TU Dortmund 2012, 95p. 26637 Rick Durrett: Population genetics of neutral mutations in exponentially growing cancer cell populations. Ann. Appl. Prob. 23/1 (2013), 230-250. 26638 Philippe Ellia/Paolo Menegatti: Ramanujan-Nagell type equations and perfect numbers. Internet 2014, 4p. 26639 Erwin Riedel/Christoph Janiak: Anorganische Chemie. De Gruyter 2015, 990p. Eur 80 (Ebuch). 26640 Werner Timischl: Mathematische Methoden in den Biowissenschaften. Springer 2016, 450p. Eur 39. 26641 Rosemarie Gehart: Anatomie und Physiologie verstehen. Urban & Fischer 2011, 400p. Eur 23 (Ebuch). 26642 Helga Fritsch/Wolfgang Kühnel: Taschenatlas Anatomie 2. Thieme 2013, 480p. Eur 30 (Ebuch). 26643 Anna Karnkowska/.../Vladimir Hampl: A eukaryote without a mitochondrial organelle. Current Biology 26 (2016), 11p. 26644 EMS Newsletter March 2016. 26645 J. Landsberg: An introduction to geometric complexity theory. EMS Newsletter March 2016, 10-18. 26646 Sergei Yakovenko: Geometry of polynomial ordinary differential equations. EMS Newsletter March 2016, 26-34. 26647 Christine Laurent-Thiebaut: On the mathematical works of Pierre Dolbeault. EMS Newsletter March 2016, 35-40. 26648 Frank Mittelbach/Robin Fairbairns/Werner Lemberg: Latex font encodings. Internet 2006, 39p. 26649 Walter Hain: Sah der Prophet Ezechiel ein außerirdisches Raumschiff? Internet, 4p. 26650 Jens Hillengaß/.../Hartmut Goldschmidt: Patientenhandbuch Multiples Myelom. Univ.-Klinikum Heidelberg 2014, 56p. 26651 Francesco Marigo/Davide Schipani: Remarks on Frankl's conjecture. Internet 2016, 10p. 26652 R. Coleman: Some remarks on Euler's totient function. Internet 2012, 8p. 26653 Scott Contini/Ernie Croot/Igor Shparlinski: Complexity of inverting the Euler function. Math. Comp. 75 (2006), 983-996. 26654 Kevin Ford: The number of solutions of \phi(x)=m. Ann. Math. 150 (1999), 1-29. 26655 Kevin Ford/Ben Green/Sergei Konyagin/Terence Tao: Large gaps between consecutive prime numbers. Internet ca. 2015, 32p. 26656 Kevin Ford: The distribution of totients. El. Res. Ann. AMS 4 (1998), 27-34. 26657 Tristan Freiberg/Carl Pomerance: A note on square totients. Internet 2014, 11p. 26658 Alexandre Benoit/.../Bruno Salvy: The dynamic dictionary of mathematical functions. Springer LN CS 6327 (2010), 35-41. 26659 Andrea Gobbi: Algebraic reconstruction of gene regulatory networks. Tesi LS Univ. Trento ca. 2010, 100p. 26660 Andre' Weil: La fredda bellezza. Castelvecchi 2014, 78p. Eur 6 (Ebook). 26661 Laurent Clozel/Luc Illusie: Andre' Weil (1906-1998). SMF Gazette Octobre 1998, 4p. 26662 Yvon Gauthier: Review of the book "The apprenticeship of a mathematician" by Andre' Weil. Modern Logic 4/1 (1994), 97-100. 26663 V. Varadarajan: Review of the book "The apprenticeship of a mathematician" by Andre' Weil. Notices AMS April 1999, 448-456. 26664 Raghavan Narasimhan: Review of the book "The apprenticeship of a mathematician" by Andre' Weil. Current Science 63/5 (1992), 248-249. 26665 Rene' Guitart: History in mathematics according to Andre' Weil. Internet ca. 2015, 16p. 26666 Robert Nowlan: Andre' Weil. Internet, 5p. 26667 Pierre Cartier:A country of which nothing is known but the name Grothendieck and "motives". Internet ca. 2007, 27p. 26668 Claudio Bernardi: Graphs of real functions with pathological behaviors. Internet 2016, 8p. 26669 Colin McLarty: How Grothendieck simplified algebraic geometry. Notices AMS March 2016, 256-265. 26670 Thomas Hales: The Kepler conjecture. Internet 2014, 62p. 26671 Ming-Jin Liu/Cai-Hua Xiong/Le Xiong/Xiao-Lin Huang: Biomechanical characteristics of hand coordination in grasping activities of daily living. PLOS One January 2016, 16p. 26672 Pam Harrison: HER2 therapy in advanced colorectal cancer. Internet 2016, 2p. 26673 Hans Lausch: Mathematics in detention. Internet, 9p. 26674 Michael Kapovich: Introduction to Teichmüller theory. Internet 2008, 69p. 26675 Maryna Viazovska: The sphere packing problem in dimension 8. Internet 2016, 23p. A proof of the Kepler conjecture in dimension 8 is given. 26676 Paul Lichtenstein/.../Kari Hemminki: Environmental and heritable factors in the causation of cancer. New England J. Med. 343/2 (2000), 78-85. 