9606 Heinz Mu''hlenbein: How genetic algorithms really work. Internet, ca. 1995, 11p. [8192 9607 William Langdon/Adil Qureshi: Genetic programming. Internet, ca. 1995, 45p. [8192] 9608 Heinz Mu''hlenbein: Evolutionary algorithms - theory and applications. Internet, ca. 1995, 34p. [8192] 9609 ZZ: Genetic programming FAQ. Internet, ca. 1995, 10p. [8192] 9610 Jarmo Alexander: Genetic programming bibliography. Internet, ca. 1995, 12p. [8192] 9611 William Langdon: Pareto, population partitioning, price and genetic programming. Internet, ca. 1995, 11p. [8192] 9612 William Langdon: Evolving data structures with genetic programming. Internet, ca. 1995, 8p. [8192] 9613 Markus Olschowka/Arnold Neumaier: A new pivoting strategy for Gaussian elimination. Internet 1993, 23p. [8192] 9614 Clemens Elster/Arnold Neumaier: A grid algorithm for bound constrained optimization of noisy functions. Internet, ca. 1995, 26p. [8192] Eine Webseite. Ein a''lterer Abdruck meiner Bibliographie. Vom Johns Hopkins Bioinformatics Webserver. 6902 Alex Lane: Walkin' our way through a GA. AI Expert February 1995, 11-16. [8192] 6903 John Cona: Developing a genetic programming system. AI Expert February 1995, 20-29. [8192] 6888 Paolo Costa: Programmazione evolutiva I-III. Computer Programming Marzo 1995, 47-51, Aprile 1995, 59-63, Maggio 1995, 35-40. [8192] 6890 Andrea Antonello: Algoritmi genetici. Ottimizzazione come evoluzione. Computer Programming Luglio/Agosto 1994, 6-11. [8192]