3484 Stephen Gelbart: An elementary introduction to the Langlands program. Bull. AMS 10 (1984), 177-219. [3568] 3474 R. Langlands: Some contemporary problems with origins in the Jugendtraum. Proc. Symp. Pure Math. 28 (1976), 401-418. [3568] Inhaltsverzeichnis von Proc. Symp. Pure Math. 28 (1976) - Mathematical developments arising from Hilbert problems. 3468 P. Todorov: Generalisation d'une formule de Ramanujan. Mitt. Math. Ges. Hamburg 12 (1991), 491-493. [3568] 3270 Goro Shimura: Automorphic functions and number theory. SLN Math. 54 (1968). [3568] 3368 K. Doi/H. Naganuma: On the algebraic curves uniformized by arithmetical automorphic functions. Annals Math. 86 (1967), 449-460. [3568] 3431 S.P. Chan: Modular functions, elliptic functions, and Galois module structure. J. reine u. angew. Math. 375 (1987), 67-82. [3568] 3532 Carl Friedrich Hermann: Die Nullstellen der Thetareihen zu positiven, binaer-quadratischen Formen. Man. Math. 74 (1992), 107-115. [3568] 3533 A. Eskin/Z. Rudnick/P. Sarnack: A proof of Siegel's weight formula. Int. Math. Res. Notes 5 (1991), 65-69. [3568] 3504 Ravi Kulkarni: An arithmetic-geometric method in the study of the subgroups of the modular group. Am. J. Math. 113 (1991), 1053-1133. [3568] 3454 J. Milne: The conjecture of Langlands and Rapoport for Siegel modular varieties. Bull. AMS 24 (1991), 335-341. [3568] 3401 K. Gundlach: Die Berechnung von Multiplikatorsystemen zu Hilbertschen Modulgruppen. Nachr. Ak. Wiss. Goettingen 1988/7. [3568] 3424 Jing-hua Kuang: On the basis problem for Siegel-Hilbert modular forms. Bull. AMS 25 (1991), 61-67. [3568] 3263 A. Krieg: A Dirichlet seires for modular forms of degree n. Acta Arithm. 59 (1991), 243-259. [3568] 3505 John Im: Special values of Dirichlet series attached to Hilbert modular forms. Am. J. Math. 113 (1991), 975-1017. [3568] 3562 H. Grundman: Defects of cusp singularities and the classification of Hilbert modular treefolds. Math. Ann. 292 (1992), 1-12. [3568] 3551 M. Manickam/B. Ramakrishnan/T. Vasudevan: Diagonalising modular forms of half-integral weight. J. Number th. 40 (1992), 32-37. [3568] 3099 Juerg Kramer: A geometrical approach to the theory of Jacobi forms. Comp. Math. 79 (1991), 1-19. [3568] 3282 J. Tunnell: A classical diophantine problem and modular forms of weight 3/2. Inv. Math. 72 (1983), 323-334. [3568] 3385 Juergen Elstrodt/Fritz Grunewald/Jens Mennicke: Eisenstein series on the three-dimensional hyperbolic space and imaginary quadratic number fields. J. reine u. angew. Math. 361 (1985), 160-213. [3568] 3153 Anton Deitmar/Aloys Krieg: Theta correspondence for Eisenstein series. Math. Zt. 208 (1991), 273-288. [3568] 3523 D. Wallace: Terms in the Selberg trace formula for SL(3,Z)\SL(3,R)/SO(3,R) associated to Eisenstein series coming from a minimal parabolic subgroup. Trans. AMS 327 (1991),781-793. [3568] 3361 Caroline Series: The geometry of Markoff numbers. Math. Intell. 7/3 (1985), 20-29. [3568] 3366 Caroline Series: The modular surface and continued fractions. J. London Math. Soc. 31 (1985), 69-80. [3568] 3367 Harvey Cohn: Approach to Markoff's minimal forms through modular functions. Annals Math. 61 (1955), 1-12. [3568] Liste der Teilnehmer am 14. Steiermaerkischen Mathematischen Symposium 1983. 3637 Klaus Habetha: Funktionentheorie in Algebren. 14. Steierm. Math. Symp. 1983. [3568]