26677 Heinz Lüneburg/Theo Grundhöfer/Karl Strambach: Projektive Geometrie. Internet 2011, 458p. Im Anhang der Vortrag "Der Aufbruch der Geometrie um Reinhold Baer in Frankfurt und seine Protagonisten" von Karl Strambach. 26678 Helmut Maier/Michael Rassias: Large gaps between consecutive prime numbers containing square-free numbers and perfect powers of prime numbers. Proc. AMS ... (2016), 8p. 26679 Christian Hesse: Mathematik und Schach und Schönheit. MDMV 17 (2009), 156-161. 26680 Holger Göbel: Gravitation und Relativität. De Gruyter 2014, 260p. Eur 35 (Ebuch). 26681 Detlev Drenckhahn/Jens Waschke: Taschenbuch Anatomie. Urban & Fischer 2014, 590p. Eur 32 (Ebuch). 26682 ZZ: Createspace pdf submission. Internet, 64p. 26683 Marta Menghini: History of mathematics education - Italy. Internet, 27p. 26684 Laszlo Orban: Schach-Eröffnungen. Humboldt 2010, 380p. Eur 10 (Ebuch). 26685 Javier Bezos: Customizing lists with the enumitem package. Internet 2011, 17p. 26686 Theodore Goldsmith: New truth to the fountain of youth. Internet 2014, 35p. 26687 Johannes Braams/Javier Bezos: Babel. Internet 2016, 126p. 26688 Johann Ludwig Burckhardt: Travels in Nubia. Murray 1819, 640p. 26689 Jonathan Feng/.../Philip Tanedo: Evidence for a protophobic fifth force from Be^8 nuclear transitions. Internet 2016, 6p. 26690 Henry Gray: Anatomy. 1500p. 26691 Peter Murray-Rust/Henry Rzepa: CML - evolution and design. J. Chemoinform. 3/44 (2011), 15p. 26692 NUMI Maggio 2016. 25p. 26693 Robert Lang: Origami and geometric constructions. Internet 2015, 60p. 26694 Alfred Osborne/T. Burch: Internal solitons in the Andaman Sea. Science 2 May 1980, 10p. 26695 S. Payne: Topics in finite geometry - ovals, ovoids and generalized quadrangles. Internet 2007, 950p. 26696 Grisha Perelman: The entropy formula for the Ricci flow and its geometric applications. Internet 2002-2008, 39p. 26697 Michael Perryman: The history of astrometry. Internet 2012, 50p. 26698 Wikipedia: abc-Vermutung. Wikipedia 2016, 7p. 26699 Jörg Zittlau: Ein Studie kostet Zehntausende Männer das Leben. Welt Online 7. Juni 2016, 2p. Der PSA-Test rettet doch vielen Männern das Leben. 26700 Alessandro Languasco/Alessandro Zaccagnini: A note on Mertens' formula for arithmetic progressions. J. Number Theory 127 (2007), 37-46. 26701 Jean-Marie De Koninck/Florian Luca: On the middle prime factor of an integer. J. Integer Sequences 16 (2013), 10p. 26702 Henri Faure/Peter Kritzer/Friedrich Pillichshammer: From van der Corput to modern constructions of sequences for quasi-Monte Carlo rules. Internet 2015, 7op. 26703 Stefanie Seltmann: Erbgutmarkierung bei Leukämie ist nur vermeintlich krebstypisch. DKFZ (Pressemitteilung Januar 2016), 2p. 26704 Josef Dick/Aicke Hinrichs/Friedrich Pillichshammer: Proof techniques in quasi-Monte Carlo theory. Internet 2014, 56p. 26705 August Rauber: Lehrbuch der Anatomie des Menschen. Band 1. 1897, 800p. 26706 Hermann Braus/Curt Elze: Anatomie des Menschen. Band 2. Springer 1934, 710p. 26707 William Ames/Carl Wischmeyer: Descriptive geometry. McGraw-Hill 1918, 130p. 26708 James Berenson (ed.): Biology and management of multiple myeloma. Springer 2004, 360p. 26709 Wilhelm Blaschke: Vorlesungen über Differentialgeometrie I. Springer 1921, 24op. 26710 A. Böhm/M. von Davidoff/G. Huber: Textbook of histology. Saunders 1908, 550p. 26711 Lauren Pecorino: Molecular biology of cancer. Oxford UP 2012, 360p. 26712 Karsten Große-Brauckmann/Erich Hartmann: Darstellende Geometrie für Bauingenieure. Vorl. TU Darmstadt 2015, 90p. 26713 T. Eagles: Constructive geometry of plane curves. Macmillan 1885, 400p. 26714 Richard Hamann: Deutsche und französische Kunst im Mittelalter. Univ. Marburg 1922, 150p. 26715 John Kerr: Constructive geometry. Blackie 1904, 130p. 26716 Erwin Kreyszig: Advanced engineering mathematics. Wiley 2006, 1245p. 26717 Torello Lotti/Lawrence Parish/Roy Rogers (ed.): Oral diseases. Springer 1999, 370p. 26718 Shannon Mumenthaler/Gianluca D'Antonio/Luigi Preziosi/Paul Macklin: The need for integrative computational oncoloy - an illustrated example through MMP-mediated tissue degradation. Frontiers Onc. 3 (2013), 4p. 26719 Suzanne Carreira/.../Gerhardt Attard: Tumor clone dynamics in lethal prostate cancer. Sci. Transl. Med. ... (2014), 21p. 26720 ZZ: Pharmazeutische Zeitung 24. Dezember 2015, 115p. 26721 Khalid Raza: Formal concept analysis for knowledge discovery from biological data. Internet 2015, 14p. 26722 Roland Regoes: Population genetics meets cancer genomics. Proc. Nat. Ac. Sci. USA 107/43 (2010), 18241-18242. 