7863 Edmund Hlawka: Erinnerungen an Karl Prachar. Monatshefte 121 (1996), 1-9. "Wie bereits angedeutet, war Karl Prachar viel zu selbstkritisch. Es waeren noch viele schoene Arbeiten von ihm zu erwarten gewesen. Mit ihm hat die Wissenschaft einen hervorragenden Mathematiker, ich aber einen guten Freund verloren." (Auszug) [8465] 8498 Lennart Adleman/Kevin McCurley: Open problems in number theoretic complexity. Internet, ca. 1994, 32p. [8465] 8450 Stanley Rabinowitz: A perplexing finite continued fraction. Internet, ca. 1996, 8p. About how an explicit formula for the continued fraction [1,2,3,..,n] in terms of the n-th harmonic number 1+1/2+...+1/n was found. See also the article by Edgar/Zacharias. [8465] 7947 Andreas Bender: Continued fractions against Farey fractions. Dr. Dobb's Journal May 1996, 99-101. [8465] 8283 S. Kanemitsu/M. Yoshimoto: Farey series and the Riemann hypothesis. Acta Arithm. 75 (1996), 351-374. [8465] Factorization of RSA-130. The Stern-Brocot tree and other mails. 7893 Anna Helversen-Pasotto: Gausssche Summen ueber endlichen Koerpern und Gammafunktion. Sem. Loth. Comb. B33f (1994), 15p. [8465] 7913 Anna Helversen-Pasotto: L'identite' de Barnes pour les corps finis. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 286 (1978), 297-300. [8465] 7981 Anna Helversen-Pasotto: Representation de Gelfand-Graev et identites de Barnes - le cas de GL(2,F_q). Ens. Math. 32 (1986), 57-77. [8465] 7982 Anna Helversen-Pasotto: Darstellungen von GL(3,F_q) und Gausssche Summen. Math. Ann. 260 (1982), 1-21. [8465] 8299 Stephen Astels: Estimates for exponential sums. Internet 1995, 10p. [8465] 8279 Abderrahmane Nitaj: La conjecture abc. L'Ens. Math. 42 (1996), 3-24. [8465] 8338 Karl Rubin: Modularity of mod 5 representations. Internet 1995, 9p. An elliptic curve defined over Q and semistable at 3 and 5 is modular. [8465] 8335 Henk Boender/Herman te Riele: Factoring integers with large prime variations of the quadratic sieve. CWI Report NM-R9513 (1995), 27p. [8465] 8334 Herman te Riele: A new method for finding amicable pairs. CWI Report NM-R9512 (1995), 20p. [8465] 8333 Marije Huizing: An implementation of the number field sieve. CWI Report NM-R9511 (1995), 26p. [8465] 8459 Giuseppe Jurman: Breve introduzione alla teoria dei numeri. Internet 1992, 16p. [8465] 8461 Giuseppe Jurman: Breve introduzione all'analisi p-adica. Internet 1994, 47p. [8465] Die abelschen Gruppen Z/n* und die Theorie der Primitivwurzeln. 8301 Evelyne Lutton/Jacques Levy Vehel: Some remarks on the optimization of Hoelder functions with genetic algorithms. INRIA Rapport 2627 (1995), 35p. [8465] 8305 Keith Matthews: A simple Jordan canonical form algorithm. Internet 1996, 3p. [8465] 8307 Keith Matthews: A rational canonical form algorithm. Math. Bohemica 117 (1992), 315-324. [8465]