6852 Susan Friedlander (ed.): A celebration of women in mathematics. Short summaries of the speeches (in a 2-day conference at MIT) by Joan Birman (Studying surfaces in knot complements), Ingrid Daubechies (Wavelets and applications), Dusa McDuff (The geometry of symplectic energy), Jill Mesirov (Mathematical theory in parallel algorithms), Cathleen Morawetz (The wave equation revisited), Jean Taylor (Surface motion due to surface energy reduction), Chuu-Lian Terng (Soliton equations and differential geometry), Karen Uhlenbeck (Moduli spaces and adiabatic limits). Notices AMS January 1995, 32-42. [8619] 6853 Ingrid Daubechies: Wavelets and applications. Notices AMS January 1995, 34-35. [8619] Anfang von 3224 (Emmy Noethers Werke). 7043 ZZ. Liliane Peters. DUZ 15-16 (1995), 26. Liliane Peters ist promovierte Elektrotechnikerin und leitet seit 1992 die Projektgruppe "Innovative Anwendungen mit Fuzzy-Logik" am Forschungszentrum Informationstechnik in St. Augustin. [8619] 6015 Allyn Jackson: Are women getting all the jobs? Notices AMS 41 (1994), 286-287. [8619] 6003 Michael Deakin: Hypatia and her matheamtics. Am. Math. Monthly 101 (1994), 234-243. [8619] 6002 Allyn Jackson: Fighting for tenure. Notices AMS 41 (1994), 187-194. [8619] 5950 Karl Biehusen: Zwischen Gleichheit und Differenz. Eine Kommission fordert fuer Niedersachsen Frauenfoerderung, Frauenforschung und eine Frauenuniversitaet. DUZ 1994/4, 14-15. "Der Abbau patriarchalischer Strukturen [...] kaeme sogar der Wissenschaft insgesamt zugute: Diese maennerdominanten Strukturen behindern Frauen, ihre Sichtweisen und Interpretationen und damit ihr Gestaltungsinteresse einzubringen und auf diese Weise ihren Beitrag zur wissenschaftlichen Entwicklung zu leisten. So ist den Forscherinnen aufgefallen, dass Studentinnen sich besonders fuer interdisziplinaere Ansaetze begeistern und in Technik und Naturwissenschaft, soweit sie ueberhaupt diese Richtungen einschlagen, zukunftstraechtige Bezuege zu Umwelt und Gesellschaft suchen." [8619] 3218 Alice Schafer: Women and mathematics. 3215 Steen, 165-185. [8619] 3219 Marian Boykan Pour-El: Spatial separation in family life. A mathematician's choice. 3215 Steen, 187-194. [8619] 3217 Eileen Poiani: The real energy crisis. 3215 Steen, 155-163. [8619] La mamma dell'algebra moderna. 7062 Doris Janshen/Britta Schinzel/Christine Schmarsow: Das notwendige Experiment. DUZ 1995/14, Anlage, E1-E4. [8619] Anfang von 3224 (Emmy Noethers Werke). 10427 Ellen Spertus: Testimony. Internet 1992, 2p. [8619] 10428 Janet Cottrell: I'm a stranger here myself - a consideration of women in computing. Internet ca. 1993, 10p. [8619] 7177 Ellen Spertus: Why are there so few female computer scientists? Internet 1991, 101p. [8619] 22. Kongres'' von Frauen in Naturwissenschaft und Technik. Lehrveranstaltungen u''ber Frauenrechte. Deutsche Herzzentren. 7934 Michael Brown/Joseph Goldstein: Heart attacks - gone with the century? Science 3 May 1996, 629. [8619] 7937 Marcia Barinaga: Finding new drugs to treat stroke. Science 3 May 1996, 664-666. [8619] 7938 Ingrid Wickelgren: New devices are helping transform coronary care. Science 3 May 1996, 668-670. [8619] 7939 Eric Olson/Deepak Srivastava: Molecular pathways controlling heart development. Science 3 May 1996, 671-676. [8619] 7940 Richard Lifton: Molecular genetics of human blood pressure variation. Science 3 May 1996, 676-680. [8619] 7941 Mark Keating/Michael Sanguinetti: Molecular genetic insights into cardiovascular disease. Science 3 May 1996, 681-685. [8619] 7942 Jan Breslow: Mouse models of atherosclerosis. Science 3 May 1996, 685-688. [8619] 7943 Gary Gibbons/Victor Dzau: Molecular therapies for vascular diseases. Science 3 May 1996, 689-693. [8619] Harakiri im Zellkern. Apoptose. Steven Weinbergs Traum von der Einheit des Universums. 7946 Anja Geisterfer-Lowrance a.o.: A mouse model of familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Science 3 May 1996, 731-734. [8619] Medizinnobelpreis 1996. 8543 Eliot Marshall: The Klausner revolution. Science 6 September 1996, 1328-1331. In his first year as head of the National Cancer Institute, cell biologist Richard Klausner has shaken up the cancer establishment and begun to change the culture of the place. With an interview. [8619] 7936 Elizabeth Pennisi: New gene forges link between fragile site and many cancers. Science 3 May 1996, 649. [8619] 7933 Isabel Mellon a.o.: Transcription-coupled repair deficiency and mutations in human mismatch repair genes. Science 26 April 1996, 557-560. [8619] Das erste Antiatom. Vo''llerei im Kloster. Technologie bei der Olympiade in Barcelona. 