26723 Kenneth Shain/Ariosto Silva: Mathematical modeling in multiple myeloma - a road to cure? Internet, 27p. 26724 Werner Spalteholz: Hand atlas of human anatomy. Hirzel 1900, 250p. 26725 M. Henriksen/M. Jerison: The space of minimal prime ideals of a commutative ring. Trans. AMS 115 (1965), 110-130. 26726 Gary Birkenmeier/Jin Yong Kim/Jae Keol Park: A characterization of minimal prime ideals. Glasgow Math. J. 40 (1998), 223-236. 26727 Daniel Schnorbusch: Porträt Harry Oskar Ruppe. Kultur & Technik ... (2009), 50-51. 26728 Alfonso Cruz-Jentoft/.../Mauro Zamboni: Sarcopenia - European consensus on definition and diagnosis. Age and Ageing 39 (2010), 412-423. 26729 Wolfgang Schramm: The Fourier transform of functions of the greatest common divisor. Integers El. J. Comb. Number Th. ... (2008), 7p. 26730 Olli Yli-Harja/Antti Ylipää/Matti Nykter/Wei Zhang: Cancer systems biology - signal processing for cancer research. Chinese J. Cancer 30/4 (2011), 221-225. 26731 Carl Pomerance/Andras Sarközy: Combinatorial number theory. Handbook of Combinatorics I, Elsevier 1995, 967-1018. 26732 Paul Erdös/Ronald Graham: Old and new problems and results in combinatorial number theory. ... 120p. 26733 Michel Raynaud: Andre' Weil and the foundations of algebraic geometry. Notices AMS September 1999, 864-867. 26734 Jean-Pierre Serre: Andre' Weil -- 6 May 1906 - 6 August 1998. Biogr. Mem. Fell. Roy. Soc. 45 (1999), 520-529. 26735 Christian Karpfinger/Hubert Kiechle: Kryptologie. Vieweg+Teubner 2010, 270p. Eur 20 (Ebuch). 26736 Richard Simon/Larry Norton: The Norton-Simon hypothesis - designin more effective and less toxic chemotherapeutic regimens. Nature Clin. Pract. Oncology 3/8 (2006), 406-407. 26737 Stefan Skiba: Vektorgrafik - eine Technik der Gegenwartskunst. Atelier 186/2 (2013), 6p. 26738 Erica Klarreich: Sphere packing solved in higher dimensions. Quanta March 2016, 7p. 26739 Elena Angelini: Varieta' secanti alle varieta' spinoriali. Tesi LS Firenze 2008, 175p. 26740 Annemarie Angerer/.../Hartmut Goldschmidt: Innovative Therapien für Myelompatienten in Deutschland. Internet, ca. 2015, 4p. 26741 Portia Mira/.../Bernd Sturmfels/Miriam Barlow: Rational design of antibiotic treatment plans - a treatment strategy for managing evolution and reversing resistance. PLOS One 6 May 2015, 25p. 26742 George Swan/Thomas Vincent: Optimal control analysis in the chemotherapy of IgG multiple myeloma. Bull. Math. Biol. 39 (1977), 317-337. 26743 Reinhard Busch: Bericht vom Patiententag der Heidelberger Myelomtage am 23. Oktober 2015. Internet, 5p. 26744 Hermann Strack: Einleitung in den Thalmud. Hinrich 1894, 150p. 26745 Laszlo Merai: On the elliptic curve power generator. Internet ca. 2008, 7p. 26746 Lucia Del Chicca/Gerhard Larcher: Hybrid Monte Carlo-methods in credit risk management. Internet 2014, 18p. 26747 Terence Tao/Tamar Ziegler: Polynomial patterns in the primes. Internet 2016, 46p. 26748 Elena Angelini: The Torelli problem for logarithmic bundles of hypersurface arrangements in the projective space. Tesi Dottorato Univ. Firenze ca. 2011, 106p. 26749 Sean Luke/Liviu Panait: A survey and comparison of tree generation algorithms. Internet, 8p. 26750 NUMI Aprile 2016. 38p. 26751 Roberto Visintainer: Distances and stability in biological network theory. PhD thesis Univ. Trento 2013, 205p. 26752 V. Vladimirov: Generalized functions in mathematical physics. Mir 1979, 390p. 26753 Norman Wildberger: Pell's equation without irrational numbers. Internet 2010, 10p. 26754 Willi Freeden: Geomethematics in its role, its aims, and its potential. Talk AMS 2010, 100p. 26755 Alfred Bader: The Wiswesser-Loschmidt connection. Internet, 8p. 26756 Michel Egeileh/Tilmann Wurzbacher: Infinite-dimensional manifolds as ringed spaces. Internet 2014, 20p. 26757 Alessandro Zaccagnini: Macchine che producono numeri primi. Mat. Cult. Soc. Aprile 2016, 5-20. 26758 Erica Klarreich: The oracle of arithmetic. At 28, Peter Scholze is uncovering deep connections between number theory and geometry. Quanta 28 June 2016, 3p. 26759 Helmut Schatz: Pharmakologie. Thieme 2016, 160p. Eur 13 (Ebuch). 26760 MIUR: Decreto 7 giugno 2016, 120 (criteri valutazione reclutamento personale accademico). Internet, 9p. 26761 NUMI Giugno 2016. 26p. 26762 Tiziana Drago: Furori modernizzatori e resistenze del classico. www.letteraturaenoi.it Luglio 2016, 4p. 26763 Patrick Moore/Yuan Chang: Why do viruses cause cancer? Nat. Rev. Cancer 10/12 (2010), 878-889. 26764 Joaquin Zabalo: A mathematical model describing the early development of multiple myeloma. PhD thesis Univ. Miami 2010, 190p. 26765 CNU: Nuova progressione economica dei docenti universitari. Internet, luglio 2016, 9p. 26766 UMI: Newsletter UMI luglio 2016, 8p. 26767 Geoff Wozniak: Why I quit OS X. Internet January 2015, 1p. 26768 Peter Goetzsche: Tödliche Medizin und organisierte Kriminalität. Riva 2014, 510p. Eur 22 (Ebuch). 26769 Arxiv: To submit an article. Internet, 2p. 26770 George Bergman: Notes on posting to the Arxiv. 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August 2016, 2p. 26783 Lucilla Baldini/Josef Eschgfaeller: Random functions from coupled dynamical systems. arXiv: 1609.01750 (2016), 17p. 26784 UMI: Newsletter Agosto-Settembre 2016. 26785 Herbert Klaeren/Michael Sperber: Schreibe dein Programm! Einführung in die Programmierung. Internet 2014, 245p. 26786 Jeffrey Shallit: Rutgers graduate student [Eric Rowland] finds new prime-generating formula. Internet 2008, 3p. 26787 Eric Rowland: A natural prime-generating recurrence. J. Integer Sequences 11 (2008), 13p. 26788 Underwood Dudley: Formulas for primes. Math. Mag. 56/1 (1983), 17-22. 26789 Röbbe Wünschiers: Bioinformatik für Anwender. Wiley-VCH 2016, 250p. Eur 11 (Ebuch). 26790 Jerome Laurens: Direct and reverse synchronization with SyncTex. TUGboat 29/3 (2008), 7p. 26791 Karl May: Und Friede auf Erden. 660p. 26792 Gernot Stania/Gerhard Paulus: Zahlentheorie mit dem Interferenzcomputer. Physik-Journal 7/5 (2008), 16-17. 26793 M. Gilowski/.../Wolfgang Schleich: Gauss sum factorization with cold atoms. Arxiv 0709.1424 (2007), 4p. 26794 Robert Gast: Licht an. Süddeutsche Zeitung 27. Juni 2015, 3p. 26795 J. Neuberger/C. Feiler/H. Maier/Wolfgang Schleich: Newton flow of the Riemann zeta function - separatrices control and the appearance of zeros. New J. Physics 16 (2014), 31p. 26796 Christian Anton/Kedar Ranade: Perspektiven der Quantentechnologien. Internet 2015, 64p. 26797 C. Feiler/Wolfgang Schleich: Entanglement and analytical continuation - an intimate relation told by the Riemann zeta function. New J. Physics 15 (2013), 31p. 26798 Axel Zweck (Hg.): Quanteninformationstechniken. VDI 1999, 130p. 26799 Johannes Gogolok: Datenmanipulation unter Unix (sed und awk). Fernuniversität Hagen 1994, 50p. 26800 Günther Partosch: [Schnellkurs awk.] Internet 1993, 7p. 26801 Dawn Field/.../Milo Thurston: Open software for biologists - from famine to feast. Nature Biotechn. 24/7 (2006), 801-803. 26802 Röbbe Wünschiers: [Abbildungen und Tabellen zu 26789 Wünschiers.] Internet (datenmassen.de) 2016, 117p. (PDF-Datei) 26803 Jeffrey Lagarias: Euler's constant - Euler's work and modern developments. arXiv: 1303.1856 (2013), 93p. 26804 Wolfgang Scherer: Mathematik der Quanteninformatik. Springer 2016, 350p. Eur 33. 26805 Chetan Nayak/.../Shankar Das Sarma: Non-abelian anyons and topological quantum compuation. Rev. Modern Phys. 80 (2008), 73p. 26806 Francois Gieres: Mathematicals surprises and Dirac's formalism in quantum mechanics. arXiv: 9907.069 (1999), 56p. 26807 Sergio de la Barrera: The physics package. Internet 2012, 8p. 26808 Michael Freedman/Alexei Kitaev/Michael Larsen/Zhenghan Wang: Topological quantum computation. Bull. AMS 40/1 (2002), 8p. 26809 Eric Pement: Useful one-line scripts for sed. Internet 2005, 6p. 26810 Wikipedia: sed. Internet 2016, 5p. 26811 Tim Netzer: Real algebraic geometry and its applications. IMN 232 (2016), 1-18. 26812 Tim Netzer: Reelle algebraische Geometrie 1 + 2. Vorl. Univ. Leipzig 2013, 180p. 26813 Youssef Jabri: Typesetting Arabic and Farsi with the arabi package. Internet 2006, 103p. 26814 David Carlisle: The ifthen package. Internet 2014, 6p. 26815 Daniel Schumayer/David Hutchinson: Physics of the Riemann hypothesis. Rev. Mod. Phys. 83 (2011), 307-330. 26816 Unibz: Bachelor in agricultural and agroenvironmental sciences. Academic Year 2016/17. 