7310 Richard Gray a.o., A. Panfilov a.o., Arthur Winfree: Cardiac fibrillation. Science 17 November 1995, 1222-1225. [8619] 8536 Michael McKinney: Review of Rudolf Raff's book "The shape of life". Science 6 September 1996, 1347. [8619] 8532 Ruth Kuntz-Brunner: Mit Risiken und Nebenwirkungen. DUZ 1996/18, 12-13. Von der CeBIT-Home in Hannover. Computer und Analphabetismus. [8619] 8596 Ann Gibbons: The peopling of the Americans. Science 4 October 1996, 31-33. [8619] 8595 Hiroo Imura: Science education in Japan. Science 4 October 1996, 15. Basic research and developing the creativity of gifted students is now an important challenge. [8619] Friedensnobelpreis 1996. 8559 Jutta von Campenhausen: Unsere Verwandten. Die Zeit 6. September 1996, ... Archaebakterien sind den Eukaryoten na''her verwandt als den eigentlichen Bakterien. [8619] Entschlies''ung der HRK-Fachkommission Mathematik zu den Studienplanreformen. 8557 Nicole Ruediger: A daring science career: start your own company. Science 6 September 1996, 1433. [8619] 7362 Christopher Brislawn: Fingerprints go digital. Internet 1995. The new mathematical field of wavelet transforms has achieved a major success, the FBI's decision to adopt a wavelet-based image coding algorithm as the national standard for digitized fingerprint records. [8619] 8556 Gary Taubes: Redefining the supercomputer. Science 20 September 1996, 1655-1657. The government's high-performance computing program has an audacious goal: a computer more than 1000 times faster than today's fastest machine. The technologies are already taking shape. [8619] 8600 Jeffrey Kegler: Intel v. Randal Schwartz - why care? Internet 1996, 4p. [8619] 8616 Sylvio Levy: Systems administration - the mathematician's perspective. Notices AMS November 1996, ... [8619] 1996 Steele prizes. Die Fiatfabrik in Melfi. 8542 Robert Schmidt: C->C++ mutations II. C/C++ Users Journal July 1996, 79-86. [8619] 8519 S. Maekawa: Superconductivity in spin ladders. Science 13 September 1996, 1515. [8619] 8520 Neil Risch/Kathleen Merikangas: The future of genetic studies of complex human diseaes. Science 13 September 1996, 1516-1517. [8619] Romana Machado. Satanprogrammierer Farmer. 7571 Antony Watts: Datenverschluesselung in der Chipkarte. Elektronik 1994/22, 88-94. [8619] 8462 Charles Seife: Web pits one against the world. Science 30 August 1996, 1166. Karpov wins against 200 people on Internet. People voted for each move, the computer choose the most popular proposal. [8619] 8447 Ronald Fagin/Joseph Halpern/Yoram Moses/Moshe Vardi: Common knowledge revisited. Proc. 6th Conf. Theor. Aspects Rationality and Knowledge (1996), ... [8619] 8282 Peter Denning/Bernard Rous: The ACM electronic publishing plan. Comm. ACM 38/4 (1995), 97-103. [8619] 8281 ACM: ACM interim copyright policies. Comm. ACM 38/4 (1995), 104-109. [8619] Das Icarus-Projekt am Cineca. IT-Kongres'' 1996 in Wien. Studienfu''hrer Informatik und Ingenieurinformatik 1993. 10429 Heiko Visarius a.o.: Man-machine interfaces in computer aided surgery. Internet ca. 1994. [8619] Einige Arbeiten von Klaus Roman Liedl. 8090 Joern Bornhoeft: Algorithmen zur Konstruktion, Klassifikation und Visualisierung hochgeordneter raeumlicher Strukturen. Projektbeschreibung, Internet 1996, 5p. Derartige Algorithmen kommen in der Strukturchemie und in der Kristallographie, gelegentlich aber auch im Design und in der Architektur zur Anwendung. [8619] 8028 Robert Service: Combinatorial chemistry hits the drug market. Science 31 May 1996, 1266-1268. Combinatorial chemistry is a hot field. [8619] 7860 Mikhail Klin/Christoph Ruecker/Gerta Ruecker/Gottfried Tinhofer: Algebraic combinatorics in mathematical chemistry. Methods and algorithms. 1. Permutation groups and coherent (cellular) algebras. TUM-Math-12-95-M10-225/1.-FM. [8619, unvollst.] Beispiel eines PDB-Files. Weitere Angaben zur PDB (Protein Data Bank). 4456 Chengzhi Liang/Yuansheng Jiang: The chirality of ground DNA knots and links. J. Theor. Biol. 158 (1992), 231-243. [8619]