13p. 26817 Nick Mulcahy: No confusion - alcohol causes seven cancers. Medscape July 2016, 2p. 26818 Michael Bennett/Vandita Patel/Samir Siksek: Perfect powers that are sums of consecutive cubes. Arxiv 2016, 18p. 26819 F. Bennett/L. Wu: Minimum matrix representations of Sperner systems. Discrete Appl. Math. 8/1 (1998), 9-17. 26820 F. Bennett/L. Wu: On minimum matrix representations of closure operations. Discrete Appl. Math. 26 (1990), 25-40. 26821 Jairo Bochi/Marcelo Viana: The Lyapunov exponents of generic volume-preserving and symplectic maps. Ann. Math. 161 (2005), 1423-1485. 26822 Mitchel Keller/William Trotter: Applied combinatorics. Book draft 2015, 35op. 26823 Claudio Fontanari/Diletta Martinelli: Why should a birational geometer care about Bridgeland stability conditions? Arxiv 2016, 6p. 26824 Carina Curto: What can topology tell us about the neural code? Bull. AMS ... (2016), 16p. 26825 Simone Diverio/Claudio Fontanari/Diletta Martinelli: Rational curves on fibered Calabi-Yau manifolds. Arxiv 2016, 17p. 26826 Titus Lucretius Carus: De rerum natura. Harvard UP 1982, 600p. 26827 NUMI Ottobre 2016, 21p. 26828 Hans Hoffmann/Marion Hoffmann: Grundwortschatz Englisch. Hueber 2011, 260p. Eur 10 (Ebuch). 26829 Paul Deussen: Mein Leben. Eur 4 (Ebuch). 26830 Paul Deussen: Die Geheimlehren des Veda. Eur 1 (Ebuch). 26831 Paul Deussen: Erinnerungen an Indien. Eur 4 (Ebuch). 26832 ZZ: Stadtplan von Meran. Internet, 1p. 26833 Alexander Hulpke: Notes on computational group theory. Internet 2010, 165p. 26834 Josef Eschgfaeller: Topics in contemporary applied mathematics. Talk for a round table - Univ. Ferrara March 2001, 6p. 26835 Robert Asam: Bildatlas Südtirol - Bergparadies mit südlichem Flair. DuMont 2016, 130p. Eur 8 (Ebuch). 26836 Reinhard Kuntzke/Christiane Hauch: Südtirol - Reisetaschenbuch. Dumont 2014, 290p. Eur 16 (Ebuch). 26837 Frank Mittelbach: The doc and shortvrb packages. Internet 2011, 54p. 26838 Pierre Charollois/Robert Sczech: Elliptic functions according to Eisenstein and Kronecker - an update. EMS Newsletter September 2016, 8-14. 26839 Martin Raussen/Christian Skau: Interview with Abel laureate Sir Andrew Wiles. EMS Newsletter September 2016, 29-38. 26840 Robert Tichy: Abelpreis für Andrew Wiles. IMN 232 (2016), 19-24. 26841 UMI: Newsletter UMI novembre 2016. 26842 Piergiorgio Odifreddi: Le signore dei numeri. Repubblica 14 agosto 2016, 2p. 26843 Gunter Frank: Gebrauchsanweisung für Ihren Arzt. Knaus 2014, 300p. Eur 8 (Ebuch). 26844 Claude Shannon: A mathematical theory of communication. Bell Syst. Techn. J. 27 (1948), 379-423, 623-656. 26845 Thomas Michael (ed.): Diercke Weltatlas Südtirol. Westermann 2014, 230p. Eur 33. 26846 NUMI Novembre 2016, 29p. 26847 Herbert Voß: pst-plot. Internet 2012, 92p. 26848 ZZ: GP reference card. Internet 2016, 4p. 26849 ZZ: User's guide to Pari/GP. Internet 2016, 459p. 26850 ZZ: A tutorial for Pari/GP. Internet 2016, 58p. 26851 ZZ: User's guide to the Pari library. Internet 2016, 350p. 26852 Uwe Siart: Befehlsübersicht für PSTricks. Internet 2016, 8p. 26853 Luca Migliorini/Adriano Tomassini: Scomparsa di Paolo De Bartolomeis. Newsletter UMI Dicembre 2016. 26854 John Konvalina: A unified interpretation of the binomial coefficients, the Stirling numbers, and the Gaussian coefficients. Am. Math. Monthly 107/10 (2000), 901-910. 26855 John Konvalina: Generalized binomial coefficients and the subset-subspace problem. Adv. Appl. Math. 21 (1998), 228-240. 26856 John Konvalina: The combinatorics of discrete self-similarity. Adv. Appl. Math. 19 (1997), 415-428. 26857 Herbert Hof/Rüdiger Dörries: Medizinische Mikrobiologie. Thieme 2014, 750p. Eur 50 (Ebuch). 26858 Fahrplan Südtirol 11. 12. 2016 - 9. 12. 2017. Internet 2017, 285p. 26859 Josef Eschgfaeller: Matematica pura e matematica applicata. Appunti 2005, 5p. 26860 Josef Eschgfaeller: Esempi di matematica. Salone dello studente Unife 2001, 7p. 26861 Peter Klimek/Silke Aichberger/Stefan Thurner: Disentangling genetic and environmental risk factors for individual diseases from multiplex comorbidity networks. Scientific Reports (Nature) ... (2016), 10p. 26862 Mary Buffett/David Clark: Warren Buffett and the interpretationa of financial statements. Scribner 2008. Ebook Kindle, Eur 10. 26863 Robert Bloch: My Warren Buffett bible. Skyhorse 2015. Ebook Kindle, Eur 9. 26864 Markus Elsässer: Des klugen Investors Handbuch. Finanzbuchverlag 2016. Ebook Kindle, Eur 12. 26865 Torsten Fließbach: Elektrodynamik. Springer 2012, 380p. Eur 10 (Ebuch). 26866 Lutz Kruschwitz: Investitionsrechnung. Oldenbourg 2014, 550p. Eur 40 (Ebuch). 26867 Dennis Winkler: Schnellkurs Aktien. Walhalla 2016, 200p. Eur 9 (Ebuch). 26868 George Borjas: Deutschland wird einen hohen Preis zahlen. Wirtschaftswoche 15. Januar 2016, 35. 26869 Dörte Haftendorn: Kurven erkunden und verstehen. Springer 2017, 340p. Eur 28. 26870 Dirk Müller: Cashkurs. Knaur 2016. Eur 10 (Ebook Kindle). 26871 Enrico Giusti: [Scomparsa di Mario Miranda.] NUMI Gennaio 2017, 7. 26872 NUMI Gennaio 2017, 18p. 26873 Jonathan Eckhardt/Aleksey Kostenko/Gerald Teschl: The Camassa-Holm equation and the string density problem. IMN 233 (2016), 1-24. 26874 Martin Goldstern: Unvollständigkeit - Logik, Informatik, Zahlentheorie, Geometrie, Analysis. IMN 233 (2016), 25-47. 26875 Martin Munzel/Jörg Siebert: Schnelleinstieg in SAP. Espresso Tutorials 2013, 74p. Eur 3 (Ebuch). 26876 Karl-Heinz Goldhorn/Hans-Peter Heinz/Margarita Kraus: Moderne mathematische Methoden der Physik II. Springer 2010, 340p. Eur 15 (Ebuch). 26877 Andreas Guelzow (ed.): Gnumeric manual, vs. 1.12. Internet ca. 2012, 610p. 26878 Giovanni Fiorentini: I Laboratori Nazionali di Legnari - stato e prospettive. Internet 2015, 21p. 26879 Karl May: Der verlorene Sohn. KMG Ebuch, 2515p. 26880 Dr. Drang: PCalc 2.8 [user defined functions]. Internet 2013, 11p. 26881 Jürgen Hellbrück/Wolfgang Ellermeier: Hören. Hogrefe 2004, 350p. Eur 36 (Ebuch). 26882 Harold McIntosh: One-dimensional cellular automata. Luniver 2009, 280p. Eur 45. 26883 Dan Frakes: PCalc 3 review. Internet 2014, 3p. 26884 NUMI Febbraio 2017, 78p. 26885 NUMI Dicembre 2016, 25p. 26886 EMS Newsletter December 2016, 56p. 26887 Maiser Wochenblatt 4/2017 (2017), 32p. 26888 Maiser Wochenblatt 5/2017 (2017), 34p. 26889 Meraner Stadtanzeiger 20/3 (2011), 36p. 26890 ZZ: Eine U-Bahn für das Jahrhundertprojekt. Meraner Stadtanzeiger 20/3 (2011), 12-13. 26891 Francesca Antonioni: L'importanza della numerosita' campionaria negli studi clinici - una sfida ancora aperta. Tesi LM Ferrara 2017, 72p. 26892 Wikipedia: Pi. Internet 2017, 32p. 26893 Maiser Wochenblatt 6/2017 (2017), 32p. 26894 Tat Dat Tran/Julian Hofrichter/Jürgen Jost: An introduction to the mathematical structure of the Wright-Fisher model of population genetics. MPI Leipzig 2014/39 (2014), 14p. 26895 ZZ: How to use Calc Pro. Internet 2012, 44p. 26896 Maiser Wochenblatt 7/2017 (2017), 40p. 26897 NUMI Marzo 2017, 28p. 26898 Julie Oughton (ed.): Visuelles Wörterbuch Arabisch-Deutsch. Dorling Kindersley 2015, 390p. Eur 11. 26899 Ethem Yilmaz: Sprach- und Integrationsbuch Arabisch-Deutsch. Hueber 2017, 380p. Eur 11. 26900 Lea Verou: CSS secrets. O'Reilly 2016, 400p. Eur 28 (Ebuch). 26901 Peter Müller: Flexible Boxes. Rheinwerk 2015, 500p. Eur 30. 26902 Peter Müller: Einstieg in CSS. Rheinwerk 2016, 520p. Eur 30. 26903 Hans Brandt-Pook/Rainer Kollmeier: Softwareentwicklung kompakt und verständlich. Vieweg Teubner 2008, 200p. Eur 10 (Ebuch). 26904 UMI: Newsletter UMI aprile 2017. 26905 ZZ: Mensa International Election 2017 - Candidate statements. Mensa Int. 2017, 22p. 26906 Wikipedia: Riemann-Roch theorem. Internet 2017, 5p. 26907 Werner Kleinert: Review of the book "Algebraic curves and Riemann surfaces" by Rick Miranda. ZB 0820.14022, 4p. 26908 Rick Miranda: The basic theory of elliptic surfaces. Internet, 100p. 26909 Barry Mazur/William Stein: Prime numbers and the Riemann hypothesis. Cambridge UP 2016, 140p. Eur 27. 26910 David Benson: Music - a mathematical offering. Internet (free) 2008, 530p. 26911 Peter Borwein/Ron Ferguson/Michael Mossinghoff: Sign changes in sums of the Liouville function. Math. Comp. 77 (2008), 1681-1694. 26912 Larry Goldstein: A history of the prime number theorem. Am. Math. Monthly 80/6 (1973), 599-615. 26913 Andrew Granville: What is the best approach to counting primes? Internet 2014, 33p. 26914 Carter Bays/Richard Hudson: A new bound for the smallest x with \pi(x)>li(x). Math. Comp. 69/231 (1999), 1285-1296. 26915 Alessandro Zaccagnini: I numeri primi - teoremi, congetture e applicazioni. Internet 2016, 14p. 26916 Davide Carboni: I bitcoin sotto il materasso. Pubbl. ind. 2017, 160p. Eur 4 (Kindle). 26917 EMS Newsletter June 2016, 68p. 26918 Christian Axler: New bounds for the prime counting function \pi(x). Arxiv 1409.1780 (2016), 10p. 26919 Christian Axler: Über die Primzahlzählfunktion, die n-te Primzahl und verallgemeinerte Ramanujan-Primzahlen. Diss. Univ. Düsseldorf 2013, 140p. 26920 Stanley Skewes: On the difference \pi(x)-li(x). J. London MS 8 (1933), 277-283. 26921 Stanley Skewes: On the difference \pi(x)-li(x) II. Proc. London MS 5 (1955), 48-70. 26922 NUMI Aprile 2017, 32p. 26923 Walter Mientka/Richard Vogt: Computational results relating to problems concerning \sigma(n). Mat. Vestnik 7 (1970), 35-36. 26924 Florian Luca/Carl Pomerance: On some problems of Makowski-Schinzel and Erdös concerning the arithmetical functions \phi and \sigma. Coll. Math. 92/1 (2002), 111-130. 26925 Paul Erdös: Some remarks on Euler's \phi function. ... (ca. 1945), 540-544. 26926 Paul Erdös: Some remarks on Euler's \phi function. Acta Arithm. 4 (1958), 10-19. 26927 A. Makowski. On some equations involving functions \phi(n) and \sigma(n). Am. Math. Monthly 67 (1960), 668-670. 26928 Andreas Weingartner: On the solutions of \sigma(n)=\sigma(n+k). J. Int. Sequences 14 (2011), 7p. 26929 Leonhard Euler: An observation on the sums of divisors. Arxiv 0411587 (2009), 13p. 26930 John Ewell: Recurrences for the sum of divisors. Proc. AMS 64/2 (1977), 214-218. 26931 Ivan Niven: Formal power series. Am. Math. Monthly 76 (1969), 871-889. 26932 Thomas Osler/Abdulkadir Hassen/Tirupathi Chandrupatla. Surprising connections between partitions and divisors. Coll. Math. J. 38/4 (2007), 278-287. 26933 Paul Erdös: On an elementary proof of some asymptotic formulas in the theory of partitions. Ann. Math. 43/3 (1942), 437-450. 26934 Igor Pak: Partition bijections, a survey. Internet 2002, 69p. 26935 Jean Pierre Mutanguha: Euler's pentagonal number theorem. Internet 2013, 4p. 26936 Jordan Bell: Euler and the pentagonal number theorem. Arxiv 051054 (2006), 21p. 26937 David Bressoud/Doron Zeilberger: Bijecting Euler's partitions recurrence. Am. Math. Monthly 92 (1985), 55-56. 26938 Christoph Scriba: Zur Entwicklung der additiven Zahlentheorie von Fermat bis Jacobi. Jber. DMV 72 (1970), 122-142. 26939 Erhard Neher: Jacobis Tripelproduktidentität und eta-Identitäten in der Theorie affiner Liealgebren. Jber. DMV 87 (1985), 164-181. 26940 M. Nyblom: Some curious sequences involving floor and ceiling functions. Am. Math. Monthly 109/6 (2002), 559-564. ' 26941 Edmund Hlawka: Mathematik bekommt man nicht gratis. Interview. DMV-Mitt. ... (1999), 42-48. 26942 Jonathan Stark: iPhone Apps mit HTML, CSS und JavaScript. O'Reilly 2012, 190p. Eur 10 (Ebuch). 26943 Jürgen Wolf: HTML5 und CSS3. Rheinwerk 2016, 1260p. Eur 50. 26944 Tobias Kollewe/Michael Keukert: Praxiswissen e-Commerce. O'Reilly 2016, 730p. Eur 32 (Ebuch). 26945 Joachim von zur Gathen: Cryptoschool. Springer 2015, 880p. Eur 40. 26946 Dietrich Schlotter: Intensivkurs Schach. Internet 2011, 390p. Free. 26947 Lewis Stiller: Multilinear algebra and chess endgames. MSRI 29 (1996), 42p. 26948 Ulrike Fischer: Chessboard - a package to print chessboards. Internet 2014, 76p. 26949 Alexander Grahn: The animate package. Internet 2012, 24p. 26950 Siegbert Tarrasch: Das Schachspiel. Books on Demand 2015, 500p. Eur 7 (Kindle). 26951 Melinda Lanius: Reinhard Laubenbacher interview. Notices AMS May 2017, 456-460. 26952 Anthony Edwards: Infinite coprime sequences. Math. Gazette 48 (1964), 416-422. 26953 Caterina La Porta/Stefano Zapperi: Complexity in cancer stem cells and tumor evolution - towards precision medicine. Arxiv 1705.07099 (2017), 21p. 26954 Agenzia Entrate: Guida per l'acquisto della casa. Internet 2017, 30p. 26955 ZZ: Südtirol-Handbuch 2017. Internet 2017, 280p. 26956 UMI: Newsletter UMI maggio 2017. 26957 Fabrizio Andreatta e.a.: Lettera di protesta sull'ASN. Internet aprile/maggio 2017, 1p. 26958 Kerstin Andersson: Cellular automata. Bach. Proj. Univ. Karlstad 2003, 80p. 26959 Andreas Fuchs: Waren die Assyrer grausam? Internet 2009, 56p. 26960 Christian Hess (Hg.): Autorenschaft bei wissenschaftlichen Publikationen. Akad. Wiss. Schweiz 2013, 30p. 26961 Jules Berman: Post-informatics pathology. J. Pathol. Inform. ... (2011), 4p. 26962 Jules Berman: Informatics research using publicly available pathology data. J. Pathol. Inform. ... (2017), 2p. 26963 Jules Berman/G. Moore: The role of cell death in the growth of preneoplastic lesions - a Monte Carlo simulation model. Cell Prolif. 25 (1992), 549-557. 26964 Francois Blanchard/Petr Kurka/Alejandro Maass: Topological and measure-theoretic properties of one-dimensional cellular automata. Physica D 103 (1997), 86-99. 26965 Marco Bonatto: Normalized cocycles for Latin quandles. Arxiv 1611.00936 (2016), 23p. 26966 Fritz Schweiger: Die Algorithmen von Poincare', Brun und Selmer. Internet, 4p. 26967 Alberto Incoronato/Paolo Manzini (ed.): Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale. CIPUR 2014, 97p. 26968 NUMI Maggio 2017, 24p. 26969 Umberto Bottazzini: Il matematico italiano che corresse Einstein. Sole 24 Ore 18 novembre 2016, 2p. Il ruolo di Tullio Levi-Civita' nelle equazioni gravitazionali di Einstein. 26970 Thorsten Schmitz: Geschlossene Gesellschaft. Süddeutsche Zeitung 18. November 2010, 1p. 26971 Zoran Sunic: Review of the book "Cellular automata and groups" by Tullio Ceccherini-Silberstein and Michel Coornaert. Bull. AMS 51/2 (2014), 361-364. 26972 Lauren Pecorino: Molecular biology of cancer. Oxford UP 2016, 370p. Eur 35. 26973 Yan Cai/Jie Wu/Zhiyong Lit/Quan Long: Mathematical modelling of a brain tumor initiation and early development - a coupled model of glioblastoma growth, pre-existing vessel cooption, angiogenesis and blood perfusion. PLOS One 2 March 2016, 28p. 26974 Franz Reisgis: Schach-Curriculum. Gymnasium Ohlstedt 2017, 80p. 26975 EMS Newsletter March 2017, 68p. 26976 Ulrike Fischer: Chessfss. Internet 2006, 50p. 26977 James Eade: Chess for dummies. Wiley 2016, 410p. Eur 16. 26978 Graham Colditz/Kathleen Wolin/Sarah Gehlert: Applying what we know to accelerate cancer prevention. Sci. Transl. Med. 4 (2012), 65-71. 26979 Atish Dabholkar/Sameer Murthy/Don Zagier: Quantum black holes, wall crossing and mock modular forms. Arxiv 1208.4074 (2014), 153p. 26980 J. Demetrovics/Z. Füredi/G. Katona: Minimum matrix representations of closure operations. Discrete Appl. Math. 11 (1985), 115-128. 26981 J. Demetrovics: On the equivalence of candidate keys with Sperner systems. Internet ca. 1979, 6p. 26982 Nick Mulcahy: No confusion - alcohol cases seven cancers. Medscape July 2016, 23p. 26983 Mikael Elinder/Oscar Erixson: Every man for himself! Gender, norms and survival in maritime disasters. IFN 2012, 79p. 26984 Noam Elkies: On numbers and endgames - combinatorial game theory in chess. Arxiv 9905.198 (1998), 18p. 26985 Michael Stratton: Exploring the genomes of cancer cells - progress and promise. Science 331 (2011), 1553-1558. 26986 Christian Straka/Hermann Dietzfelbinger: Manual Multiples Myelom. Zuckschwerdt 2017, 300p. Eur 21 (Ebuch). 26987 Giuseppe Rocco: Scacchi a scuola. Internet 2013, 70p. 26988 Giuseppe Sgro'/Matteo Zoldan: Progetto scacchi a scuola. Internet ca. 2010, 13p. 26989 Claudio Agostinelli/Silvia Sartorelli: Introduzione al linguaggio di SAS System. Internet 2008, 60p. 26990 Philip Stephens/.../Peter Campbell: Massive genomic rearrangement acquired in a single catastrophic event during cancer development. Cell 144 (2011), 27-40. 26991 Paolo Giardini: Un terrorismo di cultura europea. Estense.com (lettera al direttore) 12 giugno 2017, 1p. 26992 Silvia Sartorelli: La stele di Rosetta di SAS, R, SPSS e STATA. Internet 2007, 44p. 26993 Harris Daniels/Alvaro Lozano-Robledo: What is an elliptic curve? Notices AMS March 2017, 241-243. 26994 Gerald Alexanderson: Leonhard Euler, teacher and mentor. Bull. AMS ... (2017), 6p. 26995 Stefano Fait: Studi di popolazione e genetica delle popolazioni in Trentino-Alto Adige 1930-2005. Internet 2005, 30p. 26996 Gabriele Fici/Francesca Fiorenzi: Topological properties of cellular automata on trees. Internet 2012, 12p. 26997 ZZ: Die FIDE-Schachregeln. Internet 2009, 29p. 26998 Martin Keller-Ressel: Finanzmathematik. Internet 2016, 105p. 26999 Kevin Ford/.../Terence Tao: Long gaps between primes. J. AMS ... (2017), 41p. 27000 Kevin Ford/Ben Green/Sergei Konyagin/Terence Tao: Large gaps between consecutive prime numbers. Ann. Math. 183 (2016), 935-974.